Ireat Arrival of FILL IKB WINTER FOODS. JUS Treceived and on hand, the beat as* itmevt of IIOOTK and SHOES that could be selected for the citizens i f Bedford, and strangers visiting the place, 1 door south >!' 31 in nick's Conlectionarv Store, on Juliana Street. * Mens' Grained Water-Prof long legged Hoots, Mens' thick sole eastern made long legged Boots, Mens' Kip and oarse Heavy Boots, Gents' Kino Calf double sole Boots, Gents' 'Jxford Tics, Gents' Congress Gaiters, Mens' Heavy city made Jirogaiis, Ladies' .Morocco Boots, Ladies' Goat .'led Boots, Worn ens' Calf heavy winter Boots; Misses' and Children** Boots in variety, Boys' Boots of all kinds, size and description. CAPS, in variety, will be always kept on Land. Persons wishing to purchase good Boots and Shoes will please give mc a call bulore buying i Isewlicre. ADAM FERGUSON. Oct. 2, 1857. EXKCUTOiI'S NOTitE LETTERS testamentary h iv'ng been granted by the Register of Bedford County to the undersigned upon the estate of Christian Wioebrenner, late of .Middle IVooriberry Township, dee'd, ali jterson# kuowing themselves indebted to said deceased are lieieby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or accounts against said es tate. will please present them properly authentica ted for sttiJiunenL JACOB KIFER, DAVID BOY Eli, Uxors, Residing in M. Wood berry Tp. ] April 2, 1858. SHU 10( K & S M 1111 , CfiAMBERSIIUItG, PA., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, AND Dealers in Music and Musical Instruments. Our stock consists of Books, Stationery, .Mu sic, Musical Instruments, Wad papers, Blinds, French, German and American Lithographs and steel engravings, gilt mouldings for frames, j etc., etc., wholesale and retell. Dr. B. F. I Harry is our agent for Bedford, and all orders) given Wiu will be promptly attended to. March 7, 1857. DISSOLUTION OS' PAfITAEItSISIP. j f partnership heretofore existing between j X 11 only S. King anil James Midira, under the n.i xe and firm <>l Ma Lira, King Co., doing j business at Lemnos Iron Works, in I lope.veil j Township Bedford County, is dissolved by mutual ) consent. HENRY S. KING, N0v.27, 1857.-tf. JAMES SIADARA. THE business of manufacturing iron at Leni ties Iron Works, will be continued by the under signed, who has perehased all the interest of his late partner J utnes Ma i ra in tlie books, property and effects, belonging to the late firm of Madura King & Co. ? Nov. 27, ll>s7—ti". HENRY S. KING. Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership hereto'ore existing and trading ander the linn name of Blyiuire Sc Hartley, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent * The; Books, notes and accounts are in the hands of Win. : Hartley, v. no is hereby authorized to settle the ] b.ine. All persons knowing themselves indebted i to tbe firm of Blymire is liar, ley, will save costs by paying up, before the Books and notes are pi t- | red in the hand of a collector. March 26, 18-58. Glue Manufactory, THE subscribers would respectfully inform the public that they are engaged in manufacturing a superior urfu 1c of glue, at different prict •. at their residence in Soakesprins Valley, two miles at >< Bloody Run, and arc prepared to tiil promptly all orders. All m want of this aiticle cau have tiu ir otders attended to by addressing the undersigned at Bloody Run. The subscribers wish to jurcluise a quantity of , tanners' fleshings, and those having any for sale, can dispose of them by applying as above. In connection with their glue manufactory, they also carry on the weaving business, and wiil weave coverlets and carpets on reasonable terms and at the shortest notice. .MORRIS KICIITER 8c SON. April 16, 1858.