Hcipal Revolution at X. Orleans [ IrUE OF TUB ARSENAL BY THE j I VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. H,, Orleans, June 3 —The Reform Rev- , ■ fr,owing out of the numerous riots anil in this city, broke out last night | ■ fornntion and organization of a powerful j Committee, who have taken possei- H. t j ie oity witth the determina'ion of en- . H_- lynch law. ■ Vioilance Committee, among whom are ( our most respectable citizens, took ; in large numbers of the Arsenal in K in Square, ami this morning the Vigi- • !■ Ex-cutive Ooimuittee culls on all the law j loving citizens to j >in them, and an their determination to carry their tncas- else has transpired yet, except that ■ are loaded aud posted about the arsen- K| about two hundred armed men arc on Vigiltnoe Committee have presented an i K-ulcut ticket for M-yor and municipal of- HL in antagonism to the ruffi mi-m of both j ■ l parti [SECOND DESPATCH.] Ha\ 3, 11.30.—General Tracy's divt sin of; H[ii i-i called out. The Common Council are j K- r t session and in much confusion. 1,.. Council have possession of the First ! Brief Armory, with only ten rounds of am- | ■ battle is expected this afternoon between Committee and tiie city authori [ ruinU DESPATCH.] THE MOT ACT HEAD. I ■une 3, —l2, noon—The excitement contiu ■ to inereuse, and both the authorities and Hviniiaiice Committee are arming for the ■, t. The militia are at their armories Ba.cd in making ball cartridges, the Vigi- Committee having possession of the ar- B The Mayor has just completed rcad- B the riot act at the headquarters of the Vig- B Committee. 1. —The treaty of peace which has B !i ig 1 "-'"!) agrees to the following terms: Mynr Waterman for the city authorities, and B'Cral Lewis, the Superintendent of the clee ■' (~ be held on Monday, accepted the forc- B'f the Vigilance Committee as a special po- K to protect property and life, and to cxe ■ t i ;e biws. The Vigilance Committee does B disband, but is to retain its nrganizition as Biilitary body as long as may be uecessary for Bit" defence and tbe performance of their le ■imate duties. The rabble are still in the Bert-, but tbe number is comparatively small, ■l 12 "0 Samuel Brown, 14 7 00 Samuel Shuck .V Co. 14 7 00 Robert Fj a i), 11 7 00 J. 4- J. M. Shoemaker, 14 7 00 Sarah E. Putts, 14 7 00 Isaac Lippel, 14 7 00 Colin [.oyer. 14 7 00 Agnes Saupp, 1 1 7 00 John Arnold, [ hardware] 14 7 00 Wm. Hartley, do 14 7 00 George Illy mire, do 14 7 00 Dr. B. F. Marry, 14 7 00 Dr. F. C. Reanet, 14 7 00 Adam Ferguson, 14 7 00 A. L. Defihaugh, [eating house] 8 SOU Jacob Bollinger, do 8 5 00 Bedford Township. Jacob Barnhart, 14 7 00 ltroadlop Township. B irndoll tr & Everbart, 12 12 00 Fluck & Eichelbcryer, 13 10 IK) Culerain Touaship. N. E Evans, 14 7 00 A. E. James. 11 7.00 J. A J. M. Shocm iker, 14 7 00 Cumberland Pulley Township. Jacob Anderson, 1 1 7 00 Thomas Fislier, 14 7 00 Daniel li. Anderson, 14 7 00 '.'hom*s Grovvden, 14 7 00 East Providence Township. John Nvcum, 14 7 00 D. A. T. Blaek, 14 7 00 Louderbaugli & Pee, 14 0 00 Hopewell Towuship. John Dasher, 11 7 I'd Henry S. King, 14 7 00 Harrison Township. Valentine B. Wcrtz, 14 7 00 John W. Snii'h, 14 Andrew J Snivel)', 14 • 0!J Juniata Township. Wm. Keysor, 14 7 GO , llillegas & Mowry, 14 7 00 j Lewis N. Fvan, 14 < 00 i Liberty Township Divid S. Berk itresser, 14 J 00 ! Lewis Putt, '"1 I 0" : John Cypher, 14 7 00 Si eel k Entriken, 14 7 00 ; Jacob Foekler, 14 7 00 Londonderry Township. Burns es, II its and Caps, also a large supply of fashionable lloatlj-.llade Clothing. Also, a full stock of GROCERIES, WOODEN WARE, Sic. Having selected our goods with great care, we are enabled to offer our customers VERY GREAT BARGAINS for CASH—all kind., of Country Produce—or 011 aUc,IH ** t.i punctual deadens. An examination of our stock is respectfully so licited. A. B. CRAMER & CO. Bedford, April 31, 1858. LATEST NEWS FROM UTAH I Fresh Arrival of M'HIMi AM) SDHMea GOODS AT SHOEMAKERS' STOKE! THE undei signed, having just returned from the ■ Eastern Cities, are now receiving a large and I splendid assortment of SPRINT AND SUMMER ; HOODS, which they are determined to sell chop, i Their stock consists in part of Cloths, C 'assimeres, I Satinet Is, Je ins, and a large assortment of Men's I an I Boys' wear. Ladies* Goods, Silks, Delaines, Calicoes, i and Jnu ns. A large assortment of Boots, ' Shoes, Huts and Ca]>s. Coffee, Sugar, Syrups, Mo- j lasses, Black and Green Teas, Queensware, Hard ware, Buckets, Tubs, Knives and Forks, Ac. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods. To good and punctual customers a credit of six months will be given. J. A J. M. SHOEMAKER. April 2,'1, 1858. (ilsse Manufactory. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the public that they are engaged in manufacturing a superior article of glue, at different prices, at their residence in Snakespiiusr Valley, two miles east of Bloody Run, and are prepared to fiii promptly all orders. All in want of this atticle have their orders attended to by addressing the undersigned at Bloody Run. The subscribers wish to purchase a quantity of tanners' fleshings, and those having any for sale, can dispose of them hv applying as above. In connection with their glue manufactory, they also carry on the weaving business, and wilt weave coverlets and carpets on reasonable terms and at the shortest notice. MORRIS KICHTER A SON. April 10, 1858.-2ni. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. fltllE partnership heretofore existing between JL llemyS. King and James Madura, under the name and firm of Madura, King Co., doing business at Loin no. Iron Works, in Hopewell Township Bedford County, is dissolved by mutual consent. HENRY S. KING, N0v.27, 18-37 .-t f. JAMES M ADAH A. THE business of manufacturing iron at Lem nos Iron Works, will be continued by the under signed, who has percliased all the interest of his late partner James Madura in the books, property i and effects, belonging to the late firm of Madura King A Co. Nov. 27, 1857.-tf. HENRY S. KING. BEDFORD U tIOI. The Summer session of this Institution will ; commence on Wednesday, April 21st ! The efficient County Superintendent of the Dub lin Schools, Rev. 11. Ileekorman, will assist in the instructiou of youth during the coining quarter. Persons, therefore, wishing to pursue a course of ! study with the view of preparing th ■ nselves to ; teach in onr Common Schools, will enjoy tare ad vantages in connection with this Institution. GEORGE W._AUGIIINBAUGIt, April 9, 1858. " Principal. SHKYOCK & SMITH, CIIAMHERSBIRG, PA., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, AND Dealers in Music and Musical Instruments. Our stock consists of Books, Stationery, Mu sic, Musical Instruments, Wad papers. Blinds, French, German and American Lithographs ! and steel engravings, gilt mouldings for frames, etc., etc., wholesale and retail. Dr. B. F. llarry is our agent for Bedford, anil all orders given him will he promptly attended to, j March 7, 1857. BEDFORD •V ach in c shop ! THE subscriber would most respectfully announce to the farming community, and public in general, that be still continues to manufacture at bis shop, in Bedford, Pa., the following farming utensils, of the very be; t material, and in the most workman like manner, viz : Four trnd Six Horse Tumbling Shaft lower Machine#, with huge ojien cylinders, six staves, and spikes screwed in, and improved Straw Shakers attached. Their superiors for strength and speed are not made in this or any other County in the State. Four Horse Tumbling Shaft and Strap power Ma chine, with c> hnder open or shut, as may be de sired, ami shaker of the best kind,-for convenience, ease of draft, and perfect working. This mac nine his no superior any where. THREE HORSE MACHINES, of the suae kind. TWO AND THREE HORSE TUMBLING SHAFT POWER MACHINES, a very convenient an i excellent tsia chine for small farmers, with or without shakers. HILL SIDE PLOUGHS, of a verv superior pattern to aov in use in this country". SINGLE AN!) DOUBLE SJOVKL PLOUGHS, WITH STEEL SHOVELS. CULTIVATORS, Peck ham'B New Vork FIVE-HOED STEEL POINT EXPANDING CULTIVATOR; Rogers Pittsburg patent STEEL TOOTH EXPANDING CULTIVATOR, for working corn, or seeding in grain, Fanning Mills, Horse Rakes Lever Cutting Boxes, Harrows and Wheelbarrows, made to order. All the above articles constantly on hand, and sold cn reasonable terms. REPAIRING of all kinds of Machines, whether made here or elsewhere, done on the shortest no tice. C ■stings for all my machines and Ploughs, made it the Foundry of Mr. Michael Bmnan, in Bedford, and will compare with any made in the State for strength and durability ~BT.ACKSM.ITHI NG dor.e to order. All mv work warranted to give satisfac lion. From a pist experience of twenty years in the Machine business, I feel confident that I can give entire s itisfaction to all who may favor me with a call. Call and examine my work before you pur chase elsewhere, as I am determined to please nil. Horses, grain of all kinds, lumber and iron, will In- taken iti exchange for work. PE rKE 11. SHIRES. Machinist, Bedford. May 7, 1858.