la M I M IF- Local Department. BELLETONTI,PA Wednesday Morning, Des. 22, 1369 JOB WORK.—Posters, CircuLtrs, Bill Heads, Cards, Paper Books, Job Troik .of ecti kiu e , neatly executed at the REPUBLI- O qt. reasonable rahs Two MusicAL and Literary entertain mente,-under the auspices of" the Acade my,'will be . giventhe citizens, at Rey nolds New Rail; one on Thursday .Eve., Dec.; iho other on Christmas night. Doors open at 7. Exercises begin at 71. A. B. Hutchison hasbeen commission ed Deputy Escheator, by Auditor Gen'l Hartranft, to take charge of the escheat ed estate of Patrick Brew, late of Miles burg, deceased. Orricana of Bellefonte Lodge, N 0.268, A. Y. M, elected Tuesday, Dec 14th, 1869, to serve one year from St. John's day, Dee. 27th, W. M., A. 13. Hutchison; 5, Geo. M. Yocum; J. W., Adolph Loeb; Seo'y, E. M. Blanchard; Treas urer, Isaac Mitchell. SO TELEI STIOVLD.—We are pleased to learn that, in consequence of so much having been said by the honest portion of the Pennsylvania press against the corruption "ring" at Harrisburg, the members of the next Legislature have become exceedingly Huff-y SNow.—On Saturday last, about 7 o'- clock in the morning, it commenced snowing, 'and continued to snow all day. until about 7 o'clock in the evening.— Several of our friends measured it at that time, and report that. it measured 18 inches deep. Sleighing, therefore, is good. FESTP7AT“—The members of the M. E, Church, and their friends, will hold a Festival, at Beech Creek, Clinton county, from December 29th, to January let, in clusive, for the benefit of the M. E. Church at that place. It is hoped that all lovers of.good order and Christianity fill attend. The Musical Convention wilt, no doubt, be a grand affair. Tickets, 50 cis. A REMINISCENCE.-At an early day, quite a severe battle was fought at the big spring in this- place, between the whites and Indians. Several Indians were killed, and the remainder driven up the Sinnemahoning. The whites were led by Capt. Sam. l;i•ady and Peter Grove, two of the greatest Indian kil lers ever knoWn. The Indians were led by that renouned warrior and Chief ; Bald Eagle, who had his nest ntar where Milesburg is located. - Tualczy.-We want no vnut machine,nor any hybregised Bohemian individuals to bnast of their iurkeys, or even to hint turkey to us. We tiun't Irish to hove any communication with you. either verbal or written, on". the subject of turkey. Thanks to the great big liesrt (41g enough fur three) of -Zinimermait Bro's & Cb., we ha.Te a Clltristmas tur key. Zimmerman Bro's & Co. under stand their husines.s. They appreciate the virtue of printer's ink. We appre ciate the turkey. You bet. Who says turkey for New Years thy .•;o flumtitio.—We do tint wish to in f.irat you, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, hits diecevered a remedy that cures all diseases of mind, body or estate, and is designed to make our sub lunary sphere a blissful paradise, to which heaven itself shall be but a side show, but we do wish to iPf07177 you that Dr. Sage's... Catarrh Remedy has curad thousands of cases of Catarrh in its worst forms and stages, and the proprietor will pay $5OO for a case of this loathsome disease that he cannot cure. It may be nrcured by mail for silty cents, by ad dressing R. V. PIEP.CE, M, D., BUffa:o, N. Y. For sale at most Drug Stores every where. REVIVAL,—Ret. Jas. Mullen, Pastor of the M. E. Church, in this place is holding a protracted m eeting. It has been in progress over one week. Several penitents have been at the alter, and others have asked the prayers of the Church. Mr. Mullen, we understand, is without help, having to do all the preaching, all the singing and all the praying, except the aid he receives from the "Warps," or sisters of the church.— We hope the good work may go on, and also hope that the brethren in Christ may come to the relief of Mr. Mullen, and come up to the help of the Lord—to the help of the Lord against the mighty. Hundreds of people, both old and young, are out of the ark of safety, who should be gathered into the folds of the Church. Zion, a. wake, arise! BLAIITIFUL SICK.—Loeb, May & Loeb have given another evidence of their en terprise, and their determination toes cal, by placing above their store-door one of the most beautiful signs we have ever seen. Everybody stops to look at it—everybody admires it,and every per sea exclaims: "Oh! who painted this magnificent sign? "Painted in the city, of course," says one fellow who always purchases everything he wants in the city, instead 'of patronizing home indus try. "No person in Bellefonte could paint such a sigu,"• says a third, who entertains the idea that no good can come out cf Nazareth, and that you must al ways go away from home to find talent, Poor fogy; his stye, if he is not careful. will break his neok. "That sign must have been painted in town," says a fourth, "becansc I.:ob, Nay S: Loeb, never em ploy foreign mechanics, when they can rind as good, if not bolter, at , home."