Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, January 01, 1858, Image 2

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Frank7eci's Filter.
The fullov.i.iir is a c py i f the original lelicr
frosu Benjamin Franklin noticed a few weeks
atgo as having come into *T possession of the
editor of the ftn-cnsbut'g Argus. The reader
wiil Jiscovo: by this'lercr, that the pilnter phi
losopher was an early advocate of the old Whig j
docrinc of Home Protection, and that he in his
day viewed the matter pretty much as the Tir
iff advocate of latter tiiues did. lie took high
grounds, and gave his views in the plain, simple
and forcible styletpeculias* to the man leavened
with a little wholesome advice for home con- j
"sumption. The arguments put forth by h'.tr
eighty-six years ago are just as applicable now
as then, ami are worth considering in these
times of National autl individual bankruptcy.—
T!ie letter was addressed to
\\ est Bradford,
Chester County.
1 July received your Favours of the
4;h of October and the 7th of November. It :
gave me Pleasure to hear, that tho' the Mer- I
chants had departed from their Agreement of
Non-Importation, the Spirit of Industry t;tt 1
Frugality was likely to continue among the Pec- i
fie. lam obliged to you for your Concern ou
my Account The Letters you mention gave
great offence here; but that was not at tended
with the itn media to ii! Consequences to my In
terest that seem to have boon hoped for by those
that sent copies of thein hither.
If our Country People would well consider, i
that all they save in refusing to purchase for
eign Gewgaws, & in making their own Apparel, ,
beingacply'il to the Improvement of their Plan- :
rations, would render those more pro6tahle, as i
yielding a greater Produce. I should hope they •
would persist resolutely in their present com-!
uiendable Industry uud'Frugality. And there :
is still a farther Consideration. The Colonies !
that produce Provision grow very last. But of j
tne Countries that take off those provisions, some i
do not increase at all, as the Europeau Nations
and others, as the West India Colonies, not in t
rhe same proportion. So that tho' the Demand !
it prt -eat may b -u'-Sc.ent, i; cannot long con
tiuu '\>. Every Ma- ufacturer encouraged io
•our Country, makes a part of a Market for
Provisions within ourst and saves so much j
Money to tit? Country as otherwise be ex
ported ta pay for the Manufactures ho supplies. j
Here in England it is well known and under- !
stood, that wher . vei a Manufacture is establish- 1
etl win Mi entplovs a Number of H'.ntls, it rais
es tho Value "f Lauds in the ueigbbotingCouu
try ail around it; partly by the greater Demand i
near at band for the Produce of Land, end '
partly fioni the Plenty of Money drawn by the
Manufactures to that Hart of the Oc'J'itrp. It .
teeiu therefore the Interest of alt out - Farmers j
and Owners of Lauds, to encourage our young
Manufactures in prcfeieoce to foreign ones im
ported among us from distant Countries.
I'm much obliged by your kind Present of cu
rious Seeds. i hey were welcome Gifts to sorno
of my FiienJs. 1 send you herewith some of
the new Barley lately introduced into this Couu
try, A now highly spoken of. I wish it may be j
found of Use with us.
I was the more rdeas'd to see in your letter
atbo Improvement of our paper, having had a 1
principal Share in establishing that Manufacture
among us many Years ago, by the encourage
ment I gave it.
If in anything I can strvo yoti here, it yviil
be a Pleasure to Your obliged Friend
and humble Servant,
The Washington .correspondent of the New
York Tribune, thus alludes to the debate in
i the Senate, on Monday last, between Messrs.
' Douglas and Bigler :
1 "It was snpposed from the result of the
contest two days ago, that Mr. Bigler would
jbo unwilling to measure swords agMn whit j
! Judge Douglas. Not so, however. He came!
I to tho Senate tiiis morning with a long written ;
j speech, full of "delegated authority," design
ed to extinguish the Senator from Illinois, by
; arraigning his consistency. Douglas retor'ed i
■' with great effect, admitting the charge, but ;
plating Duchittan in precisely 'he same cate- j
gory With himself. Ho then turned the tables, j
. and subjected bis accuser to the most torturing i
inquisition that was ever witnessed in that j
! hotly. On no former occasion has ho ever j
j appeared to the same advantage in seizing the !
i ooints, in pursuing them without turning aside, I
iin exposing the weakness of his adversary, '
j and in holding up the fr.ail pretences bv which i
. the Administration sought justification, to j
ndieulc and contempt. TTc den; jude-1 to
: know why this Lccnmpton test had been np 1 -
j plied, in subversion of all the principles of tho
j Nebraska bill—why V.c was ta be peaii out of
| 'tie party f.r differing with 'he President,
J when no one Senator agreed with all his ro
• commendations, and whv tho men were not
| proscribed who openly differed on other points
jof policv. Answering the allegation that, the
! Nebraska bill was an enabling act of itself, he ;
j said the Toombs hill was specially framed and
passed as a party measure, to promote the
election of Mr. Buchanan, because without it
or some other plausible mode to meet the
■ difficulties then existing, defeat was inevitable.
He said he could not. I j driven from the
Democratic party, and no power in or out of
j Congress was strong enough to expel him.—
j The independent democrat ie press, which did
i not live on patronage, was with him. and he
; could understand why that widen was fed by
the favor of He Admit■■istra'ion assaiio t him.
• ft was the inures! of certain parties to break
; him down in order to advance their own po
. litical fortunes, but bey would nut succeed in
! the attempt.
