Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, February 05, 1858, Image 2

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The Democrat of last week commenting on
our remarks upon David Hay voting for the Lo
cofoco candidate for Speaker of the House,
eomes to the very logical as well as rational
conclusion, that because "Messrs. Scull &
Ogle did nothing towards advancing bis elec
tion," that therefore "it is none of ibeir busi
ness who he votes for for Speaker." In fact,
Mr. Mitchell thinks "there is uowuright impu
dence displayed iu this announcement." Will
Mr. Mitchell inform us since when it became a
tenet of Democracy that u member of the Leg
islature or of Congress only represents those
who voted fo- hirut We in our simplicity and
ignorance Lave -heretofore thought that a mem
ber of a representative body always was deemed
to represent his entire conustituency, not those
alone who voted for him. And if it be impu
dent in us to remark upon our representatives'
votes or official conduct, we would like to know
tow M-. Mitchell justifies his Jcruier strictures
upou the official conduct of Gov. Pollock, or of
Col. fidia, or Mr. Jordan our former Senator,
or any of our former representatives: Lc will
surely not pretend that he voted lor any <>t
them. In fact the boot is on the other foot, and
'it is downright impudence in 'he editor of iko
■Democrat , who has obtained so unenviable a
notoriety for his abuse ot riot only the public
but private character of many o; our citizens,to
attempt to take us task for our lemarks upon
the public and official acts of our representa
tive. Mr. Mitchell no doubt thought he was
very cunningly lay tug a bait fur the porsotiat
friends of Mr. Hay in thus assuming to take us
lo task for our comments, but such humbug is
too shallow to gull even the most unsophistica
ted. As to Mr. liny "standing true to the put
ty that elected hitu,"as the Democrat asserts,
that ia as sheer humbug as his former assertions.
Mr. Mitchell knows as well as Mr. Ilay himself
does, that with siuiply the "Democratic" vote
he could not have been elected, lie induced
\\ bigs, Americans,and Republicans to vote, for
kiui by the oft-repeated assertion that he was
not a uud v.ouJu not vote with that
party, which assertion he even repeated alter I
his election. If Mr. ilay ever otters an a can
didate again, we will prove these false repre
sentations of his to the heart's eoutent of Mr.
Mitchell, and cculd c!u it now by a cloud of j
witnesses if nec.-sscry. As to beartug "intense
haired" to Mr. Hay, the charge is untrue and i
unfounded. Y,'e always beeu on terms of I
personal auiity with hiui, but we will not make
an exception in his favor, uud permit any pri
vate feelings to over ride our duty to our party
friends, or as the publishers of a faithful
aud reliable Journal, if Mr. Hay did make
and afterwards violated these pledges, as we
eland ready to /nove, the public can put their
own estimate upon him, without the interven
tion of Mr. Mitchell or ourselves."— Sumeisct \
A MOTHER Kkbckk.—in addition to tho re
bake administered to President Buchanan, on
his Kansas policy, contained iu the inaugural
of Gov. Packer, the following resolutions were !
"unanimously adopted at u a large and enthusi-i
astic meeting held ou the 18th uit., by the De- !
ntocracy of Westmoreland county —the Demo- j
crutic "Star of the West," in Pennsylvania:— 1
The Committee on Resolutions,by their chair- '
■nun, William A. Stokes, Esq., reported the
fallowing, wlii.-h were unanimously adopted-
Jbe Democracy of Westmoreland county,
in mass meeting assembled, do unanimously re- ;
That the fundamental basis of American free- ;
dorn is I he right of the people, without uis'inc
tiou of locality, circumstance or result, to make
the laws under which they iive.
This great right,assailed during tho iatc Pres
idential contest, hy our opponents, was glori
ously vindicated by tho election of the Demo
cratic candidates.
This victory was supposed lo insure to all,
and especially the citizens of Territories of the
"United States, the free exorcise of all rights by
which to declare, establish aud maintain such
institutions, policy, and measures as a majority
might deem best adapted to promote their pros-
If-erity, security and happiness: and this without i
any dictation or restraint from any person or
officers, or any unauthorized interference what,
Such independent freedom of the popular will
euti only be attained by a full exercise of the
individual right of the elective franchise, and
this, therefore, is the true test of the validity of
Constitutional Government.
Wherefore. Congress should admit no State
mro the Union, except with a constitution rati
fied and adopted iu ail its parts by a majority !
of all the citizens to be governed by such Con
stitution, which majority should be real, not
fictitious: fait,not fraudulent: direct,not implied:
and anything short of this, is a mockery, a de
lusion, and a snare, infamous in act, aud disas
trous in consequence.
To abandon the people of a Territory to po
litical intrigue, unfair intrusion, or lawless vi
olence, and thus defeat the true expression aud j
absolute application of the right of self-govern
ment, would be a violation of the honor and
abandonment of tho uiaxims of the Democratic
party, and must finally result in rupturo of the
bonds by which the party is held together, and
consequent sacriuce of all that secures the free- j
doru, greatness, and glory of our country.
