TCTE*3'XOINr ZOI £?<-ifor- stion of this Institution w,ll 1" •:<: enco on Wednesday, April 21s:. The efficient County Superintendent of the Pub lic Schools, Rev. 11. Heckor.nan, will assist in the r oraetivU of youth during tie coming quarter. Persons, therefore, wishing to puisne a cohrae of riiuly with the view of prep-ring idem sdve-3 to j • chin orrCommon Sch •!-, \v:il enjoy fare ad- i vantagesin connection with tills Institution. GEORGE W. AUG 111 NBAUGH, April 9. 1858. Principal. sliff€iricn(iiug! Sbot'iuendiiig!! : HA V X-NG ' oroßoencod the business of Shoonion •lag, i.OE . (IAI ot Mr. Brkje's Hotel; Bedford, Pa., 1 am pv pared to do ail manner of work in this line -.i ■'..;<■>*, at the s'wrteri notice, and in the m ist substantial manner, on more reasonable rates than t lal, a'nc thing indixptusable. Give me i a C; 11, trv my w -tk and judge for yours. Ives. J* B. BAKER. t .Mti) l, lb . * . <£ taction of Trestoos. :Vj OTIGE is hereby- given, that the annual t-ltc -2. v lion wdl be held for the trustees of the Bedford Hull Ass -elation, at the Odd Fellows Hall, in the ; Borough of Bedford, at one o'clock P.M. on Mon day the third lay of May next. By order of the Trustees Fit. JORDAN, Sec't. 1 April Administrator's Notice. 'LETTERS of Administration! having been grant- j ed to the subscriber, living in South Wood berry j Township, on the estate ol Frederick Smith, late ! of sai 1 Township, dee'd, all persons indebted to j s rid estate are requested to r.eke immediate pay- | mcut, ami those having claims against the same will j present them properly authenticated for settlement, i D. P. BUCK, AdtuT. April 16, 1858.-I Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing and trading j under the firm name of Blyniire 5c Hartley, has i this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The! Books, notes and accounts are in tie*hands of Win. j Hartley, w. o is hereby authorized to setrie the j same. All persons knowing themselves indebted ■to the firm of Bly mire & Hartley, will save costs by paying up, before the Books and notes are pla ced in the hand of u cc.liector. March 26,1858. VIJ ALL and BLIND PAPER.--I>r. B. P. if Harry is our agent for this necessary article. By calling at his store, our patrons will see samples of our papers. We havemade our spring selection* with much care, and think we cannot tail to please. SHRYOCK & SMITH, Chambcrsburg. ; MIIXUMRV. MRS. SOPHIA D. GIBSON would respectfully announce that she has purchased the stock of Mrs. E. Good7. *it, and is prepared to furnish any article in the Millinery liaO, of the liest materials and moat approved styles. She has just returned from the East with a complete assortment of BOMMEITS and TRIMMING*, and having secured the assist ance of Mrs. Goodz-it for the present, feels sure of giving satisfaction to all who may desire articles in her line. April 30, 1858. CHEAP SHOES? About fifty pair of children's and women's shoes —a little out ot style—will he sold very cheap bv Pel). 10,1858. A. B. CRAMER A CO. " TEETH and a perfumed breath can TT be aecqaired by using the "Balmo fa .Thousand F!cwers." To he hud at DR. HARRYS. March A, IK.U7. j P CASTE K. In quantities to suit purcba sers, for sale by A. B.CRAMER K CO. Feb. 10, 1 80 S. THREE rev? two ho;,e wagons on hand, work Warranted—will bo sold ou a liberal ere lit—or cx- ] changed for produce. A.B.CRAMER & CO ; ! Feb. IP, 1853 fof!igsf AND mmm shop! THE subscribers havirg f#mod a partner ship under the stile of -'Dock & Ashcom" lor the purpose of cauducting a general 801 NDKI AND NIAtHIAE business in the establishment recently erected 1 by Gilliard Dock, in Hopenell, Bedford conn- j tv, are now prepared to execute orders for CASTINGS AND MACHINERY ol every de- i senjition. They will build to order steam-en- ; gines, coal and drill cars, horse