Altogether, the tope of- this -speech was
; bolde- an-i more assured than the former. It ;
kept Davis .m i Brown and otlieis b::-y in fug
i ge>rious to Bigler, who seemed t-i writhe nn- j
dor the las!) of the Little Giant as he expand
ed with the indignation of pent up feeling.—
j The g'ovo Is now thrown down in earnest, an i
j Jefferson Davis wtii in time take it up, with a
: full knowledge that many side shafts were
; flung at him to-day, entirely too pointed to
; escape general attention."'
llow Tttrr.!—'The following from the
; Ger.natttown Telegraph, an independent and
agricultural paper, is full of truth and point*
"Robert 13 Randolph, who grossly insulted
President Jackson by an assault upon his
person, in consequence of Lis name being
stricken from the navy roll for being concerned
!in a duel, and who was lately appointed to
office by the Secretary of War, has been allowed
jto res/gpi The Tennessee Congressional j
delegation waited upon the President, last,
week, in a body, and demanded ins removal,;
out of respect to the memory of Andrew J 'ck
son, and it. was instantly complied with. \\ e j
respect, the Tennesseans for this prompt aciim j
iin the matter; and wc may here as well add, j
: that this is tlm front the "Souh" usually puts j
l on when it is determine Ito carry a point.— !
[lad it been ihe "North" that played the part i
jof the "South," in Kansas matters, and been
guilty of the frauds and outrages upon the
sovereign rights of the people of that Tort itory j
the delegations of every Font Item Stat*; in the i
Union would Lave marched i;i a body to tire j
. Presidential mansion, am! demanded ou the
spot, instantly and without qualification ot
! equivocation, the recognition and guaranty of
1 the righ's of Kansas under tho organic law,
j with to • boldly proclaimed alternative of a
j Ji-solutioo of the Union. There can fce no
: errtldy doubt of such a movement, had the boot
• been on the other foot: but ar it is, tin timid,
| hesitating, pandering North, is badgered,
trodden np--n, and kicked about as a mere f >ot
b'ill, ami the people of Kansas treated as
j though they possessed no inherent rights at ail, .
: and as deserving of none, until they fall dowu j
| and it U the feet, of their Southern masters."
The Globe, the organ of the Loco Foco
Party of Huntingdon county, fakes strong
j ground against the Administration on the
Kansas question. It speaks out as follows .
"We are for a free vote upon a free Coti
s-iiution. We are against this force work of a j
band of political desperadoes in a matter in—
-1 voicing the vital interests of a community.—-
We arc for popular sovereignty—really, not
: nominally. In short, although we say it with j
' regret, we are upon this question against the j
| Administration and with Walker, Douglas,!
! Fornev, and other leading Democrats. If the
j Democracy of the North wish to sink into utter
insignificance—if they wish to be routed and ,
I overthrown in every State north of Mason nud !
| Dixon's line, they have only to sustain the Le
-1 compton iniquity."
The Globe also publishes tho following ex
tract from -*t >pe°eli delivered by Gov. Bigler,
•at Huntingdon, last Summer, in answer to a
| speech of Judge Wiimot :
: "Wc eiaime 1 that the Democracy were more
' the friends of 'Free Kansas,' because fj<pv ;
; wished to have her people per fectly free to
re'eel Af.L their domestic institutions•"
And the Globe commoufs upon it sis follows: 1
We regret iL : Hon. Win. liigier, who not,
four months ago pledged toe Dm i.-racy of 'his j
State as being earnestly ttie fricods of Tree
; Kansas," should so soon assume the leadership
of the enemies of "tree Kansas." His position
and past influence may lead astray a few wb.
do not think for themselves, and others who
■uc "spoils 1 Democrats on!v, but the masses,
the bourst men of our t arty iu the .State, wiil
remain firm, aud demaud that t! o jae pie of
Kansas be left perfect! ■ J ret to select ALL their j
! domestic institutions. The Democratic party
| will neither be lead or u* *ven iuto the support
I of minority rule in Kansas.
! —— +*"
There will be four eclipses i.'ext year.
The discussions in Congress cf the Trcafnry
I r.oto scheme, precipitated so suddenly upon
; tlie country by the Administration, have been
i very animated.
It is the unanimous opinion of the Republi
cans, that the financial views of the Adminis
tration are radically erroneous. The Kcpubli
i cans believe, that unless decisive measures of
retrenchment are adopted, or unless the rev
enue is increased, or unless both things are
' combined, the deficiency, now asked to bo pro
vided fnr, will continue for years instead of for i
J months. Nev., as neither retrench-]
mcut nor augmentation vf the revenue can .bo
i made immediately operative, nt:d as tho Trcas- !
j ury needs relief at once, tbe Republicans are 1
i v.ill;og to vote Per borrowing money, if tbe
form of it can be :.• eat all acceptable. I si—
deed, so anxious are they to avoid even the ap.
i pearance of opposition to whatever may be •
. necessary to meet, the public wants, that some j
j of them have consented to vote for a Treasury
j note scheme.
But, while ready to vote f..r borrowing ,
: money to tbe extent of the present exigency,
; the Republicans protest against the policy of
I carrying on tbe Government by borrowing, and
they demand that the equilibrium between tbe
revenue and expenditure shall be restored in !
ti c shortest practicable time. This will be j
j one of il.c great Issues upon which they wi'l gc '
j to the country. * j
Apparently, tbe policy of the Administration j
i is to create a Government paper money, to be!
ripened, perhaps, into sone fotin of a Govern- <
uicnt hanli. If so, the old Riddle Rank Whigs, •
who have gathered around Mr. Buchanan, have j
fully inocul- ed hint with their views.
