The Bellefonte Republican. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1869-1909, December 22, 1869, Image 4
igriultral Deputy WEONESDA' MORNING Dec. 22, '69, Josh Bilings. TiE HORNET. The Hornet is an it fianamible bug ger., sudden in his impreshuns, and hasty in hi z conclusions, or end. His nat.ral disposition iz a warm cross between red pepper in the pod, and fusil oil, and his moral hiss iz, "get out uv wy way." They have a long black boddy, di vided in the middle by a waist spot, but their pbisikal importance lies at the terminus of their t:obburb, in the shape of a javlein. This javlein is alwuz loaded, and stands reddy to unload at a minnut's, warning, and enter a man az still az theught,as spry as litenio, and as full of melancholy as the toothake. Horn ets never argy a kase ; they settle awl ov their differences of ()pippin by let tin their javelein fly, and are as sur tain to hit az a mule iz. This testy critter lives in congrega tions numbering about one hundred soles, but whether they are mail or fearnalo, or conservative, or matched in bonds of wedlock, or whether they are Mormuns, and a good many of them klieg together and kepe one husband to save expence, I dont know or dent hare. I never have examined their habits much, I never konsidered it healthy. Hornets laid their nests whenever they tare a noshun tu,and seldom are disturbed, for what would it profit a man to kill 99 hornets and hay the one hundredth one hit him with his jape lin They bild their nests of paperovith out any back doors to them or win dows. They have but one place of ad mission,andthe_riGst iz the same shape of an overgrown pineapple, and is cut up into jist as many bed rooms as there iz hornets. It iz very simple to make a hornets' nest if you kan. but i will wajer enny man 300 dollars that he kant bild one that he could sell to a hornet for half price. Hornets are as bizzy az their second couzins, the bee, but whatever they are about the Lord only knows; they don't lay up any honey or enny mon, ey ; they seem to be busy just for the purpose ov working all the time; they are alwuz in az much of a hurry az if they was goin for a docter ; I spose this uneasy world would grind around on its axle-tree onct in 24 hours if there want enny hornets, but hornets must be good for some— tlinz., but I cant think now what it There liairit been abug made yet in vain, nor one that want a good job. Thare is ever lots ov human .men loaf ing around blacksmith shops, and cider mills, all over the country, that don't seem to be neccsary for anythinz but to beg plug tobacco, and swear, and to steal water-melons, but you let the cholera break out once, and then yu will see the wisdom of having jist sich men laying around ; they help to fill cut. Next tew the cock - roach,who stands tew the head, the hornet haz got the Most waste stummuk,in reference tow the rest of his body than enny ov the insek population, and heie is another mystery; wat on arth duz a hornet want s^ mutch reserved corps for ? I have jist thought—tow carry his javelin in ; this ye see, the more we disk - over the more we are apt to know. It is always a good purchase tew pay out yer last surviving dollar for wisdutn ; and wisdom is like the mys tenons lien's egg, it ain't laid in pure hand,but is laid away under the barn, and yu have gat to carob for it. The hornet is an unusual kuss,he iz more haughty than he is proud, he iz a thoroughbred bug, but his breeding and refinement haz made hint like sum other folk I kno ov, dissatisfied with himself and evrn}, , loody else ; tou much good greeding ackts in this way sometimes. Hornets are long-lived—l kant state jist how long their lives are, but I know from instinkt and observashun that enny kriter, be be bug or be he devil. who is mad all the time and stings every good chance he can git, generally outlives all his nabers. The only good way to get at the ex act fiteing weight of the hornet is tew touch him, let him hit you once with his javelin, and yon will be willing to testify in court that some one run a one-tined pitchfork into yer ; and az for grit, i will state for the inlorma— shun ov thoze who hav'nt had a chan ce tew lay in their vermin wisdom az i hay, that one single hornet, who feels well, will brake up a large camp meeting. What the hornets do for amusement is another question leant answer, but some ov the best read, and heaviest thinkers amung the