Great Arrival of KILL M WINTER toons. JUST received and on hand, the best as sortment of ROOTS and SHOTS that could be selected for the citizens of Bedfoid, and st rangers visiting the place, 1 door south of Minnick's Confectionary Store, on Juliana Street. Mens' Grained Water-Proof long legged Boots, Mens' thick sole eastern made long legged Boots, Mens' Kip and coarse Heavy Boots, Gents' Fine Calf double i -ole Boots, Gents' Oxford Ties, Gents' Congress Gaiters, Mens'Heavy city made Brogans, Ladies' Morocco Boots, Ladies' Goat Jlcel Boots, Womens' Calf heavy winter Boots; MisSes' and Children*' Boots in Boys' Boots of all kinds, size and description. CAPS, in variety, will I*j always kept on hand. Persons wishing to purchase good Boots nnd Shoes will please give me a call bufore buying elsewhere. ADAM FERGUSON. Oct. 2, 1857. FOUNDRY AND MAdtIXE SHOP! THE subscribers bavirg formed a partner ship under the style of "Dock & Ashcotn" lor the purpose of conducting a general FOUi\OR¥ AI\D MACHINE business in the establishment recently erected by Gilliard Dock,in Hopewell, Bedford coun ty, are now prepared to execute orders for CMSTJNCS .t.XD MACHINERY of every de teription. They wtll build to order steam-en gines, coal and drift-cars, horse powers and threshing machines—also, casting of every kind for furnaces, forges, saw, grist and rolling mills, ploughs, watei-pipe, columns, house fionts, brackets, Ike., &c. They are also, now making a fine assortment of SI'OVES of various kinds of the latest pat terns anil most approved styles, including sev eral sizes of COOK. STOVES of the best make, heating stoves for churches, olliees, bar-rooms, &c. A lull assortment of Stoves will be kept constantly 011 hand, and sold at wholesale and retail, at prices to suit the times, and quality, warranted equal to the best eastern make.— Machinery of ail kinds repaired promptly.— Patterns made to order. GILLIARD DOCK, O. W. ASJICOM. Nov. 0, 1857, UNION HOTEL, Keilfoi'il, Pit, rpilE subscriber respectfully announces to the -L public that lie has opened a Hotel, under the atove name, in the old ami well known Globe building, on West Pitt Street, formerly owned and occupied by Mr. John Young, where he will be happy to see all his friends, and the traveling pub lic generally. Persons attending Court ate re spectfully invited to give him a call. He pledges himself that he will do all in his power to render all his guests comfortable. His Tablj will be supplied with the choicest de lieaciestho market will aifurd. The Bed Rooms will contain clean and comfort able bedding. The Bar will be supplied with choice liquors. The Stable will he attended by a careful and at tentive hostler. Cy Boarders will be taken by the day, week, month and year. JONATHAN IIORTON. Bedford, April 30, 1858. Glue Manufactory. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the public that they are engaged in manufacturing r superior article of glue, at different prices, at tbcia residence in Snakespring Valley, two miles east of Bloody Run, and are prepared to tiil promptly all orders. All in want of this article can have their orders attended to by addressing the undersigned at Bloody Run. The subscribers wish to purchase a quantity of tanners" fleshings, anil those having any for sale, can dispose of them by applying as above. In connection with their glue manufactory, they also carry on tho weaving. business, and will weave coverlets and carpets on reasonable terms and at the shortest notice. MORRIS KICHTEB & SON. April 16, 1858. -3m. DISSOLUTION OF I'ART.VERSUIP. f ITHE partnership heretofore existing between A Monty S. King and James Madam, under the name and firm of Madura, King Co., doing business at Lemnos Iron Works, in Hopewell Township Bedford County, is dissolved by mutual consent. JIENRV S.KING, N0v.27, 1857.