Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, April 23, 1858, Image 1

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    fll-f Aaf -'"A ■ " v - tl*-rtt : '
• ml %w*Sl'& f § 1 I I c &7>djdL, - ul il sim li lit; J 9 | / 1
jM I jjjl Jl UA 'S \ ; ,X 41 4§ 4|, iii A'
From the American. Agriculturist.
Now is the time to cut cu-rant slips for plant
i ~g. Many cultivators roeuaatnend cutting off
ail bu is below the part i user ted in the grottud,
,vhi a prevents sprouts coining up from below,
md thus making a min iture tree of it, instead
• a bui 'i which is its natural habit, 'The cur
have fci id to be liable to ri edepreda
iiuas of a small grub, or worm, which breeds
i ru the deposit of an egg near the root, where
it vf.ks upv. ird into the pith, r heart of the
w i. for a foot or two, and then emerges our
; ■.ibaUy then taking 'he moth, or winged
tV.riuation, and leaving the Wood altogether,—
\t th.? punt or escape the wood is cut partial
ly off, and usually breaks, when in the tree, or
-ingle stem form, and, of course destroys the
plant. Aside from ths, the weight of the head
:h ' staking m the plant, ai; i a close
pruning, to answer any good purpose in tear
: fruit. On the contrary, planting the slip
idi buds below t'.ie ground, althougli suckers
.-.ii grow tip, if properly pruned and attended
t . • ..: fruit is eq tally g "id, and the shrub
large, and last many years. We <JIK*-
■ | -I'fef the natural way of growing i".
In planting currants, we object to tlieeom
u wav of staking ibem thickiy at: far faoeee,
ills, and such like, itui pref. r to grow tlrenv
a i-p. n ground, quite MX fa"t apu**i, n-d
ing iiictn full and free cultivation, which su
.; s:t full crop of well grown, well ripened,
■.■. l excellent fruit; whu . on the fence toe'hod,
fruit is small, liable to choked by weeds,
: and oilier b.-ulaff, and famishing a har
! M t all sorts of garden vermin*
As t. the varieties, alt hough the nursery m iti
W t and ptai-o u number of new sorts, the
.•id Bed, ana \\ dtic Hatch are altogether *he
-r far household purposes, and by far the l est
b .rer.u thai we have. uje !. With good ctllti
.tmii'lW? grow btrge, *t(B tfiff ~.. , a
perfect berries. Everybody who has gar-fan
room ought i t grow currants in abandonee.— -
Tie- arc go to, tvlieo green, for tarts, and pi s,
■ui when Fully rip ', we!! sugared, ne a d.di
ms app rid it. to the tea-table —he >• btul and
riutrui a-, besides making a capital jelly. TUe
v.; U-.glis'.i currant is excel nt i'-.i j-By,
which is a most grateful drink, diluted in w -
• r, for febrile diseases.
HORSE il.unsit.—Most JTENPLE appear to
ihii .; that a thing whicli will "grow any where,'
with neglect, or by accid. tit, is not worth eulti-
Vitiou, ihough ever so u.-ef;t!, or be they ever
- . r ui : of it. Thus it is tint the hoise-ra.iish
limtigh one of tLe most higiil\prized Spring con-
u-'iTlv found in in >-t gardens to be seen in the
vicinity of a sink-spout, at the en i of a dram,
i r ihc fence, in a shady, worthless corner
• the garden, or other iwtgieofed places, out of
sight ami mia I—inly when it is wanted iu ear
'*• S.-tisig f-T the table. Then a few meagre,
- ringy, forlorn, little, pithy, or hollow roots
ar e dug up, the tops cut off and thrown sway,
and iho plants 'not worth digging' are left in
the ground, neglected and uutbought of, until
aaotht-r Spring revives ;he appetite for a -
; r*. d diggina of the esculent. Su-.-h is the usu
al 'cultivation* which the abused horae-wadish
get- at the hands of its Leue lac tors!
