Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, June 18, 1858, Image 1

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I f [ r r {• jhi r t r t].
I've a tu' vot I spend,
Bat I've nothing for to lend,
For I nefer borrows noting, don't you so®, Yobn
Scii raid t;
I've a pretty lid ile frow,
Unl've vrien is in plenty now,
(in ,i I<t of |>red ly c'ml Iron at talne knee, Yohn
1 haf noting to desire,
V*n 1 sit peside mine vire,
I'D f s-'hmoke tuineaelf into a sleeping state, Yohn
f love der lager bier,
Yen its good, un isn't dear,
L can triuk 'bout sixty glasses in a day, Ynfm
But bate der liquor law.
(Soocb a ding I nefer saw,)
Vat would (like cur schnapps un 1 iger a'.l a ray,
Yobn Schmidt;
1 love a Dcutshcii fong,
'l'out a hundred v.-rses long,
Mit agb r'H fir a tousand voices, to, Yobn
But I bate del snuffle psalm,
Vot isnt't rort a kroutscr ,
1' r to sing it makes your vace grow long un pine,
Yobn Sc! midt,
1 lovo some Dentschen food,
Yawl I likes it butty goo 1,
lUr spccli un samkrout, un salat slaugh, Yohn
But I hate der milk of sctrwiil,
Und der meat dey nefer bill,
r it dies Ictore dey've time to hit a knock, Yohn
1 love (K r brctty ff mors,
Vot grows in garten bowers,
Der cab. age, un der radtcah, un der beet, Yohn
Un i hates der toad un frogs.
Un der sausage made of dogs,
L" efvn liing vt isn't good to eat, Yohn Schmidt;
Now I've got a littl • nhtore,
Un I sit peToFe der door,
Ua I sells der prartdjr schnapps tin pretzel cake,
Yohn Schmidt,
Un I dinks I'll putty soon
liaf a lager bier saloon,
Un den vot plenty money 1 will mike, Yohn
TJn von enough I've got,
I viii buy (-a h>o* • un lot."
Una •'Con.-.-r grocery" I "i have beside, Yo'm
Pen so happy I vill be,
Mit minesehil iron lv mine knee,
Mit wine money, und mine firovr, but mid uO priie,
Cannin-The Eaithly and the Heivemy.
Am—-'O Canaan, bright Canaan."
Thou art "the glory <>f all lands,"
Tix-u pleasant earthly Canaan ;
But there's "a house not m ide with hands.'"
.More "glorious" far than Canaan.
O Caiman, bright Canaan,
The pleasant *arthly Canaan—
Its regions 1 lest are tyjoes of rest,
In Heaven, the Christian's Canaan.'
litre tigs and wheat and oil about! 1,
Here milk and honey flaw;
While ancient huts with vines are crown'd,
Where palm and cedar grow,
O Canaan. h.c.
But winter o'er her glory glides.
And strips the earthly Caanan,
While "everlasting spring abides"
Throughout the heavenly Cinoan.
O Canaan, bright Canaan,
Wcre bound for the land of Canaan;
From soriow free we'll rest in thee.
Oh Heaven, the Christian's Canaan.
Blessed be Tliy Xante Forever.
Bless* d be Thy name forever.
Thou ol life the guard and giver:
Thou canst guard Thy creatures sleeping:
Heal the heart long broke with weeping.
God of stillness and of motion,
Of the desert and the ocean.
Of the mountain, rock and river.
Blessed be Thy name forever.
Thou wko aluuiberest not nor sleep est..
Biess'd are they Thou kindly keepest;
God of evening's parting ray,
Of midnight's gloom and dawning day.
That rises from the azure sea,
I.ike breathings of eternity;
God of life! that fade shall never,
Blessed be Thy name forever.