It appears by letters from Washington that
Mr. Buchanan has got himself into difficulty by J
his double-fuced policy. Comodcre Paulding, j
it is said, has private instructions from the Pres- I
ident, fully warranting his capture of Walker j
in the style in which it was done, and entirely \
icfuting the declaration in the message 'hat. the i
Commodore transcended his instructions.
On the other hand it is announced that Silt- 1
buster Walker, enraged at the President's de
certion, is on bis way to his trial in New Or
leans, holding in bis pockets documentary proof
that the President was an original advocate and
■counsellor of the late UDsucoessful fiilibuster
ing invasion of Nicaragua.
This thete are two opposite and hostile par
tie?, each disgusted with the President's dupli
city and half-faced fellowship, and each hold
ing a sword of Damocles over the ter r or strick
en functionary ol the White House. Truly, as
Henry Clay said, it is belter to be right than
be Y. Post.
In Brooklyn, N. Y., n fewdays ago, a school
house took fire, and "in the scarble of the schol
ars to escape, six children were* trampled doWo '
and killed
j DAVID OVER, Treasurer of Bedford Count),
I in account with said County, from January 6th,
: 1857, to January 4th, 1858.
Treasurer Dr.
i To cash received from Collectors, as follows:
; lleniy S. Flack, S. Wood berry, 1857, $lB3 50
Simon Beard, M. Wood., •* 180 00
| Isaac M. littler, Union, " 153 15
Amos Ash, Southampton, " 100 12
James Smith, St. Clair, 186 00
Daniel Horn, Schellsburg, •• 70 00
Wm., W. Prov., • 261 25
Abraham Morgret, E. Prov., 123 30
Philip Cuppet, Napier, • 225 00
William Carnell, Monroe, 50' 00
' Noah Tipton. Londonderry, 70 00
i John B. Zook, Liberty, " 111 00
I Nathan Hurley. Juniata: ' 100 00
j Alexander Davis, Hopewell, •• 120 00
i Jonathan Fcigtituer, Harrison, •• 75 00
j Henry Rose, Cuiub. Valley, ♦ 279 00
; Samuel James. Coletain, •- 230 00
John Osborn, Broadtop, • 35 00
Adam liarnhart, Bedford Tp. 373 52
Jacoli Smith, do. Bor. 241 Ot)
Joint Furney, S. Woodberry, 1856, 265 00
Simon Beaid, M. Wood., '• 554 50
Michael Wertx, Union, 05 03
Henry Horn, Schellsburg, " 88 02
Daniel Tewell, Southampton, •• 45 04
Jacob Andrews, St., •• 100 25
John Sparks, W. Prov., •< 233 89
j Samuel Wirk, E. Prov., •• 181 15
i Henry Egulf, Napier, •< 813 15
Jeremiah Akers, Monroe, •• 176 10
i Jacob Evans, Londonderry, < 65 OJ
. Daniel Cypher, Liberty, •• lot) 30
Wm. Gillespie, Juniata, • 74 70
Hugh Wertz, Harrison, •• 132 79
John Dasher, llopewell, >• 122 12
Jooiah Bruner, Cumb. Valley, •• 257 00
Elias Gump, Colerain. *•' 238 00
Thomas W. llorton, Broadtop. • 284 20
Jacobßiddie, Bedford Tp., • 386 i"6
B.W Garr.-tsoa, do, Bor., >< 396 71
Duvid Miller, S. Wool., 1855, 129 50
Koi>l. Elder, M. Wood., 60 00
John Alstadt, St. Clair, •. 52 00
Wm. C.trnell, Monroe, •• -48 70
Jaincs C. Devore, Londonderry, 8 Go
George Long, Hopewell, >- 80 ot)
Levi Ilardinger, Cumb. Valley, •• 446
Thomas W. Horton, Broadtop, •• 27 36
Peter H. Shires, Bedford Bor, " 26 31
John L. 11.11, Juniata, 1854, 110 00
Abr'in Snowdea, Cumb. Valley, " 145 00
Jesse Dickon. Southampton, 1853, 38 00
John King, Hope We 11, 68 12
Solomon \V .iiioms. W. Prov. 1854, 10 43
Also amount received froiu J. Mower, Esq.,
collected froiu Joat-ph li. Harbaugh, 26 00
Jury tees ivc'u from Daniel Rii.iliabuigh.
Protn'y, 286 00
Cash ree'd for shingles, 5 00
Cash r. ceived frou: collectors, nut accottiii
ed tor above, having bona vrrwi:< i y
charged in St„te accouiit, 49 39
Total Re. - pts, 8477 66
Contra CK.
