Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, February 05, 1858, Image 3

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Friday Mortilntr, Feb. 15> IHSS.
. OVEK-Kditor .i"* X'ropW i-lov •
lUduGio" of iVm.
W'e LURE eliauged the terms of the BEDFORD
INQ-CIRBR. f.uiii tins date, to §l,:v) per an -
num, if p-iil h advance. If payment bo not
made within lb i year, §2.05 will be charged.
It' delayed until after the year expires, $2.50
will be charged. These terms will be rigidly
adhered to in all eases.
All subscriptions paid between this date,
and February Court, 011 the new year, will be
considered in advance.
Conic on, then, friends, and subscribe for
the; there is scarcely a man in the
Countv but can afford to tuice a County paper
at these low rates.
To all our oi l subscribers, who are indebted
to us for over one vear s subso:iption, wo wil
settle off at the rate of §2.00 per annum, if
paid until February Court. After that time
§2.50 will be charged.
Dec. 4, 1801 ■
To any one raising us a Club of fivz new
snbscribm, cash in advance, §, we will
sand copy of our paper, one year, gratis.
To any one ruisiug us a club of ten new su'>-
ai fibers, cash in advance, §ls, we will semi
una copy of our paper, two years gratis; ami a
proportionable length ot time lor largci club-.
C.une on, friends, now is the time, these io.:g
winter <■ veiiiugs, and under our reduced terms,
,o raise us a large liumoer ol new subscribers.
We advise all in want of a good paper, to sub
scribe tor the BEDFORD INQUIRER.
the BEDFORD INQUIRER, Luih, one year, ioi
00 in advance.
The nigger-organ of last week asks why we
don't publish the speeches of Bigler, Green,
Fitch, the letter of Judge Black, &c. There
is tjuitc a diffeneus'e between such stuff aud o;-
lieial atitiiial messages ol our executive officers.
The one is presuuiti!, at least, to treat of the
idfaiis between our own and other governments,
iecoiiiuieudaiioiis of measures for the public
weal, The others are political, partizuu
speeches aud letters, that would be of u<> inte
rest to any one. Judge Black's letter is a
disgrace to the position he holds, aud was uu
dre.s-.ed to a partisan meeting of the worst
population of Philadelphia.
But we will make a proposition to ihe nigger
organ: It it will publish the speech of Doug
las, the whole letter of ex-Governor W aiker,
and the letter of Frederick P. Stanton, late
Secretary of lvausas Territory, ull of thetn
Lneofocos, we will publish the speech of Big
ler, and the letter of Judge Black, the last,
we presume, occupying about as much room as
tbo former. What say you?
The Gazette savs, tint '-lie (Gov. Pollock) tickles
ihe ens of the Know .Nothing and throws a sop to
the Abolitionists." Then ha was after you, with a
long pole, .Mr. Myers, wasn't he.— lnquirer.
\Z~?- Not halt as l-.tig a one as that with which
H. Bu.hei Svroo; e 1 ist tall stirred up your rotten
Ca.'C:t>>, Mr. buzzard. Nigger Organ.
3CP" The same one, we presume, that stirred
\~u up, m tile campaign of 'SG, when you were
engaged in Somerset County initiating Know
•Ac tilings 'nd making Know Nothing speeches!
A fit: the pole touched you, you turned round
una made speeches on the other side! You
were ftush d.en. but before, it is well knowu
you were out oj sorts!
The niggtr-orgnn says, that Bowman, tiie
]• resent Superintendent ot public printing at
Washington, in giving out contracts for the
paper to be used by the Government, for tbo
next year, saved ueariy §13,000 over last
veer! The late Superintendent wis a Loco
foco, and at the prices ho paid, there ought to
have been double liiat amount saved to the
Government ! A pietty good pill, about
§13,000, which the immaculate Bowman didn't
save to the Government! io whose breeches
pockets is it !
>EW PAPER.—U. J. JONES, Esq. is about
to commence a new Democratic paper in Ilolli
daysburg. The pro-pectus has been issued,
and the indications are that it will soon bo un
der way. We presume it will support the
Douglas, Walker and Forney wing of the De
mocracy. Mr. Jones, but a short time ago was
the leading editor of the Standard, and is the
taleuted author of the History of the Juniata
\ alley. Since Mr. Jones has ceased writing
for that paper, its editorials are as insipid as
the editor's brains. None, bnt swiuc feed
from that trough. "That's so."
Next, week Court commences. We presume
it will be quite a brisk Court. Our friends
who are in arrears, and who may be in town,
will please give us a call. The rules at the
h' if of this column will not be departed from.
Please notice them.
A strong effort is now making at Harrisburg,
*o repeal the present license laws, and the pro
bability is that they will be repealed.
Hon. Wilson Reilly has out thanks for a j
very valuable public document.
ceived from C. K. Tad J A Co., J92 Broome
Street, New Y'ork, one of their splendid Gold
Pencils, fully worth §5, and a Gold Desk Pen,
worth §2. We call attention of all those
who wish to try their luck, to their advertise
ment in to-day's paper. Any one can send
his name and if ho don't like iho prize, he
need uot seud the money. The pencil aud
neti can be seen at our office.