— The last ETeal.:er was right. That sign was painted at borne—right here in Bellefonte, and by whom? Why, by J. G. Kurtz, to-be-sure. J. G. Kurtz for mally Editor of the Central Press, is the only man in all. this country who can paint, suet a sign. He has nainted all the I mM:come signs in town; but there is notbiar- ' to equal the new sign of Loeb, May .S. - .Leeb, in Central Pennsylvania. Mr. Kurtz is certainly master of the art, and all persons wishing signs should a?- ply to OUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT TO OUR AN-- NUAL ADVERTISING PATRONE.—This num ber closes our first year, or volume of the REPUBLICAN. Nobly have our busi ness men, merchants and mechanics, sustained it. Its success, we think, is unparalleled in the history of country newspapers. For this we thank our pa trons—the community generally. We have spared no pains, gentlemen, tokeep your business prominantly before the people, and now, as an evidence of our regard and esteem for yeu, as well as of our appreciation of your kindness to us, we give you one general closing notice, as a Christmas present, it being the best offering we can find space for at present. We ask our readers to peruse the list of mimes with care, assuring you that it will be to your advantage to consult the columns of the REPUBLICAN before mak ing any purchases. We recommend, and can only recommend those who adver tise with us : Irwin & Wilson, Hardware, &c. J. & J. Harris, Levi A. Miller, Groceries, &c. Sechler & Co., Burnside & Thomas, Zimmerman Bro's Co., Dry Goods. &c. G. D. Pifer, Keller & Musser, I< Howell, Gilliland & Co., Loeb, May & Loob, J. W. Cooke, AL Helfer & Bro., AS Harper & Bro's, .. • Emil Joseph, A. Sternburg, it A. Sussman, it Frank S. Wilson, Drug-store Frank P. Green, Zeller & Jarrett, Graham & Son, Boots & Shoes. I'. McCaffrey & CO., 46 John Powers, Jacob D. Miller, Book-store. George Livingston, John Montgomery & Son, Fashionable Merchant Tailor. Wm. S. Tripple, `• IL P. Harris, Furniture Ware-room, Un dertaker, John Brochbill, S. H. Williams & Co., " W. M. Holmes 4 . Co., Bellefonte Plain ing Mills. Mackey & Co„ Milesburg Plaining Mills. Wm. S. Wolf, Tinware, Spouting. &c. Bayard, Jenkins & Co.. Bellefonte Foundry. Dr. Wingate, Dentist. Dr Belford. Shortlidge & Co., Coal and Wood-turnt Lime. J. B. &C. T. Alexander, " E & E M. Blanchard, Profes'l Card. M. Allister & Beaver, Bush & Yocum, Orvis & Alexander, '• Wilson & Ilutchieee, Blair & Stitzer, J. G. Leve, Jas. li. Reekin, W. J Keats'', J. F. Potter, Geo. F. Herds, Jse. H. Dobhir-s, Angus' Ilibler, Geo. L Potter, 4i R. D G E Ch .1; F. Holihan,, Milesburg. .1 W. itLone, Deetiet, lioalsburg., F6l .N'l Batik, Bellefonte, Busietese card. Centre County lealdi, V Black, Meat-market. Rankin & Irwin, Insuiauce Agents, .Toeepli A. ltitnlan, Barr 3: K;nsloe, - ‘. Rankin & Irwin, Real Testa'e Agents. Isaac lianpt, Sieves, Tinware, &e. Wetzel & Twitmire, " I:riah Stover, Auctioneer. Wm. Brown, •‘ Daniel Garman, Hotel, Bellefonte, Pa. tlouser.l & Groin, Brockerhotf House. Vint. J. Hostel-man, Commisg, !louse. Brewn, Our Hotter. Win. lekeit, Hotel, Pleasant Gap, Pa. Jonathan Kreanwr, National Millheim, Pa. 11. H. Kline, Conrad House, Bellefonte. ' Geo. M. Peck. Eating Saloon, Bellefonte. Z.T.Cudykunst, Bak'y and Cenfecry. J. H. Salads, S. J. McDowell, J. P Odenkirk. Business card Dr. Witmer, Physician, &o. Shirer & Williams, Carriage reanufac tery, Milesburg. Theo. Desehner, Glinemith, Bellefonte. Geo. Blymyer & Co. Milroy, Pa. M. S. Graham, F ash, Barber, Bellerte. Peer, Salmons & Co., Bricklayers. Jeremiah Fesic, ilonsepidnter, &e. Isaac Lose & Co., Livery-stable. Prof. J. 1' Hughes, Bellefonte Academy. Quigly & Cruskey, Dry Goods, Eagle ville, Pc. Charles T. Fryberger, Tobacco store, BeDefonte. J. W. Ilaily, - Gas fitter. Dauchy & Co., New York. 11s. Pattie Winters, Millinery store. J. H. McClure & Son, Saddle and Har ness Manufactory. 13. V. Pierce, Catarrh Remedy. Hahn, Watchmaker and Jeweler. J. J. Disci & Co., Sewing Machines, Lock Haven, Pa. C. C. Scholl, Hand sawmill, Williams port, Pa. We have omitted no one's name from our list; if so, it is unintentional. Again we thank you, gentlemen, and ask for the renewal of the contract with one and all. And now, to you, to our transient advertisers, and to our 1672 subscribers, we wish abundant. success, a long, long, long and peaceful life, together with a "merrie," "merrie" Christmas, and a happy, busy New Year. A MODEL PARLOR MAGAZINE.