Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, January 01, 1858, Image 3

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i:<: 3 #i'ifit, Jan. l. i5
D. OVER Editor and Proprlet#r-
IjfSiftton of Terms!
Wo h'ivo .iking'." I the forms of the Bedford,
IfQCrUEIt, f|o:n this unto, to r>j ;<ri
jj.ifO, if paid ia advance. If pa-m -nt l> ■
undo w;*!.?a t*i i year, $2.00 will bo cMged.
If delay."! iinii! afj'M' th-j yoor expires, §2.50 i
will hochir;: !■ Th -so terms will U? fgiu'y
a !h.or(l ; , , :[ i-os.
All snDsfr.:i;s<aH p>i! between th*-. d.'c 1
nu-> lAibrrsr.' ourt, on -be new ye.!*, %-A b
considere.ll advance.
V ! <n, t'ici, fi ion J- - , and aub--*r|o i* ;
the INQUIRE there is nearly a mi:, ath
< .I'Vity but can afford jU fake a Countf pay r
at ihuv: l-tw ratf*.
F.i nil our oi l sub-.';v! j are in -*' t?d
to U" for over one year's sbhsiv ipibm, a e wiF
fettle off •' *ho rate of $2.00 per t*u:n, i:
paid until I'-'brnary Court. After thitf t:ir.
•s2.s'j ill i>" • harged.
Dec. 4, lb's7.
To :ny one raisin-* its a Cfnb of jfrt #?•
$-,'><cr:!)rs, *<h in advance, $7.50, v - will i
*>n i one copy ofoor prp ~r, one year, r rut is.
To any "Oe r;.<•*.. •. . eiu'" of frn nexe s* '•
sin'bfn, e-;*h in adv>nee. sls, w.- wfi • .
o:.C copy ttf our juipci, two year*, grativ. TK .i
proportionable 1 i ..." tor larger tlcb*. ,
Come on, friend", un.v is :I-t linn-, these • long I
winter evening", and on icr > ur reda-:- .1 tirms,
to raise n* a large number of new fub.--. ri ers.
Wo advise ]J i i want -fa ; <p'r, tn-fri
j-erihe for :U V - Uis.ijford IxQiimiß.
Wo wril furnish 1 1 eteusox' s MAOA2lSßatid
t,e Bf.DFo.tu Ixqeiheu, both, orio year, for
$5.00 in aiiverce.
I i the 0 >r.- it •is an ar ; iule atsribu: tig
to. pr'-.-ent bard lit- .... to the banks. Tbb is <
:.e ii-..sgi; of that < ' F. d?r:i"ist, James 1U- '
'rhaii;. -, m !.;< late to ig, a'.i*. the small ry
L'.. < f.aro presses il.i., ;;aout the conotrv must'
reiterate the assetti v.. J'nt s.-n:': t!-< :...i .
V. bilst tiny arc d .irtg l! t'.iu IJuci. nan te
<. ui-.c-tid - the issue u' fu-snty millions of s.'ii i
plaster.i in the -brrs . f Troasnrv cotes, a:.<]
the Loci f co Coogre-s i.r.a passed tbe bill! — {
Hew i-idi-.'-.tlo'js th.- i-ica, li-si ;b. y arc.'fppcs 1 •
to paper enrroe:* '. r t' !?;• Giz- 'f? wil' look t
us mvii advertising c iun ns, i? will s re there i j
Notice ; an application will bo made bv ti : ;
n.xt I.egi.-luture x r the . arter :t a liank rf
t.-swe, in lie..bird, with n ccrdtal of $250,000,!
witu the j'tiviiceo < f ir.cicasing th- snii-.e te
S4lu. : ,o( ! L', w: 1 the names of three of tbe lead- j
log li.cori.eoK • f the place itre nttaciied to ti*c '
s<une ! \\ e si.on Id think if thov tire so oppo
sed to paper .< m y 'hcv would net i.-aue S2O.- i
000,0u0 I.f tiows i.y the nutiona] government
r.r.d !,:s, tin:, tvitheui otic dollar in the Treas
ury If. <*eiic£tn tbeut with, t -in favor the is
sue of more State bank p.per. But this ts not
the cause of the present bard times. It is the '
U.itisli Free ihaJeT riff of 1846. The pro
ducts of the country ore not sufli-iently pro- j
looted—we buy nmrc than wu se'l—au-J when
we pass a Tariff sufficiently protective to change i
this result, times will get better. To this v.e
will have to come at last, and when tbe L >co
foco administration adopts this old Whig pria
">nlc :ts they i-.ave of the National Bank, as
proved by tbe recent act of Congress, issuing !
$20,00(1,000 of Treasury notes, there will i.e
qui'.) a change for the better, and laborers wi'.J
gel employment at fair prices, instead of being
una! ic to get work a! any price, even ten cents ,
a day, under Buchanan's administration.
Congress, after btin" in session about three
weciis, pasted two bills, and before Christina* ,
v'.j lurned over for two weeks to spend the
llolliiays, anil irst from their labors. One of 1
tbe bills i, in ti !2 sii a p C l; f a Joint Resolution, ;
Jtituorizißg each luem'ier to draw out of the .
Treasury f.rrtbwt b out $2,000 of pay,
instead of waiting J. jr ii unt il liie tU j of !
Kessinn, us the U f directs. This grand dcmc
cat : f aanci .1 sehetra causing a "raw on the •
IriMsory , f aD— half a tn-lUon dollars, and 1
there not c-cLg ts ncy enou-h to , meet it, an - :
other bII w;.s * ac-ed autbor : ziog ) S . Uu 0 f
TVexty MIII-IONb of shinjtlasters jr. Lite name
oi i reasnry cotes, t" pay (iff the members, and
enable the Treasury to meet other demands
against it. These arc thef fruits of a three-;
woCfc.-' session of a Locofoco Congress. It is a
great pty they did not, adjourn sine die, go
bopie, tnd i|u t. Hurra for slioin detnoeraey,
locofucct economy, rr'renchment and rciVm,!
ana tbe hard money, gold jutd silver sbia-pius- i
lers ot great l>'ic.:nan admini Iraiion.