AMBROTYPES.—We would advise all our
friends who may visit town uext week, and de
sire to bare a good likeness of themselves, to
call on Gettys, in the Odd Fellows building
lie is a citizen of tiie County, aud ought to
be encouraged in preference to sttaugers, and
sides his pictures are lasting and cheap, aud
do not fade in three or four week.-', but will
i .ulu the same for ages.
Frederick P. Stanton, late Secretary of Kan
sas, has written a letter in defence of his eon
duet ;o. He exposes the frauds perpetra
ted iu that Territoiy by the border ruffian*,
and ••haifvCK ah tiie difficulty now existing to
vs.. re i properly belongs—James Buchanan.
We v i:i pub' it in our next.
Tea weather has changed, una we are now
having winter in earnest. February came iu
life.' a li n—how HU" wilt go out, we are not
prepai .i to say. During the last month many
of out farmers Wore engaged in ploughing, aud
others in makiti , maple sugar.
We are indebted to D. J- CHAPMAN, Esq.,
of Philadelphia, for the following dispatch:
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 4, 1858.
The banks of this city yesterday resumed
specie payment, and the country banks will pro
bahly take a like step soon—as some <>f them
have already resumed.
We have received the second number of
"Peterson's Philadelphia Counterfeit Detectot
and Bank Note Cist." It is one of the best
publications of the kind in the country, and
we recommend it to the favorable consideration
of our business men.
The "American Agriculturist'' for Februa
ry, has been received. It is a splendid num
ber. Every farmer should have it. Terms,
§1 per annumu, in advance; single copies, 10
cents. Orange Judd, A M., editor ami pro
prietor, New Y'ork.
The 1 legislature of Alabama have unanimous
ly instructed the Governor, iu the event of the
refusal of Congress to admit Kansas under the
Lucouipton Constitution, to call n State Con
vention t<> determine upou measures of redress."
The Alabama Legislature, some weeks since,
resolved, that such action on the part of Con
gress would be good cause for dissolving the
This is a preliminary movement, to be fol
lowed ni othei Southern States,dragooniug Con
gress into adopting the Lccompton Constitution,
or, in the event of failure in that case, to pre
pare the way for an actual disruption of the
Confederacy. The W ashiugtou Republic savs:
There are men who go to the Capitol every
day, and take their seats in the Senate and
House, who scarcely affect to conceal their trea
sonable hostility to the Government under which
they live. If the Leeomptou Constitution is
rejected, they will do their beat to induce a
general withdrawal from Congress of the South
em mer.bcts. We believe that they will igno
miuiously fail, but that they will make the at
tempt, i.s certain.
In the meantime, not a moment should ho lost
in arous'ng the country to the true state of af
fairs, and iu concentrating such expressions ol
public opinion as will preveut the legislation of
Congress from being controlled by Southern
bullying. We have had enough of i:. It has
became intolerable. The Free States have suf
fered 100 much humiliation already. Tbe Bob
adils ol Alabama, ami kindred spirits elsewnere,
must be taught a lesson. Now, or never!
CHARLOTTE JONES, the unfortunate woman
condemned to death as oue of the principal
actors in the M'Keesport tragedy, has made j
last confession, which it is said is to lie used as
a means of swaying Executive clemency in
FAVOR of MONROE STEWART, also condemned
as a participator in the same crime. But
little credence i.s attached to this confession
by the Pittsburg papers, from the fact that she
has from the day of her arrest, shown au utter \
disregard of the obligations of the most sacred
oaths, aud as deliberately implicated one of
her own blood iu the most horrible of crimes,
as she carelessly exonerated him when the
allegation could serve no possible purpose.— j
With equal deliberation she made MONROE
STEWART a principal in the transaction, scaled
her lips as to his innocence, uutil the sentence i
of the law had been passed upon bim aud all :
hope of escape was extinguished, and then— |
and not till then—consented to corroborate '
FIFE'S acknowledgment of his innocence, aud ;
published to the world an autobiographic ;
narrative of a wretchod life, now about to
terminate iu iufamy. In this she professes to
"tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth," concerning her life-doing* up
to tbe day of her incarceration, and asks the
public so to believe it. Her whole confession
abouuds in the most improbable stories, and
in several instances her declarations meet
with a flat contradiction front persous to whom
reference is made in her shameful narrative.
The Leeomptou Constitution.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2, 1858.
A message was received from the President,
transmitting the Leeomptou Constitution, which
was read. It quotes the severe language of
Governor Walker, when in the Territory, de
claring "the City of Lawrence as being the
hot bed of abolitionism."
It says the dividing line iu Kansas is uot ;
between the two great political parties of the
country, as in all other places, but it is be
tween those who are loyal to the Government
and those who are endeavoring to destroy it by
force and usurpation. It says, Kansas is at 1
' this tinv ;• much a Slave i3i .l • u .in vxourjtia and
: South (' iroliua, uuti rrvmuuieudH tbuff lulitiis
i niuii at" K.IU.W under thi> Oon*ututim ihc
oiiiy im-ius ot restoring trauquilit).
LIST OF CrIiAND JL ; 110 its,
DRAWN for February Term, 'it Monday,
(Sti da.V,) 1858 :
Jacob H. Wright, Esq, (Foreman,) St. Clair
j Township; John SioueiooK, M. \\ nod berry;
. Hugh Wilson, Southampton"" Win. i'. Scott, S.