—For beauty of typography, artistic engravings and high-toned literary articles, together with a. large and beautiful display of the Fashions, Demorest's Monthly Magazine is certainly unsurpassed. The January number, just received, in addition to unusual holiday attractions, has a tine steel Portrait of both Mr. and Mme Demurest. The rich display of novelitie. offered in Demorest's Monthly would seem to be enough to seoure a circulation sufficient to satisfy its publishers, but in addition we see they propose to give a very large and fine engraving to cash subscriber, valued at $lO. The Engrav ing alone would make a very appropriate Holiday or Birthday gift; but when ad ded to the costly Picture the best Parlor Magazine is included, to be a monthly reminder of the friendly feeling of the giver, there is certainly no better way of investing s3.—Address Demorest's Monthly, 838 Broadway, N. Y. WILD GEDSE.—On Sunday morning last two wild geese flew over our town. They were, evidently, hunting a w arm or climate, but had lost their course.— They were going directly East. What does it mean ? Can any of our prognos ticators explain ? Everybody should go and see J. C. burns, the Artist, at the Drockerhoff UNPRECEDENTED DisecivEßY.—la this fast age of fast steam locomotion and elec tricity, fast man, fast women and fast horses, and other fast institutions, this place, the city of Bellefonte in perspec tive, has the honor, or otherwise, of be ing the first place where wind•mills are run by waterpower. These nondescripts are in operation on High street, near the bridge. lisavY PORKER.—The Editer of the Jersey Shore Herald recently butchered a hog which, when dressed, weighed 481 pounds.—Gazette and Bulletin. Do we understand the Local Editor of the Gazette and Bulletin to say that Mr Seely committed suicide? If so, poor Seely! Wonder why ? Ho did not weigh so heavy when he left Bellefonte. HaAvY.—Hon. john A. Gamble is fat tening a hog that is estimated to weigh not less than 500 pounds when dressed, and it may possibly go a little more.— Gazette and Bulletin, We can beat that in this county. Mr. Adam Wagner, miller at Rock Mills, Benner tp., brought one to town last week which weighed 502 lbs., and we• learn that Mr. Frank Brown, Miller at Centre Furnace Mill, Harris tp., has one that he expects to weigh, when killed, over 700 lbs, ADMITTED. -Our young friend, Capt, W. C. Holahan, was admitted to the Bar at the adjourned Court on Monday last. We understand that he paesed a very creditable examination, and, with his application and energy, we have no doubt will make his mark in the profession.— On Tuesday evening, the Legal fraterni ty, with a few of his personal friends, were treated to an oyster supper at Smith's restaurant., which, empty tubs, cans, dishes and cigar boxes testify, was very highly appreciated. After supper, a number of short, appropriate impromp tu addresses were delivered, in which Mr, Holahan led off in a rich, original Poetical effusion, followed byG.H.Spang, Esq., who, in the most chaste and classic phraseology, welcomed Mr. Holahan to the toils, amenities and honors of the profession. Besides other speakers, Id. A. Points, Esq., in his usual happy style, portrayed, in gaudy colors, the lights and shadows, struggles and triumphs of the young pilot on the legal sea. Fulton county Republican please take notice of the whereabouts of "HoLA 11A31."—Redford Inquirer, Dec. 15171. So we see our young friend has reach ed the goal. We, together with his nu merous friends in Centre county, con gratulate Mr. Holahan. He will make his mark. No man possessing his en ergy and ability can possibly fail. Tun BEST AND CHEAPEST ORG.kli illustration of the advantages of a large production of any article, enabling the manufacturer to avail himself of the aid of machinery and most complete division of labor, and so to produce the best work at lowest cost, is afforded by what the MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. are now doing. It is well known that the Cabinet Organs of their manufacture have for some timo enjoyed the reputa tion of being tho best in the world; and the demand for them from all countries has so increased that the Company have now occasion to pr-A•tee one ;flindred and forty organs per week-. This has enabled them to introduce variety of ingenious machinery for the production of the various parts of the instruments by which they get increased perfection in their work, and make a considerable saving in the cost. It is a part of their system to sell always at least remunerative profit, depending on increased amount of business for a sat isfactory result to themselves. Accord ingly, they have recently reduced prices, and it is said, are now selling their fa mous organs at even less than it costs a small maker to produce inferior instru ments. The public are thus the gainers by getting the best article at less than, without such advantages, they would have to pay for inferior work. This Company .will not make the so called "ebeep" organs at any price. All their work is of the very best. THE WALLACE SISTERS.