Now, horse-radish is as much better for good
culture as any other pdanr; and it is so little
trouble, that we will narrate our own method
f treating it for many years past, by which wt
i:now that the article is improved, at least a
. undred per cent in value and flavor. We plant
i a row, or rows, as we would currant bushes,
taking a place in the garden, where we do uot
v .-ii to plow or dig across it, and wheie it can
■!aud permanently. We then stuke out a
Ace, not under a fence, unless it he on the
'•.sterly or somberly side of it; uor under the
- .ade of trees—but right out in the warm, open.
•x; sod part of the garden, where the sun, rain
Mid air can hit it fairly, as if it were a beet or
ni i bed. Staked out, we then tbiow on to ir,
i eavy coat of strong, fat, barn-yard dung,
; road even over it. We then |>low ot spade
in, deep as we can, and pulverite the ground
■roughly. Then, witSi, crow-bar, or iron
in 1 L Is puncher (dibble) —which every gar
r: r should have about una—we sink a line of
. - in the ground, a foot or eigh'cen inches
-* j . When that is done we fill thcinup with
iinest or the soil, well mixed up with ina
ne, to withia six inches of the surface. Then
• take the green tops of the plant, with about
i inch of the root attached—if the tops be
■rge, they may be split with a knife into three
r! ur parts, or if whole, do matter how small
--and drop them into the hole, one root in each
—p up, of course—and cover iheui in with
1 ' soil. The bed is thus complete, and ready
growing. Kcsp them clean by the hoe, like
other crop. The nest Spiring you cin dig
■to the thriftiest, and best grown plants, all
i want for family use, still putting back the
:'i - when first planted, if you take it ail
If you leave a root or two in the place
e! which you take it, that will furnish increas
-r toots for the next year.
vou grow for marker, let thcut stand till
J years old, as they will be larger, and then
J —a dig and plant at pleasure.-!^.
A WoKD FOR TllK GRAPE ViNE.—lf ouf
;' tr * followed the advice given in the Jlgri
'urist, last Fall, they laid their grape vines
4 me ground, at the approach of Winter, and
't-red them with a little coarse litter or a few
Doughs. And having done so, they will
A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, tlie Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &e., See-— Terras: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance.
now have th satisfaction to find their vines
unharmed by frost, and in fall vigor and health,
ready for their Spring work. Hut just here,
let. us give another word of counsel. Don't
take up your vines too soon! By lying on ihe
•.■round, especially if under the shelter of a
high and tight fence, the i;n Is will begin to
start much earlier than it t;ed up to the trellis,
and exposed to etdd winds and freezing nights.
If raised from the ground too soon, those
tender buds will be in danger of blasting. Our
advice is, therefore, that you gradually remove
their Winter protection early in this month,
but keep the vines on ;he ground until cold
weather has actually passed away. Then lift
the ernes carefully, taking pains not to break
iff any of the tender bud-, and tie them se
curely to the bars or wires of the trellis. In
this way—as we know front expetkm;e —yu i
will be quite sure of an abundant and only
; crop of grapes.— lb.
From the XV to York Tribune.
j Tllo.fl.lS HiRJ BEaTOA.
In the death of Mr. Benton, the country
'• loses one of i's marked public characters. He
was a uvan of great fovea, but tint force was of
a personal lather than or an intellectual na
ture. An intense individuality characterize '
II that he said and did. His frame was large,
1 his health robust, lis nature burly. He was
truculent, energetic, intrepid, willful and in
domitable. Ho always wore a resolute and de
termined air, an L simply viewed as an animal,
possessed a very commanding aspect. He
strode into public life with these qualities alt
prominent and bristling. Whenever he shone,
"he shone in the exhibition of them. His in
tellectual powers always appeared a- ,u! ridia
ry; they never took the lead, never aj peered
to be the propelling force ii! any of the mark
ed epochs of his iif; The leading points of
j his career were his land mintui men-are, 1,1-
| opposition to the old United States j>ank,*!.t>
■ expunging resolution, his war on Mi. <1 dhuun
iiftei his disappointment ill the su.-eo •si. :i to
: the Presidency, and his hostility to the Cum
' ptit!.c measures of ]850.. In all (h - ■ • • ■•-
t. -Ss. at lcu-t in all but that fur the reform of
the land system, he bore hfa.s-it as a lighting
man. lie carried this so far as to allude, i:i
one of his later Senatorial exhibition-, to a
pair of pistols which he said bad never be.u
used Lata funeral had folli vsod.