Wood berry: JoLu Siiittei, Suakespring; As*
' Duval!, liroudtop; John Sar.soiu, Bedford; Ue
vi Evans, .Molirorj David C. Four, hi. Provi
dence; Thomas Beasure, Southampton; Win.
Rowlee, Bedford Borough, John Kvuus, Bon*
! denderrv: Henry Hersbberger, Sr.akespring;
i Martin lilarkburn, Jr., Napier: Jacob Evans,
Londonderry; Jolm Feightei, St Clair; Henry
Miller, Cumb Vailev; David Fluck, Broacitnp;
; John Keagy, M. Wood berry: John L. Hill,
.Juniata; George S'uckev, Napier: Adam lck
es, Union, Abraham S. Ritchey, Juniata;
' Henry Keusinger, Liberty.
Philip Morgerf, W. Township
Emanuel S hater, Co'orain; Reuben J Smith, do.
; Jacob Atfln'ws, St. Clair; John W. SchrhDy
Bedford; Alex. Shoemaker, Harrison; Zioh
j uriali Koouiz, Bedford, Peter Movrry, Jr., Na
pier: Jolm Long, Liberty; Johu 11. Burton,
' E. Providence: Divid Solleuberger, S. Wood
berry; David Diehl, Monroe; Nathan Jiorton,
Hopewell; Thomas McCreary, Sr. Clair; John
J Fennel I, Monroe; Abraham McClelland, Colo
! rain; John Conrad, Uuiou; George S. Mullin,
| Napier; James Mnrtimore, Harrison; William
Coivin, Napier; Jaines Allison, do., John
! James, Union; \Y in. Ritchet, (of Michael,) E.
I Providence; David F. Buck, S. Wondberry;
William O'Neal, Monroe; Adolplius Ake,
Union; John Alsip, Bedford Borough; Ferry
! Morgan, Colerain: Frederick Sligct, Cumb.
j V r alley; Gideon B. Martin, E. Piovidenee;
! Solmoou Nycum, do., John Hor.k, Cumb. Val
ley: Alexander Kichelbcrger, Hopewell; lleu
' ry ! I ami, E. Providence Willi un Sell irs, Bcl
! ford; David Eshleitun. E. Providence: Adam
Wciiverliiig, West do.; George Potter, M.
, VVoodberry.
Certified at llio Commissioners' Office, the
1D:1I day of November, A. D., 1857.
A few years ago ii was generally supposed
! that gt ay hair could not ue restored to its ori
ginal color, or made to grow on bald heads;
: nut since the advent of Professor Wood's 1J sir
! Restorative, many persons who Jyzd years ago
j arc now seen daily in the various walks of life,
; appealing in all the vigor of youth, wearing
their own dirk flowing lock*, Aimply from liav
j ing us'J th;s great Restorative.— Lounvillt
j Tint*.
For s )e b; Dr. ILrry.
j the system by imparting o the diseased part a
j natural current of electricity, by which the
1 restoration of all the natural functions are pro
-1 ducod immediately, and a cure is at once ob
j taitied. This is the gitat secret which no otii
| or medicine in the world has, and hence the
great success this medicine has in curiug dis
For sale by J>. F. H vrry, and F. CJ. Hearner,
Bedford, William Lysiugcr, J. B. Farquhar, and
all country merchants.
The Flour market is decidedly dull, and the
sales are confined to 500 barrels standard brands
; at §4 50 per barrel, and in small lots for the
supply of tbe wants of the trade at $1 50 a 4
| 024 f" r superfine; $4 To a 5 for extra, and $5
| "25 to §0 for extra family and laney lots. Ship
I ping brands arc freely offered at our lowest
| quotation. Bye Flour is dull at So. 200 bar- j
j reis Corn Meal sold at $2 94 per barrel,
j Grain—Supplies of Wheat come forward
' slowly. Small sales of good Pennsylvania rod
j at $1 10 a 1 12 per bushel, and 1200 bushels
I choice Tennessee do. at §1 17, all in store;
j white ranges from $1 '2O to 130. But little
j doing in Rye or Corn. We quote the former
1 at 70 cents, and ihe latter u*. 57 a 58cents, for
| veliow, in store, and 1200 bushels sold at 60
j cents, afloat. Oat., continue dull at 33 a34
i cents per bushel.
' FLOUR.—We heard on 'Change of sales of .
j 600 bbls. Howard Street and 250 bbls. (Jiiio j
! Super, all selected brands, at $4.50 per bbl., j
| cash, atid we had also reported sales of 250 |
! bbls. City Mills do, at §4.50 cash, and of 600 1
i hbls. do. at §4.50 per bbls. on time, ltye ■
j Flour is dull at fLfj 124, and we continue ;
to quote Corn Meal at $3.25 per bid. for both j
Baltimore and Brandy wine.
GUAtv.— lied Wheats may be quoted as j
tanging from 100 to 108 cts. for fair to strictly
prime, and we quote white do. at 105.110 cts. I
tor fair, and 115a 120 cts. for good to prime
shipping lots. Wheats have declined within j
the Inst day or two several eeuts per bushel, '
and they closed (u-day quite heavy at the
figures uauied above. We note a slight im
provement to-day in Corn. There wero about ;
20,000 bushels at market, most of which was
disposed of at 51a52 cts. for damp white, i
55a56 cts. for prime dty lots do., and 53a50
cts. for good to prime lots of yellow. There
was no Rye offered to day. We oontiuuc to
quote Pennsylvania at 7'2a73 cts. per bushel.
