BELLEFONTE REPUBLICA N w. T. BROWN, A. B. EITTCIIISON, j Terms $2 Per Annum in Advance. BELLE'FONTE, PA., I,Vednesday Morning, Deo. 22, ;869 ADVERTISING.-- The BELLEFONT.E It'EPUI3LICAN a larger circulation than any other Republican gaper pub lished in the .county. Our tnerehants and business men will please melee a 710IC ITOLLID.A.YS. —There will be no pa per issued from this office next week, from the feet the holidays are here, and the foreman, jour, devil, and boss all wish to enjoy themselves. A Word with Our Patrons and the Re publicans of Centre County. This number closes the first volume of the REPUBLICAN. We avail our -selves of this opportunity to thank the people for their kindly and generous support. . We have no complaints to make, for certainly we have wet with the *most unparalleled prosperity. Nobly and manfully have the Republicans of Cen tre aided us in our enterprise, declar , ing thereby the necessity of a live, vig orous, reliable and energetic Republi can journal in the county. For the last six or eight years, or from the year 1862 to the beginning of the year 1869, the Democratic 1 , 1 7 atch man,filled with treason, with anti-war doctrines, and with vulgar and devil i-,11 literature, circulated all over the county without let or hindrance, with- out any one to contraclictits falsehoods or to expose its rottenness. Its Edi tor; Mr. Meek, following in the wake of such treasonable, false-hearted; an ti-Democratic and anti-patriotic men as Vallandigham, Wallace,Woodward Co., permitted no opportunity to pass without attacking the friends of the Government. Consequently every number was filled with appeals to the people to resist the draft; with the most treasonable and wicked doctrines; with abuse of the purest and best American Statesmen ; with tirades up on the soldiers—the "Boys in Blue"— and encomiums upon the rebel Gener al Lee and the confederate soldiers; -with law and - vulgar abuse of every loyal man, and especially, of every ehristian minister who, in obedience to the Scriptural injuetion of rendering "onto Ceasar the things that are Ceas ars, and unto God the things that are Gods," came out manfully on the side of the Government, and against the slave-holders rebellion. No pure man —no loyal and patriotic man—no min ister—no faithful soldier conk' think as Meek thought. and, therefore, they each, in their turn, were made to suf fer from the shafts hurled upon them by this treasonable and modern Ajax. The Democratic majority was increas ing in the county every year, and the Court lionse Ring had become impe rious, haughty, powerful and saucy.— The Ring and Meek owned the Demo cratic party, and the Republican party (we appeal to the people for the truth of what we assert)was, or might as well have been without an organ. In January last we commenced the publication of the REPuumCAN.— • Daily and weekly our list increased, until we now have upon our subscrip tion book 1672 bone fide subscribers. -`Without being egotistical, we must say we have made a pretty decent Editor of Mr. Meek, and the Watch man has toned. down considerably, and notwithstanding the fact that it is yet filled with falsehoods, they are not such whoppers as formerly, and, there fore, powerless. In the last campaign our party came within two hundred and twenty-five votes of electing half our ticket, while the majority against Governor Geary was less than it was in 1866, or, in other words, Centre is the only coun ty in the State, in which Governor Geary did better in 1869, than in 1866, all of which we consider a great victory, when we remember that over 300 Re publican voters remained away from the. polls. Our vote was increased by honest Democrats voting our ticket.— Hundreds of them will do the same next fall. In view of these facts, friends, we promise you the redemption of Centre county from Democratic misrule with in the next two years, and to this end, we respectfully solicit the continuance of your support and encouragement. Strange, Isn't It? Every person knows that it is im possible for a man in a miscellaneous crowd to engage in denunciations of mxrderers, horsethieves; or any other kind of thieves, without making said murderers and thieves feel that every word of the whole conversation is in tended for them. So it is with Meek. Last week, in answer to some of the Watchman's vain boasting, we had occasion to say "if we had the opportunity to play 