-am. MUSIC K MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.— Pianos, Mcloikons, Flutes, Guitars, Brass Horns, Clarionets, Drums, etc., of various manu facture, always on hand. Binds supplied at city u-hoUialc rales. We keep always on hand a full assortment of all the new and fashionable music, which we mail at our expense to any pait of the country. N. B. Music nged to order. SIIKYOCK & SMITH, Chatnbertburg. March 7, 1857. ._j , I OX MANHOOD, AND ITS PREMATURE DECLINE. JUST published gratis, the 20th thousand; A few words on the rational ticutment, without med iline, of Spermatorrhea or Local Weakness. Noc turnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, I nupoteney, and Impediments to Marriage genera'• iy, by p.. DE LANE y, M. jy. T lie important fact that the many alarming com plaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed WITHOUT MED ICINE is in tliis email tract, clearly demonstrated; and tbe entirely new and highly successful treat ment, as adopted by the author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure HIM SELF perfectly and at the least possible cost, \ thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the • day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a j scaled envelope, by remitting (post paid) two pos- j tagostamps to I)r. B. DE LANKY, 88. East 31st Street. New York Citv. May 7. 1858. S I O N E W A It E.—Cream Crocks, Milk > Giocks of all sizes; Butter Dishes,froiu one to one and a half gallon Pitchers, all of bich are of best qualitv, for sale by A. FERGUSON- Bedford, Jan. 16, 1856. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been grant ed to tb subsetibor, living in South Woodtier.-y j Township.. t,. M altou, No. 154 Xbrth Seventh St. below Race, ■ Philadelphia. A liberal discount to thetrdde. None genuim wtthout written signature of D. G. Walton, Proprietor. | Dr. IV.'s tro itm-nt for Self-abuse, Weakness. kc., is entirely different from the usual course.— Dr. W. has cut ed bund is Is who have tried others without benefit. Ine treatment is as certain to j cure astne sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and j address Dr. W . as above; giving a full history of 1 your case, and you will bless tlu day you made | the effort to secure wiiat is certain—A R ADIO VL CUiIK. Jan. 29, 1858.-zz. BLOODY RUN FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP. THE subscribers arc now prepared, at their Foundry in Bloody Run, to fill all or Ws for cast ings of any description for Grist an I Saw Mills Threshing Machines, Apph Mills, Ploughs, ami .a'bthings else in their line that may be needed in this or the adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machines of '2 1 or 0 Dorse power, warranted equal if cot superior to ■ any made in the State. We keep constantly on | hand a Dill assortment of Woodeock, Plug." and i Hillside Ploughs, warranted to give satisfaction or no sale. Points, shares aud 1 andsides, to fit all IV oodcoek or Seyler Ploughs in the County. Farmer s Bells, Ploughs and Cistings of our make may be fia 1 at Foundry prices at the store of Wru Hartley, Bedford. Pa.. Doiul rhangh k Pee, Fast Providence Tp., John Xycum At Son, Ravs Hill. Times being hirl, ive offer great induce ments to Farmers and Meehinies to bin of us. Alli kinds of repairing doue In a neat and sub stantial manner, and all work warranted. Call and examine our work and castings ainUiud'e for yourselves. ° JOSIAH BAUGIIMAX & PRO. March 28, 18-38.