BIPPBKD IKQUffiM. [ BEDFORD Fa. vFildaj Morning, May 7, IS5*. | TEARLESS AND FREE." . OVFit-Editor and Proprietor. NEW ADV E HTISEMENT?. Mrs. Peugh advertises a new and splendid stock of Fancy Goods. Give her a call. Messrs. lleed & Minuich, advertise a j splendid Stock of cheap Spring and Summer Goods. Great bargains can be procured from them. Give them a call. J. M. Burndollar & Sou, of Bloody Run, ad vertise, a new and Splendid assortment of New j Goods: There's 'ttt.ejlci yoli can get bargains. See Mr. Shire's advertisement, lie is one of 1-hfe best machinists in the State. J. 13. Baker, shoemaker, and other advertise ments, deserve attention HF""We call the attention of farmers and others, to the advertisement of Col. JOHN F. IJOWRY, of Ilopewell. All flour ground at his mills, has the benefit of being at market, and no commission is charged for storing it at the warehouse, find sending to the East. The mills have uudergone thorough repair, and better flour cannot bo manufactured in the country than at his mills. Col LOWRY is one of the cleverest fellows in the country, and any thing he promises will be performed and no mistake. English's bill passed the Senate last Friday Ly a vote of ill to 22. In the House by 112 to 103. The fraui so far is consummated, but the people of Kansas will reject the iniquity. Mrs. Sarah E. Potts, has her usual Spring and Summer supply of Fancy Goods on hand. Call and examine for yourselves. Wo nre unabl* to publish the proceedings of the Rail Road meeting this week. ANT I-LE COM PT O N MEETING. Pursuant to notice, a large and respectable meeting of the opponents of shaiii-Democracr assembled in the Court House on Tuesday evening last. The meeting was called to order by the selection of BENJAMIN R. ASIICOM, ' of Snake Spring township, as President; JoilN BI.ACKUYUN of St. Clair, JOHN NYCUM of East Providence, WILI.TAM WERT/, of Union, and LEMUEL EVANS, of Broadtop, an Vice Presidents; and Petrr 11. Shires and David Over of Bedford Borough, as Secretaries. The following persons were then appointed as a Committee, one form each Township, to draft Resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. Francis Jordan, A. E. Libert, ,f. A Osborn, Win. Dibcrt, John Metzgar, Alex. Davis, John McCleary, D. S. liergstresser, John Evans, James Allison, Charles McLaughlin, Daniel Sains, Wtu. E. Clark, Henry Horshberger, William Kirk, 8. J. Castner, and J. 11. Durborrow. The meeting was then addressed by John H. Filler, Esq., in a speech of unusual elo quence and ability on the iniquitous course of the national administration in attempting to force upon Kansas a slave constitution against a majority of ten thousand of her citizens. Mr. Filler was greeted with much applause, as he always is,by his eloquence,wit and satire. R. D. Barclay, Esq;, was" then daltcd, and responded in an able and eloquent speech of more tlian usual ability on the affairs now agitating the country. This was the first effort of Mr. Bar clay in political speaking, and all say that he acquitted himself ably, lie was only admitted to practice at the last Court, and he already promises to become one of the abiet and most eloquent members of the bar. The Committee then appeared, and the Chairman,-Mr. Jordan, in offering the Resolutions, made one of his usual powerful and eloquent speeches. He ex posed the acts of the late incompetent and cor rupt Legislature in tenus of severe and just de nunciation. Ho was repeatedly greeted with rounds of applause. After some few remarks from 9. L. Russell, Esq., R. D. Barclay, Esq., and F. Jordan, Esq., the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved: That the present financial embar rassments, ant? unprecedented hard times, are the uianifftrt and inevitable fruits of sham democracy, practically illustrated. That the anti-American doctrihe of free trade has pros trated our manufactories, caused an excessive importation of foreign goods, drained the eountrymf its specie, • reduced the prices of produce, deprived labor of its jofit regard, and forced the National Treasury as well as vast multitudes of- oshrroeat honest and intelligent fellow citizens to the verge of