By balance duo Treasurer on list year's
settlement, 1788 69
By amount paid on checks drawn by
Commissioners in favor of sundry per*
sons, pro ut statement below. 7023 28
By amount paid Grand and Petit Jurors
during the year 1857, 1424 75
By amount paid Constables attending
Jurors, C 3 00
By amount of premiums paid on scalps
of foxes, wolves, A-c., 835 27
By Treasurer's salary, 18 5 00
Tot A paid out, 10774 89
Total paid out, $10774 89
" tee'd- 847 7 66 :
Balance due Treasurer, $2297 23
To be added uncurrent money and coun
terfeit money, 51 50
$2848 73 i
Statement of checks above referred to:
Assessors, 284 42
Viewer* of roads, bridges, p;,> 00 j
Constables, 128 65 j
Building and repairing bridges, 1090 00 •
Coun crier, 49 69 j
Repairs ot public buildings, 451 jg
Interest on borrowed money, 93 00
Commissioners, Win. Whetstone. 90 50
C. Evan*, gg 5,,
11. J . Bruner, 40 50 j
John Mower, Esq., Att'y to Comm'rs, 60 00 i
II- Nicodemus, Clerk to Comm'rs, 217 50 j
Cost on Commonwealth cases, 1P63 10 •
Supporting criminals in penitentiary, 237 23
Hugh Moore, tees and costs, 153 51 j
1). Washuuaugh, do. do. 278 08
Hugh Moore, boarding prisoners, 294 41
David Over, printing. .817 75
Insurance of Court House, 51 vy ;
Town Clock, 250 00 •
Moneys refunded, log 26 I
Elections, 648 30 |
stationery, &c., ;>~ 59]
Miacalloneous checks, 42'j 75 1
County Auditors, 45 00 •
Total of checks, 7023 28 !
Statement of moneys due to the county of Bud- '
ford, 011 the 4tli day of January, A. D., 1858:
Froui collectors, as follows:
Henry S. Pluck, S. Woodberry, 1857, 545 75 I
Simon Beard, M. 'Wood, do 818 10
Isaac M.lmler, Union, do 164 04
Amos Ash, Southampton, do 25 36 ;
James Smith, St. Clair, do 660 37 ;
Daniel Horn, Scirel sburg, do 31 42 :
Wui. Masters, W. Prov. do 262 50 i
Abratiam Morgret, E. Prov. do 154 OS
Philip Cuppa, Napier, do 247 24 i
William Cornell, Monroe, do 366 62 |
Noah Tipton, Londonderry, do 305 10 i
John B. Zook, Liberty, do 81 08
Sa hun Hurley, Juniata, do 13( 99 j
Alexander Davis, Hopewell, do 185 06
Jonathan Feightner, Harrison. do 151 84 i
Henry Rose, Cumb. Valley, do 2t)4 95
Saiuuel James, Colerain, do 315 78
John A Osborn, Broadtop, do 495 40 j
Adam Barnhart, Bedford Tp. do 501 73 I
Jacob Smith, do B >r. do 312 75
Johu Furney, S. Wood. 1856, 27 05
Simon Board,M. Wood. do 99 49 !
lleniy Horn, Schellsburg, do 29 20 '
Jacob Eraus, Londonderry, do 24 27
John Disber, Hopewell, ' ,i a 182 00 '
Josiab Bruner, Cumb. Valley, do 30 94 '
Elias Gump, Colerain, do 53 84 j
Thomas W. Horton, Broadtop, do 24 58 '
B. W. Garretson, Bedford Bor. do 110 23 !
John Alstadt, St. Chir, 1855 r 3 43 I
Jacob A. Nicodemus, S. sVood. 1854, 141 09 1
John 1,. Hill, Juniata, do 40 60 1
Abraham Snowden, Cumb. Yd. 1854, 37 79 i
Samuel Carn, Bedford Bor. 1852, 37 71 '
*Benj li. Walker, St. Clair, 185H 63 07
Samu.-l Clark, do 1848, UOd 00
Steucrstown bridge bond, about 200 00
7256 90 !
* paid in lull.
Statement of moneys owed by the County of
To John Sill, S2OOO 00
Abraham Kerns' Estate, 509 00
James Res, 600 00
William Booher, 193 00
David Over, Treasurer, balance due on set
tlement, 2348 73 !
$5541 73 ;
NOTE:— On some of tho amounts duo from col
lectors some interest is due, and from some ex mo- |
rations and commissions are to be deducted. ... Iso
thereare some outstanding"checks. i
| Thoundersigned, Auditors of s~id County, do
' hereby '-erii-'y, That, in pursuance or" the Acts of
| Assembly, in such case made and provided, they
i met at the Commissioners' Office in Bedford Bor
ough, and did audit and adjust the account of Da
vid Over, Treasurer of said county, for the year
1857, as contained in the foregoing statements, and
we have examined the foregoing accounts of mon
ey due to and owed by said County, and the same
is correct.
As witness our hands this Gill dav of January,
A. D,1858.
j Attest, WM. M. HALL, Clerk.
I REPORT of the County Auditors to the Audi
: tor General, January 4ch 1858.
David Over, Treasurer of Bedford County, in ac
: count witli the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Tax on Real and Personal Estate,
j Tre surer ]>r.
| To uggiegate amount outstanding at 1 .st
settlement, C 593 58
|To aggregate amount assessed for 1857, 8711 58
| Amount received on unseated lands, 5 20
I Balance duo Commonwealth at last set
j tie went 2892 80
I Coutra Cr.