Mr. Benton bad btcti ten years in the Sen
ate before be was known to the country as a
prominent debater. The discus-i <n on the
United States Bask question br■•ug t him out
fully, au.l was of a character o exhibit his
powers to the grcastst possible advantage. It
was a question that touched the feelings and
the private iuteresfs of individuals deeply, and
fused the in ten .-est ardor of all partisan poli
rtfeians. The debates were he*ted and fiercely
personal. A hand-to-hand political eut--utiier
o vet spread tho country. This coir >l suited
Benton exactly. He loved the turmoil arid t';e
wat, and he rose with each successive exigency
: ur.til he became, par excellence, the champion
uf Gen. .Jackson's Administration, in its con
test with the Bank. On one occasion, in 1830
—3l, he made a speech of four days. At the
i close of the fourth day, Mr. Calhoun sarcast
ically remarked that Mr. Reuton had takdu one
day longer in his assault on the Hank than it
had taken to accomplish the revolution in
The intellectual strength of Mr. Benton's
U'ffoits never impressed his great adversaries,
1 Clay, Calhoun and Webster. They never re
garded him as belonging to their class, intel
lectually. Yet they always appreciated and
dreaded his great personal force. In uu case
did this peculiar Bentonian ability manifest
itself more clearly or more offensively than in
the passage of the expunging resolution. Gen.
Jackson had been censured by the bVuate, in a
resolution drawn by Mr. Clay, for acting "in
derogation of the Constitution." Mr. Benton
set about to remove the censure by expunging
it from the records. lie has told how ho ac
complished this in his "Thirty Years' View."
The story is fairly told and illustrates the man
perfectly. L'lie whole transaction hears the
marks of a haughty, domineering and repul
sive spirit. The leader, as he peruses Mr.
Benton's account of it, feels tho triumph to be
of a coarse ajnl vulgar character, the work of
ill-temper and passion, with not u single fl isb
of intellectual or mural elevation in the whole
In his whole political career, Mr. Benton of
ten showed himself a fierce and malignant, but
iic-vsr. we think, a generous adversary. It is
said that* on his death-bed, ho has doue full
justice to Mr. Clay, iu finishing bis abridgment
of the debates of 1850, and it is pleasant, to
hear it. We do not doubt that his temper wis
mollified in his later years, as he found himself
rapidly approaching the-termination of his life.
In that debate, he came directly in collision
with Mr. Clay, tiud was the only man, iudeed,
who offered, or was able to offer, anything like
real, practical resistance to the impetuous and
overbearing march of that great parliamentary
leader. In the great debate of 1850, tn the
Senate, Mr. Clay crushed at will all effective
opposition but (bat of Mr. 800 ton. On that
occasion, Mr. Ben ton did not, however, furnish
the brains of the debate any more than on pre
vious occasions. Mr. Seward, and others of
13ve opposition, had done that, much more stri
kingly. Both in parliamentary taetias, in the
exhibition t.f personal intrepidity, and ia indi
vidually ami manner—which in every legisla
tive contest are important elements—Mr. Ben
toe rose superior to every ally. His temper
was roused, and he huiled wrath and defiance
at his enemies. On n question of parliamentary
law, lie came in immediate conflict with Mr.
t'biy, who iiad ibe majority of tho Senate with
bnu and was determined to carry his point.