PiSTUtUfTioj? OF Paiziis.—On Christraapjl
Day the Jbstiibution of nrieOs of fbe MIE. j
Sunday l-chool came- off. During tp a y ear j
there ha* been committed by the Scholars tbe j
large, number of 87,375 verses .of Scripture, j
■i-j, y i, of t.ictij by.-..m 0 toy. scholars. Ev
erytbiftg passed off well, ,nod the scholars <vere
delighted with their prizes.
I Tl<'! f K'.ibitton in ;bs Court il■'ti~* in
j Chrisutiut wis uae of rite Lest of t uu kind
that has over 1531110 off ii; this place. The
speaking was cxc Lent,the scriptural repre
sentations of "Joseph ami Lis brethicn,'* and
"David ami Goliah," could not have boon pr
fonred better, and the scriptural scenes and
oth -r piiiti!!•, shown by the idagia lyir.jrn.
were splendid. The wind* affair was gotten on
j untie. the management of Messrs. Vv in. and
f Samuel Sin* k, . n l speaks well for their taste ;
! and abtli;y in such things. The Court House j
! was crowded,, tinny being unable to get in, am
| all expressed the pre-nest delight at ; t:r
--: formacccs. Tl.e ..■ ds are t<> be applied t
' tl:e purchase of a iir.: :y for the M. id. S
I School. ~<■ • j
On fur jk-X? tight He exhibition was repeat- 1
*'< i for the benefit of the poor of this phieo.
Tint Gazette Is doing aii in its power to keep S
itj readers iti the dark on tint affairs <>f Kansas. I
it w1 iI not l"t, its r id >rs see the troth. Wit* i
1 does it unt puidish the whole of the letter of I
Gov. \V!-.]?:•, rokgni the oSI-e of Governor j
f Kansas? Why dues i* nor. rnhli-h tf ;
speeches oWseph.-n A. DougU;, the author of j
i the Ivaitsas-A'ebr.-vs'; ; ill, on the same suh j
joct'? And why does'it not pubii.ih any of the I
•.".Utorials o; Joiia Vv". Forney, in regard to the |
; affairsnf Kansas' Arc //try not suffioionth |
Democrat!.; to let their views be known to t! j
people? YV.ttr party tViruds, Mr. G'2>H>,
want light on f :T great fossarion Which is n r j
agitating the conn try, arid y.a refusa to gi j
llnftn '.he views of you- own Do ;
• u tore darkness r i'h-r tha i light, because j
your coeds are evil?
t i
I t7. A fir occurred n:i < hri>tni is mora
ine, ai.out 12 j o'clock, at tha </
! G so* I?. Key, iee'd, 1 Hopewell Tp. t in this
j t'oiujty. Tho family had votir-'i, as usual,
about ten o'clock a the night tf the fire, and j
. \-i■'■ u <-> " veto 1 tho kiteis • i v-,* in flames.— •
The family h .) scarcely time to aaike t.ieir e- i
I c:p, lis fi tor f:ii in less than hve minutes !
' after the Ore ra d:> .-ovcrcd. All t: * hcue
--• hud furniture, and U their clothing con
sumed. The family, consisting of twelve per
sons, ac .i a neighbor's son, sc.iua of Tunu young
; children and f'-oml-s, esci; d with o:;1y their j
night clothes. They had to walk ] a
quarter of a ni ic to the next neighbor's l;-.ii t ■.
The Jons is supposed to be vout 34,000.
LUTHERAN SosnAV SctlOOT,. — A fv ob'e
j and interesting Address w;s ieliv r-1 before
the sdwlitHof the Luther- *1 Suod v School on
i Christnias meriting, by the Rev. Mr. Knakle
of _S-.thel]sbnrg. A large uu üb.-r o.T
'.'"i-c . Were committed through th y ear.—
Many very nice prize bor.ka were distributed to
; the scholars, and everything passed oil pi as
j A happy New Year, patrons of the ISQtri-
J \\ jr;| \
Ir.'er froLi Steals —Vrocccdings cf
Ssic Hinwi'.H LcgiJaiurc.
* St. Lons, D:O. 24.—The St. L • tis DEMO
crat ha- further Kansas advices. Tiie.Leu ;
j tore lias passed an not repealing the law anihor
-1 zing t;.:: (lonstitutional Convention.
i lih'uin law h-iH het-n passed by the Leg
ist. iture over the veto of acting Governor Stau
ton, and General L iue baa Leon appointed with
eight Brigadiers, and a full military nrgantzi-
{second dispatch.)
Lecomptox, K. T., Doc. 27, 1857.— The
I Legislature have adjounod. Tiu?y pav-ed laws
to submit the Leuoiuplon Constinitij.i to a fair
vote; a iniiitia law; a law to punis'u frauds at
| elections; and resolutions for the Topeba ar.d
• ga:ust ilie Leeomptnu Coustituticc re pes -
j cd.
The new Governor, Gen Denver, is at Litv
War hns broken out in the south part of the
' Territory. Several men have been killed. A
requisition has 1 een made on Secretary Stantou
. for troops.
The Lccouipton Ccnstitu'ion is to he submit
ted to 1 fie vote of the people of the Territory on
th" sth January, in three forms, viz: First—
Constitution with Slavery; Second—Oonsritu
-1 tion without Slavery; Third—Against the Con
: st-tution.
