Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, November 27, 1857, Image 1

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|r 11 r f ]S o 11 n|.
From Moore'i Rir tI Sew Yorkti
ftAr.KSrss was o'er all the south I mil.
O'er the Imd of flowering vines.
Wli.l.- tlietii.lit well iimvcd but liintly
Through the music breithinr p. lies,
j'tvl and ffcry w re the heavens.
If t and and all toe air
Vor the pvsti'.enca w ioh wasteth
In ihe noontide hour wis tilers.
All day h<d its dark b-owc I victims
F lieu het'me its org I y p >•* :r,
1 ill at lost Its teirlill shod'OV
Fell Upon I beauteous fl .wer.
She. who, ill the Swot's presence,
Niov, a wiiitu robed augii Shi ICS,
Sin-, tin- gentle Lute eyed IfcJStK,
She the Angel of the Pines.
In the cabin*, rude at Mowlv,
She bad soul bed the bed o( death.
Wi 11, the stricken ones bad blest her
With tiieir I-t expiring breath.
And. when n-w. upon her j-n *,
She i .y d;. ing, c.n.l and paie,
Broken the mi Illicit. sttii.ioss
Willi the l.egro s' UloUlUlui Wall.
Men w.tb strong hearts. dus:ty ni.ii.leus.
Matrons, wrinkled, 1 I and gray,
Cbil lien, too, wit.i tear stai uJ 'aces,
Ali tor her. the loved one, priy,
But in v tin, for where the walcr-
In tile bright green pastures tt <w.
There a counties* throng ot children
Wait for Iter, an I she inust go.
And r.s if she heard them calling
II r (► join tliair shining band,
'■Sing 10 me,*' shir whispeicil,
-Tili me of toe II f- m l."
Softly. then, thetal! Magn.l.i
Hustled in the evening breeze.
While the mocking-bird's wild music
Echoed tin- Ugh the distant trees.
And amid the south wind's sighing,
'Mi l t'l - wondrous nig it bird's 1 tv,
'Mill the teals atnl laineiitations.
Pass td she front tne earth aw ly.
FroticVer w ito and l)bie-v due.l torelioad
Pushed they luck he golden hair,
Ami t.'ie mothershriokod witn anguish
she felt the death dew there.
Ere the morrow's sun h id risen.
fire the darksome night inl fled,
A litil • grave heue.ith the cypress,
Made they for the e irly its lii.
Where the pines s ug t her,
Where the softly shines,
Tln-rs they 1 ly her, —there w - leave her,
Jes-.IE, Angel "f the Pine*.
Brackport. N. V., 18>7.
Let us in li e's pleasures, and count its
in inv tears,
H'iliL we i.ll *un s"irou with the poor;
Ther '* a song ttiat will linger torcr in our ears, j
On! tiard tune* come again I><J in >re.
*'Wvs—'Tis tie Solig. ti,e sigh of the weary,
Hard tunes, hurd litut-s eoine again no
m re;
Many days you have lingered around my ,
cabin door.
Oh! hard limes eouie again no more.
While vrc seek mirth an 1 beauty, and music iigiit
and gav,
There are frail forms f dnting at the door,
Though tn. ir v.-ices are silent, t.'ieir pleading look*
will #*y
Oh ! a nd limes come again no more.
Chorus —'Tis the song, occ.
There's a palo, drooping maiden, who works her
life away.
tVith a Worn heart, whom better dvyi are o'er ;
Though her voice would he uierrv, 'tis sighing all
Oh ! hard times c >tue again no more.
CAO/UJ —'Ths the sone, ft c
Tis a sigh th it is w iftcd across the troubled wave,
' l is a wail ttiat is wafted across the silore ;
'Tis a dirge that i murmured around the lowly
Oh ! hard times come again no more.
Chorus —'Tis the song. Sec
FROM Mr. H. S. Olentt's new work on "Sor
gho and Jut; her, the Chinese and African Su
gar Cities," we extract the following direct inns
for cutting and grinding the stalks, now ripe,
<yid bailing down I tic juice into syrup or eveu
Info sugar.