---The justly celebrated Wallace Sisters are coming to Bellefotite. They will be here on the 21st inst., and perform in Bush's Hall on the 215t,22nd,23(1,2•1th and 25th of De cember. We do not make a practice of noticing or puffing every company or travelling theatre which may find its way into our town, whether worthy, or unworthy; but we feel confident that we will not impose uptin, or deceive our readers by recommending to their fa vorable consideration the Wallace Sis ters. The press everywhere speak of their performances as highly entertain ing, amusing and useful. The Harris burg Telegraph, a first-class paper, and one which is very cautious as to whom it notices, speaks of the Wallace Sisters in its issue of December 9th, 1869, as follows, : Quite a large audience assembled at Brant's lower hall last evening to welcome the Wallace Sisters on their return to this city. Misses Agnes and Jennie were the "bright stare" of the combi nation. The play presented was Robert son's beautiful comedy of "Caste," which was produced in splendid style. Mr. S. B. Villa, as Hon. George D'Alroy, sus tained his reputation as a fine actor, while Miss Agnes Wallace, as "Polly," was excellent, and with her winning ways and vivacity won high encomiums for her acting. Miss Jennie Wallace as "Esther," showed that she fully under stood that character, and that she was an accomplished actress. The other characters were well sustained by the members of the company. The splendid dancing of the infant prodigies, Misses Minnie and Maud, was loudly applauded, and in order to gratify the audience, re sponded to several encores. This evening the laughable comic burlesque of "Fra Diavolo, or the Beauty and the Brigands, will be presented with Misses Agnes toad Jennie Wallace, Mr. Villa and the whole company in the cast. The enter tainment will begin with the farce of "Nan, or The Girl with Two Fathers," in which Jennie introduces her banjo solo. Minnie and Maud appear in a number of new dances. The management assure their patrons that nothing will be pre sented to offend the most fastidious. Do not fail to see the great company during their stay. Reserved seats can be procured during the day at F.S. 'Wilson's Drug Store. DIIUGSTORE.—Frank S. Wilson, of the Diamond Drugstore, has just received from the city a large supply of fancy articles perfumeries Sc , for the holli days. CirEsrsit Srnixus, Dec. 16, 186 J. MESSRS. EDITORS will, no doubt, be gratifying team friends elf. Hershberger in Centre county to learn that this amia ble, energetic and industrious young man, who has been in our midst but a very short time, has won to himself many friends among us, by his earnest endeavors, at all times, to do us good by his presence. On Thanksgiving day, according to appointment, the wortity gentleman de livered to us an oration suitable to the day and occasion. It was composed in his usually sublime style, and delivered with much feeling and energy, causing all present to feel that it was good for them to have assembled on such an oc casion, and that the day was not spent without the giving of one thought to Him who preserved our nation from war, from pestilence, and from famine. But who, on the contrary, gave us peace, prosperity and happiness, during another year. He discoursed largely, and in glowing terms, on the lives and charac ters of Geo. Peabody, Amos Sendall,and others, which the records of the past year show are no more but in story. He closed by hoping that his tear-bedewed audience might be profited by their vir tuous examples. On last Sabbath evening the same gentleman also givie us a Temperance lecture, which was both interesting and instructive in the extreme. Itis useless for me to state here that the young speaker did justice to himself and sub ject, as well as hearers, in this, as well as previous oration,both being delivered with great animation. Mr. H. mani fests many excellent qualities desirable in a young man. His independence and resoluteness of character, no doubt, will make him an excellent and useful man in his day and generation. Our friend is now engaged in the no ble work of educating the posterity of those who sacrificed their lives in de fence of their country in the late rebel lion, by which (posterity) he can have the assurance of being lovedand respect ed, by all who know him, as long as memory shall last. S. P. Fur flat Republiaan. TRIP TO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE.—Hav ing occasion to visit in the vicinity of Centre Furnace and Agricultural Col ley, it may not be uninteresting to read a few of the pleasing reflections expe- rienced while there. Tarrying over Sunday, we, with the good people, attended divine service at the Branch church where, report says, services last from 91 a. in., till 2 p. m. This day the time was considerably abridged; but even bad it been so long, time would pass very pleasantly with so good a people. Opening—practice of church music. Next comes Sundty school, which is divided into two branch es. The Juvenile department is in the basement, and superintended by Miss• Lyon. The other is under the supervis ion of Wm. Thompson, Esq. In the lat ter it was our good fortune to be, and Was much edified at the zeal manifested in the Scripture recitations. Parents, whose heads were frosted by age, sat side by-side with those who, from their youthful appearance, might have been their grand children, all equallyabsorb ed in the Scripture subject of their les son. Each subject was fully discussed before another was taken up. At 11 o'- clock Rev. Mr. Hamill, who officiated here over a quarter of a century, enter ed, and passed into the pulpit. He is an able preacher, and his members know how to appreciate him. One of the most prominent citizens here, is Moses Thompson, Esq. He is one of the most genial, hospitable, and, pecuniarily speaking, solid men of the county. Men who have the capacity to manage well for themselves, would also be peculiarly capacitated to manage the affairs of the country. Why not give him a position in our national government? Two of his sons are proprietors of a psi vate banking institution, located at Cen tre Furnace, who, for their close atten tion to business, their pleasing atten tion to their customers, and their strict integrity, merit our heartiest wish for abundant success.- It was also our good fortune to make the acquaintance of Prof. J. T. Roth roch, of the Agricultural College, his literary attainments and gentlemanly de portment make him a favorite with the students, and gain for him many friends. Our old friend, James Jack, with his excellent betterhalf and daughter, know "how to keep hotel," and any not know ing their capacities of making their guests happy and at home, should lose no opportunity or time in going there and finding out for themselves. Disap pointment in this case would be an ex ception. The College year is about closing, and students and Professors are seeking en joyment of another sort, and rest, to start anow, on the 15th February, when the school-year again commences• The prospects arc very flattering for having a large class for the coming year. Married. MARSHALL—CRUST—On the 16 inst., at the Presbyterian Parsonage, by Rev. W. T. Willie, Mr. Edward Marshall, and Miss Rate Crust, both of Buffalo Run. HA UPT—BOILEAU—On the 15th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Green Miles, Mr. P. H. Haupt and Miss Hattie Boileau, both of Milesburg. Special Notices. A COUGH, COLD OR SORE THROAT LI. Requires immediate attention, as neg _,.,41;,.,, Met often results in au incur 4kAytiv able Long Disease. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL .8 010 11 At . TROCHES ? orA ky- will most invariably give ' in stant relief. Pon BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CATARRH, CON SUMPTIVE and THROAT DISEASES, they have a soothing effect. SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS use them to clear and strengthen the voice. Owing to the goad reputation and popu larity of the Troches, many worthless and cheap imitation are offered, which are good for nothing. Be litre to OBTAIN the true BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES BOLL ETEIITIVREIRE 1.i0v16'•6 ran.. , Grain and Fiour Markets. BELLEHONTF:, Dee. 22, 1869. Barley $ SO White wheat per bushel ......... 1 10 Red wheat 1 00 Corn (new) 65 Oats 40 Rye per bushel 90 Buckwheat per bus. 75 Cloverseed " " 6 50 Plaster V, ton 18 00 Apples, dried, per lb $0 12 ® .15 Peaches, " " " 18025 Cherries, cg " " 20 Beans per quart .... 35 Butter per lb iB 40 Beefsteak per lb 20(4)25 Beef roasts 18020 Chickens, each, live • 25 Turkeys, " g. „... 6501 00 Cheese per lb ..... e!.. 25 Hams, •d• (‘ 30 Bacon . ®24 Lard, por lb.. Eggs, " doz !aggs, _ Mutton and Lamb per lb Veal cutlets per lb ••• Potatoes per bus Dried 8eef........ Corrected Weekly by Geo. A; J. P. Blymyer• Mranoy, PA., Dec. 22,1869. Whito Wheat, ll bushel $1 10 Red 1-05 Rye ef. bushel 80 Oats, new... 42 Corn 80 Barley 90 Flaxseed 2 00 Cloverseed 6 50 Plaster, Ground 10 00 Salt in sacks to 3 00 " in bbls 3 25 to 3 50 Linaeburners Coal . 