naturalists say they have target excursions,and heave their javelins at a mark, but i don't imbibe this assershon raw, for i never knu any body so bitter at heart az the hornets are, to waste a blow. Tharp is one thing that a hornet duz that i will give him credit for on my books, he alwuz attends tew his own bizziness, and won't allow enny boddy else tew attend tew it, and what he duz is always a good job,you never see them altering anything, if they make enny mistakes it iz after dark, and ain't seen, If the hornets made hall as many blunders as the men do, even with their javelins, every boddy would laugh at them. klurn _ts are clear in anocher way, they leave found out, bytrieing, thug; awl they ledn git in this world, and brag on, iz their vittles, and clothes, and you never see one standin at the corner ov a street, with a twenty—six inch face on. because sum banker had run oph, and took their money with him. In ending oph this essa, I will cum to a stop by concluding that if the hornet was a little mcie pensive, and not so darned peremptory with their javelins, they might be guilty of less wisdum, but more charity. :But you k-arit alter bug natur, with •ont spiking it for anything else, enny more than you kan an elephant's egg. Keeping a Farm Journal. No doubt there are farmers who commence business with a determin ation to keep a daily record of their operations on the farm,and the results of them. This resolve is carried into execution for a time, but after a While intermissions in these jottings occur, and finally cease altogether. This delinquency does not prove that the practice is not a good one, and as an incentive to perseverence, we would cite a case of a man who commenced farm life bareheaded, but eventually attained great wealth—a result he at. tributed in a great measure to a daily journalizing of his farm operations a practice kept up for forty-five years, and not then discontinued. These daily memoranda were made in books of convenient size, each con taining the records of a single year, and when full properly labelled and and filed away for future reference when desirable. They contained the number of fields farmed each year, the amount of labor bestowed, the actual yield, the names of the parties employed each day, the daily receipts for stock and farm products sold, money paid out, and for what purpose. the character of the weather, together with such reflections as the current news of the day supplied. This jour nal was uniformly written on each night just before retiring to rest, but when the party was absent, as was occasionally the case, it was the duty of the person in charge to make the necessary memoranda each evening. These records were often appealed to, to decide disputed points in regard ' to the weather and crops of particular seasons, and not unfreguently taken before the courts for the purpose of determining the date of particular transactions. At first these nightly records may prove rather irksome, but if the practice is kept up persever ingly for two or three years it becomes a habit pleasureable rather than other wise, and profitable to the parties who steadily pursue it. —l7nerican Fanner. Keeping Winter Pears. No fruit is worse treated than the late autumn and winter pears. They are generally gathered before their time,and then kept in dry atmosphere. What wonder is it that fruit which should be melting and delicious, turns out to be a shriveled, tough and taste less thing? Most late varieties hang on well, and should be allowed to re main until there is danger of hard frosts; they are to be carefully picked when dry, placed in boxes or barrels, and kept as cool as possible. It is not a good plan to take them to the cellar until the weather becomes so cold as to endanger their freezing.