BLOODY RUN FOUNDRY '' wP AND MACHINE SHOP. THE subscribers are now prepared, nt their Foundry iu Bloody Run, to fill all orders for cast ings of izy description for Grist and Saw Mills, Thieshing Machines, Apple Mills, Plohghs, and all things else in their liue that tuay be needed in this or the adjoining comities. We manufacture Threshing Machines of 2 4 or 6 'Horsepower, war ranted equal it not superior to anv made in the State. We keep constantly on liaiid a full assortment of Woodcock, Plug, and Hillside Ploughs, warranted to give satisfaction or j no sale. Points, shares and laudsiiies, to fit all | Woodcock or Seyler Ploughs in the County. •Farmer's Bells, Ploughs and Castings of our ] make may l>e had at Foundry prices at the store of j Wm Hartley, Bedford, Pa., Loudcrbaugh & I'eo, ) East Providence Tp., John Nycum A Son, Rays ■ •Hill. Times being hari, we offer great induce- j nients to Fanners and Mechanics to buy ol us. All kinds of repairing done in a neat and sub- j 'scant in 1 manner, and all work warranted. Call , ■and examine our work and castings ami judge j lor yourselves. JOSIAH BAUGHMAN A BRO. March 26, 1838.-tf. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP! THE subscribers liavirg formed a partner ship under tiie style of "Dock N Asbcom" lor the purpose of conducting a general FOI \I)U 1 AND MUHIINEo business in the establishment recently erected l.y Gltliard Dock, in Hopewell, Bedford coun ty, are now prepa-ed to execute orders lor <'.IsTt.SOS AND MACHINERY of every de >eriplion. They will build to order steam-en- ! gines, coal and drift-cars, horse powers and ; threshing machines—also, casting <;f every | kind for furnaces, forges, saw, grist and rolling i mills, ploughs, water-pipo, columns, house flouts, brackets, tec.. Ac. They are also, now making a tine assortment of STOVES of various kinds of the latest pat- ! •terns ami most approved styles, including sev- J era I sizes of COOK STOVES of the best make, j heating stoves for churches, offices, bar-rooms. J tec.. A lull assortment of Stoves will be kept j ■eiMMftimtfy on hand> and sold at wholesale and j retail, at prices to suit the times, and quality, j warranted equal to the host eastern make.— ; Machinery ol' all kinds repaired promptly.— i Patterns made to order. GILLIAUD DOCK, C. W. ASH COM. Nov. 6, 1857, Ureal Arrival of FILL AMI WINTER GOODS. ! JUS Treceived ami on band, the best as- \ sortmenf cf HOOTS and SHOES that could he selected t'r the citizens of Bedford, and strangers visiting the place, 1 door south | Minnick's Conteetionary Store, on Juliana rreet. Mens' Grained Water-Proof long legged Boots, Mens', thick, sole eastern made long legged Boots, Kens' Kip and oarso j Heavy Boots, Gents' Fine Calf doable sole Boots, Gents' ')xford Ties, Gents' •Congress Gaiters, Mens' Heavy city made Brogans, Ladies' Morocco Boots. Ladies' Goat Heel Boots, Womens' Calf heavy winter Boots; Misses' and Childrens' Boots in variety, Boys' Boots of all kinds, size •nd description. II l'S, in variety, will he always kept on hand. Persons wishing to purchase good Boots and Shoes will please give aie a call bfore buying •elsewhere. ADAM FERGUSON. Oct. 2, 1857. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS testamentary havng been granted by the Register of Bedford County to the undersigned j upon the estate of Christian Winebrenner, late of ' Middle Woudoerry Township, dee'd, all persons | knowing tb*uiselves indebted to said deceased are ; hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or accounts against said cs- • tate, will pl.'tse present them properly authentic.!- 1 fad tor set Dement. JACOB KIFER, DAVID BOYEK, Exo-rs, Residing in M. WoodberryTp. 