bankruptcy. Resolved : That the present Executive and Congress, by doiug nothing to remedy these evils, under which the whole country is suffering," have failed to meet the reasonable expectations of the people, and evinced a determination to persevere in their exploded free-trade theories and practices ft>r the benefit of foreign labor and capital and to the prejudice of our own, regardless alike of tha wants and the sufferings of'tho people, and the threatened bankruptcy of the country. Reso!veil: That the present National Ad ministration , by its iniquitous attempt to force slavery nponJKunßus under a constitution "which was bom-in fraud and baptized in perjury," kiid repudiated at th* ballot box by a majority of more than ttn thousand of the qualified voters of that ill-fated territory, has violated all the pledges made before the recent national and state elections; and has ;-o outraged the plain est aud most fundamental principles of Amer icanism, Eound Democracy aud Republicanism, as to have not ouly lost our confidence, but forfeited our respect. ; Resolved : lliat our recent State Legislature whilst it distinguished itself most ty doiDg nothing, has gained a well deserved and unenviable notoriety for the Violation of hs pledged aud the proffligacy of iis acts : with au almost two thirds party majority, pledged to economy, it increased tbo pay of its own member!, fc'r some imaginary service from live buudred tt> seven hundred Dollars per ses sion ; it refused to abolish the Cauai boaid end other officers, after the whole of the pub lic works were disposed of; it has raised the militia tax ouc half, and increased the sa lary of the Adjutant General from three hundred to fottrlec/i hundred dollars; it attempted to deprive the people of one Judi cial District of the State ot the constitu tional right to oleot their owu judge by a bill to abolish the District : aud lastly it has sub s'.anltaly abolished the usury laws by taking away all the penalties against the crime of usury : For a-H the'se things We hold toe Staie administration and the party which elected it tespousible to the voters aud tax-payers of the State. Resolved : That haviog heard that Somerset county has appointed Geu. Wui. 11. Koontz to represent this Senatorial District iu the approaching State Convention-} we hereby ooueur in said appointment. Resolved-: That wo hereby appoint Fr. Jordan, us a delegate to said State Conven tion to represent this district iu convention, with such person us Somerset has appointed or may appoint tor that purpose. Resolved: That Daniel Washabaugh, Charles W. Ashcom and Daniel Sams, be aud they are hereby appointed Congressional Conferees to represent Bedford County, in any Convention which may be held in this district to nominate a candidate for Congress, with power to ap point substitutes iu case of inability to at tend—these Conferees to be subject to any iustruetiou which our tricuds iu the County may see proper to give them through a County Convention. IrIiEAT VICTOR! ! PIIILADCLPIIKI REWKOIEDi Lecompton Won't %o down! We have received the following despatch from a friend, in Phiadclphia, it sjieaks for itself. More anon : J?FHLAI>EI.FINA, MAY sth. ! MR. DAVID OVER, The municipal Election ir. this City yestcr- : day passed off* quietly. The vote polled was ; a large one aud resulted in the Election of the j people's ticke' for city officers. Alexander ! Henry was chosen Mayor by over four thon- j sand majority aud the other candidates on the j same ticket ere also elected. Tim same party have a majority in councils on joint ballot.— This is claimed as a great anti.Lecompton vic tory by the opponents of the National Admin istration aud they are rtjuicing with exceeding great joy. [For the Bedford Inquire? .