IN WHAT CONDITION CONGRESS ' T.KFf Tin; OOKNrur. The Washington correspondent of the N. j V. Tribune, thus stun- ur the condition of af- . fairs; : "Congress ins gone aw.iy, leaving the court ii v in .t condition such * has not boon experi- j ♦ need for many years, and without hiving in id.; j an effort to relieve the want? of suffering in i flighted industry. Forty millions of dill irs ,ave been authorize I i t Treasury notes md j •loans within five tn mths, in addition to the revenues from customs,lands an i mis jellatieods j sources; and with the current expenditures, a j still further use of the piilMfd debt will he de manded iu December next. No provision 6' any kiol was nude securing the treasury notes yal loans, for which th; proceeds of the pub- Ac la?, i; wire always heretofore pi :dged. These are.soihc few of the Vcsulti which a Dc- rVdifiiiiiffratiop au 1 Democratic ui --' i'les ttt Wh branohes of Congress hive aVhieve-1 after a SCSsion of m .re than five ' au mths- It rc-l .ires th; of and ic.ty f,i fice oon-titnoniics after su;h artMiuil and willful negloct. "The catalogue of bills passed is a dull re- j of the cumn m to'tuile, unredeemed by a ' ..üblii n.sasore of any importance, or by one '-.ct of policy of nation tl luagnitulo. The private bi lis were earrie 1 by d iu:nming ail The lobby fairly reveled in the elosing hours of the sessions and was hover in ra offensively conspicuous to the public ga*o. They seized upon and appropriated the anti ro on, lobbies and avenues to both Wings ot the Capitol, and several Son-itoiSj to avoid au dacious importunity, were compelled to leave irdors with the messengers, denying themselves to all calls, and o seek lite privite exits .and utranees to escape being badgered. 8o fir f on) producing beneficial consequence, the in vcsti".ifions of thi session have been attend j \ ivuh positive evil, emboldening the corrupt combinations to nursue their schemes with more eekUsn the rivet bottoms awoke in the morning to find their homes filling with water, and were obliged to escape in boats and by swimming ct horses. The Wca aut Crcvks, two small streams, rose in a few hours to raging floods. The Toledo, \\ abash and Western Railroad bridge, across the Wca Creek, was entirely swept away, doing damage k 'he amount d $20,000. pare two more breaks west, and not • : q * ,-vc culverts east, on the same road, ire also gone. Tbcr.T e 0 6 oaP ' and there arc seven breaks betwee. n aiu there. There arc also several large /rea.3 : 't Attica. Delphi, Loganspor) and Wabx'h. ' l will be impossible to use the ('anal again (his Summer. LAFAYETTE, June 11—7 I'. M. The Wabash river is still rising arid immense quantities of saw-logs, rails, &e., are sweeping past. No Gains or mails can leave for several days. Whole farms are underwater. A large quantity of grain stowed in barns will be u ♦otal loss. Hon. Joseph It. Chandler, of I'hiladelphia, who is the new Minister at Naples, is an Old Lino Whig and a Roman Catholic. He was .formerly Editor of the North American, and itas served two or more terms in Congress, as a Whig. The Kansas papers announce that the Hon. Frederick I*. Fianton, late Secretary of Kan sas, has arrived in the Territory and taken the stump against the endorsuieut of the Lecomp* ton Constitution by the popular vote in Au gust. The United States Marshall, at Key West, ha® seized the brig lhnircss on suspicion of 1 ring a r'aver. Oli'f ot Woaiv.