Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, July 09, 1858, Image 3

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    Man Killed by a Woman in Defence
of ller Husband,
From the Plalte ( Misfoun ') ~irgus of June 10.
Ou Saturday night ihc City Marshal was
aroused from btd to go to a house on ihe
northern extremity of Leavenworth street.
Here was a horrible sight. Sitting up in
bed was a man by the name Branham, bis face
bruscd up, bis shirt covered with blood, and
his wife, a young, good-looking woman, in
much distress, and attending to his bruises.—
About twenty feet from the back door, in the
gardou, lay the dead body of Hugh Wilson,
bis features scarcely recogniz ible, bis forehead
smashed in, and the blood and brains oozing
out profusely, a large and bloody club by Lis
side, with which the woman, wife of Branham,
said she had clone the deed iu defence of her
husband. The pitin story that the two told
was that Wilson (intoxicated) had forced the
lock of the hack door, hid jerked Branbam
out of bei an 1 dragged bitu out into the gar
den. The wife fl w to her husbcn l's assistance
with a club, and, by dint of well directed
blows, made of Wilson the most horrible corpse
one couli well look on.
Myself and husband had retired to bed, when
some oue broke into the liou-e and came to the
bod before we eouid get up. The man seized
ruy husb. au and dragged him out, striking at
and beating him. He called to me for help ;
said that the man was trying to wring off bis
neck. I could uot get hold of any thing ex
cept a piece of board, the same now in court.
With this I ran up to my husband, aud found
him down with a strong man resting one knee
on his breast and striking him very severe
blows. As I got iu striking distance the mm
was making an attempt to wring off the neck
of my husbatid, who seemed to bo almost help
less. 1 immediately struck him with the stick,
and did not ccasc until his boll upon my hus
band's bead was relaxed. I struck liiui with
nothing but the stick. My husband had been
sick in bei for a we k previous, arid was al
most as belplc;B as a child. I stiuek to save
mv husband's life, and believe bo would
hive been killed iu a few mmutes if 1 had not
"We the undersigned Justices, agree unani
mously that *ho homicide committed by Mary
Branham on iingh Wilson was justifiable, and
she is discharged from custody."
uer, of HariLburg, Pa., proposes to cross
the Atlantic iu a baloou, one hundred feet in
diameter, lie says iu a letter to the Tele
graph .
I am satisfied in my own mind tb-t with such
nn apparatus I cou'.d cross the All mtie iu 75
hours, and the wh<>!a Co3t would uot be more
then $20,000. The b illoon, net aud value,
wouli weigh about 2,000 pounds, and the boat
and rigging 3 tons aud a half—this will leave
about 8 tons ascending power, for provisions,
passengers and ballast. It would require three
good occac navigators, and one astronomer,
besides myself. I would suggest N. York as
the startiug point and am certain 1 would strike
within 200 miles of any given distance in
Europe. I would suggest May us the time for
making the experiment, and would make the
attempt iu 1859 if I could get the government
or others to assist uie.
MOUNT VESUVIUS—The great eruption of
Mount Vesuvius, noticed iu the Vanderhilt's
news, appeals to hive been foreboding since
May list. There has been no flow of lava
since 1855, the upper myjutain having, been
very quiet for some time. The first aud most
dicadful eruptiou of Vesuvius was in the year
70, when Pompeii and llercuianaeum were
LurieJ in the burning lava, and more than a
quarter c? a million of human beings perished.
In 1331 the town of Terre del Greece, men
having four thousand inhabitants, was entirely
destroyed, together with much of the surround
ing country. There were also terrible erup
tions in 1759, 1767, and in 1791, making the
thirty-fifth since the time Pompeii wns buried,
and the second time that Terra del Grecco was
horned. At this time the top of the mountain
foil in, leaving the crater nearly two miles in
circumference. There have been several erup
tions siuoe, but none of the magnitude of the
A NICE QUESTION. —Soma few week 9 ago,
the Fulton, Mo., Telegraph, having stated as a
pioce of news, that the Governor of Missouri,
K. M. Stewart, had been fligged in a brawl at
Jefferson city, by a man named Vandiver, the
St. Louis Republican indignantly denied and
denounced it as a scandalous lie. The offi
cious defence of the Governor has proved ra
ither unfortunate for him, as the editor of the
Telegraph, feeling his honor at stake, lias gone
(to work and fortified his veracity by proofs
showing that the governor had really been flo<r
ged. Capt. Vandiver himself says that he'did
kuook the Governor down, and uamed his licks
upon him' (if anybody kuows what that means)
but that, boiii of them being on a spree at the
time, ihey made it np aud parted as friends. —
Dignified potentate, that Governor Stewart.
