Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, January 15, 1858, Image 3

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V :JS^fcx
I'tldtt) >iutlig, JU. 15. IBSS
"FRTRLKSS WT' F!H ••*.''
1> OVER—Editor and Proprietor •
■ "*- - *
Heduefion f Tfrrn^!
YVE HAVE changed the terms of the BRBFOKD I
INQUIRER, ftom this date, TO $1.50 per an
num, if paid in advance. If payment be not
MADE within the year, $2.00 will be charged.
If delayed until after the year expires. $2.50
will BO charged. These terms will be ligidiy
adhered to in ALL OASES. %
All subscriptions pai I between this date,
und February Court, on the new year, will be
•ortsidered in advance.
CUBIE on, then, fricmls and subscribe for !
tho ISQCIUKR; there is scarcely A uian in the j
County but can afford to take : County paper J
-,T thiise low RATR*.
To NL! enroll SUBSCRIBERS, who are indebted
to US for over one year's "ll'isci iption, we WU;
settle off at the rate of s'2 00 per unitutn, it
~vd until February Court. AFTER that time j
$2.50 will IN* charged.
Dee. 4, 1857.
Tc any one. raising us a Club of fiv ""*'
tabic rib ~rs, cash its advance, s7.;>o, we wiii
-nd one ecpv of our piper, one year, gratis.
To. any one rai*ing u- a club of t*n new sub
tuibers, e-tsit m advance. sls, we will sen,,
ime enpv of our paper, t .vo years gratia; an i a i
prop ■rtionable length >*f time tor larger club*, i
■Gome on, friend-, now i-. the time, these long |
riuter evrttiiigs'. ami under our reduced terms, i
tn raise us a targe number of new subsci i' | ers. ,
VV" advise all i*i want of a good paper, to sub- |
etibc for the BKOKORD iNQUIitKtt.
YVe wiil furnish PETERSON'S MAGAZINE and j
the UEDI'ORD ISQUIRE::, LOILI, one year, fot
J*3 00 in advance.
. RROVI . :R:S - () P VS MKSSAG E.
WE this week, to tin; exclusion of itittcb OTH
ER mutter, publish the last annual tinvsag" <;
Gov. Pollock It IS an able docniaent anil
runceded bv all to BE ONE ot THE best written
•hat WAS ever delivered. We have THE gratify,
ing ASSURANCES that the finani"*S of the State
HIC in GOOD condition. The fact is stated TT.IT
VLI 4 * PUIDI: debt IS NOW- L SS THAN forty null; :I : -
having been reduecL ss2o,oF'l within A vt.av,
FC nd sl, 816,857 during the last three years,
while if toe balance of $I 14,920 in the sink
ing Fund is added, the total reduction in 'Lree
years will be $2,231,777. Gov. PO'I-ck MAY
well CONGRATULATE bitnseif upon the improve
ment in the SLATE FINANCES duri og iii- adoiiois
trution. The goml resul's of T C SALE of the
Main Line are described at some length by the
Governor, atiJ S;NEE. tho .ST.l ; ** is relieved ID TM
burden of SUPPORTING that line, (lie PROMISE is
held out of STILL GREATER in the future.
IN connexion with this <u j**ct, the G vernor
recotntueii'ls ti*.e aliolition f the t*. I.iiagc tax
ON the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The
'financial crisis in the country occupies some
space in the MESSAGE, and she Govcrnoi s views
in regNrd t-> reform in our banking SYSTEM, AS
well AS in THE federal revenue SYSTEM, arc such
*s will be generally approved by Penusylva-
Dians. The public institutions of tho" are
♦ reateJ appropriately, and the importance of
establishing an Agricultural 1> ;rean is pointed
int. The subject of education receives due no
tice, and our common SCHOOL system is justly
regarded as eoritribtititig greatly to the well
being of THE people. A number ot minor mat
ters are mentioned, and their is an argent rec
ommendation that art executive mansion be
eree'ed tn which the Governor may HO able to
live in a certain state of dignity commensurate
with his high office. The allusions to national
subjects are. with great propriety, confined to
A single small p irag aph, and with some appro
priate remarks in regard to bis retirement from
office, the Governor concludes A message which
is really ONE of tho best written that we have
read for a long time.
Happy will WE be if the successor of Gov.
Pollock, Gov. Packer, will continue his WISE
policy, and not .'all into the -jppositß course,
like all his Locofoco predecessors.
The Black- Locofoco pap**r of this place inti
mates that w? ought to publish tho speech of
boef Bigler in answer to Donglis. YY'e have
some objections to this. YVe are informed by
persons who were in the Senate at the time, that
evcty Penusylranian who was there hung Lis
head in shante for tho honor of his State at the
poor fist he made of himself, and the manner
;n which the Little Giant overpowered him.—
He was the butt, and laughing stock of the Sen
ate and all present, and made a complete oss
of himself. One of tfcc leading Loeofoeos of
this place, a short time since, remarked to tts
that Bigler was not qualified for the underta
king, and that he was the wrong man; that
Jeff Davis, Hunter, cr some other good man !
wouid have been ."be right one However, wo j
will mike a proposition to the nigger-organ, it
it will publish rite whole of Douglas' great
speech, we will publish the speech of Big)r.—
H hat aay you, will you do it?