St. JlOUIS, Dc. 2b.— ihe St. Louis Demo
crat publishes a Kansas letter thiseveni tg,>hnw
iug an increase in the excitement, with lighting
and bloodshed.
I <)\\ the evening of tho 16rh instant, a battle
was fought at Burt Scott, between the F re e
: S'atc and Pro-Slavery me . in w'. hili live of the
I r'tcr wcro kiiicd, inelndiog Blake Little, a
J tustiiber of liie Lecouipton Coastitutiotmi Coti
ventimi. Many were wounded oti bo;h sides,
including t verity-three free State men.
Tho'origin of the ililii By was he opnear
•".ncy of Clark, the uptorioits nmr ) er of B.r
her, two year., since, in company with the Sher
iff's efficbr, attempting to eolieci taxes of the
Free Statu men, nt;d se : ztng property in liefauk
: ' f payment, making tho prosecution under the
rebel lion law.
Great excitement existed among the MLs
souriatts ca the border, w!i" had assembled in
strong numbers, ar;u more fighting was m.iiei
' " ' '■ -
Forney of tho Pre.>. ,'hinks that wlien such
men as "Stephen A lXittgliS arc radno ■by
cr Democrats it is time foi National Dciu
"oCVats to pause!" This may be so—hutwli rt
will their "pausing" amount to ? "Southern
Democrat*" will have their way at all huzu Is.
— We notice that a paper in Northampton
•ottnty has put up the name of Prof. Morse', foi
President, in 18C0. The editor's most probu
ble object is to gain notoriety for Lis paper
£*, v *■' "Oli J* $/ J? £"l@ff C If"/ -r ' v '>.
* * 16 J£%
Vr.r the Bei/Mitquirfr.
CO SI MUX S'dl lU'.s, VI '
T/. vcai.ii a Oi.avifiCAi'i..—County ipei iut ••!-,-
d'At* nr.: fmiiisund with tw-< is <J rtiiicui
TtueJur't ;■ t '\ac„er'.. Pr-jc 1 i.y
first kind is irttc'i.h'd. toHtaiT good l o County
: troia year to year without iwx.uui on. Th",*
' hew edition, issued in October last. u -ended to
ffttper.xrda the md one, which has beau tilled and :
c.-i nr. <t hJMfr •> I any 1 <i;g<?r. A;>; 1; .*. for t-v
cor .it.*.,: w*u not Ui •* iy it f:iuj i .
in qualification*, out t > lie woR Mill, i !!.o ?.'
of ,<u-iuaa also. Tins pu Y. >•::>;
! teachers. therefore, c.inaot obtain it, t iie mv, j
; pi-oven their anility to tuscb. t his lis vary j
i scarce ai Uie county. Most of thus; icd here- |
I totbre. liav • t;on substituted oy th, jvjsional j
' otic. And those . dill hoi ling i.te old fassional :
one cm b- employed no too. .• upon it cense. j
The s*—orni idnd H ve thai to IC.HV'A q lie it. O, is j
j nnuk .*<l upon tin* face of :r ..y nuini.-. No. 1, j
.xasiiies f':-j t; I'., Girt: ' r .lt!■ A.j'.y,: "
. i ery Peart Wi. ui a teacher is vet*;, .1 n, a i
pariicuhr tir-ißcli be receives No. i. ea tic is !
a Itttie k'.vs tii.i.i very good, ho rwo-iv; *,... g. _ ■
Nos. 3, 4 and J. arc considered rain .-aciont. •
The mun tiers are giver, according to tb. igiuent j
of the .SilverHiajudant. Errors, of < .>are !
■pauiiiet httE wiwn tfasy 4t obittr, ;;i • I
lean lo the ai le of tuc teacher; hut a id any I
one think tin*, error is against lii sejoi.d !
hearing wili be grouted llj.oa uppitc ,i w ill a I
proper cxpl in .lion; hut iiotwitUstuudii (.lur, ji |
has boon discovered th it two .ji .era. a j having I
b.-eu favored by tb.* supetintend n ,sjciw eiasco
tiie numbers they rut-civ ei ami pat iiul a Cll as th.-.r convent -nee tietter. w'bi.sfcs is lo
i.c regretted, yet it i, setae satisfictia .1 kuAv, in the i a. d important cits*, k .ciiti
formed by iii i'iers t.i t us county, *1 twm.i
this sta'.un have bectt disc ./ere I. Too ilncaUs
iv a.v, ys i' v.* i on .•*,'/ it paper, ami wilcftay sry
iiinrrcil about the pi ■. -j of tuo uu.iitiers, Idavt
t-rs always tin .a that sot net a big is vvraA\o. j. '
in ;• be given in one or tvo bi.. ;c, il|
o, it:: i, iii the rest. I', is liot a gtod ,j Hid;
'.ideate be not pis., :■".* i, win a U|t p, un i.t
i . for a Siho-zl. The d .ealurs gcuj y un-1
derstau'l this . ; .In not ailicie as:b till
tiiey are w - i s.uisti id.
A very good plan of grading th • cert id s has
iieen ai ip' -.l by most of the botrisiti the duty, i
The best receive t;ic highest v.* ges. l'l nJ'oi - !
nae siiouid be made so great mat every leuer, i
:ic!diiic a provisional cirtili; ite, would s/t liu i , j
improve hiuiseii'. in MHII.; disiricts, .SO. I.U ml !
Ibid employment; in utit-.-rs it is eni;d >ylfMn j
u c- Mty. No. 4 ami j ucuer La* ekovu 1
at al. I " i
it is conH ieutly expected Jbat, the tare at !
ho iii ectors i:t tin coua'y, will excltiloir !
teachers who atii a i t-Jia Couniv iiistiiute. I
iKNii id i
Oaaglau oh tEic fioi
ibe ♦ nsuingtiiu Cort carioii iout of • J a .
