HCWIBD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. -£ Benevolent Institution, established by spend en dowment for ike relief of the sick ami dis tressed, afflicted with Virulent and •Epidemic diseases. r PO all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, J- such as SPERMATORRHUS A, SEMINEL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA, GLEET, SYPHILLIS, the Vice of ONANISM, or SELF ABUSE. See., &c. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Sur geon as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condi tion, (age, occupation, habits ot life, &c.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, to FURNISH .MEDI CINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors, on a review of the past, teel as sured that their labors in this sphere of Itertevo lent effort, have been of great benefit to the afflict ed, especially to the young, aud they have resolv ed to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important but much despised cause. Just published by the Association, a Report on Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, the Vice of Onanism, Masturbation or Self-Abuse, and oth er Diseases of the Sexual Organs, by the Consult ing Surgeon, - which will be sent bv mail, (in a sealed letter envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Address, tor Report or treatment, Dr. GEORGE R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard As portation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadel shia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEAKTWELL, President. Geo. F AißCaitn, Secretary. Dec. 4, 1857.-zz. THE GOLDEH PRIZE. THE NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY (soldcii I'riy.t*. One of the largest and best literary papers of the day. An imperial quarto, containing eight pages, or forty columns of choice reading matter each week. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TWO DOL LARS PER YEAR. -dud a Gift will be presented to each subscriber im mediately on receipt of the subscription money. Each subscriber will he entitled to a gift worth from SI to 500,00 111 Gold. TO CLUBS. 3 Copies for 1 year $5.00 10 '• l' 15.00 KE AI >—R E A D-K E A D—RE AT). THE LIST OF GIFTS— GIFTS—GIFT*. 1 Package containing $.300 in Gold. 10 Gold Patent Lever English Hunt ing Cased Watches, 100 Each. 15 '• <: x 75 ,< 25 " GoM Watches 60 100 x ' .. 50 -< 500 Ladies 4. 35 . 100 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 25 ' 200 " Watches 10 to 20 '• s(>o Gold Vest and Guard and Fob Chains 10 to 30 " 5000 Gold Lockets 2to 10 ' Gold Rings—Ear Drops—Broaches Breast Fins—Studs—Caff Pins Sleeve Buttons, kc... kc 1 ro Sl5 Each. Immediately on receipt of the subscription mo ney, the subscriber's name will be entered upon our subscription book, opposite a number, an i rim gift corresponding with that number will be for warded to his or her address by mail or express post-paid. Address BUCKET k COMPANY. PCBI.ISB RKS. 48 and 49 Moffat's Buil lings. New Your. Specimen Copies sent free. Bills of all the Bunks taken that pass merer.' in the States from whence they are sent Postage stairros are also received. Dec. 10, 18-37—8t IIESIAIIiAM. rpilE subscriber still continues his RESTAU -1 RANT, AND BAKERY A D.N CONFEC TI ON ART , at his old stand, in the Rising Sun Building, in Juiiunna Street, wnere lie will be pleased to see all his old fr ends and customers. He has fitted up art OYSI'ER ROOM, and will keep on hand throughout the season a full supply -of the freshest and choicest OYSTERS the Bifei snore market will afford. He keeps constantly on hand the choicest and best CAKES, CANDIES, FRUITS and NUTS -ever offered to the puiilie. Also. Chambersburg ALE and BEER, constant ly on hand, also CIDER anil other drinks. r xT~ Parties