1 April 2, 1858. NOTIUE. The Account of Saui'l 11. Tate, Assignee oft Sansom 4 Gephart, has beou filed at the office of the Prut honorary of the Court of Common Pleas i v>f Bedford County, and the same will le present- | ed to said Court for confirmation, ea Friday, the 7th day of May, next. Also the Account of John Fickes, committee of j the person and estate ol Peter Colebaugh, a Luna- > tie ol Union Township, at the same time and place. • SAMUEL 11. TATE, Proth'y. Protiionotary's Office, April 9,1858. R. IE HAKCKiAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., WILL attend promptly and faithfully to all ; legal businessentrusted to liis care. Qoff'Offiee on Juliana Street, in the building for merly occupied bv S. M. Barclay, Esq., dee'd. March 26, 1858. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been grant ed to the subscriber, living in South Woodlierry Township, on the estate of Frederick Smith, late of said Township, dee'd, all persons indebted to i s iid estate are requested to make immediate pay- j tr.eut, and those having claims against the same will j present them properly authenticated for settlement, j Lb F. BUCK, Adm'r. : April 16, 1858.—f r'liifftlfl I ! Will Attend punctually and carefully to all operation* in- t i' , tropved t.> ii catc T<;ib tiled, pio?*w4, regulated, Ac., and i artticial tec-th from one to '"i an life a't. Caarffcz audiwil, and *ll opur*!'ufijs watTHitWd. ! tw Trn INVARIABLY CASH. . ! j CKBce every Counterfeit in Circulation!! ° Arranged so admirably, that "REFERENCE •■is EASY aud DETECTION I.VSTANTAN'EOL'S. Q 05?" No index to examine! No pages ♦r* to hunt up! But so simplified and arrang es ed, that the Merchant, Banker, and Bu silicas 51 an can see all at a Glance. O . t ~- English, French and. German. oThus Each may read the same in his own Native Tongue. pi Nlost Pcrfwt Bank Note List l diseases, in all their forms and to ' give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all who \ apply by letter, with a description of their condi tion, (age, occupation, habits of life, fc.,)and in cases of extreme povertv, to FURNISH MEDI- ' CINES FREE OF CHARGE, it is needless to 1 that the Association commands the highest \ "edical skill of the age, aud will furnish the most .approved modem treatment. Tho Directors, on a review of the past, teel as- ' sured that their labors iu this sphere of benevo lent effort, have been of great benefit to the afflict ed, especially to the young, and they have resolv ed to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important hut much despised cause. Just puLiishdd by the Association, a Report on Spermatorrhoea, Weakness, tho Vice of Onanism, Mast tmution or Self-Abuse, and oth er Diseases of the Sexual Organs., by the Consult ing Surgeon, which will ixi sent by mail, (in a sealed 1 Iter envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Address, for Report or treutment, Dr. GEORGE R. CALHOUN, Consulting, Surgeon, Howard As pociation, No. 2 South Nihth Street, I'hiladol shia, Pa. By order of tho Directors. KARA D. HEAKTWELL, President. GEO. FAIHCIIII.D, Secretury. Dec. 4, 1857.-zz. NOiKL TO THE HOLDERS OF POOR HOUSE (HECKS. The Directors of tiio Poor of Bedford County, hereby give notice to the holders and owners "ol ! Poor House checks that it will lie to their interest ' to present theiu to the Treasurer, George W. Bly luire, at Bedford. The object in having them pre sented, is to ascertain tbe amount of indebtedness, so that the Direotors ma}' be enabled to fix tho tax es and make other arrangements to discharge the ; same. Those living at a distance can send in the ' amount. The Tax Collectors are also notified that the balances due on their duplicates must be paid or the necessary means will be resorted to to compel payment. GEORGE D. SHUCK, GEORGE ELDER, GEORGE SMOUSE, i April 9, 1858.