A RIGHTEOUS VERDICT.—At a recent term
of the Federal Court of the United States,
Pontotoe, Mississippi, the father of Nancy
\\ ilson, of Virginia, a young lady of about
sixteen years old, obtained a jodgnmnt of §lO
- damages against Robert Wilson, of Mis
sissippi, who was nr.J is a married man, for de
.coying his daughter away from home. It is
said that the defendant lias transferred his
property, so that nothing cau be nude out jf
iiitu, although at the time he committed the
deed he was a wealthy man.— Memphis Bulle
SEVEN YEAR FLOODS. —The western waters
were very high in '3C and '37. Seven ye ns
after, in '44, and in seven years again, iu 'sl
und tbm again in 'SB we have a great flood.—
T ue superstitious can now exercise their talrnts
"pen the magical number seven. We are told
'hat the ludians of tho We3t held such a tra
dition aleo of a seven year flood.— Louisville
Henry Brooks the last surviving officer of
'he Kino Arctic Expedition, died at the Navy
lard, New \ork, cm Tuesday, from sun
A. slight shock of an earthquake was cxpe-
J-tetued yj several parts of Connecticut, on
a week, being tho second in 200
f A IIEIID OP OUWS IN TUB Alß. —The recent
j whirlwind at, and in the vicinity of Oolesville,
! Maryland, wae the most singular phenomenon,
I according to accounts, we have ever read. The
ltockville Journal says that there issued from
! it a black smoke which darkened the atmos
(phere. One gentleman saw a herd of cows
i apparently up in the air, and there is every
i reason to believe thut they ware blown a quar
ter of a mile. It is said that the horizou was
filled with fragments of clothes, shingles, limbs,
o'c. It rushed on at this rate till it reached
the Patuxent liver, and there its course was
suddenly arrested.
! —Should the Atlantic Telegraph be completed,
' Europe, Asia, Africa, and America will be
! brought inte electric communication with each
; other, and a remarkable progress will have been
made towards the civilized unify cf the human
: race. From Newfoundland there is telegr .phic
! commnnication with New Orleans, distant 3,-
; 710 utiles, following the course of the wire,
' and when the AM iutie cable is laid, direct com
munication can bo obtained with Coustan'.ino
! pie thus uniting the four continents.
A Southern Methodist minister, detailing hit
experience on a certaiu circuit, counied twenty
six children that were named utter him, aud
added that during the year he received as coui
: peusation for his labors sl3.
•ANGELS' ON THE WING.—IN the last thir
| ty days no less than nineteen wives, flying from
! their husbands, have passed over the Buffalo
j and State Line railroad. s■"> says a Buffalo pa
| P e > - - *
See advertisement cf Dr. Saudford's LIVER
| INVIQORATOR in another coiurnn.
j FLOUR.—Too sales include 900 bbls. Ohio
i ;ind 600 bbls. Howard Street Super at §1.37 4
I 100 bbls. Ohio Extra at §4.624; 100 bbls. do
tat §4.75, and 100 bbls. very choice Howaid
! Street do. at §5.25 per bbl. Howard Street
; and Ohio Super tlosed steady at §4.374, and
: we quote City Mills do. as before, at §4 25 per
! bbl. There was, however, notbiug done iu the
; latter description. We quote Extra Flour to
day at §l.C2£ t§4.75 for Ohio, $4.75u§5.25 for
; Howard Street, aud 55u§5.25 per bbl. for City
J Mills,—ltye Flour may be quoted at §3 37 4 <
j §3.50, and Corn Meal at §3.25 for .Country
! §3.50a§3.75 per bbl. for City, und §3 80 per
! bbl. for Brandy wine.
GRAlN.—Grain continues inactive but for
1 all descriptions prices are pretty well sustained,
| The receipts this morning included 3,000 lush
i els Wheat, 13,000 buth"!s Cora and about 10,-
| 000 bushels Oats. A part of the Wheat offer
i ed was of the new crop, and sales of some 70u
' bushels new white were reported at 12Ga135
j cts. Too parcels sold were of good quality aud
iin fine order. We quote old Wheat as before
j at 100a 105 cts. for red, and 112i120 cts. for
j white, the outside quotations being for prime
lots. \T bite Corn was rather doll this morning
but yellow do. was in good demand White
sold at 68;G9 cts. for inferior, 73 ots. for good,
and yellow at 76a77 cts. for good to prime.—
There was no live at Matket. We quote it
nominal at 65a68 cts. for Maryland, aud 73a
74 cts, for Pennsylvania. Oats were very dull
to day and only a few of the lots offered were
sold. We quote them at 27a33 cts. for com
mon to good Virginia, 33a35 cts. for Maryland
and 36a38 cts. for Pinna.