-tf. JAMES MADAKA. THE business of manufacturing iron at Lem nos Iron Works, will be continued by the under signed, who has purchased all the interest of his late partner James Madam in the books, property and effects, belonging to the late firm oi Madura King & Co. Nov. 27,1657 .-tf. IIENRY S.KING. AIUSIG fc MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.— Jl. l'ianos, Melodeons, Flutes, Guitars, Brass Horns, Clarionets, Drums, etc., of various manu facture, always oh hand. Bands supplied at city wholesale rates. We keep always on hand a full assortment of all the new and fashionable music, which we mail at our erpense to any part of the country. N. B. Music nged to order. SIIRYOCK & SMITH, Chumbtrsburg. March 7, 1857. SnRYOtK & SMITH, * CIIA.IIBL'RSBI RG, PA., BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS, AND Dealers in Music ami Musical Instruments. Our stock consists of Books, Stationery, Mu sic, Musical Instruments, Wall papers. Blinds, French, German and American Lithographs and steel engravings, gilt mouldings for frames, etc., etc., wholesale aud retail. Dr. B. F. Harry is o(Tr agent for Bedford, and ail orders V'iveii hiiu will be promptly attended to. March 7, 1857. BEDFORD AMDEMVT The Summer session of this Institution will commence on Wednesday, April 21st. The efficient County Superintendent of the Pub lic Schools, Rev. H. Jkckcrman, will assist in the instructiou of youth during the coining quarter. Persons, tberclbru, wishing to pursue a course of study with the view of preparing themselves to teach m our Common Schools, will enjoy rare ad vantages in connection with this institution t'A.IiDLES ~ ADAMANTINE and Tallow Mould Candles f©r GSTER, MAN SPEAKER A CARN. t 10 k' cw 'Btore, No. 1, Cheapside. June 18, 18-58. WAGOim THREE new two horse wagons ou hand work warranted—will Unsold on a liberal credit—or ex changed tor produce. u „ A - B. CRAMER 4c CO. I'eb. Iff. ISOB. Administrator's Notice. "I Mi MS of Admin ivtiation having been ■ n to tbo subscriber on the Estate of Ja cob Heltzell, iato of Bedford Township dte'd all to said Estate are notified to make pHVment immediately, and those having < l.iifQs against the &uiue will present theui properly autneDticateu for settlement to the subscriber siding in Bedford Township. ' HUM! TO RETMLERS. IN pursuance of an Act of Assembly approved theßth day of May, A. D., 1854, requiring the Treasurer of each County to publish in the months of April and May, of each year, a list ol BM 11 C tailera of Foreign and Domestic Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, notice is hereby given to Re tailers In classes, as directed by law, that the 1 axes must be paid to the County Treasurer, on or be fore the Ist day of August next. Class. Tax. 11. D. Peugh, 14 7 00 A. B. Cramer & Co. 1- 1; Nicholas Lyons, H ' W G. IV. Hupp, 1® 10 00 Jacob Reed, 1 J 10 00 Samuel Browu, 14 7 Samuel Shuck Go. 14 700 Robert Fya n, '4 7 00 J. <£' J. M. Shoemaker, 14 7 00 Sarah E. l'otts, 14 7 00 Isaac Llppel, 14 7 00 Colin Lover. 11 7 00 Agues Suupp, 11 7 00 John Arnold, [hardware] 14 7 00 Wm. Hartley, do 14 700 George lily mire, do 14 7 00 Dr. B- F. Harry, 14 7 00 Dr. F. G. Reamer, 14 7 00 Adam Ferguson, 14 7 00 A. L. Dtfibaugh, {eating house] 8 5 00 Bollinger, do $ 500 * Bedford Township. acob Bariihart, .11 c Mo wry, It 7 00 Lewis N. Pyan, H 1 00 Liberty Township David S. Berk dresser, 14 7 00 Lewis Putt, 11 7 00 John Cypher. 11 7 00 Steel 4 Ent riken, 14 7 00 Jacob Foekler, 11 7 00 Londonderry Tou-nship. Burns 4 Thorp, 14 7 00 Thomas J. Porter, 11 700 Mem roe Township. Daniel Fletcher, 11 7 00 James R. O'Neal, II 7 00 Napier Township. John Wade, 14 7 00 ffVs/ Providence Township. Murray 4 Brother, 14 7 00 Jacob Barndollar 4° Co. 11 7 00 James M. Barndollar, I ; 1 10 00 Thomas Ritchey, 14 7 00 Fisher 4 Barnett, 11 7 00 Nicholas Kooutz, 14 7 00 Schellstmrg Borough. B. F. Horn N Biother, 11 7 00 A. B. Bunn, 14 7 00 E. Sratler 4 Son, 14 7 00 Colvin & Robinson, 11 7 00 John S. Schell, 11 7 0U St. Clair Township. F. D. Beegle, 11 7 00 G. B. Aniick & Brother, 14 7 00 George Hinesling, 14 7 00 G. D. Trout, 14 7 00 Simon Hersbinan, 11 7 00 Thomas B. Smith, 14 7 00 John 11. Schell, 11 7 00 Son Iha mplo n Township. John Cavender, 11 7 00 Win. Lash ley, 11 7(H) Kirk N Fletcher, 14 7 00 Rice & Miller, 14 ? 