—The following article from v recent number of the (Ibicago D MRtrrat, shows the effects of IHe policy of the presont Administration upon the laboring men of (be countrv : "Buff tin, Ohicagd and other Western cities arc overrun it-ith laborers and mechanics, who arc unable to tin 1 ©tifployment. hi the former pi ice, last week, everal hundred of this class paraded the street* d'Cn; itiding'work or bread. In Chicago, the demand for labor by poor people has been So great that the Street Com missioners have been enabled to, supply each man but tWo days in a week, at seventy-five cefi's per day; It is now thought best to cut Wages down to fifty ce'uts, tind nut one-third utoie irteii ill to *servioc. At fifty cents per day, Uie city will bo overwhelmed with appli e.iLoin for labor." Too Fyp; Trade plan of keeping up the Na tional t J jvernm-nt -is Direct Taxation. Ibo ex-ao'.jjcs this ye ir, arc equal to TW HN'll - TItJIKF dollars to etch voter iu the country. How would the people like to pav this increas ed Tax? Too Southern Masters have decided that all Tariffs should he ab minted, and that Direct Taxes should be levied, in time litis will become the ovei'ure of the! whole Demo cratic party, just as they have already adopted all the uitri doctrine* of the tksunioiists. A girl with two heads, four arms and four legs, is now on exhibition at St. Louis, and at tracting a large amount of attention. The St. Louis Democrat .-.ays; "At the first announce ment of so wonderful a freak of nalnic, we i were dispose ! to regard it :>s a humbug; but having seen i', we can assure our readers, that she is, far beyond ail mitter ot doubt, the must | extraordinary and astonishing freak of nature : wt? ever vritnesscdi" An eff.rt by circular is miking at V\ a>hing ton for the nomination of .J. J. C'rittenden lor ' the next President, irrespective of party plat ; form. - ;—, i See advcriisemerif nf Ur. SanJlof i's LtVER I 'u atothcr column. FOI'HTH W LV * The coming Anniversary of American Inde pendence will bo celebrated in BcdioJ" '. f, ti S tfurday, the 3d day of July, next, by tin? Bedford Rifle Company. The Declaration of InJepcudcnoe wilt be read by U. D. 13 irel.iy. E-q , and an oration delivered by John H. Filler, Esq. The dinner will be served by Mr. II iter. esley Perdew, and the next described tract and pthcrs.— Also, the undivided one-third part of a tr.liA con taining four hundred and seventy-four acres.' or theicabouts, adjoining lands of Joseph Bennett, Wesley Perdew. and the last above described tract, . all situate in Southampton Township, Bedford i Countv—-leaving issue eight heirs to wit: William M. limes, Isaac limes, John limes, now (lead, leaving two children, Mary an 1 Sarah I jams, the last of wh mi is a minor,and has no guar dian. Richard lams, who is now in Allegheny Co., Pa , Moses and Aaron limn, the petitioners, and i Jacob and Henry Hams. All except Richard reside . in Bedford County. Notice is therefore given, that in pursuance of a writ of partition or valuation to me directed, 1 will proceed to hold an inquisition or valuation on 1 {he said premises, on Wednesday, the -Sth day of j ply. 1858, when and where all parties interested m a" iittend if tbey thi-ik proper. WM. S. FLUKE. Sheriff. She/iff 7 * 1 Bed torn, Jlll >' -■ ° B ' AUDITOR'S NOTICE rpflE undera. :^l ,,etl appointed by the Orphans' A f'mirt ot Be-'ford County, to distribute the rminevin the bauds .ofJobn Cessna Esq adminis ! rrator" of the estate /' Abraham Sparks, decM, : among cndStom and heirs. Will attend to tin, duties 1 ~f said appointment, at lib lhe ; in the Borough of Bedford, on Thursday, the Z2u Ja > of July, at 10 o'clock, A.M.. of said day, when and where all parties interested can attend. o p .ii/ditor. July 2, 1858. :JN0,00 BRICK WAITED. rpHE Sciiool Directors of Bedford Borough will ■ JL receive j-ro[ios.ils from this date to ttie loth ot I JULV iust.. for THHKK HCNDRKD AND Fivrv THOI S- Axn good building brick, one-half to lie delivered this tall, and the other half next spring, not later i than the first of June. Clay to lie furnished by the 1 Director* if desired, hut everything else by the ma -1 ker of the hriek. j J'jß 3, 1858- BiBFOEB immmM: riilLlf SALE OK