BY DAVID OVER. Itlttf (5 b r f r i]. TIIE XOBLEJIAS OF EARTH. The truest nobleman of earth, 18 lie who loves to lie The first companion of the good, The hero of the free. Who works undaunted for the poor, Who sees no rank in names ; Whose hopes ascend to heaven in crowds, As-sparks fly up from flames! Give me the nobleman of mind, Who loves a noble cause ; The right of labor's sturdy sons; An i Freedom's righteous laws ! The hater of each evil scheme A tyraut may advance; A giant's strength about his heart, Thoughts brilliant in his glance ! I love the noble man of earth. Who strives to bless the age ; And leaves a glory that is caught On historj's faithful page! 4 hose name the millions love to lisp, Truth's sure unflinching guest; Who shines in luvo as does the sun In palace of the west! lie's deathless as the mighty skies, When jewel d through with stars ; Could feel God's beauty in a blaze Burst through his prison bars ! Mo maudate lrotu the tyrant breaks His spirit's upward bound ; While high on every liberal creed His nam.: is blazoned round ! And perjured kings may pass from earth, Th ir pomp and lustre t*. Ie ; But nature's nobleman uuel isps The cruel laws they've made. His worshipped monarch is his God, He leaves a nsrae behind , , Flushed with effulgence tlmt reflects His majesty of mind! . O AMUSING STORY. Hooper, the editor of an Alabama journal, ■whose uame we now forget, but which has al ways something in it to make us laugh, tells the following yaru : Shall 1 tell you a bit of a story, having no connection with politics, this hot dry, weather ? By permission Old Col. D , of the Mobile district, was oDe of the most singular characters ever kuown in Alabama. He was testy and eccen'ric, but possessed many file qualities which were fully appreciated by the people of the district. Many of his freaks are yet fresh iu tba memory of the "old sins" of Mobile. And all will tell that ttie Col., though hard to beat, was ence tercible taken in by a couple of legal tyros Geo. Woodward, 1 believe, tells the story, but however that may be, it is in keeping with the others related of the old genleuiati. It seems that Col. D bad a misunder standing with the two gentlemen alluded to and was not ou speakiug terms with them ; al though all three of them were professionally ridiug the same circuit pretty much together. 1 The young ones, being well aware of the Col.'s* irascible nature, determined when they left one of the courts for another, to have some fun by ' the way at his expense. They accordingly got about half an hour's start in leaving, and pre sently they arrived at a dark, broad stream that looked as though it might be a dozen feet deep, ; bu: was iu reality, not more than as many in- < ches. Crossing it, they alighted, and pulling i ff their coats and boots, sat quietly dowu to watch for the old "Tartar." Jogging along, at length came the old fellow, j lie looked first at the youngsters, who were gravely drawiug on their boots and coats, as if tbey had just had a swim, and then looked at the broad creek which rolled before him like j a translucent star. The Col. was awfully puz- i zled. "Is this ereek swimming?" he growled, af ter a pause of some moments. No reply was made—the young men simply ; ?uounled their horses and rode off some dis tance and stopped to watch our hero. Tho Col. slowly divested himself of coat, ; boots, pantaloons and drawers. These ho i nicely tied up in his handkerchief aud hung j them on the horn of his saddle, then lie re mounted, and as he was a short, fat man, with a paunch of rather inordinate size, rather in adequate logs, a faoe like a withered apple, and a brown wig, there is no doubt be made an in- j tcresting picture as he bestrode his steed, with : the broeze holding gentle dallianee with the ex- i trcmity of his only garment. Slowly and cautiously the old gentleman took the creok. Half a length and the water j was only fetlock deep. Hera his horse stopped ■ to drink. A length and a half, and the stream was no deeper. Thirty foet farther and a de cided shoaliDg ! Here oI.C I> reiued r. "There must," said he, "be ad—l of a deep channel between this and the bauk —see how it runs. We'll dash through here." A sharp lash made the liorso spring tho wat ery waste, and another