— When in the teller, the temperature must be kept as low as possible with out danger of frost. Do not mix varieties in the same package. The different sorts have each their own time for maturing. A frequent ex amination will show how the process of ripening is going on, and the slow ' er this progresses the finer the fruit is likely to be. When the proper changes have taken place within the fruit, it is indicated by a change in the color of the skin. When this commences the fruit may be taken in small quantities at a time to a warm room, to "finish off." We have seen even the despised and much abused Vicar of Winkfield, when treated in this manner, prove itself a most ac cepteble pear. —Exchange. FARMING. —lt is with farming as it is with every other business ; it must be attended to or it will not pay. This is more so now than fomerly, For vow machinery does the work of hand labor s and Fcience is adding suc cess which the common farmer can not reach, hence he is found in the rear of profit and general success. There must be intelligence. The ad— vancement of farming has made this so. "Skinning" land must he among the thins that were. This, however, is less the case on the prairies than in the East. An old fashioned farmer stands but a poor chance there. He is constantly selling out to "better his condition," which isnot done by buy ing another farm. He is generally glad to get rid of his land. We must, then, as the country improves, improve with it, and that by informing our selves, both by reading and conver— sation with those who know. A Philadelphia paper says that an eminent surgeon of that city had his horses washed in the morning with water inwhich one or two sliced onions had been steeped. He found that the flies kept at a respectable distance, while no harm was done to the ani mals. A separate bucket or vessel other than that used to water the horses, would be necessary, and great relief would be obtained at a small cost. Chieizells, to be made profitable, Ehould be fed raw meat. rr, ELTN49 U:,if: ._3.I;S TA LPEVS PATENT HAND SAW MILLS The above represented main() HAS NO EQUAL. It is simple in its construction, easily operated, and not liable to get cot of order. One man can with perfect ease rip a two inch hard weed or a three inch plank in one third the time that it takes with the ordinary baud-saw, and besides, the most inexperienced apprentice can, with this ma chine SAW TRUER AND S FRAIGHTER Than the best journeyman can with a Hand-Saw THE JIG ATTACHMENT. recently patented, (as shown by the cut, at the right) to be operated by foot or hand power,or both at the same so arrang ed in combination with the Rip Saw that it forms ono machine, and by a simple devise is readily detached, and two distinct ma chines are rendered, and by putting on in place of the Rip Saw a Cross-Cut Saw, a UNIVERSAL HAND SAW-MILL is produced. Price reasonable. For furth er particulars address. C. G. SCROLL, Agent, septls-3m Bex 1344 Williamsport Pa. N EW GOODS AND NEW PRI CES !! MGR RATES RUBBED OUT I GOODS AT OLD FASIIItNED PRICES liOFFLI &'4VRO'S Would respectfully inform their old friends, that they are daily receiving a large STOCK OF GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they are offering at the very lowos market price. DRY GOODS! Consisting of the latest styles of FIGURED LED PLAIN ALPACAS, Figured and plain al Wool Delaine. Shepherd Plaids, Black Silks, Summer Silks, Irish Poplins, White Goods White Counterpanes, Linen and Cot ton Shecting,s, Checks, Ginghams, Bedticks, Flannels, £ 0., &c., Shepherd Plaid Balmorals, Black Cloth, Cassimeres, Velvetine, Cordu roy, Kentucky Jeans, Drills, Ladies Cloaking, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, AND PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS A - full line of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sati netts, and Vesting, all kinds and prices, which willbo sold cheap. We have con stantly on hand a large and well selected stock of all kinds of CROCKERY, GROCERIES, MACKEREL, SALT, (tc Which we will dispose of at the lowest cash prices. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods, and the htglit st marks. prices allo wed FRIENDS, A WAKE TO YOUR INTER- EIE For we feel satisfied that we can suit your TASTES aS IN ell as your PuUSES. ja6 . 119. 1 y COMPLF,TTON OF THE PAGIF IC RAILROAD. GREAT RUSH TO STERNBER.G'S Sang to the Tune of "ankee Doodle The Great Pacific Railroad's laid, From ocean unto ocean, And now comple connection's made,— An enterprising notion. The mighty work at last is done, So speedily and brisk, oh! And now in ten days we can run From here to San Francisco. No more TVe take the ancient route, The stage, a horrid slow thing; It banged the passeners about, And wore out all their clothing. Cuonus, for the end ot each verse The Great Pacific Railroad's laid, From ocean unto ocean, And No buy clothes from A. STERNBERG, A. most delightful notion. Through passengers by the Pacific Rail road will call at the store of A. Sternberg.he fore starting, mtd provide