5 00 Stove Coal, Wilkes Barre 8 00 S. 11. WILLIAMS & CO IktA.NUFACTURERS OF COTTAGE FUR NITURE. ALL KINDS OF TURNI3D WORK. At our new estpblishment near the Belle fonte Planing Mill we new manufacture Cottage Furnituro, Chair Stands, Turned Palling, ~.. Cant-Hook Handles, and turned s.ork -- of Every Description, CABINET MAKERS oughent Central Pennsylvania, me in vite you to call and see us. We'are prepar ed to furnish you with ALL THE TURNED WORK NEEDED in year business, cheaper than you can purchase in any OTHER PORTION of TUE COUNTRY— CAN PURCHASE IN THE CITY OUR MACHINERY is the VERY BEST, and cur facilities for obtaining lumber ena ble us not only to_ compete with, but to UND'ORSHLL ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENZ CALL AND EXAMINE OUR WORK Upholdtering. Roparing Furniture and every thing pertaining to the business pro perly attended to. OPFOSITB- THE BUSH HOZSE. je2'GO ly. Bellofonto, Pa F URNTURE WAREROOM alanufacturor and. Dealer in all kinds of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, SOFAS, LOUSGES, SPRING BOTTOM BEDS, TABLES, ROCKING CHAIRS, &e. I also }tee!) constantly on hand a very fine selection of the latest styles of MOST REASONABLE RATES My priees are all as low, for every artiole as IN ORDER TO SATISFY YOURSELVES Call and examine my stook (Old Stand) Spring St., je2'69-6.31. Bellefonte, Pa JOHN H. HAHN, OBSERVER Watehes, Clocks and Fine Jewelry, CHRONOMETERS^ OTHER WATCHER MOST SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION JOBBING OF ALL KINDS Pro'aptly and Carefully Executed at the SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE Business transacted in German tt English DON'T FORGET THE PLACE, Next Door to Harper Bro's. Store, SPRING ST., NEAR HIGH, BELLEFONTY.,, CI3NTRE CO., P-BIS,NA Jyz!°t3-iy Provision Market. us. 10 ®2O .. ~. ®2O Milroy Markets. MISCELLANEOUS The trade sapplied with cheaper than you in the whole. country and prioes JOHN BRAOHBILL, MATRASSES, CHAIRS, COTTAGB REDSTEDS, WALL PAPER, at tho they aan be in this mrkaat JOHN BRAOITBILL, ALSO, DEALER IN Repaired on the All Work Warranted to DRY GOODS, &c PHILADELPHIA STORE! PHILADELPHIA STOLE! PAILADELPHIA STORE! KELLER & MUSSER ANOTHER NEW STORE. ANOTHER NEW STORE. ANOTHER NEW STORE. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT - OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS.. KELLER & MUSSER have just opened the best, cheapest, largest, as well as the best assorted stock of Goods in Bellefonte or Central Pennsylvania, at their new PHILADELPHIA STORE, in BROCKERHOFF'S BLOCK, Bishop Si FOB, THE LADIES They have Silks, Coburgs Alpacas, Merinos, Wool Delaines, Lustres, Ginghams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Hand kerchiefs, Kid and other Gloves, Hosiery, Bal morals, Hoop-skirts, and a general va variety of ~~ Ribbons, trimmings , Buttons, Braids, eta., at the lowest prises. FOR GENTLEMEN. They have Black and Blue Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Tweeds, Meltons, Water-proof Cloth, Silk, Satin and common Vestings, ate., in great variety, and at prides that will give general satis faction to buyers. Their READY MADE CLOTHING is cheap, and consists of Overeoats,Dress coats, of various qualities and prices, Plain and Fancy Vests, Cassi mere and Flannel Gvershirts, Woolen and Cotton undershirts, Handkerchiefs, neck ties, Ac., Ac., ef-e. Calf and Kip Boots and Shoes, Gum Boots and Shoos, Hats and Caps, and HOUSEHOLD GOODS, in endless variety...suoh as Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Brown Muslins, Bleached Muslins, DrilUgs, Shootings, Table Cloths, Ize„ ctc., &o. Their stock of QUEENSWARE & GRO CERIES eannot be excelled in quality or price. Call in at the Philadelphia Store and con. vinceyourselves that KELLER & MUSSER have everything you want. and do business on the principle of "Quick Sales and Small Profits." GRAIN AND PRODUCE ARE TAKEN ja 6'69-Iy, N EW" 1 - 6.IIDAP 1 GOOD 11! Important to the Ladies of Bellefonte and surrounding country. ZIMIIERAIAN BRO'S & CO'S., No. 6 Bush's Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa., Have just opened their Fall Stook of Dress Goods, Notions, Gloves, Calicoes, Mus lins and Flannels. They have also added to their Stock, Zeph yrs, Zephyr Patterns, Germantown Wool, Ribbons and other Goods not heretofore offered by them. A complete assortment of Shawls, Blankets, and everything else is for sale cheaper than at cash prises, We are agents for the justly celebrated American Batton Hole Overseaming and Sewing Machine. The Greatest of the age It is LIGHT RUNNING, Simple, Durable, does not easily got out of order, and does more kinds of work than any ether Machine made. Price of Combination Machine with cover, Price of Plain Machine, without but ton-hole attachment, with cover,... $60,00 Don't forget the place. Come and see ZIMAIERMAN BROS. Bc CO Oct 6-ly