\ MR. OVER, Respected sir: Ploase allow me, through your excellent , | Inquirer , to return my sincere thanks to my i friends, for the expressions of their regard they i have lately presented to me in a substantial : way. On the 22d of last February ; 1 and my fami ly were made very happy, on returning home after a temporary absence, in finding our dining room table loaded with a number of valuable aud well thought of articles for the body, tlie bed aud tiie table, as a donation from our i female friends iti Sehellsbnrg. And on the22d inst., I was most happily aur ' prised in finding ;i handsome new carriage, : quite suitable for me and my little family, at j my door, in the place of my old buggy, and my I horse dressed in a new set of elegant silvo r mounted harness, alt presented in the name of j a few frieuds in and about Bedford, SeheTtebarg : and Dry Ridge. j These presents are highly valuable, not mcre ; ly on account of their intrinsic value, hut also as an expression of t he kind regards of our friends, and day the Lord be with them nil fdr good. 11. HECKERMAN. Bedford, April 28th, 1858. , THE NATIONAL HOTEL MYSTERY. —It is said by one of the sufferers that no less than 27 persons have died by the Washington) Hotel mystery of last year. Tho gentleman referred j tcr, according to the Journal Commerce, calculates that, out of a total of three hundred sufferers,- at least one half are iu a state of decrepitude no better than his own. In spite of all the theories which have been advanced j by medical men and sanitary committees, he adheres to the belief that the fatal epidemic, as it was called, was occasioned by nothing else than a malignant mineral poison; and the same opinion is held by other sufferers with whom he has conversed. Up to a recent period | he was treated by a physician of this neighbor hood as for a malarious or atmospheric poison, with no perceptible benefit, but upon the physi cs an and treatment being changed, substituted an antidote to arsenic, favorable symtonis became at ouce appaieut, and he is now able to leave his apartment. "Whatever was the origin of the clisUaSe, it is very difficult to satisfactorily account for , all the phenomena atteuding it, especially the : slow, deadly mauner in whioh it preys upon the system, year after year, until the vital system is destroyed and the strong man prematurely cut off, unless the agency of a malignant mineral prison is admitted." RACE BETWEEN A HORSE AND A LOCO MOTIVE.— A novel race took place at St. Thomas, on Tuesday last, between a blooded race hofsc and a locomotive. The lmrse is decided to be a very fast nag, and so is the locomotive, and both were well trained to the track. The arrangements between tho betting parties were, that tiie horse should be at bis starting place when the locomotive cotne up even, and the word "go" should bo given, when away they went under whip and steam. The judges declared the horse wiuuer by one half length.- The bet was §SO a side, and the distance eighty rods': This hears ort the question that the horse is faster than steam. BEDFORD mOUIRER. Seaator Wilsou's Vindication of Wee Labor. Senator -fiaintnOnd'i* Democratic speech de nouncing the laboring men of the North as the mere mudsills of society, has elicited noblo re sponses from Senator BlioDfcßlCK, ot' Califor nia, and Senator WILSON,of Massachusetts,both of whom passed their youth and earfy manhood at hard and honest toil. We have given ex tracts from the reply of tlie former, and now publish a few from that of the latter:— Hut the Senator, filled with magnificent vis ions of Southern power, crowns cotton ' : king," and tells us that if they should stop supplying cotton for 'three years, "England would topple headlong, and carry the whole civilized world with her, save the South." What presump tion. The South—which own lands and slaves the price fluctuating with the production, use and price of cotton having no other rtftource or means of support—would -go harmless, while the great commercial centres of the world, with the vast accumulations of capital, tire products of ages of accumulation with varied pursuits and skilled industry, would "topple" tp their faK". Sir, 1 sappose the coffee-planters of Bra zil, the tea-growers of the Celestial Empire, and the wheat growers oil the shores of the Black Sea and on the banks of the Don and the Volga, indulge in tho same magnificent illusion, would remind the Seaator thai the commercial w rid is not governed by the cotton-planters of the South, t"hc coffee-plr.nters of Brazil, the tea-growers of Chiuc, nor. the wheat. pVrfiiuccrs of Eastern Europe. 