The Vrcasnry note bills, as introduced into ;
both tlvj Senate and House, contained no 1
limitation of time, but. gave to tbe Treasury 1
tliO permanent power of reissuing and keeping | notes out. On 'he bill .*•£ it passed th ■ ]
Senate, a limitation to the Ist of January. !
1859, was engrafted, at the instance of Messrs. |
Seward and Fessende'i The lowest denomina
tion of these bills was raised, at the iustarce j
of Mr. Wilson, from Gfty to one hundred
Unless something is done to check if, the
Administration will issue, within its term of
four years, one hundred millions of these notes,
i It is not improbable that the Southern lead
ers, knowing thai these notes will all be held
it the North, wish to get them out, for the pur- '
p.- e of having a body of influential men there
whom thev c;m dragoon, whenever it suits pur
poses, by throe rs of dissolving tbe Uui<f).
The idea that these notes will assist in regu
lating the exchanges is absurd. All paper 1
contrivances for regulating t• e exchanges are j
, so. \\ herovt-r a check on New Y rk is at pre
| uiium.— IVashiwrlon Republic.
From the Albany Ev .-r ing Jonrnal.
The most pns-i.maio and the most elaborate
point argued toGotigrcss by ihe Fresidait, it, |
lbs message, was t li *!) i-'vousnerss ofjpnpcr '
money— : 'he unconstitutionality of bank mites— '
and lac virtues of % currency of gold and Alvr..i
Jaeaning against the Sub-Ttcssury, iiic /Yesi
dent comj'lacentiy declared ti:at the Gpviern
inent would "continue to discharge its i:al'4iiics
M the people in coin." At that very mtm-nt,
;t s.-ueme was matured to issue Treasury li.'tes
fcr at least twenty miliions of dollars!
'.lie Admai:-:r. iioa which attrib-ifes a:'., lie
financial ill- of the eouniv to "paper issueis
to trrn banker on u system, wliieh, if p.'.ctic
cd tn the c 't re of New York, would lurii t'*e
aiivoriturru.s financier in the penitentiary, Tim I
notes of ir banks -r<* sce'ir' dby Stale socks ;
at. i bonis and mortage*. These Treasury botes
ar.e to h** issued upon the faith of the G->ern- i
nient. 'l* former are redccunhle and c4ver
tii-le, safe and confided in. The latter, ii the |
stiiccst sense of the word, are shinplastefs-
\\'ASHINOTOJ CITY, Dec. 18.—Mr. Deng- J
ius' hill, introduced into the Senate to dayjpru- j
vid *.s f.-r a board of live persons to be appelated I
fy tbe President nud confirmed by the Sehate, '
to make au cminieration of the inhnbiian'i and 1
a fair apportionuicut of members of tho Conven
tion, the election haid on a day to he designa
ted by the board, not less than ninety or fcioro
than one hundred and twenty days from the 1
passage nt this act, and who shall be entrusted !
with the appointment of judges and places |
of voting, which is confined to every free white
male citizen of the United States over twenty
one years of age, who may bo bona fide iiilcib
itants of the Territory on the 21st December,
and who shall have resided three months next,
to said election in the county ir. which be offers
to vote; the Convention to assemble nat less ,
than thiity nor more than sixty days after the
election cf delegates, the Constitution to he ;
submitted to the legal voters for their full ac- !
ceptanoe or r. jection, and unless adopted iy a
majority of alt the legal votes cast, null and ;
void. The bill secure* the personal ari lp. lit- ;
cal rights of tho,people including those cf speech j
and the press.
Forney has got Luck to Philadelphia from
Washington. lie concludes a long article in ]
defeuca of Douglas against the attacks of!
southern newspapers with the following j
paragraph, which has the ring of the tiuo t
"We are patient people, over this way. — i
Wo have seen The South and its allies dp
posing Mr. Buchanan's nomination and doubt- I
ing his devotion to tli-i-ui: wo have stood caluuy !
by, 1 witnessed the;:* lule in Kusa-', trusting '
the while, like submissive and enduring men, t
to the approaching recognition of t' e will of ;
ti:c majority; we have heard, with unriuSsd !
temper, the objurations of legislators asul oi ]
politicians .a snus of ' le lave .States, against j
such Democrat as Waikei and Str a'on, i*j- |
cause tiiey would not become parties to forgery i
in Kansas; and now we are expected io I ear |
the additional outrage open Jr. I * Dou as,
and to see Gov. Walker's head carried before
tho conquering niiu'irity of tbe Lecomptoti
Cmivent: .as a trophy of triumph. Tncre is
a point beyond wbi forbear in*e uiay cc.o--
to be a virtue, it has bun reached, 'geutfe
men of the South !"
—EVEU L' virrc'i L. — The ltaftsruars 1 Journal
b ays that in Bcnzitig-r tp., Elk county. Packer re- i
CC;VL i the entire vote for Go rnor: and that there
is not a singl j hi hie except ihe Douay <.r Rouiish
translation, an t not a scnool unless in the hanks
of the Papists, in thi w hole township.
I —Jons MCKeo*. a distinguished '-democrat" has
been removal from tho >-!fi a f United States At
jto nicy tor New York. ihs ( was having vo
• ted for Tietnann. an honst Dcnmctat, for Mayor.
| against Wood, a consummate rascal, as has been
, proved in a court of justice. This shameless :n
--1 feiferenco with the elective franchise tiy President
Buchanan, would not have been attempted by
' Queen Victoria, Louis n.l on, rot the Czar of
! all tho RnssiitH. Eueli i.s modem democracy.