! By an.ouut paid .State Treasurer pro ut
| receipts 6235 73
By commissions allowed collectors on
$5973 13 at 5 per centum 298 65
By exonerations allowed collectors for
1857 atnl previous years, 277 00
i By t'reasurer's commissions on $5734
i 93 57 34
j By amount uncollected for 1857 nnd
I previous years 8999 18
By balance due Commonwealth 2334 66
$18203 16
Tavern Licenses Dr.
; To amount of for 1857 950 00
Amount of ree'd from George Stucke.v,
being one of seven licenses exonera
ted for Joo. Taylor in 1855. 10 00
$960 00
j Contra Cr.
By amount paid Stute Treasurer, pro ut
receipts 878 75
Commissions on $960 00 48 00
Exonerations 60 00
Bjlince due Commonwealth, 33 25
$960 00
Ale and Beer Licenses Dr.
; To amount of for 1857 SBO 00
Coutra Ct.
' By amount paid State Treasurer pro ut
receipts dated in 1857, 76 00
, Treasurer's commissions on SBO Oft at 5
; per cent. 400
Hawkers and Pedlurs Dr.
' To balance duo Commomvea|th at list
I settlement 45 60
Amount of licens s for 1857 24 00
$69 60
C -afra Cr.
i By ami ant piid State T usurer 65 60
j 5 per cent comiuisdoiis *.4 120
Balance Uue Com no.iwculth 2 fed
Billiard Rooms Dr.
To balanceutie Commonwealth at last
s Uinta-iit 23 75
Amount ot lor 1857 40 po
63 75
Contra Ct.
By amount paid State Treasurer 63 75
5 per cone, commissions on S4O 2 bo
Balance due Commonwealth 8 00
$63 •? 5
Eating Houses Dr.
Bal mcei lue last year 30 48
Amount of for 1857 15 00
$45 48
Coutra Cr.
By amount paid Stato Treasurer fiO 48
Commissions ar •> per cent on sls 00 75
Balance dueComroon wealth 1} 2-j
$45 43
Tt u Pin Alleys Cr.
To amount of licenses for 1857 32 60
Contra (Jr.
By amount paid Suto l'roasurer pro ut
receipts 25 00
5 per cent, commissions on 532 50 1 62J
Balancedue'CommwonWoalth 5 gji
$32 50
Distilleries Dr.
To amount of for 1857 150 00
Contra (Jr.
By amount paid State Tre 'Utcr 142 50
5 per cent, commissions on $l5O 00 7 50
§l5O 00
Retailers Dr.
To balance due Commonwealth at last
settlement 20 04
Amount of licenses for 1857 7u2 37 j
§722 41 i
Contra Cr.
By amount paid State Treasurer 421 89
Amount paid D. Over printing 24 00
Exonerations (Be.-gle, S'hafer, Duncan,
iielsel, Gondon and Fisher, for six li
censes not collectable 52 97
Commissions on $649 40 at 6 per cent. 32 47
Balance due Commonwealth 191 081
§722 411
Militia Fines I) r .
To aggregate amount outstanding for
1866 and previous years, at the last
settlement 2910 24
Aggregate amount assessed for 1857 1194 (jo
§3204 24
Contra Cr.
By amount paid State Treasurer 125 0()
Balance due last year 3 97
Amount uncollected l'or 1857 and pre
vious years 2155 60
5 per cent. commissions allowed collect
its ior 1857 and previous years 39 42
Exonerations allowed Collectors for 1857
and previous years, 405 50
Amouat paid sundry persons pro ut
statement at length below 540 38
Treasurer's commissioners on S7OO at 1
per cent. 7 00
Balance due C? uniuuweilth 27 75
§1*204 24
Statement of the R■. ! t in-1 Ex^^ecditu-es of
th. Minu.y of Bedford Cj —t,, tor the year
100 , showing ttu iiuioUiils iecs.vod Rut) ach col-
I-4..01 a j'.ra.J;, aj.i Uio am u is paid to
j eisoui i.< „;c r i tuco Willi Act of Assembly >r
20fli 0" April, 1. u lbo3:
at CciVci iu'ijWj
iihuei VV? z. 6' 3
j4 - . t. Or 'D
Jacob iJ. i.iia, 55-i0
Dalit\il icsVCil) ti Tw
Henry Horn. 0 973
l>. Miller. SO 00
bimori He. :il, 05 80
JrtO'e: C. De v ore, 34 00
H. H. \\ at /. 30 97 ■
liki. Kiiiir, 2s 98
ttubl. Elder, 29 00
Daniel Cypher, 31 S3
Jacob Amttews, 25 05
Hli;is Gump, 50 *5
Josiati tiruuer, 19 CO
Nouh Tipton, 20 43
Win. Master*, 42 28
W hi. Cat tit-it. i 0 Oil
baujuel Jaine-, 10 00
Knl)!. Eider, 12 57
Wrii" Gillespie. • 5o
Isaac M linler, 2(1 oO
I'. W. Hoilon, 7 12j
James C. Devore, 5 90
Jerennah Akei-., 23 28
Total received, JtTOO 13J
Paid out as follows
To Lemuel Kvaos, Brigade Inspector
inr traiispmiiilion ot iirins, 41 90
Broadtop llifie Rangers, per order ot
Cant J. Heed, 75 oo
Bloody Kmi Blues, per order of Capl*
Win. Suvles, • 75 00
County tViniiiiissioiiers HIKI their Clk , do oo
Bedlt,t.i Riflemen, per order ot Capl.