The nigger-organ of this place says that the
batch of Treasury notes to the amount of twen
ty are not. s'iinp!ast?rs because they
draw three per cent, interest. This is all hum
bug. It was at first proposed that they should
bear six per cent., but this was objected to by
i the Licofocos. because it would defeat the ob
' ject for wbieh they were issued—a circulating
medium—as they would be takeo by brokers
and money lenders, t secure the six per cent.
They are a circulating medium—the govern
ment pays them our—being bankrupt in other
currency, and not having a dollar on band to
redeem them with. They are a Locofoco shin
plaster eurroucy, and intended as a kind of
Government Locofoco Bank, to reconcile those
\\ higs who voted for the old Federalist, Bu
Gov. Wise, the Locofoco fire-eating Gover
nor of Virginia, and the man who pulled Presi
dent Polk's nose, is out in a long letter in op the bogus Lecotupton Constitution,
He says that the people hive the right to de
cide upon all their own laws. What will the
nigger-organ, arouud the corner,say now, when
two more uoh friends of i, as
Strirlgbl.'ow, who. Prentice ot the Louisville
Journal says, should bo a Strungftltow, are
forced to com* out against the present high
handed Locofoco outrage the bogus-Leeouip
ton Constitution, which attempts to force ini
quitous laws on the people of that territory,
against their will l A chameleon, however
can change its color, to suit any occasion.
J irry Black, and the other members of the
present nigger aduiittisfiaiior', recently <!i-s-;i-n
--ded front their high position nnd wrote bitter
p::rt:z;ui letters to a Locofoco meeting in Phil
adelphia. Thev abounded in Gang phrase 4,
neb US'* 4 Black Republicans, "••'AbotiftoiiNN,"
Ac. This is the first tiin** in'rlie history of the
country that high ciblnct'officers have a looped
to such contemptible, na-aunc s. Eveu under
the hitter partisan administrations of Jurksou,
Y r an Buren, Polk and Pierce this was not 'one.
I* alone remains for tlii- nigger-loving udiiru
is-ruuiin tn descend, s.i low. \Y b-.t u figure it
wl'.l make in history!
YY'o have jnsi learned that a telcgrap?! .]*-
patch announces that the bogus Leeompton
CYuistirution has bceu defeate*! at. tbc ilcetion
appointed by tbc Free State legislature on tin*
4 ; h iusr, by a majority of 8000 v, t*.*s. YY'e
presume tins will put a settler " rne at temp:
to force a Gi iistiruii n upon a tree people
against tb**ir will, forever. What will Bueban
■iii arid hi Nnitiiern fire-eaters say to t Li-?
Dots this not rally show that 'lie majority
of the people ot Kansas have been Helupteil
IO bo deprived <*f their just rights?
G v. Pollock, M-'ssrs, Scbcll, ot the Senate,
an i (L.stt'.er, Hay and McClure of the House,
and I) J. Chapman, Esq , of Piiitadrlohia,
have our thanks f.,r early copies of the Got er
ror's Message.
By request, onr !' rrncr fcllow-citiz-u. Prof.
R. YY'EISEB, of Dcs Moines, I wa, will deliver
"n address to the Lutheran Church, on Satur
day evening next, on 4i T4e Origin and Digni
ty of the School "
YVe learn from the Cumberland Telegraph,
that the astounding result of t!i** investigation
of the books of the Mineral Bank by the Trus
tees. Messrs. Beall and Pear re, shows tho mis
application of one hundred and twenty two
thousand, seven hundred and sixty dollars,
(funds belonging to tho bank,) by its late Pres
ident, Joseph li. Tucker, who has'vamosed the
ranclie.' An affidavir covering these charges,
has been sworn to, and an attachment issued
thereupon ag iiust the personal effects of Mr.
Tucker. He i- alleged to have dr-iwn out the
money on fifteen several bids of excitant*-.-,
which have since mysteriously di-appere<i
Other indcl tedness, swelling the aggregate to
$150,000, lias nisi, been proved against, him,
and but for this defalcation, the hank would
hare been fully able to nay every dollar itowed
and had a handsome surplus in its coffers.
DEATH OP JOHN B. M'Pnr.r.soN, ESQ., — Tt
becomes our painful duty to announce the death,
ejtly this morning of our respected fellow-citi
zen, JOHN H. M PIIEUSON, Esq., Cashier of the
Bank of Gettysburg, a situation he has retained
ever sinco the establishment of that institution in
1812 —more than forty years. He was in his
69th year. His health has been feeble for a con
siderable lime, and he sauk gradually and peace
fully to his rest, leaving a reputation behind
hint, which is a pleasant inheritance to his
children. Of stern, unbending integrity, and
of exemplary moral character, warm in his
friendships, closely attentive and correct in all
his business transactions, few men have left us
who possessed more of the confi lence of the
community than did the deceased. YY'e have
been warm and intimate friends for many years,
and it becomes us not to let hi* departure pa*s
without fhis our slight tribute to his worth.—
Gettysburg Sentinel of Jan. 4, 1853.
rcfetr the reader to the advertisement of this
popular remedy. It is highly recommended by
till who have used it, and has effected wonder
ful results by its magnetic influence. YVe
know cf gentlemen in this country who have
bocu almost bald for years, and bavo had their
hair entirely restored to its former luxuriance
and beauty, by the use of YY'ood's Ilair Restor
ative.—Lagrange Bulletin.