themselves with a complete outfit of the elegant and substan tial Spring and Summer Clothing. the very best assortment of which will always be found at A. Sternberg's Store. People who travel by other routes, and al so people who, instead of traveling by any route at all, prefer tr stay at borne, can 'find the most superior and seasonable garments, for every occasion, of every variety, and at the lowest prices. Do not fail t,.) call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere; if you do not, we are sure you will be sorry that you did not. Our goods are put down to the lowest figure. We sell whole suits, according to quality, RANGING FROM $6.50 TO $lB.OO —the very best. A. STERNBERG, Allegheny St, Bellefonte, Pa. my26'69-Iy. B ELLEFONTE ACADEMY. A SELECT SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LA DIES AND GENTLEMEN. Next Session op , .ns on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER FIRST, with every facility for the education of youth in all the studies which constitute a liberal aid polite education. Special attention is given to Musis and Drawing. Vocal Music is made a regular branch in the course of study, and is taught to all pupils without extra charge. The Principal is assisted by an ample corns of tried and capable teachers, the united aim being to insure the moral culture, and gen eral refinement, as well as the intellectual improvement of the pupils. Each scholar has a due share of individual attention. Parents who wish to place their children where there will be no necessity for change till they have completed their education, aro invited to visit this School. Parents who wish to have their daughters board out of the Institution, can find pleas ant homes, and at reasonable rates in the town. For further particular. Ad reds, Rev. S. P. BUGIIES, jy2l' Principal. TIOR LADIES ONLY.—For an article r having a remarkable sale. address Mrs. MORGAN, 139 Fulton St. N.Y. je23-3m. LAMPS, every variety and kind at IRWIN ,S; WILSON'S SCREWS and Hinges of every variety and IRWIN slr, 'WILSONS p t °Olt LOCKS of alt kinds,go suit every body. at IRWIN & WILSONS G L .A.SSI all rizes and qualities, at •IRWIN t WILSONS TIN &SHEET-IRON W.e,ltE TIN AND SHEET-IRON STORE TILE OLDEST TIN- WARE ESTABLISHMENT Imo, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. The undersigned hereby desires to call the attention of his many patrons, and the entire people of Centre Co., th :t he man ufactures TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, Cheaper and on a larger scale than ever.— Ho keeps constantly for sale. Tin Buckets. Wash Boilers, Coffee Boilers, Fruit Cans, Dish Pans, Lard Cans. Wash Basins, Coal Oil Cans, Stove-pipe of the beet Rus sia, and other iron, constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to RO °PING AND SPOUTING All work warranted. Give us a call. WM. S. WOLF, Allegheny Street. ja6' AATETSLER & TWITNIRE MILESBURG. PENN'A MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COOK AND PARLOR'S.VOVES, HEATERS FOR C3IIIRCTIES .t DWELL INGS. The following Pattern of Cook Stoves con stantly on hand. BARLEY-SHEAF, REGULATOR, IRON-SIDES, FARMER, • EUREKA, AMITY. Castings and all kinds of repairs furnished to order for all kind of stoves in mar ket Russia Sheet iron finished, Gas Burners neatly repaired. A large assortment of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE of our own manufacture, heptconstantly on hand, which we will sell Wholesale or Retail at prices as reasonable as elsewhere. SPOUTING, ROOFING, and all kinds of Jobbing done on the short est notice and warranted. We will re ceive orders for and put up " COP PER LIGHTNING RODS," which are superior to all other Rods in market. We will pay the highest market prices for 31d Metal, Copper, Brass, Pewter, &c., ef-c., itc. We always enndeavor to sell CHEAPER, THAN THE CHEAPEST. Try us and be convinced jao' -44 7 1 eat,,., .42 "OUR OLD HOME," llii undersigned having secured the ex (lusive sale of this justly celebrated Stove, have no besi:ancy in pronouncing it TILE BEST COOKING STOVE manufactured in the United States to-day. They have improvements over all other Cooking Stoves, and ara pronounced by all who have used or sold thew, to be the best EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC We also keep on hand all kinds of PLAIN, PRESSED, FANCY AND JAI A NNED TINWARE, which will be sold at tho lowest possible LEM JOB WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS done at the shortest notice, and upon the most reasonable terms. Feeling satisfied that he can please all who arc disposed to be pleased, and that ho is determined no to be our done by either Jew, Gentile, Turk or Lieathen,he invites the public to call :Ind examing our stock before purchasing else where. Don't fail to call and see his "OLD HOME COOKING STOVES." JOHN S. LONBEBGEB, No. 9, Bush's Arcade, naar24'C:9-Iy. Bellefonte Pa BOOKS & STATIONERY TAT N E W BOOK STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Book, Stationery & News Emporium, JACOB D. MILLER Has purchased the Book, Stationary and News establishment of Kinsloe and Brother on Allegheny street, near the Diamond, to which he has just added a large invoice of goods, such as is generally kept in a well conducted Book and Stationery Store. His stock consists of Theological, Medical, Law, Miscellaneous, Sunday School and School Books, Time Books, Pass Boolrs,andDiarios, Every grade and price of Cap, Legal, Bill. Letter, Bath and Note Paper, fine French Paper. Envelopes of every descriptial and Price, Pens. Inks, Inkstands, Erasers, Rub ber bands. transparent and common Slates, Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Crayons, &c. -ALSO Daily and Weekly Papers, Magazines, and Sheet Music. a large supply of Legal and Justices Blanks. constantly on hand. Also 11. S. Internal Revenue Stamps at face. lle is also Wholesale Agent for Lochman's Celebrated Writing Fluid. Country merchants would do well to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsew here, as I can sell at manufacturers prices. ja6'69 LIVINGSTON'S BOOK STORE. (ESTABLIPIIED IN 1515.) At this well known Establishment may be four: everything in tho " BOOK LINE," THEOLGICAL, CLSSICAL, LAW, SCIENTIFIC or LITERARY. An Extensive assortment of family Bibles, with or without Photo graphic Plates. ranging in price from $3,75, to $25. ALSO, nll the Ley and Sunday Scho- I Books in general use. Blank Books, Legal Blanks, and all kinds of Stationery, he. Prong t attention given to orders. A liberal discount made to those who buy to sell again. GEO. LIVINGSTON. ja6' 9.1y.] - Bellefonte. Pa. N AILS, all sizes and kinds, nt IRWIN WILSON'S.d T HE BELLEFO.NTE BOOT AND SHOE STOKE BELLEFONTE BOOT dc SHOE STORE BELLEFONTE BOOT & SHOE STORE BELLEFONTE BOOT & SHOE STORE Ono Door North Irwin ,t. Wilson's hard ware Store. MANUFACTURERS, . M INUFACTURERS. FIN' CALF BOOTS, FINE CALF BOOTS, BELLEFOSTE BOOT Jr, SHOE STORE, BELLEFONTE BOOT Jc SHOE STORE, BY GRAHAM SON, BY GRAHAM do SON, AT 88,00 PETt PATH, AT $B,OO PER P A large assortment of RIP BOOTS, War- ranted, AT $5.00 PER PAIR, AT $5,00 PER PAIR, BY GRAHAM & SON, BY GRAHAMS SON, We respectfully incite the attention of the public to our loge selection of L ‘DIES BOOTS & SHOES, LADIES BOOTS & SHOES, and all kinds of MISSES' & CTIILDRDN'S MISSES' & CHILDREN'S Boors & SHOES. BOOTS & SHOES. CALL AND EXAMINE CALL AND EXAMINE OUR CHEAP BOOTS Sr, SHOES, OUR CHEAP BOOTS k SHOES, ja20'69.1y. GRAHAM& SON, T HE PLACE TO GET SHOES EVERYTHING NEW & WARRANTED WHOLESALE & RETAIL BOOT & SHOE STORE [One door above Reynold's Bank.] Have just received the most complete as sortment of everything in the 4 ` ~ ; ~ j i~~ l g a Y~ t;1 , ..~...Ma~ i; t ; ` !~: ~ ver brought to Bellefonte.. Their entire stock, which is the largest ever opened in this place, was made to order from the best material. It was purchased fur cash and will be sold much lower than any one can afford. who liuys on time. They lr~"` I II o- ~„ I: I~ ~~ `~-~~y~ ARE PRACTICAL WORKMEN and everything sold will he guaranteed as represented. Repairing and custom work promptly attended to. jaG' ATTENTION REFLECT ! ! BOOTS O•'R SHOES Tha only exclusive Boot and Shoe Manu facturing shop in Bellefonte. I would respectfully invite your consider ation to the g neral satisfaction whisk in every case 'ollows my work. Prices reason able, and neat fits guaranteed. JOHN POWERS, jafi . 