A. J. Satisoei. 75 00
Cumberland Valley Blues, per order
nl Capl. Noitiiialiam. 75 00
Lemuel KVMIIS, Brigade Inspector,
tor sen ice-. 80 67
David Over, priming! statement la-i
>ear. 6 00
Assessors for returning 2591 men to
Brigade Inspector, at 2 cts. each, 51 81
Total paid out, $548 33
The ttudersigtieJ, Auditors nt' said County,
do hereby certify, That, in pursuance of the
Acts of Assembly, in su it cases made and
provided, they met at the Commissioners' Of
fice, in Bui ford Borough, and did audit and ad
just tin: accounts between Divid Over, Treas
urer ot said County, and the Coniiion Wealth of
Pennsylvania, as contained in the foregoiug
As witness our hands this Gth day of Janu
ary, A. D., 1858.
THOS. W. 110RT0X,
Attest, \V: M M HAM,, Clerk.
Feb. 5, 1858.
| E PTE US testamentary having; been gr.t ntcd to
JLi the subscriber, residing in ths Borough ot
Bedford, on tiie Estate of Mary Ann Davidson,
late of Bedford Township, dve'd, all pets >ns hav
ing claims or demands against said estate are re
quested to make the same known without deity,
and those indebted aie notified to make payment
immediately. £>. L. RUSSELL,
Feb. 5, 1858.f. Hxecutor.
TITfIEREAS the Honorable FRANCIS M. Kim
\r MCLL, i'resi lent ol the several Courts of Com
mon IJI1 J 1 -as iii the'counties composing the IGtL Ju
uici l.'siriet, and Justice ot tbe Courts of Oyer
>iid 1 *rn :ior, and General .Fail Delivery, lor the.
:l •! i-pi'al and oil er offenders in th • siid ])is
t.n:i---aii-t SjiiVKaY and JOUN TI. II VRTLKT,
h ju tv: .1 . oft lie C )U _ ts oi' Common Fleas
sat. atic.- f ie Court -.ifOyer and Terminer,
and G ;. J ". .)■ i very, for the trial of all capi 1 • .- ... i .wis in the county of Bedford
; i i- • <. .. -.t and ti> me directed, for
.. •• •! 4 • C tir J >ii >i in Fleas, and General
lan Li ty : . I'. C ot Oyer , iN I Terminer at
Be '• . it'-. L :i . - a dtv o! February
ticx.. •> ...r. is 1..-. •„ , ,11 tli,. Justices
ot the I* . o '..1. - t i". Constables within
the sat tcary o. U ... !. t .ir they be then and
there iit ■ . ' i - > is, tneir tolls, rec
ords, and I'lis.ti os ..i .a, .••• and other rc
tii em or-, o . I 0... tbiags which to offi
ces and ia that .rdisit upp. . t ti.a r i tie uone, and
ilso they vvn i will pro- • t'.. ijunit the prisoners
[hat... •or s.i.o •••iii ie. lid ot ii idlord county ,
: o |.: then and ' i.' ;#j c - .cute against theiu as
shall ce just.
i .LIAM S. FLL'CK, Sti-rifT.
Jan. 15, le-.b.
Bedfurd County, ss
4 A an Orphans' Court hel I at Bedford, in and
J\ for the County of Bedford, on the 10th day
of November. A. D., 1957, before the Judges of
the said Court—
; liepetition ot f r. JORDAN, ESQ., administrator
de bonis mm of Richard E Bennett, late of Hope
iviM Township, deceased, was read .and filed, set
ting forth, th-.i as a liniiiistritor. aforesaid, lie filed
an iicci unt, which was confirmed by this Court on
Ihe 'sth of February, 1856, showing a balance of
51762,20 in his hands, that the said tund was dis
tributed by an Auditor, whose report was confirm
ed bv this Court on the Ist of Scptemlier, 1856,
rince which time he- has paid out the whole of said
balance according to said Auditor's Rcqiort and
the tecree ol the said Court thereon, and praying
to be discharged from his office as administrator,
as aforesaid
Whereupon, On Motion o'' A. Kixn, ESQ.. tho
Court glint a Rule upon the heirs of Richard PL
Bennett, and upon all persons interested, to be
bud appear at our next Court and show cause if
any taey hive, why the said Er. Jordan should
not be discharged from his office as administrator
By the Court.
-v JjViShihj; Is A'itxkss WHEREOF, I bavehere
■| l,llto sot Iny lian,i :U,rt th,> s eal of sai.l
■W#®' Court at Bedford. th lOt dav of ,\o
vemb r, A. 1)., 1857.
D- W A.SHABA UGH, Clerk.