These directions are so simple and clear, and
the machinery they require so easily procured
or constructed, that we trust every one who
has rutted a patch of Sorgho t'''is season will
try to make at least a few gallons of syrup.—
They w.ll of course understand that the cancs
•re only sweet when fully or very oeaily ripe,
and tint t,ucli as do not perfect their seed will
afford but little or no sugar. Stili we wnul i
urge even those whoseplants are k'lled by frost
nefore perfecting tli*ir seels to g've tHem a
trial and report tl\,i r success or failure for the
guidaoco of others. They can easily tell, bv
cotfing a stalk and tiening its pith, whetlier it
Will afford sugar or not. Ti, e mere killing of
the..leaven by trost will not, we presume, de
stroy the .saccharine properties of the stalk—
lint let us hear Mr. Olcott :
The first tiling is, permit the sorgh< t, fully
ripen as in tint Condition it makes th- best
vyrttp, and will be free from the grassy fl, v .. r
complained of in previous cxpof imunts. This,
La, been previous!/ sai I, is known by the'
need* becoming' black an 1 bard. U'h n 'fully
ripe, thou, with a corn-cutter, a f irge c irv'm'.
kuife, or what is better, a small hatchet, cut
the Oviucrf off close to tile root*, strip off tbeir
loatrs as far as the joints extend, and chop off
Bedford jum* 3uc[uitcr.
A Weokly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &e., &c—Terras: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance.
the r<---c of ibn stalk. Having the Heeds for fu
itnv planting, if ibc oano proves to Be of good
quality, it'not give theiu to the chickens.
The next thing is to -x ra :t the juice from
the stalks or canes. This must he done by
pre-sing theni between rollers. If there is ,
eider mill on tin- premises, it will be all suffi
cient; pa<s those through it, just as you wool t
crush apples, catching the juice in some clean
vessel tvi h as few chips of dirt as possible.
If there he no cider mi l lti the neighbor
hood, must make a shift to construct one your- 1
self, or get the nearest carpenter to do si,
nothing but wood being required for aji y'ti
have to do. The way to get about it is as to!- i
1 w-: Choose some straight pieces of any liar I i
wood, twelve or fourteen inches across, and saw .
I one piece <lf 3U inches 1 nig, an J the ot .or 43
inches. Th-s; are to make your two rollers, ■
-nil as nearly round as you can get til? log. .so .
luccii less trouble till there tie to fashion the
worn. Having got your w >od, take the blocks
in the nearest carpenter, and toil him to make 1
you twi journals on the ond< of the shortest piece j
i two ami a half inches larger in than
| tin; block wiil be when tu ide perfectly round.—
I If be has a 'timing lttit--, he wiil tie able to du
iit all in a couple ot imuis. Let him mike th j
axic or journals seven inches 1 nig each. V>u
nave I'Oiv ouc roller duisned, the u'h-r h n.;, ; J
i , ml alter tu iking a j <ui nit on one en I, a
' incisures a! uig the snna length as the otuo. |
! roller, which wiil be sixteen inches, ati 1 then j
j cuts into tuu' biock another journal iiXo tu j
i other*. leaving lu-yond it eighteen iuehes u
! sound wood to spare, of Ihe .same girth or tit-
I aiue'er an ike roller put. Through this eig i
; teen turbo* that you have left over, cut a s.j i.iv j
: hole or soekilarge enough to put a pood si.fl
J woo len lever in or through it, so that was;. !
i your rollers are set up on cu iin fratn like a
1a mii iM, you ciu wa.k round with the lev;,
and so turn the tutil. If there is blaeksir'o
• in the neighborhood, it would be w-ll to ge
j hiui to pUi an iron hoop above an d hoi >.v in !
1 lever bole or socket, to prevent t ie strain,which i
i will be considerable, from spliiilng the top. — \
I lou have now '.he roller complete: lire aox !
siop is to make the frame that bo'd.s thein t.> t
| geiher. Take two pieces of tiui >er uiue feet
iaug aud nine inches square* if you have them:
J II hot, mun i barked lloioer Will do , dig two
j holes in the ground six teet deep and four apart
wherever you wish your mill to stand. Put
j the posts into (hem, and fill the earth in agiin,
1 healing ii UoWu so us to hold lUeJ UprigUlH as •
stilf ami immovaoie as possible. These are tin.* i
supports of your mill, and have to b;ar .ill the [
j .- rain, so you must see that they are .strong and j
j firm. Now get a slab of wood, six tect long
, sixteen iuches broad and et_hrun inches tines,
set your two rodeis on ii,siaudiug upright and
j closed together ; mark the two hulas for the
' lower jjurnaL, uuJ cut tbein out six iuobes
! deep.