, -
THE >IAN IN LOVE. —Thackery says that
"Vt hen a man is in love with any woiuau in a
family, it is astonishing how fond he becomes
of every person connected with it. He ingra
tiates himself with the maids; he is blaod with
the butler, he interests himself with the foot
man; he runs on errands for the daughter he
gives and lends money to the yonrig g >n at col
lege; he pats little dogs which he would kick
otherwise; he smiles at old stories which
would make bim break out in yawus were they
uttered by any one but papa; be bears with the
old maiden aunt; he beats time when darling
little Fanny perforins her piece on the piano,
and smiles when wicked, lively lit'le Bobby
upsets the coff o over his shirt."
(JENUINK FOOLS.—Ho who wipes his nose
on a nutmeg grater, atii picks bis teeth with a
She who says "no" to the proposal of a gen
tleman when she has reached the age of thirty.
tie who gets so drank at night, that he puts
hi* clothes to bed and hangs himself on the
back of a chair.
She who rubs her cheeks with brickbats in
ortl-r to give theui a color.
He who puts on his hat, takes up bis cane,
and starts out iu pursuit of an honest and dis
interested politician.
Hue wuo pinch'-s and slaps a child to make it
quit bawliog.
- . . * ' ' \ - '* ' "
A Weekly Paper, Devote! to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c., So—Terms: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance.
The general prevalence, all over the country,
of the disease known as the potato rot, has
greatly impaired the value of the crop, and
prevented many fanners from cultivating to the
sauie extent as wis formerly dona. B<> serious
has been the evil to the agricultural interest
that both rnca of science and the practical far
mers batro given much attention to investi_-ititi-'
the cause of the potato disease, and to the dis
c irery of a remedy.
A day, or two since,,we received a letter from
Irwin Sampson* E-q., a very intelligent farmer
who has tilled the soil all the days of his life,
in the rich country near New Wilmington, in
Lawrence county, in which he gives us what he
claims as a simple, and cite <p preventive of the
potato rot. He is safi-ffied, from experiments
which he himself has made, that the following
is a snrc remedy for the evil:
Take a double handful of well rotted or/A
■wood, and scatter it upon the seed potatoes in
the hill, and then cover with earth iu the usual
maimer, and there wiil be uo signs of rot. II >
uiude the disc very three years ago, iu ;t clear
ing, j ist made and planted with potatoes. lie
observed that where the roots of tLe potato
came irt contact with ashes, the hill was entire
ly rotten, but that it adj doing hills where the
roots came iu contact with the old rotten ~A
wood of the clearing, every potato v, is hour:J
and dry. in hills where thpre was neither
ashes nor decayed oak w<x>d, the potatoes w re
about one-half rotten. Taking the hint fnuo
these observations, Mr. Sampson has tested flu
discovery for three )■a;, n-t !<- T-r-r-r
found a diseased potato in the hi!is where the
pulverised oak wood has been applied, and in
patches where there were no decayed potatoes,
the roo*s were fouud to grow larger and heal
thier, and of a better flavor where the oak wood
wis uved, th .n where it was not. Mr 8. is.
but a plain practical farmer, and does not at
tempt to give a scientlfi • reason for this result
but simply announces the fact, and the result
of his experiments. It is well known that the
oak possesses high antiseptic as 1 other peculiar
qualities, as tannin enters largely into its com*
position It i.- for sc*icntisa men to ascertain
what is the peculiar principle which produces
this result. The farmer can av 11 iitnelf of
the knowledge of the fact that it does prevent
the rot, for Mr. Sampson's statements are ful
ly it liable. Every one who cultivates the soil
in this pirt of the c untry at least, can readily
obtain rotten oak wood in sufficient quantities
to make the experiment for himself with all
she potatoes be may plant. The discovery i>
t.n important one, and we hope our readers in
the country districts wiil try the experiment
this seas <u and, communicate to us iu the fall
the result for publication.— Exchange.