(iepemient gives the following vivid .!iy ;
of the "Li lie (.1 Miit* when tinder fnii l:o tray:
lie is very short in stature, but o [ i"*!i
phvsicui proportions, aside from this } ;t | as !
msteiniiy lo attract die attention „fa stiller.
A very largo hea l, connecte i witU brmtl-iuii
poweriuMs buii shohiers by a snort. full as*
a c!n-t saaicicu'ly roomy to contain the trigs
of a giant, and t pair nf short, ditwy.tijpj,
complete physical picture of fr ■
vri.oit, i, .v : except tin? br.- id \\ eb Jin
brow, 'no tnc d>- p wf, eav •voons 'Meslhi;j
sparkle i i glow, wh "i excite.t, !ik • fuirs'
in ps i,-*:rj.!ii it. it is the tremendous nib
power, *g,d in that jverpeiuaauiar pfeiice
ot a i oreutu i, auil scouring <at its tires | >tl ,
iis siiHilwvvy eye, that bus given him tin' |.a
i,it-ij.tit v.hica Im will car.*, to bis c,*>v
\\ baa UJWitcd 'ill ! i fd fl v.V of deliat,-,] i
hussive ' vol. -U'i si,*.'. S Wlfil tlx; ettllAjy
ot us ttioi._ht, nod ii;c linsjc iiniid 'i.onpH
un*il the nails indent tiie palm, o? else La
broail, open iinnd r -ceivcs the blow of its il 0
and itaiicisi-s two sentence w.:h as* •.rirt■ gl
- iiia sweat p mts frcui him profuse}v, i]
l us u;s ... ud or i- cb-ir off j;
shoul icrs by tn sc inini;c:it sinkos of tha hel
as the rain .-.i-. ; s arc shal'.on from the free
a storm. Add t, ihis a thick htuliy heud I
hair, and a tesibrss, uneasy fc-i*ng,
prevents his b ;ig at rest for five I'ousueutit
iiiii.olcs, and keeps him uiovitig from one p -iL
to atiotuor in the iicn.ilc (,' : a tuber, atid tu'
p'.cuf.; ot tiie "Little Giant i< complete.
a AIKK.t AND < is i. ih.NDRj.n ASD FIFTV Mrs Cap
icaKn Uy CiWiui.D>!tE pAi-Liiixa, or THE Cki
NEW YORK, Dec 26.—10 o'clock, I'. M. Tbt
stecnship Northu n Light has just arrived, wit!:
C.-il furui.t d ite.t to th 2 i inst.
i hu i orthcrn Light brings two millions in gold
iroiti CalirV>ru!:i,
Among tier pass ■ agers is General Walker, who
with one hundred and fifty of his men was captured
by Commodore !V:U:i:g, of ilia U. S. figate
tVtibish. The General is oa p ii-ole. The me#
were { oaced on norrd t!ie Utiiti'U abates slonp-of
wa..', N ar^°g:k .* to be convoyed t . Norfolk
i be. l ike and river sieaiecis on the San Juan
h iv.i b>*en ha.i'l ji over ta Jllassrs. dainisou Mor-
S"l. Time; steam vr*. had li.'en captured by (Ten.
aiker, but Were retaken by an expedition from
th ■ Wabash.
Fort C*'sti'.!o had also iicen captured by Gen.
>\ alker, r.-l a party ol fifty Am lie ins undet Col.
Anderson s;i: noi l possession of it as Weil as the
nvor e>a:i Juan. Anderson lus a supply of provis
iotii for three tuontbs, with six pieces of artiiicry
an-l an tibumltnca of ammunition.
Ceiji*. Ebgle. of tiie is a passenger on
hoard the Northern light, and is a bearer of des
p.Ucnos tr> VV tsl;i i-ton.
'The river steamer C. Morgan, adzed by Commo
dore Panlding, was put. in ch trgC of the American
Consul ,ti Greytown.
I n*; expeuitimi th t c*iptiirel G ,n . H'alkor :incl
his men consisted of 350 men, lai. de. from tao
frigate With tab.
Mari a* has been elected PresMant of Nicara
gua, r.ndho Is making active preparations lor an
cn-.'i-.wtjc war on Costa Rica, ile has sunt a force
of 100 m-a ag-iust C I. Anderson, for tko surprise
of recaj taring Fort Cmtdio.
1 ' Thnrs lay night, of l is-i, week, a woman
named March, ws burnt so t'adiv, by the ■>■-
plosion of a fluid lamp in Piiiln Je];.diia,tbat death
—Gon. Shblda and Henry M. Uice wili pro
bably bit elected U. S. feonators from Miniiesu
—(Joveraor Packer has selected Hon. Wil
liam M. Moisler, of Reading, as Snarotary i ;
the Couniionwualth. 1
The Speakers of the U. S. House of] ep
rcsentativr-s recicvos twelve thousand dollars
for e-eh Congress, he i?s his ni-ieage. Laeii
Sennt-ir and Representative gets six thousand
dollars for each Congress, and ini'e.age.
TUK members scats in th new House of Rep
resentatives at Wnsliiagto-i, cost seventy dol
iars npvoc, and tho desks ninety dollars apiece.
Iliflrr high price .for economical "Democrat"
to give in times like those.
S'IOGKJPiO.—In Cincinnati], thirteen of tl
y :ng lady teachers ia tim public sch wis, as
appeals from tho report of a very special com
mittee nppoin cd to examine minute' • into the
my teiies of the interesting sukj-c, have late
ly resigned in consequence of npproschiug nia
triiuoiiial alliances.
Fionr and grain remain unchanged in Calti
tuoro and Philadelphia, since our Ingt.