; On the 2J inst., in the upper end of Friends
I Cove, Mr. GEORGE MOCK, aged 68 years and
I 7 months.
! On the 1 Oth of May last, at the residence
of her grandfather, 11. Kuriz, in Beatord Tp.,
of scarlet rash, SARAH M. HULL, aged LI
years, 6 months and 19 days.
fully present their sincere thanks to their no
! merous friends and patrons, for their very hint and
j liberal patronage, since opening the
j 7
j and respectfully beg leave to announce, that they
j are now receiving and opening the second supply of
1 new
j embracing a large and attractive assortment of
j Staple and Fancy
adapted to the present and approaching season, to
gether with a general assortment of Groceries,
Queensware, Cutlery, Ilats, Caps and Bonnets,
A laige and varied assortment of L>. Rodney King
k CO.'D Philadelphia made, Ladies', Misses' and
Childrens' ri..? Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers,
Ti.s &c.
Having purchased our goods at the very lowest
possible cash prices, we are prepared to offer great
er inducements than ever. Come in P"d see, and
we will take great pleasure In showing Onf goods,
whether you wish to buy or not.
Bedford, July 9, 1853,-Cm.
SSedford Springs.
' rpHIS well-known and delightful summer Resort
X is now opened tor the reception of visitors, and
will be kept open until the Ist of October.
The new and spacious Buildings erected last year
are now tully completed, itnd the whole establish
nient has been furnished in superior style, and the i
accommodations n ill be of a character uot excelled
in any part of the United States.
The Hotel will b under the management of Mr.
A. G. ALLEN, whose experience, corteous uian
i ners and attention to his guests, give the amplest
! assurance of comfort and kind treatment,
t The Company hatre made extensive arrangements j
to supply dealeis nnd individuals with "Bedford
Water," by the barrel, carbog, and in bottles, at j
the following prices, at the Springs, viz:
For a barrel (mulberry > $4 00
Do (oak) . 300 ;
\Do (mulberry) 300 j
|Do (oak) 200 '
Carboy, 10 galloas, 2 25 ]
Bottles. * pint per dozen, 1 50 j
The barrels are all carefully prepared, so that
purchasers m".v depend upon receiving the Water •
fresh ani sweet.
I All communj'caiions should be addressed to
j July 9, 1858-f. Bedford, Pa.
Dr. Hardmau, Analytical Physician.
Physician for diseases of the Lungs, Throat anif
Heart, formerly Physician to the
Author of "Letters to Invalids," Editor of the
"Medical Stethyscope," &c.,
lar. Hardman treats Consumption, Bronchitis,
Asthma, Lairyngittis. and all diseases of the throat
and lungs, by medical Inhalation, lately used in the
Bromton Hospital, London. The great point in
the treatment of all human maladies is to get at
the disease in the diiect manner. All medicines
are estimated by their action upon the organ re
quiring relief. This is the important fact upon
which Inhalation is based. If the stomach is di
seased we take medicine directly into the stomach.
If the lungs are disoasdß, breathe or inhale medi
cated vapors directly into the lungs. Medicines
are the antidotes to disease and should be applied
to the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the ap
plication of this principle to the treatment of the
lungs, for it gives us direct access to those intri
cate air cell* and tulies which lie oufof reach of
every other means of administering medicines. —
The reason ttiat consumption, and other diseases
of the lungs, have heretofore resisted all treatment
has been because they had never been approached
in ; direct manner by medicine. They were intend
ed to nit upon the lungs aud yet were applied to
the stomach. Their action was intended to be lo
cal, and yet they were so administered that they
should act constitutionally, exending immediate
and pi ir.cipal action upon the unoffending stomach,
whilst the foul ulcers within th: lungs were unmo
lested. Inhiflation brings the medicine in direct
contact with the disease, without the disadvantage
of any violent action. Its application is so sim
ple that it can be employed by the youngest infant
or feeblest invalid. It dees not derange the sto
mach, or interfere in the least degree with the
strength, comfort, or business of the patient.
to the lollowingd senses, either when complicated
with lung affections or existing alone, 1 also invito
consultation. I usually find them promptly curable.
Prolapsus and aft other forms of female com
plaints, irregularities, aud weaKness.
Palpitation and oilier forms of Heart Disease
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases
of stomach aud bowels, &e.
All diseases of the eye and e ir. Neuralgia, Epi
lepsy, and all tonus of nervous disease. No
charge for consultation.