Of Oats there were 2,100 bushels offered, and j
sales of 1,500 bushels Pennsylvania were made j
at 33 cts. Wo quote Virginia and Maryland ;
Oats at. 30a32 cts.
THE subscriber would respectfully announce j
to bis friends and customers, that he has asso
ciated with him in the Mercantile business, John
G. Ji'.nnich, o; Bed ford Borough, and that here- |
after the same will be conducted under the firm
of RiiKD & MINNIOH, at the old stand. He
takes this opportunity to return his thanks for !
the past liberal support awarded him by his ,
friends, and solicits a continuance of their lu
vor for the new firm. Ho respectfully calls
upon his friends and customers to settle up j
their accounts as soon as convenient, pay or no •,
pay, as it is veryjdesitable tu have his old books j
closed. Very Respectfully,
Feb. 5, 1858.
On Monday week, a young nmn named Win. ;
Jeffries, 21 v®t>rs of age, bung himself it) West
wood, Schuylkill county.
At vl.e laiuse of the bride's father, ou the
21st nit, t#v !ie RoV. U. F. flnffmeivir, Mr.
S Bam Cub BRCMBALOU, of Morrison's UVve, to
| Miss 8t 'BAN, <uugiiter of Mi . Abraham Ritch
, ey, of .Snake Spring Valley.
Uo List u!i., 1/v the Rev. F. Reuedict, Mr.
I both of -Bedford Township.
On the 2lst ult., at the ie>i<lenca of Mr.
John Riiciiey, l>y 'i'houias N. Young. Esq.,
both ot Hopewell Township.
Hi El*.
; Ou the 26th ult., .Miss MAHY ANN DAVID
: SON, in the 1 01 year of her age.
(Obituary notice, next week.)
BV l 1"' ou,lt -'' 1)1 Bedford, ty
; meet the present
j 'ue l'lvnattry. Applicaliy., to be made imiiiedl
j atcly. W\l. WHETSTONE,
C A I) .
j Feb. •">, 1858.—!*. Commissioners .
AlrEiVi'S, ATTK.\TfOi\ !
Do you wish to linl good empioymcut, and make
money with little or no iuvestiuuiit, and ituout in
: t-.ilering wiUi your regular husmass '/ ll you do,
i read this advertisement.
C. E. TODD it C of 392 Broome Street, New
York, are inanulaeturing and s-.lline massive gold
; Tenons tor $5 each, (which are cheap at that price.)
unit they throw in a gift or prize witn each, Feiicit,
worth iroui $2 up to .>5, $lO. sls, S2O, $25,
I SSO, $75, SIOO. S2OO, ami SSOO. Don't cry out,
| "tlunihug! Lott ry !" It'* uo sucu thing. The
I l'eiiciis are solil at their cash value, and all tho
i profits over tho first cost are thrown into the gilts,
I which actually uost the purchaser nothing. The
prizes are distributed on a simpm phui of drawing,
i which ivoul t take too much room lo explain, but
which has never faded to give complete satislaction.
| Wo have drawn and sent to purchasers 180 gold
watches of various prices. 74 purses ot gold dollars,
1 2<JB gold iocKcls, Ho'O gold chains, and a corre-poud
! mg number ot other prizes, within two months.
TULUiu Altt AG KL VAlis
, hut every purchaser draws a prize worth $2 certain,
| and it stands thousands of chances to be a higher
j figure.
We want a good agent in every neighborhood
! throughout the country, to solicD purchasers, and
| any agent, to lie successful, must have a Pencil and
) prize to exhibit. We pay agents $1 cash fur each
I purchaser, he obtains, and tim first p -rson iu any
| neighborhood who applies torn Pencil an: gift, will
j receive the agency for that locality. Should an
I gent -obtain a valuable prize to exhibit with liis
! Pencil, he would have little difficulty in obtaining
! score* of purchasers, and making it a paying bus
We ask nobody to send their money till they
know what prize they draw. Any person wishing
to try their luck, can firs', send Us their n one and
address, and we will make their drawing and in
i form them by return mail what prize they drew,
when they en.i send mi and take tbe Pencil <!>•
prize, or not, whichever they choose. Vi e giv
this privilege <>nly once to a purchaser. After the
first drawing, every purchaser will be required t<.
send in advance, through the authorized agent.—
We will send with each drawing ihe number tauen
out, with fir 1 description nfthe plan "of drawing.
Address C. K. TODD N; Co.,
3'J2 Brocvic Sired. York.
Feb. 5. 1853-Ct.
IyU C down tor trial at February "I trm, ;2d Men- '
day, Bth day.) ISSB.
George Mullin vs J. S. Morrison's aJjn'r,
J. S. Morrison's ailin'r >• George Mul'du.
Margaret Biddle " Henry Barley ot ai.