Mr. Benton feci him wiih equal resolution,
and with a bull dog feroci'y that caused his
auta-gofi'.st to recede and yield the point front
oorisiuorutions of exj cdicucy. .dr. Bontuai
was allowed is is way, after hours of v (dent
struggle and a night's delihetatlou of the ma
jority. It was, to a very great extent, a tri
umph of bis lighting qualities. Foote of Mis
sissippi entered very largely into that debate,
and persist!: ! ia doggin.: an i attacking li 01 -
ton. jiJ.-ntf'ii, at last, ha lo iiim si.-p; ha w-x'u .1
bear no more of his in >jh>. Footc coutitis -d
in the naute strain. Benton rose fioui bis tear
an i stiodc directly toward Footc, as f in
throttle hiie on rhe spot. Foote fled, and B;n •
trn Was checked; but Foote never tittered tl- •
ii iine of Betitun afterward iu the Senate. On
(•Bother oeca&i u Mr. Benton laid him alt'rut
to attack Mi. Caliioim. He .i J ir v i;h abili
ty, but his bad Nyod, his iil-temr-r, lis vio
ieuce.of maimer, mil gi'ov. person 'Lim, v.ere
the rreu.... chm: e'e:-i*;i •- qfc^tiith;•'•!:.
* . .1 . r
j . :c was no ntca.are to wy.-.rea from it
i • • i r- .
merely as ati utreiiectuat uemiSsd'rallon, On
the contrary, it oniy impressed the hearer hm
repulsive an i divgiisting.
Is) all the .- a examples, we see v.Lern Mr.
Bm.ttm's power fay as a ptu liain ntarian, a de
biter, :.i;d a torn. Ha never t'air'cd his i< nut
G, Witit.n aor conviuciug, or t>y pure mental
eif-rt. He never reached his objeeis or c
-eouipli-Lod iiis sneeesses by mere farce of OlM
tory tr intelh et. lie never impres-ed his au
dieno-i or the public by sheer strength of mind.
It was his iuteuse i;><iividu-t 1 ity and animal
force, acting upon an intellect of common scope
and character, that gave him all iiis triunpks.
Hi-, industry was great, and Iris memory re
msikatie. He nevt-r rose to the count K-ra
tion of scientific principles, and perhaps nevvr
even to the comui aur field of philosophic gee
traiizatioi . For himself, he claimed to be a
man cf "mca-ures," rather than of principles
or ideas. We should further qualify lhi>
(his ebttuj, by say:ug no was chiefly a man of
"iuc's." liis Ideas of currency atAl the 'gold'
reform, which occupied him for many years,
were very crude; ami so far as we know, were
to ver improved by after-study or reflection.—
Th'-y found expression iu (he existing Suh
'irca-ury system. Another favorite nmasuro
of his was a road to the Pacific, across the
Continent. His services in establishing the
pic-enip'ion system in the disposition of the
public lands, were on>picuou>, avid theit re
sults have been einiaettly beneficent, but we
think the record of his principal "measaies"
must stop here.
Mr. Benton's mental activity being confined
to Hi inferior plane of aciion, however busy
ami industrious, however constant and iiidoiiii
tall) he might be, the very nature of his ef
forts prevented him from accomplishing much
intellectually. \\ e look in vain in the wri
tings or speeches of such a i:>au for any of (ho
electric influences and inspirations which minds
of a nobler mould often unconsciously impart,
lie never spoke the word which touched tiie
nation's brart. He b Lose It thought he would
make a good military commander, and perhaps
be was right. Of Uis personal peculiarities,
his egotism was the most striking. It was a
source of entertainment to his visitors, his own
apparent unconsciousness of this peculiarity,
or his sublime couviotiou of its pre-eminent
propriety in his own case, giving a z-st to its
oftentimes extravagant manifestations.