i Yu must now cat a couple of notches at the
! cuds i>t the slab, til those two no'ohes between?
j ice two po>ts and pin them tight. Now yon
have the bed piite of your mill. Set the ro;!-
; eis upright on it, with the j mruuls in the holes
j you have cut tor them, ant proceed to cut the
| upper frame plate in the sune way,except that
I it must be made in two halves, owing to the
; socket part where the lever goes preventing
your slipping it ovut both journals,as was done
! in the other case. For the upper frame plate
| taking two pieces, six feet long, nine inches
j broad, nud el;vcn inches thick, fit them nice
ily round the journals, uud fix as before. To
| keep the two pieces from spreading when the
: strain couies, either damp them together will,
i wooden clamps or wedges, or bold them togethc
with a dovetail tie. J'iie mill is now eompleu
| put in the lever, and you are ready to erusi
i the canes. Gut a small gutter totir.d the rolle,
l in the wood of the bed piafe, loading , to i
spout, to prevent the juice from running all
round and being lost. The above need no
' cost a farmer ten dollars whore wood is plenty,
is su.ficiently strong, and will crush a hundred
gallons of juice per day if required,
j Of course it will be understood that a mil,
I itke that described above is merely a make
shift forexpeiiuieuting with, for you could only
get halt the juice by it that an iron one of the
same construction would yield.
Hiving brought your cane to the mill, and
adjusted your lever, either let a M in WJIK round
witii it, or attach a horse or puny. i'ass the
cams through two at a time, till you hive
sufficient juice far boiling, say ten or fi.teeii
gallons, w.uch shuul! be crushed out in half an
hour. Now bill a fire pi ice witu stones, or
set up two balked poles, and put another across,
on winch sting your pot, which tiny be of sheet
tin, but had belter ho of eu3t iron. Let it
hold say ten gallons. Get a small tin skimmer
at a tinsmith's shop,' and you are prepared to
commence boiling.
Everything bci ig re oiy, slack a teicup full
of li iii", mix it to til ; Consistency of Cfeiim ar. 1
set it oy ioi* list. Light your ti..-, with charcoal
if you have it, for it nnko* no sin ike, but it
you have none, use dry kindling wood. It
possible so arrange/our rude tire-place as to
let tint fire reach no mure than half way uu fo
the sides of the pot. Pat live or six gall >us of
juteo into the pot, set it on the fire, an I wiieu
it becomes milk warm, add one large tahl -spoo,,
full of cicittii of hui , and mix it ibbruu r >i|y
tbiough ill! jifiee. Now take ilie white* of
two fresh eggs, heat tlu .u up with a teacup mil
ot tiio j live f'o.-u ihe pot, and when tuoroughly
mixed, pour h.tek an t a:ir ihern well througn
the mass, bring it to the boil as soon as possible
but the mam out you see the first .gu* of
boiling lilt lint pot off the fire, set it oil the
ground, and lot it rem tin q iiet for fifteen or
twenty tumutes. You will li rt'c perceived that
after ailing the cream of li.ueaul eggs, as
the siufiliering went on,' a lliiek icuiu b gan to
rise; this you inust not uuoui'L, but a bow to
ga.lier oil the top, till you take the pet from
f the tiro as direc el,an i allow it to settle
fifteen or twenty minutes. At the cn lof this
tiiuo C'irefully remove the nctrn, an 1 you will
find if you Inv* carefully followed these di
! returns, tint the juice has become clear aud
1 bright, ready to boil down to the consistence
! yon require, whether of syrup or sugar.—
Hiving removed the scum, emfity the contents
of your pot into some clean vessel, which have
; convenient. Fill up the pot again with the
. raw juice and proceed as before. 'Pais is the
process of cTirifiing or defecating, and is abso
lutely necessary, if you do not wish to have t
' dirk dirty syrup, tasting of cane stalks and
i aim ist unfit for use.
Af'er clarifying and skimming the second
pot full, as directed, set it back on the five
' and boil down as rjpi llv as pos-ibl;. As the
1 qointity reduces by boiling, keep adding fresh
juice from the cl.urifi : i>iou, so as not to
let th> syrup g"t too low in the pot, or it *vi 1
get burned. If any scum rises, remove it with
ynir skimmer; and by following these diree
tian* you cannot fail to in ike a goad syrup.
