A Sordid W retell, We had yoatftrdoy the particulars of a re volting transaction just come to light iu Greene- ; ville. Marian Hyde lost his wife ouo year ago. i She was his? third wife j and had been rutinied | onlv a year when she died, and was buried in ! ibe Ureeueville Oem-fery. About one week : co. Hyde went to the Ceuretery, dug open the grave, "broke open the coffin, and rilled it of— v.hut doss the IC dor imagine?—of a set of false teeth, that he might coin the gold plate upon which the teeth wore set into money to put into his pocket! We dare say the fellow me ut to sell the teeth too, if be could tind a purchaser. We wonder not at the intense in dignation which blazes against the miserable creature in Grc neville-, or that Die women of il.c viihrga cab scarcely be rostiaiud from •.mating him to a coat of tar and feathers. Hyde is not far from 50 years of age, ti house carpenter by trade, in comfort al-la cir ct'mslanccs as to proper y, and we are ashamed j *ij add is a member ot a Ohrfotian church.— diw wife, whose grave he has desecrated, was, „ e have sai 1, Ids third wife. When she ur.riied him she is understood to have had j ,me 8-iAO or §SOO in the saving bank. A | Mif vf'Vhis she used in furnishing her bus-j l and's house, and when dying she gave him her J bulk look, ou which .-he had st 11 standing to j lwr credit, between §2OO and §3OO. I' is now currently reported and believed in Greeueville J that whin Ids wife died and while she lay dead ' i i her shroud Iter affectionate husband attempted j m remove the coveted teeth from her mouth : fat the rigid uiuscte would not relax, and he ! was c iiistMuec'-W compelled to suspend opera- j tii.it,s for the time. But it WHS only a supnn- j ~j ,n. The purpose was merely postponed, not 1 ,a iiuquished, laid after brooding over the idea j,, r . - v.: * iiCtrth he has finally put it in cxocu ; tion. llyde-aot only confesses to have dene j t ,is huribtti thing, but lie is even lr->z<-n enough • ti justify n.—JVorwicft ( Cf.) Conner. T" We had a rich scene the other day he- j twren Biglar Mid some of the wags of the. S-nale. "igler was exceedingly .-.-.sous to! (••:n v the ij • "opriation to enable the Patent { Olfi'e to purchase certain seeds, and wis op posed by others. They were actuated by no j oilier motive but to humbug our Senator. One : ~f the tit appealed to him not to press his opin ions, b e rase they were clearly at varii nee wi'h State right- and Southern interests ! Out iliu- j :ninat<. S -nator was completely taken in. lie got up, and turning to the Southern Senators to hi; 11 jus'ice, he most seriously intimated ! .' he had lost the respect of his State by 1 going 1 and begged that they ; w.njjd it at niisuuder.-tHud him: iiah', the j nt' iceless, got up, and trusted the Sooth would ' m> the Senator's dilemma and pity him, espe- J ci i , .s he was going home to meet an out- 1 ngr.i constituency, whom he had outraged on j ti ,-ii behalf! It was a scene that would have j iu :de a horse Lugb. POLITICAL UNION The first fruits of the ! proposed Union of all the elements of the Op- \ po>itioii in "Western New Y ork, were gathered ( uu Thursday night. An immense meeting was ! held at Buffalo, at which all parties were rep- | resented, both in tlie officers and the audience. Mr. String'..am, a Dcmociat; Philip U wsheiiu- j cr, an (x-democrati J postmaster, together with j -everal leading Americans and llepublicans, • were among the offieera. llcsoiutioiis denun- | 1 it t-ay of the Administration were reported, j Speeches were made by Solomon G. llaven,! former American Congressman, A. M. Clapp, j d init's I'eihaiu, and others. BKIIIN I> THE AGE. —Mr. Leonard made a j ssfu! baloon ascension from Montgomeiy, j Alabama, la.-t week. He states that whiie up, ; i.■ was shot at three times by a Minnie iifi.\ ' in the hands of some one who probably took j d. aerial navigator for a monster ♦♦mau-hat, ' ; and 110 doubt a descendant of the same family which rati cut to stop the first high-pressure j • imiiout they saw going down the river, mis taking it (or a runaway saw mill. A woman at Smyrna, Delaware, recently j flogged a follow very severely, on the piazzi ot ' ■he hotel, for seducing her husband to the tav- i rn, where the pair would ino'ulge too freely, "he ihi n offered her are to her hosbarnl and conducted him home. Sainuf.l Carson, one of the leaders of the i'i ii id Iphia Democracy, has ju.