1 tell the Senator that England, Eranee, Germany, Western Europe and the Northern States of this Union, ate the commercial manufacturing, business and mone tary centres of the world; that their merchants manufacturers and capitalists grasp the globe; that cotton and sugar, ami tea and coffee, and wheat, and the spices cf 'be isles of the Orien tal seas, are grown for them! Sir, the cotton planters of the South are simply their agents, aud they perform their task under a necessity quite as greet az Their owtt slaves perfohn theirs under tVe taskmaster's eye. I would remind the Senator that the free States, in 1850, pro duced §850,000,000 of manufactures, and that only 852,000,000 of that vast production only about one-seventeenth prirt of it—Was made up of cotton. Our manufactures and me chanic arts now must exceed twelve hundrod million dollars, and cotton does not make up nwe than seventy million, dollars. Does the Senator think the free States would "topple" down if they sheiti lose one-seventeenth part of their productive industry ? The productive Industry of Massachusetts, a State that manufactures more than one-third of all the cotton manufactured in the country, was in 1855, §350,000,000: only $26,000,- 000, one-thirteenth part of it, was coUaruf h Docs the gentleman believe that a State'*<, has a productive industry of $350,00t ~ * about §290 per head for each person, perish if she should lose §26,ooo,ooofyrvr/at vast production ? It is no matter of ?urprl-c that gcnSteinon who live away ofl ou cross-roads, where cotton blooms, should come to believe that cotton rules the world; but a few months' association with the great world would cure that delusion.— "You are our factors!" cXelainis the Senator. "You bring and carry for us. Suppose we were to discharge you? Suppose wo were to take out business out of your bauds, we should con sign you to anarchy and poverty!" Sir, sup pose. when the Senator returns from this cham ber to ttic cotton-fields, his slaves should iu their simplicity, say to him "Massa, you only sell de cctton; we plant; we hoes; we picks de cotton! 'Sposo we discharge you!" The un sophisticated "mud sills" would bo quite as reasonable ad is the Senator. The Senator seems to think tho cotton-planters hold us in the hoi low of their hands; if they shake them, we tremble, if they close them, we perish. But tho Senator from South Carolina, after crowning cotton as king, with power to bring England and all the civilized world "toppling" down iuto tho yawning gulfs of bankruptcy sud ruin, complaeeutly tells the Seuatc aud the trembling subjects of bis dottort king that "the greatest strength of the South arises from the harmony of her political institution;" that her forms of society are the best in tbe world; that "she has an extent of political freedom conibined with entire security, seen nowhere on earth. The South, ho tells us "is satisfied, harmonius, and prosperous," and be asked us if we "have heard that the ghosts of Mcndoz i and Tor quetr.ada are stalking if* the streets of our groat cities; that the inquisitions is at hand-, and that there are feaiful rumors of consulta tions for vigilance committees?" Sir, this self complacency is siibiitne! No son of the Celes tial Empire can approach the Senator in self complacency. That "sodiety is the best in the world" where more than three millions of beings created in the image of their God, arc held as Chatties—sunk from tbe lofty level of humanity down to tne abject condition of unreasoning beasts of burden! The "society is tho best in the world'' where nro manacles, chains and whips, auction blocks, prisons, blocidhouud.s, scourging?; lynching* and burnings, laws to tor ture the body; shrivel the mind and debase tho soul; where labor Is dishonored and laborers desniscJ! "Political fre'Sdmii" in a land whore woman is imprisoned for teaching little children to read God's lloly \Yord; where professors are deposed and banished for opposing the ex tension of slavery; where public men eiiledforr quoting in a national convention tlie words of Jefferson; where voters are mobbed for appear