NE IV STORE. HARPER BROTHERS Have opened up an ENTIRE NEW STOCK of GOODS of every deseription,at their new store room on Spring street; which wore purchased at PANIC PRICES, , and will be sold as low if not lower, than oan be found elsewhere in thi: section. Their stock comprises part, Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery Goods, Hosnries ' Fancy Goods, Clothing, Boots ec Shoes, Hats & Caps, Carpet-Bags, Umbrellas, Parasols, Gentlemen and Ladies Furnishing Goods, Ladies Cloaks & Circulars, In Silk and Cloth, Carpeting, Groceries Queenswaro /be STATIONERY, land everything else that is to be found in a well stocked country store. COUNTRY PRODUCE, taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market price paid. JAS. A. QIIIGLEY. HENRY CROSEILY Q UIGLEY dc CROSKEY'S CHEAP CASH STORE, EAGLE VILLE, CENTRE CO., PENN'A EVE take pleasure in announcing to far mers and the public generally that we keep constantly on hand, at our store in Eagle- Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., and SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY STORE in town or country. We shall always on .deavor to purchase good Goods and war arnt ererthing as we represen.t it. We also always pay the highest PRICES FOR, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Please call and examine our stook for ourselves. ja13'69.1y. FOR SALE.—Any person wishing to per ehase a good breeding Mare,eight years old next spring, a bright bay—would do well to call on the subscriber near Houser vine, Contra county, Pa. n0v.3'69 3t. 4, H. H. YARNELL. WAGON RUBES, spokos and felloes. large and small,at WILSONS' DO NOT FORGET That the place to buy Cheap Goods, CALICOES, DELAINES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, TORN IT. COOKE'S' CHEAP CASH STORE, REYNOLDS' ARO/DE, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. We started ut on the principles of "Small profits and quick Returns," and how well we have succeeded is known to everybody. OUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, are of the very best quality and are sold'at the most reasonable rates. We pay at all times the highest cash price for Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn and Barley. We most cordially invite everybody to give us a call, before pur chasing elsewhere. Do not forget the place. REYNOLDS' ARCADE, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. ja6' GREAT EXCITEMENT ! EXTRAORDINARY CONCENTRATION H O-W EL L, GILLI . AND &CO of Bush's Arcade, in. Rooms No. 1 and 2 have just returned from the city with a large and extensive stock of Spring and Summer Goods. We are now ready to offer to our customers a more extensive and better as sorted stock than ever before offered to the public. Our extensive stook of LADIES DRESS GOODS, .Demands particular attention Great Bargains to be had in Prints, Muslims, Notions, tto., ao. The latest styles of Spring and Summer Cassimers already received. READY MADE CLOTHING warranted to give perfect satisfaction. A large assormont of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. Our Grocery department demands particular attention. A full assorment constantly on kand,the best the markets can afford, SYRUP, SUGAR, TEA to COFFEE. Canned Fruits, Jollies, Domestic and Foreign Fruits, Cheese and Pastries of all kinds, and every other article belonsing to the Grocery Department, FARMERS, MECEANRW AND LA- LOOK to your interest Ono dollar saved is still one dollar in your pocket. Then call and see at what astonishing Low Prices. HOWELL GILLILAND & CO are selling Dry Goods and Grooeries. Como and examine for yourselves, and be convinced of the truth. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE, Bush's Arcade, Rooms No. 1 and 2 jan6' ANOTHER NEW STORE EMIL JOSEPH do CO., ALLEGHENY ST, $75, 0 0 13ELLEFOFTE, PENN'A CHEAP ArEW YORE STORE. COME ONE! COME ALL ! I SEE HOW CHEAP WE CAN SELL, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS FURNISHING GOODS FOR LADIES ct GENTS, FOR LADIES & GENTS, • FURS, FURS, COVERLETS, COVERLETS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, WATCHES, WATCHES, JEWELRY, JEWELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, Idol of which we warrant, and at oity prioeB A FIRST CLASS WATCH MAKER constantly on hand, and all work warranted A liberal discount to the trade. Give n a call. jaB' GEO. D. PIFER'S DRY GOODS AND GROCERY STORE, No. 6, BROKERHOFF'S Row, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, BELLEFONTE, PlENTed• jk Is the place for bargains in the way of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, queens and Cedar Ware., Groceries, CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS, ALSO, NOTIONS, &c., &c. Everything in his line is sold at very Low Prices. POLITE AND ATTENTIVE CLERKS, are always in attendance to wait on his numerous customers. The lIIG.HEST CASH PRICES paid for all kinds of marketing and produce. Cash paid for ALL KINDS OF GRAIN: Goodsdelivered with pleasure. No trouble oo show goods. Give him a call before pur- Chasing elsewhere. Da6'66.y ja6' "al WOMB SHOES, best make at IRVIN a:, WILSON'S DRY GOODS SILKS, SATINS, BROADOLOTIIS GASSIMBRBS, OASSINETS, BLANKETS, for Mon and Boys, is at J. W. COOK] OF BARGAINS such as BORERS, (V :Bride's Building,) NOTIONS, NOTIONS, G,RPCERIES, &c SECEUM, & CO., DEALERS IN snoagnig.a,.rqpuslONS, PRINTS, NUTS, k CONF3CTIONBRIES. 