, riVK- -In our arivariiijiug colaum* is to tie
,<:U,oi an idvarruseioent of this popular restcra
. live. *,Vt know nothing of its inert! savo what
I wq i. it iuit. is sufficient, when
| wo *<o tacit testimonials of iis c£ica<-y a tbo
(■ !!->\v;i.g, which wo eiip from the Ottowa Free
' Vi a dec ,
-II .ving tiietl sueees,,ively HmiJry highly
; recommended 'hair tonics' on ottr own half <ic
nitiLd crown, we about lost ait confidence in
tiOMruitis of that sort, until a wVek ago we met
a distinguished politician of this State, whom
we had seen three years ago with ti,;n hair, and
as 'gray as a la*,' but now boasting as fine a
t head nt hair as one could wish. We demantjetl
j too s>- ret of his improved appearance, when !
; readily accounted tor it hv ascribing ir. to
i rite virtues of Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative.
; We shall try that next.—{Rock River Demo
' crat.—For sale by I>r. Harry.
I Wry art not in the habit of puffing Patent
j .Medicines, but. when such an article" as DO
! VALVS GALVANIC OIL, Which sustains
j In Jy what it claims, i presented to the odhlie
: we fee! no hesitancy i t speaking the h free
of charge, 'i he above mentioned medicine has i
ohtinacd i t itself 4 world-wide name, never to
go down with the common articles of the da-. !
It is one of the very bust remedies. u,r all '
lti"i's of piin, that can be produced. I : often 1
gives r< lief in 5 minutes.— Troy Blade.
For S'.- M- }}. F. Hirry. ; j' F. C- Kcamar.
BMI.-rd, u ; tr- Lvs;i ••-. J. g Farrpihir, an 1
all country more mints.
Civ* -v F wonl 1 i*:n *>s i* r*ii err, f hit i u-MV
supply of L IDI i Dress CAPS. CmiHXERs Bin -
I XEf-. CLOAKS. | n ,-. j1 ;r h ; t . rec..ii v.) i
I ;: ' t _.Vr. H. D. I'srou k <:■>.'* i' i i i'.'v?,"
Lwhie-t for cheapness ami iju.hty—a rr't u • sur •
■ passi d. C ill and HH: them
' VuiiTtinr- iv, th ult, by i',-n\ R. F
fin;pie, Mr. UuSSKhL M. TltOl T, of St. Cl;:r
ii., and Miss SvUAH Sir.V;;a, of Bedford ']'•!.
jl'lie young atti hippy couple have the i
tiißiks ot the printer for a nice wedding cake, |
bp i with a bright yciiow dollar. May
I t,,e V young lives now so Inpp ly blended 'o
i getter, par laid < t tut rjualiti -a of this b'liiti- :
! fnl and show naught but the bright \
si ie-Vnuy their pilgrimage through life be
■"lig i hi.ppy—an t when old Time with bis j
i scytndeofnos a lon • —may they be ready ♦> m
j.jov thtsfiiliaittes across the bright waters of i
. Jordan* blissful stream.
At t.p parsonage, in Friends Cove, on the
- ' ,!l a bv t'.e 11,-:. C. F. Hoffmeir, Mr.
-I AMKS feupr.K, formerly of Mifflin Co.. to
b a Ft'svs Btsc.WAV, of the cove.
Vbh ....1- • - •
4 N" activrViKl wed t'ualillcd s :leiinau—on-pos
—*• - s ' s!r 'g -I'ssary qualifications—and can
bring tin ruf.Teiicis, as to ch trader, tarr
a aii - habits, Vc.—may hear of a situation by a;- I
j I'dC ition to th. rof pi;k paper—no inexperi- .
; vneed ass'.stant a e tu.u iv.
j .bin. 1, 1868. .
rpi!s subscribe! a now have their books posted
i 4. tor settlement, node 11 upon aft person* doing j
business With tbetn, t i conic forward md settle up i
their accounts immediately. They hope this no
• lice tv II not be passe- > mtheedt d, as tins is the first
tint.: ' r ve is of iwisiness. that a sintimr call i.n#-
. eetn made. One >.f tl.>c firm HOW c:igiEc<l
oihcr business the business of ttia flrt-.i impera
tively dtftni'mbs settlcmcur. Hides of all kinds
will be taken in p..\ merit Ibr bal.ancas <!:!•>.
Jan.' 1. 1858.-tf.
Lit Ate of JtwjOi iiisiii. doe'd.
I- fiTEHS of A'ijßtnistrafiott having beer, grart
2. J ed by t'.to Jt-aiatcr of Bedford County, to the
und -r-l'iH-.1, upiia the Kstntoof Joseph Hunt.lite
• f Cumberland Vo l-y Township, dee.M—all pet
sons kftiiv.rg thvins- Ives indented t<> sai l dece iscd
ate li.njiby requested to in ike immediate pavmcur,
ind tin ;c baling accitti.'s or tl dins agiinst said
Kstiite to pie- nt t'e at properly authenticited f.-r
se.tkicti -:U — -ifh -r to iue m der-i-j! <■ 1 Admitiistra
r;x, u tbeldc rcse. :.e o of tit; dec hi. <>y to the
tmiers ti.ed AflßiiuLstrat< r. residing in Bcifot i.
t MARIA I'UXT. ji wmuir-ttris,
I S. RAOKbAUGII .ldminii!ridcr>,
of lh-'. Kstc'e of Jos yh Hunt, d*;'d.
IJ an. , 18oS--i.