-t been con v; ted of perjury in connection wiili electiou> - . ! i the town of Quimlaro, Kansas, it is said cvny man votes the free State ticket, except r 1 postmaster, lie is in a minority of one. foe advertiscgicnt of JCr. Saudford's LIVER INVIGOKATOR in another column. lUARUIED. t'n the 13:h inst., by the Itcv. H. Uecker iin, Mr. SAMCEL PHILIPS, to 3liss Jst.izv llKTH HOLER, both of Bedford tp. At the parsonage, in Friends Gove, on the. Ifuh inst.,"by the Rev. G. F. lioffmeir, Mr D.WIN 11. STLCKEY to Miss GATIIARINK, A. | HETRICK, both of the Gove. : - ' Executors' Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamen- j : >ry have been granted by the Register of Bedford j County, to the sul.sciibers, on the lust will and | I'.'staiucnt of John W'ertz, late of Cumberland Val- i '-y township, d 'cal. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment immediate ly, and tho" having claim j on said estate wiil pre- j f.-nt 1 hern dulv antlieuticated for settlement HENRY WERTZ, JOHN J- IVKRTZ. ! Executors. j June 18. 1858.—f * No;ice to Bridge Builder.;. PROPOSALS will lie receive 1 at the Conmiis- j - nierg' otfice, in Bedford, from this date until the j '• day of July, next, for the erection of a now vcr Boiths Creek, at Henry Ickes' ia (St. ur Township, to be constructed ou the same : r- the present bridge, excepting the carriage- ; • . which is to be twelve instead of fourteen feet j Ry older of the Commissioners. ! 11. NTCODEMUS, C!erk. ''itnmissinuers' Office, ( June 18, 1838. \ (JANDLEg! ~ 1 , AhAMAXTINE and Tallow Mould Candles, for | ' ID ny OSTER, MANSPEAKER & CAIIN. , , New Store, No. 1, Cheapside. J •" 18, 1858. | Hummel's Premium Essence of Coffee ! COFFEE made by it will bavo a more delicate j and finer flavor, and frill be rnttcii more w holes- me. It wilt also be clear with JI 1 requiring anyt ring to ' clarify it. For sale bv OSTER, MANSPEAKER it OARN. Now Store, No. 1, Cheapsido. June 18, 1858. HUNTINGDON AND fofo:' Nfo iihy SlJ.lflflEß, TNT The Trains 011 SHOUP'S RUN BRANCH will j enable persons to spend the dav at COALMONT, ' BROAD TOP CITY", or the MINES, and return j to liOPEKLL, same day. 1 For further inform ition inquire at the Office of ' the Company at Huntingdon. JNO. J. LAYVRENCE. !June lb 135-3.—51 Superintendent, J%T CM rsr m: m-z KORGE B. A.MICK, surviving partner of the j VT late firm of GEO. B. A SUCK t BROTHKH, uoti j ties ;i 11 persons interested, that the books of said ■ firm ran 1.1 in t:i bis hands for setcletiu'iit, and tint j circumstances deman i an immediate closing up of ; • tic business of said firm. Persons indebted oi i I having settlements to make, are therefore request- I ed to call on tlie suliseriber without delay, j Bt. CI lirsvil'.e, Jane 11, 1338.-tf. The subscriber will con inue the mercantile busi ; ness at tbe old stand, where lie will be happy to meet and supply tlie wants of his friends and ens | tomcis at ail times. He will receive in a couple ! of weeks a nev supply of seasonable goods, which i be is determined to s-. Hon ho most reasonable 1 | tortus. GEO. B. A MICK. i Alain-la W. Smith, 1 No. 23, August Term, , ' vs. 1. 1858. in the Common ■ Win. Smith. Pleas of Bedford Co. i Alias £NBPU'Ia OK I.TLICL for Divorce. ' ) IVI'OTICE is hereby given to the Defen l int in i ll the above case that a Subpoena and alias j Subpoena ftn Libel for Divorce has been issu d, the ! ln>t of said writs is returnable Shth August, 1858, i and that the said Defond.iut is required to appear j on -T before said day and answer to the complaint ! of Ihe I*l inliff us provided ft:r bv act of As-em- j I Wy- MM. S. FLUCK, ; June li, 18-58. Sheriff. j I xifutoi's Police. I' KTTERS testamentary, 0.1 the last Wilt ana I i Testament ol John Cla .r, lite of the Bur | ough of Bedford, dee'd, having been gran led to : the suloerilier, reiidhig in said Borough, pofcicu is I therefore given to all persons indebted to the es ■ tafe of sii.l dee'd. to make payment immediately, j and those having claims wiil present them properly ! aulhetiticated tbr s.-ttlcment JOSEPH OT.AAit, Executor. j J line li, 1858. j K2 TO INVALIDS, J 1 L'T Haidnian, Analytical Fhysicim. | Physician for discuses of the Lungs, Throat and lleart. formerly Physician to the I CINCINN ATI MARINE HOSPITAL, also to INVALIDS RETREAT. : Author of "Letters to Invalids," Editor of the "Medical Stcthyscopo," Sic., I May be consumed at BEDFORD. I'A., "WASH INGTON HOVEL,*' i I ESDAY , Jl NE 2JTII. one I day. Dr. Ilardman tie.ts Consumption, Bronchitis, . Asthma, Lurryngittis. and slldis'-ases <••(' the throat ! and lungs, by medical Inhalation, lately used in the t ■ Bromton Hospital, London. The great point in i ; the treatment of ail human maladies is to get at ; ! tie disease in the direct manner. All medicines ' arc estimated by their action upon the organ re- i | quiring relief. This is the important fact upon j which Inhalation is based. If the stomach is di- j , sensed we t ike medicine directly into the stomach. > ! If the luiigs are diseased, breathe or inhale in -di | cated vapors "directly into the lungs. Mc icin•: ; arc the antidotes to disease and should ba applied | to the very ?