Jan. 8, 1858.
Brdl'ont County, SG
AT ati Orphans' Court held at Bedford, In and
for the County of Bedford, on the 16th dayof
November, A. J)., 1857, before the Judges of ttie
said Court—
TJte petition of Fu. JORDAN, EIQ., one of the
Executors of Fliiltp Comphur, deceased was read
nnd filed, setting forth that Letters Testamentary
were issued on the 18th of November, 1853, p,
petitioner and Alexander Compher, on tho estate
of said deceased, that he tiled an account of his
administration, which was confirmed by this Court,
showing u balance duo petitioner of ?IW,IB that
no assets havo come to his hands since, that his
co-Executor being residualy legatee, is tho proper
person to settle up said estate, aud {Having to be
discharged his office as Executor aforesaid—
Whereupon, On Motion of A. KINO, ESQ. the
Court grant a Rule upon the heirs and all other
persons interested in said estate to be and appear
at an Orphans' Court to lie held at Bedford, in
and for said County, on the 2nd Mondav,Bth day
of February, next, and show cause if "any they
have, why tho said Kr. Jordan, Esq , should not
bo discharged troiu his office of Executor, as
By tho Court.
ngU- I* TMTIMONT AVuEREor t have
Engl hereunto sot tuy hand und the seal
ifoH said Court at Bedford, the 19th
iipijP day i f i\..vernier. A. I).. 1857.
Jan .'B, 1858.
Notice io Collectors ol I'oor Tax.
of Poor T ix, including those of
- 1 0,, are hereby noti ii.a to settle up their Du
ll v . and those wlio do not square tip bv next
*cepUng only the Collectors for
vi" i. .vi! ta abide by the consequences.
V ol 'he Board of Foor Directors:
is, 15.T.-d
rrillK subscribers woud Inform tb-* public that
■L tlioy have leased, tile Bedford Forge hereto
fore carried on ly Joint King 4 Co.. situate in
Hopewell Township, where they are now umiu
fhcturing, and aro prepared to -upidy all orders
lor every description of hammered Iron, on
the shortest notice, and most liberal terms. Their
Iron may be relied upon as being ot the best
quality. All kinds of country produc , and all
kinds o:' wrought Iron scraps, taken at th high
est market prices. l'Jt'KK <s* SCOTT.
Nov. 27, 1857._tf.
Just Published, Gratis, the 25/h Thousand.
ment, without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea or Local
Weakness. Nocturnal Emissions. Genital and Nerv
ous Debility, Premature Decay of the System, lm
poti 'ii-v, and Impediments, to Marriage generally,
by B. DE LANKY, M. D.
1 lie important tact that the many al inning
comp ainrs, originating the imprudence and solitude
•f youth, tnay tie easily removed WITHOUT MED
ICINE, is in this small tmct, clearly demonstrated;
and the entirely new highly successful treat
ment, as adopled by tins Author, fully expLiiied,
means o! which evry one is enable 1 to cure HIM
SELI perfectly and at the least possible cost,
thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the
Sent to any address, gratis and post- free in a
sealed envelope, bv remitting two postage stamps
to Dr.DE LANKY, 17, Lispeuard Street, New
On v. 13, 18.37.
AOS. 2 4 I CHEST ACT Street, (south .nit,
below Water,) PHIL.JDELPHU,
\I ANUFACTUKEKS and Wholesale deal
i"X ers iu Patent Medicine, mads HUOOMS,
latent fr roved C E It.l k- W .7 HE, Warranted
not to shrmk, WOO!) and WILLOW-W.iJiE
COIIIJS, BRUSHES, Ac., <.!' all descriptions.
Please call and examine uur stock.
lei>. 27, 1857.—tj..
THE subscriber would respect fully iniorm bis
ol! customers, as Well as the public generally,
that i IO still continues the manufactory "of
WESDiII I.LS, and weeps them on band con
stantly . 110 will also do ail kinds of repairing
in his line of business. As Jus mills are u.-ll
known in Bedford county, he deems it unneces
sary to say anything about them. His simp is
as lui iiieriy, at the East etltl or Bedford, ou l'ili
Street, near the Foundry .
Aug. 21. 1857.-2 m.
•• \\ ooi,t AND CREAM" — ,I Pomade jor beauii
'yi'ig the Hair. —highly perfumed, superior lo
any French article imported, and for half the
price, lor dressing Ladies' it has no
tqua., giving it a bright glossy appearance—
i i causes Gentlemen's Hair to curl in the most
natural manner. It removes daiidnilf, always
giving the .lair the appearance of being lreli
shampooed. Price only fl.ty cents. N..i,
ganuine unless signed
I E i i.IDGE 4 00., Proprietors of the
•• Balm oj a Thousand Flowers."
Tor sale by all Druggists. f27eowr.
THE partn< rsliip hereto].,re existing arid trr
ding under trie firm of Barndollar, Lowry H C> ...
ami fc verhart, As. com <tC>>-. has rhjsdav been dis
solved bv mutual consent. The books Ac., are in
the hinds of-Barndollar A Everbart, who are au
thorized to s. ttle ali accounts of the old Urn,.