For sale by Dr. Harry.—b.
yj"Billon* Cholic and Cramp in the Stom
ach can be relieved in 10 minutes, in every
case, by using from 5 to 30 drops of DU
For sale by B. F. Htrry, upd F. C. Reamer,
Bedford, William Lysioger, J. B. Furquhur, and
all country merchants.
DRAWN for February Term, 2d Monday,
(Bth day,) 1858 :
Jacob 11. Wright, Esq, (Forenoan,) St. Clair
Township; John Stonerook, M.. Woodberry;
Hugh Wilson, Southampton: Wnt. P. Scott, S.
Woodberry: John Snffler, Soakespring; Asa
Duval', Bioadtop; John Sarsoi, Bedford; I.')-
vi Evans, Monroe; David C. Poor, K Provi
dence; Thomas Leisure, Southampton; W in.
Bowles, Bedford Borough, John Eva us, Lon
denderrv: Henry ilershberger, Snakespring;
Martin Blaikburn, Jr., Napier; Jacob Evans,
Londonderry; John l'eighter, St Clair; llenrv
Miller, Cumb Valley; David Flock, Broadtop;
John Keagy, M. Woodberry; John L. liiil,
Juniata; George Smckev, Napier; Adaot lck
es, Union, Abraham S. 11 it obey, J'jniata;
Henry Kensinger, Liberty.
Philip Morgert, W. Providence Township;
Emanuel Ska for, Cole rain; Reuben Smith, do.:
Jacob Andrews, St. Clair; John VV. Scbebl"*y,
Bedford; Alex. Shoemaker, Harrison: Zich
ariab Koort'z, Bedford, Peter Mowry, Jr., Na
pier; John Long, Liberty; John 11. Barton,
E. Providence; David Solleuberger, S. W ood
be-ry; David Diehl, Monroe; Nathan Morton,
Hopewell; Thomas McOteary, St. (.'lair, Johu
Penne'l, Monroe; Abraham McClelland, Cole
raiu; John Conrad, Union; George S. MnlUu,
Nagier; James Mm-iituore, Harrison; Y\ illiatn
Colvin, Napier; James Allison, do., John
James, Union; VVut. Ritchcy, (of Michael,) E.
Providence; David F. Buck, S. Wondbem;
William O'Neal, Monroi; Adolphun Ake,
Union; John Alsip, Bedford Borough; Perry
Morgan, Culcrain; Frederick Siigei, Cumb.
Va11• v; Gideon B. Martin, E. I'tovidciice;
Solotti 'ti Nvcutji, do., John Hi.i k, Cumb. V;.l-
Ipy; Alexander Kichelberger, Hopewell; Itcti
rv Hand, E. Providence: William Sellars, Bed
ford; David Esbleiuati, E. Providence: Ad am
Weaver'ing, West io.; George Potter, M.
Certified at tiro Commissioners' Office, the
19 h il-.y of November, A. D., 1857.
FLOUR. — Superfine 3 >ur of -IL vaiitir -s firm
at S* 50 per barrel, cash. Extra at from
$5,121 to S3 "5. llye F: >nr it §3 25 per
barrel. Corn Me.-l dull it §3.25 p.*r barrel.
WHEAT. — Prime red sl.lO per bushel, mid
white at §1.75 to 61 20, f..r good t" prime
C-rti—55.•57 for vrliito, m<l ets. for
vello'v. pi'fa'a R\e at < ) .77 cts. Pctitihi
Oi f s 35:36 ets. bushel.
I'll II.AH EL PUT A. Jan. 11; 1838.
Fl.OtJß.—Ext 1-1 flour at s'l 90.§5 per - bar
rel; fancy hr iti K $3 50 to sf 25 per barrel.
Rve'fl- 53.75 tier bairci, < or:i flour S3 per
bin e!. Wheat—Reds at 110 and 11 5 eta. and
whims, prime, 120alo0 ets. Rye, ,oots. —
Corn, white and rod, 60.i6'2 according to
dryne-s. O.t .'a. .• 3 > •*>.
On Thursday the 7tii insi., at the residence
of U> ' ini <=, •: iy A. 11. Hull, Esq.. Mr. TsiaO
F ither and Mi-a Ami Wetrz, both of I'DIOH
T P* •
w%r. .aremrirjtMMiiacssm'jiwaiwii ml H
In Friends Cove, on Snodny the 10th inst.,
Mrs. Rachel Rtifiler, wi •: of Mr. Hiram StifF
ler, aged 33 years, 5 months and 5 da vs.
"ITrKEUBAS the Ifonorall Fn wen M. Kiu
i Mr Li.. I'iesi :cnt of the sever;! C *urtofC'm
moti PI ain the counties composing the ibih Ju
dicial District, and Jv.stico of the Courts f Oyer
and Ti :m :o*r. and G-nerul J.til Delivery, tor the
nid of crpitiil afid other offenders in 'he
t riot—and A.J. SXIVI r.Y mid Joes G. IIAUTLKV.