'pinnies' and 'rooster' in Harrisburg fbr t'Z'O or three winters, wa might, perhaps, be able to erect brick build ings, a.c." Our reaiers will perceive that we did not say that Meek had played "pincher" and "rooster" while iii filarrisblirg„ disgracing Centre county as her representative, Yet, d;: -, on the principle by which all thieves are governed, Neck thought we nieaut bila, of course, or upon that other , principl, as stated by Shakespeare, : that "Conscience makes cowards of us ,a 11," Meek ppplies it all t.) himself, i,bus acknowledging that ho is guilty --that he did play "pincher" and "rooster," and that his brick build ing, was built oui l , of his, ill—gotten - gains. We did not say so; but we ask every intelligent man if Meek does not admit it by his ungentleman ly and blackguard reply. Yes, Meek, you have established your own repu tation as a "pincher" and "Rooster," and this explains the "milk in the cocoanut" or the reason why James Burns, Esq., was so anxious to have you returned to Harrisburg this win ter. But the people couldn't see it, and poor Meek was _'hired. EDITOtS " THE FOES OF SOCIETY." A Sensational Sermon on Sensational Our readers, by this time, have, no doubt, learned who Rev. Frothingham is. If not, they will soon know. He is the sensational preacher who officia ted with Rev. Henry Ward Beecher at the Richardson-MaYarland marriage and for so doing, called down upon his lawless and shameful conduct, the crit icisms as well as the censure of both the Religious and Secular press of the country. He deserved all he got, and more. He knows his conduct was rep rehensible and shameful, and, there fore, winces under the well-directed blows aimed, not so much at him, as at his unlawful and anti-Christian par-• ticipation in a marriage which was in open violation of the laws of God and man. We have said he winces under the severe but merited excoriations of the press; but he is too proud and fool hardy to acknowledge his error. On Sunday the 12th inst., he preach ed a sermon on the "Foes of Society," which, for the most part, was devoted to the press. He is said to have been ex ceedingly savage,und demonstrated not onlyto his hearers,b at to the world,that he is as Christless as the religion he teaches; that he possesses not one par ticle of Christian charity. " Charity suffereth long and is kind ; charity envyeth not ; charity vaunteth not it self, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly,seeketh not her own,is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil ; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth ; beareth all things,believ eth all things, hopeth all things, en dureth all things," and although Rev. Frothingham should speak with " the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity," he is, on the authority of the Bible, nothing but " sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.'' Forgetting the sacredness of the pul pit, the high and honorable character of his calling, and in open profanation of the Sabbath, he lets his angry pas-- slow rise, and vents his spleen and vi tuperation upon editors, whom he classifies among the "cold-blooded" foes of society. We copy as follows: "Sometimes the cold-blcoded man "is an editor. It is his business, as "an editor, to sell his paper. It is in " themarket. To sell his paper, he "must attract the multitude; but, to " do that, he must mate a sensation; " and, in order to do that. he has his " spies through society—his reporters and `interviewers.' who waylay gen " tlemen in the street, intrude upon the sacredness of homes, pass into "parlors and lurk around chamber c doors and libraries of good men and " women ; and to drag out some se cret, and extort something from men " to be used against themselves, their "wives, neighbors, or friends, is part of their business. If no story is told them vituperation is dealt in ; and if the story is deemed unsuitable, it is misrepresented by the reporter • when he leaves the door. Some ' times the editor is an atheist, and panders to the passions of the lower class of Roman Catholics,aud would seek to arrest a clergyman in order to rescue an assassin from a merited "doom or to blast the reputation of a defenseless woman. If the press were noble and worthy ; if it really sought to educate the people ; if it really meant to ha prove the condition c of the community, by vindicating '!truth and espousing the cause of :justice, it would be too powerful a despotism. If people could trust the press and give their reason over to it, the press would dominate every other influence. But, because of its wickedness, people pay no heed to it " and cast its slanders off. If it were "noble it would not do these things— spying into secrets. dragging the "private interests befbre the world.