69.lyi] Allegheny St., Bellefonte. WOOD & COAL BURNT LIME. Fresh burnt Lime always on hand and for sale at the lowest ir al het price, at the SUNNY-SIDE LIME KILNS. on the Railroad near Bellefonte. We have no fear of suceessrld contradiction when we say that we have the BEST LIME IN T_TIE STATE. It is free from core, and our kilns are so constructed that all the ashes are sep arated from the burnt lime be fore it leaves the kiln. It is a PURE SNOW—WHITE LIME And makes as fine a finish as the limo burnt from the marble quarries in the eastern part of the State. Our facilities for burning and - .flipping lime are such that WE CAN FURNISH IT CHEAPER than the same quality of lime can be had at any other place. All orders promptly filled. Address, J. R. dc O. T. ALEXANDER. ja6' Bellefonte, Pa. War. SIIORTLIDGE. BOND VA.L'ENTINF. SHORTLIDGE & CO. WOOD AND COAL BURNT LIME. Always on hand and for sale et the lowest market price at the BELLE]; ONTE LIME KILNS. on the Turnpike leading to Milesburg. The BEST PITTSTON AND SHAIIIOIIIN Anthracite coal. Also a new consignmon of plastering lath, paling, and sawed shing les for sale for at our yard, near south end of B. E. V. It. It. Depot. ja6.89.1y. TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF LEATHER The undersigned has just received the most extensive lot of Leather, from the New York, Baltimore and Wilmington mar— kets, ever brought to this place, Donsisting Spanish Sole Upper, American Kip. French Kip, Baltimore Colt, OIL FINISH AND BRUSH MOROCCO, KID GLOVE SKIN, \Mang Leather, Linings and Shoe findings, of every discription, all of which will be sold cheaper than can ho bought nt any oth er establishment in Central Pennsylvania. ABRAHAM SUSSMAN. Bellefonte, Pa. jal3' BOOTS & SHOES GRAHAM & SON, GRAHAM /6 SON, GRAHAM t t SON, ALLEGHENY STREET, ALLEGHENY STREET, ALLEGHENY STREET, GRAIIAIti do SON, Kept constantly on band at the P. MoAFFREY & CO'S. BOOT AND SHOE LINE, Before ordering your LIMB LEATHER PLANING MILLS M. 11. MACKEY P. H. IIAUTP MILESBURG PLANING MILL MACKEY k COMPANY, having leased the above named Planing Mill, and added largely to its facilities fo turning out first class woik, are now pre pared to furnish FLOORING. DOORS, BLINDS, SASH, SIIIITTRS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, and manufactured lumber of EVERY DESCRIPTION at the LOWEST CASH PRIOES All manner of work such as Scroll Sawing, Moulding, Brackets, made after any desired pattern, ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE This company is composed of practicable mod:ladies, and Eamnel Adams, one of Vae Co., bas been foreman of the Bellefonte Platting Mill since its commencement. Connected with the mill. and in operation at all times, is one of the latest improved COKE DRYING KILNS; which leaves the lumber in a perfectly healthy state, assists in preserving it, and in fact adds to its lasting qualities, while oth er methods of drying deteriorate, and ren ders it more liable TO DECAY AND WASTE. Lumber cried in a Coke klin, i? dried per reedy, and when worked anti put up, will not SHRIVEL AND SHRINK, thus giving buildings the appearance of Laving been erected out of Green Material We know that nur facilities give us every advantage over other PLANING MILLS IN THIS SECTION and we feel perfectly free in saying, that all our WORK WILL BE GUARANTEED, to be of A SUPERIOR QUALITY. We will furnish anything in our line from a door panel, to a WHOLE HOUSE, and cot such prices, as cannot but prove to be an inducement to THOSE DESIRING TO BUILD. All orders promptly filled and a fair share of public patroange, respectfully stdi cited. MACKEY .4 COMPANY, spr2l'69-ly MILESBURG, PA W. IL 1101,31E5, Wit. 11. InCITTI. B ELLEFONTE PLANING MILL. BLANCEJARD & COMPANY NAIVOrACTP/ERs or WHITE & YELLOW PINE PLOORING AND WEATHER-BOARDING. of Various Styles, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHUTTERS, MOULDISGS ScP• - ll Work of every Description, BRACKETS Or ALL SIZES, and PATTERNS matte to order Having a "BULKLEY'S PATIENT LUM BER DRYER," connected with our estab lishment, we are enabled to manufacture our work from THOROUGHLY SEASONED LUMBER. BORDERS FROM CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS. DEALERS AND THE TRADE GENERALLY SOLICITED-154, BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PA ja6.60.1y. TOBACCO & SEG.LU'LS CNRAS. T. FRYBERGER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in . TOBACCO AND SEGARS, BALTIMORE SP UN ROLL, SIX TWIST, NAVY, lb and lb. Cut and Dry Smoking Tobacco of all kinds, also Segars of all grades and prices at $l3. per thousand, and upwards. PIPES, SEGAR CASES ; And all the various kinds of articles usually kept in a Tobacco Sbre. Goods will be sold wholesale at manufacturer's prices. Give us a trial. I in vite all to como and see • for themselves. Storo —Opposite Brockerhoff Rouse. feb3' NEW TOBACCO STORE. LEVI A. MILLER A COMPANY, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA., respectfully informs the public that they have opened anew WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO STORE in the new building recently erected by J. B. Butts, where they have a large stock of TOBACCO, SEGARS, MEERSHAUM PIPES, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, the very best and of all brands, together with a large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing G OODS. In connection with the above, they have also opened an extensive FASHIONABLE EATING HOUSE on European principles. • Everything in the best of style. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. apr2.l'69-Iy. L. A. MILLER A CO. RESTAURANTS A RCADE SALOON GEO. M. PECK, Proprietor hereby inform my friends and the public generally that I contiuue to keep the ARCADE SALOON, in Bush's Block, adjninirg Howell, Gilli land 6: Cr's. Store. Meals can be obtained at ALL HOURS during the day. Oysters. the very best. cooked in every style. Meals provided for Regular Htarders when order ed, and at reasonable rates. Thankful to the radio for past favors, the continuation oft se favors is respectfully solicited. f 17'60,17. G. M. PECK. T HE ANVIL HARDWARE STORE! C. WILKEY & WILSON aanaaaanaanatianaaana,aaanaaanaaftaaatteas aaaanaaa:traaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nnnnnnaronnr.nnnannr:nnnnn nnwannnnnunnntinnnnnnn vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvy vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvy mminutinuntimmtinnum In 1111 l innimitimminiiimiin 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 North-west Corner of the Diamond, BELLEFONTE,P A., HARDWARE of every DESCRIPTION Their Stock of Shelf Goods is complete, em bracing a full variety of Every Class. In Heavy Goods the same va riety is kept up, embrac ing, in part, IRON; of all sizes and shapes. Steels—Cast, Shear, Spring, Blister and Drilling, Horse Shoes and Horse Shoe Nails, Toe Calks, Anvils rind Vices, different makes and prices, Stoves—Cook, Parlor Gas-Burners, and Cyl inders, four makes and kinds. SPRINGS— Axles and Skeins, all sizes, WOOD WORK, all kinds, for Wagons, Buggies and Carriages. GRINDSTONES, all sizes, and Kitchen do., Platform Scales, from _ _ _ 100 to 1 000 pounds, Counter Scales and Balances, Oils, Paints and Varnishes, of nil kinds MANILLA ROPE, all sizes, and PACKING, The Celebrated ORIENTAL FURNACES, for Dwellings Houses and Churches, WOODEN WATER PIPES, 'f any Bore and Length Call and see their Stock before ruakine your purbhase• Are always pleased to show our goods. jan-6,'69.1y H ARDWARE HARDWARE! NO. o, BROKORHOFF'S ROW! J. & J. HARRIS-THE PLANE TO BUY. The subscribers would respectfully inform the community that they have opened a complete comprising all varieties of goods in the line which they WILL SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES Their stock consists of all sorts of building hardware, table and pocket cutlery, carpenters', mason's, plasterer's and blacksmith's tools, and mato rials, nails, iron, horse shims, and horse-shoe nails, rope tackle, FORKS, CHAINS, SHOVELS, AXES, Housekeeper's goods, saddlery, carriage trimmings, etc., etc., with all sorts and sizes of GOAL OIL LAMPS, and the different parts thereof, together with a complete cssortment of the best PALL'US, OILS, VARNISHES, &a. BY STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS ACCOMMODATION OF CUSTOMERS SHARE OF THE PUBLIC PATRONAGE will find it to their advantage to call and ja6' INSURANCE AGENTS JAMES 11. RANKIN. Attorney-at-Law RANKIN Jo IRWIN, GENERAL LICSURANCLo AGENTS No. 3, Armory Building, Bellefonte, Pa Represent the following Companies CAPITAL STOCK Rana Fire, Hartford 40nn,.....55,502,880.19 Home Fire, New York, 2,000,000 Putnam Fire, Connecticut, 500,000 Guardian Fire and Marina, Phi1'a,...500,000 Wyoming Fire,Wilkesbarre, capital and surnius, 110,000 Lancaster city and county, Lancas ter, Penn'a, oco,oeo Assets over, Sio,Goo,noz Annual Income, 6,000.000 Surples, 2,000,000 Losses paid in 1868,-Three-Fourths of a Million Dollars. Diridends over, One-Half of a Million Dollars, Life Ineurance on all plane. mar2V6P-Iy.. ]L\.IiDWARE SIGN OF THE is the place to get PUMPS, for Cisterns and Wells STOOK OF HARDWARE GRIND-STONES, etc., oto. They hope, and a constant care for the to merit and receire a BUILDERS AND OTHERS EXAMINE THEIR STOCK J. & J. HARRIS, No. 5, Brokerhoff's Row REAL ESTATE AND _ETNA LIFE SEWING MACHINES MERICAN BIIITON-HOLE OV.ER-SEAMINGi AND SEWING MA CHINE COMBINED MEDAL AWARDED AT TEE PARIS EX- POSITION, 1807. In directing attention to the celebrated COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE, we teal fully warran ted in claiminE.; for it unquestionable superi ority over all others as a Family Machine.