powers and threshing machines—also, castiug of every kind for furnaces, forges, saw. grist and rolling mills, ploughs', wutei-pipo, columns, house liouts, brackets, 5tc... &c. They are also, now making a line assortment | of STOVES of various kinds of tlie latest pat terns and most approved styles, including sev- i oral sizes of COOK STOVES of the best make, ; heating stoves for churches, offices, bur-rooms, 1 Btc. A hill assortment of Stoves will be kept constantly on hand, and sold at wholesale and retail, at prices to suit the times, and quality, warranted equal to the best eastern make.— Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly.— Patterns made to < rder. GILLIARD DOCK. C. W. ASHCOM. Nov. 6, 1857, IMPORTANT TO MILL OWNERS "II7OODWARD'S Improved Smut and Screer.- Yl log Machines, .Mill Bushes, Bolting Cloths, and BiauDusters,of the most improved pian, i At ill Screws, Corn and Cob Grinders, Patent j Bridges for Mill Spindles, Portable Mills, war ! ranted to grind ten bushels per hour, Mill ' lions and Mill Burrs made to order. Also, j Stover's Patent Corn Kiln and Grain Dryer— j a valuable invention. The above articles arc ] kept constantly on hand, and can be obtained i at any time, from S. D. BROAD, Schellsburg, Bedford County, who is also the agent for Bedford, Somerset, and adjoining Coun- i I ies. A1 ill wright work done at the shorti st notice an;l on the most reasonable terms. February 15, 1856. MCCOKMICK'S Reaper and Mower for salt by . S. D. BROAI), j atSchellsburg, Pa., agent for Bluii and Bedford I counties. j February 15, 1556. DISSOLUTION OF PARTS ERSItIP. ? | HIE partnership heretofore existing between JL Homy S. King and James Madura, under the na'-.e and firm of Mai-ira, King Co.. doing business at Leranos Iron Works, in Hopewell Township Bedford County, is dissolved by mutual consent. HENRY S. KING, N0v.27, 1857.-th JAMES MADARA. THE business of in an u lacl u ring iron at Lcm nos Iron Works, will be continue Iby the under signed, who has purchased aii the interest of his late partner James Ma l ira in the books, property and effects, belonging to the late firm of Madara King Si Co. Nov. 27, 1i>57.-tf. nENRY S. KING. (tine iYlaiisiiactory. THE subscribers woul l respectfuby inform the public tliat they are engaged iu manufacturing a superior article of glue, at different prices, at their residence in Snakcspring Valley, two miles as; ol Bloody Run, and are prepared to liil promptly all orders. Allah want of this . i lic'c cau have their orders attended to by ad'lrcislng tho uudcrsigned at Bloody Run. The subscribers wish to purchase, a ntit of tamn-rs' fleshings, ami Uiose having any lor sale, can dispose of them by ; > plying as above. In connection .with theii glue m inufactory, they also cirry on the weaving business, and whl weave c overlets and carpets on reasonable terms and at ■ the shortest notic-f*. MORRIS iriCfITER & SON. April 36, 1858.-3 m. EXCCITOJt'S NO i J CE, i LETTERS testamentary hiving been granted hv ' the Register of Bedford County to the nndcrsigae 1 : upon the estate of Christian Winebreannr, late of Middle Woodberry Township, dec'J, ail ymrtons knowing themselves indebted to said deceased are hereby requested to make immediate pavment, and those having claims or accounts against s lid es tate, will please present them properly autheutici- I ted lor settlement. JACOB KIFER, DAVID BOXER, Exors, Residing in M. Woodberry Tp. j April'*, 1858. SilKlOi K & siITII, CIIAMBERSBLRCi, PA., BOOKSELLERS AND STYTIONERS, AND Dealers in Music and Musical Instruments, j Our stock consists of Books, Stationery, .Mu sic, Musical Instruments, Wail papers, Blinds, French, German and American Lithographs ; i:d steel engravings, gilt mouldings for frames, I <-tc., etc., wholesale and retail. Dr. B. F. j Harry is our agent for Bedford, and all orders ; grven him will be promptly attended to. March 7, 1857. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration having bet n gran j ted to the subscriber, residing In Mi bile Wood berry Township, on the estate of'J. 11. Keaev. : l ite of said Township, dee'd all persons indebted ! :o said estate are hereby notified to make payment | immediately, and those having claims against the i same, will present them properly authenticated for ' ] settlement. D. L. KKAGY, April 9, 1858,-f.* Administrator. \|USIC & M USIC.IL~ INSTRUM ENTS.— i"I. Pi.inos, Melodtons, Flutes, Guitars. Brass Horns, Clarionets, Drums, etc., of various manu facture, always on hand. Bands supplied at city wholesale rates. We Keep always on hand a full assortment of all the new and fashionable music which wo .nail at our eipense to any part of the country. N. B. Music ngedto order. SHRYOCK k SMITH, Chamber sburg. March 7, 1857. 11A M MERED IRON* rpilE subscribers woud inform the public.tbat A they have leased, th_ Bedford Forge hereto fore carried on by John King # Co.. tituate in H opt well Township, where they are now manu facturing, and are prepared te supply all orders for every description of hammered Iron, on the shortest notice, and most liberal trims. Their Iron may bo relied upon ss being of the best quality. All kinds of country produce, and all kinds o.' wrought Iron scraps, taken at the high est market prices. PIPER azin's and Lubin's Extracts for Uie iiandker- Xchief, Cologne Wafer, Ac., at Dr. Harry's. BIBFORB j IKEASIKEH'S SALE f OF IDEATED LANDS, j AND TOWN LOTS IN BEDFORD COUNTY". Agreeably to the provisions of an Act of the ! Assembly, directing the mode of selling unseated I lands for taxes and for other purposes passed j ! the I3th of March, 1815, and the supplements ; thereto passed the 13th day of March, 1817, ami; thr2sth ol' March, 1831. The Tieasurer of Bed ford County hereby gives notice to all persons con cerned therein, that unless the County, State, School and Road Taxes due on the following tracts of Unseated Lauds, situate in Bedford County, are not paid belore the day of sale, the whole, or such | parts of each tract as will pay the taxes, and the - | cost chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court j | House, in the Borough of Bedford, on the second j J Monday ot June, next, (14th day.) for the arrear- i I ages of taxes due, and the cost accrued thereon ; ! end said sale w ill be continued from day to day tin- i til all are disposed of. SAMUEL DAVIS, Treasurer, oicres. Ps. Warrattes or Owners. Taxes. Bedford Township. 300 Margaret Dieltl. $ 88 j 40-1 James Tubman. 6 80 ! 95 Thus. J. Bormett, 1 72 ; Braadtop Township. j 150 James Entrikon 13 20! 8 James Eutrikcn, 90 I 51 Wm. T. Daiiglierty, 15 92 j 399 John Belts, 5-40 ; 63 Jacob My ere, 3 GO j 403 John Bollmun, 15 GO t 402 140 Wm. Bunn 14 40 i 205 50 Wm, Lane, 6 74 30 Lewis T. Wat-tf on, 60 j 200 John Devereaux, 6 00 ■ 427 Mary Montgomery, 7 88 ! 205 Newlan & Marshall, 500 ; 421 John Montgomdfy, 8 92 j 839 Stephana if Co, in right of Shreaves, 10 16 | 30 llathnell Wil-oh, 1 10 5 Aaron Evans, 12 265 Jos. FigarJ, 1 58 69 Wm. Figard, 2 31 39 Ruthnell Wilson, 48 ! 28 do do 36 HJO do do 1 80 00 John King, 3 50 Coleruin Township. 600 Sarn'l Williams, 2 21 90 Jos. 8. Eman. Diehl, 84 45 Wm. Smith, 78 Cumberland Valley Township. 3971 John Sample, 5 96 Hopewell Township. 200 John C>rby, 1 20 150 James Howard, 88 404 Richard Moan, 48 •120 John Cheney, 52 404 Joseph Moan, 48 409} Sanv'l Moan, 48 424 35 Alex. Moan, 24 200} John Mellnev, 52 192 Timothy Moan, 21 200 54 Israel Moan, 2 196 50 Each. Moan, 24 j 222 Elizabeth I'ipcr, 21 212 20 John Boyd, 21 j 214 65 Win. Davis, 24 216 GO} Isabella Davis, 24 220} Win. Piper, 2s 238 John Hardin, 29 221 Ignatius Hardin, 28 484 125 James Wtl on, 52 187 40 David Piper, 21 425 George F. Alberti, 1 2u 402 57 Stephen Moan, 48 342 Dan'! Kerr, 9 60 60 Sam'i Livingston's heirs, 72 ! 