supplied, on the sho'test notice, with Ice Cream, Cakes and Confections. Having served a regular apprenticeship to the above business, and having been constantly engag ed in it for many years, he feels confident that he •can render satisfaction to nil who raav favor him with a visit. JOHN J. LUTHER. Bedford, Nov. 27, 1857. Irook Here, Storekeeper* and others! THE greatest sssurtraent of Tors of every description, and Fancy articles of an endless variety, you can find at the great Curiosity Ntore, No. 144, N. 2d St., above Arch, Phil adelphia. Also Fancy Baskets, Pipes, Segar Cases- Tobacco Boxes, Dominoes, Canes, Ctti na, Kid and Wax Babies, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. JOHN DOLL, Importer. 114, N. 2d St. Sept. 4. 1857. ~ FOUNDRY AM> MAUIISE SHOP! THE subscribers havirg formed a partner ship under the style of "Dock k Ashcom" for the purpose of c inducting a general KHADKV AND MACHIAE business in the establishment recently erected by Giiliard Dock, in Hopewell, Bedford 'coun ty, are now prepa-ed to execute orders for CASTINGS AND MACHINERY of every de scription. They will build to order steam-en gines, coal and dril't-cars, horse powers and threshing machines—also, casting of every kind lor furnaces, forges, saw, grist and rolling mills, ploughs, water-pipe, columns, house fronts, brackets, &c., kc. They are also, now making a fine assortment of STOVES of various kinds of the latest pat terns and most approved styles, including sev eral sizes of COOK STOVES of the best make, heating stoves for churches, offices, bar-room*, kc. A full assortment of Stoves will be kept constantly on hand, and sold at wholesale and retail, at prices to suit the times, and quality, warranted equal to the best eastern make.— Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly. Patterns made to order. GILLIARD DOCK, C. W. ASHCOM. Nov. 6, 1857, NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the subscriber, living in St. Clair Township, on the estate of Catharine Oldham, late of Baid township, dee'd. all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate are here by notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same will pre sent them properly authenticated for settle meah BKNJ. H. WALKER, Adru'r. Oct. 16, 1857. WhITE TEETH and a perfumed breath can be accquired by using the "Balm of a Thousand Flowers." To be bad at DR. HARRYS. March 6y 1857. ' A. King. Fr. Jordan. LAW PART fTERSHIP. King & Jordan, Attorneys at Law BEDFORD, PA., * WILL practice in the several Courts ©f Bed ford and adjoining counties. Agencies, Collections, aud all other business cutrusted to theircare will be promptly and faith fully attended to. OFFICE in Juliana street, formerly occupied by D. H. Ilotius, Esq., and more recently in the occupancy of Jos. Mann, Esq. January 5, 1855. JUB MANN, 'A. H. SPANG. IAW PARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned J have associated themselves in the Practice of the Law, and will promptly attend to all busi ness entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad joining counties. on Julianna Street, three doors south otMengel oil ise and opposite the reri denceofMaj. Tate. MANN & SPANG June 1,-1854. tf. HOFIUS & FILLER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. WILL PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL legal business entrusted to their care During the sessions of the court, the senior part ner may be found at the office of the firm, two doors south of Hon. S. L. Russell's office. I). H. HOFIUS. JNO. 11. FILLER. Bedford, Nov. 28, 1856. Dr. F. C Reamer, Pilyaician aud Surgeon. I>?