Of his private li to and domestic relations it
gives us pleasure to speak in language of un
qualified admiration. He was a devoted bus
baud, and his fond and considerate attentions
to an invalid wife in her declining years offer
ed a spectacle honorable to humanity. Ho
was the preceptor of his children, whom ho
taught with the same industry and assiduity
thai he always manifested in whatever he un
dertook. They were Bcnfnnian in their ways,
however, and did not all please him in the
choice of their mates; but we believe they ail,
at last, hid bid entire approbation, the most
repugnant of the matches to the paternal care,
we believe, being tho marriage of his daughter
Ann to the late Ilepublicau caudidate fur tho
Mr. Benton's moral character as a public man
is also deserving of very high praise. Iu his
public acts, wo believe, he always followed the
dictates of -to honest purpose. Be did not leg
islate for popularity, nor for pay, nor for any
individual advantage ir any way. He advoca
ted and c;., wed public measures on the ground
of what he considered to Le their merits. His
judgments tti ty have hem trlonded by passion
or partisan feeling, as. no doubt, at times* they
were, but he was always true to his
convictions Of v oality and corruption in
legislation bo had an instinctive abborance, and
during the thirty years of his Senatorial life,
sve Jo not think the perfect integrity of his
votes on all .subjects, whether of a public of
private character, was ever impugned. In this
respect Lis example is worthy of attention of
all rising men. who, in this bud ling en of cor
rupt;-<n. are likely to be tested by severer temp
tutions that the statesmen of the past. What
ever else is unattainable iu reputation to a leg
i.d.itor. the prwd distinction of integrity is be
yond i;o man's reach, and it is a virtue that is
not likely to !o|e any of its luster t v being too
common. 4
bashful MAN.
A e tscvc-r yet saw a gt-unine bashful man
that was not lite soul of honor. Though such
may blush a*LI stammer, an ! shrug ibcir
.-ijr>ul<leiawkwardly, Unable to throw forth
with ease the thought ibvtthey would express,
vet commend tfcfiii to as for fiieuds.
There ore fitjy touches in their characters
that time v.-iii u:f!<iw and bringo ut; perceptions
s delicate as t. s faint.-st tint is to the uufol led
i<-e, and their ore none the lc---
r< Sued and beatgliful that ibey not flow
with the impel u%?tjy of the shallow streamlet.
Vi o are as to. shed that such men arc not
appreciated: that ladies with reallygnod hearts
*a t cultivated intellects, will reward the
gtilatit Sir. Mn'uei.i. Brainless with smiles
•••:. ' - because he Can bid a shawl
'yd _ . atpg batjdy e .o. ]u. cuts" wtfl
! ei-g-:r;e., tvh.lw they will not eon
d '.-.-eud to io r £ i-pou the worthier man who
t els for them a so great that ids
every mute glanie is Worship.
Ha who i- baso.iul in the presence of ladies
is their defender wireu He h>oe toag-ie of the
..! .. ' .. ... • i >." .
of coi.riu'sts, or dam.* to t.,lk glibiv ot
failings that exist in ids imiginaticn alone; hi*
cb -eks will flu-ii w.tii resentuieu ,his ey< s flash
with anger, to hear the name of woman coupled
with a coarse oath; and he who would die to
defend them, is least honored by the majority
of our sex.
Who ever heard of a bashful libertine? The
r.n-misly was never seen. H and elegance
are his requisites; upon Lis lips sir flittery,
ready to play court alike to blue eyes and
biaek; ho is never nonplussed, be never blushes.
Fi>r a gbuce lie is in raptures for a word lie
Wi u!d professedly b y down Li.- life. Yet it is
ho who uiis our vtle city dens with wrecks of
pur ty, it is h; who profanes the holy name c-f
mother, desolates the shrine where domes tie
happiness is throned, ruins the heart that
trusts in him, pollute* the very air ho breathes,
and all under the mask of a polished gentleman.
Ladies, a word in your ear; have you lovers,
and would you possess a worthy husband ?
Choose him delicacy of deportment,
•those sons'e of your worth leads him to stand
aloof, while others crowd around you. If he
blushes, .stammers even at your approach, con
sider them as so many signs of his exulted
opinion of four sex. If ba is retir ing and
modest, let not a thousand fortunes weigh him
down in the balance, for depend upon i:, with
him your life will bo happier with poverty,
tlsau many another surrounded by the splendor
of palaces —.7/a -y .1. Dcnnison.