IIAV GAPS. —These articles wa wish to keep
before the people. We are persuaded from
our own experience and observation, that no
small investment, in tools to work with, wiil
pay better than bay caps. II y cured in the
cock is uiueh better than that overdiicd in the
un. With these articles on hand, the fanner
is master of his circumstances, ami can throw
the old adfgCj'-Make bay while the sun shines,"
to the wiuds. At least, he can s'op making
it beloro the juiee is all evaporated, and can
put his hay into cock, without fear of rain to
finish the curing process in the best manner.—
A single shower will often damage a ton of
balf-dri d hay, four or five dollars. The Lay
caps, to save it, would not cost much more.—
They are almost certain to pay for themselves
every season fhey are Used, and ia some wet
they will save several times their cost
They can bo got up for from twenty to forty
cent* apiece, according to size and quality.—
For an ordinary cock, weighing about a hun
dred pounds, a cap one yard and a half equate
ts plenty large eneugh. It is well, however, to
have a few of two yurdrt square, for rxtra sized
cocks, for the tops of stacks, and for shocks of
grain which are not put up to stand the weath
er. The objections to hay caps are generally
made b> persoos who do not understand the
use of them. Tbey are best put on with loops
at the corners, and pins; and with a little ex
perience in handling, the ordinary force upou a
farm in haying time will be able to secure a
morning's mowing against all showers that give
any notice of their coming. It is very little
work to make them, they need no painting and
they do protect the bay. Get them in .season
ibat ycu may not have to sulfur the upbraid
ings of conscience, when you find yourself
-•aught with -ix t ns of hay down, all wet and j
mouldering, for the want of a few dollars' |
I worth of cotton cloth, which is now sold at an j
unusually low price — Jhmericin vlgricultur- \
TOMATOES. A correspondent of the Geo- i
nessee Farmer, gives his mode of growing to- j
: matoes. He forwards bis plants in a hot bed
j or green house and grows them in pots until a
foot or a foot and a half high, turning them
out about :Le third week iu May, and plants
j thetn three feet apart in rows When planted,
j he drives down a few stakes, to mako a trellis.
I The ground should be dug deep and made rich
j with manure, and a spooful of guano mixed
| with the suil around cash root. We quote:
hen they have grown sufficiently l°ng to tie
. to the trellis, I select two or throe of the lou
| gest shoots and tie them loosely to the trellis
i onttirf|> away all other sat ill literals which
may grow ou the main branchs.s. I let these
: main bran -bes grow until they Lave come in
flower, thenl piuch out the top,one joint above
the fruit, leaving the leaf entile I then allow
it to go on again until it has flowered, and set
Mother Lunch of fru:t, when this is pinched
out one loaf a Give the bunch, the same as the !
first, and so on of all the rest, taking care to jjj
cut all the la tends which may grow oa the ii
main branches down to the axels of of the :
leaves entire. If any one will take this little
extra trouble, he will be amply repaid, and
absolutely astonished at the imuieuse cluster of
fine large tomatoes he will have. If planted
in a favorable sisuitton, they wiil ripen atleart
as early as th:>*e grown in any other way out
of doors, and frequently three days or a week
earlier. When ripe they will hang longer on •
the vines without decaying. The situation can
hardly be 100 sunny. Deep, light loamy soils I
suits theui best.
Ihe mice made sad havoc with fruit trees last
wiuter, and will probably*be at their old tricks
agtin next, if no preventive is adopted. We
iw mtu: nHiaiu 'united •mtwre ! *.
jt'Cf, and again give she e'baw a j-->g in r< garJ
to it. Put some protection around them, such
as cloth, bitch bark, tea chest lead, aud the
One man says that even old newspapers tied
mound, will keep them. We don't know how
that is, but we have uo doubt that strips of
tarred paper, such as Is used on roofs, would
be effectual aud last for many vests. We pte
sutne, also, that a wooldiog of oakum around
the trunk, would protect the trees. This might
be suffered 'o remain during the summer, as
the fibers would give way so as to allow the
trees to expand by growth — Alaine Farmer.
