BEDFORD INQUIRER. ! BEDFORD, Pa. Fildaj 'Mornlng, July 16 ISSS ~mRLESS ANITWuy ~ . OVER —Editor and Proprietor. DELEGATE ELEITIOSS AND (diuty Convention. The qualified voters of Bedford County, who are opposed to the policy and practices of the present National Administration, are hereby requested to meet at the usual places of hold ing elections in the several Boroughs and Town ships, (or at such other places as the several Township Wc&'Vi^ Delegates for each Township anl Borough, to represent them iu o County Convention, to bo held in tho Court House, at Bedford, on Tues day, the Sd day of August, next, at one o'- clock, P. M, to nominate a County Ticket, a candidate for (lie Legislature, and if deemed expedient, to instruct the Congressional Con ferees already appoiuted. I?aid Delegate Election®, (unless otherwise ordered by the Township Committees) will be hold between the hours of one and five P. M., iu the Townships, and between hours of Jive and seven in the Boroughs. By order of the County Ccmmitee. D. WASHABAUGH. * Chairman. July 2, 1858. To ensure proper attention to the Delegate Klectious, the County Committee has consid ered it proper to appoint the following Town ship Committees, and it is hoped tho several gentlemen named will bo good enough t) see to it personally, that timely notice be given, and that the election® be duly held in each District : Bedford Borough. William Iviser, Ale*, ileuderson. and John H. Filler, Esq. Bedford Tp. Thomas Ilea, Jacob Barn hart, and Thomas irnler. Colerain: Ales. Compiler, W'm. Whetstone, and Wm. Dibert. Cumberland Valley: Win. Dercuiore, Josi ah Tewell, and P..ilip liardinger. Harrison: Jolin MeVicker, Esq., Martin Ftightser, and Jauies Mullin, Esq., Hopewell: Alex. Davis, Esq , Thos. N. ' Young, Esq., and John Gites. Juniata: Leonard Bittncr, Esq., Peter R llillegag, and Adam Geller. Li berry: Alfred Entriker., Esq., D. S. Bcrk 6tresse-, and K. A. Foekler, Londonderry: Sam'l Logue, Wm. Cook, and John Wilhelm. Monroe: James Curnell, .John L. Grove, and Daniel Evans. ——~ **w. "mutants,aS a' cy, kud James AI)iV., Providence, E: Geo-W. Householder, Esq., Win. Lysinger, and Sidney H. Whitfield. Providence, W: John A. Gump, Jacob Barn dollar, Jr., and David Sparks. Sehellsburg: John K. Colvin, Sam'l Corl, and WOT. A. B. Claik. St. Clair: Henry Ickes, Esq., Wm. Kirk, and Wm. M. Hancock. Southampton: Bernard O'Neal,Lewis Brown ing, and Jared Hanks. Snake Springs: Asa Stucljey, Benj. R. A-h --coin, and Michael Lutz. Union: Win/ Griffith, Edmund Bedell, and' Sam'l Shaffer. Woodberry, M : John Zook, Esq., Geo. R. J Ilolsinger, and Brencman. Woodberry, S.: Robert Ralston, Adam 1 Ketrir.g, and Alex. Stoncr. j STATE CONVENTION. PfULADELeniA, July 15, 1858. To David Over, Esq:— Tbc People's Union State Convention assem bled at Harrisburg yesterday, Ex-Go v. Reodcr beiDg chosen permanent President. After sev eral balloting*, the following ticket was unan imously nominated: Supreme Judge— John M. Reed, of Phila delphia. Canal Commissioner—Wm E. Frazcr, of Fayette. D. J. CHAPMAN. . ——- EOC OFO< O EXTRAVAGANCE. Locofoooisin is booomiug alarmed at the pres ent corruption and extravagance of the national government, and are circulating a sjieeoh of the Hon. John Letcher on 'be 6ul ject. This gen tleman s chict defence is that the expenditures (of, 1859, will riot exceed sixty-eight millions (68,000,000). This fact is paraded with great satisfaction—though this is nearly Trventy sevm Millions a year in excess of the average during Polk's Administration, when the Mexi can was carried on. If the same ratio should ' continue during Buchanan's four yeWs, the excess ovei the four years of Polk's, would be One Hundred six and a wif m iUj oDfi jIOG,- 500,000 ) Thus: Polk's Administration, $165,481,013 33 BuchtnarTs 'on TiOtcher, basis,) 272,000,000 00 Excess of. Buchanan's four yours, $106,518/JSS 67 But the exhibit will be worse than this.