— "Are they not the moral foes who ear "ry falsification to the dignity of a "science, and bring malignity to the " perfection of au art ?" In giving utterance to the above, we presume the Rev. Frothingham had, in his minds eye, the Polzee Gazette, or the Days Doings, as these papers are to the newspaper world about what Rev. Frothingham is to the great body of Christian ministers—a scab, a tu mor, a running sore, an eating cancer, a disgrace, a cheat, a humbug,a semi infidel, an atheist in disguise. How can he be anything else, when we take into consideration the fact, that he denies the main link in the great chain of the Christians creed— the Divinity of Christ. A minister—a preacher of a Christ less religion—is certainly not the man to indulge in bitter epithets, or in pouring vituperations upon the press; but is most emphatically the proper man to assist in lawless - marriages, and to give utterances to blasphemous sen tences in his prayers. We write noth ing in malice. We hope Mr. Froth ingham may repent and he saved. To this end we will close these strictures in the language of the Apostle : "Therefore I write these things being absent, lest being present I should use sharpne4;s, according to the power which the Lord bath given me to edi fication and not to destruction." The Chester ReptMean , gets credit for the following ingenious definition of credit—"A wise provision by which Sheriffs and Constables get a. living." Journalism. The Next Legislature. The Contest fo'r the Treasitryshipe cessity for Reform—The Bellefonte REPUBLICAN Sustained—Voice of the - Republican Press of Pennsylva - The Greensburg Herald, which has not heretofore been in favor of the re form movement,but quite the reverse, is now beginning to see the necessity of reform. After a review of the situ ation and a genteel and logical defense of Mr. Mackey, the present State 'Treasurer, (against whom,by theway, we have no personal artimosites)gives utterance to the following strong and sensible points : "When the. Legislature assembles, should they adopt the policy of put ting new men—worthy and fit—into all the position they by law fill, we shall not only be content but - rejoice. In that case, as we before took occa.-: sion to say, our own Borough has the man for State Treasurer, in the per- . son of Geo. F. Huff, Esq. We can conscientiously say—that those who vote for him, need never t'ear of being assailed in the public prints for voting for one who could make an improper approach to any one for his support, or would fail to make a high toned officer, whose integrity and capacity would remain unsullied. Outside of Mr, Huff, we do not know who our representatives may be in favor of or will support. We have not had a word. with them on that or any other sub ject that may possibly be before them. We confidently hope and trust, how ever, that on this and every other question both of legislative business proper,and especially as to whom they shall support for any position to be filled by that body—they will exercise their own discretion and Judgment, and not allow them selves to act on the hints or suggestions of any one, who in pursuance of custom for years past, may assemble himself at Harrisburg, in no ostensible official position, and hang around to help this man or that man'to a position,this bill or that bill, and fill his pocket with iligotten gains, 'pinched out of the interested parties, for services, at the expense of the character, it may be, of the purest representative in the body, whom he may have innocentlyand uns.uspro'.;inc ly persuaded to support hispet meas ure as a matter of policy. Beware of all such-come from what quarter they may. They hail from all points, and are apparently innecent chaps : yet scores of them have in the past filled their own pockets just that way, while the representatives, who innocently did the work for him, remained pure-- uncontaminated by a single ill-gotten cent,goes home only to be repudiated by his constituents. After all the noise and blow on this and kindred subjects, this, unfortunately, is very often the real history of the dissatisfaction with the doings of representatives. 