ing to vote for free territory; aud where bsok sellcrs are driven from the country for selling a copy of that master work of genius, "Uncle Tom's Cabin!" A land of "certain security," wherd patrols, costing, as in Old Virginia, more than is expended to educate hef poor children,- stalk the country to catch e only interest that applauded his . cnurjse was that entente pro-slavery, cabal, [ (kntfWii'to desire a dissolution of the Union,) | which had induced liini to leave those true ' and gallant spirits who had so long upheld his standard, and to rftftTefrder the holy principle, without which he would be reposing in lion [ tfrable quiet at Wheatland. From that moment to the -present, what have ire witnessed * Nothing but a cces | sibn of 'personal and political degradations.— j The principle of the "will of the majority" had become overwhelming. The 'prlfcefpis of fidelity to a swtrrn pledge, and to a consecrated : creed,-hud sunk into all hearts The Pr.-si dehf,'the'Cabinet—all man had met upon this patriotic platform. It was built upon honor, and rfvertred and clinched by a thousand sol emn assurances. To destroy it required her culean exertion-, and a serie-i of opera tions, before which all the ffforts of past j Administrations have paled their ineffectual j fires. It stood out lull-armed before the I nation, instinct with energy, and refcistlea J from tiic ksscteiarirms fhat surrounded it.— Hut the word had gone forth, end though it Ctuld not be annihilated, it ten at leant be trayed. And to accomplish this betrayal, the | character trf the Democratic party, aud of the , country, has been shamelessly dishonored. Independent man, who would not bow to the attempt to sacrifice a principle, were turned out of office, and fca*e and character less knaves put into their places. Solemn assurances to high functionaries, written, spoken, and printed, were ruthlessly I broken. [ Representatives were compelled to change . their votes and to violate their plighted faith, and were conscience failed to approve pa tronage caiue m to snppott them. Ual'omnies, the "West alrrSciotts and. Cruel, I were hurled agaiust all who da rod to bo true to the truth. Is this all ? \\ ould lua't it were? Ihe formal declaration ot a proud, national parry wa ftoftght to be nullified by ! the action of Congress, and in substitution i fOV a principle', imposingly declared ami j soleiiiuly sealed-, before the eyes of the whole : country, we had offered to us a, miserable cheat. The dark deed Of a gang of reckless speculators 'in Kansas was made the test of Democratic j faith. Fraud and Falsehood wore creeled into | and the protests of fifteen i thousand freemen against this deed were | laug lied at, as the protests of our fathers in flic Revolution were laughed at, as the ravings of rebels*, and tho threats of a mob. So far for the footprints of this unhallowed Despotism. Tliey are marked on the historic page as the evidences of a receding morality and a degenerating Democracy. They turn ' back the hands on the dial plates of time, and ■ remind us that we are living in the feudal ages. Nay, worse than that; for then, if [tower was ; great, pubiic men were brave; and the kttave that sold his elidraeter died the death of the infamous. IS lit the grciit crime dii not Stop here. One j wrong after another was tried, till at last, as ii 1 to mock at even tho scmhlauee of righ', the so- : called IONDMSII Hlbt. was pniposed, the ill- I incdrnatiou of treachery ami of duplicity —a ; bill, be it understood, which differed froui its ! precedents iii this: that they were swindles ami ; this wad g brieb, which,professing to submit Ls eotupton to the jtebple, di I not submit it, ac- ; cording to its Southern expounders, BUU ; which, starting out in the preamble with a scandalous misstatement, crowned the whole ! proceeding with a deciantion that if the peo ple tJf Kansas did not take it, they should 1 i'ester in diSShnstons * ii! it suited their masets to admit them! And this is 'he scheme that was forced through yes'erday-THF. nt.Acic FRIDAY of our century! Well may the Senator from New Xork cry ,l Shaiuc"upon the damning deed. All history will dry