28 Geo. Wlsiiart, 40 I IJarrifxm Township. 103 Nicholas Knight, 24 | Libei!y Township. ' j' 60 Abel Putt, 70 j (473 94 II tnuah Alberti, 8 25 1 ; 4-48 Mariab Alberti, lit 65 : j 100 Geo. B. Kay, 1 48 j Londonderry Township. ! 453 Joseph Gardner, 1 36 j 159 John Sutler, 1 80 j * .Yapier Tp. Abner Rodgers. 60 East Providence Tp. 200} Thos.Logan, 88 I 403 Charles Evans, 1 20 402 46 Ke/.iah Logan, 1 20 462 62 Charles Logan, 1 20 : 460 75 John Cavan, 120; 400 Thomas Cavan. 120 3,98 38 Thos. Logan, 1 26 4(6 103 AI ex. Cavan, 3 26 460 Ezekiel Cook, 1 20 30 Solomon Williams, 40; 100 Jacob Ritcbey, 36 17 Francis Gibbs, 16 406 -Isaac Cavin, . 120 llwst Providence Tp. 6 Wm. l'axton, 32 i 183 Dudley Daughorty, 2 82 St. Clair Tp. 4 Lots Jacob Inks heirs, 48 204 David MeUohert, 1 20 477 James Ross, 1 20 411 Wm. Snively, 1 20 62 Henry Kooatz, 50 i*>uihumpton Tp. i 200 James Riggs, 60 | 439 Paul Ward, I 32 357 Patrick Ward, -I 08 351 Joseph Ward, 1 04 353 Jonathan Ward, 1 04 136 Isaac Hunter, 2 08 488 P. Clingerman, 1 20 Union Tp. 400 John Swaggart, 7 90 400 Leonard Swaggart, 10 64 266 Alex. Gardner, 3 90 | is Dr. Wm. Smith, 178 143 Sam'l Burket, 52 16 John Shee, 88 100 James Johnston, 2 58 150 Frederick Snider, 60 40 Jeremiah Jackson, 5 66 411} Jacob Swaggart, ' 436 440 Wm. I'ierson, 10 36 440 Ebenezer Branbam, 11 68 420 Conrad Imler, 1 80 100 Christ ley Bowser, 9 72 200 George Laib, 134 100 Jacob Bu'ket, 2 07 ; 150 .Peter Shoenbergcr, 1 84 ; 143 Samuel Burket, 1 40 33 Hugh Porter, 4 02 439 Griffith Evans, 1000 403| Philip Stine, 9 70 439 John Martin, 11 64 438 John Taylor, 10 32 4.39 Wilson Hunt, 10 32 438} Alex. Scott, 10 22 427 Dt. P. Shoenbergcr, 2 96 124 do do 4 48 140 do do 48 Middle Woodbtrry Tp. 379 Daniel Montgomery, 19 04 401} Wm. M gornery, 3114 172 Molina, 14 33 117 Daniel Montgomery, 10 90 180 Daniel Montgomery, 4 40 1 Lot Jacob Strode, No. 72 42 1 Lot Jacob Strnck, No. 74 1 00 South Woodberry Tp. 200 16} Isabella Davis, 24 ,£5 100 John S. lletrick, 222 Elizabeth Piper, 2t April §, 1858. Country Physicians, can have their orders filled, with the very best articls, at city prices at Dr. Harry's Cheap Drng Store, Pitt st. Bedford, Pcnn'a. Oct. 31,1856. DR. B. F. HARRY". ( BT.iE OFFICII WASHINGTON HOTEL, Bedford, Pa. MRS. MAUI COOK would announce to her i friend* .' id the public, that she tuts fitted tpttiioM and w#n known stand, in a very *u- ' I perior style, for the accommodation of the pub ; lie. Visitors to the lie itotd Mineral Springs j will find the Washington Hotel a comfortable j summer retreat—and no,pains will be spared to j please ali who patronize the house. Boarders will be taken by the day, week, month I and year. CC?~A gentleman of high qualification, and corteous deportment, has charge of the house, j who will do fill in his power to make the guests ■ happy and comfortable, j CC/"Tcrins as moderate as anywhere else iu the ; j place. Daily Stages from Latrobe, Cumberland, liolli ! dayshurg and Hopewell, all stop at this Hotel, j A Hack belonging to this lli'tel will run be tween Bedford and the Springs. Bedford, June 12. 1857.-zz. ' mm ISSOI IITIOA PHILADELPHIA. ' A Institution, established by special en j dowment fur th<- relief of the sick and dis tresses/, afflicted trilh Virulent aril Epidemic diseases. rriO all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases J. such as SPERM ATORRIICEA, SEM INK L WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA, GLEK 1", SYPHILLIS, the Vice of ONANISM i or SELF ABUSE, j The HOWARD ASSOC! ATI ON, in view of the I awful destruction of hum m life, caused by Sexual : diseases, and lw deceptions practised upon the | unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, I