• at of disease. luhalition is the ap- j ! plication of this principle to the treatment of the : ! lungs, for it gives us direct access to those intri- | : cate air cells and tubes which lie out of reach of { | ewiy other means ol administering Bi.dichios.- ) f The roes n that eon umption, tied other diseases 1 of the lungs, bavo heretofore resisted all treatment ■ has been because they had never been approached j in A direct manner by medicine. They were intend- j ed to a;t upon the lungs and yet were applied to the stomach. Their action was intended to be Jo- : csil, and yet they were so administered that they ! should act constitutionally, exending immediate j and pi incipai action i:p< n the unoffending sti inaeh, j whilst the Ibul ulcers within th: lungs were uimio- | lestcd. Inhalation brings the medicine in direct ! contact with the disease, without the disadvantage ) of any violent action. Its application is so sim ple that it can be employed by the youngest infant 1 or feeblest invalid. It dees not derange th sio- | uiacli, or interfere in tlie least degree with the j strength, comfort, or business of the patient, j OTHER DISEASES TREATED.—In relation to the followingd'sexses, either when complicated i with lung affections or existing alone, I also invit. ■ | consultation. I usually find them promptly curable. Prolapsus and all other forms of female coin j plaints, irregularities, and wcanuess. Palpitation and oilier forms of lleart Disease | Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases ; ; of stomach and bowels, &c. All diseases of the eye and ear. Neuralgia, Epi- | j lepsy, and all forms of nervous disease. No | charge for consultation- S. I). lIARDSIAN, M. D. j June 4, 1858. DR. J. S. ASHCOIK, AXTOULD respectfully inform the public that lie - * has located permaueutly at Hopewell, Bed- I ford County, Pa., in the practice of medicine, j . and solicits the patronage of the citizens of Town j ; ;ind Country. He can be found at all times at C ipt. | Beckwitlrs Hotel, or at his ofliee, lately occupied | ( by Dr. 11. A. Dorsey, dee'd, uuloss professioiiailv ; : engagea. j Hopewell, June 11, 1858.-C* Bedford Miiieral Springs Compdiiy, NOTICE Is hereby given to the stockholders of | said Company that the annual election of; • President and Directors of said Company will be j | held at the Bedford Springs on the first Monday, . • fifth dav, of July proximo. S. L. RUSSELL, June Secretary. Just Keeeircd AND FOR SALE—the celebrated GREEN- ! CASTLE GRAIN CRADLE —by I June 11, 1853. G. W. RUPP. 1 Tills LIVER IMlGfiiilTOil. PREPARED BY DJi. SANFOKD. , ( uniiiouiuicd caiSlrely from fiirjWlS, I TS ONE .OF THE BEST PURGATIVE AND J A LIVER MEDICINES now before the public, timt acts as a Cathartic, I'tusit r, milder, ami more ! effect us I than an} other medicine kuowu. It is not I i>ly a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting flirt | o the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then ou the ! stomach and bowels to carry oil' (hat matter, thus j .iccompiishii'.g two purposes effectually, without ! any of the painful feelings experienced in the o|- i orations of most Cathartics, it strengthens the i system at the sumo time that it purges it; and j when taken daily in moderate doses, will strciigth j en anil build it up with unusual rapidity. The Liver is one of the principal regulators of < the hum:: a body, and wheu.it pet forms its functions j well the powers of the system are fully developed. The at- tnack is almost entirely dependent on the j healthy action of the Liver for the proper perform ance of its functions. When the stomach is at ; fault, the bowels are at fault, and the whole system [ sutters in consequence of one organ—the Liver— | having ceased to do its duty. For the disease of ; that organ, one of the proprietors has made it his study, in a practice of more than twenty years, to find some remedy wherewith to counteract the m.a --| ny derangements to which it is