—A young man n>m"d Richard IV". Jacobs, 22
years of ag *. son cf Mr. Richard Jacobs, of South
i Danvers. .Mass.. who bad be n unwell f rn few
j days, complaining of pain in his ! ones, was, a few
j days since, seized with severe pains. accompanied
by ravings and nl] the symptoms of hydrophobia,
I which continued until death relieved bini <t ids
terrible anflerings some time during the night.—
J i ho deceased w.-is bitten by it dog some fifteen
i years ago, while living in Illinois, and tbe deadly
! virus, it is supposed, must have lxc n lurking in his
l system ever since. If so, it is a rcniarkalle ease.
! —A "Washington correspondent o!' the N. York
Mirror, says: --The approaching session of Con-
I grass fills the country with new life. It will to an
; interesting winter, < f great events. A strong
j party i,- making to take up Mr. Buchanan lor re
j election to the Presidency, ns an effectual mode of
■ knocking ail tho otb rme nage's and operators for
: the nest term into p;.
—AN ECCENTRIC JtcCE.—The last Leavenworth
Times has a most piquant paragraph. It savs :
"Ihe proclamation wlfch Acting Governor Stan
ton has issued, has had a most excellent effect up
on Knns is. U hen Judge Cato read it. ho cxclciro
| ed, in that chaste and classical stvle so peculiar to
j his hon-.r, 'By • the d i aboMiooiits have
i got us r and then adjournal to drown his sorrow
j in sundry ghisics of L icoaipton whiskey."— Si.
Louis Deiiiocat.
] TV . —Tint Madison Patriot, a leadi tig organ of the
' l\ iscor.sin Democracy, is ineXpresaihlv disgusted
| witii th." Piesideiit's Kansas poli .-v. and in itsdis
! gust md agony gets off the foil owing.
I '-11 the President really intends to carry out
j what appears to ho his position „n this question,
i why, let us read him out of the party. It such .a
ground is seriously taken, the Northern D unoer.i
--| cy is doomed. They cannot stall the sh'ik a
I single hour. Tbe masses will desert the party at
j rats do i sinking ship."
I y- Genet-1 Scott's Report on the Condition and
I W ants ot t!n Army i* pulijish,* i. It is t.rief and
jio the point, Ue refers to the incessant Indiiti
i wars, and tv bnrrassing duty thereto* imposed
| upon the army, tbe inadequate force employed and
j recommends an increase of the ar uy by the ad ii
| tion ot one regiment ot burs ; and three regim rts
I of foot; Iso the enlistment of men f.r pir ticular
co:*] s of the service, as tending to promote miiili
ry effi-iency. A revision of the army regulations
ano ;be Infantry t:*.(ti *s in use. are a'no reeom
• mended, and suggestions regarding the physic <1
comfort an i moral tlc v .itio:j o. the troops are
| made.
j —>"ECttET.VrtT STANTON's Sncccsson.—Denver,
! who has la- • a appointed SIJCCJ dSi r. Stanton as
Secretary ot Kansas. ws a memiicr of C ingress
last Session, from California, and since thou h s
been an tr.disn Aretit, lie acquit I'd .i notorietv in
California by a cue!, in which he killed Gilinsrt.
tie editor ef tin*..'.'? CalijOTKic.. It was thought
by l!:c people of Cidforni i that his conduct, in tltat
| affair wis heartless and blood-thirsty. A good sub
' ject t iielp to crush fi ■ ;dom i'i Kan.s s!
i.t'CZ —A term*tti in Albany I t.dvcanie into
poss -ssion of Sol.ftOO. the in st oi his wife, :
who "at! nway to Uiiitorni.;. w tit mmther roan,
some years ago, mad ■ money infamous!?, iut re
peutcd on her dc tii-ln- l, md made at.meuicnt In
leaving her mo.'i.y to the j-.jure I hits' i*td. Mean- i
while the German tuan.i'd a sec*■ id wife and has j
| had Be vend ciilid: *.•;,. who *.v:l! have the bciiifll of:
tho fortune thus oddly couiu by.
—PRT ON THE SCREWS,—A dispatch to tbe Phi
ladflpbia Rr'Jt.'i says:—••The A {ministration be- 1
gins to led tiis power. Prtii iv-ut Bucliaurn
icfusts to send 'he nouiinatious of Postmasters |
flit eouOrmetie • until too N'**rth'.*ru Democrats
yield an 1 act up to hir demau Is on th. 1 Lecomp- i
ton Constitution "
B'OME.'S RIOUTS.— An act on FOR debt by a
wife ag dust her husband, to recover money loaned •
cy her to !*r Uuvii n', i.eing ..p rty acquired af
;er m-iiage. was tried ;n the common Pleas ed"
Perry ci unty, Pa.. :i few days ago. Judge Graham j
jir-Naiing. The quea.'i >a wis whether h wife could
mrdutairi a suit against her hiisbmd. The court i
deci'i *d that she err! I. *r.-l Jelivere ! a vc. iict for
the jf l iinrifT for d 2 <>(' B.