-tf. Jiiit Received at the jfc'ew Firm, MED & MLVMtirs. An elegant assortment of Spring Goods, of the best quality, consisting of Cloths. C tssiiueros, I weeds, Jean-, and Cotton ides, li) pieces of the latest style Calicoes and Ginghams. Also, Mus lins, bleached and unbleached, of every grade, nl: of which will be sold at the lowest figure for e'ash April 9, 1858. Administrator 7* Notice. LET TfiRS of Administration having been gran ted to the subscriber, residing in Middle Wood berry 1 ownshlp, on Ihe estate of J. 11. Ko.i"v late of said Township, dee'd al! persons indebted .o sud estate are hereby notified to tuake payment immediately, and those having claims against the s line, w ill present them properly authenticated for settlement. _ D. L. KEAGY, April 9, 1858.-f.* Administrator. MLIAEIIV. MRS. SOI 111 A 1). GIBSO.V would resp ctfnliy announce that she has purchased the stock of Mrs HO,'. 11 ' au,i is P re P ar d to furnish any artich" tn the Milliner)' line, of tho best materials ami most approved styles. She has just returned frotu the fcast with a complete assortment of BONNETS and TRIMMINGS, and having secured the assist ance oi Mrs. Goodzeit for the present, feels sure ol giving satisfaction to all who invy dssfc-e ar'i •! w In her line. April 3d, 1858. €iiicap siioim About fifty piir of children's suit womon's shoe.-- io n rar°J St - Vi - wi!l lh! *ery cheap bv teh. 19,1858. A. B. CRAMER K CO. ' IVizia', an I Rubin's Extracts for Ihe llandker * Cologne Water, Sea., it Dr. Harry's. THE INQUIRER In published every Friday morning. in Juliana Street, in the white frame ; uitding, nearly opposite the Along.) House, by DAVID OVEIJ. TERMS : If paid in advance, $1.50; within the year, $2.00; and if not paid wt bin the year, $2.50 will bo charged. No paper discontinued until all ar ioarages are paid—eisccjft at the option of the Editor. A failure to notify a dLeont'-i nuance will he regarded as a new engagement. Jdcrtitmcnts not extending a square,(lo lines.) inserted 11 tree times for sl—every subsequent in serlion, 25 cents. Longer ones in Iho same pro portion. Each fraction of a square counted as a lull square. All advertisements not dpecialh ordered for a given time will he continued unlit forbid. A liiteral deduction will be made to tbose who advertise by tlu-ycai'. Jvb Printing of all kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable Terms. in; rpjlE subscriber si ill continues his li ESI AU -1 HA NT, AND BAKERY' AI AN CONFKC- J'P at his Old stand, in the Rising Sun BuiMi.ig, in Juifotnuu S'trwt, wlit:rc he will foe pleased to see all his old lr ends and customers. lie has fitted up an OYSTER liOOAI, and wi i keep < n hand throughout the season a full snpph of the freshest and choicest OY'STIiRS the 13 dtf niore market will afford. He keeps constant') - on hand the choicest a ! lot CAKES, CANDIES, FRUITS and NUT.-- ever offered to the pilhhc. Also, i ii ;• iu rt , Breastpins, Finger R iu'gs, I AI l.'ii L>. &,*.' . Call and see hi.s stock. DAfcIEL BORDER. i>u u. 1\ ai a i RKSPhCI I'L l LLS tenders bis psoh nsiou i I services t the citizens of li df,d .„id si cimty. Oiiic3 and rr-si knee on Pitt-Street, in (In building formerly occupied )>■ L>r. li. mis. Nov. 0. 1-57. to iiorw;sa.vm I'b. ll Ylltt-Y ,at the Ch el , rug and B Store, has juyt received, , - g , ruecm el tiie best tl noting extracts, t-. etlul will, 13, tk ing Sola, C:eam ..1 1' it tar. Salerai us. &c..!! 