The following anecdote is related of the late
.7. J. Carney, by one, who as a child, was
often one of his family circle:
One night—l remember k well—l received
a severe lesson on the sin of evil speaking.—
Severe I thought it then, and my heart rose in
obidi&g anger against him who gave it : but I
had not lived long enough in this world to
know how much mischief a child's thoughtless
talk tuny do, and how often it happens that
talkers run off the straight line of tiuth. S.
did not stand very high in my cstoeme, and I
was about to speak further of her failings of
temper. In a few moments my eye eaught a
look of such calm and steady displeasure, that
I stopped short. There was no mistaking the
meaning of that dark, speaking eye. It brought
the color to my lace, and confusion and shame
to my heart. I was silent for a few mom juts,
when Joseph John (Jurney asked very gravely,
"Dost thou know any good thing to toil us
of her ? '
1 did not answer; and the question was more
seriously asked—
"O yes; I know soma good tilings, but—"
"Would it not have been belter, then, to
relate thos-.i good things, than to have told us
that which would lower her in our esteem?—
•Since there is good to relate, would it not be
kinder to he silent or. the evil ? 'Charity re
joiceth not in iniquity,' tluu kjjowest."
Qjr'Tbere is a world where storms never
intrude—i haven of safety against the tempests
of life—a little woilii of enjoyment and love,
of imioeerieO and tranquility. Suspicions are
not there, nor the venom of slander. \Vhen J a
mau enterfth it he forgets his sorrows and cares,
and disappointments; he opens his heart to con
fidence ard pleasures, not mingled With remorse.
This world t? the home of a virtuous and
amiable uotlier.
exchange tells a story of a uegro boy
who fell iito a hogshead of molasses, and won
ders if they licked him. when they took him
SOME litae ago, a gentleman and one of his
servants, a stalwart negro, went fishing for
reckon the Bay shore, about ten miles from
this city. They cast their hooks ami tines and
waited for a bite. The big darkey, after
wading out some feet- from the shore, tied the
line around his bo iy. Ilis master told him
there was danger in doing so ; but the sible
fisherman suspected no difficulty or accident.
Soon au old shark, a real old sea-dog, cuuio
along and swallowed the bait with a good
relish, and Sambo held the line with a firm
grasp. The powerful fish, however, drew bits
gradually out in deep water, when finding that
ho was in danger of being carried out to sea.
in order to cut the line he made a desperate
grab a! his knife, which was fastened to his
head halt shut, a portion of his hair being be
tween the blaio and the handle, but it
too late. The hungry monster of the deep, by
a rapid movement slackened the line and
dashed fuiiously out from the shore, followed
by the darkey, who alternately disappeared
beneath the waves, and rose to the surface,
grabbing at his knife as he rushed along with
•-most lightning speed iu the wake of the shark,
tie was seen at (lie distance ot nearly a mile,
as he occasionally rose to the surface, but soon
disappeared entirely far beyond the reach of
assistance, and a victim of his own hazardous
daring and imprudent temerity.— Southern
dressed lady entered a broker's office yesterday |
Afternoon, in Walnut street, near third. Ilav- j
iug crossed the threshold, she asked for e young !
nun employed there Young man w*< summon- *
i accordingly. He came forward bowing auo j
smiling, while young lady, in equally apparent j
cordiality, advanced to him and extended her!
fart hand. Young gentleman was about to take •
young lidyV left hand in his right. As he j
made the necessary motion to do so,young lady's j
countenance changed its expression; sire seized I
him by the neck tie, .-.lightly cheeked hi; res-|
p: rat ton, and drawing a jackass whip, she I
brought down u shower of blows upon his back !
that made the hapless vou'h •'race like a cat
upon a hot stove, and cut a Spring Ba- '-in rbat
cost fifteen dollars, into about a shilling's worth
of second cla-s carpet rg. Having finished
tip the 'li.-t ingA young lady resumed hot* ain;-
t:.'C flounces of her silk skirt describing an an- j
gie of forty-five degrees as she did sc. Sue j
then went info a neighboring sugar store and j
requested tlie attendant to wrap the instrument
ot torture in paper. The lady wis rather p.-ct- :
ty, of decidedly genteel appearance, and stated *
iu the segar man that -ho bad been "threshing
a pappy who had in-uhed Iser." There's a
woman for you.''— Philadelphia .Yorth Amer
CURIOSITIES.—A plate of butter troru the
cream of a joke.