liable. To prove that tids re- _• rnedy is at last found, any person troubledwith Liver Complaint in any 01 its forms, hus { —s but to try a bottle, and conviction is certain. j""* These gums removed- ' all morbid or had mat ter from the supplying in their place a healthy flow of bile,rv- invigorating the stom ach, causing food to di-H**j cyst we'd, purifying the blood, giving tone nealth to the whole machiueiy, the causes Of the dis ease, and effecting a ra-HH dieai cure. B'ltous attacks cured, and, w hat is bet ter, prevented by occasional use of the Liver Invigorator. j~j One dose after eating 'is sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent the food from lising ard souring. Or.lv one dose tak-.nHH before retiring prevents nightmare. Only one dose at night loosens the bowels gently,and eostiveness. Owe dose taken after 1 -j each meal will cure Dyspepsir. i"""—I OCT" One dose of two tea-spoonsful will al ways relieve Sick Hea l-jry-v aclie. One bottle taken foiv~-* female obstruction re moves the cause of disease, and r.rases a jierfect cure. r^r 1 •nly one dose imine-r—H diately relieves Cholie, while Onedoßc ottcn rtpea-fjEJ ted is a sure cure for Cholera Morbus, and ar-^-preventive of Cholera. One dose taken will prevei t the rocur r u.ce of bilious atitaeks"" while it relieves ail painful feelings. Gf7°" Only one bottle is needed to throw out o( the system the elf ets of medicine after lo.ig sick ness. One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all yel lowness or unnatural color P-om the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigoi to the appeiite and makes f.od digest well. One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diarrhoea hi its worst forms, uiqle summer and bowel coin plaints yield almost to the ttr>t dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by worms, while for worms in children, there is uu safer or speedier r. niedy in the world, as it never fails. A few bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the ab sorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medi cine us a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill Fe ver, and oil Fevers of a Bilious Type. It operates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who us- it are giving their unanimous testi mony in its favor. K7~Mix Water in the Month with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. Tho Liver liitfiguraior Is a great scientific Medical Discovery, and is daily wo! king cuia s almost too great to believe. It cures as if by m igic, even the first dose, giving bene fit and Seldom more than one bottle is required to care any kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common headache, all of which are the result of a Diseased Liver. I'RICFC OMR DOLLAR I'JSB BOTTLE. DR. S AN Foiln, Proprietor, 845 Broadway, X. Y. Sold in Bedford by Dr. B. F. HARRY, and re tailed by all Druggists. June 11, 5858.-ZZ. * Attention Bedford Riflemen! "V 1 '^ T " re hereby ordered to meet in Bedford a I JL 8 O'clock, A. M., 011 Friday the 18th day of 1 June, inst., in summer uniform, for the purpose of going to Bloody Run, in pursuance of an order ot (he Brigade Inspector, to form a Regiment, and elect field officers. It is important that every member should tura out with his arias and ac coutrements in first rate order. Bv order of the Captain. WILLIAM HITCHEY, O. S. June 4,1818. WIBLmBOFBIiLiSm {"> Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court ot ] J Bedford county, the subscriber will sell at public sale, on the premises, on Saturday the 2 fl.'/i day of June, inst., the following real estate, late the property of JR. Ob Hitchew, dee'd, viz: A tract of land situa e in Napier township, Bed ford county, adjoining lands of Henry Wonders, Peter Ileiner, Amos McCreary, John Shaffer and others, containing forty-five acres, between fifteen and twenty acres of which are cleared and under fence, an-1 hiving thereon erected a tiro-story log DWELLING HOUSE, stable with threshing floor, and spring house, ami there is also a good spring n' at' the dwelling. There is a fine promising young orchard on the place just beginning to bear DAVID HITCUEir, Jtdm r. June 4, 1858. Administrator's Noiice. IKTTERS of Admirirtiation having been -J granted to the subscriber on the Estate of Ja cob Il ltzell, late of Bedford Township, dre'd, all persons indebted to sai l Estate are notified to mike payment immediately, and those having' claims agaiist the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement to the subscribe!, re siding in Bedford Township. DANIEL IIELTZBLL, .hlm'r. June 4, 1838.