— The expenditures for 1859, will be over $68,- 000,000. T his amount has been appropriated j 1 tin bills'd ot the lest Congress. But j acc-ruing t. the report of tbc Secretary of the ! Treasury, there is a 5 dance of impropriations prcv-ousty mad.', which may be applied ro the expenditures of 859. une..ponded boiarco is $ ;6.980,538,33. Aid ti:;s to tU §68,000,000, and we have $84,586,588 as the amount already set apart for this year. Besides, large deficiencies have occurred of late years, which are paid in succeeding years' and if this occurs again the expenditure will be still larger. But many of the appropriations made are in general terms—-the Department being unable to designate the exact amount which will be necessary, and therefore 'estimating' it. All experience show that the Department do not otter-estimate their expenditures. Leaving a margin for these under estimates and for con tingencies which always loom up largely, we are perfectly safe in saying that the expenditures of government this ye.u will be nearerer ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS than Eighty millions.— Either sum would be enormous; but our Dem ocratic friends will prefer the larger. The charge of Letcher and other smaller fry of Locofocoism, that the present vast expendi tures of the general government wa9 causod by the opposition, is simply ridiculous. The op position have not been in power for some six or seven years, and all this time Locofocoisui . , , __ w. uc aovornment, with has had every ® the exception of the House, for one term, but even then they were powerless to do anything for the good or evil of tho country, as there was a Locofoco President and Locofoco House. The people know who arc now plunging them into a vast national debt, and they will vote in such away as will bring matters right, and back to the days of the earlier Presidents. Pic NIC OP THE M. E. SABRATU SCHOOL. —ln accordance with tho usual custom and ar rangements, the members of the M. E. Sab bath School, held their annual pic-nic party at Barclay's grove, adjoining town, on Wednesday last. The procession formed at the Church, and ! then marched through town, accompanied with the soul cheeriug sounds of the fife and drum, music which Bedford is celebrated for, and pro ceeded to the grove, where seats and a stand were prepared for the occasion. Tho exercises at the ground were opened with singing by the scholars, and a very impressive prayer by (hi.' Rev. Mr. Spottswood. It was a solemn and impressive sight to see some 200 children there, on the green sod, with a canopy of trees alovo them, unite their little voices in singing and prayer, to the Great Author of ull good. A number of speeches were then made, and hymns sang, by the scholars. The opening speech and the valedictory speech, were es pecially deserving of praise, for the m tuner in which they were delivered. The scholars then partook of refreshments. : After they were served, the visitors were invi- j ted to partake of tho gwed bis moral lay the swallow wheeling on the wing Capriciously at play the humming bird from bloom to bloom inhaling heavenly balm the raven in the tempests gloom the halcyon in the Calm in auld kirk alloway the owl at witching time of night by boiixiedoon the earliest fowl the C irodd to the light he was the wren amidst the Grovo When in tliis homely vein at Uninock burn tlio bird of jore . "with thunder*' in his train the woodlark in his mournful hours the Goldfinch in his mirth . the thrash a Sjieudthrift of liispowers enrapttig heaven and earth the swan in magvsty and Grace Contemplative and Still hut roused no falcon in (lie Chase Could like his Satire Kill the I.inret in simplicity in tenderness the dove but morj than all besides was he \ the nightingale in love oil iiad he never stoopd to shame lior lent a Charm to vice iiow had devotion loved to name that bird of paradise peace to the in scotia Choir of minstrels Great and small he sprang from his spontaneous Arc the phenix of them ail Among the many notable visitors at tbc Springs, we wouli name Judge Sbarswood, and W. S. Stewart, Esq., of Philadelphia, Judge Buraside, of Centre, Richard Cowan, and John H. Shocnberger, Esq., of Pittsburg, ff-aiseTi, Ksq., or \N asbington, Pa., and many others. HON. GEORGE DARSIE.— This distinguished gentleman is now at the Bedford Springs. Mr. Daisie is one of the most talented gentlemen in Pennsylvania, aod Allegheny County hon ors herself in houoiingsuoh a man. He was for many years the faithful sentinel of the State Treasury, and that he guarded it well, is a matter c? record. NEW MAU, ARRANGEMENT. —By the new mail arrangement recently made, the Philadel phia Daily morning papers are received the same Dight. Visitors to the springs can con sequently leave Philrdelphia in the morning and arrive at the Springs the same night by the j Hopewell route. This is a great improvement. ! BEDFORD SritiNQS.