"Mother, mother, mother !" sobbed a sweet
voice, in agonizing tones. ' It was dark and
i cold in the low, dismal attic; but close pressed
| to the frosted windows lay the face of Sammy
! Hauurz. His soft hair hong over his tearful
face, and his thin hands clasped the rough
window-sill, and his whole frame shook, as the
keen blast found its. way through the ereviccs
around tLe stone chimney. Ii was it sound you
would never forge!; those half-sobbed, half
toomod words—"Mother, mother, mother!"—
You would have felt thai the lit tie heart was
ready to burst with its unutterahh weight of
sorrow, and that grief might be the companion
of childhood as v.ell as of old age.
Below stairs the fire leaped and spaikled,
and crept gaily over toe logs in tho fire-place,
for you tray fin l lire-places iu iuglchook even
Everything, was in order, and Mrs. Haunts, j
the stepmother of Sammy, was sitting placidly ,
before the fire, smoothing the folds of a clean j
apron, and in a self-satisfied manner stroking !
a tabby cat which ly in her :ap.
lier three children were sitting cosily in lit- I
tie chairs by the fireside, aud Mr. Huuntz was
talking with a brother who had just arrived to j
spend Thanksgiving with them.
The wind blew fiercely without, aud once
when an unusual tempest seemed to shake the j
tonudation of the house, the father turned sud- j
denly to his wife, aud said
"Whore is Sammy ?"
"Gone tj bed," said she, tardily.
"What made him go so early 1" asked Mr. I
| liauntz. Ar.d iu a tone which precluded far- j
! thcr inquiry, his wife answered :
"Because he was too lazy to sit up, I sup- '
For a few moments Mr. liauntz looked off
vacantly into a corner of tha room, and then I
offering a pipe to his brother, seemed to forget
! that Sammy had been mentioned.
Eight years before, Mr. liauntz had beeu
sitting by tha same fire side with his first wife,
gentle Sarah Lee. Sammy was upon his fath
er's lap, and Sarah, with her head upon her
husband's shoulder," was talking of what they
would do, when Sammy would bo old enough
tc have a Thanksgiving cf his own. Perhaps
Mr. Huuntz's tneiuory was bringing out those
old pictures in a fresh light; and he may bavo'
paused to wonder if he had changed since that ;
wife of his first choice and purest love sat be- j
side him. However it was, no one know. Men
are often asbauied of their best and noblest j
thoughts, and hide them for fear they be called
unmanly. i
| \\ bother the old adage may be true or not.
] that "A mother's the same, all the days of her!
j life, but a father chauges when he gets a uew
| wife," we do not pretend to say;, but it was a
i fact that the second Mrs. llauntz and her ebil
j dren wore apparently first ia the thoughts and
j affections of Mr. Ilaunti.
The morrow was Thanksgiving, and from
! early morn had Mrs. Hauntz been busy prepa
ring for the big dinner of the coming "day. *
More than two months before, she hud partly
promised Sammy, that "if he was a good boy,
and behaved himself," be" might go to bis
grandfather L°e s to spend Thanksgiving.—
And the motherless child had planned and"ho
.pod, and beeu happy upon the events of that
day. He had many times gone to bed supper
lev*, and never cried at all, because he felt
asleep thinking of the dinner lie should get at
his grandfather's.
Although but two miles away, his stepmoth
er seldom allowed htm to go there, because as
she averred, " They set him up against her, and
end® bim uglier than ever." But once in a
while, she was obliged to allow liitn to go, for
fear that "people would talk about it." Hhe
jjvut a first class member of the church iu lo
flekook, and her praise for charitable deeds,
and kindness to the poor, was in all the neigh- t
yor hood. Bhc was one of those christians
whose -'right hand knows what the left hand
•dootb, and whose religion was for the praise
•c? m.n, rather than the approval of God: I
fr.d whose judgment 1 leave for a just Judge!
> pronounce at a coming day.
f|- Many a time had poor Bau:my bad a box vd i
while the minister looked out of the win
>w, and been ecut supperlcss to bed. while
#e trld 'Be visitors that "he was sick," and '
he slept shiveang under a few old bl un .