several years ago directed their Consulting Sur-' ! geon as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their j name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment of ! this class of diseases, iu all their forms and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all who apply hy letter, with a description of their condi tion, (age, occupation, habits of life, c..) and in - cases of extreme poverty, to FURNI-SH MEDI CINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to j add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most ■ approved modern treatment. Thu Directors, on a review of the past, leel as- j sured that their labors in this sphere of benevo- i lent effort, have been of great benefit to the afflict- ! cd, especially to the young, and they have resolv- I ed to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to I this very important but much despise 1 cause. Just published by the Association, a Report on I Spermatorrhoea, or Sent ins 1 Weakness, the Vies I of Onanism, Masturbation or Self-Abuse, and oth- < er Diseases of the Sexual Organs, bv the Consult- j ing Surgeon, which will be sent liv mail, (in a ! •sealed 1 tter envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on ! receipt of '1 WO STAMPS for postage. Address, tor Report or treatment, Dr. GEORGE j R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard As pociaion, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philidel sliia, I'u. Bv or i r of the Directors. EZRA I). UKARTWELL, President. j GKO. FAIKCHILD, Secretary. Dec. 1, 1857.-zz. 2>it. WALTON'S AMERICAN PILLS. JOY TO THE AFFLIT ED. YOU KG AMERICA VICTORIOUS! : ON E smalt U x >-f Pil's cures ninety-ni e cases \ out, of a hundred. No Balsam, no Mercury, no j odor on the breath, no fear of detection. Two small j piiis a; tasteless and harmless as water. Full ; directions are given, so that the patient can cure j himself ascertain as with the advice of the most ex- ! perienced surgeon, and much better than with the ! advice <• In l eof little experience in this class of dis- : Sf XT BV MAIL TO ANY PART OF THE I • 'Ob XTR i" by enclosing one dollar to Dr. D. U. I '•i niton. No. 154 Ntrth Seventh St. below Race, j I lit ad I phi i. A liberal d.sroitnt to the Irdde. None j geiiuiu-' wit hoot the Britten sign ituro of D. G. j Walton, Proprietor. Dr. YY ."s trealm it for Self-abuse, Weakness. nc., is entirely different from the usual course.— i Dr. W. has cured huuLeds who have tried others ! without benefit. The treatment is as ceitain to cure as tne sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, aud addfes's Dr. W. as above; giving a fiMkhistory ol j your case, aud you will bless the ■ .vryou mcl ■ th • eft'oit to secure what is eertoia—A RADICAL CURE. Jan. 29, 1858.-zz. BLOODY ItUM FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP. TILS subscribers ate now prepared, at their , Foundry in Bloody Run, to fill all orders for cast- ' ings of arty description for Grist and Saw Mills, Xbieshing Machines, Apple Mills, Ploughs, and u'l things else i.u their line that may be ueede 1 in ! this or the adjoining counti s. We manufacture Threshing Machines of 2 4 or 0 Horsepower, wairanted equal if not superior to j any made in the State. YY'e keep constantly on . hand a full ssortment of Woodcock, Plug, and Hillside Ploughs, warranted to give satisfaction or ' nu sals. Points, shares aud landsides, to fit all Woodcock or Sevier Ploughs iu the County. Farmer's Bells, Ploughs and Cistings of our I make may lie bad at Foundry prices at the store of i Wm Hartley, Bedford, Pa., Londerbaagh & Pec, Ea-t Providence Tp., Jehu Nycum 4c Son, Rays Hill. Times being hw I, we otfer great induce-j luonts to Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us. All kiu -is <>T repairiug done in a neat and sub stantiii manner, and all work warranted. C .11 j and examine our work and castings and judge I tor yourselves. JOSIAH BAUGUMAN & BHD. 1 March "26, 1858—tf. (*reat tr rival of FILL AM) WINTER FOODS. JUS Treceive I and on hand, the best as sortment Of BOOTS and .SHOES that conld be selected for the citizens of Bedford, and strangers visiting the place. 