00 Union Township. John M. Walters, 14 7 Oo Middle lUootberrij Township. Jacob Bretinemati, 13 10 00 C. W. Kitketson, 14 7(h) Simon Beard, 14 7 00 Michael Pole, 14 7 00 John Wisegnivcr, [] 8 5 00 South lUoedberrtf Township. Piper N Scott, 11 7 00 S. It. Osier, 14 .. 7 py George KjufTman, 11 7 IK) D. F. Buck, U 7 00 D. Beegle, H 7 00 SAMUEL DAVIS, Treaswcr Treasurer's Oilice, ] , Bedford, June 11, 1858. { BAZAI! BUM! HAVE you called at the LADIES, BAZAR in Anderson's Row ! MNA. 11. I). Pkuou has just returned from the Eastern Cities, with a, handsome assortment of la dies and children's fancy goods. Uave you seen them I millenary is not to be surpassed in beauty and elegance of style—and at prices astonishing ly cheap. BOJSTNETS, White and colored, some as low as37l cts—Ladies, Misses, and children's Jockey caps, exquisitely nice and new in style, French anil American Flowers, a largo assortment; not to be excelled in quality and cheapness—Ribbons, without number, of van- 1 ous styles and color—Ladies Head Dresses--Dress | Caps, and numerous kinds of useful and fancy arii- j clesfor ladies toilet Dress (woods, consisting in |>3rt of Robes,challies.Barage de Laines j Ducats, Robes a Quilla —Kobe Lawns, for French muslins—Sic., fcc. ->ilks Black anil 1 aney colored Silks, various styles—al.*> handsome Shawls, Mantillas, Lace Capes, Dusters, inc., icc. Embroideries, Such as colars, sleeves, Infants waits and a sooeri- j or lot of French setts, Handkerchiefs—Edgings, Laces, and Flouiicings- Calicoes and Cottons of all descriptions. Ging hams, ranging in prices from, six,eight, ten, tw. he and twenty five cents per yard. Hosiery—Gloves, Mitts", inc., inc. Carpet Bags, Traveling Baskets, Toys, l'erfumerv, ! and Jewelry. A largo assortment of Ladies and children.-) shoes ' ct U s' X fiM e wMl^i UCe No - l . Cheap side. w fiITE TEETH and a perfumed breath can Thousand r£ll u i red „ " si ti,e "Balm ofa To be had at March 6, 1857. DK. 11ARRYS. Just liecfired ~~ ~ AMD 10K SALE —the celebrated GREIIIS CASTLE GRAIN CRADLE— by * ! June 11, 1858. G. W. RUPP. |>hysicians prescriptions carefully compouud- Uarry'i Drug b |to"e 01 UiU ° r " ich at ])r " stauk ori'K i: WASHINGTON HOTEL, Bedford, Pa. MRS. MARY COOK would announce to her friends snd tlio public, that all*- has lilted up this old and well known stand, in a very su perior style, for the accommodation of the pub lic. Visitors to the Bedford Mineral Springs will find the Washington Hotel a comfortable summer retreat—and no pains will be spared to please alt who patronize the house. Hoarders will be taken by the day, week, mouth and year. gentleman of high qualification, and corteoiis deportment, has charge of the house, who will do all in his power to make the guests happy and comfortable. as moderate as anywhere else in the place. Daily Stapes from Latrbbe, Cumberland, ilolli daysburg and Hopewell, all stop at this Hotel. A Hack belonging to this Hotel will run be tween Bedford and the Springs. Bedford, Juno 12, 1857.