-* WAR WITH ENGLAND! THE repeated insults offered to the American flag by British (1 misers has caused considerable ir ritation on this side of tin* water, and should au : cient John" not come in, we should not b stirpris j sed if it led to hostile manifestations. Meanwhile, ! Oster, Matispoaker tie Oaru successors to Rupp 4- ! Oder, are receiving an additional supply of Neve 1 Goods, which thej* wi.l continue to sell che.tper than | ever in their new and handsomely fitted up room, re i cently occupied by liupp k (Aster, ! May 28. New Store No. 1, Cheap side. "KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE! THE Largest Assortment of D. Rodney King k | Co's Philadelphia made, Ladies,' Misses' and chil- I drens' tine Boots, Shoes Gaiters, English Buskins, ■ Ties arid Slippers, to be found in Bedford, express i ly adapted for retailing, being made in the most sub stantial manner, and warranted to lit. Bought di rect from the manufacture's for net cash, and sold ' at a small advance, by OSTEIt, MANSPEAKER k CAKN New Store, No. 1, Cheap side. ! May 28. rubf:s> ~ LETTERS of administration on the Estate of : Elizabeth Stiftler, late of Napier Township, dee'd, havittg been g.anted to the subscriber, residing in , said township, all persons indebted to said Estate ' are therefore notified to make payment immediate ly. and those having claims will present them prop erlv authenticated for settlement. JOHN ROWZER, Adm'r ! May 21, 1858.-&* f XOTH'E IN LIB? L FOR DIVORCE, Charles 'J'. U'uke, t In tie Common Pleas of vs - • Bedford County, Margaret Blake, ( No. 39 May Term, ISSS. \t herufts Charles T. Blake did prefer liis petit ion to the judges of the court of Common Pleas of the County t f Bedford praying lor the causes therein set forth that he lie divorced front the bonds of Matrimwy entered into with Margaret Blake, we therefore command you as we before commanded t you the said Margaret Blake, that Hying aside all other business and excuses wh ttsoevor, you he and j appear in yoor proper persons before our Judges at Bedford on the ] s t Monday tlie ffijfl, day of Aug., next, to answer the petition or libel cf the saii Charles Blake, and show cause why the said Charles T. Blike, your husband should not be di vorced from the bonds of Matrimony agreeably to the act of assembly in such case made and provided liOTt iif Sail not. Sheriff's Office, I U'M. FLUKE, Bedford, May 21, 'SB. f Sheriff. Uia* SuhpaHia on Libel for Divorce. Charles r. Blake t In the Coarl of Cotuuiou vs ' .' Pleas of Bedford Count v, Margaret Blake. ) May T., No. 39, ISSB* ! May Hd. 1858, on motion of 6. 11. Spang-. Esq., ) Samuel J. Castner, Esq., was duly appoint.d Com- j missioner to take testimony and report the same to ' the court in the above case. ATI-IST- By the Court. S. IT. TATE, Protlfy. ! NOTICE.— The undersigned commissioner, BV vir tue of the foregoiDg authority, hereby gives notice ■ that he will at tend To the duties of his appointment 1 on Mon day, the 14lh day of June, 1858, at his office I in the town .of Wood berry, Bedford county I'a,. ! win n and where al! parti.s interested may attend if ' they think proper. S.Y.M'L J. C -VSTA KR. I May 28, 1858- Commissioner. ■ IS hereby given, in pursuance of an Ae.t entitled j ah Act for the regulation vl the uniformed Militia of the Commonwealth of Pcrtm., approved April 21st. ! 1858, (Sec Sec. 4th, Art. 12th.) that all the organ- j ized an l uniformed Companies of the county of 1 Bedford, are hereby required and commanded to i meet in the town of B1 *utiy Hun, in said county, on j | Friday, the 18th ot June, next, at 10 o'clock. A. [ M., wh n and where they will be organized into a ! regiment, and also will, on said day, elect one per- ; son to fili the office of Colonel, one person to fill ; the office of Lieut. Colonel, and oae person to till j the office of M ijur, in pursuance of said Act. { LEMUEL LVAih'S, Brigade Inspector, I Ist 8., 16th D. | May 28,. 