C. 55*. ASMC rM.
Hopewell, Nov. 0, 18.57.
THE subscribers take this method of informing
Lite poldic tint they will continue the business of
merchandising at the oldsraud. and hope bv strict
merit on to business lo receive a liberal share ol
public patronage.
We have remodeled the Hopewell Mill, and are
now ready to grind all of grain for which
the highest price will I* paid.
Hopewell, Nov. 18.57.
THE subscribers lias ii g formed a partner
ship under the style of '-Dock A Ashcom" tor
the purpose of c inducting a general
business in the establishment recently erected
by Giilitird Dock, in Hopewell. Bedford coun
ty, are now pre|si"ed to executo orders for
C.ISTIXGS .1X1) M.ICHIXER V of . very de
scription. They will huili to order steam-en
gines, coal ami drift-cars, horse powers and
threshing machines—also, casting of every
kind for furnace*, forges, saw, grist and rolling
mills, ploughs, watei -pipe, columns, house
flouts, brackets, Ac.. Ac.
They aro also, now making tine assortment
of STOVES of various kiuds of the latest pat
terns and most approved styles, including sev
eral sues of COOK STOVES of the best make,
heating stoves for churches, offices, bar-roni
A lull assortment of Stoves will bo kept
constantly on hand, and sold at wholesale and
retail, at prices to suit the times, and quality,
warranted equal to the liest eastern make.—
Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly.
Patterns made to order.
Nov. 6. 1557,
11IIE irtoat superbly illustrated slaga*ino ever
. published in America, is the December num
ber of the COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL, contain
ing over sixty splendid Engravings. and giving full
particulars of the benefits of the Cosmopolitan
Art Association, two dollars a year; single copies
fifty cents, Sjiecinien copies will be sent to all
persons who wish to subscribe on reteipt of five
postage stamps, (1-5 cents.)
See advertisement headed " Brilliant Prosptc
tru" in this paper. Address,
C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A.,
518 Broadway, New-York.
Dec. 11, 1557.
Administrator's Notice.
fyrOTICE is hereby given, that the Register of
2.1 Bedford County hath issued letters testamen
tary to the subscriber, on the Estate of Ann Feigh
ter, late of St. Clair Towush'p. dae'd. All those
who know themselves indebted to said Estate will
please male payment immediately, and those hav
ing claims against the same will please present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
Ist mo. loth, 1858.
LETT ER 5 of Administration having hoop,
granted to the subscriber, living in St. Clair
Township, on rho estate of Catharine Oldham,
late ot said township, dee'd. all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate are here
by notified to make payment immediately, and
those having claims against the same will pre*,
sent them properly authenticated for sett la
ment. -
Oct. 16, 1857.
Country Phystcinns, can have theu orders
filled, with the very best article's, at city
pric at Dr, Harry's Cheap Drug .'Store, Fitt
st. Bedford, Penn'a.
Oct. 31,1856. DR. B.F. HARRY.
A a the season for chapped hands and faces, is
xx coming on, we advise our friends to call on
Dr. Harry, at the cheap Drug Store, and get a
box of Basin's Amandine for prevunjion jmd
euro of chapped hands, 0u1y374 per box-
v v <>lil mill young. t' titih wonderful prepa
ration, which tinjim hack in its original colur,
gray hah—mtr> 11:- i>J il „ Lid with n
luxuriant growth—removes tin- dandruff, itch
i"U- "lid all cutaneous im>lii>' —Cxltsc* it con
tinml flow of the natural fiuidt-; and hence, if
iim'il at a rrgultr dressing, (or I lie hair, w ill pre
serve its color, and keep it from faliing to .x
--triine old age. in nil if* natural bi-uiitv. We
f ill, then upon the buhl, the gray, or fliwawi
in scalp, to use it: and surely, tl.e youii" will
not, as they value (he flowing lock*, or the
witching cutis, ever be without it. lis prsbo
is upon the tongues of thousands.
Wuterttitvn, Mass., May I, lt-55.
PROP. (.). J. WOOD; Allow toe to attest
the virtues and magic powers of your llair Re
storative. Three months since "being exceed
'"fib' B ril J', l purchased aiul soon eouitiieliceil
to Itae, two bottles; and it soon began to tee,
in restoring the silver locks to their native col
or, and the hair which was he:ore dry and luwh,
and tailing oil, now became sott and glossy, and
it c.-ased i.thing; tiie dandruff disaj-pealed,
and the scalp lost ail the disagreeable itching,
s. annoying before, wad now, l not only look
but feel young again.
Respectfully, yours, ere.
N'etv York. Oct. 11. I8f5.
I'ROF. 0. J. WOOD- Dear Sir: Alter read
ing the advertisement in one oi tiie Now Yoik
journals, of your celebrated Ilair Restorative,
l proem ed a half pint horde, and was so rhkTi
pleased with it that i continued us list tor two
moiiihs. and am it is d-cidedly the hest
preparation he I ore the public. It at Oliee re
moved all the dandiult* and unpleasant itching
from the scalp, and h... r. sfor.d my hair urn
uraliy, .mi, 1 have no- doubt, permanently >;
You have periilissio ti to .ef.-r to me, ail Who
entertain any doubts of ifs pelloiiuil.g all that
is claimed tor it
MISS KEEKS, 20 J Greenwich Av.