j BLHAIi ESTATE, | At liajshill, Bedford Conily. Pa. By virtue Of an order of the Orphans' Court ot : Bedford County, the undersigmiJ will expose j to sale, on the premises at the public bouse ot U'ni. Such, on Raysbill. in Hast Providence 1 own ship, fin FRIDAY, the 6th d.iy of AUGUST, next, the undivided interest of Daniel and Catharine Manspeaker in tbo real estate ot which Jacohbnel died seized, Indiig the same upon which the said IVm. Snell now resides, containing one hundred acres, more or 1 ;ss, lying on each side of thes tuwt pike, and having thereon erected a large Tit (J --STORY FRAME HOUSE, Frame Stable, and othet Buildings. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock .A.M. TRRtiS ~ Cash at the confirmation of the sale. , O. K, SHANNON, Guardian, 4c- J illy 2, 180S-it. Police of Inquisition. rillll-: heirs and leg 1 representatives of Mrs. i- Sophia Mower, l ire of Golerain Township, ] dee'd, viz: Kliz v, interin irrie-t witbElijih Weaver, j in the State of Ohio, Re'wcca, interm irried with Joslma Filler. Nancy, intermarried with Jatop Noss. in Wood County. Ohio. Sarah, intermarried with Emanuel J. Diehl, and Elizalieth. intefinai ried with r.'-vi Kegg, are hereby notified that an [lit] uisitioii to value and appraise the real estate of said liec'd, viz. a house and lot in the Borough of Hainsburg. adjoining Joshua Filler and others, will lie held on tin premises, on Monday, the 26th day of July, inst., when and whore all may attend who see proper: \VM. S. FLUKE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Bedford, July 2, 08. j' A UtlllftSTH ATOR S SOTICE "VTOTHkK is hereby given that Letters of Admin il isrratiou upon the estateo' Henry Shuters, late of Liberty Township, deed., have been granted by the Register of Bedf o-lCo'm'y, to the undersigned ot James Creek, HuutinedonCounty. All persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make Im mediate payment, and II having claims will please present them without delay, properly authenticated for payment. TIIOMAS NORRlS,Adm'r. July Ist 1808. TJ. MdZ THE putnership hetolorc existing betweeu tlie _ sulscril?cr, under th; finu of ]1.ij;;ooli. \ C. it. BAUNDOLLAR, June 29,1838. J C. MT. ASUCOM. NOTICE T7J7IIEREAS my wife, tfusannab. has left my VV bed atid board, without any just cans-or provocation, this is to w tra all persons from har boring or .trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. JOSKPiI O. BLACKBURN. Xspier f p., July 2, 1858,-c* Attention Bedford Riflemen! \TOU are hefeh.v ordered to appeir on parade JL on SATURDAY, the 3 i.liy of JULY, next at 10 o'clock. A. M.. in summer uniform, with 10 rounds of blank cat fridge. flv order of the Captain. WILLIAM RITCTIEY, 0 S. June 25, 1858. . - - - A BKAITIKtL IIKAD OF RICH GLOSSY HAIR C ompletely Preserved TO THE GREATEST AGE, And who that is gray would not have it restored : to former color or bald but Would hate the growth i restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching but would hare it removed, or troubled with scrofula, scald head, or other eruptions, hut would be on red, or with sick head ache, (neuralgia) but would be loured. It will also remove nil pimples from the ; face and skin. Prof. Wood's Ilair Restorative will 1 do all this, see circular and the following. ANN ARBOR, November 5, 1858 I'ROF. O. J. WOOD —Dear Sir; 1 have heard much said of the wonderful effects of your Half Restora tive, hut haying been often chatted by quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, 4c- I was dispos ed to pi tee your Restorative in the same category with the thousand and one loudly tfuinpeted quack remedies, until 1 met you in Lawrence county some months since, when you gave me such assurance as induced the ti ial of your Restorative in my family—first by my good wife, Whose hail had be come very