Maria McEldown.-y • Baiuucl Williams otal,
Conrad Ronin " Solomon Diehl,
Dr.G. W. Anderson " David Over,
Peter J. Little •• Jncoli Struck,
E. A. Fockicr ' Joseph Hcrdsock c' al,
A. J. Siiively ' Samuel B'own,
Same William Keetf:,
James Cessna '• Henry Miiler et al,
Amos Willison 4 • Jesse Dick en,
Joim Bn'dahani " Mary Ovler et al,
Eben Peimell 44 A brum R. Craine et al.
Joseph Gonden '• Daniel Metzgar et al,
Elizabeth Kelly 44 William Walsh,
D. L. Ke.igy's uso 44 Peter Moiningstar et al, j
Jesse Sleek 44 William Sleek, j
Lndwick Fisher's -d'r 44 John McOnnles,
Burgess Ac. Bed. Bor. 44 S. M. Baicliy's lieir*, 1
Solomon Dickenetal 4 - .Margaret Elliott,
T. A J. King 44 John G. Hartley,
Samuel Kreiger 44 Wiliiain Woy,
Michael Wheeling ct al 44 Philip Hoon et al,
John Bowser 44 Samuel Whetstone.
SAM'L K. 't'A'l K, Pr '.h'y.
Prothonotarv's Office, Jan. 15, 1857.
Estate of .Joseph Hunt, dee'd
LETTERS of Administration having ticen grant- ,
vd by the Register of Bedford County, ro "he
utnrersigiieil. upon the Estale of Toseph Hunt, late
of Cumberland V.i.ley Township, doe'rt—all }••-
sons knowing themselves indebted to said deceased
ate hereby requested to mike immediate payment,
and those having accounts or claims against said
Estate, to present them properly authenticated for
settleni nt—either to the undersigned Administra
trix, at the lite residence of the dee'd, or t,o the
undersigned Administrator, residing in Bedford.
MARIA HUNT. Ajmiuietntlrix,
S. RADEBAIJGH Adviiuitlrntot.
of' lilt Estalc of Joseph
.Tan. 1, 1808.-f.
I*B* rso ws:
rnflE following persons have filed Petitions for!
L License, in the Clerk's Office ot Boitford •
County, to le nreseted to tho Court of Quarter
Sessions, on Friday the 12th day of Feoruary, |
next :
Frederick Berbheimer, St. Clair Tp., Tavern. !
Isaac Kay, Liberty 44 j
Philip G. M- rgart, W. Providence, 44 '
Joscjih Fisher, 44
Philiji Stecktnan, 44 44 j
Levi H. Diehl, Hopewell, 44 |
Jon ithwi Ilorton, Bedford Borough,
Jolih J. Luthei. 44 44 Eating House.
SAM'L H. TATE, Clerk.
Clerk's Office. Jan. 22, 1858.
ONE small box of Pills cures ninety-nine cases
out of a. hundred. No Balsam, no Mercury, no
odor on the breath, no fear of detection. Two small
jslls a dsse; tasteless au.l harmless ns water. Full
directions are given, so that tho phtient can cur
himself as certain as nith the advice ofthe most ex
perienced surgeon, and much better than with the
udviee of o' e of little experienc ■ iu this class oi dis
COUNTRY by enclosing one dollar to Dr. D. C.
Walton, No. 154 North Seventh St. below Race,
Philadelphia. J liberal discount to he trade. None
genuine without the writteen sign dure ol'D. G.
Walton. Proprietor.
Dr. W.'streatment for SMi-abt Weakneas,*c M
is entirely ditterent t, ra the n "-1 -onrse, Dr. 'V.
has cured hundreds wh I vo trrmi other* v.-ituo t
benefit. The treatment i* • j certain to - trr • s the Encl •istuuu. nil n' hwD:'. IV,
as aliove giving af■ ill 'istory ol y< to cas' 4 . in 1 \ou
will Mess the day y n m de t :ie < ifott to secure what
is certain —A RADICAL tiURh.
Jau. 2J, 1855.-.- "
BY virtue 01 -tnidry writs of Fi. Fa. to mo di
rectc'', there wilt bo sold ct the Court House,
in the Borough oi Bedford, u Monday the Bth
day of February, 1858, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the
following Real Estate, to wit:
One Tract of Land containing 250 acres, more
or less, n limit oU acres cleared and under fence,
with a two slorv Log House and log -stable I here
( on erected, adjoining Sands of Joseph Biuhnian,
Philip snider and ethers, situate In Monroe ri*:i
•ship, Bedford County, and taken IU execution AS
the piope'ty of James Mountain.
A!.-o, one Tract of land containing 132 acres,
more or less, abont 18 acres cleared and ut.d -r
fence, with a two story Log House thereon erected,
adjoining lands of Samuel Weekly, John Zook,
Christian Long and others, situate in B nadtop
Towiisliip. Bedford County, and taken in execu
tion us the property of William L"ivcry.
Also, one Tract of unimproved Land containing
j 21 acivs, more oi- less, adjoining lands of George
W. Gump, Joseph Souser, James Ferguson ami
others, situa'e in Napier Township, Bydfotd Coun
ty, and taken iu execution as the property of
James Hughes.
A'so, ail defendant"*, Samuel A. Sloek's, right,
title, interest ami claim, in and to a Tract of Laud
containing 100 acres, more or less, about 15 acres
uleare l and uriiiii fence, adjoining lands of B. IV.