—There are now over 200 visitors at the Bedford Springs, and scores are daily arriving. This will be the gayest and most thronged season wo have ever had. Bv next week we expect to see from four to five hundred there. Come on.thero'a room enough for all. PROVIDENCE TP., is informed that his comrnnnication is not objectionable, aud will be freely inserted—on one condition the name of the author. We call attention to the nropcrtv advertised by W. P. Scliell, Esq., to the advertisement of Messrs. Oster, Manspeaker & Carn, &c., in to-day's paper. THE HERALD ABANDONS BUCHANAN. — "Rats leave a sinking ship." The N. Y. Her ald abandons Buchaunn. This is the way it talks: "It is a most unfortunate thing for the de moralized Democracy that, at this time of gen eral depression and stagnation in all the chan nels of trade—at this time, when our people of all pursuits arc struggling and economizing to lift their heads above water—the expense and obligations of the government, and of the peace establishment, should be increased to the alarming war aggregate of eighty millions a year. We mav prove that the Administration has neither nor the power to pre vent this state of things; but among four or five million voters, we may say that the hard, naked facts and figures will still be the para mount issue. The Philadelphia Press says of the Loudon Times and the French Emperor: "Tbß Times lately told some unwelcome truths about the ruffianly character of tho military offioers of France, in indignant com "f M* U^on l ' ie receDt attempted assassination ° \ I>cn e, by sous lieutenant and fencing Iljenoo- j „ , m B ;opf,cd .1. circulation p y , ' siDgie copy of tho limes is allowed' t0 enter, and t hat is sent to Paris, iu „ , envelope from Boulogne, especially to Napoleon himself." Fur the Inquirer. WOODBERRY "LOCAL." WOODBKRRY, July I*2, 1858. M<*. OVER: —Leather Cracker came to town j the olber day! Have you ever heard ot Lea ther Cracker 1 Leather Cracker is nn oasis iu 9 wilderness of mountains ! A China or Japan surrounded with barbarians! Isolated from the balance of mankind, it is a free, indepen dent, sovereign State ! Only subject to its own invinoibii customs, its own liard-carued repu tations; its impregnability to barbarians wtth -1 out, and the workings of its refined, magnani mous and all-powerful policy at home, bis gained for it a world of notoriety, which only wants to be heralded on the mighty wing 3of the press to the four quartors of the globe, to distance the wide-spread fame of imperial Rome, or tbe more modern conglomeration of all colors, manners and castes—tbe British Empire. Leather Cracker has the advantage of either of the two characters alovc,in being a® American Institution ! Literally American by position ! The State of Leather Cracker is situate iu the Counties of Bedford and Blair, for-*be very good reasou that uo one county could coutaiu it all; no, never! You might as welt presume another sun in the solar system, as to presume L eather Cracker to be located iu 10 one municipality! It is too yeasty, too barmy! Its charaeteries are too national! Ls fortuues too transcendent ! Loather Cracker is bounded on the North by tbe Ridge, a fatuous elevation nil over this great county of ours ! On the East by Tus sey's Moutituiu, on tbc South by the Pulpit and West by Stonerook's Hill! It is needless to say, that these places are classical places in the literature of Leather Cracker. They are, and famous places of resort, too! Leather Cracker has its Niagara, its Saratoga, and its Bedford Springs, all arrayed after their own peculiar fancy, which is, to allow as nature al lowed ! The State is divided into four Oouu tios : Hoover, Falkuer, Ivaufftn m and Miller! The capital is situated at Maple Run, where the Legislature holds itR sessious, or at least did a year or two ago, and acted upon the great public measures of tbe day, pcrtainiii" to Leather Cracker! Leather Cracker against the world! It may be considered a great pre sumption on tuy part, to relate the history of a nationality, without also giving tho source from which such a sublime and beautiful name as that of Leather Cracker Las been derived.