-Sm LATEST SEWS FROM KANSAS. REED k lilicn STORE. r 11HE very list arrival of SRING & SUMMER X GOODS—bought at the right time, and in the # right manner, to ensure fabrics worth buying and at fair prices— Rkko t Mix.victi deal not in humbugs, clap traps or baits, but on actual inspection, you will find a heavy stock of iMEIlim & FOREIGN GOODS, of a very superior quality, and to be had at prices gratifying to the purchaser and remunerative to the seller. Reed k Minniel) will have nothing to do with giving Some goods away, mid putting the ••Tariff"' on somewhere else—good uiorchm dise al ways ensures sales at living prices. Come and See, bring your CASH AND Puonrot, and if you d<> not get cheap goods say there is no trutli in this adver tisement. Dry Goods, —Dress Silks, Robe u QuiUss, Madonas, Organdy Lawns, Delaines, Calicoes. Dress Goods, and Trimmings, in great Variety, Bonne's, Kibbous, Gloves, Hosiery, French and Amer ican Cloths and Catsimeres.Summer Clothes an I Jeans. Woolen and Can/on Flannels, Sheetings, Muslins, Linens, for all purposes, Tu-illiugs, drillings, ke. Queen*ware an?? Glassware, an assortment uueqnalL'd in Bedford. Hoofs and Shoes. Reed & Mintuch know how to buy boots and shoes of all styles. Call and See. They will speak for themselves. HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, Sugars, of different qualities and prices, Syrups, Molasses, and every article in this line We cannot enumerate all our goods. Call and we will show you free cf charge, and feel happy to do so. Call and you will tind yourself at the right place to buv. May 7, 1858. BEDFORD RAIL KOFI). " SI NCE the charter has been granted for the •• Bed ford Rail Road," the citizens of Bedford have been much excited and interested upon the subject. This int<-rest is r.ot confined to the citizeus of town, hut extends throughout tin? country, and crowds are daily rushing to Rapp's JSew and Hand same Store, in Anderson's Row, where a targe ami attractive assortment of beautiful Spring and Sum mer Goods, are opening, which will be sold cheaper than ever offered before in this place. The stock consists in part of Robe 1 de Shaum Borage de Laities, Robes a Quilla, Lavillus, Organdie Lawns, While $ printed Brilliants, Chalties, Plain and Figured Swiss. Latest Style Lawn Robes for $1.50. Mohair Mixture for 18, cents per yard. De Laincs of all descriptions J rom G\ to 25 per yard. Lawns of various styles for (5-j els. per yard. ..In extensive asscrtmcut of beautiful prints ranging from i to 12J cents per yard. Muslins of all prices and qualities. A large assortment of Ladies ami Misses, Gloves and Hosiery trotn the low figure of 5 cts. np. Pure linen Handkerchiefs for 5 cts., and a full and complete assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS generally. A huge and well selected assortment ofC CASSIMERES and VESTIXGS. Consisting it) part of Black French and English Cloths, Blue do do do. Olive do do do. Black Cassimeres. Black Doe Skins. Fancv French and American Cassimeres VESTIXGS. Grenadines, plain and figured. Radzemiro do do Velvets do do and a great variety of Marsielles Veslings. Fancy Silk and Lawn Neck Ties, from 6J- cents to o*2 \ cents. A complete assortment of Ladies and Misses BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS. Also a 1 irgc assortment Mens BOOTS and SHOES. My assortment of GROCER IES can't he beat. Brown Sugar for <4 cts per pound; first rate Brown Sugar for 8 " " " Extra do do •• id " " White Sugar for 12],, 14 and 15 •' " " First Rato Rio Coffee for 12J " " Extra do do " 15 .. No. 1 Java do " 15 " " i( Best N. O. Molasses •' 12i '• '• qbart Good Syrup do • 12J •' Extra do do 1 18J " " " Good Corn Brooms for a Jtriie. Bacon ny tiic pound. CF" All of which will bo sold cheaper than the cheapest. Don't forget to cull at RUPP'S XEW STORE, in Anderson's Rear, one door east of Cess na k Shahnon's office, and opposite the Gazette office G. W. RUPP. Bedford, April 80, 1858. _ o __ - LETTERS of administration on the Estate of John Lutz, late of Snakcspring Township, docM, having been granted to the subscriber, residing in said township, all persons imlebto I to slid estate are therefore notified to tuako payment iiuraediite ly, and those having claims against said estate will present them forthwith, r.roperly authenticated lor settlement. " MICH USL LUMR llu 21. 1858. .Vim f.