carried horse and rider to the opposite bank. The creek was nowhere more than a foot ueop. A wild yell from the young uns' announced A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c., &c—Terms: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance. their uppiobation of the sport as they galloped j away. "I'li catch you, you rascals," was ground between Col. D 's teeth, and away he galloped fn hot pursuit, muttering ven geance agaiust his foes. Ou they sped pursuer and pursued. The youngsters laughed, and the Ooi. damning with mighty emphasis, while his shiit fluttered and cracked in the breeze like a loose flying jih Ou, on, aud the pursued reached faituhouse on tiie roadside. Their passage started a flock of geese from a fence eorner, with outspread wings, e!"Ugatod necks and hisses dire. His horse swei'Vpd suddenly, . aa d the Col. was on the ground in a most unroiuantic heap, "A! 1 " hi s brown wig lying by his side, aud the bundle of clothes sputtered all around. The white headed children of the house came out first, took a distant view of the mon ster as it seemed to them, and theu returnod to report progress. After a little the father of the family came, aud the affiir beiug explained, assisted the Col. iti making his toilet—the Col. swearing, aud the countryman laughing all the while. Dressed aud mounted, oar hero started off with a woful phiz, aud was very soon out of sight. Frazer's Uiver Gold Diggings. Much excitement lias been created in Cali fornia, and has cxteuded in some degree to other parts of the world, by representations of great gold discoveries about Frazer River.— Thousands of people are rushing to this new autifeious region, intent cu making great for tunes. That our readers may have some idea of the country, we copy the following arti cle from the N. Y. Tribune : Fraxcr lliver, to the bank? of which the mi ners of California are now flocking, in hopes to find a new El Dorado, rises in the Rocky Mountains, between the fifty-fiitb aud fifty sixth degrees of north near the source of the Oanoe River, the northernmost \ tributary of the Columbia. It runs to the northwest for about eighty miles, and then turns to the south, in which general direction lit continues, receiving the waters* of several tributaries, till near the foity-ninth degree of ' north latitude, where it breaks through the cas cade range of mountaiusiu a sueccssion of falls and rapids Hence it runs westward for sev i enty or eighty miles, till just north of Fuget Sound, it eaters the G.iif of Georgia, which separated Vancouver's lslu,J trom !h<> min land. The whole course of the river is about ' four bundled miles. ■ The line between tbe Territory of Washing ton and the British Possessions has never yet been run. The work was commenced a year ago by a joint commission, but as yet little progress has beeu made. The authorities of the Hud.-ou's Bay company claim the mouth of the river us within their limits, though possibly the final survey may biing it, and even soma part of the lower course of the river, within our terrirory. In a book published iu 1844, b,- Mr. Duun, an oi l servant of tbe Hudson's Bay Company, long resident iu those regions, the country along the lower sectiou of tho liver west of the Cascade Mountains, is described as billy and covered with forestsof white pine,ce dar and other evergreens, tho soil generally well fitted for pasturage, and iu many places for tillage. East of the Cascade Mountains, where alone the gold is found, the soil is a yel low and barren sand, with little vegetatiuu, and the country rises iu abrupt uiouutains, cut op by ravines and torreuts, and interspersed with lakes and marshes. The climate is described jas very variable. The pieasantest season is i from April to June. In the latter month there 1 are a'mest incessant raius, drifted furiously -I along by strong sou-herly wipds. In July and August the beat is intense, and the ground, i previously saturated with moisture, produces 1 myriads of annoying iusects. Iu September there are fogs so thics as to turn noonday into ■ midnight. In November tbe wiuter sets in, ! freezing up tbe lakes and rivers, though not ■ reaching so severe a degree of cold as might be 1 expected from the latitude. To this country, hitherto visited only by