o : AT I :t ii til t. r.rt or-nnses a submission
of the IJCCOU.; ' 'i Const i tut ion f > a vote <*f the
people of Kans s. Mr. iCyler appnnrs "> liave
a strong bisiik * to those popular decisions of
the p* Oj i*. tie i.n doubt remembers vividiy
that the last t;;lo his n line was submitted to the
popular vole ojilis people of his <ta'e, he was
repudiated l>v j majority of his fellow citizens ,
numbering si jc J rip Iknmm-l lt was on!,
when power w|s not i:i tho hmds of ti;o peo
ple, hut d"ieg|tod whero scheming and in- ,
tiigue upplat|> 1 men: and popularity, that
Iligler cnnld pltiiu i alee, lie has always
been a most bnn*itig;ife 1 dough-face. When
he G led the Executive Chair of our cotti- ,
Haeriwealth, :.i cravenly allowed the sovereignty ;
of 'nir State n he insulted by Guv. L 'we, and j
put the greatjlieystone State in a position of ,
Kub.'i-dina'i jj to MaryianJ. If the South has
any use for * supple tool in the Senate, they '
will find ouefeadv and willing ;;i Bigler.
TO KEJIRE. —Robert B. Ran
dolph, of \ recently appointed by Gov. |
Floyd, Seorfjiiry of Wur, tea position connect
ed with thellorid.i Arsenal, lias been peruirtted ;
to resign. Mr. Randolph is the Naval O.Ticer j
who gross!, insulted President Jackson, by ah
assault upotj his person, and was removed from '
the service.! His aapuiutment bt Secretary |
Floyd was fit of regard to the family of Ran- ]
dolpli, *.v!iof re not in prosperons circumstances. ]
Tbe Teuncfjoe delegation watted upon Presi
dent Buchfftan, a few days ago, ami in.-isted j
that icspr*} to the memory of Andrew Jackson
demanded Ihe removal of Randolph. Mr. Bu
| chauun [ i jmptly communicated liicir wishes to
1 the Secroiry of War.
National b.AiTti —We nave thought that a I
fine Kubjejt for a Painting to decorate a panel I
iuHhe ne * House of Representatives at Wash- \
ing'on might bo f'iun*l in this;
I'residgit J. Buchanan, holding Lis Ostcnd j
Manifest * in one hand and that portion of this j
recent Message against filiihiisters in the other, I
while in Ihe back •ground Get it be a spirited j
painting should appear in the Sloop of War]
Sura'og:, with ihe Fashion running under her j
stern, within a half-gun Mint and Walker laud- j
ing his |'jna, inuiiDiona and uicn on the sand I
whhip fir of *.he U. S. flag. Under the pic- 1
turo viite in large ohauctcrs— "NATlONAL
PAtru.f— P Us. GnzJlc.
Tlie Ueath v.;; rants of Henry Fife, Monroe;
Sicflait ■:nd Charlotte Joueshave beeu received 1
by fltiiviff Patterson of Allegheny county.— j
The Governor fixes Friday, the 12".h day of I
r ebruary, for the execution of Fife ard
Cbar.ine, r.nd Friday, tiie 26th —two weeks
iuter—for the exc 'iition of Stewart. Tlie ob
ject, for delaying the execution of Stewart is
nnd'-rsioo . io be for 'he purposo cf awaiting
the <i; ings declaration of ilie other two as to the
guiti or innocence of the coudemucd. It s
thought they will declare his i. ticoence from
tlio sc.rffold.
If we have no snow, we i plenty of rruil
i in ii.'s *OOIIOO.
•j* -"v -
/Save a Dollar! sj r nieS"cr iw:
i rnnis popular M or*, tidy M zinc, a bead \ tff
| -1 cheapest and best in-the' M wiil be great i>
j mpr aved r 18-* B. It ;vi .fain ov.r
■ t fKlgfS of double coluimi I c Mattel;
) twenty to thirty Mie! ]. kitesj <) I(V .-r £o< vt, ~}
! ensM iii,rs;w!ii: |i is pt'o|'S'>bj ,',y moretban anv
j periodicul, or'any j.riei . ever
lis thrilling original Morn , • i-em il- l>st
i authors. Every volume enure one ~f Vis. Ass
|S. STETHEXS' Cftjiyrifth'- N>j . th- celebrate.
| author <>t ' Fa*inn and Pamiij ' Also, one of
.r is. E. D. ii. x .Sotitbwortb author of "Tlui
| Lost Heiress."
j Its Snpe)!i M < zzofinls and j ;•;• K, el Engruv.
; ioh-t, arc ti>e best published n| her,..
lis Colored Fashion Plel Each ..uF*r
cor t:\ir a Fashion F are, < <•] ~,j ilt)l |
colored; :.T-.o u doz-.-ii more N'v .tyles, eucraved
j <!tl Y/ood. Also, a I'attt'srn,i u which dr..-s.
: hi or child's eosiume, c, cut'pui with
j out Li e aid of a mnntmima kvrijft
New ]•;••eeipt *, CrecletAVi Fmhroidorr.
Patierm. ijc.
In tl.e greatest proportion, q| eiv.n . A!.-*,
j nesv met tasiiionnble Mii.-ie. a
Ir 's the best Ladies' M ■•sz'r. ii the v. oil j._
j Tiy .i for one year.
] TERJBB. Alwajs Sis
One copy one year, f. .*52 f';
| Three ei.pi'-s, f*>r o*;e vs ir, | i.K)
Five copies ior ouv year, i T.oii
Eight copies, for one year, I 10.i.0
Sixt. eu copies for one year. 1 20, ed
Thro", five, eight or sixteen pits make a
j Chi!'. To errry person getting>. our
I-'Casket." containing forty Kng*.'Jims, will be
i r.ven .gratis: or, if preferred, a c y if tlie >5-*-
c'zine ior i 8 ■ s >. i'or a Club an exda
e >p\ of the M igizint- :'.,r ISJS in Ad
dress, joist paid,
8>;t Chestnut S'REE IPI.