1 door south of Minnick's Confectionary Store, on Juliana Street. Mens' Grained YVater-Proof long legged Boots, Mens' thick sole eastern made long legged Boots, Mens' Kip and oarse Heavy Boots, Gents' Fine Calf double sole Boots, Gents' ')xford Ties, Gents' Congress Gaiters, Mens'Heavy city made Brogues, Ladies' Morocco Boots, Ladies' Goat 'feel Boots, YY'omens' Calf heavy winter Boots; Misses' and Childrens' Boots in variety, Boys' Boots of all kinds, size and description. CAPS, in variety, will he always kept on hand. Persons wishing to purchase good Boots and .Shoes will please give nie a call before baying elsewhere. ADAM FERGUSON. Oct. 2, 1857. Just Keeeived at tSTWw Firm, RKED&MIIWS. An elegant assortment of Spring Goods, of the lies! (ju diiy, consisting of Cloths, Cussimeres, Twoods. Jeans, and Cottonades, 40 pieces of tlie latest style Calicoes and Ginghams. Also, Mus lins, : h-acliv 1 and unbleacliu 1, of every grade, all of which will be sold at the lowest figure for cash. April 9, 1858. I_>liv sicians prescriptions carefully compound ed, at all hours of the day or nigh at Dr. Harry's, Drugstore. Fortius Hair—Jookey Club, and new mown hav, pomatums, geuuiuo ox niarrow at Dr- Hanj f THE INQUIHEH j Hi published every Friday ntoroiug, in Juliana Street, ia the white frame i oilding, J nearly opposite the Mongol House, by DIVIO OVER, TERMS: i If paid in advance, $1.60; within (ho ytr, S2.UO; and if not paid wj.hln the year, $2.50 witl be charged. No paper discontinued until ail r --j enrages are paid—except at the option of the ! Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will j be regarded as a new engagement. Mvtr/iumeult not exceeding a square,(lo Hues,) inserted three times for sl—every subsequent in sort ion, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro portion. Each fraction of a square counted as a full square. Ail advertisements not specially ordered for a given time will be continued until forbid. A Jiiterul deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and 1 promptly anil ou reasonable terms. KESTAUHINT. THE subscriber still continues his RESTAU RANT, AND BAKERY AILN CONFEC TIONARY, at his old stand, in the Rising Sun Budding, iu Julianna Street, where be will be pleased to see ail his old fronds and customers. He has fitted up an OYSTER ROOM , and v. id keep on hand throughout the season a fall supply of the freshest and choicest OYSTERS the Balti-' more market will afford. He keeps constantly tn hand the choicest and best CAKES, CANDIES, FRUITS and NUTS ever Offered to the pnbbe. Also. Chamiarshuig ALE and BEER,constant ly on hand, also CIDER and other drinks. ICF" Parties supplied, on the shortest notice, with lee Cream, Cakes and Confections. Having served a regular apprenticeship to the i above business, and havipg been constantly engag- | 'd in it for many years, he let Is confident that he j can tendel satisfaction to nil who may favor hi til with a visit. JOHN J. I,UTILE!!, j Bedford, Nov. 27, 1857. |'" I'ilbMi ARRIVAL OF J Xciw and Seasonable Goods At Reed & Minnich's. Cloths, Cassiineres, Calicoes, Ginghams, Flau- I nets. Tickings, bleached ani uubfcached Muslins, j Table diaper, Paper and Cambric Muslins, Irish Linen, also a fine assortment of Ladie's Shoes, ! Gaiters, and Lace fioot q and a variety of Misses' and cltiltlreti's Shoes, which will be soid 'ow'for : cash. | Feb. 10, ISSB. New Jewelry, IMIE subscriber has opened but a new and splendid assortment of all kinds of the most fashionable Jewelry— cenaisting in parti! Breast 1 ins, finger Rings, Ear Kings. Ac. Ac. Cud ami see his stock. del 4 DANIEL BORDER. i>K- B. T^lllKuif RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services to the citizens of Bedford and vi cinity. Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in the budding formerly occupied by Dr. J. ll.' Holius. Nov. (5, 1857. TO iioimm. DR. HARRY,at the Ch af Drug and Book Store, has just received, aKg . assortment ol the best flavoring extracts, together with Bak ing So la, Cream of Tartar, Saleratus, &c..0l the very best quality, all of which he will selj the lowest prices. Plastering liitthsH CMntmSIGAEB having erected A a Mil! for sawing i'tAsvkrjro Laths on his premises in L aion Yp., Bedford county, is now ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest notice. Pricesl.6o per thousand, 3 id. Other lengths in proportion. Letters t i trpssed to meat St. GhtirsvUlc. will bcproinptly attended to. WM. GRIFFITH. Union Tp.. Feb. 10, 1834.-zz. JOB MANN, U. 11. SPANG. ]AW ?AkiNERSmP.--Th undersigned A have .lisaeiatttd themselves iu the Practice of the L iw, tat .t ill promptly -attend to all bn.:- aess•intrusted to their care in Bedford and ad joining counties. rF"i>rtlee on Julian u Street, three doors south ot Mongol oil tse and opposite the resi dence >f Ma j. Tate. MANN & SPANG June i,—1854. tf. Dr. F. C fteamer, Physician and Surgeon. ReapecWirtly tenders his services i< the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He ma} - always he found (unless professionally en gaged, at his Drug and Book Store, in Juliana St. Feb. 19, 1857. SAMUEL RADEBAUGH. Justice of tire Peace. OFFICE two doors South of the Mengtl House, and uext door to the office of Minn A Sping, where he will attend to the collection of all claims placed in his hands. Bedford, Jan. 11, 1856. fit. I>. BARCLAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., WILL attend promptly and faithfully to all legal businessea'rusted to his care. H7~Otft'ce on Juliana Street, in the building ior merly occupied bv S. M. Batchy, Esq., dee'd. March 26, 1838. fiiiiia ! j - Wtil wttmTsti4i m- I { j I ir -i' I ?♦ Tuvjh D". I, rwgnlf-4, Ac., and I j j Oii.trjfra -rvvterafe, And all qnefiuiong warnntei 3T Teftuu INVARIABLY CASH. Oli-. ou E..M put >:rrct, B ni.'crj, Pn. NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS OF POOH HOUSE CHECKS. The Direclors of the Poor of Bedford County, hereby give uotice to the holders and owners of Poor House checks that it will be to their interest ; to present them to the Treasurer, George W r . Blr luire, at Bedford. The object in having them pre sented, is to ascertain the amount of indebtedness so that the Directors may be enabled to ffs the tax' es aud make other airangements to discharge the same. Those living at a distance can send iu the amount. The Tax Collectors ate also notified that the balances due on their duplicates must be paid or the necessary means will he resorted to to compel payment. GEORGE I). SHUCK. GEORGE ELDER. GEORGE SMOUSE, April 9, 1858.—d. Directors. LUMBER. We have for tale seventeen thousand of sprue© and pine boards—also a large sujSfdy of poplar scantling. 1 Feb. 19, 1858. A. -B. CRAMER $ CO. 'J he Gr est tuglfrh lUiacdv. Sril JAMS CLARKEhS Celebrated Fenisle Fills. : Prepari i froth a prtf ription of Hit J. Clarke. ; Jl. i> , j :i aoru4.uu.ry to thu N(< j l.bis Itivalacldo medicine h tin (hilt: g in the ' eiue of uil ihv-sj painful .i : daiU'evoir-j ci.-> j eases to which the i.-mak c . u Mill jeet. It modi-mtv* aii <£•. < :-.n ieiriov-.s „;i obstruction*, arid a speeds <*ur> n; v be relied on. TO HiBRIED it is peculiarly suited. It will. In a short Em- L.