*|*ectl'ully tenders his services -o i- toe citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Jf„ may always be found (unless professionally en gaged, at his Drug and Book Store, in Juliana St. Feb. 19, 1857. SAMUEL KADEBAUGH, Justice of the Peace. OFFICE two doi.rs South of the Mengel House, and next door to the office of Manu St Spang, where he will attend to the collection of all claims placed in his bauds. Bedford, Jan. 11, 1856. FMIIIO I \\ l alien.l panctaAlN an.l carefully to fc!l operation* j n .' 1 { I 1 trart"! io li s car* hied, plumed, regulated, Ac., aud t j a ar.irioutl teeilr ins rtd, from on- :> art entire •*(. I J Corya sod alt Operation* warrant* 1. I Z3T Term* INVARIABLY CASH. OS-** on E*t Piu wtreeL. Bedford, Pa. TIE MIL 10, Valentine Steckraan, Boarders taken by the day, weeK, month and year. April 25.1856—tf Bettys' Photographic (valfery, the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. OfRKATEST DISCOVERY OF O'J Die Present Century for 0 lietecring Counterfeit BnkNo!e8. Describing every Genuine Bill in Exis © tence, and exhibiting at a glance > every Counterfeit in Circulation!.' © Arranged so admirably, that REFERENCE EASY and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. 3 [jy No index to examine! No pages •r< to hunt up ! But so simplified and arrang ed fed, that the Merchant, Banker, and Bu ■"3 siness Man can see all at a Glance. O, . , .3 English, Fiench and German. OThus Each may read the same in his own Native Tongue. r* Moht Perfect Bank IVote List < Published. W Also a List of fc* All the Private Bankers in America. A Complete Summary of the FINANCE OF AND Amebic A will be published in ~S each edition, together with all the important <5 NEWS OF THE DAY. Also .] SERIES OF TALES ►nFroni an Old Manuscript found in the East. ® It furnish* s the Most Complete History oi R ORIENTAL LIFE, r- Describing Hie Moat Perplexing Positions njj in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that £5 Country ha\. been so often found. These ® Stories will eontnue throughout the whole year, and will prove the Most Eliteitaining ever offered to the Public. [T7~ Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at $1 a year. Aii letters must be ad dressed to JOHN S. RYE. Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, April 21, 1857-zz. New York. H. D. 1 1 LI GI!. ETTIE A. jFIsHB m f \\{ V STOKE. MRS. 11. D. PEUGII A Co., respectfully in vite tiie attention of the ladies ot Bed lord and vicinity, to their new and handsome stock of .goods, just opened in "Mann's Building," Ju liana Niiett, opposite Dr. Reamer's Drug Store. These goods hive been selected with the greatest . tie, and are of the latest styles and ho; t quality. Their stock consists iu part of .Moire Antique Silks, All Wool Do Laines, Do do •• (printed.) liiack Gro de Rhine. •French Merino, (plain and printed.) Moss Head Fringes, Hugle Laces, Ladies' Kid Gloves, Ladies* Gantirl us, Geiiis' Ban-it Kid GlrrVea. Black aud Fancy Elastic Bolts, Chen ill • Trimmings, Cbeiiiili Scarfs, Cbeiiille Ilea 1 Drosses, Fancy French Corsets, Velveteen, xe., Re. Ladies and Children A ISC) A NETS, in great variety. A general assortment of Ladies' ami Misses" SHOES, GAITERS, OVER SHOES. Ac. £3 II -A. VV Xa, 3S of everv qualit v and des"ription. PERFUMERY, EXTRACTS, JEWELRY, iIC , Nc. Bedford. Oct. 20. 1857. st iuiyoFFit'A WASHINGTON HOTEL, Bedford, Tn. MRS. MARY COOK would announce to her friends and tho public, that she his fitted | Up this old and well known stand, in a very su perior style, tor the accommodation of the pitn ! lie. I isitors to the Bedford Mineral Springs j will find the Washington Hotel a comfortable ; summer retreat—and no paitu will be spared to 1 please all who patronize the house. Boarders will be taken by tbe day, week, month ! and year. j BP"A gentleman of high qualification, and | corteous deportment, has charge of the house, 1 who will do all iu his power to make tin gnosis happy and comfortable. as moderate as anvwhero else in the place. Daily Stages frotn Latrobe, Cumberland, Holli daysburg and Hopewell, ail stop at this Hotel. A Hack belonging t<> this Hotel will run be tween Bedford and the Springs. Bedford, June 12. 