Mite of WiULufi I— 3, t-Abu.
| i i Orph HIS' Court: held nt Bedford, in and
!'l the County of 11 ri, oil the ltitli day
ot Koi niier, A. it., ido7, before the Judg-* of
the sa: Court
fhe titj in of John Mower ami S. L. Russell
A iiniii rit.ns a-; honi* ntn. cum tcstamento an
nexe u iViiliun Line, lite of said County, d-cM,
wis i c and til- If s ttirig forth, that in pntsivtuc"
of tut t or of tins Court, they made sala of all
the Re; Estate of the said d. e'd, so far as they
thttu ki ,v, and the money aid ang tiiereirom w.s
applkt j the ]>aynieutof t!ic de'ots of s:iu dco'd,
so far ; the s.ioio were reached, that they have
lately en informed fhattiie said Wilii-im Lane
owned body of Quiniproved wood land in Lct
terkuu Township, Franklin County, adjoining
lands. Isaac Rosetibciry, and others cont diiiug
—OOO a sor there.-lxiuts, thai debts to a consid
erable Mount, not less than s•',t! >cb against tie'
estate siid deceased yet rentiin unptid. and
i ravin; lim Court to m ik ; a decree nutiior,£ing
them ( raise, say $3,600, if possible, irom the
s;ud Ri ! Estate in Frinkiin County,
IVlit upon, on niotiou of .3. 1.. UCSSKLL, ESQ.,
the C rt grant, R. Utile upon lit * heirs, and all
p.rth - uterestcd. t > if: and eppeir nt an Or
phans' Jourt, to be liolden :t Bedford, on the lid
Mon-la 8;h day of Foinuary, next, and show
Cause, auv i'-..-y i; .ve, wiiy < •: •free should not
■ -• m e by the 4'eurf, pursuant to the prayer of
the • e j,, .lor .
:&&& bv TumMORT WHEiiBOF I It ere
'V SgJ "nt > set toy hand and the sea" 01 our
trccvy' £> said Court at Bedford, the 19th day
ot \ u tuber, A. I>., 18.'7.
Dec. 8, 1867-1
si?Nn rtm IT
THE cost superbly illn<trat.-.l Magjyluo ever
pu' sh -! in Arueriea, is toe D.'eeiuber tium
iiortif S ,e CO*M. POLITVS ART JouaXAt.. contain
ing ovc xixi.i spUudid J2vgravingz . and giving full
particulars o the benefits cf the Cos-pop'ilitun
Art Asjiciatioii ttHlirx rt y> tr; si mil - qj'es
fifty '■eft, Specimen copies. will lie sent to nil
peraonslwho wish to subscribe ou receipt of live
postage stamps, (16 cents.)
Se 1 iiivertiseuient haded '•Brilliant Frts-'pec
/tn" in 'ins paper. Address,
C. L. DKItBY, Actuary 0. A. A.,
548 Broadway, New-York.
Dec. li 1867.
Pianos, Melodious, flutes, Guitrrs. Brass
Horns, Ol.iriorv't s. Drums, etc., of virions nini. i
facUtre, always on uan l. Bands supplied at city
whtlesctit raics. Wo kot-p always on hand a 101 l
assortment of all the new and faslripnable uiusic,
which wo .1! til at oar expense to auv part 01 the
lii. y. Music arranged to order.
Chamber sburg-
March 7, 1837
Tornpike Election.
,4 N Election for President and si* Managers of
' -P\- the Soiners.'i and Bcd'ord 'i onipik--' Road
Company. will he held t the house f Joshua
Palmer, in Somerset County, on the Ist Monday
1 of Jifnuary, next.
4 Dividend was deel iced on the 10th of Nov
■Pv. ember, lr.-t. of ono p;r cent*, to iio paid by
i Jacob Musser, Treasurer.
Dec. IS. 18.37-
Teacher's iiPuitm?.
Teacher's institute will be I tell at Bloody
Bun, beginning >w the 28'h of this month—
iho punutu I ntt n j time of ali the Teachers id
Eist an ! West t rovidonce, iloriroa, Col -r;< n.
; Hopewell, Broad Top, Liberty, Bedford, Middle
and soutn U oodburrv Townships, is requested I
; Dee. 18. 18)7.-b
Tate Notice
fpITAT the *nl.scn!ieis liav.- purchased of Heury
-- Zimmerman, the fufluwin-r pers .na! property. |
to wit: one Bay Mare, otto Black .'-ione Ctl.*, i
ami broc.l tread V agon, which property we in-'
tend leaving with him during our pleasure.
Pattonsviile, Dec. 18, 1857—c
CioMen 6*Hjzc.
One of the largest an I be. I liber ary papers r - f fkt day.
An imperial quarto, containing eight p#e*. or
forty columns ofchoi e re-ditoi matter each week.
.ind n tlift will In /•r-icnfrd to men subscriber im
mediately on reeeip! of :ht subscription money.
Each subscriber w/I! be entitled to ap. t north
from * 1 to sS>ft,Ott in Gold.
?. Copies for I year $5.00
10 > •• i ' !f>.oo
1 Ps.-k lit: containing SSOO in Gold.
10 Grid Pate-it L-.-ver English Hunt
ing Cased Watches, jr.O Each.
1-3 •< . 7;> .<
•' Gold Wctches 60 •*
Id •' •> • .. 50 ••
S' t> 1 adies • .. .. ;>a <
IJO ST.'ver ITuri'ingftscd Watches M >
•J)') -i W elch'-:. 10 to 20 "
>'■ Gold Vest and Guard and Fob
Ch this H, t„ 30 1
-3QOO G id Lockets 2 to 10
I Gel 1 Pings—Ear Drops—Broaches
Breast Pins—Studs—Cuff Pins
ftleeve Buttons, fee., ice Ito s]3 Each. !
Ilamerii -t,-ly oti receipt of the subscript;" n me- i
ney, the sunscribar's nme will la; entered upon j
• ur subscription book, opposite a number, and the |
gift 'corresponding with that number, will be f-.r- !
warded to his or her address by mail or express '
•18 ar, l *0 Mot, it's Buil lings.