-ic-r on the monthly period with regtii. ri;y. Each bottle, juice One Do'usr, b< .vs lb - Gov ernment Staroji of Great Britain,to twprt ceur teiielts. CAUT i O X . These Pith should no/ he. taken by fethale* ft f :"! ' 3 I -i. 'frc---/.-:**'*! * .r = : *r ria-.v ;%\a zy'~r:: ' r . :t 'd"-> . \r- tnf i ■ 4 aii l , ■ . t t.:. ('■ i. ■ I r-;.i n ar-r . 1 - \ •' j fit Y-:\ For sale hv Dr. B. F. ti rry. Sejit. 18, 1857-zz. DRUGS, LUKS AVD STATWXERV, DR. F. C. REAMER, ISEDrOR£>, PA. HAVING purchased the Dreg and Book Store of Dr. S. D- Scott, has constantly on hand, at the old stand, a large and well selected stock of choice Drugs and Medfcincs, wholesale and re tail, all of whiih will be sold on far terms. The assortment consists in part of Drugs and Chtmieah, Dye Woods av.iHcios, P,,i - t and Oils, ti iusUnc Glass and Glass Ware, 7'obac to and He gars Perfume y, Fancy Hrliles, sc.,4c. I At*.xr M t.niOiJics.- ITavirig the regular acetii v for the sale of many of these medicines, tin- pul"- lic are assured that they are of the best; such as have sti.-oi the test of lime ntid expeiience at.d can Le salc.y recommeii-u;>i as ' r etmin ? *, viz * Townsccd's and Sand's instar's Falsam of Wild Cherry, Aycr'sC. Tv Pecti rid. Meflf.Us Life Fills and Fhu-ni-: Eitteis, Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines. F ihiistock s, Hol in sack's and other vermifuge: Ilooflaud's Gciiu vi Bitters, Ac.. Ac. Cmstautly on hand a large stock historic gcogisphic d, scientific, religions, poetical, school' an 1 miscellaneous BOOKS. . V:..lety of FANCY SiATIOXF.- h1 , t p, l\.. t und \\ laj pii g Prjer. of every *' : ' i 1 longings i i variety. U'in dow Liiiids la j.-rttents or by ti.e Wall Paper, Ste-d a i Fancy Goods. BLAXK LOokd ot o\ <• • •• >.:• and qnalitv. Pocket Bookaand i'art Mt su i*s. D aOcs ]j' Deeds and Mo;!gag,;, gei ' ] Is and Combs. Brrshcs, -eat v.-.riefy Soij s, &c., L mj s, and Cam j Tine t . f L -Fluid, Kvi't constantly on fund. CHOICE J.iQDOiiS for i- id.c.ii u - Wolff's ScJ.eid.uu Schnapps, Chi. }\, t. Si an i X- . deira Wines. FeW. It), J857. How (o Monry. ALL persons who are in want of good and vers cheap chairs .and Cabinet Furniture, can m w n.iv. an opportunity of saving money, by c liin on the subscriber, and selecting such ar'tie es its they may need, from a largo stock uoiv ou hand, Mlncli \vi.l i>e sold lower Uian the same can : bought in tins Cuuniy. You who are about to commence housekeeping wi'l do well by calling on :ne, as there will^be,great reductions made iu suits oi Furniture. You will see ths truth of the above statenu t;t by iooKittg at. the following list of prices : Chairs from 54.60 to $36.00 per sett. Bedsteads 0.50 15.00 Tables 2.60 " 20.1X1 Bureaus 10.00 <- 35.00 Cupboards 5.00 12.00 Wash St aids l.f>o q q,', Work Mat.ds 1.00 •' 5.00 Candle Stands 1.00 ->♦ 3.00 AIL other articles iu proportion. All ariick's warranted. , ia , 0 MENGEL. J R . I eb. 19, 1858. Ti Ira 111. . -jr.- Boarders taken by the diy week msnth ami year. A#^ 1 25, 1856—tf GeUys' Photographic Gallery, EXCHANGE BUILDINGBEDFORD, rj. WIIP.RE Ambrotypcs, Daguerreoiypes, 4c 4c.j are txeeuted in the ht-'sr style and improvements of tbe Art. A :ui: assort ment ot plain and fancy c .ses, gold and p'.ai.a Lockets at very low prices. The pnblic are respectfully invited to 'call and examine his specimens. T. K. GETTYS, Jk. May 22,1857. ST 0 N E W A RE.—OreamOrooks, Jliik Clocks of all sizes; Buttor Dishes,from one to one and a half gallon Pitchers, all of hich are-of best qnalitv, for sale by A. FERGUSON- Bedford, Jan. 16, 1856. IIOFIUS & FILLER, ATTORMS AT LAW, BEDFOKD, PA. WILL PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL legal business entrusted to their earo.— During the sessions of the court, the senior part -1 nor may be found at the oflice of the firm, two j doors south of Hon. S. L. Russell's ottiee. 1). 11. IIOFIUS, jno. n. Filler ! Bedford. Nov. 28, 1855.