—d. Directors. WA L L and BLIND PAPER.—Dr. B. F. Harry is our agent lor this necessary article. By calling at liis store, our patrons will see samples of our papers. We haveniade our spring selection* with much care, and think we cannot fail to please. SHRYOCK & SMITH, Chambersburg. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been gran ted to the subscriber, residing in Middle Wood berry Township, tin the estate of J. H. Keagy, late of said Township, dee'd all persons iudebted to sai-1 estate are hereby notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same, will present them properly authenticated for sottlament. D. L. KEAGY, April 9, 1858.-f.* Administrator. WtilTE TEETH and a perfumed breath can be acequired bv using the" <-Balm of a Thousand Flowers." To tie had at DR. HARRYS. March 6. 1857. THE I39tTIHEII Ik published every frid) morning, in Juliana Street, in the white frame t Uilying, nearly opposite the Mengci House, by DAVID OVER. TERMS s it paid in advance, $1.59; With hi the year, j $2.00; and if not paid within the year, $2.50 will . be charged. No paper discontinued ustii all ar j rea rages are paid—except at the option ol the ! Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will ■| be regarded as a new engagement. Jtdvsrtisaneuit Dot exceeding a square,(lo lines,; : inserted three times for $1 —every subsequent in ' sertion, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro j portion. Each fraction of a square counted ss j a full square. All advertisements not specially j ordered for a given time will be continued until forbid. A liberal deduction will bo made to those j who adv crtise by tbe year. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and i promptly and on reasonable terms. RESTAURANT. rpjlE subscriber still cOnrinues his KESYAU -L HAN'T, AND BAKERV ADN CONFEC- J ION AK\, at his old stand, in the Rising .Sun i Building, in Juliamiu Street, where he will be j pleased to see all his old tr ends and customers. ; lie lnis fitted up an OYSTER ROOM, and will keep on hand throughout the season a full supply of the freshest and choicest OYSTERS the Balti more market will afford. lie keeps constantly on hand the choicest as.d best CAKES, CANDIES, FRUITS and NCI'S ever offered to the public. Also. Chambersburg ALE and BKEK,constant ly on hand, also CIDER and other drinks. Parties supplied, on the alio: tost notice. ! with Ice Cream, Cakes and' Confections. Having served a regular apprenticeship to the ; above business, and having been constantly engag ed in it for many years, ho feels confident that lie | can retidet satisfaction to all who may favor him with a visit. JOJIN J. LUTHER. Bedford, Nov. 27, 1857. ThMMiil j OF New and Seasonable Eoods At Reed & Minisich's. Cltfthk, Cass:meres,Calicoes, Ginghams, Fl-in | nels. Tickings, bleached and unbleached Muslins. Table diaper, Paper and Cambric Muslins, Irish Linen, also a line assortment of Ladie's Shoes, | Gaiters, and Lac Boots, and a variety of Misses' j i ami children's Shoes, which will be sold low lor [ cash. i Feb. 19, 18,58. New Jeweh v. | fflllE *ubscriber has opened out a new and A splendid assortment of all "kiuds of the ; most fashionable Jewelry—consisting in partol Breast Pins, Firtge'r Kings, Ear Kings, i, t. &cc. i Call and see bis stock. dt;l4 DANIEL BORDER. I>R. IJu 7\ iIaKITT EESPECTFULLY tenders his professional i services te ;the citizens of Bedford and vi i clulty. • Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in the i budding formerly occupied h* Dr. J. H. llolius Nov. ak mg Sol.i, Cream of Tartar, Saleratus, Ac., of | tbe very best quality, all of which Lc will sell i the lowest jvrtCtjs. Plastering LUIIID <; 'I I '*!' having erecte, A a Mill fdr sawing PlAStxiupgLams on h.s precise a in Union Tp., Bedford county, it, now ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest notice. per thousand, 3 ft. long. Other lengths in proportion . Letters addressed to me at St. Clairsvilß-. will beprdmptly attended to, WM. GRIFFITH. Union Tp., Feb. 16, 1854. DISSOLUTION OF I'ARTMEEISIIIF. 