Jets >0 the garret, she displayed a snug warm i
bedroom below, as "Sammy's room." Thro'
?U luglcbcok she was proverbial as a "modal
step-mother," and none but he who watches
|ver motherless children knew of all tint poor
g/.uiaiy suffered. No human friend knew of
wrongs done to his chiidish nature: of the
tersh repressing of ail and jov
And of the biuerues.*_ which grew up in bit j
icart tuvraid all but his giaudf .thcr: 110 was
a-c his m iiner; and upon her father's '
Uc b ; ;eu t,)IJ by the old man how
gentle aud lovely she was, and that she wa* !
With the angels now, and be a motherless boy.
| S.> thc- joung child's heart clung to th old
|an who was kind to him, and the great bolli
'■*** Roc. Varar was that upon which he could i
got wwayTr"'ra trie ** u .-, a &to ?. Ci ,4Ss
voire, and the fear of her hand—when be
could leave the chili fireside at home, where lie"
always sal behind the new family group, and
would climb upon the lap of old Mr. Lee, and
with Lis soft curls lying close to the white hair
of the old man, listen to the stones told of his
mother, and then have a ufce supper upon the
round table drawu close to the fire. This
year he had anxiously waited for the dr-, leaves
t > drift through the woods in October, an J for
the first November so >w to come, because at
Thanksgiving he should vi-it his grandfather.
And ;bc day before had coaae at List. 110
was up before ihe stars were out of sight, an 1
had a blazing fire upon the h-:arth; tea
kettle boiling, and the potatoes in. All day
long his little feei had pattered busily here and
there—to the barn, to 'the well, down cellir,
up stairs, in the pautry, and there surely never
was a housewife who needed m>re waiting upon
thao, and Simmy did it at| C His
Sogers smarted w i;h cold, when he picked up
great baskets of chips; his b:ck ached when ho
lugged in armful after armful of great hard
wood sticks fur the kitchen and "spare rooui"
fire place: his hungry stomach craved a piece
oi the smoking pics, which be had to drag frou
the brick oven, in i he longed for one doughnut
from (lie heaping panful ho h id to earrv away.
His little feet and sleuder arms were verv tired,
but he never complained a word, ani to"all his
mother's provoking taunts, and needless fault
finding, be was silent; but when all was done
—and it was nine o'clock—he coulJ not help
Asking her if he was to g> to his grandfather's
to-morrow; and when ho hoard her say, "No !
1 want you at home," ho could hardly totter
up stairs. When there he dropped intr- an old
chair, and nieaned, oh, so sadly ! "Mother,
mother, mother I"
llow miny childish hearts moan mother,
mother! How nnuy hearts ache and break
for lack of a mother's love? All over the
world orpb&ued children send up a wail for
Mother! Love! aud Heaven! Bitter indeed
is the cry, but does uot God hear it, and shall
he not at last justly reward the oppressors of
little children ?
Thanksgiving ruorniug dawned clearly aud i
brightly upon luglehook, but Mrs. Liauntz j
'waited on herself that day, after calling tho j
boy many times, she went upstairs, and foun i
him sitting, white arid chill, by the window,
with tears frozen upon his cheeks, aud his soft
hair woven with the frozen work on the glass.
Little Sammy had gone to hold his Thanks
giving with the angels.
From the Philadelphia Daily -Veicj.
A Slate Convention for the People—
Withdrawal of Mr. Todd's Caii.
It will be seen by tho correspondence published
in another part of to-day's paper, that tho sugges
tions made in the News of Tuesday last, in regard
to the "basis of union" for a State Convention in
opposition to tlie corruptions and misrule of the !