Esquires, Judges ofth : CJU-TS ol C mimou Pleas
arid Justices tii'the Court of Oyer and Terminer,
it ltd General Jail I)-livery, for th.* is oil of .11 enpi
l.d and other otlcnders in the county of Bedford—
i have issued their precept and to me directed, fit
| lulling a C-r.rt of Common 11-is, mid General
l Jail DP h*. rv, and C out of Oyer and Terminer at
; Bedford on MONDAY the Hth day of February
: next. .NOTICE is hereby GIVEN TO U the Justices
of the Peace, the C uoner and Constabl. s witl in
i tiis said county cl B j'ifotd, tin: thy la! then and
: there in their proper persons, with their to''*, rec
| ords, and inquisition a, exaruinations an 1 other r•-
tncmiir.-tnreH, tc. do ilmse things which to their cili
ces and in tliat behalf appertain to be done, and
aLo they who will prosecute agiinst the prisoners
i fii it are or shi'd b. in the .1 id nf'ord county,
! to tie t?i;,*n anil the:, to prosecute agiinst them as
i shall no just.
WILLIAM S. FI.UCiv, ShvriiT.
I Jan. 15, 18S8.
i down tor trial at February Term, (21 Mon
day, Bth day.) 1858.
j George :\i ill' in vs J. S. Moriison's ailm'r,
J. S.Moriison's ad'.n'r George .\iullin
i Margaret Biddje " Henry Bailey et al,
Maria McEldowney <> .iamuil VVi'linns et al,
Conrad Ronni " Solomon Diehl,
Dr. G. \V. Anderson 41 David Over,
Peter J. I.itthj <• Jacoli Struck,"
E. A. Focklei < Joseph Hard ;ock ct al,
A. J. Snivel)' •' S-.muel Brown,
Santo " Willi nt Keeffj,
James Cessna •• Henry Miller et al,
Amos Willison •• Jesse Dicken,
John Bridabun Mary Ovler et al,
Klien Ponnell *• Abraiu Id. Criino et al,
Joseph Gotideu ' Daniel Motzgar ct al,
El'.zib- th Iv-'lly '• William Walsh,
D. I. Keigy's uso ♦ Peter Morningstar et a],
Jesse SI *i-k " Wilaam Sleek,
Ludwick Fisher's sd'r 44 John McCai.La,
Burgess Ac. Bed. Bor. •' S. M." Daicliy's heirs,
Sol nnori I'icken ct al 4 - Margaret Elliott,
T. A J. King 44 John G. Hartley,
Samuel Kfeigor 4 > William Woy,
Michael W heeling eta 1441 44 i'lii ip lloon et al,
John Bowser " Sanmel Whetstone.
SAM'I. 11. TATE, Pruih'y.
I'rothotiotary's Otheo,Jaii. 15. 1857.
Administrator's Notice.
"IyrOTICE is beroliy given, that the Register of
i.l Bedford County hath issued letters test mien
tary to the uubscsiber, on the Estate of Ann Fcigh
ter. Lite of St. Clttr Townsh'p, dce'd. All those
who know themselves indebted to said Estate wdl
please miF e payment imincdi itely, and those hav
ing claims against the same will plume present
them propeily authentic ited for settlement.
Ist mo. loth, 1858.
Notice 19 t'oiicdors of I'ojr Tax.
ALL Collectors of Poor T ix. inrl ding
1857. Hie liereby notified tosetll j up th* ii Du
plicates, and those who do not sq i irsup by ni Xi
F.-tiruiiy Ctiurt, excepting only the Colleitors for
1857, will It.iVe t< uiildo by the consequences.
By order of the Board of Poor Directors:
Jan. 15, D558.-ii.
BY virtue of *uudry writ* of Fi. Fa. to mo di
rected, there wilt bo ssld at the Court House,
in the Borough Of Bedford, on Monday the Bth
day of February, 1858, at 1 o'clock, I*. M., tht
following Real Estate, to wit:
One Truct of Land containing 250 acres, more
or lees, about o'> acres cleared and under fence,
with a two story Log House and log stable tberc
oii erected, adjoining lands of Joseph Her .man,
Philip Bnidct and ethers, situate io Monroe Tow.n
ship, Bedford County, and taken in execution as
the property of James Mountain.
Abo, one Tract of laud containing 132 seres,
more or less, about 18 acros cleared and under
fenao, with a tw o story Log House thereon erected,
adjoining lands of Samuel Weekly, John Zook,
Christian Long and others, situate in Broudtop
Township, Bedford County, aud taken n execu
tion as tho property of William Lowery.
Also, one Tract ol unimproved Land containing
21 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of George
W. Gump, Joseph So user, James Ferguson and
others, situate in Napier Township, Bedfoid Coun
ty, and taken in execution as the property o!
James Hughes.
Also, all defendant's, Samuel A. Slack's, right,
title, Interest and claim, in and to a Tract of Lund
containing IO'J acres, more or less, about 15 acres
cleared and uridet fence, adjoining lands of B. W.
Garrelson, Jacob Snider, auhn Wolf's hens. Hen
ry Hoover aud others, situate in St. Claii
si'ip, Bedford County, and taken i*i execution a
the property of Samuel A. Sleek.
Aino, one Lot of Ground, ii the Borough of
Stiellshurg, Iron tug i2O feet on Vine S tuft, and
t xteriding back about 200 feet to land of A. B.
Buau, with a story and a half Frirao House and
log stsl-le thereon erected, adjoining put-he road
on the Fast, and lot of Edward Guranger on the
West, and taken in execution as tiie property of
Mary Palmer.