Tae preceding rem irk* suppose that you
' have only cue pot to operate with; but it i> vciy
much b ;tter t u have two,a.s it will save twen
ty minutes tim->, and fuel, with each kettle of
syrup you nuke; because a 1 have shown you,
I you hive to wait twmty ni nit-ts after taking
j the p-t "i -'M ' • fire to -11 iw the scum to rise
Isn I I', si, it you have not tniothef pot on,
iitis SO Hl. tea tin; ml urc * M-cd. uiihtwo
j not* in you replace tlin fii-t on the lire -
: soon JS you take the other oil, aud proceed to
1 boil down.
Should you wisii i<> in ike i very extra syrup
for tabli u*°, gat a flannel big, of aim t any
-diipp, sufficient t■> (nilJ two or three gallons,
ml Alter the juice through it after vou have
-kiuuu 'il it, then it ti.iwu us before.
It i* a nutter of imparlance to those who
have nevtr boiled svrup to. know when the
juice is boiled enough. There being milling
.ike fxp'-riiif'tits, 1 wool I advise such to get
a cup full of ui ilasses, heal it, and, taking a
am ill ii unit'y on a spoon, to watch how it runs
down, and when the drops come, l.ow they
•longat't and break in the mitdie, the upjicr
hilf springing back with a jerk, and urn lower
forming a hill and failing back into the cup
agiiu. Tnree cents in inniey and the expen
lit ire of five minutes lime, will go farther in
educating the eye to a good judgment than an
eliborute series of directions,
I will give one other method, however, of
knowing when syrup is cooked enough. Dip skimmer into the boiling liquid, take it
out and allow ilio syrup to run otf it; a few
drops will reiuiitt on the edge, failing at intei
vll s. If these breik ivitii a tong string be
tween, which at tho break jerks baek to the
dipper again, and which, when taken between
the finger and thumb, feels like tool isses, it is
fair to suppose your syrup is sufficiently boiled
and you may take it from the fire.
For making sugar it will he necessary to boil
this same syrup down, tili the B'eaiu escapes
from it irt little puffs, and when the skimmer is
dipped into it. the falling drops break short
and fail solid. These simple tests, and a few
failures, will enable one to uuke good sugar.
When enough lias been boiled, pour it into u
wooden box or tub to cool slowly, standing it
in a warm place. Let the box be large enough
to allow of the sugar standing only 1 i inches
deep; b'dl another lot, and pour over the lop
of the first, and a third over the top of theseu
■nd, mix them altogether, and allow the con
euts to cool. If by the next morning there
hould be no signs of chrystais; take a handful!
if raw sugar and stir it in; in all probability it
wll start uhrystalizutiou; but if it should not
do so immediately, do not despair, for it may
stand for an entire lurtuight and thou sudden
ly strike iuto sugar.
A curious discovery lias lately ben made,
while repairing the house fosinorly occupied by
the Jacobin Club, during the great revolution,
and now known as the llilei tie Loudves, in the
Hue St. Uyaeiuthc, St. Mono re. Tac Club
which guided the destinies of the revolution du
ring sonic few years had often boomed of al
lowing the ambition of ivobespierie and other
leaders to progress so far, and no farther; and
the members by vote had passed a law which
entitled the majority to exclude from any par
ticular sett net any particular member whose in
terests might lead hitu sway too opinions ot the
club. Ilobespiefr", whose ambition hid ren
dered ht tu an object of suspicion bid often been
voted out of the assembly; and it lias been a
matter of surprise to the historian of the time
tiut he could s > long have in liutaineJ his influ
ence in spite of the violence of the opposition
thus permitted. The socet is now revealed.—
A small room— hiding place iu the ih'.i.kties.
oftiie wall——has just Lcen discovered, opening
by a trap Jo>>r into the very iiail where the de
liberations were beiftg carried ui>, and wuenee
lie could listen to the uuasur ;s to be taken
against'him, and, thus forearmed, hi ve powei
to defeat tlieui. It i? evident that this hiding
el ico must have been occupied by Robespierre;
and when first entered by too workmen, the
traces of his presence were still visdlu in th"
journal Which lay upon tint table, and the writ
ing paper, from which hid been torn a sm-l,
p trtioii, as if for the purpose of making a uie.n
oraniluiii. The only book which was fiuud it)
the place was a volume <>f Florain, open at the
second 'diopter of Glaudtne. It was coveted
with snuff, which had evidently been shaken
fro... the reader's shirt-f.ill, and horC testtmony
to the truth of history which rccorJs the sim
plicity of the literaly tastes of Robespierre.—
His presence seemed mill c hang about that artd sul tary space, as though be h'.i
quitted it but the utouiont before; and, si.ignl .
enough', tlio maiks of hi feet, as tuough 1.. -d
recently trodden through the mud, were still
visible on the tiles wi'b watch the flooring is
It was in the spring of 18— that I found
myself gliding upon the waters of tli; mighty
Mississippi, and bound for the Crosceut City,
New Orleans.