'Be ye, therefore, wise as serpents and harm less as doves,' gives the hint to the only true policy to avoid the rocks on which many have stranded. In the earliest days of our history, when °nig members and Seaters went to Har risburg to make laws, it was not so. It is otherwise now." The Altoona Tribune, independent in politics,and a paper possessing great influence throughout the State, says: "Our lbrmer townsmen, George F. ff Hu, Esq., is being strongly ur g ed for the position of State Treasurer, by his friends in various portions - of the State, and is developing an amountof strength which cannot fail to alarm his older competitors. If ability, integrity,hon esty and youthful energy, were to be the winning cards with our Legislative Solons, George's election would be a foregone conclusion, and the tax-pay ers would reap the benefits of having the State Treasury wisely and econom ically administered." The Huntingdon Globe, a most ex cellent and ably edited paper, without expressing its preferences for any par ticular candidate for the State Treasu ryship, makes use of the following somewhat amusing, but nevertheless, strong, figurative language : "We hope for the credit of the party and the State, that the Republican members of the coming Legislature, will act with decency and respect in the organization of their respective b"dies, and not act like a parcel of hogs, each one slobbering over the other, in his haste to snap up the choicest tit-bit, of which there are so many about our legislative halls. We are not of those who are eternally howling about the corruptions of our Legislature, but cannot shut our eyes to the fact that much is done which ought not to be done, and hope that many ef the existing evils may be cor rected. The present Legislature can do much toward this end, and we trust that it may be done." Horace Greeley We learn from a statement publish ed in the Democratic Watchman, sign- , ed by W. H. Brainard and J. W. Furey, that the great journalist and philosopher of the century, is to lec ture in Bellefonte, on January 25th, 1870. This is right ; but there is one sentence in the statement, as publish ed in the Watchman, to which we ob ject. It reads thus : "The fame of Horace Greely is co " extensive with the English language, " and though, one of the most erratic, "he is certainly one of the most re ' • markable men of the age." How our friend Brainard could be in duced to sign such a mixture of sense and nonsense, of truth and falsehood, of positive assertions, with as positive contradictions, all in the same sentence, we cannot imagine. The fame of Horace Greeley is not only "co-extensive with the English language;" but co-extensive with all languages, people's and tongues, and while it may be true that Mr. Greeley is not infallible, the assertion that ha is"one of the most erratic"men of the age,is basely and meanlyfalse, because promulgated, not ignorantly, but with the bright and effulgent rays of the light of the 19th century shining upon the very paper upon which it was written, proclaiming Horace Greeley` one of the most remarkable men of the age." We are sorry our friend Drainard has committed himself to such an opin ion of Horace Greeley, and signed his name to such a jumble of words,sense, nonsense, "erratic" rhetoric, misera ble logic and Democratic hotchpotch. We hope, however, he may be more careful in the future, and notlet Furey pull the wool over'his eyeS for the pur pose of stabbing the reputation of Mr. Greeley. We hope that Everybody will come and hear Horace Greeley, and satisfy themselves that he is not only the greatest journalist, but the greatest man in America to-day. PERSODiAL.—The Hon. Samuel Cal vin, of Hollidaysburg is spoken of as the successor of the Hon. Daniel J. Morrell, of Cambria county, for the next Congress. Mr. Calvin,. at one time represented this county iu Con gress in connection with Blair Hunt ingdon and Mifflin counties. We are not now in Mr. Calvin's Congressional District; but we know him personally and well. He is a warm-hearted,clev man, a true friend, never violates his honor, or his word, either in business or politics—is an able Statesmen, a strong tariff man, and would make - a first-class representative. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS N OTICE. • Whereas, my wife, Levina Mc- Cafferty, has loft my house ; deserted nip bed and board without just provocation; notice is hereby given to all persons not to harbor said Levine McCafferty, or trusther on - nily account, as I will pay no debts con tracted by her. dec22'69-3t• WM. McCAFFEWIY. STRAY BULL.—Came to the premises of the subscriber, in Union tp., about the 20rh of September last,a Red Bull, supposed to be two years old, or thereabouts. There aro no visible marks upon him. The own er is hereby notified to come forward : prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. dee22'69-3t. ANDREW CAttrouil. A UDITORS NOTICE.—In the matter of 11.. - the. Estate 'of Michael Dougherty, deed,: The undersigned an Auditor appointed by the Orphans Court of Centre c&unty, to dis tribute the balance of monies' in the hands of the Administrator of said decedent, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Bellefonte, on Friday, the 14th day of January, 1870, at 1 o'clock, p. m. JNO. G. LOVE, dee22'6o. 4t. Auditor. A UDITOrtS NOTICE.—In the matter it of the Sale of the E eal Estate of Mich ael Dougherty, : The undersigned an Auditor appointed by the Orphans Court of Centre county, at the Nov. term, 1869, to make distribution of the balance of monies in the hands of the Administrator and Trustee, in the sale of the above estate, to those legally entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his ap nointment at his office in Bellefonte, on Fri day, the 14th day of January, A. D., 1870, at 1 o'clock, p. m. JNO. G. LOVE, Auditor tiec22 . 69-4t TN the matter of a certain Petition of Cit izens of Boggs tr,, for the incorporation of a certain Church to be known as Messi ah's Church, of Marsh Creek. -- • Centre County, ea: And now, to wit, the 22d day of Yovern— ber, A. D.,180, the within petition being duly read. it is ordered that notice of this application he published in one newspaper published in Centre county, for three suc cessive weeks, to all persons interested . in said Incorporation to appear at next Term, and show cause. if any they have. why the said Church and Organization should not be incorporated. By the Court. Certified from the Record. JNO. CIO RAN, Proth'y Notico is hereby given to all persons 1;- torested in the said matter, to appear on the Fourth Monday of January nest, in the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, and show cause if any they have, why said "Messiah's Church, of Marsh Creeliislould not be incorporated. dec22'3o 3t A DJOURNED ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE (Estato of Geo. Foust, Dec'd.) By virtue of an order of the 07phan's Court of Centre county, there will be expos ed to Public Sale, on the premises, on the Seven Mountains, Potter tp., on the 15th DAY OF JANUARY, 1870, a tract of improved land adjoining lands of Drinker's heirs on the North ; Cox's heirs on the South, containing 263 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, haying thereon erected a large new Frame Tavern House, Barn, Stables. and other out houses, with never-failing water at the door, an Orchard of Choice Fruit, about 70 acres cleared and in goOd state of cultivation, the residre well timbered with pine, &c., and known as the Cammoron tract. The Belle fonte & Lewistown Turnpike passes through this tract in front of the buildings, and the Milroy & Bellefonte Railroad, as surveyed and will be located, passes through this tract convenient to the main building. This tract holds out great inducements to capi talists. [The above tract of land if not sold on the said 15th day of January, 1570, will be rented for a terra of one year, to the highest bidder, at public outcry. J. G. CARSON, dec22's9-ts. Actiug Adm'r. THEATRE ! THEATRES! BUSH'S HALL! BALL! FOR FIVE NIGHTS 'O.IV - Ll The Beautiful Versatile and Dashing WALLACE SISTERS, A GNEg, JENN lE, DZINNIE and MAITD, with S.D. Villa and his Now York Bur lesque and Comedy Company of 25 selected Artists from the principal Theatres in New York, Boston and Phila. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 21st, will be presented the highly successful Cnm io Opera Burlesque in 3 Parts, entitled GRAND DUCHESS OF GERALESTEIN. WEDNESDAY EVE., DEC. 22d, will be presented the Original, Musical and Fairy Extravaganza, entitled PRINCE AIIiABLL, or the EDUCATED CAT. THURSDAY EVE., DECEMBER, 23d, • FRA DIAROLE, Or the BEAUTY and the BRIGANDS, FRIDAY EVENING, .DEC. 24th, THE HISTORICAL BURLESQUE, Entitled the FIELD OF THE CLOTH OF GOLD! SATURDAY AFTERNOON GRAND HOLLIDAY MATINEE, at 2 P. M., "IXION." SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 25, POSITITTLLY LAST NIGHT, S. B. VILLA, in his great character of " CIIL 0 RIND A," Or the "GIRL of the PERIOD." Proceeding each Burlesque—A. Glorious Farco. During the Evening, MINNIE AND MAUD WALLACE, who stand without rivals in their Speciali ties will introduce their Double Clog,Double Song and Dance; Fishermans Dance, dm Miss JENNIE WALLACE will introduce her Wonderful Solo on the Japancaso Banjo. Admission 35 cts Reserved Seats • 50 " To be had at F. S. Wilson's Drug Store,No 1, Breciterhoff Row. . , • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS STRAY BULL—Came to the premises of the subscriber Lin Boggs tp., about the 10th of last June, a Black Bull with a white spot on the breast; white spot on right hind leg, and white belly. He is supposed to be three years old, The owner is hereby noti fied to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be disposedof according to law. debls'69-3t• LEWIS SUNDAY. A UDITORS NOTICE.— The undersigned an Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Centre county, to make distribution of the balance in the hands of B. F. Leathers and Christian Buck, Administrators of the es tate of John S. Bush, dee'd., will attend to the duties of said appointment, on Friday the 7th day of January, 1870, at 3 o'clock, p. m., at his office in Bellefonte, when and where all persons interested are requested to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in for a share of said fund. E. M. BLANCHARD, deel.s'Bo-3t. Auditor. DR. W. H. WITMOR, Has been in successful practice for a num ber of years, with the experience of the dif ferent hospitals in Europe and Ainerica. Army and hospital Surgeon during thelate American war, continues to attend to all professional cases at his office No, 923, FILBERT St., PHILADELPHIA No Patent Medicines are used or recom mended; the remedies administered are those which will not break down the censti, tution, but renovate the system from all in juries it has sustained from minetal medi cines, and leave the system in a healthy and perfectly cured condition. DYSPEPSIA, that distresling disease and fell destroyer of health and happiness, undermining the constitution, and yearly carrying thousand to untimely graves, can most emphatically be cured. MELANCHOLY, ABERATION, that state of alienation and weakness of the mind which renders persons incapable of en joying the pleasures or peforming the duties of life. in any form or condition, chronic or acute, warranted curable. EPILEPSY, or falling sickness, all chronic or stubborn cases radically removed; Salt Rheum and every description of ulcerations; Piles and Scrof ulous diseases which have baffled all previ. ions medical skill, can be cured by my treat ment; and Ido say all 'diseases, (yes Con sumption) can be cured by wearing my Med icated Jacket, which is a protection to the lungs against all changes of weather in all climates. Having investigated for years the cause and character of intermittonts (fever and ague) in all parts of the United States, will oure permanently all chronic er acute cases of ague and nervous diseases in a few days. CANCER CURED WITHOUT the KNIFE, OR DRAWING BLOOD. Tape worm, that dread to the human fam ily for years, can be removed with two or 3 doses of my newly discovered remedy, war ranted in all cases, Consu:tatien in the En glish and German languages. Will make visits any distance if desired. May be ad dressed by letter, (confidentially) and med• icine sent with proper directions to any part of the country. deels'69 ly. GRAND OPENING. NEW STOCK OF DRY HOODS, J:NO. A.IORAN, Froth') Clothing, Fare, Robes, Groceries, Boots, ALLEGHENY ST., BF,LLEFONTE, PA., ON SATURDAY, 13TH INST Wo invite the inspection of our Stock 0ct27'69.U. SAMUEL. L. BARR. EDWIN IL KINSLOW : BARR & KINSLOE, General Insurance and :anal Estate Agents. Office en Alle gheuy stroet,next doorCentre County Bank ing_House, Bellefonte, Pa, Policies issued in rellable Life and Fire Insurance Companies. General Agents for Centre eannty of the Great Western Mutual Life and reliable Fire Insurance Gum any. DecBll9-Iy. MILLINERY AND FANCY STORE The undersigned would respeefully inform the citizens of Bellefonte, and of Centre County, that she has opened a large and ex