18,58. "KEEP IT i BEFORE THE LADIES! TIIK largest assortment of fashionable Parasols in Bedford. Bought for net cei'i, and s >ld at a 1 small advance, by, OSTEK, MANSPEAICLB & CARN. | May 28. New Store, No. 1, Cheap side. "liIKIFOIILE BY virtue of An Alias writ of Vend, Ex;,onus to j me directed, there will he exposed to pubisc sale, 1 at the Court Ilotitfe, in (lie Borough of Bedford, on ■ Saturday. the 2diii day- of June, A. D. 1858, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following property, to wit:' One tract of Land containing I7u acres, more or less, about 100 acres cleared and under fence, with u two story log house, with kitchen attached, and log barn thereon erected, also an apple orchard thereon, ad joining lands of James Oiark on t ne south east, a ud the Juniata river on the north a id West, situate in Liberty township, Bedford county. Seized and ta ken in execution as the p r operty of Jacob Snider smi to he toll for cash, by WJ4. is. PLUCK Kiilirrowtce, srae as, 'm onciui . LETTERS Testamentory having been granted by the Register of Bedford County, to the undersigned. Executors o" the last will and testament of Jacob T. Amick, lute of St Clairsville in said couxty, dee'd all persons knowing themselves Indebted to S'id es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the estate will present them properly authenticated for settlement. MARY" ANN A MICK, Executrix. St. Ciaiisville, GEO- K. OSTEK, Executor, Bedford. . May 28, 1858. FOUNDRY \m MACHINE ! | THE subscribers having formed a partner j ship tinder the style of "Dock & Ashcoiu" for j tlie purpose of conducting a general ioi;.\i)KY ANII* JiAcniNE ; business in the establishment recently erected j by Gitliard Dock, in Hopewell, Bedford couu- i ty, are now prepared to execute orders fbr CASTINGS JXD MACHINERY of every de scription. They will build to order steam-en gines, coal and drift-cars, horse powers and threshing machines—also, casting of every kind for furnaces, forges, saw, grist and rolling mills, ploughs, water-pipe, columns, house fronts, brackets, See., ike. They are also, now making a line assortment of STOVES of various kimis of the latest pat terns and most approved styles, including sev eral sizes of COOK STOVES of the best make, heating stores for churches offices, bar-roe &c, ' ' ' A lull assortment of Stoves will be kept oonstantiy on hand, and SvUl at wholesale and retail, at prices to suit the times, and quality, warranted equal to the best eastern make.— Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly.— Pattern# made to order. GILLIARD DOCK, 0. W. ASHCuM. Nov. 0, 1537, <*hie Manufactory, THE subscribers wo nil respeetfuhy inform the public that they are engaged in manufacturing r superior article of glue, at different prices, at theia residence in Snakespriue Valley, two miles cast of Bloody Hun, and are prepared to tiii promptly all orders. All in want of this aiticic can have their orders attended to by addressing the undersigned at Bloody liuu. The subscribers wish to purchase a quantity of tanners' fleshings, and those having any for sale, can dispose of them by applying as above. In connection with their glue manufactory, they also carry on the weaving business, and will weave coverlets and carpet# on reasonable terms and at the shortest notice. MORRIS RICHTEK SON. April 16, 1858.-Sm. shliYOMi & SMITH, ( !! 4MItERSJtI RCI, PA., Booksellers and stationers, and 1 Dealers in Music and Musical Instruments. Our stock consists of Books, Stationery, .Mu sic, Musical Instruments, Wait papers, Blinds, French, German and American Lithographs and steel engravings, gilt mouldings for frames, etc., etc., wholesale and retail. Dr. B. F. Harry is our agent for Bedford, and all orders given him will be promptly attended to. March 7, 1857. NOTICE. LETTERS of administration on the Estate of John Lutz, l ite of Snakespring Township, dee'd, having boen granted to the subscriber, residing in said township, all persons indebted to said gstito are therefore notified to make payment immediate ly, and those having claims against said estate will present them forthwith, properly authenticated for settlement. MICHAEL LUTZ, May 21, 1858. Adni'r. I physicians prescriptions carefully compound ed, at all hours of the day or nigh at Dr. Harry's, Drug Store. lAazin' and Lubin's Extracts for the Handker chief Cologne Water, Kc., at Dr. Harry's, V 1W STUBS! 19. KTI3W GOODS VOtt [Spring and Summer, 1858! OSTEU, MIXSPEAKER & CARS, ANNOUNCE to their friends and the pablit, that they are now receiving from Philadelphia | and New York, and opening out in their newly tit ted up room formally, occupied by Hupp & Oster. an entirely New and Brilliant Stock Of lit'sirable new style* French British and Amer ican BUY aoons, emracing a large and general assortment of STAPLE ANDFANCT ARTICLES, comprising iu part, Kit If FANCY DRESS SILKS, HJCH GLOSSY BLACK SILKS, MADGXA AND LAVELLA CLOTHS. ROBE A'- QUILI A, OK SIDE STRIPES, I)E LAINK ROBES, ORGANDIE ROBES, GINGIIAM ROBES, LAWN ROBES, FRENCH DtrCALS. LAWNS AND GINGHAMS, WHITE AND rRINTET) FRENCH BRILLIANTS, JACONETS AND LAWNS NEW SPRING STYLES DE LAINES, CUALLIES. GINGHAMS AND PRINTS. BROA D CLOTHS, CAS SIMERES, SATINETS, JEANS, COT TON ADES, £C., tkc., Togetlier with a. choice assortment of Fresh Family Groceries, Qneensware, Cutler.