Wtih a single exception I found no travel
ling acquaintances ou board the boat, although
I had been two days upon my j luritcv, which
was bccoinitii quite monotonous. The indi
vidual ivith whom I singularly enough, frater
nized, Wwtaed lik ■ myself, to have li'tle incli
nation t icxtsml hi* aeqo lintance among the
pafsengers, though be emitinualty seemed to
lie on the lookout for some one, and from th.j
operations of two or throe individuals, who-e
profuse dipl iy of v'st niiams and j;Welry,aud
proficiency of carL at the tabic in the siloon
betrayed their profession, I more than once set
him down as a police—'elective in disguise.
He called himself tieorge Tnorn, of Ken
tucky: so bis card Tend, which he give inc in
exchange for mine. In truth he was a noble
specimen of that State. Full six lectin height,
a clear, ititel'igcnt tdue eye, tiroad forehead, a
fight cmly hf.ii, inns'iil.r arm, and a chest of
a llercnl s, lie Cuailengod tnc admiration of
more than on of the passeng -rs, as with bis
serious and never smiling face he paced the
promenade dock, or >at buried in thought in
the saloon.
"Do you ever play cards?" siiJ I to him, as
he left a group that were si 'tiding about a ta
ble of four players,.and noting the progress of
the game, i linl frequently seen him itivtteu,
bu' be invariably, kite myself, refused to par
ticipate in the game.
"0!i yes," said lav, "hut w'ioro is the use of
playing bert ? thw. fellows (nodding t iward
the pi ivers) know every card in the pack by
the backs, and thi-y are trying to piuuk some
poor | igcon liotu riumig the passengers, but as
\ec with iudiffeieiit success, beware of them,
I thanked him lor his friendly wirning, and
a! the same lime expressed my a-toiii-hiiieut at
hi: affirmation. To convince me lie Cille l tho
.steward of the boat, and ordered hint t.
a fresh pack of c ifds, which were i.rou-hf, and
he handed the pack to uc, bidding me slmfll;
them. 1 did so, when he immediately selected
nearly eveiy are aud king from the pack, with
out iookiug at thit faca of tnctu. Next he dealt
them in two parcels, when, upon examination,
1 found thai, all lite cards of real value in the
game were iu his hand, although 1 could not
detect the least unfairness as he de rit them.
"You see," said he smiling at uiy 1 ,r >fc of as
tonishment, "the advantage an expert in
iiruters h is even over a skillful player."
"1 do, indeed," I replied, astonished at my
fellow traveller's dexterity, uu'i beginning to
think that ue might be a retormed gambler, or
one playing the possum for some purpose 01 oth
er, but us tie did not urge or even invite me to
plav, nor bal playe.l with any one else, and
threw the curds aside with an expression of
disgust too natural to he assumed, 1 came to
the conclusion that my travelling acquaintance
was a riddle yet to he soled.
Sarly the next morning the boat arrived at
New Oilcans, and amid the hurry and bustle
of disembarkation, 1 lost my friend, the Keu
tuokian, not seeiug him to bid him adieu. The
same evening however, after visiting the thea
tre, I was ctij iving 'he cool air and the fra
grance of a Havana, in the rotunla of the St.
Charles lintel, and conversing with a friend
from iho North, whom I had fortunately met,
when who in should 1 eucouutot but uiy steam
boat friend.
After the usual erecting our conversation
turned upon our trip down the fiver, our fellow
passengers Ac. witen my fellow traveler remark
ed if 1 would like to witness the interior of a
gambling house or "hell," as it is sometimes
utore appropriately called, he would be pleased
to show it to us as one of the sights or "lions"
of the city. Never having witnessed anything
of the kind, both 1 aud tuy friend assented; and
after a short w.iik found ourselves withiu the
precincts of one ot those glittering au i gor
•vouslv furnished establishments —vestibules
to the infernal regious —where meu were enga
ged in various games at hizsrd.