— Yes, sir, I almost think so myself, therefore I shall supply you with tho only data which 1 possess, and which I extracted from the ar . chives of the State, while 1 had the distir.- i guisbed honor of Loldiug a scat iu her Legisla • turc, and it can, therefore, be strictly reliod tn. j It appears from tbe recotd, that at an early i day, although COt anterior to the era— An old man, Willi an old soul, and both blind," sauntered forth one si ill clear night, to "watch the timid \ieer," the chief occupation of the hunters of that day and date ! It was in the 1 buckskin age, and singularly enough, our veti j erable friend wore lu vkskiu unmentionables. I say it was clear, and not only clear, but cold, cold, awfully cold ! T*lie old man reached the lick, and secreted bimse If in tho boughs of some "portsTPron™ tlio ol*d man's r "life tfiat uight i Ob, but it was cold ! So colol that it makes me quake to think of it! ugh ! how cold ! When the old man left his perch, and brought him self up standing on terra j I ■•ma, his breeches were so badly frozen that it zequired no effort, 011 his part, to stand. No, they stood us formidable as tbe Colossus have jointly made every honorable effort t< > cause the light of day to penetrate these be nighted regions. But Leather Cracker aguinsi} the world. * SYLVESTER STYLES. A NEW CENT PIECE. —We have seen,say S the BnstoD Post, a specimen of the new coi a of one cent denomination just from tho Mil t in Philadelphia. Something of this kind k much needed to take the place of that abomi nable abortion, the one ceut piece ot 1857. Tho new cent piece like tb other, is of nickc 1, aud of the same size. Ithasthu head of ai.t Indiau girl upon one side and the words Uui-r ted States of America, with the date. Upon the reverse is a wreath surmounted with a bunch of arrows entwined at the bottom and the words one cent in the middle of it. The workmanship, us well as the design is beautiful- I ly executed. Hon. A. li. ileeder,ex-Govemor of Kansas, will probably he the auti-Lecomptou candidate ; in the 13th Congressional District of Penna.— This is called the "tenth legion of the Deuioc-1 racy" in this State, and is the hardest district 1 iu the State. It gave Pierce 5,429 majority, yid Buchanan a majority of 5,166 over both roi ""ui an ,i Fillmore. Douglas and the Administration. At the called session of the Senate last week. Mr. Douglas mado a speech on Illinois politics of which we find an abstract in the papers.— It shows the state of feeling between Douglas an 1 the Lecomptoniies of his State, and who the latter are : Mr. Douglas (III.) did not propose to go into this question of British outrages. He should vote for the resolutions. The object of his rising was to notice a dispatch giving ao account of the proceedings of what was termed an Administration State Convention in Springfield, in which his public course was condemned.— He proceeded to show that this was not a Con vention of the Democracy of llliuois, and said that the two persons nominated for State officers arc not and have never been recognized as consistent Democrats. The true Democratic Convention was that held iu April last, and instead of being abused he was endorsed by ir. What was this Administration Convention? There was a man in Illinois who holds an of fice, traveling all over toe State, claiming that he was authorized by the Administration to denounoo every man as a traitor iu.jdie party who does not approve the Leeouipton Constitu tion. This man, with a few bolters from the genuine Convention, where they were voted down by tweuty to one, got up the recent squad. The federal office-holders were threat ened with removal by the Postmaster at Chicago, if they failed to attend. Their object is to divide the Democracy of Illinois, and denounce bin. [Douglas] lie never yet had been de nounced by a regular Convention. The bogus gathering was got up by Doctor Charles I.ieb, Agent for the Post Office Department iu Illi nois. All know that his history is this : wheu Jim Lane and his gang were driven from Kan sas in 