July 8, 1858.
Notice of liiqui\Hio.
WHEREAS Michael Putt, kite of Liberty
Township, Bedford County, died, seized of
the following real estate, viz: Two trie's of land,
situate in Liberty Towuship, aforcsai 1, one thereof
the mansion tract, containing one hundred aud
thirty-seven acres and allowance, with a dwelling
bouse, barn, grist mill, saw mill, an 1 other im
provements thereon erected, adjoining lands ot
Henry Putt, Fockler and others. One oth
er tract, adjoining the above, containing ten acres,
•vitli a tenant house and stable thereon—leaving a
widow named Elizabeth, and issue ten children, to
Jacob, since dead, having convoyed his share to
the petitioner, Samuel, residing in Illinois, Catha
rine, intermarried with William Figart, the peti
tioner, William Putt, Elizabeth, mtermeftied with
Henry Savits. Mary, intermarried with fieoTge
Russell, Joseph Putt, Hos mna, intermarried with
David Russell, Sarah and Snsan Putt, the last
named yet in her minority.
Notice is therefore given, that in pursuance of a
writ of partition or valuation to mo directed, 1 will
proceed to bold an inquisition or valuation on the
said premises, on Wednesday, the 4th day of Au
gust, 1868.
Sheriff's Office, t
Bedford. July 2, 'SB. J
Notice of Inquisition.
WHEREAS Wni. limes, l.ite of Southampton
Township, Bedford County, died seized of the fol
lowing described real estate, to wit: The m insion
tract, containing about four hundred ami seventy
acres, adjoining lands of Thomas Leisure, Joseph
Bennett, Geo. Baitholow. John Pennet and others
One other tract, containing about 1-iiO acres, ad
j -.ining lands of lle*ekiah Tewell, George Tewull,
David Housaii and others. One other tract con
taining about 60 acres, adjoining lands of Wesley
Perdew, and the nest described tract and others.—
A'so. the undivided one-third part of a tract con
taining four hundred and reventy-four acres or
tbeieabouts, adjoining lands of Joseph Bennett,
Wesley Perdew, and the last above described tract,
all situate iu Southampton Township, Bedford
County--deaving issue eight heirs to wit:
William M. limes, Isaac limes, John lime 3,
now oead, leaving two children, Mary an ' Sarah
lianis, the last of wh m is a minor,and ha?no guar
dian, Kichard lams, who is now in Allegheny Co.,
Pa , Moses and Aaron llarnc, the petitioners, and
Jacoh and Henry liams. All except Richard reside
in Bedford County.
Notice is therefore giren, that hi pursuance of a
writ of partition or valuation to me directed, 1
will proceed to hold an inquisition or valuation on
the said premises, on Wednesday, the 28th day of
July, 1858. when and where all parties interested
may attend if tliev think proper.
Sheriff's Office, (
Bcd.'ord, July 2, 'SB. )
Notice of luqiiisition.
tpHE heirs and legd representatives of Mrs.
X Sophia Mower, late of Coleraiu Township,
dee'd, viz: Eliza, intermarried with Elijah Weaver,
in the State of Ohio, Rebecca, interm irried with
Joshua Filler, Nancy, intermarried with Jacob
Nos?, in Wood County, Ohio. Sarah, intermarried
with Emanuel J. Diehl, and Elizabeth, intermar
ried with Levi Kegg, are hereby notified that an
Inquisition to value and appraise the real estate of
said dee'd, viz. a house and lot in the Borough of
Rainshurg, adjoining Joshua Killer and others, will
be held on the premises, on Monday, the 26th day
of July, instl, when and where all may attend who
see proper.
Sheriffs Office, 1
Bedford, July 2, 'SB. j
rptHE undersigned, appointed by the Orphans'
X Court of Bedford County, to distribute the
money in the hands of Jo Jin Cessna. Esq., adminis
trator of the estate of Abraham Sparks, dee'd,
among creditors and heirs, will aftejd to the duties
of said appointment, at his office, in the Borough
of Bedford, on Thursday, the 22d day of Jnly, at
10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when and where all
parties interested can attend.
July 2, 1858.
rpHE School Directors of Bedford Borough will
X receive proposals from this date to the 15th of
July inst., for Tints* IIUSDRED AXD FIFTY THOUS
AND good building brick, one-half to lie delivered
this tail, and the other half next spring, not later
than the first of lune. Clay to be furnished by the
Directois if desired, but everything else by the ma
ker of the brick.
July 2, 18-58.
I>hysicians prescriptions carefully compound- (
ed, at all hours of the day or nigh at Dr. |
Harry's, Drug Store.