1857.-zz. IMasieniij 17a lh II rpilE L VDERSIRXCD having erected J- a Mill for sawing PLASTERING LATHS on his premises iu Union Tp., Bedford county, is now ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest notice. Price J1.60 per thousand, 3 ft. lon*. I Other lengths in proportion. Letters addressed to meat St. Clairsvill*. will beproinptly attended to. WM. GRIFFITH. •Union Tp.. Feb. 15. 1854.-zz. tireat Arrival of FILL AMI WINTER GOODS. JusT received and on hand, the best as sortment of DOOTN and SHOES that could be selected for the citizens of Bedford and strangers visiting tho place, 1 door south of .Miiiniok's Confectionary Store, on Juliana Street. Mens' Grained Water-Proof long legged Boots, Mens' thick sole eastern made long legged Boots, Mens' Kip and cmrse Heavy Boots, Geuts' Fine Calf double sole Boots, Gents' Oxford Ties, Gents' Congress Gaiters, Mens' Heavy city made Brogans, Ladies* Morocco Boots, Ladies' Goat 'feel Boots, Womeus' Calf heavy winter Boots; Misses' and Cliildrens' Boots in variety, Boys' Boots of all kinds, size and description. CAPS, in variety, will !>• always kept on hand. Persons wishing to purchase good Boots and Shoes will please give me a call before buviu" elsewhere. ADAM FERGUSON Oct. 2, 1857. Admlutatrator'K Notice. LETTERS ot Administration having been grant ed to the subscriber upon the Estate 0 1 Ab raham Lingenfelter, late of Napier Township, dee'd, all persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate are notified to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against the Estate are requested to present the same properly authen ticated for settlement. I'AVID LIMIENIELTER, JHm'r. Dec. 11, lr{t7.-l. Napier Township Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, for the cure of Coughs Colds, icc., can U- toil at Dr. Ikury'a Dru Store THE INQUIB.ER Is published every Friday ntoraiug, in Juliauu Street, iu the white frame building, nearly opposite tbe Mongol House, by DAVIII OVEJR. TERMS: If paid iu advance; $1.50; within the year, $2.00; and if not paid wi'.hiti the year, $2.50 will be charged. No paper discontinued until all ai learagcs are paid— except at the option of ths Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement. Mi ertiscments not exceeding a square,(l 2 lines,) inserted three times for $1 —every subsequent in sertion, 25 cents. Longer ones iu the same pro- ; portion. Each fraction of a square counted as a full square. All advertisements not specially ordered for a given time will he continued until forbid. A liberal deduction will be made to those who advertiaeby the year. , Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable terms. Bedford Classical School, AND FEMALE SEMINARY. Mase and Female Departments Dis tinct. Iter. 0. \Y. -AIIUHINBAUUII, A. M., Prin cipal, Mrs. GfcO. W. ALGIHNBALGH, Precep tress. Miss CORNELIA A. EVARTS, Music, French, Drawing, &c. Mrs. LUCY SPOTTSWOOD, Oil Painting and i Shell Work, Miss MARY HELEN SMITH, Assistant. THE duties of this Institution will be re sumed on Monday, Aug. 31st. Owing to j the limited accommodations of tho Seminary i Building, the number of pupils will he liui- j ited. It is important, therefore, that appli- : cations for uduiissioii be made at an early i day. These who enter before the expiration ! iof half the quarter, will be charged for the whole quarter; those who enter after the i expiration of half the quarter, will be charg- j ed tor the half quarter. No deduction made 1 lor absence except in cases ot protracted illness. In t Lis school students are prepared for the higher cla.