Ala-, uisu Lot of Ground, in tho town of Hope
well, fronting 30 leet on Mifflin Street ndextend
ing hack 150 leet, with a two story I'lank House
and Mimke house thereon erected, adjoining lot of, Lowry Ac Co., ou the .\uh and ,oc ol
Henry K. Strong on the .south East—
A i>o, one Lot of Ground, ia the Town of Hope
well, fronting shout lot! leet on Wood Street and
extending, buck to mill race, ami lying three
square, with three two story rough cast Dwelling
Houses, blacksmith shop, shoemaker shop and
timt -r -lipp, liter, ou erected—
Also, all defendant's rtghs, title and interest it:
3d actus of unimproved coal lend, wninti vd in
the name of John L. Grove, a-ijoitiing linds of
John Cpa-n t. Esq., lie Hope, Veil, Coal ami LOil
Company, and otoors —
Also, one 'i'raci of ui.iuiproved bottom Land
known as the Adaiu Voting Tract, containing 2d
acres, more or less, --{joining .luteal* Riveron the
Noith, and lauds of John King's beits ou the East
aud Went—
Also, all defendant's, T.iom.ns TV. Gorton's,
rignt, title, interest- and claim, in and to one Tract
of Land, called BUCK Bottom, containing BFT acres,
more or less, at out -i aer JS tdaarc i and under fence,
W illi a story and a half i ImkHouse thereon creel
ed, a<'j lining litd* of William Fori ester on the
West, and the Juni t. HivCr ou tiio North, Flue!
autt South—
Also, :d! the defend mt's interest in and to three
Tracts <f unimproved C<al Lauds, warranted .11
tli< name of Thomas W. Ilort-m an l Jesse Grove,
containing in all eb mt 134 icres, more or less, ad
j imiig 1 viols of William Mont tout, ry, jjnw Jain
lltssn-i, E-'j. on tlo- N'ortli and West, and Imtls of Ford and others ou the South, and lands i f
W,lli -in Evans on the East, and all the .hove ile
sai->e 11 - ids siiu ite in B dtop Town -.hip, Bed
ford Coue'y. cxai-pt Buck Bottom, which is situate Township, Bedford County, arid taken
in execution as tho property of Tiiomis \V. Her
Also, all d-felnlatit's. liobcit Elliott's. mtcreSt
in ,I!. 1 to a Tract of Land, containing 2S'i acres,
more 1 -ss, ahoflt 2<i acres cleared and under
f , wii!i a Cabin House awl log bur.
thereon er Ct-d, adj. i ling lauds of Jacob (l ier.
Join (later anil others, situ..:- in Ci::nt eilaiid V 1-
ley Township, Bedfi . I G >uaty, and taken in exe
cution as t!w property of Robert Elliott.
Also, fine Tract of Land, containing 50 acres,
r. RE iss, -B >ut 20 ■< TCS • ! AR-d AND un-1 -r
with a C,bio llouse thereon < rooted, acl
-1 lining 1 mds of Alfred Kutrekih, John Sav ice and
oihi is, situate in Libertv T wuship, II j.lf>r 1 Coun
ty, and taken in execution as the property of Hen
ry Berkstresvtr. .
WILLIAM S. Fl.UClC. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Bedford, Jan. 15, 1858;
l LL persons interested, will t ike notice that rhe
J\_ loiiowii.g acc mutant* have settle I their ac
counts in tie- K- ; .ist -r's .-fflse cf B-dfoid County,
and that tin: -inie will be presented to the Orphans'
Court for c mflnmitkn, on Friliay the 12tH day of
February next, at toe (..unit House, in Beeiojd,
'I l;c account of James C inn 11, Administrator of
the Estate of E'.ias Kit/, Esq., lite of Monroe
Township, dee'd.
The fiuol account of jpavid Stoler, Administra
tor nt the Estate of Job . Stol.-r, lite ol Liberty
Township, dee'd.
Tin account of William Ovprak.-r, Adminisfra
torof tie; Estate of Thomas Overaker. late of Cole
rnin Township, d-c' I-
The account of Jonathan Snider, Administrator
of th ■ Estate ol -- phi 1 Snider, who was Adtum-
Mutri:: "f John Snider, lit: of .Monro.l Town
shin, dee'd.
Tii-;; account of Jonaihati Snider, AlmirdstratOF
of the Estate ol'Sophia Snider, late of Monroe
T twnship. dee'd.
The ac count ot' Simon Brumbaugh, Administra
tor of the i state of Davi 1 3alley, late ot .Middle
Uoodberry Township, dee'd.
Tho Guardianship account of John B. Alexan
der of (Veils Township, Faiton County, f ->r;u adv
Bioadtop Township, Bedford County Guard ia
of Catharine Ready, now inter married with Wil
liam Tookard, Mary Ann Ready. Rosinm Ready,
Gunge Ileadv -mi John Ready, minor children o(
Alexander Ready, late of slid Township, dee'd.
Tiie final account of John Kin tun, Administra
tor ot the Estate ol Elizabeth Kintoti, late ot the
Borough of Bedford, dee'd.
Tiie account of David Walter, Executor of the
last Will an i Testament of James A alter, lit: ol
Southampton Township, dee'd.
Tbearcoutof Jacob Dunkle, Administrator of
the E-tate of Susan Diutklc, late ol West Frovi
dettee Totvoiship, dee'd-
The account of .Mrs Charlotte L. llarnter, Ex
ecutrix ot' tiie last Will iitiri Testament of Elwood
ilurnier. dee'd, who was Administrator of the Es
tate of Thomas B. Miller, lite of tho Borough of
Bedford, due'd. *
The Guardianship account of Frederick Kaiiff
tnan, Guardian of David, George a';d Susanna
Keagy, late of Middle Wo xlberry Township, dee'd.