A bair from a cabbage head.
A small quantity of tar supposed tr> have
beeu left where the Israelites pitched their
An original brush used in painuag the sfatus
of the times.
A bucket of water from all's well.
Soap tti.h which a man was washed over
The pencils with which Britinia ruled the
A portion of the yeast used in raisiug the
A dime from the moon when she gave cLungo
far the last quarter.
The saucer belonging to the cup of sorrow.
A fence made from the railing of a s Co t,j.
iug wife.
The chair in which tire sun set.
A buckle to fasten a laughing stock.
Eggs from a nest of thieves.
iliuges and locks from the trunk of au
A sketch from a politician's views.
The jewel extracted from au editors con
Charles Lamb, a genius and a d<U;-k.ud, tells
sad experience as a warning to men, in tho fal
lowing language.
"The waters have gone over tae. But out
of the black depths could 1 bo heard, 1 would I
cry to all those who have but set a foot in the
perilous flood. Could the youth to whom the j
flavor of his first wine is delicious as the open- i
ing scenes of life, or tho entering upon newly j
discovered paradise, look into my desolation turd
be made understand what a dreary thing it is j
when a man shall, feel himself going down a
precipice with open eyes and a passive will—to !
see his destruction and have u<> power to stop
it, uud yet was not able to forget a time wheu
it was otherwise; bear about tho piteous specta
cle of bis own ruin; could he see my tcverish
eye, feverfahed after last night's drinking, and
feyerishly looking for to night's repetition of
the fully; eould he but feel tho body of death
out ot which 1 cry hourly to be delivered—it ,
were enough to make him dash tho sparkling
beverage to the earth in all tho pride of its
mantling temptation!"
Winehcil, the clown, accidentally jostled an
Irishman one day in a public room, when Fad
dy remarked:
1 You arc no gentleman.'
'1 know that,' siid Wiachell, 'but I don't
see how such .a faol as yuu came to kuow it.'
'But,' says Faddy, 'every ono says so.'
'Of course, you heard some one say so, or
ynu would not have known it-*'
Faddy sloped.
jpP"-All mankind are happier for having been
happy ;so that if you can make them happy
now, you may make them happy for many
years hence by tho memory of it.
VOL 31, M 17.
[ Very funny stories are tr.ld of ibe process of
serving a call of the U. 3. "Senate, an hour •it
two after midnight, on Senators who had gone
home and to bed. The Sergeant-at-Arms,
accompanied by carriages, rdde around thee
and collected the deserters, peaceably if be
could, but forcibly if ho must. Sam. 11 mstori
was captured at the Kirk wood House, take:!
fro ui bis bed and carried growling to the Oapi
tul. Witsit called tspba far an excuse for hi
absence, be gravely requested the Senate fo in
form bins what excuse it had to offer far tl
outrage it had coiamirte I upon bis person
rights, by dragging him from bis bed at thct
untimely hour. He pretested (bat ho would not
be pacified until the Senate apologised to hit, .
Senator Clay, of Ala., kept bis doors locked,
and defied the Sergeaut-at-Anus. Generally,
however, the absentees surrendered themselves*
with a good grace, and a quorum was obtainv j
at 4 o,clock in the morning.
distillery of Mitchel & Molby, lately
erected at St. Joseph, Missouri, is probal
ibe most extensive in the world The machinery
is immense, comprising two engines, one ot
eighty and one of forty-horse power, thr-.e
boilers; four feet in diameter, twenty-six i<.
long, and four flues in each; two fly-wheels,
one twenty feet in diameter, weighing cigir
thousand pounds, and one sixteen feet in diame
ter, weighing six thousand pounds. It e m
somes one thousand two hundred bushels
or grain per day, and turns out one hundred
bariels or whiskey. It can shell four limvisam:
bushel- o: cOi a in ten hours. The worm is six
hundred an t fifty feet iu faugh, seven inches
in diameter at the base, arid three at the mouth,
tho tub in which it is contained is twenty-faur
feet high and twelve in diameter; the still i
twenty-eight feet high twelve in diameter: HO.I
there are eleven beer-tubs that contain efami
thousaad gallons each.