Locofocos, arc practically .adopted iu every essen- i
tial feature, and that tho chairmen of the differ- j
ent State Organizations composing tho opposition '
to the present National Administration, have adopt- !
eti the recommendation of the consolidated Com-;
miners of this city, calling a general State Con i
vent ion on the 14th of July next, at ILurisburg. j
That the action of Mr. Swocpe iu this matter, j
will be cordially endorsed by the Americans of the
State, we have no doubt. Indued, we know that it
was at the solicitation of a number of the
most prominent members of our party tbat he has
thus acted, as well as by tho directions ol the mem
bers of the Committee of which he is Chairman.—
Any other course would have been suicidal, re;; .It
ing inevitably in the defeat of the great cardinal'
principles which every member of the American 1
r Organization has at heart. Mr. Swoop a has zod
ously guarded the distinctive interests of the Ame
rican Party, refusing, as wo know, to go into the
I movement on any basis that woutl not recognize
I th Cardinal features of Americanism, and m iking
the withdrawal of Mi. To it's Call, a condition
i precedent to hit action iu the premises.
We have now a basis of union and a programme
on which, as we rem irive i a few days since, th; en
tire people, as opp esed to the Buchinin dynasty,
eun rally, and which every American in the State
caii heartily and cor.liiify embrace as the means
which is to rid us of the te rt ible incubus which ha*
been fastened upon us by the blind adoration of
Loco Focoism.
We shall go into this contest upon a platfottn
embodying the principle of the Crittcnden-Mout
gornery amendment, an 1 the two prominent fea
tures ot Americanism, viz: Opposition to foreign la
™Ci i ICe i tb*: protection of American industry.
With such issues before us, with such raiivingj
cr:,-i as these* and with the cordial an I hearty sup*"- j
port of the entire opposition of the State for tha j
candidates who may receive the nomin ition of this ;
Convention, there can he no fear of the result.
The time lias come when Ihe people have deter- j
mined to take into their own inu la the cure of the j
evils with which they hive been curse J throughout j
the ot Franklin Pierce, and thus?
far dming the term of Mr. Buchanan. Let our |
friends then buckle on their attnor for a new con- j
test, and when the time arrives to elect delegates j
to this Convention, which will, of course, have the j
confidence of every man in the State, unless he be j
a Loco toco; let them select their best men to !
represent them in it. if we do this, ar. I are actu- ]
ated by the same spirit which governed the opposi- j
tion in Philadelphia in the late eitv canvass, we '
shall bur! from power and place in October next, !
tho unfaithful Congressmen who have tnisrepresen-!
ted Pennsylvania, whilst wo shall at tho same lime I
purify our State Administration, and pave the i
way<4or a great success of truly American princi- i
pies in 1860.
The Americans of Philadelphia have on sev
| eral occasions shown ari invincible detenuiua
; lion to refuse to unite with other parties, when
: I here was any danger of a sacrifice of the
great principles for which they have sa long
and so pertinaciously contended. Uuder the
most discouraging circumstance*, fjr tw > yea:>
past, they have preserved their organization,
when there was no immediate prospect of cs
tablishing the measures far which they conten
ded. Without the nanus to carry on a politi
cal warfare, with every advantage on the part
of their opponents, they refused to be coaxed,
wheedled, or scolded from tho advocacy of
measures which they deemed essential to the*
preservation of the insti'.urioßs of our country,
and necessary to the prosperity, improvement
any! iu dependence of ihs l vple.
i tic policy VOi'.TI iacy 0.^0nn.T0r.,,,,
they wiii contend for still The political, com- j
mereial, financial an 1 industrial independence <
of our ccuutry is a.* d-ar to the American poo-
pie tow 33 it has ever yet beet; and they ate
as much determined to struggle for it now as
they have been heretofore. The union of the
people, which Ins now b:ea fonn J, iuvoire? no
sacrifice of principle u;x>n the part of Ameri
cans, arri will not require them to abandon
their organization. The events of the pas!
year have shown, more forcibly than ever, the
. necessity for the establishment of an Atueri
■ can nationality, and the adoption of an Ameri
can iudeslriial and commercial policy, to pro
tect us from tho iutetfcrcucc and competition •
of the nations of Euror>c.