Bazin' and LHibin's Extracts for the Handkur- j
chief Cologne Water, ft c., at Dr. Harry's.
Leaving HUNTINGDON at 7.50 A. M.. and
5.30 P. M.
Leave HOPEWELL at 10.50 A. M. and 8.00
P. M.
Arrive at HUNTINGDON at 1.14 P. M, and
10.10 P. M.
Connecting at Huntingdon with Trains East ami
Connecting at HOPEWELL With Stages for BED
BURG. &c.
The Trains on SIIOUP'S RUN BRANCH will
enable persons to spend tiie dav at COAL MONT,
BROAD TOP CITY, or the MINES, and return
to HOPEELL, same day.
For further information inquire at the Office of
the Compativ at Huntingdon.
June 11, 1858.-5t Superintendent.
TB7- * IBET- ~
GEORGE B. AMICK, surviving partner of the
late firm of GEO. B. AMICK BROTHER, noti
fies all persons interested, that the books of said
firm remain in his hands for settlement, and that
circumstances demand an immediate closing up of
the business of said firm. Persons indebted or
having settlements to make, are therefore request
ed to call on the subscriber without delay.
St. Clairsville, June 11, 1858.-tf.
The subscriiier will continue the mercantile busi
ness at the vld stand, where he will be happy to
meet and supply the wants of his friends and cus
toineis at a!) times. He will receive in a couple
of weeks a new supply of seasonable goods, which
iie is determined to sell on the most reasonable
terms. GEO. B. AMICK.
Alcinda W. Smith, J No. 23, August Term,
vs. £ 1858, in the Comni' n
Wm. Smith. \ Pleas of Bedford Co.
Alias Subpuna on I.lbel for Divorce.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Defendant in
the above case that a Subpoena and alias
Subpceus on Libel for Divorce has been issued, the
last of said writs is returnable 30th August, 1858,
and that the said Defendant is required to appear
on or before said day aud answer to tiie complaint
Of the PI intiff as provided for by act of Assem
bly. WM. S. FLUCK,
June 11, 1858. Sheriff.
Jfl achi ii e Shop!
THE subscriber woul I roost respectfully announce
to the farming community, and public in general,
that lie still continues to manufacture at his shop,
in Bedford, l'a., the following farming utensils, of
the very beat material, mid in the most workman
like manner, viz >
Fm*r n<l Six Ilortfe Tumbling Shall
Power Matliiue*,
with lafge trpen cylinders, six stives, and spikes
scrt-trcd In, and improved Straw Shaker.-! attached.
Their superiors for strength and speed are Dot made
in this or any other County in the State.
Four Horse Tumbling Shaft and Strap power Ma
chine, with cylinder open or shut, s may be de
sired, and shaker of the best kind, for convenience,
ease of draft, and jierfect working. This machine
has no superior any where. THREE HORSE
MACHINES, of the suae kind. TWO AND
MACHINES , a very convenient and excellent ma
chine for small fanners, wit!) or without shakers.
of a verv superior pattern to any in use in this
Peckham's New York FIVE-HOED STEEL
CULTIVATOR. for working corn, or seeding in
grain, Fanning Mills, Horse Rakes Lever Cutting
Boies. Harrows and Wheelbarrows, made to order.
Alt the above articles constantly on hand, and
sold cn reasonable terms.
REPAIRING of all kinds of Machines, whether
made here or elsewhere, done on the shortest no
Castings for ail my machines and Ploughs, made
at the Foundry of Mr. Michael Binnan, in Bedford,
and will compare with any made in the State for
strength and durability BLACKSMITHING done
to order. All my work warranted to give satisfac
j lion.
! From a past experience of twenty years in the
; Machine business, 1 feel confident that I can give
I entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with a
• call. Call and examine my work before you pur
' chase elsewhere, as I am determined to please all.
j Horses, grain of all kinds, lumber and iron, will
i be taken iu exchange for work.
Bedford, May 1, 1858.-Bin
i "VA7OULD respectfully inform the public that lie
| vv has located permanently at Hopewell, Bed
ford County, Pa., in the practice of medicine,
: and solicits the patronage of the citizens of Town
and Country, he can be found at. all times at Capt.