The interior ofgimblmg houses has too fre
quently been described to ueed a repetition.—
The Fato Bmk, with its crowd of betters—the
R,u re *t .Voir labia, with its anxious circle,
and gtoups of players at other guuiosoi which
I was ignorant of the name, were all busily
engaged us we entertd. We had passed throuyb
two apartments, aud had reached a third, in
which were but four players, pljying in pairs
at different tables. As we entered we sat at
an uuoc<ipid table for a moment, when as we
did so. we heard one ot the two men nearest us
av to his opponent:
" fit,it's the last dollar, luck is yours, aud
I'm C etilled out."
"iiiM vou wear a good ring," said his oppo
nent. '•See! I give you a ohunee tor revouge.
I'll b c't my ring against your's on the ntxi
gunc. I.hi a ring 1 won at pi ty t'rotn a Ken
tucky b>v, who eitne to New Oilcans to nee
ihe Mgkts," siid lie carelessly.
How little did he know those words so tight
ly spoken had sealed his doom!
"No," said ht.s opponent, rising. I'll meet
you to morrow :iihl. 1 uon't pledge uiy jew
elry yet."
A 3 the player who was sitting with his back
partially toward us, mentioned Kentucky in his
conversation, 1 saw Thorn listen with eager
ness, on 1 us lie twisted the rine he offered to
bet upon his tingor, I saw the Kcutoekian turu
deadly pale.
His eyes glowed like fire for an initant, then
'tis duutenrnee as .sunied its usual calm and
I | lucid l<ok, an.f to our auiczemsnt he rose and
walked across rtv* vuputauut .o the player, Who
h id j ist been lift by his companion, and cour
teous! v proposed to rrv a hand with hiui, if .1-
grueab'.e, and if we, bis frieti Is woul 1 excuse
him for a short time. Of course wa assented
—so did the gambler, who appeared at first
souiewh it surprised at the proposition, but
probably resolved to try hi.* -skill on the new
The cards were dealt and the gune proceed
ed. W were Huffiiieotly near to sea tint the
pieces of gold which constituted the first stake
were web by our friend's opponent; so, also,
was the second. The tuir l stake Thorn gained
and thus they went on, alternately winning
an I losing, till at list Tliorn Carelessly siiJ;
"Tliti•' a pretty ring you offered to let
awhile :igo, stranger. Will you sell it?''
"WeU, as to that, said the other, "it's pretty
enough ; and cost me enough, for a youtio fellow
pledged it to me about ttiMo yeais ago a* a
sort of no'e of hand, which he promised to
redeem with five hundred dollars that he owed
me—a debt of honor, sir: but lie never paid it,
so 1 retain the ring. No, stranger, 1 guess
that 1 will no' sell it."
"But.the OWIIT, you shouM have tnade Uitu
pay. Five hundred dollars ij a dear price for
such a bauble."
"Why as to that," said the pliyer, as he
gathered up cards for the next baud, "he
con] In't co ir: to time very w-ll: for h- paid
the debt of nature, as they nay, 'he sain > right
and thai canceled uty obligatiun. Ah! the
stake's mine, there's always luck in this ring,
sir, I believe,'* said he, as he drew the inouey
toward Lim. "Suppoe •we try a large stake;',
and he prepared to shuffi ; tin- cards again.
"As \ou like," sari Thorn.
"Well, what, shall it be !" said his opponent,
"any hing from one to five hundred;" and he
threw a bank note of tbat denomination care
lessly upon the 'able.
To our surprise, Thorn drew out a wallet
from his pocket,and prolueed an equal amount.'
then sweeping the cards they had been using
from the table to the fl >or, heca led fir a fre-h
pack; ami as the attendant brought them, be
pissed them rapidly through his bauds and
gave them to las adversary, remarking to him,
as ho did so, to 'miaJ bis deal this t.uie,' fixing
upon bim a searching glance as lie went
through thai op-ration. The gasjj was known
as b.uff or poker, 1 kuow not which, but at any
rite one in winch (lie players bet on the cards
they hold. Thorn and his opponent having
glanced at the Card*comuiorioed the game.
"I'll go one liuudred," *.iid l'horu, commen
"Two buaircd belter than tbat!" said his
"Anotlier hundred!" continued Thorn.
"ll'm'tn ! three hundred better!" said the
gambler, producing his notes.
"Three hundred nine! ' said Thorn quietly.