N cw Yoru. :
Sne-lmtn Copies se.t free. I
iTP* Bills of ail Ike Banks taken th?7 toss current
; in the Slate, from trie nee they are sent Postage i
- stomps 'ire alto reck-ert.
I Dec. 10, 1837 t
Attention lliflemen!
. "K7"OU are hereby order* 1 t-> pirvl; at y >ur
X. usual place of training, on Friday the Bth
I day Wf January, 1858, at 10 o'clock, A.M.. in
full winter ...-.dorm, {with pompoun.) An appeal
will be Held i rone-.lately after parade. A : ull
tnrti ont is desired.
By order of the Captain.
i Xiec. 11. 1857.
F HEREBY caution all prisons ft om pnrcV.siu.g a
.2. Note given by me to Joshua Ilix'! George
Pit-Ms of Fulton County, dated Xoreml .r 21th
i? 57, for the sum f SIC, as I lav..* never re> -iv
e i value for t r- same, tin i wilt not p y it unless j
compelled l>v law.
1 D'. 11.1837.-c*
4 LL Collectors previous to the year 1837. are
XX. hereby notified to settle and square up T heir
duplicates on or before the Ist day of January,
next. Those delinquents after that day will be
proceeded ag linst irnm* iiately without respect to
persons. Pressing circumstances render this course
in jurative.
C -dectois of 1""7 are a'so required to pay-in
.is mucii as pesdijij by that time.
By order of the Comniissicners.
, C •mmtssioaers' Office, Dec. 11. 18-37.
j ryiHE subscribers are row engage-! in shipping
tl CO AL from t'm Cileb- a ted if bldla.sbnr t Bank.
1 by Railroad to Hopewell, ;.t as 10-v price as call
! Le film idled by any other persons in the country.
Persons desiring a yotnl article wj(l fin i it to
i their advantigo toe.!: on theai, or on their agent.
; T. M. Smith, at Ilnpew 1.
' Dec. 11. 1557.-3 m.
Aduiinlslrator's Aotitte
lETTEUS ot Administration havi-<g been grant-
J ed to the suliscriiwr upon tin Estutn of Ah
ruiiani Lingoni'elter, late of N ipi.rr Township,
dee'd. all pet sons knowing th-unsi-lves indebted to
ttic estate are notified to make immediate payment,
and ali persons having cl.ii-ns agiiusi the Estite
are requested r< present tha same properly authen
ticated for setll -nieio.
Dec. 11.18,37.-f. Napier Township.
"TV]"OTiCE is licroby given to the taxshie inhabi
il t.itiis of Bedford County, that an Appeal will
bcl I by tin: C imtnissionera, t the Commissioners'
t-tlice. in t ie Borough of Bedford, on toe <J iys
t" v >ib
For tilt! Townsliips of Hopcvrelf, St. C ur, Un
ieii. Mid !!-J and South Woodberry, on Monday the
11th dry of January, next.
For tiie Townships of Broadtop, Liberty Men
roe. East ami West Provi'eneo, and Snaki.-spring.
O.i Tuesday the Pith day of January, next.
For ti>e Townships of C'ol-r. in, Cumbevlind
Valley. Harrison, Londond -try, and Sout inmn
ton, on Wednesday the 18th diy of January next.
For the Townships ef Bedford, Juniata, Napier,
and the Boroaghs of Bedford and Sclusllsburg, on
Thursday tli. iltli liy of January, uext.
AVuon and where alt m-i-sons nr corporitors, feci
ina Uu-iuselves aggricv- i nt the cnniconiiiou .. id
viduvlio# of t'.sir taxable property and etf.-ets.
piusiiant to Idle several Acts of Assembly, are re
qest Jil to atl id --.n I statu then rrievauces for re
dress according to k\v.
H. J- BR UN Mi if,
H. NicrvjiEMrs, C!e:k.
Commissioners t )fficc, I
Dee. 25, 18)7. 1
ALfi pe-o are hereby notified that my
wife, Sophu O'Neal, has ieft my house, with
out any just cause, and that J ana determiner
not to pry any debts sne may cent mot, audi
beroby warn ull persons not t-> trust her on my
West Providenca Tp., Nov. 20, 13-57.
> Ji Brneroleit/. Institution. established by special en
dowment for the relief of the sick and dis
tressed, njjlirtid with Virulent end
Epidemic diseases.
f jPff? all persona afflicted with Sexual Diseases,
oi SELF ABUSE, Ac., Ac. ■*
i be HOV 1 Ri> ASS;CI \TION, in view of the
awful tJeiitrnetkni of human lite, caused by Sexual
diseases, and tie." iWeption* practise 1 upon the
\ ttTifWiuOits r'trihn> i>i buua by^Quu^ki,
| several year . a§w directed their CvuwiUing Sur
| goon yj i CHARITABLE ACT worthy ..of tk-ir
name, to ope - a Dtspon-ary jor ri„- treatment of
| this class of diseases, in all their forms and to
j give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all who
j apply by letter, with a description of their eondi
| tion, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and jit
east s.,f\;:a poverty, to FURNISH MEDI
CINES TREE OF CHARGE. It Jo need less to
' add that the Association commands- the highest
Medical skfl of the age. and will furnish the moat
, approved modern treat merit.
i •• l)s. on .. review of the past, fr.i-i as
! their labors in this sphere of U-nevo
l'-nt effort, have been of great bet. fit to the afflict
ed. especially to tie young, and they have resolv
ed to devote themselves, with renewed Zeal, tc
this very important hut much despised csu.-e.