I have t;- ed i'roe>aor {). J. Wood's il.tir
Restorative, and have admired its wonderful
ellhcts. It restored my hail where it had lulieu
oil'; it cleans the head, ana renders tin. hair sole
and smooth—much more so tlian oil.
Louisville. Nov. 1,,
State of Illinois. Carlisle, June 27. '55.
I hare used KroiessorO. J. Wood's li.ur Ke
slorative, and have aduiitv 1 its worderfi 1 effect.
My hair was becoming. as i thought premature
ly gray, but by tire use of the "Restorative." It
has resumed its original color, and, 1 have bo
doubt, periu-tietly
Ex-Senator UmUti Males.
[Fl'Cui the II ushiugtt.u Sirrr.]
Among the niauy preparations now in use tor
the restoring, preserving ami bcaiitin ii.g the
hair, there are none tout ire can ret otoruen-i
with more corithicuce t/ir..') J'rot. M ood's Hair
Robturative. nn in general use thiuughout the
States. This preparation possesses' the most
invigoratin qiialiliu, and twver lads in produ
cing the mo.-l happy results applied ac
cording to directioiis. We r for our reader* to
the advertisement for a lew ol the iniiumciahiu
certificates which have been sent hi pal In a,
who have keen Item tilted by il. am, wt,., leel
happy iu giving testimony to its woudeiful ef
fects produced on them.
U.J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors. Sib broad
way, k. 1., anil 111 .liar.,el street, St. Louis
For sale l>v Dr. 15. F. Harry, ami Druggists,
Oct. 50, 1857.—Sni.
ilii. SkAAFoitjb'S
needs who is not in a pi-rli-ct state of health
for the l.irtr is second only lo Hie lieui t iu our
tinman economy, and when that is deianged Un
wind- vital machinery inns wrong. To find „
medicine adapted this disea*,- has
hecn tiie study 1.1 one o! tint proprieloi?, jn ,-t
large and extended practice lor the past twenty
rears, and tiie result ol experiment is the
Invigorator. as a uuvci-failiue remedy wlnie
nedicine has any power to help. As a Liver
Remedy it has no equal, us ail testily who use
A lady writing from Brooklyn, says, "Would
hat J c-dhi express in this short letter the val
ue your Invigorator has la-en to mc in raising
large tdniiiy of children, for it has never lai.-
rd to relieve all affections ol the stomach, bon
ds or at'acks of worm*. It mothers once had
this remedy placed within their reach, ami were
taught how to use it, a tearful ana untold a
tuount of agony might bo saved."
Ouc of our piominent banktrs says, "Five or
six years since I toiind my sell running down
with u liver difficulty ; resorting to you. li i'-
orator, was greatly relieved, and, continuing
lor a season, was entirely restored."
A clergyman called at our office the other
day and said ho had given a poor woman a bot
tle, who was buttering very fcadlv from Liver
Complaint, and before she had taken the tvhohr
of it she was at work earning bread lor turfum
A gentleman, recently from the West, says,
while at Chicago, he was attacked Willi a slow,
lingering fev-r, that baffled the skill ol physi
cian?, but the luvigoritor cured him in a iiw
One of our city merchants said, while or. a
visit to Troy, a few days since, Le was attacked
with bowel ami stomach disorders, so as to con
fine him to his room, he sent to the drug stole
for a bottle of Invigorator, took one dose, which
relieved him so that ho was able to attend hi*
An acquaintance, who.-e business compels
him to write most ot the time, says, he became
So weak as to be unable at times to hold la*
pen, while at others, sleep would overpower
him. hut the Invigorator cured hiw-
A gentleman Iroin Brooklyn called on its a
Week or two since, looking hut tue shndi w of
man, with a skin yellow, pale and deathlike.—
lie had been for a long time suffering from
Jaundioo ami Dyspepsia, and unable to attend
to his business, We saw h'm again to-day a
changed man, and to use his expression, lie has
not seen the bottom of the first bottle, and far
ther adds "it saved my life, for I was fast go
ing to a consumptive's grave."
Among the hundreds of Liver Remedies now
offered to the public, there are none we can so
fully recommend as Dr.'s Invigorator,
or Liver Remedy, so generally known now
throughout the Union. This preparation is tru
ly a Liver Invigorator, producing the most
happy results on all who use it. Almost innu
merable certificates have beeu given of the great
virtue of this ir:-diclno by those of the highest
standing iu so ciety, and it is, without doubt,
the best preparotiou now before the public.
SAN'FORD Ik CO., Proprietors, 345 Broad
way, New York.
For sale by Dr. B. F.Harry, and Druggist's
Oct, 80 .1857.
Bazins Fancy Soap—shaving Cream, just re
ceived ftour the city, byDr. Harry.