The game was getting exciting to us as epec
tators/ three thousand doll us lay upon the
table to be decided by tiie ear J i held by tiie
players, each ot whom seemed fioui his bets to
be confident of success, though their coun
tenances betrayed not the least emotion.
"One hundred more," said the gambler
"I call you," said Thorn.
"Ah! three kings aad au ace!" said the
"Thtee aces and a king! said Thorn quietly,
as he displayed his own eirds, and tviti: his
eyes fixed steadily upon bis oppomnt, folded
up the money.
"Fortune lavors you," said the gambler,
socially, too well Schooled to betray any euiotiou
or chagrin at tiie result.
"So it seems," said Thorn.
"But I hope to meet you again, sir, for I
tnust have my revenge after so heavy a run of
luck as tins," sui 1 Thorn's opponent; "and 1
have no doub*. your friends will join us in a
social sit-down, for if you are as good at
cracking a bottle, singing a song or telliug a
story, as holding a band at cards, those who
arc your friends are fortunate.''
"I must confess," said Thorn, "tliat I am
not of a convivial or musical turn, though I
can occasionally tell a good storv. I have a
little history now, sir, upon my tongue's end
that will be of uncommon interest to you."
"To tue ! Fray te 1 it sir," said the gamester
with a laugh. "It will be a gocd wtud up to
the evening's entertainment."
It was now past midnight absorbed in the
excitement o: the game, wo had sua<ccly noticed
tin: flight of time, or that the adjoining rooms
were nearly deserted by 'heir occupants, at the
other end of the apartment in which we were.
The oilier players had finished their game long
since, and been spectators of that betweeu
Thorn aud his opponent.
"About three years since a youqg man in
Kentucky, the confidential agent of a large
business firm, was entrusted with a sunt of
money, and commissioned to transact some
business in New Orleans, it was his first visit
to that city: he started happy, leaving behind
hitu it young wife and a lov ]>• in foot. IJu
foiinnately, upon one of the Mississippi bouts
or immediate!v upoultisairivdHit New Orleans;
he fell in with a "professional"—a man of play
—you understand.
"By the management of the "professional,"
the young ni in was enticed to a "bell," induced
| to play, plied with wine, strippsl of bis money
—in hort, to use a "professional" word
"ll* ! ha, the old storv," said the gtuibl er;
♦'the Use of all pigeons!"
"Hut I have not finished; that which most
interests you is yet to noine.
••Indeed, go on."
"The young man was perfectly sobered at
his loss; be returned to his hotel; stung with
remorse and half crary with excitement, ho
placed a pistol to his Lead and blew out his
brains, leaving a tarnished name as an inheri
tance to bis wife and innocent child."
"Bat what is all this to no." add the gam
bler, now pale as fishes botWlh the flashing
VOL. 30, NO. 48.
f eye* of tbe speaker; "Is it a moral lesson you're
' ibuilt to read here, or a terua you Lave to.
" Wtant is it to you?" eoutinued Thorn, bi
I voice quivering with exeit -moot. Ah ! I'll teli
| you wUat it is to you. This uie .'ting of you
| and 1 to-night, which for three long years I
1 have sought, is not were chance. The band of
Heaven is in it. Twas three years ago this
j ♦ery night —aye, this very hour.'" and he,
I glancing at bis witch, ''that the young man I
-poke of rushed iniJiy tutu cteruiiy—no by hie
I own bind, but his opponent at the carj tat|e
is lie thai should k accountable for ihe deed
•of blooJ. Tiie auiouut of aiouey be lost is just
| the amount 1 hive Won this night fn.ui you,
I t'xal V>nj ria ' upon your firmer in hit— l aif
j uis uiturnEit you* auk uis assassin !"
Toarn prououiiued these worn* m a clear,
I ringing voice, and, as be concluded, brought
I his hand down with a blow upon the table at
which they were .sitting, which was instantly
overturned,as be and his opponent started
siuiuKaucousiy to their feet. They were -earce
!y six paces apart springing from their chairs,
i and boih draw their weapons as they rose.
| '*J)ie . liar.' shouted the gambler, discharging
his weapon the moment he gained ois feet.
I lie bullet ripped open Thorn's waist coat, and
; his watch flew into fragments from his pocket,
.angling l.y his chain, at the same moment his
•arm, slowly rising, ~ecame rigid a.-, that of a
statue toe pistol ue held explode 1, auu ihe
gambler tell back a corpse upon the carpet.