lu i dians aud a few uatives aud a few hunters and j far traders in the employ of tbe Hudson's Bay I Company, there is just now a tremendous rush of immigration, on the strength of highly ex ; cited anticipations of its productiveness iu gold. The only diggings yet known are on tbe bars in the river, commencing some eighty miles from its mouth, noar Fort Hope, an old trading station of the Hudson's Bay Company. To that point the river is uavigtble for steamboats, j It is said, indeed, that vessels drawiug twenty • feet cau ascend thirty miles, though, according jto Mr. Dunn, twelve foet is the limit. Victo ria, which is tho seat of government of the i Hudson's Bay Company's settlement on Van j couver's Island, nearly opposite the mouth of the river, and where all the miuers are obliged to stop in order to obtain licenses to dig, has, since the discovery of these diggings, sprung , idlb sudden importance. A river steamer | which formerly ran ou the Sacramento river has ; beeu placod on the Frazer, aud now runs regu : iarly between Victoria and Fort Hope. Great j .-(peculation is going on in city lots at Victoria. Several of tbe colored men, who, disgusted by i the acts of tho California Legislature, lately ; removed thither from Bau Frauciseo, are likely, ' it is said, to make fortunes by the ri9o iu the value of tbe lots which they purchased there. — A newspaper establishment had gone out entire from San Francisco, and The jYorth American, I the first newspaper, was advertised to rnako its ' appearanoe at Victoria ou the 16th of June.— 1 . fact, ths time is already anticipated when Victoria will rival San Francisco. All these grand anticipations seem to rest at present on a rathor small basis of faots. The gold ou the bars of Frazer River appears to have been discovered a few months since by an old uiiucr named Adams, who took the Liut. BEDFORD. PA., FRIDAY. JULY 30, 1658. VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS. It is but a few years since tho volcanoes of llecla in Iceland, Etna in Sicily and Vesuvius in Italy, were in active operation at the same time. The altitude of Ueela and Vesuvius are nearly equal, but that of Etna is about teD thousand feet above the sea, or neatly double that of Hecla and Vesuvius. On tbe 14-fi Jauuary, 1848, when the fiery eruptions of llecla were subsiding, the ashes began to usct ud from tbe crater, and were thrown to such a height in the atmosphere as to fall on the Faro Islands, three hundred and j sixty miles distant. Osouoro, Aconcagua an d Couseguiug, three j volcanoes iu the Cordilleras, S. A., extending/ T" * ffiW of tvro thousand seven hundred miles, j were nil convulsed-at the .ame time. The volcanoes pf Matin- 5 - Lou and Lvilauoa, j Sandwich LLnds, open in i.hc atmosphere ftt j the respective heights of ten and fifteen tnou-i* j and feet above the sea level. These volcanoes j are the largest yet discovered in our earth, and j during one of the eruptions one of these vol- \ canoes discharged a river of lava seventy miles in length, five miles in breadth, and of unmeas ured depth, in the short period of about seventy days. Tiie Azore Islands, in one of which famine is now doing the work of death, have beneath them and beneath the sea that surrounds them volcanic fires of great energy, that even tiie ocean, w:th all its mighty power, is uuable to drown or extinguish. • Ou the 18th of October, 1848, one of the volcanoes iu the New Z-aland Islands was aroused from a long slumber, and about a thousand shocks of earthquake attended its convulsions. The Aurora Australis kindled up its ligh', and terrific thunder, and j fierce lightning united iu the wonderful demoG- f stration of the majesty and sublimity of the j great phenomena of nature. It was then that j shocks of earthquake were felt simultaneously j on the opposite side of the globe, it was then j ihat the Aurora Borealis aud Aurora Ausiralis/ united, and a bright band encircled tbe whole: earth. When Hetlr, iu Iceland, was convulsed, the j eruption produced a pestilence that destroyed A both man and beast. The black-tongue dis-| ease there resulted from a volcano eruption,! ud so fearfully malignant was that pestilence,T that iu mmy eases the tongue-t fell from tbe 1 mouth of the victim before life was