Garretson. Jacob Snider. John Wolfs iteiis, Hen
ry Hoover and others, situate in St. Clair Town
m ip, Bedionl County, and take i in execution a
the property of Samuel A. Sleek.
Also, one Lot of Ground, ii tie- Borough of
Sheilstmrg, Iron, nig 120 feet on Vine Street, and
extending back about 200 feet to laud of A. B.
Bunn, with a story and a half Frime House and
log stable thereon erected, adjoining public read
on the East, and lot of Kdwutd Garlinger on the j
West, and taken in execution as the property ot
Mary Palmer.
Also, one Cot of Ground, in the town of Hope
well, Irouting JO leet on Mifflin Street ami extend
ing back 150 tee.t, with a two story Plank H"Us>
and smoke house thereon erected, adjoining lot of
harndoll ir. Lowry JSt Co., o:i tic* Xotlhand lot ot
Henry K. Strong <>u the South Ens!--
Also, oue Lot of Ground, in the Town of Hope
well, fronting about 15b leet on U ood Street and
about 12b on Broad Street, extending, hack to
mill race, and lying three square, with throe two
! story rough cast Dwelling Houses, blacksmith shop
j shoemaker shop and tinn *r simp, thereon erected—
A Go, all defendant's rigiit, title and interest iu
' 3h aces of unimproved coal lea l, wairan vd in j
| tlie name of Jotm L. Grove, it'tjoining lands o: j
j John Cessna. Esq., the liopeweli, Coal a d Ir-.n !
Company, aa l others— j
Also, one Tract of uniuiprovetl b'lttoni Land j
known as the Adam Young Tract, containing 25 :
acres, lilorts or less, adjoining Juniata River on the '
North, and lauds of John King's heiis oa the East I
and West—
Also, all defendant'*, Thomas W. Jiorton'*, !
I right, title, i tit ere at and claim, in anil to one Tract '
| oi Land, c uled Buck Bottom, containing <U) acres, j
i more or b-ss, about 4 acr JS cleared and under fence, I
' witn a story and a half Plank House thereon erect- J
| ed, ar j uioing lands of Will ia)U Fori ester on the i
I West, am. tire Juniata River on the North, Bust j
: ami South—
Also, all the defendant's interest in and to three i
j T.'acts of unimproved Coal Liuds, warranted in ,
I the name of Thotni* W. Ilorton and Jesse Grove, j
containing iu all chout 154 .teres, more or less, ad- :
joining lauds of William Montgomery, now John ;
Cessna, Esq. oil Ihe North and West, and 1 ind> of j
J..! n Ford and others on the South, and land* < f ;
If il uu Evans on f e East, ami all "he an ive de- j
sen **d lands siiuatt in 14." uilop ihjwn.thip, B,:d- j
| ( id> . > x :cpt back BoitwiU; widcli is situate, j
j in llojiewtll Township. Bedford County, and taken j
in execu'ioa as the p- petty m Thomas W. Hot-!
I ton.
Als-.-dl d fendarit's, UidrCit El. n'.tV, interest :
in ami t a I*rait <f J. tmi, containing 28) acres,
more oi l as, about 2d acres CIJ ' -I! nd under >
f nee, v.i'.h a Ca'ari llou- ; am! i >ui ] • log barn :
thereon erected, adjoining lauds >f Jac'r O-ter. |
Johu Oster and oth- rs. situate i.. > " I e:. id 1 al-
Jcv Towns'.in, Bedford G"uutr. ami t -ken i.i txo- !
j clltlou is the juoperty ot riobert ,
Also, one Tract'!" Land, cant nrg •<<: acres, j
more or 1 as. <dmut 21 acres cl red ami utile,
fence, with a Cabin House t . uv.ei ■ rccte I, a
j ining lands of Alfr-u Euirekm, John S ice,ire u .
others, situate in Libert) i'. w.uship. Be.iibr Cc -
ty, and taken in execution as liiu paoperi) ot j
ry Berkstrcs^er.
' Also, ali defendant's, Peter H.irmond's. liy.n, j
title, iuteres'', an 1 claim, in and to one Tr ie, to
unimproved Kidgc Land,contain.i;g 44 acres, i o-;
or less, adjoining lands of B. VV. Garret sou. J u -:
lieu, Watson's heirs and others,situate in Be i
Township. Bedford County, an t taken in vx.-ca j
tiou as ti'e property of Peter Bariitomi.
WILLIAM S. FLUCK, Slurijf. j
ShciifPs Office, Bedford, Jan. 15, 1858;
UUfUV'PI? *'o V'lTU'b
! A LL persons interested, will take notice tint tiit ,
| jfv followiug accountants hsvn s -ttled their no- i
' count* HI the. Register's office oi Bcdtoid County,
and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' |
Court for confirmation, on Friday the 12th day of;
February next, at the Court Hous*, iu Bedford, |
I iho account of Jnme* Carnell, Administrator of j
the Estate of I.lns Ritz, Esq., lato <;i Monroe
| Township, dee'd.
The final account ol David M-oler. Administru- j
tor ot tne Estate of John Stoler. late of Liberty.
Township, dee'd-
The account ot William Ovcraker, Adtninisfra- |
tor of the Estate of Thomas Overuker, 1 it;.-of Cole- ;
rain Township, decM.