- HATS. CAPS and BON NETS, HOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS. Having purchased our goods tow FOR CASH ,we are prepared to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CASH AJVYKRS. We will sell exceedingly CHEAP FOR CASH, 0.1 APPROVED SIX MONTHS' CREDIT. Corue and see for yourselves, and be convinced, whether you wish to buy or not. No trouble to show goads. KF"AII kinds of produce taken in exchange for gouds. Bedford, April 23, 1858. ffllW OOOBS! fTIHE undersigned respectfully inform their | -I- friends and customers that they have just j pened a very large and general assortment of J SPRIXG AND mm iiOOUS,! consisting in part as follows: Silks, Chuitics, Alpacas, Delaines, Lawns, Bar.i- ! ges, Brilliants, French and Am -rlcin Chintzes, Ginghams, Gloves, Collars, Hosiery, &c., &c SHAWLS and MANTILLAS, Cloths, - Cassimeres, Ves tings, Muslins, Drillings, Tickings, Ky. Jeans, Linens, Sheetings, Cottoi.ades, Flannels, Csssioetts, Nankeens, Cambrics, Checks, EESAP CARPETS. W bite and Col'd Carpet Cliiin, Floor Oil Cloths, Matting and Hugs, Boots, Sh >es. II its and Caps, also a large supply of fashionable Itcadj'-Made Clothing, Also, a full stock of GROCER IFF, WOODEN WARE, Stc. ll'vijl|Jf.AiiL:rN/1 Olir with gt-vU.I oaru, Vt-O are enabled to offer our customers VERY GREAT BARGAINS for CASH—all kinds of Country Produce—or on a credit of six months to punctual dealers. An examination ol our stock is respectfully so licited. A. B. CRAMER & CO. Bedford, April SO, 1858. LATEST HEWS FROM I Till ! Fresh Arrival of SPRl\(i \E SUMMER GOODS AT SHOEMAKERS' STORE! THE undersigned, having just returned from the i Eastern Cities, are now receiving a large and j splendid assortment of SPRIN i AXD SUMMER \ (tODDS, which they are determined to sell che p. I Their stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinctts. Je tns, and a large assortment of Men's and Boys' ireir. Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks, Delaines, Calicoes, Alpacas and Tatms. A large assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hals and Caps. Coffee, Sugar, Syrups, Mo lasses, Black and Green Teas, Qii'onsware, Hard ware, Buckets, Tubs, Knives and Forks, Sec. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange fur goods. ! To good and punctual customers a credit of six i months will he given. J, &J. M. SHOEMAKER. 1 April 23, 185 S. i TCnSfiTIOTNT IIOTEIIa, Bedford, Pa. nplIE subscriber respectfully announces to the ' X public that he has opened a Hotel, under the i above name, in the old and well known Globe ! bull ling, on West Pitt Street, formerly owned and ; occupied by Mr. John Young, where he will be j happy to see all his friends, and the traveling pub- ; lie generally. Persons attending Court aie re- j specifully invited to give liim a call, lie pledges j himself that he will do all in his power to render ■ all his guests comfortable. His Tahlj will be supplied with the choicest de- i 1 icaries the market will afford. The Bed Rooms will contain clean and comfort- j able bedding. The Bar will be supplied with choice liquors. The Stable will be attended by a careful and at tentive hostler. K?- Boarders will be taken by the day, week, month and year. JONATHAN HORTON. Bedford, April 30, ISSS. KOTICK. Letters of Administration an (he estate of Mrs. j Sophia Mower, late of Colerain Towachip, dee'd, i having been this day granted to the suhscrioer, rc- ; siding in said Township, all persons indebted to j said estate are therefore notifi- d to make payment : to the subscriber immediately, and those having ; claims against said estate will present them forth- j with properly authenticated for settlement. EMANUEL J. DIEIIL, Jiln'r. March, 2(5, 1858.-Ot. BEDFORD mnivT The Summer session of this Institution will commence ou Wednesday, April 21st- The efficient County Superintendent of the Pub lic Schools, Rev. 11. lleckerman, will assist in the instruct iou of youth during tho coming quarter. Persons, therefore* wishing to pursue a course of study witli the view of preparing themselves to teach in our Common Schools, will enjoy rare ad vantages in connection with this Institution. GEORGE W. A UGHIN B AUG It, April 9, 1858. Principal. USIC & MUSICAL IKSTRUMENTS.