cx'.iuct. J A voloauo capable of discharging a river ot | innlien lava seventy miles long aud five miles j wide, is capable of affecting :he atmosphei • of* the earth over an immense surface, and docs j affect it, as our voluminous records of natu- j ral phenomena compared with cur meteorologi cal records show. Africa has not, as far as 1 am aware, a vol cano on its continent; but there ure volcanoes cm the very borders of that continent. I In my geological researches ou the American continent, i have formed the opinion that tho great American lakes, which describe a curve on tbe sphere of the earth, have resulted from volcanic action; and Ontario, a deep lake, now reposes in the crater of a volcano, and its oc- ' casionai tidal flows and fitful ebullitions uo j doubt result from volcanic action deep iu the , bowels of the earth. The immense misses of metallic copper found filling the rock fissures in the vicinity of Lake Superior, and the agates found in that vicinity have no doubt resulted from volcanic ac tion. E. M. [Journal of Commerce. ANCIENT DEXTERITY. One of the early Kings of Egypt being de sirous to secure his riches, commanded a treas ure house to be built; but the architect, intend ing to have some share of the treasure, instead of finishing the building completely, placed one of the stones iu so artful a manner that it could fe taken out aud put in again by one mm. As be was prevented by death from ac complishing his designs, on his deathbed he g ivo full instructions to his two sons how to execu'e it. After they had often plunder ed the King, who observed tho gradual dimi nution of his wealth without being able to dis cover how the thieves had access to it, finding his seal upon the door always whole, ordered several strong traps to be left in tbe treasury. By this means, one of the brothers was at last taken; hut finding it impossible to escape, ho pressed his brother to cut off' his head, and re tire with it to prevent discovery. The next morning, examining the success of his project, upon finding a man without a head in tiie snare, he hastened home in the greatest alarm aud confusion, but recovering himself, he ordered the body to be exposed on the out side of the wall of the building to the public view, charging the guards placed around it to observe the countenances of the spectators and to seize those who appeared sorrowful. The surviving brother, urged by his mother's en treaties aud threats of exposure, formed the design of carrying off his brother's body. Ac cordingly, driving his asoes thither, laden with skins of wine, ha found means, by the stratagem of letting his wine run out, to intox icate an! stupefy the guards. While they were in a deep sleep, ho shaved the right cheek of each of them byway of derision, and in the middle of tiie night cunied off the body on one of the asses. This action still more astonished tho King, who being now more earnest to discover the thief, ordered bis daughter to receive tbe ad •lrosscs of all suitors promiscuously, on condi tion that each should previously confess to her tba.xuost ingenious action ho had ever commit ted. The young man, resolving agaiu to per plex the King, went to the palace to bis daugh ter, and confessed to her that ho had out off his brother's head, and afterwards carried off the body. Whed she then offered to luy hold of him lie stretched out. to her tbe jrm uJ dead man, which be had carried iu undef 0 ,; cloak (suspecting the inteutioas of ' and while she supposed she had detained the j culprit, he made his escape. The King's re sentment being now converted into admiration, be pgionised a pardon and reward to the person who robbed the treasury, if he would discover himself. The young man, upon this proclama tion, immediately made himself known, and the King thereupon accounting hiui superior iu dexterity to any man then living, gave him his daughter in marriage. Twc Bojs Murdered by their Father. (From the Binghampton Rcpublicen.) A most skoekiog affair occured iu Maine vil lage, in this couuty, about 16 miles from Bing hampton, on Friday afternoon, the 16th iustaut Owgc-r Howard, a man about 30 years old, j murdered two of his children by cutting their throats with a razor. The circumstances of • Jamcatable occurrence, cs near as we