Tlie account of Jonathan Snider, Adminisiratbr j
of tiie Eststft ol Sophia Snider, who wis Admin- i
istratrix of Jehu Snider, lite of Monroe Town
shit), dee'd.
Tne aectjiint of Jonatliaii Snider. Administrator
of the Estate of Sophia Snider, late of Monroe
Township, dee'd.
The account of Simon Brum uugh, Adminisfra- j
tor of the Estate of David Barley, lite ot Middle ;
i VVoodberry Township, dee'd.
• The Guardianship account of John B. Alexan- ;
derof Wells Townshiji, Fulton County, formerly i
1 broad top Township, Bedford Comity Guardian ;
ot Catharine Ready, now intermarried with Wil
: liaiu Tocknrd, Mary Ann Ready, Kosanna Ready. |
j George Ready and John Ready, minor children of j
| Alexander Ready, late of said Township, dee'd.
The final account c<f John Kinton, Admmistra- j
! tor ot the Estate ot Elizabeth Kinton. late ot the |
I Borough of Bedford, dee'd.
The account of David Walter, Executor of the j
last Will and Testament of James Walter, late of j
Southampton Township, dee'd.
Theaccout of Jacob Dunkl-, Administrator of
the Estate of Susan Dnnkle, late ot West Provi- ;
deuce Townshin, dee'd.
The account of Mrs. Charlotte L. Manner, Ex
ecutrix of the last Will ami Testament of Elwood
Harmer, dee'd, who was Administrator of the Es
tate of Thomas B. Miiler, 1 ite of the Borough of
Bedford, dee'd.
Tbe Guardianship account of Frederick Kautf
tnan, Guardian of David, George and Susanna
Keagy, lateot Middle Woodheriy Township, dee'd.
The account of Francis Jordan. Esq.. Adminis
trator of the Estate of Samuel Cromwell, late of
Bedford Borough, dee'd.
•The account of Gideon Ilitchew, Administra
tor oi the Estate of Charles Zembrnn, late oi
Juniata Township, dee'd.
The account of Amariah Wilson, Executor of
the last Will and Testament of John Wilson, IDo
Of Napier Township, dee'd.
SAM'L H. TATE, Rivrtier.
Register's Uiiice. J in. 15,18.58.
4 N active and well naalifled salesman—one pos
l\. Hi ssing the necessary qualifications—and can
i.riua undoubted references, as to character, mer
i ctntila habits, Ac.—may hear of a situation by np
j :>lic iion to tho Editor "f this paper—no inexjrl
| cneed a sijtant need apply. Jan. 1,1858.
i "9 > . sicitn i prescriptions carefully enmpound-
-i. 'U. >urs of the day or nigut. -t Dr.
• Uarrj Dru : Store
( Estate gt WilMfcn Lane, dcc'd.
j W&ltfQßjy ir/t'XTF, .ts,
A T -.o Orphan*' Court. takl Bedford, in Hwf
j ?'►**■ tL. C j'n rt .r' <•>' b ii<-r ,ou tiu loth djr
of isV.- A. 1 ins do t.m Judges of
I the sw;:re Court—
The jh tit; ■! of J0..., end S. Lr. Bassel],
I Admini* ■rf it-1:')■:; cam testamento ar,-
|no so ot' V, 'j- •>>
j was i ead •. •• s. :tin;:f.riji, that iapusu.tuce
; <>f an f tins ; rhc-y made sale of Hit
j tile Heal Estate of the fa id dec'd, so far as they
j then knew. and the money art .Rig therefrom wis
• applied tothe payment of tie; debts of said dcc'd.
mo fir ns the same were reached. that they isavir
lately been intbrntelr that tie- said William Lane
owned a body of imkt.pfored wood kind Hi Let
torkentiy Township. JfraukHn County, a ijA-niug
j Ltidsot Is iac Hosetiii'C; y, and others containing
' 2rtod acres or thtreabout*. that debts to a ensid
• ""'aide duwitit, not less l>i $4,2Uf, against the
■•state of sii I decease,! yet remain unpaid, and
' praying the Court to tuuk; a decree authorizing
! the in to raise, say #3,500, if possible, from the
| said Hm! Estate ill Fraukliu County,
Whereupon, on motion of S. L. Hessiftu Esq ,
the Cottrt grant a Kill-; upon the heir*. and all
part - -s i' tei ested, to be and appear at an Or
j pilaris' Court, to he '.olden at Bedford, on the lid
| Monday, Bth day of February, next, and show
callSf, >f arty they have, way a decree sboili'i not
| he made by the Court, pursuant to the prayer of
! tfie wetitionar-.
JS TKBTIMosr *HEEKOP I havehere
'l • unt " *''' Ml >' an,i M" seal of oar
: -MUjkAd said Court at Bedford, the l'dtb day .
of .November, A. I)., 1X57.
i). WASHABAITGH, Citric.
l>ec. IS, 1857.-1
SiJKWHfi & Miiiii,
C ;MII3;I:USI H;, pa.,
Dealers in Music and Musical instruments.