The account uf Francis Jordan. Esq., Adminis
trator of the Estate of Samuel Cromwell, iaio of
Bedford Borough, dee'd.
The account of Gideon Hitchew, Adminisira
tor ot tho Estate of Charles Z.uubrun, late ol
Juniatu Township, dee'd.
SAM'L 11. TATE, Register.
' Register's Uffice, Jn. 15, 1858.
THE partnership heretofore existing and tre
ding the tfrtn of Btrinlollar, Lowry kc Co..
and Everhart, As com Ik Co . has thisilay been dis
solved by tuutu il consent. The books Ate., are in
the hands of Barndollar Ac Everhart, who arc au
thorized to settle all accounts of the oM firm.
Hopcwel-l, diov. C, 1857.
TIIE subscribers take this method of informing
the public th t ftiey will continue the business o|
merchandising at the old stand, and hope by strict
attent on to business to receive u liberal share 01
public patronage.
We liivo remodeled the Hopewell Mill, nnd an*
now ready to grind all kinds of grain for which
the h'gnest price will he paid.
Hopewell, Nov. 6, 1857.
Bedford County, ss.
AT an Orphans' Court held at Bedford, in and
for the County of Bedford, on the 16th day of
November, A. D., 1857, before the Judges of the
said Court—
The petition of Fa. JORDAN, EJQ., one of the
Executors of Philip Compiler, deceased was read
and filed, si tting forth that Letters Testamentary
were issued on the 18th of November, 1853, to
petitioner and Alexander Compiler, on the estate
of said deceased, that he tiled an account of his
administration, which was confirmed by this Court* j
showing a balance due petitioner of SIOO,IB. that I
no assets lnvo come to bis liands, that his '
co-Executor being residuaiy legatee, is the proper |
person to settle up said estate, and praying to be i
discharged his ottiee as Executor aforesaid—
\Vhereupon, On Motion of A. KINO, ESQ , the i
Court grants Kule upon the heirs and ail other j
persons interested in said estate to bo and appear 1
at an Orphans' Court to he held at Bedford, in
arid for said County, on the 2nd Monday, Bth day
of February, next, and show cause if any tbey
have, why the said Fr. Jordan, Esq., should not
be discharged pom bis office of Executor, as
By the Cou't..
hereunto set my hand and the seal
,£££*{ of said Court at Bedford, the 19th ■
day of November, A.1).. 18)7.
Jan. 8. 1858.
Bcdfuru County, si
VA an Orphans' Court hcl I at Bedford, in and
for the C"uuty of Bedford, on tlie 16th <lav
of November, A. L)., 1857, before the Judges of
the said Court—
The petition of Fa. JORDIN, ESQ., administrator
de bonis non of Richard E Bennett, iate of ilopc
weli Township, deceased, was read and fil d. set- !
ting forth, that as adininistritor, aforesaid, he filed ■
an iieei unt. whicii was confirmed t>y tiiis Court on
Ihe 15th of February, 1856, showing a balance of
51762.21) in his hands, that the said l'un i wis dis
tributes! by an Auditor, whose report was confirm
ed by this Court oil the Ist of September, 1856.
since which time lie his piid out the whole of said
balance according to said Auditor's Report and
the i-ecreo ol' the sail Court tuureiui. and praying
to bo discharged from his office as administrator,
as aforesaid— i
Whereupon, On Motion o' KINO. ESQ.. the
<'■•1111 grant a Kule upon the hi-irs of Richard E.
Bonnett, and unon all JNTSOBS ifitc.swted, to be
and upper at our iifcit Court and show cause if
any tin y hive, why th - sai l Fr. Jordan should
not N* discharge 1 from his ofSc ■ as administrator
l>y the Court.
'a unto set my hand and the seal o said
-aBMeST.) Court at Bedford, the 19i day of N<>-
a i-iuii.-r, A.!).. 18)7.
Jan. S. 1858.
Estate of William Lane, tiee'd.
4 T ttn Orphans' Court, held at Bedford, in and
aV for the County of 8 thor i, ou the 16th day
of A. 1)., 1857, injure the Judges of
the same Court—
The petition of Join Mower and S. L. Russell
Administrator* d 1 * bonis nun, cem testamento an
nexoof William L ine. 1 >te of said County, dec'd,
v...< mad a;id filed, si tting forth, that in pursa uee
of an order of this C nif t, th-y nude s te of til
the Beat Estate of the said d ••.hi, • far as they
then KNEW, and THE IUOO.-Y an DUG therefrom was
I applied tntiie payment ol the de als of mid dec'd,
i si, fir as the Mine were reach -d. that tli. y have
i lately been i?: t* •:sac 1 that the sail William Lsue
•jwuml a body ot unimproved wood lin i in Let
i terkenoy Township, Fratixlin County, adjoining
i Un ls < f Isaac Roscnbeiry, and others containing
| 2)00 acres or t tre ,bouts, C at debts t j a consid
erable anvjiinC nut'less th i'i '? 1,-0), against the
••statu of s iid dec mss i yet r mm: i uuoiid. jin-1
i raying the Court t> mi!; a J scree latlieneing
tlieni to raise, say $5,560, if possibje, from the
' said Real Estate in Franklin County.