-es of any college, or to en ter at once upon the active duties of life.— \V! ilst special care is taken to form in our pupils habit.s of order, strict punctuality' and thoroughness, their Physical, Moral and Social Education is not neglected. 'i ue government, of the school is designed to be parental, h is the aim of the Prin cipal and his associates to excite in their pupils a love of right doing; and to awakcu within them some proper consciousness of ibe dignity of huuiauity. Parents uiav rest assured that any gross delinquency ou the part of their children will be reported to theui immediately, should circumstances re quire it, or the discipline ot the school fail to accomplish the desired reformation. 'J EIiMS per quarter of 1 L weeks, inclu ding Board, Tuition, Furnished Room, Wash ing, Light and Fuel, $lO.OO, —one-half in advance.. EXTRA CHARGES. Music, $lO 00 ( senf Instrument, 2 00 French, 5 Ot) Drawing, atid painting in Water Col ors, each, 5 00 Oriental Painting, 5 00 Grecian Painting, f> 00 Oil PaiLtine, 10 OU Oruauicutal Needle Work, f 00 Shell Work, 5 00 TERMS FOR DAY SCHOLARS. Elementary English, $4 00 Higher, 4 00 Classics, (} 05 Bedford, August G, 1857. IMPO IiTAVi TO >1 ILL OWSEItfe. \yt)JD'iVAKD'Slmproved Smut and Screcn ll itig Machines, Mill Bullies, Bolting Cloths, an I Kr m Dusters, of the most improved plan, I Mill Helens, Corn ami CoL Grinders, Patent Bridges for Mill Spindles, Portable Mills, war t-anted to grind ten bushels per hour, Mill Irons and Mill Burrs made to order. Also, Stover's Patent Corn Kiln and Grain Dryer— a valuable invention. The above articles are kept constantly on hand, and can be obtained i at any time, from S. I). BROAD. Schellslmrg, Bedford County, who is also the :ig -nt tor Bedford, Somerset, and adjoining Coun j ies. Milt wright work done at the shortest notice an 1 on tho most reasonable terms. ! February 15. 1856. j\f" c UOK.\IICK.'S Reaper and Mower for sale AL ''y S. I). BROAD, I at S die lls burg;, Pa., agent for Blair and Bedford ! counties. j February 15, 1856. W . HOE It HEKI, UPHOLSTERER. WOULD announce to the citizens of Bed- TV ford and vicinity, that he is prepared to do all worit in bis line, In the best style, and on reasonable terms. MATRASSES, with or without springs, made in a superior manner, equal to , the best made in the city, and to this branch of his business iin would invite especial attention.— iHe may be found at the shop of Michael Weis- I el, a short distance East of tbe Borough, or at lis residence on East Pitt Street, on door west of Ma], Woshahaugh's, Bedford, Dec. 5, 1856. ST O N E W A iiE.—CreamCrocCwiik Clocks of all sizes; Butter Dishes,from one to one and a half gallon Pitchers, all of Inch are of best quality, for sale by uac * r , A - FERGUSON- Bedford, Jan. 16, 1856. For pimples, and wrinkles and treckles find tan, Nothing has e er been discovered by man, Like that wonderful product of tropical bow ers, The popular-Balm of a Thousand Flowers." lobe hud at DR. HARRY'S. SI arch 6. BROAI) TOP COAL, FROM RIDDLESRI'RG COLLIERY. r PHE subscribers are now engaged in shipping COAL frotu tbe celebiated Riddlesburg Bank, by Railroad to Hopewell, at as low price as can Le turuisbed by any other persons in the country. Persons desiring a good articl- will find it to then advantage to call on them, or on their agent, T. M. Smith, at Hopewell. OSBOURNK 4- CRESSWELL. Dec. 11. 1807.