cau learn, ar6 a? follows: Oliver Howard, the mm deter, lives in the village of —has a wife and four children—two girls and two boys, j liis Wile's mother had beeu staying a few days ai bis house, and the day previous to the mur d&G his wife and wife's mother went on a visit to the house of the latter, taking with them the ico youngest children, the girls; leaving the I tMo boys, one aged six, the other four at home. About 4 o'clock ou Friday afternoou Ilovf **-d left the tannery of Mr. Sauford, where lie Worked, went to his house, and ieturncd soon after to the tannery. Not long ufler it was •useovered that the two little boys h.d beeu murdered—their throats being cut with a razor. Howard was immediately airested and taken before N. W. Eastman, Eq., a .Justice of tho Peace in that town, tor examination. The pris admitte l that be committed the double murder, aud waived au examination. Tho mur derer was brought to Biogbampton list *iday (light, and lodged in jail. No reasou was assigned by the prisoner, we ire informed, for the act, wnen he was arrested. '.Sow that he is in jail for the horrid crime, ho says that he was in fear of the Lord, aud thought that he was commanded by the Lord to kill his two boys. We thiuk that this is a mere dodge to escape punishment on the ground of jhsamly, and that instead of having any co'n jßuuication i'rom the Lord , he was iustigated H'v the Devil and Us own bid passion* tj com mit this mo d devilish crime, r Howard formerly tended French's Mill on H'astie Creek, and Hpregue's Mill near Port Crane. Ho also worked at Col. Lewis" Mill, in f fiirgbamptoa, some seven yeais ago. THE BIBLE. "Tell tne where the Bible is, and where it is uot," observes an Ameiicati clergyman, who has returned from a tour on tho Continent, I "and 1 will write a tn-Tal geography of the world, I will show in all particulars, the phys sieal condition of the peopu. One glance of your eye will inform you where it is not. Go to Italy; decay, degredatiou an! suffering, moot you on every side. Commerce droop.-, j agriculture sickens, the useful arts languish.— ; There is a hcaviuess in the air; you feel cramp ed by some invisible power, the people dare not speak aloud; they walk slowly; the ariued police takes from the stranger his Bible; in the book stores it is not there, or iu a form so ex pensive as to be beyond the reaclt of the com mon people. Tiie preacher takes r.o text from the Bible. Eater the Vatican, and inquire for a Bible, and you will be pointed to some ease, where it reposes among prohibited works ot D'derot, Rousseau ai d Yoitaire. But pass over the Alps into Switzerland, and down the Rhine into llollnud, and over the channel into Eng land and Scotland, and what au amazing con trast meets the eye! Men look with an air of independence, tliero are industry, ueatness, in struction for children. Why itiis difference?— There is no brighter sky—there are uo fairer scenes of nature —but they have tue Bible; ami happy are tiie people who are iu such a case, for it is righteousness that exultoth a na tion. *' A HIGHWAYMAN THKASIIED BY A G:UI.. - I As a peasant-girl named Melaine Robert, duugb ; terof a small farmer neat Corbeil, France, was i proceeding to Essoanes, lately, a man aimed with a thick stick suddenly presented himself | and summoned her to give up her money. Pre ; tending to be greatly alarmed, she hastily : searched her pocket, and collect' g some small ; pieces of coin, hold them out to tho man, who, i without distrust, approached to take them; but the moment he took tbe money, Melaine made j a sudden snatch at the stick, aud wresting it I from his hand, dealt him so violeut a blow with Jit across the head that she felled him to the ground. She then gave him a sound thrashing, ; and in spite of his resistance, forced hiui to ac company her to the Commissary of Polieo. If all the ladies would act as spiritedly as Miss Melaine, they might safely walk alone at night, ana not compel ungallant grumblers to ; escort them. We don't Know however, that it is not better there are not many Miss Melaines. j Husbands would have a bard time of it; tbe ; wives who now only use the tongue would use i the broomstick, and those who now flourish the : broomstick would get bolder and take to the ! tongs. Horace