--- The Simplicity, Ease and Certainty with which it operates, as well as the uniform ex cellence of its work, certainty place it far is advance of any other similar invention of t h age. It is also the chcapest,intrinsically, as well as the best, since it is really two machines combined in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement never before ac complished by human ingenuity,) making either the Lock Stitch or Button Hole Stitch, as occasion may require. It is, at the same time, simple in construction, comparatively noiseless, easily understood, and, in a word, it combines with those advantages exclusire ly its own the most desirable qua/itier of all others, for it not only does every variety of sewing in a SUPERIOR MANNER, but in addition OVERSEAMS splendidly and makes beautiful Burrax and EYELET BOLES in all fabrics. This is far beyond the ca pacity of any other machine. The SPLENDID MECHANISM of this Machine, and the superior skill workmanship and ma terials employed in its construction, are a guarantee of accuracy, strength and -dura bility, and enable the company and its agents to Warrant Every Machine they sell to give entire satisfatition. INSTRUCTIONS GIVBN ON TUB MA, CHINE GRATUITOUSLY Lessons may be taken if desired with a view to test the Machine, or to become bet ter acquainted with it before deciding to pur chase. Samples of work will be furnish ed upon application at J. J. Biii.EL & QO., LOOK HAVBN, PEKTA Agents for Clinton, Centre and Clearfield This Machine does all hinds of Stito 'Hemming, Cording, Felling, Braiding, Bineing, Ruffling, Tucking, sewing and Gathering au. This greatest Novelty of the age, is new on exhibition and for sale by J. J. BISEL & CO, Agt'a. Examine all other 'Taehines, then call and examine this ono before buying. febn9.lY. SEWING MACHINE THE SINGER SIMING MACHINE! Among sewing =gbh:es, those made by the Singer Manufacturing Company, raak with the highest. Their manufacturing ma chines, bare long been known us the best for manufacturing purposes. But within the past few years, they have given spacial attention to the production of a FAMILY MA URINE, destined to win =non favor in the HOUSEIT_OLD The machine which they now offer ie quiet light-running, simple, fast, noiseless. Its accessories for lIEMMII6, BRAIDING, BINDING, QUILTING, TUCKING, CORDING, FELLING, GATHERING, are simple and easily understood. Ifs deli cate though enduring and tireless muscles of iron and steel, do all the work noiselessly, batter, and few will deny, "Faster than hand can do it." They urge those wishing to pur chase a machine, to examine all the other manufactures before buying, as it will, for itseh: overcome all the objections to the other machines that can be brought against it. Machines on hand for sale and exhibi tion, together with a full and complete as sertnaet of SILK, TRIO; LINEN, OR COTTON THREAD na the 1.37.3333rie3 for the maohiasa, by W. W. MONTGOMERY, Ag't. Gents' Furnishing and Tailoring establish ment, No. 7, Brinkerhoff' Row, Bellefonte, Pa. jy2S'69-Iy. LOGAN FOUNDRY, NEAR TEE RAILROAD DEPOT. EXIMEI BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. Wo are happy to inform the people of Centre and tho adjoining countieJ, that we are now prepared to make House Castings; such as Sash Weights, Cellar window Grates, dm, of all sizes. Grist and Saw Mill Cast ings, Sled Soles of all kinds, Plows, Plow Shares. We also manufacture the IMPRO V.E.D WORM PLOT AlsoEG3 STOVES, Stove Castings, Oven Doors and Frames, Coal Grates for Pave ments, Water Pipes, Wagon Box es, together with every variety of Castings kept constantly on hand, or made to order. All orders filled prompt ly. Gi7e us a call. Don't forget the place, near the Railroad Depot, Bellefonte ja6'69.1 IV - ANTED—LADY AGENTS, in every V V Town and Village, to Fell what every lady will purchase at Fight. Addresa Miss WILLIAMS. 139 Fultcn Et. N. V. je`2Bal2 = Q. otinties FOUNDRY BAYA.RD, JINKINS & CO,