Just published by lire A-sociu'ion, a Report on
Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal WeakHbss, the Vice
of Onanism, or Self-Abuse, and oth
er Diseases of the Sexu tl Orguns. by the Consult
ing Surgeon, which u ;!i lie -sent by mail. (in a
sealed l it.' - envelope.) FREE OF CHARGE, on
receipt of TWO STAMPS for p..stage.
_ Address, tor Report or trejtmeut, Dr. GEORGE
U- CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon. Howard Ai
paciitiun, No. '1 South Ninth Stree!. I'hilidel
sb a. i'a. %
i By order of the Directors.
EZRA it. DEAR TU EEL, I'rtsilenl.
GEO. FUHCHILD, 'tertiary.
DEC. *l, ISIJ .-22.
LETTERS of adniiufstr ation on the Estate
"I. Gochcnour, late of Union Town
snip, dee'd, having been tiiis day granted to the
subscriber, residing in said township. ;.ll per
sons inneiite I to said estate are titer.-lure noti
fied to make payment immediately, and those
hiving claims against the estate wiil present
them duly authenticated f-r settlement.
DAVID goceknour,
Ncv. li?, 1837._•
S ititA^T•
rTllll. subscriber still continues his RELTAU
I lONak V. at his o'.u st. .*1 • in ihc Rising Sun
Building, in Uuiianna Street, where be will bo
pleased to see ail Lis oI,J tr ends and customers.
lie has fitted up :tu t> Y.-' I'KH KUO M . and will
keep on innd throughout the stason a full supply
' of the freslost and choicest OYSTERS the Balti
: more market will afford.
He keeps constant'! en band the choicest ar.d
j ever offered to the public. •
Also. Chambersluirg ALE and BE Ell. ronstant
| iy on hand, also CIDER and other drinks,
j Q~7~ Parties supplied, on the sho te<t notice,
1 with lee Creim, C oces and Confections.
| Having served a regular apprenticeship to the
, above business, and having been constantly engag
ed in i' for many years, he feels confident that ho
i can ren I'-T satisfaction to all who may favor bitn
with a visit. JOHN J. LUTHER,
j Bedford, Nov. 27, 1857.
-■ RT OODLA.VO UIIIMM" — .i Pomade for Itauii
: t/jn e t'tc Jjuir. —highly perfumed, superior to French article imported, and for half the
price. For dressing Ladies' Hair it has no
j equal, g-ving it a bright glossy appearance—
l! causes Gentlemen's Huirto curl m the most
j natural manner, it removes dandruff, always
j giving tho .iair the appearance of being fresh
; shampoo;.!. Prico only fifty cents. None
j genuine unless signed
FEl'fllDGE $ CO.. Proprietors of the
'• Jl 'Ln of a Thousand Ftoivers."
F.-r sal • bv all Druggists. f'27eowa.
THE partnership her olore existing and tra
ding under the tirm ol Barndollar, Lowry A Co.,
u-i Kverb ;rt, As.,co:n A Co., has this day been dis
| solved by uiutuil consent. The nooks Ke., afu iu
the hands of Barndollar A Evcrliart, who arc au
\ thoriz.-d to settle all accounts of the old firm.
Hopewell, Niv. 6, 1537.
i TITE subscribers take this method of informing
; tii public tn>t they will continue the business of
merchandising at toe old stand, and hope by strict
at tent on to .business to receive a liberal share of
public patronage.
U'e ljavc remodeled the flopeivcli MFI, and art*
nowreadv to grind all kinds of grain for which
1 the h ghest price will be paid.
B ARNDOI.T.AR 4* EVER HART. Nov. 0. 18-VJ.
O -J MM K R Aliii AN'GEMENT.—Huntingdon
O and in ) f.h ip U. 11., On and after Jion
day, March 21, 1857, two passenger trains a
day each way, (exc q.t Sunday,) •.will run be
tween Hopewell -and Huntingdon.
Loaves Hopewell st 12 15 P.M.. and 6 10
Arrives at ilopowc'l at 9 40 A. M., and 540
P. M.
Confronting at ITunii: glen with trains tot tbe
East and West on I'eni a. K. R.
HDnPngdon. Feb. 26, I*■ -57.
tsniii'ock & suiiij,
Coalers in .,!usicand .Musical Instruments.
Our stock consists of Hooks, Stationery, 31 -
sic. Musical Instruments, Wall pipers, BRmis.
Flench. German and American Lithograph
acd steel engr ivings, giit mouldings fyr frames,
etc., etc., wholesale an 1 r tail. Dr. B. F.
llarry is our agent fur Bedford, and all order*
given liim will be promptlv attended to.
March 7, 1857.
m} nc
LETTERS of Administration having l<eep
granted io the suliscribcr, I St. Ci.Jr
Township on the estate of .Catharine Oldham,
late <>f add township, dee'd, nil persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate are here
by notified t.> n. tke payment inin e l'gtelv, and
those luviug claims against 'be saute vaill pro
se.:. tuwa properly authenticated tor settle
ment. ,
Aiiin V.
Oct. Id, 1857.
i ycr's Ch-rry PecCqral, for the cure of Ccnghs
iV Co ; Is, fi"., an be had = t Br. llatry's Drug
rpilE subscribers would infirm the public that
I. they I. ve lease 1. the Bedford Forge, hereto
fore cairi: I on by John King $ ®v situate in
Hopewell Township, where they are now raanu
f .cturiug, and are prepared to supply nil orders
for every dwciiptton of •iimm. , r/d Iron, on
til© shortest notice, ~nd most liberal terms. 1 heir
Iron may be relied upon as being of the best
quality- AH kinds of country prodac , and all
kin Is o wrought Iron scraps, taken at the high
est market prices. TITER 4" isCOIT.
Nov. 27, 1857.-tf.