The X. O. Picayune of the 30th ultimo says
that a siugular funeral trainpas-ed Drayades
s'reeToa the day previous, on its way to out of
, 4 ' district ccuiehjrie-. Hub woman,poo.*
ma ioiKt): perohanee a moiaer—fane on her
head a iirtb codm containing the body of a
chi.ii of about fiye summers, and th-' sad
-ion whrcb accuuipauied her of three
womau meanly clad, fallowed by three umu.
Xcver before were our ryes wiijess of -neb a
I.SH,. > i-:l ilia nearer" of li:c TitW
ci r; sc was tho chief luouxucr euald not P :
doubted, and yet it mast hive been her fane,
to thus convey she departed ono to bs silent
rev. tor v.: can scarcely imagine that the men'
who joined ia the p-ocessiou failed to tender
t'umr services as beaiers of the body.
A V. ARXIXG, —The Louisville Demo
of F. iday says:
Colonel Robert Alexander died t.n the 2- th
fast., at the Uify Farm, the effect of diipatiou.
He was a whi(c-headed eid mia of sevcßty-six
yeais, wLf-sc irLe was vveti and honorxtly
t-arned, having served under General Uarriso
and having been present and taking an active
part in the Initio of Tipp canoe, at "which time
he rcceivd one wound in the baud. Ho belon s
to a respectable and wealthy family in parfs,
Ivy., but neither his respectability in other
days, respectability of bis friends nor his couu
try ia the Xortb-western struggle, could save
him fruin the destroyer, lie died, an object
of pity, ia the Work-house.
3-P*A fashionable lady in Buffalo is going to
have a house built soon on one of the best sims
in town. Everything about it is to be -sublima
ted and splendiferous. There is to be a Porto
Bico in front, a pizarro in the rear, and a
lemt-iiade all around it. The water is so come
in at the tide ot the house iu an anecdote, the
lawn in front is to Le degraded, and som?
fresh trees ate to be supplanted into the Eiia
in the rear. This is the same lady who told
Gov. Cliuton bow remarkably stormy it fa apt
to be when the sun fa passing the 'Penobscot.'
QjP"Xear the village of Lockport, a rich
fa rincr some years ago, adopted a bright eyed
little orphan as a companion fur bis oniy
daughter. The protege was treated With kind
ness by her new parent. As time passed on,
remarkable resemblance began to make its ap
pearance belweea the two children, till now,
both being eighteen years of age,.they are so
similar iu size habit and expression of coun
tenance that it is almost impossible to distin
guish ihem apart !
A very fat man, far the purpose of quizzing
Dr. ,of X , asked him to prescribe
far his complaint, which lie declared ws
sleeping with his mouth open.
"Sir," said the doctor, "your disease fa
incurable. "Your skiu is too short, so thai,
when you shut your eyes y our inou'h optns."
At one of the Parisian schools, it was a rare
occurrence far the .-tudents 10 have fresh bread
fot breakfast. .One morr.iug, smoking rolls
were placed upon the table. 'Hold,' cried one
of the students, as the waiter was cleaning the
table, 'ieavo tho remainder of those rolls until
to-morrow. We want fresh rolls to-morrow,
What a melancholy spectacle it is to see a
young man wandering through the streets of a
strange city, alone in the crowds, solitary iu tlie
multitudes, meeting no extended hand, no
sittilewelcome,destitute of money andfriejctfa
acd—wi'h corns and light boots on his feet.
Way are lawyers like a lazy man in bed it.
the morning*
Ass.—Because they Ha first o f -i e sUu
and then turn over and lie on the other.
Almost every maa wattes part ot Ins lite in
attempts to display qualities which he does net
possess, and to gain applause which be carnct