Our stock consists of Hooks, Stationery, Jtlu.
sic. M usicrti Instruments, Wad papers. Bit mis,
French, German and American Lithographs
and ste-1 engrav ngs, g : ;t mouldings for I'ramea.
etc., etc., wholesale and retail. I'r. If. F.
Harry is onr agent for Bedford., and a!! ordurs
given him will he promptly attended to.
March 7, I>s 7.
A Great Arrival of
FILL 1511 WLVTiili fiflflltt.
T.-r, U'drrsigned has just returned from
the Eastern Cities, with a large stock of Fall
and VI inter Goods, and is now exhibiting at
chili r sn>jr:,
,i general assortment of. new stvie Fall and
Winter Goods, comprising Ladies' Dross Goods.,
hi pan Crocovella, Satin striped and Plain Du
Lains, Barrel Cashmeres, Thibet Cloths, Al
pac is. Dt- Baize, Calicoes, Ate.
For Gentlemen and Boys' wear. Cloths, Ca
simeres, Cassinetts Vesting*. Ac.
Boots, Shoes. Hats, Bonnets, Woolen and
Bag Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth. Syrup Mo]ssea,
White arid Brown Sugars. Green and Black
leas. Groceries of ail kinds. Queens ware,
Tubs, Buckets, Brooms. <Sc Hardware
Shovels, Forks, Knives and Forks. Spoons,
Ac., -.nd a!) articles usually kept in sto ( s .
All kinds of i'r .(luce uikcii in exchange for
The undersigned will sell cheap for cash, or
produce, and hopes by lair dealing to receive
Ins usual share of patronage.
Oct. 2, 1857.
i HE subscribers have just opened a hrgr assort
hi cut ol 'ALL au-l WINTER GOODS. all of
which will be offered at prices to suit the tiines.-
o e respectfully invite cash and prompt six month
ens"o tiers to call and examine our stock, assuring
theut th-.t we shall otter greater inducements than
ever hert-tofore.
Couitit Produce of all kinds wanted, for wlpait
•ve will pay the highest price.
Oct. IS. 1807.
L.iiPdiiTA.rr TIF aiL.'. '.FiVtfGt i
\\7'- ' ib.t'Si ,(proved Smut and Screcn
tt eg laohiuus. Mill Bushes, Bolting Cloths,
a:. 1" i-1 Dusters.of the most improved piat..
.Mill Screw.- Corn and Co' Grinders, j'ateni
Bridges for Mill Spindles, Portable Mills, wat
. iit-.-d it ten bushels per hour. Mill
iio; s i.i : Alii! Burrs made to order. Also.
;• lover".-. Pate-1 C-.rn Kiln and Grain Dryer—
v ;ii tMe invention. The niuivt* articles are
, -it --, st. ntly on hand, sni can lie obtain,d
•>' -tone, from S. I). BHOAD.
Scheilslwirg. Bedford County. who is also the
tigent for Bedford, Somet set, and adjoining Couii
Millwright work done at the shortest notico
and on the most reasonable terms.
Fehrnary 15, 185fi.
VrcCOUMICK'S Keaper and Mower foi xal
-'•i hy S. J>. BROAD,
acS.dirtl.'sburg, Pa., agent for Blair andßedfoid
Fehrsary 15, 185 H.
fIIHB partnership heretofore extscitig between
JL Hemy S. King, and Jniuos Madara, under the
na ue ami tirm ot Ma-mm. King & Co.. doing
business at Lemno. [nin Works, in Uopeaeil
Township Bedford County, is dissolved by mutual
consent. HENRY S. KING,
N0v.27, lrt.">7.-tf. JAMES MADAKA %
THE business of m#untacturing iron C Lcirr
nos Iron Works, wtil be cuitiuit' I by the under
signed, aho bis dl tlx- interest of hi*
late partner James >1 xdari in the books, prqperty
ami effects, Ivd .nging to the lato firm of Madura
King .St Co.
Nov. 27, 1857.-tf. HENRY KING.
kdniiuisiraloi's N'viice-
LETTKKS oi Adminisiration having been grant
ed to the sul'scriber upon the Estate „f Ab
raham LineenU-lter, late of Napier Township,
dee'd, ail persons knowing tbeiDMlvea indebted t<>
the estiite are notified tor.i. ke immediate jKiyment.
and siII persons having claims against the Estate
are requested to present the same projteily uutheti
jicaiod i'or settlement.
Dec. 11, 1857.-I'. Napier Township
Pianos, Melodious, Flute*, Guitars. Brass
Horns, Clarionets, Drums, etc., of various manu
facture, always on band. Band* *uppli<td nt city
wholnalt rales. We keep always bn hand a full
assortment of all the new and fashionable ntusic,
which we .nail at oar ei-pew-i? to any part ol the
N. B. Music arranged to order.
Chamber sburg.
March 7, 1857.
i rtthe suhscriberia fully prepared ! furnish any
i | ipiantDv or quality o I Building Lumber aim
Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St. Clsifs
ville, Bedford County, will be promptly attended
m 'iv T iving x reasonable notice.
' ' F. D. BEEGLE
i Den. 1851.
IW Al. L and BLIND PAPER.—Dr. B. F.
Harry is our agent for this necessary
article. By v-Hiing at hi store, our patrons
will see samples of oar papers. We havemada
our spring selection'* vffh mnch caro, and think
| tvo cannot fail to please.