1856, Lieb fled to Illinois. Pretend ing to he a confidential friend of Mr. Buchanan, this Lieb was tbe chief officer of the Society of Danitcs, and took the horrid oaths required, to break up the Democratic party, under the penalty of being reviled by men, frowned on by devils, scorned by angels, and forsaken by- Cod. Mr. Bigler [Pa ] said that what the Senator had asserted was the last thing which would have occurred to any man's imagination. He had before hoard this alligation against Dr. Lieb, and called bis attention to ir. l)r. Lieb solemnly denied ever having belonged to such an association, end said that the use of his name was without any authority. He was not in Kansas at the date of its organization. Mr. Douglas replied that this compelled him to make a coutrary stateineut. The first time he ever Saw Lieb w s in 185G, when he admit ted he was the man. The fact was susceptible of proof by hundreds of peop'e iu Kansas, and he admitted it a hundreds of lioies. It was only an evidence of the vileucss of the man's character if he denies that he was the chief of ficer of the Dauties iu Kitisas under Jim Lane. This fact was brought to the attention ol the Postmaster-General before Lieb was appointed, j but the Postmaster-General said he promised ■ Lieb he should have the office before he knew it. The free-soil party in Illinois hud no hope of success iu the election except by destroying the I >.i.nnmn mi-—Njjui- alliance Was -form** 4 .be tween them atitl Liob and tits" Softers." Mr. Broderiek wished to know whether the Administration encouraged Lieb ? Mr. Douglas replied he did not say that the Administration gave him authority. The in famy of his acts is too gross to induce the belief that the President or his Cabinet Officers could have giver, him such authority. Yet he did think that if it was not disavowed after the fficts were known, they would become as re sponsible as if they had given the authority. Mr. Broderiek [Cul.] expressed" his delight at the remaiks of Mr. Douglas. Mr. Trumbull [Republican] of lUiuois, de nied that there was, or would be, any bargain between the Republicans and the Leeompton ites. He said that the Republicans inteuded carrying the State, against the two, whether combined or separate. THE HEROINE OF TAMPICO.— Mrs. Chase, j the heroine of a brilliant exploit iu the Mexican war, is iu Washiuglom acd the Sutes thus dc- j scribes her adventure : The seme was at Tampico during the Mexi- j can war. Our fleet, uudcr Commodore Conner, i was waiting for a favorable opportunity to take the town, when a boat, gcut by our heroiue, came off, beariug plans of the fortifications, and a message that the American flag would be hoisted at the mouieut Tampico could bo easily j taken. Our heroine was,l must say, in a very j perilous situation. Tampico was full of the enemy, and her house in charge of treacherous servants, who watched her every movement.— The Mexican forces were withdrawing from the city. Mounting quickly to tho roof,sbo unfurl ed the American flag. The manoeuvre was discovered by the encury in the streets, and a party was sent to pull down tho flag. They approached tire staff, but our heroine defied them to tear that banner from Its place until she had died in its defence. Pistol* and swords were pointed at her breast face* full of dead ly hate scowled upou her , but the courage of a worn in conquered. The Mexicans were cow ards, and the fiig continued floating in the breeze. The signal was seeu by Commodore Conner; the fleet stood in for the town, and Tampico was taken. A Prisoner e-caped from the Wisconsin j Penitentary, last week, in a very ingenious manner, lie pretended to oc siok, and was j therefore allowed the privilege of walkiug in j the yard. Ho then made a sort of image, cut the hair from his own head, decorated the top of the image with it, and deposited it carefully in his own bunk und took his customary walk in the yard. At night the watch looked in his celt and noticed him as he supposed, reposing quietly in his accustomed place. The next i morning when his cell was visited he was still somnolent, und on account of his sickness was I further indulged. At noon, however it was time he made some sign, and the watch proceeded to vtir him up. "But he wasu't