Walpolc tells a story of a Lord Mayor of London in his time, who, having j heard that a friend had had the small-pox I twice, and died of it, inquired if he died tho first time or the seoond. A young gentleman who has just ! little beauty, says 'she would bsi'aferials that but she is made oLauch P 1 "" | Nature couldn't . ourn Budget thinks there h9 been ■ t Jfilierable "wire pulling" lately between | Englaud and the United Stutod." I VARIETIES- Never defend an error, because you once (bought it to be the truth. Why is petticoat government stronger than formerly? Because it's hooped. A border, at a hotel iu Chicago, missed SSO. A servant, named Abraham, was arrested on suspicion. The money was found iu Abraham's bosom. * Kit North says that it is no wonder that women love cats, for both arc graceful and both domestic—not to mention that loth scratch. One of our finest writers says that the (light ly dues come dowu upon us like blessings.— Ilow very differently tbe daily clues comedown iu thc-sc hard times. Suit Lake, iu Utah, is saltcr than the sea.— Two quarts of its water will make a pint of salt. Rock salt exists iu large quantities in Jjio neighboring hills. What belter proff cm we give of wisdom and goodness, than to be content with the station iu which Providence ha 3 placed us. A contemporary, noticiug the appointment of a postmaster, says : "If he attends to the snails as well as he docs to the females, he will make a very at tentive and efficient officer." A Person in passing a conceited fellow, hap pened to strike his foot with a cane. "Yon had better knock my brains out. and finish me," said the dandy. "1 was trying to do it, was the rejoinder. The young lady who burst into tears has been put together agaiu, and is now wearing hoops to preveut a recurrence of tho accident. If Girls would have roses for their cheeks, they must do as roses do—go to sleep with the lilies, and get up with the morning glories.— But then we should not like them to sleep iu quite such dirty bods. 'How old are you V Said a magistrate to a German arraigned before Liiu. 'I am dirty.' 'Aud bow old is your wife v 'Mine wife is dirty-t .fo.' 'Then, sir, you are a very filthy couple aud 1 wish to Lave nothing further to do with either of you.' It is not high crimes, such as robbery and murder, which dp.stroys th ■ peace of societv. Tbe village gossip, jeatau i s fatrdv quarrels, and bickerings between neighbors, roedtlle sonruess and tattling, are the worms that eat into all social happiness. It is an actual foot, that a man in our State, who attempted to bug a beautiful y n ung wo man, Miss Lemon, has sued her for striking him in the eye. Why should a feiluw squeeze a Lemon unless ha wants a punch ? 'I, mother.' said a petted little girl in a pettish little way, ''tis too bad, mother; you always send me to bed when I am not sleepy, md you always make me get up when I am sleepy.' Some genius has conceived the brilliant idea to press all the lawyers and physicians into military service, in case of war—because their 'charges' are so great that no one could stand them. 'Read the biographies of our great good men and women,' says an exchange, 'not one of them nad a fashionable inoth^ 1 . They near ly all sprung from plain strong-minded women, who had about as little to do with fashions as with changing clouds.' There is a baby in Cincinnati, the child of a Mr. Cannon, which weighs ill -pounds at eleven months of age.— Exchange. He must be at the H"e of twenty-sod-one A dangerous piece it's remarkably clear When the young Cyclopean son of a gun, Is a 24-pounder the very first yar! A lady wrote upon a window some verse iutimatiog her design of never marrying.— A gentleman wrote the following lines uuder ueatb. The lady whose resolve these words betoken. Wrote them on glass, to show it may be broken. A westein exchange says : "Two ladies were travelling in the cars last week, when one said to the other : "I was married, but I heard that uiy Bus baud was killed in Pittsburg, and I tm going there to ascertain if the report be true." "Well, I've got a dead sure thing on my husband," remarked tho other, "for I saw him buried five weeks ago." Do not teacli your daughters French before they can weed a flower bed at sunrise, or wsik a mile to get up an appetite for Jireakfast.