-3 m. Forthe Hair—Jockey Club, and new mown hay, pomatums, genuine ox marrow at Dr. Harry's. piijsicians prescriptions carefully compotind * ®d, at all hours of tbe day or night, at Dr. Harry's, Drugstore. brfus, books; im> smmm. DR. F. C. REAMER, BEDFORD, PA. HAVING purchased the Drug and Book Stere of Dr. S. 1). Scott, has constantly on hand, at the old stand, a large and well selected stock of choice Drugs and Modicums, wholesale unu re tail, all of which will be sold ou lair terms. The assortment consists in part of Drugs and Chemicals, Dye I Foods and Jscids, Paints and Oils, fVindcnr Glass aid Glass 11 'art, Tobac co and Segars, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, 4r., 4c. PATENT MEDICINES.—Having the regular agency for the sale f many of these medicines, the pub lic are assured that they are of the best; aucb as have stood the test of time and experience, and can he safely recommended as genuiir*. viz: Towrisend's and Sand's Sarsapnnlia, Wistar's Balsam of IVi Id Cherry, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, Dr. Jay tie's Family Medicines, Fahnstock s, Hotwn sack's and other vermifuge: lloofland's German Bitters, Ac., ice. Constantly on hand a large stock of historic, gaogiapbical, scientific religious, poetical, school ami miscellaneous BOOKS. Also a great variety of FANCY STATIONE RY , Cap, Post, and H rapping Paper, of every quality, Paper Hangings in great variety. Win dow Blinds, in patterns or by the piece. Wall Paper, Hteel and Fancy Goods. BLANK BOOKS of every size arid quality.— Pocket Books and Port Monnaies, Diauea. Blank Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and Pencils, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery iu great variety, Soaps, ice., ice. Lamps, and Cauiphine Oil and Burning Fluid, ke.pt constantly ou Hand. CHOICE LIQUORS tor medical cse; Wolff's Sciieidam Schnapps, Gin, Port, Sherry aud Ma deira Wines. Feb. l'J, 1857. <*ilt .iiiti Retail Rook Store. SOW OP£\EU TWO DOORS WEST ! OF THE WASHKSGTOX HOT EE, BLDFORD, PA. NEW AND VALUABLE BOOKS TO BE DISPOSED OK IMMEDIATELY. Our Plmi is to Insure a llajjid Salt. i ALL Books will be sold as low as Hie usual retail prices, many of rbeiu for has. A SU PERB till 1 T will bo delivered with each book, ; ! without additional expense t,, tiie iiuyir. Uurlisti i of books comprises the works of the best Aiuer- ; ican and Kuropean authors,bound in various styles, ■ in -Morocco, best Turkish, Antique, Gilt edged, : ' Muslin, Paper, Ac., Ac. We keep on Intel, also,'- STATIONERY, including Gobi Pens and Pencils. ! Stiver ditto, lctu-r paper, tools-cap aiul writing - paper of all kinds, envelopes, inks of the beat i ; quality, Ac. Jewelry—Breast-pins, Ear-rings, Finger-rings, of nil descriptions; Watches arid Chains, Port • ntonaes; Perfumeries, Children's Belts, Tot s, 1 Cravats. Ac., fce., Ac. CIG.VKS of the choicest brands will also be ; • found at our store, which will be sold cheaper j than the cheapest. AIcCA.USI.IN A SIIOE.MAk.EK. Bedford, Sept. 4, 18.37. BISDFOKD HOTEL IND CEYEIUL STAGE OFFICE. i ■'HE subscriber respectfully begs leave to att [ I. iiounce to his old friends and the public gen erally. that he has leased and taken possession of • the Bedford Motel, lately in the occupancy of it'll!. Adam R am'.art. It is not bis il to make malty professions as tj what he will do. hut he pledges his word that his most energetic efl! its : will he employed to render Comfortable all who give him a call. The homta will be iiandsom ly fitted up, and none but careful and attentive s. r j vatits will be engaged . Persons visiting tie Bed j ford Springs', as welt as those attending Court, j and the traveling community generally, ate ru : spectfully invited to give him a call and jud,eifo- I tlnii'seives. C~?" The stages all stop nt litis hotel. EC?" Boarder.