Whereupon, o'. of S. L. Ecs-tnti,, " so.,
tiro Court grant a Rule upon. Ih- ha..,. an I all
pattica interested, t ■ iv at: I 'ppe-ir at an Or
phans' Cony. !■> hotdeu at 1> -dford, on the -tl
Monday, Bth \<y of Kenrunry. next, and show
cause, if any they hive, why a decree ijiould not
tie in idx ly the Colli', pursuant to the pray.-r "i
the petitioner ..
lit TTSTIMOXT WHEREO? I have here-
I unto si t nty hand and the seat of our
■ ■mmSXSfj said Court at Bedford, the 19th day
ol .November, A. D-. 18.57.
Dec. 18. 1857.-1
s£.% D FO£i IT.
"p!TF. most superbly illustrated Magazine ever
L pullished in America, is the -December nuw
tier of the COSMOPOLITAN* Anr .louilNAL. contain -
i:ig over sixty s/ilendi I Engraving*. and giving f hII
par'ictd trs of tin* liem-firs ol tiie Cqsniopt'ldau
Art Association, two dollars <1 y'.f ; si uric copies
fi/iy rents, Specimen copies will be sen!
persons who wish to subscribe on receipt of five
postage stumps, (15 cents.)
See ,1:1 i-ertisement he tied " tfrctli'int Prosper
tuj" in this paper. Address,
C. !.. DERBY. Actuary C. A A.,
Cj ib' Broadway, New-York.
Dec. 11, 1857.
Pianos, Melodious, i 'utes, Guitars, Brass
Horns, Clarionets, Drums, etc., of various manu
facture, a I'-Mys on ban 1. Bm is supplied itl city
wholesale rates. We Keep always on bunds full
assortment of -'ll the new and fashionable music,
which wo a ail at our etpensc to any part ol the
N. B. Music arranged to order.
March 7. H-57.
Take i\6tice
mil AT the subscribers have purchased of Henry
A Zirariiertttan. the following personal property,
t<> wit: one Bay 'tare, one Black Mare,one C < It,
and broal tread Wagon, which property we in
ton-1 leaving with him during our pleasure.
Pattonsville, Dec. 18, 1857.-c
a N* active ami well qualified salesman—onepos
jt\. waning the necessary qualifications—and can
living undoubted references, as to character, mer
cantile habits, Ate.—nny hear of a situation by ap
plication to the Editor of this paper—no inexperi
enced assistant need apply.
Jan. I, 1858.
' nnHE subscribers now have their hooks posted
JL for settlement, and c 11 upon all persons doing
business with them, to come forward and settle up
their accounts immediately . They hope this no
tice w II not tie passed unheeded, as this is the first
time for years of business, that a similar call has
been wale. One of fh- linn being HOW engaged
in other business, the business of the firm iiuperi
tively demands settlement. Hides of all kinds
will be taken in payment lor balances due.
Jan. I,lßsß—tf.
listnle of Joseph Hunt. dec ? d.
IETTEKS of Administration having V<-n g^nt-
J ed by the Register of Bedford County, to the
undersigned, upon the Estate of Joseph Hunt, late
of Cumberland Valley township, dec'il—all ]>ef
sons knowing themselves indebted to said deceased
aie hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having accounts or claims ngiinst said
Estate, to piescnt them properly authenticate-1 for
settlement —either to the undersigned Administra
trix, at the residence of the Jec'd. or to thc
uudersigned Administrator, residing in Bedford.
MARIA LT.VT. A ministratrix,
S. R A DEBAUCH Administrate*.
of the Estate oj Joseph Hunt, dec'.'
Jan. 1, 1858 —f.
BROil) MP C01l„
Til K subscribers *re row engaged in shipping
COAL fh>m t'-e ocleb'ated Kiddlesbarg Bank,
by Railroad to Hopewell, at us low price as can
be furnished by any other persons inthe country.
Persons desiring a good artid * will find it to
their advantage focal, on them, or on their agent.
T. M. Smith, at Hopewell.
Doc. 11. 1837.—Tm.
Administrator'!* Notice.
LETTERS oi Administration having been grant
ed to the subscriber upon the Estate ot Ab
raham Lingenfidter, !ate of Napier Township,
docM. all poisons kr.nwinz themselves indebted to
the estate are notified to make immediate payment,
and all persons hiving claims against the Estate
are requested to present tin same properly authen
ticated for settlement.
Dec. 11,1837—f. . Napier Township.,
IVrOTiCE is hereby given to the taxable inhahi
-1.1 tants of Bedford County, that an Appeal will
bell by the C mimisaiotiers, at the Commissioners'
Office, in the Borough of Bedford, on tac days
specified, to wit:
For the Townships ',f liopewell, St. Ciair, Un
ion, Middle and South Wood berry, on Monday the
11th day of January, next.
For the Townships of Broadtop, Liberty Mon
roe. East, and West Provi 'ence, and Snakespring,
on Tuesday the 12th day of January, iv*xt.
For the Townships of Cola ruin, Cumberland
Valley, Harrison, Londonderry, and Southamp
ton, on Wednesday the 13th day of J aniiary next.
F"r the Townships of Bedfor<l, Juniata, Napier,
and the Boroaghs of Bedford and Scbellsburg, on
Thursday tiic 14th day of January, text.