there. lion. Jas. 13. Foley, Deut., of Indiana, member of the present Congress, has failed of a renormnation by bis party. This is the erudite Congressman, whose scholarly letter to his constituents was everywhere published, some time age. The people of his district have •hown the same apprecatijn of him that he did of Webster's Dictionary,by 'takirfg a stand' against htm. Democratic Repudiation of Buchanan's Despotic Principles. Ou Thurday evening of last week the ocrats of Philadelphia who approved the iour*e of H< n. Joseph C. M'Kibbin, ot California, i n opposing Lccniupton gave hint a dinner. ,l„i iri C. Kiwx, Gov. Packer's Attorney General of this State, presided—assisted by John W Forney, and supj oited l y Hon. John Hickman Among the prominent Democrats present, were Daniel Dougherty, David Webster, Gtio Northrop, Edward G. Webb, George \V. Thorn. John O'Brien, William Seargrnt, Dr. J || B. M'Clcll an, A. Boyo Cumrtiings, James R Shtrdian, Dr. Diller Luther, Alexander Heron James H. Brysoti, Gen. Joseph Morris, 0 j Delaware, John Hill, Eugene Ahem, aud mariy others, all enthusiastic Buclmtian men in l)j;,(; Messrs. M'Kibbin, Hickman, Forney, and jj, or eight others made speeches. Judge Knox's speech is brief and pungent. It contains no honied words of flattery : G KNTi'.EMK.v : I ri.->e tof cifortu ait unexpect ed, but most agreeable duty. Wc are here to night to do honor to a DeuiisyTvanun, now H Representative froui California—a man who knew his duty to bis constituents, and perform, ed it : a Representative iu Congress who has nobly represented the vital principle of the Dem ocratic party. (Applause.) We aro here to do honor to a mau who Las nobly stood up f ( , r the right amidst all the temptations which hare surrounded him, and never for a moment (al tered in his support of the principle of popular sovcieignty. We are here to do honor to a Democrat. (Applause ) Wc are here to do hon<>r to a ui> tuber of ihe great D -OK,-fa tic party, wbo believes that there is truth in tbu profession of that party,'and wlo iu.-ists that its pledges shall be fulfilled. (Cheers ) Wo are here to do honor to a m-n who is desirous as all are, that the Democratic party shall ho! unity in its ranks, but who is desirous, shove all things, that that utiiiy shall be founded upon correct and enduring principles, 31 ,,j (hat the party shall be united upon a iivin<* truth aud uot upon an cxpb dtd falsehood (Ap plause.) As i'hiladolph aiis tiud as i'ennsyl vanisiis, we are here to do honor to tue faith fill representative of the true Democracy ol" California, Hon Joseph ('. M'K bbin [Pro longed cheering.) I hope, gentlemen, tint he will Le sustained--nobly aud fully sustained —by the freemen of California. (Cheers.) Tliej understand the doe'rioe of popular sov ereignty ; they applied it to their own State, and they aic determined to Man J by it, let w ho will desert if, for it is the only principle worth sustaining, and when it is surrendered every thing is gone. 1 feel ibat the constituents of our guest wilj triumphantly vindicate his course on this question If they do not—if it were possible that they could refuse to sustaiu a faithful repiesentutive, they ought never to be represented hereafter in Congress except by a craven who could beu i tire knee at tbe com mand of power. ( utliusias'ic applause.) Gentlemen, 1 did not rise for the purpose of making a speech. lam not here for that pur pose, but I am here to bear testimony to tin. fiat tint the irtre Democracy of IV-nmy Ivania are iu favor of popular sovereignty. They stand n.w where they stood in 1856, and they are willing to fight tbo battles of the party upou this principle, and this aloue It an( other 11 ig L rai-ed they will refuse to follow ir, let the leader be whom ho may. [Cheers.] They stand under the true flag, and under that, an tno other, cm they triumph. In conclusion, permit QJC to give you the health of* our frictxi and guest, Hon- Joseph C. M'Kibbin, a J'euu sylvauiau by birth, and a true ; a Democrat bv priucple and a faitbiu! representative of the great State of California. [Cheers.] | A PERILOCS POSITION TO A MAX I;P \ I TRRK—NARROW KsCAPS. —The Freeport (II!) BuUttin tells tho following story: Mrs. lGr mingham, wife of the master mechanic of the Galena an