'lllll7 VX J>I7RSIG.\ Ks> aving e route A a dill for saw ing l'Lasrnti? <, D vrus on n.s premises i:t Union*! p., Bed lord county, is now ready to tarnish any quantity on the shortest notice. Price > 1.50 per thousand, 2 ft. lone. Other lengths in proportion. Letters t i Iresjed to nte at St. ClairsviJlc. wili bcproiujitly ittended to. WM. GR IFFITIi. Union Tp.. fob. 1(5. 1851.-zz. JUB MANX, t.lie ny. OT •pivthing litt?tPi 11 to tlic constitution. Full directions accompany each package. Sole* Agent t'oi the L'idled" States and C mud a, ..'Oil MOSES, (L iic I.C. B>U!win &, G0..) h'< Chester, JN. V. N. B. 51.J.0 .am! 6 pottage stamps enclosed 0 at v a thoie/rd Ag or, will inside a bottle c the i'iils by return mail. For aikby i>r. it. F. Harry, Sept IS IFo~-zz. BRYAN'S ; PrliMO ' XlC The must certain and speedy remedy ever discovered fur all Diseases of the Chest and Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Bronchitis, Influenza, Hoarseness, DiJji: "IT, i;•• matter howlonpthediscaae may lave exlxted, or h- vever severe it may be, provided the organ:! struc ture i'i the vital orgnria is not hopelessly decayed. Every cue all ! ted should give them £ impartial trial. JOB Sole Proprietor Rochester, N". Y. J Ptlco '2: <*mU per bos- , * i : s.-l i>r. B. l\ I: rrr* S. 1 !. ]*. 1857-zz. iu hs Thi sfiroStßi. ER. F. C. REAMER, BEDFOKB. PA. OA VIXG puridwst'd the Drug mid Book Store ot Dr. n. I) S, ha* constuntiy on baud, at tin- 11 sMT'd, a large an i well select I>i stock of ch iw Drags ■*. ■ I MctLebtes, wlmh-sale und re t ?il. all of Ud:i ;h Will bo soil on fair terms. Th t assotui; td cw* ats in ]■. i f of Drug 1■ of r?t:ic>h. Iht li*. ,'s a. !,4cids, Pas Quit Oii.s. Il a f:t.:ss : ti ;&$ ii 'ire, i'd-jr. ' ' * v> -? ' i'erjameiy, P r.icy . Jrti let. He., I A r.'NT Jl I't>'-'JXL.S.r- U iVIHg the r.gtlLir agCtii-I]Co, ar■ (5 .ud's Gentian Bill- r>, \c., .\c. Ctistat.ily ..11 baud .- large stock Fist otic, geogijphi.- i..- deira Wiius, FiA. JO, lc-.')7. / oiv io Javc Money. ALL persous who are iti want < f good and very cheap ch.;:rs and Cabinet Furniture, can t:o*t have an o{.pur:ui.ity of saving mono) . by cilling >u the subscriber, and selecting such ar'tie'es a' the) may need, from t hrge stock now 0:1 hand, which wi 1 In soul l,.wer tiian the same can . - bought iir tiasContny. Von who are"ii!• VVbld bta.ds 1.01 l t( iJ.OO C mdle Stands 1.00 ;;,(m All oth, r articles in proportion. Altani v warrautid. ISAAC -MKNGLL. Jn. F. h. 10. J.SSB. v r Tfl IESUL Hl£ _ ma 11, Boarders taken liythedg- week n >-tlh aud year. April 20. IBo6—tf itettja* (.aih-ry, s,irf rnent ot jdain an I fancy c .si s. gold and Lockets at very low prices. ihe public are respectfully invited to csli and 1 .\ ami tie Ids specimens. i". H. GLTTY.s, St 1. May 2d,1-557. liorii's & 11 i.i, I;it t i'TIIIIMA ,S IT I,IW, BEDFORD, PA. \\*ILL PROMFTLV ATTEND TO ALL v v legal business entrusted to their euro.— Daring the sessions of the court , the. senior part ner may lie found at the oßicc of the firm, two doors south of lion. S. 1,. Russell's office. P. If. UOFIUS. J.VO. 11. FILLER. Bell ford. Nov. us, 1806. ttliocmcmliitg! !! HAVING "(mimeneail the t usineas of Shocnien i; g, one dear east of Air. Brice's Hotel; Bed lord. Pa.. I ~ tun prepared to do all manner of work in this line of business, at the shorte-1 notice, and in the mast sts' sUniirl mannrr. on more reasonab'e r >tea than usual, cue thine; inJispy.i.Me, Give r.lO i\ cart, try tv work aud j tdgc for yourselves. j. B. B. IKEP May 7, 18SS.