Nov. 27. 185-. g~?"."l!i<'ci uens jit (ira
URILLtJi.-s i i'JtUSt'i JT..
FOURTH ri;,vu OF 'I |
€osj?;op>H!an ,-trr *ss9?f|jsn.
j Tlie famous DusavMorf (inj'erv Paintings
j Purchased at a coat of | ♦ powers'
j wor! t renown*! Statu.; of the Gr.-i j ,■.?! ii,-
purchafed for sfx thousand dollars. h avvital
!,--' other Work <.f Art. in P - s . S,. u |„.
tor.- in ! Bronzes, c •mpr>e the Pi ,;r,s to !•••
j aw-ur-u-d to the Mib.*crii>vi < I tho 0 niopolit.:;.
j ait association, who M.isci.i U-i,. he 2lUh ol
-f r;".n.irj, !85, at which lime the a-v s triii t ike
I place.
Every subscriber f thive dollars bl'i'iilM to
j a copy <:t' (!,,• 1 irg,. and : i Si..—l ijugtuvin/,
entitled ••Manifest Destiny," also t> . |r.j>-,- of the
It . osmopotitan Art Joumai woe ye..c. a tier
li.i rate in the award of premium.. , free r> i
:i:i-aion to the Dus -Mori a . ! Cosrn-ipcdit n Gal
i 1 his it is S'.Fi tfi \t for er.-rr three d.JUrs paid .
t a- s.iiii riher not only receives a splendid three
i lai* ■- ipsvifig, !:at also t.-c ' dutiful iliiisti ,t-d
I two dollar Art Journal, one v.- r.
i En.iii suUsmiit. iis also pteseoted with a CertSfi
jc ite IS fno aWar is, by which a valuable work Of
Art, :n Painting or Sculpture, may he received in
i-rditioo. thus giving toevi-rv subscribers!! cquivn
lent to the value of live dollars, and a Omncjte
i gr.itis.
Any one of the leading $8 Mac.i7.ines is furnish
! Ed, instead of the Engravirg -, nd Ait Journal, if
: desired.
>. o person in rnrtrieto.l to-i sii.c'e snare.—
This, taking fire tu. mheiships, remitting sls.
j are -.ititle Ito asi extra Engraving in i six tickets.
Filli particulars ol tie- Assoeiation are given in
j the Art Journal, which contain', over sixty 11 lan
J did Engravings, price tH'tv • eus per nuuuai--
I Specin i copies wsl be sent to ,iii person who de
. ore to stiliscribe, tut receipt of fl.e jiiist <e ititnj.s.
: ,15 cents.) Address
C. L. DERBY. \.'t!i if C. A A.,
t;! : - Br.He!war. New Y-:k.
pir it/i ....
Mj\l rifiii bihih.
THE subscri -rs have lust opened a !.r r c .iss--rt
ni.-nt of K\LI. and WINTER GOODS. all of
Willi -!i ofi'yrod sit prices to St. 1 Li. ■ times.—
'.V e respectfully invite cash and prompt six im.-t-, o i era to e .11 ael examine .an ek, assuring
them tii-.t e sha!♦off, t- i -iter ind icvuieuts i ian
>' .iiisl:y ,'r viuv.e ofall Min is wanted, far which,
tie M.ii pay - Highest ;G.-e.
Oct. 15, iy-,7.
ihws ;iml i.tijhu'i fafDtinr®.
THE subscriber In.* removed to the shop, on
Writ Pitt Street, r.c itly occuj.i l lr. Wr.l.
Kitehey as u Mae,i-i - shop, wiuiio he continues
to IM..X-.' to order and keep on lt-nd a genertl
issortmsnt of ciiaiis and Cabinet furniture, con
| sliding in part o: Spring Seat Parlor Chairs,
! French Hocking Chairs. Cane seat and VT.r 1-
sor, Soi'as. Luhga, Ottomans. Wdiat-Nota, ;-!u.
MC stands. Fancy parlor Tables, Breaktast, IHn
: tscr, and Kxtension Tables. Bedsteads, iiuratts,
'•V ardrohes, Suits of cottagii-i',,r; i. si rs at very
! model-ate prices, so that it is within the reach of
ill t<> have nice, good and fashionable furniture.
| The Li lies arc particularly invited to call and
i ex.uniuc for themselves, as it will be my desire to
please all tastes.
Coffins will 1 c aide on the shortest
notice for any who will f ivr>r liitn with a c ill.
i June 12. 1857. ISAAC MK N" CEL. Jr.
: T u r pirtncrship heretofore existing bcSWeeu
- <l ciiiy S. King, and James Madura, under the
' na u im i tir n of Malara, King .V Co.. doing
business at I. em nor Iron Works, in Hope aMI
• Township Bedford County, is dissolved hv mutual
consent. lIKNHT S. KIKG,
Nov. 27, 1857.-tf. JAMES .11 ADAH A.
THE business of manufacturing iron r.t Lem
! nos Iron Works, will '■> • c mtinu • 1 by tit > under
signed, who has purchased alt thj interest of his
late partn -r J.uues Mad ira i i the books, property
and effects, beloaging to the late firm of M idara
King A- Co.