4EIIIIII TEO ABlrrg ABlllO/ITMENT, Wj GOODa, and sell, iO4 SAIALLEB. P,ROEITIF: than any. other HOUGH: IN OBNT R E . CO:lsl4_lTyy. 11 trsl4-10t.E"PliR t 1! and•all others wishing to parohasi. GRINERIES OE Every PRECRIPTIOX: will be amply repaid B GIVING. US A. CALL SEMLER s. CO., NO: SIX, HIGH . 87.'RE2T FRONT, "BUSK HOIIBB"BLOOK, BELLEF ON T.E. my26'694y4 BOOTS, SHOES, &e B URNBIDE & THOMAS: Offer to the Public one of• the largest and best selected stocks of merchan— dise, in Centre county. Call; examine and see for yourself. T HE Largest and Best Stock cd vrarra. ed' Boots and noes, warranted to Five satisfaction, at reduced prices, only tt b. found at BURNSIDI lc THOMAS': SPICES of all varieties, ground to• order and warranted to be strictly pure; It is the only place you can find unadultera. ted spices. Try them for your own satis faction. You can only find them at BURNSIDE cE. THOMAS': ANDSAWS, knives, spoons, coffee m 1-1_ shovels, spades, rakes, hoes, lamps, forks, chains, ic., at BURNSIDE THOMAS% HORSE COLLARS, if you don't wan : :: your horse's shoulders galled and• made sore, get good horse collars, at BURNSIDE THOMAS'; H ARNESS, collars, cart whips, carriage: whips, in great varieties, govern,. moot gears, saddles, bridles, martingaley, check lines, cart gears, tug harness, buggy,. harness, bames, &c. Everything in the sad dlery line, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS' FISHING TACKLES, rods lines, hooka, flies, sea hair baskest, &e. Rig you, out to catch trout, at BURNSIDE . THOMAS'; rirlEsE highest market price paid for all kinds of country produce, at BURNSIDE & TII0M114$':. FINE GROCERIES, mocha coffee, old gov. java, best quality Rio coffee, best olozg black teas, green teas, levering syrup, golden syrup, Drips fine article• ba king molasses, rice and everything in the grocery lino at:the lowest cash prices in the market BIIR.NSIDE TTIOMAW, is the pioce. TIS known to all in Bellefonte through the county if you want goo'd'artiole go to BURNSIDA & THOMAS' LEATHER of all discriptions, frenoh calf skin, spanish sole leather, more 300'lit. sheep skins; linings. Everything is the leatherline warranted to give satisfaetion,. at BURNSIDE a THOMAS'. T OYS of all kinds, at BURNSIDE SHOE -MAKERS TOOLS and findings, In. all their varieties, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS' NEW PATTERNS of oil cloths, at re. duced prices, at BURNSIDE ai THOMAS': SADDLERS BUCKLES, hooks,bita.. *ate rings. Everything a saddler wants . for the manufacture of harness. to be found, at BURNSIDE a - THOUS'. ..BASKETS in aßtheir varieties, childrene carriages, willow -ware, guns; pistols, powder; shot, caps, cartridges, Sec., at BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. i _ _ NOTIONS of all kinds, Stolring's gloves, Handkerchiefs, combs-, pocket books, in all their variety and very cheap, At BURNSIDE a THOMAS'. TURKEY PRUNES, raisens, peaches ap pies, oranges, lemons, all kinds of foreign fruits, llama, bacon tc., . BURSIDE 111011601. CANNDD VIM poael:ts ) Omatee pine apples, and peas in great‘Taris sty, et BURSIDE a,THOMAS W HITE FISH, Herring, zneekerel,„ ee BURNSIDE:6 THOMAS'. ja6' RABBITS SOAP ) Wm., Hagan aid Koons olive soap, Dobbins' soap', Jesse Oakley's soaps, old oastile, pure, Pdlm soap, Elderling's soap, and .a great-vdriety of okb. er soaps, at BITRNSID3i 2 arStOMAS' J 117.. BAILEY, Bash . atta tioar ;lie • Depot, BELLZONTE; PLIMIYER; GAS AltD STEAM FITTER, TIPI &• SHEET-IRON *OMER, BIv,IORB STACKS, ,to iSALSIL IN Flltß-I'I;ACB•HSATBRS, STONTS,L OW. DOWN GAAIiES, TERRA COTTA. GOODS, (from Phira . .,)- OHIM- NEY TOPS, &a,- AlasiAgts. foz S.A NFORD'S CELERRAI'D ITRATERS; (Brick Encased and Portsblo,) In short everything usually kept by the largest Plumber and. Gas-fitting Houses in. our cities, can bo obtained of me, as it. is sky, intention to spare neither time nor. pains H. accommodate those factoring ma with their.. orders; ORDERS SOLICITZA. from all parte of the State,. espeeiallar, fro* Cerltial Pennsylvania, and, -PROTOTLY ATTENDED TO EX CO3l WENT WORKMEN J: W. BAILEY, 1:11E11 2 23 New Block, my2d'€9•ly. Bellefonte, Penn a,