Shame upon it, too. The burden which this dd/rtige al/dchei 16 the Democratic party cannot be carried without crushing it. Candidates for office will he com pelled to speak out against it, and those who j are silent will p?iy the penalty ' French setts, Handkerchiefs—Edgings, Laces, and Flonncings- C dieoes and Cottons of all descriptions, (ring hams, ranging in ju ices from, six, eight, ten, tw lve and twenty live cents j>er yard. Il.tjtfiery—Gloves. Mitts. vc.,&e. C trjiet Bags, Traveling Baskets, Toys. Perfumery, and Jewelry. A large Assortment of J idles an .I children* shoes, purclcused at reduced prices—Ladies alipji. rs at 50 cts, fine lasting Gaiters at k- Other styles cor responding iu price. Gitla.ii eXunine tor v.iur selt. Mus. H. D. PKUOU, wotil I em'irac • tins op > >rt:i nity to render to the Pobl'c. bar thinks for t j lib eral p i'rottage she. has received, and hop,-* by . constant effort to please to merit a continuance of the same. May 7. IHSS. Yi:v I'littt. NEW GOODS. m HE subscriber; having taking a paitner in his I store, the business wi l hereafter IK; conducted, under the name ami title of J. M. BtradoHar SC Son- All those having unsettled accounts with the sub scriber. will plt-ase call and settle. J. M. 8.-iRSDOLLJR. TI are just receiving and ..penin? out a !7c%v and Handsome assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they will s-dl on as reasonable terms as can tie procured in the counttv for cash, jnoduce, or t.j prompt six nionihs ctist<>- mers. They respectfully solicit the juillic patron age. J. M. R.JUXDOLLAR S, SOS. Bio My Run, April 1. 1858.-3 m* Notice to Farmers! rjtHK subscriber having taken charga of the Mills X aim Warehouse at Hopewell, makes the follow ing proposition to farmers and produae dollars, to wit: All grain placed in the mills, intended for the Hop, or Broad top markets,or to be forwarded to any oft lie Eastern cities, will Le conveyed from the mills to the Warehouse, and loaded in the cars, free of charge. The Mills have been thoroughly repaired, and are capable of doing as good work as any mill in tiic County. The Highest market price paid for all kinds of produce. JOHN F. LOU UY. Hopewell, April f>, 18S8.-C* MBS. S. E. POTTS II AS just returned from the cities with a large sup ply of Rich and Handsome Goods, rich silks. Robes of all kinds. DEBEOE ROBES, L AWN KOBKS. LINEN ROBES,, TRAVELING KOBKS, with side trimmings, RICH LACE MANTLES. SILK MANTLES, FRENCH WORKED COLLARS, UNDFRSLKEVES, a large quantity of FRF.NOM WORKED STRIPES, very low, a rich vdK ety of BONNETS, trimmed and untrimmed, as low as 5Q cts. RIBBONS, RUSHES, and FRENCH FLOWERS, st all prices, SHOES and GAITERS, a handsome lot of sumnmt SHAWLS, LAWNS and CALICOES, aud an end less variety of fancy Goods. .May 7, iBSB. Sltoeiiicmliiisr! Slioemraiding!! HAVING °ommenced the business of Shocntcn ing, one door east of Mr. Brice's Hotel; Bedford, Pa.,.1 am prepared to do all manner of work in tliis line of business, at the shorter t notice, and in the most substantial manner, on more reasonable rates than usual, one thing indispensable. Give nio a call, trv my work and judge for yourselves. j. 1). B.4KER. May 7, 1858. Attention Bedford Riflemen! YOU are hcreh" ordered to parade at' your usual place for training, on THURSDAY the 20th' day of MAY, at 10 o'clock. A. M. in winter uni form, with plume. A full attendance is requested.' By order of the Captain ir.if. INRCHEY. o. s. May 7, 1858. Samuel Kettermau, COUSTY SURVEYOR. WOULD hereby notify the citizens of Bedford county, that he has moved to the Borough of Bedford, where lie may at all times bo found by persons wishing to Isco him unless absent upon business pertaining to lijs ottio. Bedford, April 30, 1858. BEDFORD ICADEMV. The Summer Session of this Institution will t commence on Wednesd ij', April "Ist I The efficient County Sttperinton lent of the Fuh | lie Schools, Rev. 11. lleckorman, will assist in the j instruction? of youth during the coming quarter. . Persons, therefore, wishing t<> pursue a course *t all. will onj >y rare ad vantages in connection with this Institution. GEORGE W. .VUGIItNBAUGH, April 9, 18-Vf . Prinhipil.