Beckwith's Hotel, or at his office, lately occupied
by Dr. 11. A. Dorsey, dee'd, unless professionally
Hopewell, June 11, 1858.-c*
JLT. f' ■.A T s F* Si "JL" A "J." I* i „
llayshill, Bedford County, Pa.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans" Court of
Bedford County, tiie undersigned will expose
to sale, on the premises, at tHe public house of
Wm. Snell, on Ruyshill, in East Providence Town
ship, on
FRIDAY, the 6th day of AUGUST, next,
the undivided interest of Daniel and Catharine
Manspcaker iu the real estate of which Jacob Snell
died seized, being the same upon which the said
Wm. Snail now resides, containing one hundred
acres, mora or less, lying on each side of the turn
pike, and having thereon erected a large TH'O
STORY FRAME HOUSE, Frame Stable, and
othei buildings.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M.
TERMS —Cash at the confirmation of the sale.
Guardian, fc. ;
July 2, 1858-4t.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admin- !
juration upon the estate o( Henry Shuters, late !
of Liberty Township, deed., have been granted by
the Register of Bedford County, to the undersigned
ot James Creek, Huntingdon County. AH persons
Indebted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, aud all haviug claims will please
present tlie'm without delay, properly authenticated
for payment.
July Ist 1858. I
Compounded entirely from CIIIMB,
_L LIVER MEDICINES now before the, public,
that acts as a Cathartic, caster, nirkler, and more
effectual than any other ntfed'cifte known. It is not
only a Cathartic, but a Liter remedy, acting first
on the Liter to eject its morbid matter, then on the
stomach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus
accomplishing two purposes effectually, without
any of the painful feelings experienced in the op
erations of most Cathartic lt strengthens the
system at the same time that ft purges ft? and
when taken daily in moderate doses, will strength
en and build it up with unusual rapidity.
The Liver is one of tiie principal regulators of
the human body, and when it peiforras its functions
well the powers of the system are fully developed.
The stomach is almost entirely dependent on the
healthy action of the Liver for the proper perform
ance of its functions. When the stomach is at
ault, the bowels are at fault, and the whole system
sutlers in consequence of one organ—the Liver—
having ceased to do its duty. For the disease of
that organ, our of (he proprietors lias made it his
study, in a practice of more than twenty years, to
find some remedy wherewith to counteract the ma
ny derangements to which it is liable.
To prove that this re- • ujedy is at last found,
any person troubledwith Liver Complaint
in any of its forms, has/—but to try a bottle, and !
conviction is ceitain. ;
These gums removet"^ a ll morliid or bad mat
ter from the system,supplying in their place
a healthy flow ol'bile,invigorating the stom
ach, causing food to di-' I gest well, purifying the
blood, giving tone aniiW health to the whole
machinery, the causes of the dis
ease, and effecting a ra-f | dicai cure.
B>lious attacks art cured, and. what is bet- 1
ter, prevented by the,—occasional use of the
J.iver Invigorator.
One dose after eating 4 """" 1 is sufficient to relieve
the stomach and prevent the food from lising
and souring.
Only one dose takcnPH before retiring prevents
Only one dose at night loosens the
bowels gently,and cosfiveness.
One dose taken after each meal will cure
Dyspepsia. t
One dose of two :ea-sj>oonsful will al
ways relieve Sick llcad- ache.
One l ottle taken loivr-* female obstruction re
moves the cause disease, and mattes a
pel feet cure.
Only one dose imme-HH diatcly relieves Cliolic,
while c
One dose often ted is a sure cure for
Cholera Morbus, and preventive of Cholera.*
One dose taken vtteu^~-will prcvci t the recur of bilious while it relieves all
painful feelings. Z/ll
EC'"" Only one bottle is needed to throw oat of
jhc system the eff cts of medicine after long sick- j
One bottle taken for Jaundice removes ail ye
lowness or unnatural color 1-om the skiD.
One dose taken a short time before eating gives j
vigoi to the appetite and makes ftod digest well, j
One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diarrhoea
ju its worst forms, while summer and bowel com
plaints yield almost to the first dose.
One or two doses cures attacks caused by worms,
while for worms in children, thera Is no safer or
speedier remedy in the world, as it never fuilt.
A few bottles cares Dropsy, by exciting the aIA
_W c ts\ e pleasure in recommending this medi
cine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chili Fe
ver, and all Fevers ct a Bilious Type. It operate!
with certainty, and thousaudsaro willing to testify '
to its wonderful virtues.
All who use it are giving their unanimous testi
mony in its favor. [LTWIix Water in the Mouth
with the Invigorator, auit swallow both together.
The Liver Invigorator
Is a great scientific Medical Discovery, and is daily
working cures almost too great to believe. It
cures as it by magic, even the first Jose giving bene
fit and seldom more than one bottle is required to
cure any kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst
Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common headache, a:I
of which are the result of a Diseased Liver.
Da. SANFORD, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, N. V.