Nov. 27, 11,57.-tf. IIENRY S. KING.
iiook fiierc, Storekeepers and
THE greatest assortment of Toys of every
| description, and Fancy articles of au endless
i variety, you can find at the grest Curiosity
Store, No. 144, N. 2d St., above Arch, Phil
; ad-lpliia. Also Fancy Bask-is, Piper, Segar
Cases fooacco Box"S, Dominoes, Canes, C. i
j na, Kid and Wax Babies, and a great many
| other articles too numerous to inaition.
JOHN DOLL, hnportrr.
j o 144, N. 24 St.
. Sept. 4, 1557.
' WI~ Alj aa(l PLIND PAPjtR.—Dr. B. f .
j V Harry is our agent for j this necessarv
i .I' By c-'iing at his stole, our patron's
will see simples of our pipers.? We hive made
| our spring selection* with tuncl care, and think
we cannot fail to please.
sußYoeffc s.vrin,
, Ci>i/itfe* dmrg.
SOS. 2 4- 4 GUESTirVT Ftrcrb (io h tide,
below IVx'CT,) PUILJOk'.PHUi
j > B'AN L'F ACTUiIE HS and V oiesa-t d-.sil
| ifl era in t'atent Medicine, illyda B dp O Vy,
Patent Grovad CE JR-ll'.ißf, tf j
i not to * brink, WOOD and WIi.LOW-4 -dflL,
• CORDS, ttRL'SIJEJ, &c., of nIT descriptions-
Pi-'iee call an t examine our stock-
Fell. 27, 1837.-35 Z.
L J.IZIMS Fancy Soap—shaving Cream, , ro
cviyod I'IOUJ, by a>r. IJsi ry.
. v - ; , t v„, ..■ . ■
- - -
W K CA! L T,I:; OF AI!
< v .:.! : young, f ■ :;••
rat-on, wlijvli tarns iiacfc fi. it* ~.;,, ' J
, .'fi' '* * fi " i •"?. : (f " ;iT:
! •' x, - :: - i " l l |rwt —r-inw.-s t:„. , A
"•*• f htn, OK. (■:•.!<,. s-r . "
;id as a rvtuu, , silj? |(>( ■
tic.;:'.' ■ .•! >.y... in an i, .... . \ "■■- 10 *
| call, then upon tin* bdd. X'" v ''"'A
t" if \*e its HJ.-i
i K"I. :-N titer value the ?0W..,.."i; " U: :
witching curls, 1 ver Ik- without U. ' ! 1
! is ujin the lonpui* •->!' ti.i ;; .1: "* J' 1 "" I * o
>V V.": j, M •!.<*., Jtf.iv I J*
O. .!. Oi 1D ; Aft-.-
i tfc v irtttcs and magic j. ewers .f y ullr , iaU . i; ,.
, st-ratjwc. i inc.- Morni-s j..„ ,
! '"f > tav. i p.: refused an.; s <ko to u-V,*.
. ">•• <t to "or
in r-s'-.iiug the siAvr i-.. ks t t'.v. irn, .... Cfo j'
| or. ami the bur vd i-.-h was }..• ore 1 *
' laiiisu < I'OW U-HII, : S„.t ,_j- t
! it o-aseq ir.-dn.-l
; a '"'P tii vijfi. •ii ;■ a.-l.iro,
I s " a.'no; ■ '■■'•. li-J.tre, a V .; ion, 1• ~t t , O '
j but feei young sc. in.
liosj'i" iicliv, voura. t 'c.
N ••• y-ik. ( " is;,-
prof. o. j.yroon- iw™ A> w m
mq the advertisement in . <.i . Vrn
journals, of yuor criebr...n d j. tM , v _"
I i.rooure I .i i.„l; j.iat !.ou, , 6 mi was so mcc.'
i so i w'.iii it that ! Co: :;:.Ucd ,is u> o j Lr lw ,
I mbtiilis, an.-i mi it is d-eidccf. Tlie i,. IS .
! }.r|i.ration ix iovc if - it at'once i>-
j.ii the dai. i iir.jileasTittt iiclni* '
Itoil ihfs'e;). an.! ii i. ; ' lav ...•>
'l' '1 1 IliVO li'> J !v ft.
V.'u U'.C : I lniSM. .1 to * e.'e ' t'" It;. , l", v, |.„
; ewcrtit.ti any i.f.ibts , , p.rf. vnitfg ait that
! CMHi)*d fa*r :t
tiloS l* i. Lfv.j, 0-J vxr .piiwich AT.
; - ha<, f ' l ""' " F - • ,s -' r 3' * (fair
j iscs' r.i 1.0. - ! i ' ivv :.:;ii:ied ..s Wonderful
| c.f.'Cs. it restor.-d ;v liatr wl.crc it isivn
off; i'c'.eans tfee head, a:.,; t cod us tiie li.itr s.-it
• ;u:a - rjoc.b —u)U';!. more > than ni],
1 Louiavilie, Ncvl 1. Ib.V,.
St .t- r.fßliin >. I", Jttac -7, 'Co.
I have t'.S'-J i'jdc s..r <:. J. n'o -n'a Hair lie
!, and !;.# adiutrc.i is w.-udvifui effect,
iMy tt 'ir i.vl>.n.h.g. ..s i ikought 1 rcmatuio
! ly gray, but by tl. Oi tl. • *>Kclt.latiVr." it
i has resumed its i .":or, .■-■ f, 1 t,ao zu
' doubt, perm iiioiiji
j lii r Unitv-i :..tes.