-, taken by tho week, month or year, j tin tavorable terms. Cy Ample and comfortable stabling is attached | to this hotel, which will always lie attended iy a j carelul hostler. Also a safe utid convenient car j riage house. JOHN 11AFKK. i Bedmrd, April 5, 185-3. A Ureal Arrival of FILL I.Yii WINTER GIIODS. j THE undersigned has just returned front j the Eastern Cities, with a large stock of Full 1 and Winter Goods, and is now exhibiting at CHEAP SIDE, ! a general assortment of new style Fat! and Wipter Goods, comprising Ladies' Dress Goods, |in pan Crocovelia. Satin striped and Plain De j Laius, Barred Cashmeres, Tiiibet ( loths, Al | pacas, Pe Baize, Calicoes, Ac. For Gentlemen and Boys' wear, Cldths, Cas- I simcres, CasslnettS Vesting*. Ac. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Bonnets, Woolen and Hag Carjiets. Floor Oil Cloth, Syrup .Molasses, I White and Brotvn Sugars, Green and Black Teas, Groceries of al! kinds, Qncensware, Tubs. Buckets, Brooms, de. Hardware - Shovels, Forks. Knives una Forks, Spoons, Ac., ami all articles usually kept in sto es. All kinds of l'r tduee tascn itt exchange lor goods. Tho undersigned will sell cheap for cash, or ! produce, and hojies by lair dealihg to receive his usual share of patronage. G. W. HUFF. Oct. a, 1857. TO BUILDERS. fjl 'he itibscriberis fully prepared to iurnish any I qftanfy or quality of Building Lumbei au.t Plastering Cains. Orders directed to Sj. Chiirs i viUe, Bedford County, will be promptly attended | Hi, by giving a reasonable notice. F. D. BEEGLE j Pec. t!U. 1854. Nov Jewelry. ! rpilE subscriber has opened out a new and 1 splendid assortment of all kinds of thw | most fashionable Jewelry— consisting in part of j Breast Fias, Finger Kings, Ear Kings, A. Ac. | Call and see his stock. dell DANIEI. BORDER. Lumber ! Lumber!! i "1 lAIA AfYO BIIINGLES of different j "yFgvFv/V/ kinds. Also, 75,000 feet , of LUMBER of various sorts, such as White | Fine, Yellow Fine, Poplar, Spruce, Ac. For sal by p. j). BEKGLE. i St.Glairsvilla. Feb. 18, 1853-1 f OH B. F. HAKiiV RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services to Jthe citizens of Bedford and vi ! cinitv. | Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in the j building formerly occupied br Dr. J. H. Hoflus. Nov. 6,1857. TTHIsbrMPERS. DR. HARRY, at the Cheap Drug and Book Store, has just received, a large assortment ot tbo best flavoring extracts, together with Bak ing Soda, Cream of Tartar, Saleratus, Ac., of the very best quality, all of which he will sell the loweat prices. Baziu's and Lubin'g Extracts for the Handker. 1 chief. Cologne Water, Ac., at Dr. ITarry'ii. Baring Fancy Soap—shaving Cream, just re ceived fiout the oity,byDr. Harry. The treat Z'ugiih Remedy, SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Fills. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D . Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine in unfailing in the cure of ali those painful and dangerous dis eases to wLic.li the female constitution is sub ject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MIRRiED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will.in a nfiort*iine bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Doiiar, bears the Gov erniaeht Stamp of Great Britain,to prevent coun terfeits. CAUTION. - These Pitts should not be token by females du ring the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, us ihey are sure to bring ou Miscarriage, but at any other time they u> e safe. iu all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs. Fatigue on slight ex ertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all oth er means have failed, and although a powerful rem edy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions accompany each package. Sole Agent for the United States ana Canada, JOB MOSES, (Late I, C. Baldwin it C 0.,) Rochester, N. T. N. B. $l.OO and 6 postage stamps enclosed to at v authorized Agent, will insure a bottle of the Pills by return mail. For sale liv l>r. B. F. Harrv. Oct. 9 1857-zz. sg3fHS| BRYAN'S PILMOXIC Ttir mast crr*nin and ifttedv tttr disrnrsred fsr all T** states i,f the Chest and Langs Coughs, Ctjidt, Asthma. (\*ssunpti i .