'lliiE partnership heretofore existing between A lleiuy S. King and James Madura, under the na ;e and firm ofMatara, King Co., doing business at Lemnos Iron Works, in Hope well 1 owns,wp Bedford County, is dissolved by mutual consent. HENRY S. KING, N0v.27, 1857.-tf. JAMES MADAKA. 1 HE business of manufacturing iron at Lem nos Iron Works, will bo continued by the under signed, who itas perbl'.tsod all the interest of his late partner James Madura iu the books, ptoperty and effects, belonging to the late firm ot Madura King 5c Co. Nov. 27, 1b57.-tf. HENRY S. KING. A King.. Fr. Jordan. .LAW PARTNERSHIP. King & Jorditu, Attoritejs at Law BKDFOUD, PA., WILL practice in the s tveral Courts of Bed ford and adjoining counties. Agencies, Collections, and all other Business cutrusted to cheircare will be prompt!v and faith fully attended to. OFFICE in Juliana Street, formerly occupied !>y D. 11. Hofius, Esq., and more recently in the occupancy of Jos. Mann, Esq. January 5, 1855. JOB MANN, G. JI. SPANG. A AW PARTNERSHIP.-The undersigned -I J have associated themselvcsin the Practice the Law, and Will promptly attend to ail busi ness-intrusted to their care iu Bedford and ad j lining counties. -? Office on Juliaittia Street; three doors south ot Meugel oil isc aud Opposite the res-i --deuceof.Maj. Tate. MANN & SPANG June 1,-1854. tf. IIOFIIIS & FILLER, ATTOIISIBYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. WILL PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL legal business entrusted to their care During the sessions of the court, the senior part ner may he found at the office of the firm, two doors south of Hon. S. L. Russell's office. I>. 11. HOFiUS. JNO. 11. FILLER. Bedford, Nov. 28, 1856. Dr. F. 0 Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. lAeMpectiully tenders his services •< AL the citizens of Bedfbrd and vicinity. He may a'ways be foe fid (unless professionally en gaged, at his Drug and Bubk Store, in Juliana St. Feb. 19, 1857. SAMUEL RA33EBAUGH, Justice of tbe Peace. OFFICE two doors South of the Mengel House, and next door to the office of Maun Spang, where ho will attend to the collection of all claims placed in his hands. Bedford, Jan. It, 18561 CHEAP SHOES. About fifty pair of children's and women's shoes —a little out ot style—will be sold verv cheap bv Feb. 19,1858. " A. B. CRAMER & CO * 'lhe (r<;U LugiiMi Rcntcdv. SIR J A.MEM CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarice, M- I) , Physician Extraordinary to Ike Queen. 1 lus invaluable medicine is unfiilirg in tlio cure ot ail those painful <1 dangerous dis eases to which the letnale constitution is sub ject. It moderates all excess and remove* *!, obstructions, and a speedy cure ouv be relied c-n. TO HUtEiiLU LADIES it is pect-iiarly suited. It a short Line bring on the monthly period with regularity. knelt hot lie, pi ice One Dollar, Lea's the Gov ernment Stamp ol Great preveut coun terfeits, CAUTION. /'irse I ills short Id not he toh en by females dst - tig the FJR-ST THREE MONTHS oj Pregnancy, us 'hey ure sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they ate safe. Jti ail cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, J uin in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight > si' i>a, B itat on °f Die Heart, diastolics, and •V hites, these fills will effect a cure when all oth er means have /ailed, and although a powerful rem* cdy. ■**. Dijfiewit lirtalkiitg. H"re 7 ureal, 4rc., i,C. rr*HF>'E W A FFIt.S fhm ttw? Mn*t in*tMi it litems *n<* I rrlivf, an i'i wlifli I*.