Sold in Bedford by Dr. B. F. HARRY, and re
tailed by all Druggists.
June 11, 58-58.-zz.
Completely Preserved
Ami who that is gray would not have it restored'
to former color or bald but vrould have the growth
restored, or tronbled with dandruff 1 and itching but
would have it,removed, or troubled with. scrofula,
scald head, or other eruptions, but would be cured,
or with sick head ache, (neuralgia) but would be
cured. It will also remove all pimples from the
face and skin. Prof. Wood's Ilair. Restorative will
do all tliis, see circular and the following.
ANN ARBOR, November 6, 1850
PROF. O. J. WOOD— Dear Sir; I have heard much
said of ttie wonderful effects of your Hair Restora
tive, but having been so often che ited by quackery 1
and quack hair dyes, I was dispos
ed to pi ice your Restorative in the same category
with the thousand and one loudly trumpeted quack
remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some
months since, when you gave me such assurance
as induced the trial of your Restorative in my
family—first by my good wife, whose liait had be
come very thin and entirely white, and before ex
hausting one of your large botties, her hair was re
stored nearly to its original beautiful brown color,
and had thickened and become beautiful and glossy
upon, and entirely over the head; she continries to
use it, not simply because of its beautifying ofiVcts
upon the hair, but because Of its healthful influ
ence upon the head andmiud. Others of my family
and friends are using your Restorative, with tiie
happiest effects; therefore, my skepticism and
doubts in reference to its character and value are <
! entirely removed ; and I can and do most cordially
and confidentially recoaiend its use by all who would
t have their hair restored from white or gray (by
reason of sickness or age,) to original color and
beauty, and by all young persons who woul I have
; their hair beautiful and glossy.
\ cry truly and grafefullv vours,
FRIEND WOOD; It was a long time after I saw you
at Blissfield before I got the bottle of Restorative
for which you gave me an order upon your agent in
Detroit, and when I got it wo conelu led to try it on
Mrs. Mann's hair, as the surest test of its power.
It has done all that yu assured toe it would do ;
and others of my family and friends, having wit
ncssed its effects, are now using and recommend
ing its use to others as entitled to the highest con
sideration you claim for it.
Again, very respectfully and trulv, vours.
CARLYLE, 111, Juue 28,180 i.
I have used Prof. O. J. Wood's Hotr Restorative,
and have admired its wonderful effects. My hair
was becoming, as I thought, prematurely gray, but
by the use of his Restorative it has resumed its
origiual color, and, 1 have no doubt, permanently '
S BREESE, cx-Senator, C. S.
O. J. Wood & CO., Proprietors, 812 Broadway, I
N. Y., (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing Establish j
ment) aud 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo.
For sale by Dr. Harry.
And sold by all good Druggists.
July 2, 1858.—3 m.
13 hereby given, that my wife Catharine has left !
my bed aud board without any just causa or prov ;
ocation, and 1 do hereby forewarn all persons from
trusting lier or my account, as I . atu determined I
not to piy any debts of her contracting.
Union Tp., June 20, 1858.-JI I
SINGH the charter has been granted for tire "Bed
ford Rail Road," the citizens of Bedford lmve
t>ecn much excited and interested upon the subject.:
This interest, is pot confined to the citizens of
towp,, but extends thrpughoiit the country, .and
crowds are daily rushing, to Rupp'.s Neu and Hand
same Store, in .dj tdtrsous Row, where a large mid
attractive assortment o t beautiful Spring and Sum
mer Goods, afe opening, wjjifcti. vyjll be sold cheaper
tiian evef offerea before inihsptyce.
The stock consists in part of , ..
Robe* de Shawm Bar age de Laintt,
Robes a Quilla, Lavillas,
Organdie Latent, White $ printed. hcrUxanis,
Challits, Plain and fig fryd Suits
Latest Style Lawn ft -bi* fot $1,50.
Mohair Mixture for 18{ cir.ts yard.
Ut Laines of all descriptions fioin G J to 25 per yard.
Latent of various styles for C\ cts. per yard.
Jn extensive assirtme t of beautiful prints ranging
from i to 124 cents per yard.
Muslins of all prices trad qualities.
A large assortment of Lodges and Misses, Gloves
and Hosiery from the lou- figure of b- cis. up.
Pore linen Handkerchief* for 5 cts., and a full
and complete assortment of LADIES I'll ESS
GOODS generally.
A i.u re nod well selected assortment of C 8,
Consisting in part of
Black French and English Cloths,
Blue do do do.,
Olive do ■ * do do.
Black Cassimeres.