J fVoul.'.':r !'• : . .■-.
Among the m .ly pivy-.: ro-v ;n use. f<-t
! the 1 cstoring. jte<rvh.g an' ~*aui;tv ...g t.c
i iiair, there aro iivi.e tie >'' j ■ oinriitti'l
I sviili !n(.-re . oa.'ii'.- (C" t!;a i i'ro;. It o'-i. \> iiair
j )r..tivc. now , a general use tl.roii-l.out the
• I States. This prr; in > a possesses the most
1 jjivi."latin qua ;i es, 1: t rnvcr tails in
icing the uio.-t I*a.;>jv ir.-idts when -
c-1 cold; -i to .hi u. 0. We r fer our leaders to
; the s'lvertSsetucnt lor a few ..i the ii.numerab! •
| ccrtid.Mtes .ye ! en sent by paiiies,
i '..-ho leivc h'-en i:t;-.tilted by i;. ami who feet
: in gi i;g t tiiuoi.,' i<. us ss <>r..ic:l;ii et
i feot-s produce 1 Oil haul.
O.J. U 00 i) H to., rve.e inters, 512 P.rtarf
• w.u . V. V., aa-1 it .at atro-t, St. I.ouis,
I Ma.
h rw .1 y ;■:. r . Unrrr, and Ururr.ista,
! /•
j Oct. A>.
i ■ -■ i d i !
tit nk At .4 iUii 5
CR ?J£i^DY
Its AX AUHlli. d'HAT LYElii IA>JT
Jl iicu v>..o is • : .a .. ; .-r..ct suw oi .if ait it
' tii : Livtr -jc. I.I! -.2.. iu the n•. n ■ r.r
| human tc-r.oniy.j ;ui t v.; t..u is deranged the
| v.. J; v:f i r: c.'iii..: > w. ;ig. To 12r. i .1
j medicine p "is!'.i ; :•■■! s :.,i disease has
| iwt'n stu iy • f one <>l iU ?-r. t-rietm.-, in .
| large and eXtciidts plasties iot ihu p*U twenty
i I tUv i -.iuit < i -is ;xpe: meat tho
invig..r*tr, . > >>•> ei-ftiii-.y; remedy
u - :o bus a: } power .<> i p. As a Liver
Remedy it !e"> :> • equal, n t'-stity v' n uso
A k.; wi from fcreckkji, s;ys, "Would
i that 1 c.ui l express in i■' :s si.oil letter the val
ue your 'lnvigoratior has i eel to me in r.rlxng
I i large Mimty oi children, for it has raver lai -
! itu O.'C Ail affection* OI tl.O MOUiSCti. bIAV
i ;ls or attacks - vvuim*. 1; Slithers one :
! this ivnio.iy placed within tiieir reach, ami wer
tan edit AV t>> uw it, a leaifel and untold a
j mount ol'agouy might no ' ,v
One of our pioiaitient bi*...t s says, '-live or
j .six years since 1 f- unci inyrilf running down
whli a iivcr diflicuity ; rv-oit..:g t • your lnvig
: orator, was greatly ;-A.'.'cn, and, continuing
j for a seas >n, w.i 3 entirely restored."
A clergy man called i.t "ti: otiice trie other
! day and said he ii.ul given v poor woman a bot
| tie, .Who Was suU'eri' g very Mwiy trcin Liver
[ Complaint, and belore sue bi i taken the whole
I ot ii she was at work earring aread tor heriam-
I ily-
A gentleman, recently from tuc Wist, sy.
while at Chicago, he was atta.iced with a ta'H,
lingering lever, that raffled tie ski I ,ol physi-
CUUJ, butXthe I u vigors to i cured him in a ' cW
days. X
One of o;M" city merchants said, while or. a
| visit :o Troy*, * e.ayMaw, he was atttCivCU
with bowel smmciidisorders, sous tocon
• fine hi- to j,p room, \vs sent to the drug store
1 for alsi"'-. tMf Itiviy. r • ■r.Ukciio dose, which
: SiS'L'lL v V
! bu ' i:)fss * m t , nct . whole teuAtttw compels
An scquaiWtanc , became
him to write . v.- a, to VoU hi*
so weak as t'Ubl orcryowet
mm nefS cVe'l
I tliookly Ciiicd en va *
A gentletr jdoking l'."'? of a
i week or two \rA lU(i S' -uhliko.-
! man, long tl '"•
!Ue l „%.r' and' to t
| J iiindir j ,t-s |aw t0
. A \ : Ids "esaion, ho has
eh o" i'fl' l ffO!e, ad fu>
chanced mfc. ■ t was f
not seen- fll | ,o,n u ' h
liter aM IJKj'
j ins now
\>ai> qthl-i.lre.lV WHr,. .ne w<-can so
| offered to tliufc'i c .l - 9 &s#,lov:g ufa tor,
; iuliv reCvtt.i a-> 1 " known now
| throughout >.■:** o mt
I l\- v Liver l-O rl ' Abßr.-st nii.u-
I happy r.-snlts|. U L|i -eu of tho gnat
j mirrable ceri'l rs highest
virtue of "..A iHT W "®" ut doubt,
the l -sf prepltiou, m •• or, S4-5 Broud
f-Afv t'OK ll?i ' tJ " j
way, Nt-w 1 't- - p. llarn> an I Druggist's
Far i> ■** *
eenernlly- I
S Oct., 30 lSf. 4
... it . tun's Extract &r ilie IJ&ndkux
j *"