~zz. IIOIIIIIIIMIIIIITIOIR PHILADELPHIA. ' A Benevolent Institution, established by special en dowment for the relief of the sick and dis tressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. rrtO all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, J_ such as SPERMATOURIKISA, SEMINEC WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORKIHEA GLEET, SYPHILLIS, the Vice of ON ANISM, or SELF ABUSE, The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practised ujum the unfortunate victims of such diseases by (Juacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Sur geon as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms and to giro MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to ail who apply by letter, with a description of their condi tion, (age, occupation, habits of life, c..)and in cast's of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDI CINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to add that tin: Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel as sured that tbeir labors in this sphere of beuevo leut effort, have been of great benefit to the afflict ed, especially to the young, and they have resolv ed to dcrotc themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important but much despised cause. Just published by the Association, a Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the Vice of Onanism, Masturbation or Self-Abuse, and oth er Diseases of the Sexual Organs, by the Consult ing Surgeon, which will bo scut by mail, (in a sealed letter envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Address, for Report or treatment, Dr. GEORGE R. CALIIOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard As poci ition, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Fliiladel ahia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEART WELL, President. GK.O. FAIRCHIM>, Secretary. Dec. I, 1837.-zz. UK. UAI/FOYS AMERICAN PILLS. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED YOUNG AMERICA VICTORIOUS! ONE small box of Pills euros ninety-nice casus out of a hundred. No Balsam, uoaprcurv uu odor on the breath, no fear 01 detection. Two small {•ills a disc; tasteless aud harmless as water. Full directions aro given, so that the patient can cure himself as certain as with the advice of the most ex perienced surgeon, add much better than with the advice of OLC of little experience in this class of dis ease. SENT BY MAIL TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY by enclosing one dollar to Dr. D. U. Walton,No. 154 Nbrth Seventh St. below Race, Philadelphia. liberal discount to the trdde. None genuine without the written signature of D. U. Walton, Proprietor. Dr. W.'s treatment for Self-abuse, Weakness, .See., is entirely ditfereut front the usual coarse.— l)r. W. has cured hundreds who have tried otliers without benelit. Ihe treatment is as certain to cure as the sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, aud address Dr. W. as above; giving a full history ot your case, and you will bless the day you made the effort to secure what is certain—A RADIO VE CURE. I Jan. IdoS.-zz. BLOODY RUN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. THE subscribers are now prepared, at their Foundry in Bloody Run, to All all orders for cast ings of any description for Grist and Saw Mills, Threshing Machines, Apple Mills, Ploughs, and all things else in their line that may be needed in this or the adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machines of 2 1 or G Horse power, warranted equal if not superior to any made in the State. \Vo keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Woodcock, Plug, and Hillside Ploughs, warranted to give satisfaction or j no sale. Points, shares and lindsides, to fit all I Woodcock or Seyler Ploughs in the County. Farmer's Bells, Ploughs and Castings of our i make may be had at Foundry prices at the store of Wiu Hartley"; Bedford, Fa., Louderbaugh & Pee, East IV vidence Tp., John Nycatu Son, Kays' Hill. Times being hard, we Ofi'wr great induce ments to Farmers and Mccbtnics to buy of us. All kinds of repairing dune in a neat and sub stantial manner, and all work warranted. Call and examine our work and eastings and jud 'e for yourselves. JOSIAIL BAUGHMAN & ISKO. March 20, 18 jS.