*• *rfi'wjtt .<•vnn.ii: r t< wver Ful ft* eSToct * mi*l m> nir- Th'iuMißjh U&ve rerttifwi t' lieal?:. „n' hA* tried oilier mean* In vain. T<* :v!l tndall eonti? lion* tli ry art? e*!u:tHv a aa*l a crft--it*mj jp. j despair, u# matter kotr IvOje thelist-i.iay or however m?vem* it nixf If. provilel llie orcaaie s rti <-t ture of the vital oqaitis is iot lu' tico\ **d. Kvery ®ue atilictf ehtul4 giff thefci an mipgftiii JOB M< .Sole F.c/uhester. N. V. Price 25 rents per **> x For sale by Dr. B. F. ttmry. Sept. 18, 1857-zz. DlllDS, BOOKS AND STAIIONEBV, DR. F. C. REAMER, BEDFORD, PA. HAVING purchased the Drug and Book Store of Dr. S. D Scott, lias constantly on hand, at the old stand, a large and well selected stock of choice Drugs and Medicines, wholesale and re tail, all of which will be sold on lair terms. The assortment consists in part of Drugs and Chemicals, Dye Woods and Acids, Paints and (Els, Window Glass and Glass Ware, Tobac co and beqars Perfumery, Fancy Articles, 4-c.. Patent M i wcisks.-Having the regular agency for the sale of many of these medicines, the pub lic are assured that they are of the best; such us have stood the test of time and experience, and can be safely recommended as genuine, viz: 1 owusend s and Sand's Sarsaparilla. Wistar's Balsam of WilUiCherry. Avers Cherry Pectoral, Moffat's Lil'o 1 ills and Phoenix Bitters, Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines, Faluistock s, Hoben sack's and other vermifuge; Iloofiand's Geiuian Biilers, but., Ac. Constantly on hand a large stock historic, geogiaphieai. scientific, religious, poetical,school and .miscellaneous BOOKS. Also a great variety of FANCY STATIONE RY, Gap, Post and Wrapping Pajw-r, of even quality. Paper Hangings iu great variety. Win dow Blinds, in patterns or by the piece. V. ail Paper, Steel and Fancy Goo is. BLANK BOOKS ot every size and quality . Pocket Books and Port Mommies, Diaiies, IBank Deeds an I Mortgages, gold Pens and Pencils, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery in great variety. Soaps, Jcc., kf. Lamps, and Camphine Oil and Burning Fluid, kept constantly on Hand. CHOICE LI'oUOKS lor medical use; Wolff's Scheidain Schnapps, Gin, Port, Sherry and Ma deira Wines. Fck. 19, 1857. Boh lo Save fltßtj. ALL persons who are in want of good and very cheap chaiis and Cabinet Furniture, can now bavc an opportunity of saving money, by calling on the subscriber, and selecting such artscV- as the\ may need, Irom a largo stock now on hand, which will be sold lower than the same can be bought in this County. You who are about to commence will do w ell by calling on me, as there great reductions made in suits oi Furniture. You will see tbs truth of the above statement by loiJkißg at tiie following list of prices : Chairs from $4.50 to $36.00 per sett. Bedsteads 2.50 << 15.00 Tables -J .50 " 20.00 Bureaus 10.00 << 35.00 Cupboards 5.00 ' i 2.00 Wash Stands 1.50 " GOO Work Stacds 1.00 '• 5.00 Candle Stands 1.00 '• 8.00 All other articles in proportion. All articles warranted. ISAAC MENGKL. JR. teb. 19, 1858. THE SlI HISS Valentine Steckman, 3?HO3?ELII3TOIt.. Boarders taken by the d ig- week iiautli and year. April 26,1856—tf SH 3IIOI K & SMITH, CUAMUEKSIiI Bti, PA., BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS, ano Dealers in Music and Musical Instruments. Our stock Consists of Books, Stationery. Mu sic, Instruments, Wail papers, Blinds, Fiench, German and American Lithographs and steel engravings, gilt mouldings for frames, etc., etc., wholesale and retail. Dr. B. F. Harry is our agent for Bedford, and all orders given him will he promptly attended to. March 7, 1857. dettys' Photographic (iallery, 'EXCHANGE BUILDING,' BEDFORD, PA. WHERE, Daguerreotypes,