The great principle, that "the people shall
have the right to form their own institutions,"
Americans- have ever been willing to support,
and are glad to have all who desire the estab
lishment of right and justice to uuite with
(hem. The right of Americans to rule our
country, and to protect it against foreign inter
ference of every hind, and against the intro
duction of immoral elements into our commu
nity, we have not abandoned. The difference
which the American party in I*so, was,
in a great measure, one concerning the relative
: importance of measures. We opposed the re
■ peal of the "Missouri Compromise" as much as
any others, but we considered "Protection to
American interests and resistance to foreign
influence" as of primary importance. Others,
carried away by the Sectional fever which
spread over the land, were willing to yield
; everything else to oppose the outrages of the |
■ Democratic party.
Americans were unwilling to adopt the sec- I
j tloual platform of the Republicans, believing it;
jtoto be injurious and unwise. Time has shown
| that the conservative policy of the American .
! party was right; and when others are willing to f
acknowledge it, and to unite in a common ef- j
fort to resist the tyranny despotic Prcsi- j
dent, we are not so unwise as to repulse them, j
Time, we believe, will shew the necessity for I
i adopting all our mensuiefs, and every day j
brings fre*h, though sad proof to the people
j that they cannot prosper under the unwise !
: system which now curses the country aud des- j
troys the hopes of the people.
The first duty of an American citizeu is to
guard the liberties of his country with a jeal
ous eye, and when the manifest evidence of a
determination to pervert the powers conferred
upon those who ad minister the government ap
pear before his eyes, he caunot hesitate to adopt 1
practicable measures to resist such encroach- I
mcnts. The despotic measures of .Mr. Bucb- j
ansa are too palpablo to admit of dUpute, and
no American who cherishes the free institutions
of his country, oan hesitate as to his duty in
such an emergency. The call for a "People's
j Convention" in Pennsylvania rings ;he death
; knell in the ears of LocofocoLto. It has been
■ weighed in the balauce aud found wanting.—
| Whatever errors men may have committed
heretofore, it will surely be tegarded as tneri-
I torious now, that they are ready to come up to
i the work of rebuking the iniquities of Mr.
Buchanan and his servant?..
Americans should be active and vigorous in
rhir -Torts to strengthen their organization.
No nsettious to arouse and encourage Ameri
cans to renew their efforts for the establish
ment of their principles should bonegleotel.
i The time is propitious. The foieigu cohorts of
' Loco Focoktii hold possession of the Govero-
VOL. 31,
Mont, by dividing and distracting its oppo*
Let "Amori ;an Nationality" be the watch
word, an-J let us show that the spirit of the
American people is as lively and as active now
as it has ever bean
The principles re advocate have passed
I the ordeal of adversity, and are established in
, the hearts of the people more firmly than ever.
Fits common danger whieh impends over us,
and threatens the very existence of free insti
tutions, c ills in tones of thunder to every one
who loves his country to take part in her de
liverance—to restqre the H< public to its for
mer gtory—to rid the Government of the Ym-
Jals who are preying upon its vitals; and to se
c-are thi prosperity and independence or* the
nbhest and industrious men of America, is a
work worthy of the best efforts of an eaergeiic
and intelligent people. There are proud days
in store for the "Great Kvoublia," if Ameri
cans do their duty.— Philadelphia Daily
A ewi.
Wilson and Phiuaey are the leading mem
bers of the Washington county bar. Sitting
opposite OHO another at the dinner table—they
are always opposite in practice at the bar iu
the hotel—M ilaou was describing, the effects
ot a speech he made a few eights before in the
village where Puinuoy resides.
"Indeed," said be, "I never saw the,peopb
so filled with enthusiasm."
"Filled with what f cried i'hinnev.
"With enthusiasm."
'•Oh, ah said Puinney, 4 'l .understand;
but I never heard it called by jhat name be
fore; we e <ll it ruoi!"