-tf. Just Ueceired at (lie XPH Firm, RE 151) & MLWUIiI'S. An elegant assortment of Spring Goods, of the best quality, consisting of .Cloths. Cassimores Tweeds, Jeans, and Cottouades, 4d pieces of the | latest style Calicoes and Ginghams. Also, Mus litis, bleached and unbleacbe I, of every grade all of which will bo sold at the lowest figure for cash April 9, 1868. OS H tXIIOO D, AND ITS PREMATURE DECLINE. JUST published gratis, the 20th thousand: A few words on the rational treatment, without med iline of Spermatorrhea or Local U'eakness, Noc turnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility iMipotoncy, and Impediments to Marriage general '-V-. B. DE L.IXE V, M. D. i ho important f;iet that the man}* alarming com plaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed WITHOUT MED ICINE is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; aud the entirely new and highly successful treat ment, as adopted by the author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure HIM SELF perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two pos tage stamps to Dr. B. DE LANEY, 88, East 31st Street, New York City. May 7. 1858. TALK ABOUT THk right place to buy, OSTER, MANSTEAKER jt CARS'* New and handsome Store, No. 1, Cheap *idc } is 1 H£ place utter all where von, get your money back, to which fact crowds dailv testify by their smiling countenances and the loads of good's they take with them, as they leave the New Store. M " v ~S- No. 1,-Cheap side. Aiwut ■•" , , -a little out of style-wdffgl, 8 a ! ,d wonieu , 3 sbot ' s Feb. 19,18-58 " AB. ClL^> K b > THE INQUIRER Is published every Friday morning, in Juliana Street, in the white frame building nearly opposite the Mengel House, hv DAVIIi o\ I:R. TEHMS : If paid in advance, $1.50, within Ihc year, $2.00; and it not paid wi'.hin the year, $2.50 will be charged. No paper discontinued until all ar lenrages arc paid -except at the option of the Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will he regarded as a uew* engagement. Advertisements not exceeding a square,(lo lines,) inserted three times for sl—every subsequent in sertiou, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro portion. Each fraction of a square counted as a full square. All advertisements uot specially ordered for a given time will lie continued until forbid. A liberal deduction will !>o made to those who advertise by the year. Jul/ Printing of all kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable terms. ISI PORT AXT TO MILL OWXEItS WOODWARD'S Improved Smut and Screen ing Machines, Mill Bushes, Bolting Cloths, and Bran Dusters, of the most improved pian, .dill Screws, Corn and Cob Grinders, Talent Bridges for Mill Spindles, Portable Mills, war ranted to grind ten bushels per hour, Mill Irons and Mill Burrs made to order. Also, Stover's Patent Corn Kiln and Grain Dryer a valuable invention. The above articles are kept constantly on hand, and can lie obtained at any time, from S. D. BKOAD, Schellsburg, Bedford County, who is also the agent for Bedford, Sotneisct, and adjoining Coutv ics. Mill wright work done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. February 15, 1850. McCOKMICK'S Reaper and Mower for sale ■ by S. D. BKOAD, at Schellsburg, Pa., agent for Blair and Bed lord Counties. February 15, 1850. SEW I llt 11. NEW GOODS. rn HE subscrilmi, having takiug a partner in his X store, the business will hereafter be conducted, tinder the name ami title of J. M. Banulwllar \ Son- All those having unsettled accounts with the sub scriber, will please call and settle. J. M. BARS IJOLL.IR. The subscribers are just receiving and opening out a New and Handsome assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,which they will sell on as reasonable terms as can be procured in the country for cash, produce, or to prompt six months custo mers. They respectfully solicit the public patrou a J.M B.IRS DOLLAR £ SOS. Bloody Run, April 1, 1858.