-•••. r**vr Ci! la n r*; •: *n. " car* TVi.vii! beheeu rp*.t>ra h>v l"mr the iiiw.tM" m.*v hnve *xU?* . rr ** , vrf k r? !!•*<■ tie true tt*r# of vitu! strain* !•* ! ! >Wnvai. Ererf oih* iiiL'irlH] f SIB !, .'MHT Aril Powers* ! world renowned Statu •of she Greek Sltve! Hv l pureh tted fur s'x thotisitid dolitits, with several • hundred other Work of Art,, iri Pcii'ting*. Sculp j tnre and Bronzes. comprise to.- Piomiuirs to t> i awarded in the subscribe!* of the iu.-■; nJit.ia j art association, who subscribe beto; e Hit- libit, of j January , 1858, i>t which time the awards will take i place, TkKMS Or' SUBSCBIPTIO.W Every subscriber of three dollars is entitled to a copy of" tile luge ami splendid Slt'- l Engraving, entitled "Muuiiest Destiny also to a copy of tii CoKmopolit in Art Journal one year, also to a Cs'r litiriite in the award of premiums, also a In*e *i -: mission to the Du s.seldorl and Cosmopolitan Gal ; 1 bus it is sen that for every three doll .rs paid , ; the subscriber not only fCcivcs splendid tlnen i dollar engraving, but also t. iie.ta iful iiiustraud j two dollar Art Journal, one y -ar. Each subset its l is.iLn ptesented with a Certifi i cite in tlie a war Is. by trliieb a vaiuablti work of Art, in Fainting or Actilpiuie, may tie iccem-.i ia addition, thus giving to every siibseribet an equiva lent to the value of five psges of douide coiumu reeding n nttef; liom twenty to thirty stiei ]i,.tf Mrs. asj S. Stk en tils' copyright Novels, the ceiebiatod author of ••Fusion and Famine." Also, one of .Mrs. E. D.E.N Southwortlrs. author of '-The Lost Heiress." Its Superb Mezzotints and other Steel Eugrav ittgs, arc the best published anywhere : Its Colored Fashion Plates. Each number j contains a Fashion Plate, engraved on Steel and j colored; also a dozen hi ore New Styles, engraved j oti Wood. Also, a Patttern,irotn which adrc-s. I mantilla or child's costume, can be cut out w :rh J out the aid of a niantuataaker. New Receipts, Ciochet Work, Embroidery, Pat terns, 4 c • In the greatest proportion, arc given . Also, new and fashionable Music. It is the best Ladies' Magazine in the w ©vi J.—; Try it for one year. TLUMS —Ahvajs lu Advance. One copy oue year. S'J.CfV Three copies, lbr one year, 6,00 Five copies for one year, "> ,5o Eight copies, for one year. I'i.tiO Sixteen copies,for one year, 110,00 PREMIUMS FOlt CLUBS. Three, five; eight or sixteen copies mate a ("lub. To every person getting no a Club, our '•Casket," containing torty Engravings, wiil be given . gratis: or, if preferred, a copy oi the Ma gazine for 1858. For a U!ub of sixteen, an extra copy of the Magazine for IS6B in addition. Ad. dress, post paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON. 306 Chestnut Street, Phila. Nov." 27, 1857. JcySpecfutens sent Gratis. Chairs and Cabinet Furniinre. THE subscriber has removed to the shop on West Fitt Street, recently occupied by W'm. Kitehey as a Machine shop, where he continues to make to order and keep ou hind a general assortment of chairs and Cabinet furniture, con sisting in part of Spring Soat Parlor chairs, I French ItockiDg Chairs, Cane se.it ami Wind sor, Sofas, Lnunges, Ottomans. What-Nots, Mn eic Stands, Fancy Parlor Table©, Breakfast, Din ner, and Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bcc. Suits of eottage-furuituro at very moderate prices, so that it is within the reach of all to have nice, good and fashionable furniture. The Ladies are particularly invited to oall and examine for themselves, as it will be my desire t please all tastes. N. B. Coffins Will lie made on the shortest notice for any who will favor him with a call. Juns 1% 1857. ISAAC MENGEL, Jr.