— Pianos, Melodious, Flutes. Guitars, Brass j Horns, Clarionets, Drums, etc., of various manu- J | factnre, always on hand. Bands supplied at city J ! wholesale rates. We Keep always on handafuil i assortment of a 11 the new and fashionable music, which we uiail at cur expense to any part of the country. N. B. Music nged to order. SIIRYOCK & SMITII, Cfi amber sburg. I March 7, 1857. B E F O K II JfM ach in e Sft o jt! THE subscriber would roost respect fit tiy wwjjpttjuM to the forming community,and public in : that he still continues to manufacture at his simp, in Bedford, Pa., (lie following fanning hucm..* at the very beu material, anil in the most w< rkni.in like maimer, viz ; Four and 81* Horse Tumbling Sliafl Power NHtblneK, with large open cylinders, six staves, and spiked screwed in, and improved Straw Shakers attached. Their superiors for strength and speed are uw.t made in this or any other County in the State. Pour Horse Tumbling Shaft and Strap power Ma chine, with cylinder open or shut, as may be de sired, and shaker of the best kind, for convenience, ease of draft, and perfect working. This machine has no superior anv where. THREE BfORSF. MACHINES, of the suite kind. TWO AM) TDK EE HORSE TUMBLING SHAFT POWER MACHINES, a very convenient and excellent ma chine for small farmers, with or without sinkers. HILL SIDE PLOUGHS, of a very superior pattern to anv in us e in tins country. SINGLE AND DOUBLE SHOVEL ' PLOUGHS, WITH STEEL SHOVELS. OUt;TIVATOHS, Peek ham's New Fork FIYE-IIOEf) STEEL POINT EXPANDING CULTIVATOR; Rogers ' Pittsburg patent STEEL TOOTH EXPANDING CULTIVATOR, for working corn, or seeling in grain, Fanning .Mills, Horse Rakes Lever Cutting Botes, Harrows and Wheelbarrows, made <■; writer. All the above articles constantly on haul, and sold cn reasonable terms. REPAIRING of all kinds of Machines, whether made hero or elsewhere, done on the shortest n>>- tice. Coatings for all my machines and Ploughs, made at the Foundry of Mr. Michael B matin, in B olibrd, and will compare with any made in the State f< r strength and durability B LACKS MITHLNG don • Uj order. All my work warrcated to give saiiafuc - tion. From .a pist experience of twenty years in the Machine business, I feel confident that j can give i entire sitisfaetion to nil who may favor roe with i call. Call and examine my work laifore you pur chase elsewhere, as f am determined to please aft. Horses, grain of all kinds, lumber and iron, will be taken in exchange tor work. PETER If. SHIRES. Machinist. Bedford, May 7, 1835.-Sm L4TEST XEWS FROM KAXSAS; 111 I Miners Mil. THE Very last arrival of SKING & SUMMER GOODS—bought at the right time, and in the right manner, to ensure fabrics worth buying and at feir prices—R kkd 1- Mission deal not in hutut>u<:v cl ip traps or bails, but on actual inspection, you will find a heavv stock of MM\M & FORRIGS GOODS, of a Very superior quality, and to be had at pric. s gratify ing to the purchaser and remunerative to the seller. Reed & Minnich will have nothing to do with giving some goods away, and putting the £: TarifP' on somewhere else—good merchandise al ways ensures sales at living prices. Com* V. bring your Cash asp Produce, and if you do.iot get cheap goods say there is no truth in this tisement. Dry Goods, —Dress Silks, Robe a Quilias, tf,Aonzs) Organdy Lawns, Delaines, Calicoes. Dress Goods, and Trimmings, in great Variety, Bonnets, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, French and /hner ican Cloths and Cassimeres,Summer Clothes urn) Jeans, it an assert merit unequalled in Bedford. Boots and Shoes. \ cts per pound. First rate Brown Sugar for 8 " " " Extra do do " 10 < White Sugar for 12 J, 14 and 15 " " First Rate Rio Coffee for 12£ " " Extra do do " 15 ££ " *' No. 1 Java do " 15 " Best N. O. Molasses " 12| ' quirt. Good Syrup do " 12 " •' ** Extra do do ' 18| " ££ " Good Corn Brooms for a dime. Bacon by the pound. KF" All of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. Don't forget to call at RUFP'S NEty r STORK, in - indc.rson's Roic, one door east of CYs!*- na & Shannon's, office, and opposite the Gazette office G. W. KUI'I". Bedford, April 50, 1838. I t|i"it lTK TEETH and a perfumed breath cur ! VV ha accqulfed by using th*'-Bttlui of *• 1 Thousand Flowers*" To be Ikwl at DK. HARRYS. March R. IK.YL . tgaKAf , About fifty pair of children's " d women >t"" S —a little out of stvk—will l>e sold \flf o ,"."1, Feb. lfi, 1858. A. B. CRAMER A CO.