From the Centre Demon at.
Washington, May 8, 185$.
W 'V. Baotvx, Eq.—Dear Sir:—Jjinee the
English swindle has taken Kansas oat of O-jn
gre-ss and sent it to Kickapoo, the two branch
es scorn disposed to go to work an I dispatch
■uatness, especially as we have agreed to ad
journ on the Trh of June; tut w< cannot pos
sibly transact near all the business that has ac
cumulated on our calendar and in our commit
tees, to say nothing of attending to those great
national interests, which now so urgently de
mand our nitenitdQ —such especially as the tar
iff, nor is there any disposition on the part of
tin south or the administration to do tnythm-
Wwards r storing the country once more t. > a
trade and democracy arc now one and the same
thing. As for protecting and encouraging
American labor, American enterprise, Ameri
can commerce, agriculture a::d manufactures,
the Democracy, which includes the Adminis
tration, had rasher see every forge fire extin
guished, every manufactory spindle and loom
standing idle, every ship lying rotting at our
wharves and every Lardy American thrown out
of employment, as thej all are tore, and nude
to give place to new recruits, especially if
they are believers in the holy church and de
mocracy; what a humiliating condition cur
government bus come too. 1 have endeavored
I'o introduce a measure having for its object
home valuation, cash duties and requiring that
they be made specific on iron end such o f Ler
articles as would be practicable, so ss to prc
vcut the enormous frauds that are perpetrated
upon our revenue a; the same time injuring
our own manufactures, and notwithstanding it
was evidently necessary to do this to protect
the revenue against frauds, this measure was
objected to by the leading member of the Com
mittee of Ways and Means, Mr. Letcher. —
But, may I not as welt say at once that we can
not expect any p. rmauent relief to our indus
trial interests so long as the Democracy (i. e.)
:bo slave interests, control the government.
When ike people think proper to place a
party in power, which is committed to the pro
tective policy, that paity which passed the
Tariff of '42, winch the Democracy wiped cut
as soon as they could, though not until it had
given life, animation and successful activity to
the great industrial interests of the country,
and covered our State with benefits and hits
sings, I say, when the people will da this, then
we may expect a period of prosperity to fal
low, such as followed the passage of that T.u
iff, and not until thou.
The echoes of the rejoicings here and else
where over the accomplishment ot ♦he English
swiudle and attempted bribe, are coming back
from the people, and nuking Buchanan and
his paid flatterers tremble as did the Babylo
nian King when he saw the handwriting on the
wall. York has spoken, Indiuuapolis has spo
ken, and Philadelphia has spoken, and neither
of them in an uncertain voice. Philadelphia
speaks in tones of thunder. The opposition to
this ceutrai despotism here at Washington ate
in excellent spirits, and manifest a most con
ciliatory disposition. Tkcy- have noble leaders,
gallant, able and patriotic. There is our true
hearted, steadfast old friend Crittenden, who
placed himself so high before the nation by his
amendment to the Lecomptou Kansas Bill;
and there, too, is Belt, who is so volt kuowu
to the wholo nation, and ,Siuim:s, the friend
and champion of the working-men, be being
one himself, a working farmer; and the able
and powerful Seward, the able defender of the
rights and interests of free men and free labor "
But 1 cannot uieotiou ali who have distinguish
ed themselves in the Senate, such as Ilale,
Wilson, Collauier, Foot, Fesseuden, Wade,
Hamlin, &\ In the House we Lave also a
host, but to name one and not another, would
be invidious. Six Southern Americans stood
with us through the trying fclruggle, as well m
twelve of the Douglas Demoa.-ts, the number
ot the apostles. O* those thai leturued to to.
flesh pots in the day of trial, and f.he- Northern
r dough-laces who basely abandoned their con
stituents and the cause and interests of Free
men to worship at the shriuo of p.over, ) m
must excuse tae for not naming; the country
knows tbetn, and it is to b) hop? i will reward