thin and entirely white, and before ex ! hatlsting one of your large bottles, her hair was re stored nearly to its original beautiful brown color, I and bad thickened .and become beautiful and glossy : upon, and entirely over the head; she continues vo j use it, tot simply because of its beautifying effects : itpoti the hair, hut because of its healthful influ i once upon the head and mind. Others of my family I and friends are using your Restorative, with the j happiest effects ; therefore, my skepticism and ' dotibts ift reference to its character and value are j entirely removed ; and I can and do most Cordially and confidentially recomend its use by all who would have their hair restored from white or gray (by reason of sickness or age.) to original color and j beauty,and by all young persons who would have their iiair beautiful and glossy. Vera- trulv and gratcfullv vours, ' ' SOLOMON MANN' y it t EN t> WOOD ; It was a long tiins after I saw you ! at Bii'ysfield before I got the bottle of Restorative for which V "U S ave me n order upon your agent in Detroit, and when Lgot it we conclude! to try It oh Mrs. Mann's hair, the surest test of its power.— It has done all that yu assured are R would do ; and others of my family 3tul friends, having wit nessed its effects, arc now usiii£ and recommend ing its use to others as entitled to (.he highest con j sideratioii you claim for it. Again,jrerv respectfully and trulv, voitr*. SOLOMON MANX CABLVLE, lu., June '2B, 18-32. I have tiscd Prof. O. J. Wood's Ilair Restorative, and have admired its wonderful effects. My hair was becoming, as I thought, prematurely gray, but by the use of his Restorative it has resumed its original color, and, 1 have no doubt, permanently so, S BREESE, eX-Seuator, U. S. | (). J. Wood & CO.. Proprietors. 312 Broadway, X. Y., (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing Establish i mcnt) and 111 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists. ; July 2, 1838 Bm. ALLBGIIENV MALE AND FEME BEIMINAFIY, Ituinshurg, Pa. rjIIIB Summer Term will open August 3th, Fall 1 Term, Octol>er 2Ut, 1858, and Winter Term, January 18th, and Spring Term, April sth, 185h. Circulars, with full particulars, may be had of i W. W. BRIM, A. 8., Principal.. X. B. Students ceming to this institution will Inj conveyed from Bedford free of charge, on the | 4tli of August, by addressing a letter to Mr. Sam}, ! Williams, of Kaiushurg. June 4, 1858.-zz. ' " the Ilandker- Bazin' and Luhin's &***s, at Dr. Harry's, chief Cologne H U N T IN (I D 0 N | BROAD TOP RAIL ROM. j 18US: 58 iVUnAKTCiEME^T. ON AND AFTER TUESDAY' JUNE Btb, 1858, j Two PASSEJiCF.It Tit AIMS A DA V EACH WAT, (SCK- | DATS EXCEPTED.) WILL Rl'X AS FOLLOWS: (BETWEEN HUNTINGDON and HOPEWELL, j Leaving HUNTINGDON* at 7.50 A. M., and ; ; 5.30 P. M. J Leave HOPEWELL at 10.50 A. M. and 8.00 1 ! P. Mi ArriFe at HUNTINGDON at 1.11 I'. M, and j j 10.10 P.M. Connecting at ttuntingiltrti with Prains EaSt ami • We on I'JBNN'A. RAIL ROAD. Connecting at HOPE WELL with Stages for BED- j FORI) SPRINGS, BLOODY RUN, SCHELLS- f i BURG. &c. ! The Trains on SltoUP'S RUN BRANCH will j enable persons to spend the dav at CO ALMOST, BROAD TOP CITY, or the .MINES, and return to HOPEKLL, same day. For further information inquire at the Office of . j the Company at Huntingdon. JNO. J. LAWRENCE, Jttne 11, 1858.-5t Sv], crlnlendeul. IWf JTB IHEJ • GIEORGE B. A MICK, surviving partner of the I" late linn of GEO. B. Amen t BROTHER, unti tles all persons interested, that the books of Said ' firm remain in his hands for settlement, and tiiat j circumstances demand an immediate closing up of j the business of said firm. Persons indebted or having settlements to make, are therefore request- i ed to call 011 the subscriber without delay. St. CUifhvillc, June 11, 1858.