This all passed so suddenly ere wo could in
terfere, thai wc stood as almost paralyzed for
au instant—the servants aLruied by tbe noise
j —aud the police c iuie rushing into tbe apart
ment. Thorn quietly surrendered himself,
j merely turning to us and the other two who
t were lu iho room, saying as he did so : G ;u-
I si ;uien heir witness thai I bred in self defence,
and tnat 1 received the vii.aiu's first shot
nete, aud he pointed to bis shaitcrcJ watch
with a smiie, aud tiyuiug, left the loom with
the officers.
110 was triod and acquitted, as it was clearly
proved that liis adversary tireu upon him first.
'1 he fact that the gambler was a notorious
rascal, w.iotu the cuujiuuutty could well afford
to spare, might have had influence wtth the
j try. I have not met Thorn since, but the re
collection of that fearful scene is yet fresti and
vi\id iu my mind, though tunny years have
passed since it was enacted.
The Lady Wlio Wears Xo Iloop.t.
We saw her on the street. She wa of me
dium height, with targe, black, brilliant eyes,
and an intellectual face. Her garments were
plain, but neat and tidy, and she wore uo hoops'
This lady hud a large bundle on her arm.—
It was woru, ''slop work," containing many
thousand stitcher, all made with her own fin
gers. The lead was heavy, and b> re bard on
her delieato frame. 15ut she walked fast and
slid easily through the crowd, for she wore no
hoops 1
We glanced at the hind which grasped so
tightly the bundle whicli she carried. It was
delicate, yat browned by exposure and labor.
No stikeu glove protected it from the rays of
the sun, aud though almost faultless in shape,
it presented evidence of lurd usage in the
world. l"et it was a hand that would have
looked lovely ou a fashionable skirt, but that
it will uever do, for this lady wears no hoops !
Wo watoheh her carriage. Despite her bur
tlieu, it was graceful, ller step W a* regular
and elisttc, her heaj ercet, and her tread Soft.
There, tnought we, is natural grace, though
the lady wears no hoops '
Bat is she a lady l Aye, and a true one.—r
Follow her, with that bundle, to her employer's
store aud liiten to the language of a lady, as
it falls sweeily from ber lips. See with what
a grace she teccives her pittance for her labor,
and how, smiling and happy, she tetnrns to her
home, and you will declare her a lady, if <he
does not wear hoops !
Follow to her home. Obscrvo (he cleanliness
of the apirtuieurs, and the neatms? winch per
vades her bouseholi. See her, as she pais her
little and orpliaucd ones on the cheek, aud
gravely and sincerely thanks GJJ that she is
favored with health sufficient to enable her to
for their suppott, aud you uinst acknowl
edge that she is a lady, a true lady cveu if she
does not wear hoops '
She is a lady, a true lady, because she de
votes herself to her woman's mission. Her
children's welfare, ber children's happiness, h.
nearest htr heart, though condemned to adver
sity. She pursues her way cheerfully, though
sadly it may oftentimes be. She prefers to be
stow ail the attractions heaven and eiucatiou
have given her to her home, humble as it may
be, and has neither time nor attention to bestow
up in such frivolities as hoops. Thoc who
cnooso may judge a gentleman by (lie eui of his
cioth, aud a lady by the iuibtcitsi y of tueir
crinoline, but we coutenu that there are uuitty
ladies, true ladies, who do not wear hoops !
jYiiihviitt Gazette.
A Kohaxck.—Tho New York Tribnne says >—
"The voting daughter of a respectable phvaician,
residing in Brooklyn, was married a tow days
since to a dentist just pver the way,' under cir
cumstances which have made the affair (bo sub
ject of much comment, i'lie lady is only seven
teen years of age, and after a brief acquaintance
with the dentist, a attachment sprang up
between tbciu. The father was opposed to a tuar
riaeo, and ordered the dentist not to enter bis
bouse, lie also sunt the daughter oft' to school,
iu the vaju hope that she would forget bar lorer-
Tlda tailing in the desired result, he brought liar
home, ana it is rumored was about placing her ia
a convent. The young lady, hearing of tbis trip
]>td across the street, and claimed the protection
of h*r affianced. <JIow or never' said ska; 'if
you me-io to aiarry me, do it this hour.' A cler
gyman was immediately sent for, and the indisso
luble knot tied forthwith. The iud-gmnt lather
made one attempt to' setae bis lost daughter, but
the urw husband hatHhian off. Mo rvcoiaclUtu>n
kas yet taken placo."