When and where all persons or corporators, feel
ing themselves aggrieved at the enumeration and
valuation of their taxalle property and effects,
pursuant to the several Ads of Assembly, are re
peated to attend .:nd state theit crievuuces for re
dress according to law.
11. J. BR UN NEK,
H. Nicodmcs. Clerk.
Commissioners Oltice, 1
De-. 23. 1837. i
(M UMSI Klt Alt KAN'GEM K NT.—Huntingdon
0 and Broadtop It. It.. On -an 1 alter Mon
day. March 2 i, 18-37, two passenger trains a
hay each way, (except Sunday.) will run be
tween Hopewell and Huntingdon.
Leaves Hopewell r.t 12 13 F. M.. and C I<>
Arrives at Hop Weil at 9 49 A. M., and 340
P. M.
Connecting at Huntingdon with trains tor the
East and West on Pent a. K. K.
j Huntingdon, Feb. 2i. 1837.
NnUVGt ii & MIUH,
CHAMHERSarRfi, 1*4.,
Deai-rs t". Aliisic'atid Mu ic-1 Instrument*,
(tur stock consists of !•.>•-Its, Stationery, Mu.
-Jc, Musical Instruments, Wad pipers, Biimis,
t French, G.wuiiu an 1 American Lithographs
and slot ! engravings, gilt mouldings for frames,
j etc., etc., wholesale an 1 , r-tail. Dr. B. V.
Harry is our agent for Bedford, and all orders
: given him will !>: promptly attended to.
' M rrch 7, 1837.
!I iliniii'.ED IRON.
' jnilE subscribers would inform the public thai
jL .hey have leas •t. ft • Bedford Forge, hereto
fore carried on by John King <y Co.. iruate in
. Hopewell Township, wit fit tliey are uow tntriu
j facturiug, and are prepared to supply all orders
lor every description of himnter:d Iron, oti
' the shortest notice, -t.d mosi liberal terms. Their
| Iron may !><• rulied upon .s 1 it'_ of tbs best
'quality. AH kinds of country produc-, and all
; Kinds o.' wrought Iron icraps. taken at the high
• est market prices. PIPER tj- SCOTT.
1 Nov. 117. 18-37._tf.
Juit Publish. e;I, (Iratii, thefHth Thousand.
ment, without .Medicine, ot'Spermatorrhea or Local
vV eakneSs, ,N octurtctl Emissions, Genital and A'eiv
ot;s Debility, Premature Decay of the System, Ira
potoncv. and Impediments, to Marriagefini-dlv.
by 3. i>i: LaN'EY. M. [).
The iinjH>itant fact that the many idirming
comp'aints', < nginatihg tlis imprudence and solitude
■if \ outh,:>uy in! easily removed WITHOUT MED
ICINE, i-t ir. this small trot, Oailydemonstrated;
and the entirely new a..d highly successful trwsi
nicnt, *s adopted by the Author, fully cspldncd.
by means ot which eery one is enabled to euro HIM*
SELF perfectly and at the least possible cost,
thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the
day. ,
Sent to any address, gratis and post tree in 4
scaled envelope, bv remitting two postage ai.nnjut
to Dr. DE LANEY, 1". Lispennrd Street, New
Oov. 13, 1837.
NOS. '3 A 4 CUBSTXLV >'treel, (south sids,
bthw Wiiur.) PHILADELPHIJi.
14 AN UF AC TITHE KS and Wholesale deal
.iXM. ersm Fate lit Medicine, mads h HpVJttS,
Faient (-/roved CEDAR-WARE, Wdrranttd
not to shrink, WOOD and W r ILLOW-W jtRR,
CORDS, lillCS HES, &c., of all descriptions
Please call and examine our stock.
Feb. 127, 1857.-zz.
WIX DdllL ur w IXOilll LLS! I
THE subscriber would respectfully inform <his
101 l customers, as well as the public generally.
! that lie still continues the manufactory of
I WINDMILLS, and keeps them on band cot
! stantly. Ho will also do all kiuds of repairing
jin I)i3 line of business. As his mills arc well
! know i in Bedford county, he deems it unneces
i snrv to sty anything about them. His siiop is
ias formerly, at the East end or Bedford, on Pitt
' Street, near the Foundry.
| Aug. 21, 1857.-Sm.
('Woodland Cream" — .i I'out ad t for fceuutt
fying the Hair.— highly perfumed, superior to
any French article imported, and for half the
i price. For dressing Ladies' Hair it has do
equal, giving it a bright glossy appearance—
' It causes Gentlemen's Hair to curl in the lpost
; natural manner. It removes dandruff, nVways
i giving the Hair the appearance of being fresh
; shampooed. Price only fifty cents. None
i genuine unless signed
FKTKIDGE $ CO.. Proprietors of the
*•Rtilm of a Thottsiaisd Ehnctrs."
For sale hy all Druggists. f!27eow.
\1 FXL Land BLIND PAPER.—Dr. B. F.
W Harry is our agent for this necessary
article. By calling at his store, our patrons
will see samples of our papers. We havenia io
our spring selection? with much carc, and thin*,
we cannot fail to please. .
i LETTERS of Administration having been
granted to the subscriber, living in St. Clair
Township on the estate of Catharine Oldham,
late of *"ld township, dee'd, ail persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate are here*
by notified to make payment immediately, and
, I those having claims against the same will pre-
S sent them J roperly authenticated for scttlo
! j Adm'r
i Oct. 16, 1837.