-tf. ; The subscriber will continue the mercantile biui- ■ [ SMI at the old stand, where he will he happy to j | meet and supply the wants of his friends and cus- : toineis at all times. He will receive in a couple ! [ of weeks a new supply of seasonable goods, which I j he is determined to sell on the most reasonable < terms. GEO. B. AMICK. j j Akinda W. Smith, 1 No. 23, August Term, j vs. j. 1858, in the Common I Win. Smith 1 Pleas of Bedford Co. Alias Sulijxpna on Libel for Divorce. i "jVTOTICK is hereby given to the Defendant in : 1 _LI the above case a Subpoena and alias I! Subpoena on Libel for Divorce lias been issued, the i : last of said writs is returnable 3'> th August, 1858, ' 1 and that the said Defendant is to appear fort pr before said day and answer to the complaint of the Pl-iiatiff as provided for by aef of Assem bly W.M. S. FI.UCK, : June ll,18S?- ShcrijL j U 1: If F I ? u Jff a c h i it e A <> P - 11T1E subscriber woull most respectfully announce . to the firming community, and public in gen° r > 1 ': that lie still continues to manufacture at his shop, L in Bedford, l'a., the folfowing firming utensils, of the very material, au persons indehfod to toe es i tate of said dee'd, to make payment immediately I and those having claims wiil present them properly : authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH CLAAR, Executor. ' June 11, 18-58. NOTICE is hereby given, that my wife Catbariue has left i 01 v bed and board without any just cause or prov I ocation, and I do hereby forewarn all persons from i trusting her on my account, as I ant ! not to pay any debts of her vmUraebn^^^ r j Union Tp., Juno 25, 1858.-U J Hu"" licl s , Cietencc or Coffee- by it will have a more delicate 9&fcr flavor, and will he much more wholesome. ,'rtwill also bo clear witliot t requiring anything to I clarify it. For salo by OSTER, MANSPKAKKR *t CAJtN. New Store, No. J, Cheapside. ' June 18,1858. THE _ PREPARED BY DR^lo ? l£|jn I 111 All Compounded entirely from Wd ' ""} TS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE A#r, L LIVER MEDICINES now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, ah'l more effectual than any other medkiue known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Lirer remedy, acting first j on the Liter to oject ifs tnorbld matter, then on the ! stomach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus ' accomplishing two purposes effectually, without i any of the painful feelings experienced in the op . erationS of most Cathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and j when taken daily In moderatedosos, will strength ! en and build it up with unusual rapidity. The Liver is one of the principal regulators of ' the harasfi body, and when it pet forms its functions I well the powers of the system are fully developed. ! The stomach is almost entirely dependent on the ! healthy action of the Liver for the proper perform ance of its functions. When the stomach is al | auk. the bowels are at fault, and the whole system I sutlers In consequence of one organ—the Liver — ' having Ceased to do its duty. For the disease of | that organ, one of the proprietors has made it his study, in a pra< tire of more than twenty years, to i find some remedy wherewith to counteract the ma- I ny derangements to which it is liable, j To prove that this re- • rnedy is at last found, j any person with Liver Complaint 1 in any of its forms, lia.