Black Doo Skips. . ,
fancy French and American Cassimerss
Grenadines, plain and figuied.
Radzcmiro do do
Velvets do '1 do.
and a great variety of Msrsielles Vesting*. G
Fancy Silk pud I. aw a Neck Ties, from 6 J cants
♦o 624 cents. . ■
A complete assortmecd of Ladies and Misses
a large assortment Mens BOOTS
and SHOES.
My assortment of GROCER IKS can't be beat.
Brown Sugar for 6J cts'per pound
First rate Brown Sugar for b " " "
Extra do ,d 10 '■ • "
White Sugar for 12J, Hand 15. ♦ <•
Firt Rate Rio Codec for ls4 '* " "
Extra do do " 55 " " "
No. 1 Java do " If " "
Best N. 0. Molasses •' 12| " " quut.
Good Syrup do !•<< •< .
Extra do do . 38J •• " "
Good Corn Brooms for a dime.
Bacon i>y the pound.
tX~F~ All of which will be atoll cheaper than the
cheapest. Do-rt forget to call at RUPP'S NEW
S TORE, in jSnderson's Row, or.e door east of Cess
na A Shannon 'a office, and opposite the Gazette
.... : , • G. IF. RUTP.
Bedford, April 30, 1858.
ADAMANTINE and Tallow MoullCandles, for
sale by
- New Stoiv, No. 1, Che ipri-le.
June 18,. 1858.
Notice to Bridge Builder-?.
PROPOSALS will lie received at. the Commis
sioners' Office, in Bedford,.from this date until the
3d day of July, next, for the erection' of a new-
Bridge over Bobbs Creek, at Henry Ickes' i 1 St.
Clair Towuship, to be constructed on the same
plan as the present bridge, excepting the carriage
way, which is to be twelve instead of fourteen feet
By older of the Commissioners.
. . H. NICODEMUS, Clerk.
Commissioners' Office, (
jHne 18, 1868. J
THE largest assortment of fashionable Parasols
in Bedford. Bought for net cash, and sold at a
small advance, by,
May 28. New Store, No. 1, Cheap si<l>*.
Pianos, Melodious, Flutes, Guitars, Brass
Horns, Clarionets, Drums, etc., of various manu
facture, always on' hand. Bands supplied at city
wholesale rates,. Wc keep always on hand a full
-assortment of all the new and fashionable music,
which we .nail at our expense to any part of the
N.B.Mus'c nged to'order.
Chamber tburg.
March 7, 1857.
Xtainsburg, Pa.
THE Summer Term will open August sth. Fall
Term, October 2bt, 1858, and Winter Term,
January 18th, and Spring Term, April sth, 1850.
Circulars, with full particulars, may lie had of
W". W. BRIM, A. 8., Principal..
N. B. Students coming to this institution will
be conveyed from Bedford free of charge, on the
4th of August, by addressing a letter to Mr. Saml.
Williams, of Kiiusburg.
June 4, 1858.-ZZ.
Executors' Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given tbat betters Testamen
tary have bceu granted by the Register of Bedford
County, to the subscribers, 011 the last will and
testament of John Weitz, late of Cumberland Val
ley township, d c'd. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make payment immediate
ly, and those having claim i on said estate wilt pre
sent them duly authenticated lor settlement.
June 18, 1855.-f
THE partnership hetoiore existing between the
subscribers, under tin firm of Babnik llar £
• Asucosrhas lieen dissolved this day by the mutual
! consent of said parties. The notes, books and ac
j counts are in the lunds of G. R. BarndolHr, who
; is authorized t>> settle up the busin-sa.
I Woodbery. Pa.. G. R. BARNDOLLAR,
' June 29,1858. t C. W. ASHCOM.
WHEREAS my wife, Susannah, has left my
bed and board, without any just causo or
provocation, this is to warn all persons from Inr
boring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay
no debts of her "contracting.
Napier Tp., July 2, 1858.-c*
Executor's Notice.
LETTERS testamentary, on the last Will and'
Testament of John Claar, late of the Bor
ough of Bedford, dee'd, having l>en granted to
the subscriber, redding in said Borough, notice is
therefore given to all persons theys-'
tate of said dee'd. to make payment immediately,
and those having cliims wiil present them prbperij*
authenticated for settlement
JOSEPH (A.AAB, Executor.
June 11, 1868.
Premium Essence of Coffee
COFFEE made by it will have a more delicate
and liner flavor, and will be much more whole* >m<\
It will also be clear withn * r.sjuiriug *y* ling to
clarify k. Foffcttu by
New Store, No. I,l'ltoup-tiJo,
June 18, 18.58.