-3nt* Kew Jewelry. 11L1E subscriber has opened out a new and . splendid assortment of all kinds of the most fashionable Jewelry—consisting in part of Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear Kings,&c. \c. Call and see his stock. dell DANIEL BOEDER. El. F. MRU? "* RESPECT! ULLY tenders bis professional services to The citizens of Bedford and vi cinity. Oliico and residence on Pitt-Street, in the building formerly occupied br Dr. J. 11. Hotius. Nov. li, 1857. TO lilllSKkiiKim. DR. HARRY,at the Cheap Drug and Book Store, has just received, a largo assortment U 1 the best flavoring extracts, together with Bak ing Soda, Cream of Tartar, Saleratus, &c., ol the very best quality, all of which he will sell the lowest prices. Plastering LitUis" fpilE I/.\DEIISIG\ED hiving erected A a Mill for sawing PXASTERIPGLATXIS on .'tis premises in Union Tp., Bedford county, is rio! v ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest notice. Price $ 1.50 per thousand, 3 ft. long. Other lengths in proportion. Letters addressed to meat St. Clairsvill,-. will bupromptly attended to. IVM. GRIFFITH. Union Tp., Feb. lb, 1851.-zz. Job Manx, G. 11. Spanu. lAW PART NEKS HIF. -The undersigned J have associated themselves in the Practice | of the Law, and will promptly attend to all busi { nessentrusted to their care in Bedford and ad , joining counties. •Y7~Ortieo on Julianoa Street, three doors ; south ot Mengel oil >se and opposite the resi ! deuce oI'M aj. Tate. MANN x SPANG June 1,-1854. tf. Dr. F. C Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. | I-J flecttiilly' teiidri'N his services ii j LI the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He may always he found (unless professionally en gaged, at his Drug and Book Store, in Juliana i St. j Feb. PJ, 1857. SAMUEL RADEBAUGH, Justice of the Peace. OFFICE two doors South of the Mengel House, and next door to the office of i .Mann & Spmg, where he will attend to the i collection of all claims placed in his hands. Bedford, Jan. 11, 1850. R. H. BARtL tY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., 4A7 tLI. attend promptly aud faithfully to all v v legal business entrusted to his care. 27*Offlce on Juliana Street, in the building tor tuerly occupied by S. .M. Barclay, Es'j., dee'df March 20, 1858. fiiifpO I Will KtUnd punctually and mrcfaJly to &ii to- t I trtci to B; care Youth liioJ, ptugg*i, rwf ui-iU-d, A" • Vtd t j urMivial t-*rth ia rtd, fr.m one wnn entire *.i. I j Charge* m *iorat,\ nod nil urination* w&rraatod 1 { tr Term, INVARIABLY CASH. Vf~ Oil Km: 1- a .trwet, Bedford. P \V| Samuel KfUerman, COUNTY SURVEYOR W' OULD hereby notify the citizens .y ?> Iford j county, that he has moved to the B •ough of Bedford, where ho may at all times he found Vv | peersons wishing to seehim unless absent unon j business pertaining to his offie. Bedford, April 30, 1858. WA L L and BLIND PAPER.—Dr. BF. Hgrry is our ageut for this necessary article. By calling at his store, our patrons will see samples of our papers. We have made j our spring selection* with much care, and t hiuk j we cannot fail to please. SHRYUCK & SMITH, ! Chamber iburg. ; or the liair—Jockey Club, and new tnowu i - hay, pomatums, genuine ox marrow at Dr i lianj 'a. Ihc lireal Kgli>h Ifciucdy, SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebratefl female Pills Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke M. U , Physician Extraordinary to tins Quctn This invariable medicine is unfailing. i a the cure of all those pain till and dangerous dis eases to which the it-male constitution is sub ject. It moderates all excess and removes ah | obstructions, and a . speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES .t is peculiarly suited. It will.iu a short 'une bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Doilar, bears