-r—but to try a bottle, and • conviction is cet tain. r , These gums removet all morbid or ldM mat ' ter from the system,supplying in their place a healthy flow of invigorating the stom ■ ach, causing food to di-kk'.j gest well, purifying the Mobd, giving tone health to the whole machinery, removing?" H the causes of the dis f ease, and effecting a ra-r—i dical cure. BTious attacks aret*. cured, and. what is bet- , ter, prevented by occasional use of the i Liver Invigorator. Gne dose after eating*""" 1 is suflieiuirt to relieve thestofnacb and prevent the food from rising and souring. Only one dose tukenpH before retiring prevents nightmare. . P3 Onlv one dttse at night loosens the 1 bowels gently .and costiveuess. One dose taken after] -j each 'heal will cure • Dyspepsia. tSJ- One dose of two tca-cpoonsful will al ways relieve Sick ache. One l ottle taken iorff-* Icrhale obStrnction re mores the cause of disease, and manes a - perfect cure. (Inly one dose Innue-r—ll diately relieves Cbolic, I while CD One dose often r. | ted is a sure cure for I Cholera jloFluts, and preventive of Clioiera. One dose taken will prevet t the recur rtnee of biliotts atttacks - while it relieves all j • painful feelings. K7" Only one bottle is needed to throw out of , | jhe system the effects of medicine after long sick- ! ; u ess. One botile taken for Jaundice removes all yel- j lowness or unnatural color f-oin the skin. tine dose taken a short time before eating gives ' • vigor to the appetite and makes fcod digest well, j : One dose of ten repeated cures Chronic Diarrhoea ; I in its worst Johns, while summer and bowel com- j I plaints yield almost to the first dose. One of two doses cures attacks caused by worms, j i while for worms iti children', there is no safer or j I speedier remedy in the world, as it never falls. | A few bottles curds Dropsy, by exciting the ah- : i sorbents. 1 IVc take pleasure iii rocommemifhg this niedi ciif* 3-s a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill Fe ver, an* 1 fR Fevers of a Bilious Type. If operates with certainty? and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderfil' virtues. All who use it giving their unanimous teiti '■ tnony in its favor. Mater in the Mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. The Liver Invigorator ! Is a great scientific Medical Discovery, and is daily woiking cur. s almost too great to believe. It cures as it by magic, even the Jirst dose giving bene j fit and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common headache, al. i of which are the result of a Diseased Lirer. t-KtcE o.VE DOLLAR r>;a BOTTLE;. 1 DR. SANFORD, l'roprietor, 345 B r oadwav } N. 1 . Sold in Bedford by Dr. B. F. HARRY, artd re -1 tailed by all Druggists. * June 11. 5858.-zz. BEDFORD RilL ROM. SINCE the charter has lieen granted for the "Bed- j lord Rail Road," the citizens of B-dford have : ' been much excited ami interested upon tlie subject, j I This interest is not confined to the citizens of j town, but extends throughout the country, and , crowds arc daily rushing to Rnpp's Sew and Hand- ; : saute Store, in Ainlerson's Row, where a large and • ' attractive assortment of beautiful Spring anil Sum- j . mer Goods, are opening, wliieii will be sold cheaper J than ever otfefed before in tiiis place. The stock consists in part of Robes <'e Shan in tin rage de Laiuts, Robes 11 Qui I la, Larillts, i Organdie LairrJ, White d printed Brilliants, j | Chatties, Plain and Figured Swiss.- ] Latest Style Lairn Robes for J1,50. Mb hair Mixture for 18i c-nts per yard. \ De J.dines of all descriptions from 6 to 'do per yard. Lawns of various styles for 0J cts. per yard. : .In crtenure asscrtment of beautiful prints ranging | from 4to VI 4 cents per yard. Muslins of all prices and qualities. i A large assortment of Ladies and Misses, Gtores '■ and Hosiery from the low figure Of 5 cts. up. | I'urc linen Handkerchiefs for 6 cts., and a full ; and complete assortment of DIES DRESS j GOODS generally. A lai ge and well selected assortment of CLOTHS, ' CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, Cbnsisting in part of j Black French and English Cloths, : Blue do do d . Olive do do do. i Black CaSsiirfere#. j Black Doe Skiiis. I