— Remember that red cheeks and a vigorou* frame are preferrable to a simpering tongue and fashionable accomplishments. 'You have a considerable Hon ting population in this village, havn't you ? asked a stranger of ono of the citizens of a village on the Mississippi. "Well—ahem yes, rather so,' ! repled the latter, 'abcut hall the year tho **"■ ; ter is up to the second window.' . , ,o ody a shilling's "Mr. —,l w"' worth of b*.Y/ can have it. Is it for your "Very r i f ""No, 'taint. It's for the boss. Dad don't cat hay." "Bill, spell cat, rat, hat, bat, with only one lotter fur each word." "It can't he did 1" "What ! you just ready to report verbation phonetically, and eau't do that ? Just look here ! o 80 cat, r 80 rat, h 80 hat, b 80 bat." VOL 31, ISO. 31. WHAT 1 HAVE NEVER KNOWN. I have never known a j. >or unn to obtain a premium at a fair, where there was a rich man to coiupele with him. 1 have never known a Minister of tLe Gos pel to be CulLd from a higher to a lower sala ry- -1 have never known a poor man to be res pected because he was poor. 1 have never known a merchant to coutinuo his conversation with a poor man wheu a rich one enters bis store. 1 have never known h white-beadei office hunter to be very conversant with a poor man after the election. I have never known any man to aduiit uny man better than himself. 1 have never knogn a rich uiau but what was respected for bis riches. I have never known a mau to be better than he should be. I have never known a fashion too ridiculous to be followed. i have never known a system of religion too absurd to find followers. I have never koown the order of nature re versed to please any aiaa. SUPERSTITIONS DISPELLED. With, a view of oombatfrng certain silly su perstitions which still exist, a number of gen tlemen of Bordeaux hatrawesoiveJ to fori, them selves into a society, which shall be called the "Society of Thirteen," and which shall have banquets to be attended by thirteen persnue, such banquets always to be on a Friday, and a peculiarly grand one to come off on the 13th Friday of each year. The members, moreover, will at each banquet upset the salt, which is deemed unlucky and have undertaken to com mence all their important operations on a Fri day. In addition to ail ibis, they offer to re ceive as members of their society persons sup posed to be afflicted with what is Called along the coast of the Mediteraneau the "evil" and wlto are generally shunued because it is suppo sed that they do great harm to the persons with whom they speak, unless the laiter preseDt i to them each hand with th 6 two middle fingers and the thumb turned down. A FEMALE POISONER.— Caroline Erode: ica Kathrioa Schwartz has been arrested at OLiea go, charged with poisoning her paramour at Buffalo, some time since. She is a woman of good education, and s'at s that her father held a rank of Major Geucral under the Duke ot Bidet; Baden, that for years she rode by his side, arrayed in warlike habiliments of tbeodi i er sex, in which unwomanly character she vis ited liusiia, Algiers, and many other places, m J terminated her cuioer of soldier by getting married and coming to America ten years ago. She lived with her husband Scbwarts, at Dan ville, N. 1., for seven years, whoa a woman from Europe, with three children, made her appearance and set up a prior claim to the husbaud. The claim appearing to be well founded, Caroline left him, went to New York, and made arrangements ot convenience with another mm, with whom she started for Chi cago. At Buffalo, it is allcdged, she poisoned him to obtain §(i00 in money which he had with him. AN ALLEQOUT.— A veueiablo man ? :'ed through the burden aud heat or the day ,n cul tivating his field with his own hand, uuc in strewing with his wu hand the promising seeds into the fruitful lap of yielding earth. Sud dd than a whole catalogue of virtues in the life ot one more favored of Heaven.— Beecfor. A COOL CASS.—A newly arrived .John Cbi iihau.a, iu Shasta, California, purchased scum iua receiuly, and finding it very wet, lu i v out to dry in the sun. On going to Lok tor it again lie fuuul that it had dtMippeari-d, anu. forthwith accused the whole Cbin<-o oeigbb.'i*- bood of larceny. A general row was the consequence. I