the (j u v ernmeut Stamp o! Great Britain to prevent conn I erlcits. C AUTIOK. These Pills should not Ire. token by females 1- ling the FIRST THREE MOSTHS oj Pregnane, as i'nCij ire sure to bring Oh A? {/carriage, but a! an , other time they are soft. In all easo yf Nervous and Spinal Affection Pain in the Back afld Liuibs, Fatigue on slight ex ertion, Palpitation of the fleart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all oth er means have failed, aud although a power!u l rote edy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony cr anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions accompany each package. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada JOB MOSES, (Laterl. C. Baldwin Sc C 0.,) Rochester, N . V . N. JJ. SI.OO and 0 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized Agent, will insure a hot?!* of the Pills by rctaru mail. For salebv Dr. B. F. Harrv. Sept IS 1857-zz. Tie most certain and speedy remedy ever disrotertd for all IHseases of the Chest and Langs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Bronchitis, Ir/uenza. Hoarseness, IhJXcull Breathing, Sort Throat, tff ~ i,c. rjtHESE WXFEBS give Ibe most iDstetitiuieom WJJ 1 perfft-t rt-licf, an 1 when persevered with according to iUrection., never fail to effect a rapid and kiting care. ' Thousands have been restored to perfect health who have tried other means In vain. To all classes and all constitn tioDS they are equally a blessing and a cur*—none nee * deFpair, no matter how long the disease may have exiate.i, or however pevere it may be, provided the organic ptruc tjre of the vital organs is not hopelessly decayed. Every oil.- alllicU-d B'uoutd give thwm au impartial trial. JOB it OSES, Sole Proprietor. Hoehester, N. Y. ) Pnce 25 cents per box- . For sale by Dr. B. F. Marry. Sept. 18, 1857-zz. DIUGS7 BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DR. F. C. REAMER, BEDFORD, PA. HAVING purchased the Drug and Book Store of Dr. S. D. Scott, has constantly on baud, at the old stand, & large and well selected stock of choice Drugs and Medicines, wholesale aud rt tail, all of which will be sold on lair term#. The assortment consists in part of Drugs and Chemicals, Dye Woods and Acids. Paints and Oils, Window Glass and Glass Ware, Tobac co and Segars, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, , 1857. How (o Save iHoiiey. ALL persons who are in want of sood inti vcr: cheap chairs and Cabinet Furniture- can nov have an opportunity of saving money . by calling, on the subscriber, and selecting such article:. * they may need, Irom a large stock now on hand which Will be sold lower t lmu the same can fc bought in this County. You who are about t eouuuence hoiisekecping will do well by calling on me, as there wiU_bcrg;sa t reductions made in sett , of Furniture. You will see ths truth of the I' looking at the tollowing list of prices : Chairs from $1.50 to fCti.OO pa sett Bedsteads 2.50 '• 15.00 Tables -.'.So 20.00 Bureaus 10.00 " 35.00 Cupboards 5.00 < 12.00 Wash Stands 1.50 " 600 j Work Stands 1.00 <- 5.u0 Candle Stands 1.00 << 3.oi' All other articles in proportion. All articles warranted. ISAAC MLNGLL.Jr Feb, 10, 1858. inn iiisii iiss Valentine Stockman. rnoraiEroii Boarders taken by the day week nanth and year. April 25.1856—tf Hetty s* Photographic Gallon. , 'EXCHANGE BVILDEXG,' BEDkOkD, FA IyiIERE Ambrotypes. D^ucrreotypes, . h n uoFicrs. ptr i v ... JSO - H ' *'ILLEF. Bedford, JSov. 28, 1806. ShwmeiKiiHg r i! HA\ ING commenced the business of ShoetG.T>- rng, one door east of Mr. Brice's Hotel; Bedford, l a.. 1 am prepared to do all manner of work in this line of busines.', at the shortett notice, aud tit the must substantial manner; ou more reasonable rates than usual, vae thtvg indirpnuaQe. Give utc a call, try uiy work dud judge for vourselves. .' B HAKt Mav 18^8