Fanev French ahd American C.issimercs. VESTIXGS. j Grenadines, plain and figured. liadzemiro do do Velvets tio do ; and a great variety of Marsletlcs Vestings. Fancy Silk and Lawn Neck Ties, from 6J cents to cents. A complete assortment of Ladies and Misses BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS. Also a large assortment Mens BOOTS and SHOES. My assortment of GROCERIES can't be beat. Brown Sugar for 1858 - Exceiitors f Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamen | tary have been granted by the Register of Bedford : County, to the subscribers, on the last will and j testament of Johu Wertz, late of Cumberland Yal ! ley township, dac J d. All persons indohfo.l to said estate are requested to make payment immediate -1 ly, and those having claim on said estate will prv ; sent them duly authenticated for settlement. 11KNK7 WERTZ, * JOHN J. WERTZ. Executors. 1 Juno 18, 1853.—f , f BKBFORI) RAIL ROAD. right itoi Road,- the citizens of Bedford tv< affair price2^J? tc . it,sd an *' upon the subject clap traps tr bails, I'tM' : - citizen* o will find a heavy stock of" " a ' J g h £ t the country, anc m\\\m & FORBIfiTtW^ of a very superior quality f and to IHS had at prices gratifying to tlie purchaser and fettiUncritive to the seller, Reed & MinniCh will have nothing to do with giving some goods away, and putting the '•TuriU"" 00 Somewhere else—-good mere luii.d use al ways ensures sales at living prices. Come, and See, bring your CASH AM> PROMCE, and if you do not get cheap goods say there is no truth in this adver tisement. Dry Goods, —Dress Silks, Robt a Quillas, Ma do ma. Organdy Lau-ns, Delaines, Calicoes. Dress Goods, and Trimmings, in great laiiety, Bonnets, Hibbons, Gloces, Hosiery, French and Shncr ica*i Cloths and Cassimires,Summer Clothes and Jeans,. Woolen and Canton Flannels, Sheetings, Muslin.,, | Linens, J'or all purposes, Tic tilings, drillings, &c --| Queen*ware and G la** ware, i an assert Hi cut unequalled in Bedford. Hoofs and Shoes. , lteeve are prepared to other GREAT HCDCCEMESTS TO C ASH BUYERS. We will sell exceedingly CHEAP FOR CASH, or. APPROVED SIX MOUTHS' CREDIT. Come and see for yourselves, and be convinced, whether you wish to* buy or not. No trouble to show goods. kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Bedford, April H3, 1858. ritllh undersigned respectfully inform their X friends and customers that they have just pened a verv largo and general assortment of mm AM> mm GOODS, consisting in part as follows: Silks, Challies, Alpacas, Delaines, Lawns, Para ges, Brilliants, French and American Chintzes, Gingham, Gloves, Collars, Hosiery, &c., Sec. SHAWLS and MANTILLAS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting.-". Muslins, Drillings, Tickings, Ky. Jeans, Linens, Sheetings, Cottonades, Flannels, Cnssinetts, Nankeens, Cambrics, Checks, CHEAP CARPETS, White and ColM Carpet Chain, Floor Oil Cloths, . .Matting and lings, Boots, Sh >es. Ilat s and Caps, also a large supply of fashionable Ready-.Kade Clothing, Akux a fail stock of GROCERIES, WOODEN WARE, Stc. Having Selected our goods with great care, We are enabled to offer our customers VERY GREAT BARGAINS for CASH—all kinds of Country Produce—or or. i a credit of six months to punctual dealers. An el imination of our stock is respectfully so 1 licited. A. 11. CRAMER & CO Bedford, April 30, 1858. i l Ao(ice to Bridge Builders. PROPOSALS will be received at the Commis sioners' Office, in Bedford, from this date until tho i3d day of July, next, for the erection n hand* full assortment of sllthonew and fashionable music, wlneh we. mail at or expense to any part o the country. N. B. Music v.ged to order. SUKVOCK A SMITH, Chambersburf. March 7, 1857. I physicians prescriptions carefully compound ed, at all hours of the day or nigh at Barry's, Drugstore.