tensive stock of MILLINERY AND FANCY G OODB in the store room recently occupied by G. Livingston. Her goods are all new and were purchased for cash and she is there fore prepared to sell at reduced prices. Her experience in the business warrants her in saying, that the Ladies of Bellefonte or elsewhere ,will save time and money by visiting her store before purchasing. latest style and fashion plates can alway be seen at the store. MRs. PATTIE BAER myl2'69-Iy. FURNITURE WARE ROOM IVHE:RETUREAUS, SOFAS, • LOUNGES, HAT RACKS, WHAT- N TS; EXTENSION TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, STOOL. s, &.., f every description, quality and price, for sale cheaper than at other estab lishment of the kind in. Central Penn'a. Ready made Coffins, of all sizes and . pric kept constantly on hand. Also Cof fins manufactured to order. ja6' If. P. HARRIS. A GENTS WANTED.—Newest and great -11 invention out—the Now Self-adjust ing Guides. for cutting perfect fitting Pants, Round-abouts, and Ladies' Dresses. Indis pensible in every house-hold. Address RAMSEY eb SCOTT, Pittsbngh, Pa. N0v24'89-4w. Iwas cured of Deafness and Catarrh and by ft simple remedy and will send the receipt free. MRS. M. C. LEGGETT, Hoboken, N.J. roceBW-Irr. ItUEUMA7ISII{, FEMALE DISEASES, LOEB, MAY & LOEB did open an entire Shoes, ,te., in their new building on LOEB, 3IAY dc LOEB BELLEFONTE, PA Howard Street, Bellefonte, Pa UNDERTAKER MISCELLANEOUS 'DOR SALE.—One Horse Sleighs, One 12 Horse Sleds, 1 pair Bob sleds-1 2 horse top Buggy, One open Buggy. • IRWIN & WILSON. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between Levi A. Miller it - Co., has this day been dissolved, by mutual consent, J. B. Butts retiring.— The books of the firm will be left in the hands of Levi A. Miller for settlement and collection. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm will please call at once and f ettlo. LEVI A. MILLER. 3. B. BUTTS, p u lIN AWAY From the subscriber, on Mon day Evening, October 18th, 1869, one Sam uel B. Hopper, an indenture apprentice from Girard College of Philadelphia, Pa., aged about sixteen years. The said Samuel B Hopper is about &Ve feet six inches high, slenderly built, blue eyes, light hair and florid complexion. When he left, be had on a Light Grey Ciasimere suit of clothes, and black hat. All persons are hereby caution ed against harboring or trusting him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his eon- GEO..D. PIFER, Bellefonte, Pa tracting. dec.B'69o3t 1569. CIHRISTMAS. 1963 pRESENTS !PRESENTS !PRESENTS ! A rare charm for one and all to purchase a beautiful CHRISTMAS PRESENT for a relative, friend, lover or sweetheart ZIMMERMAN BRO'S. & CO., again invite the attention of the public, to their greatly increased stock of Merchan dise at greatly reduced prices. Just read the list, and then go and take a look Pine, all wool, French i‘lerino, yard wide, 65c to $l.OO Magnificent all wool Empress Cloth, 65s to The. Splendid Plaids SO to The Superb Black Alpaceas,4oc to $l.OO Elegant Setts Ladies Furs $6.00 per sett. Wool Blankets $3 . 00 to $3.50 per pair. Appleton A, yard wide muslin, 1.6 e by the piece. Best Calico 12,3-, cents per yard. And thus the prices run all through their elegant stock of NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. Zephyr Slipper Platters, Bergman's Imported Zephyr, Germantown Wool, Zephyr HOODS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, Ladies and Gents Bid and other Gloves. Hose of every grade and size, Ladies Neck Ties, Mohair Stvithes only 30 cents, Ribbons, Velvets, VELVETEEN FOR COATS, Ladies and Gents Under-Garments as low as 50 cents apiece A large assortment of Dolls and TOYS FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS. HALL'S BOOTS $4.50 to ss.oit for the best, and all warranted. Shoes of every sizo and grade CARPETS, and thousands of articles not mentioned; and last but not least is the GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION SEWING MACHINE, which is giving such entire satisfaction to its its purchasers. Too much cannot be said in praiso of this Machine. Tfould'nt it be a splendid CIIRII3TAIAS PRESENT "Come one, come all, both grate atd small, And see the montsrous Dry Goods Hall." ZIAiMERAIAN BROS & CO., Bush's Arcade, Bellefonte, decS'69-3t. Penn'a. 1 STRAY --Came to the farm of the sub- I' scriber, in Spring trop., on or abont,the tat day of October last, a large WHITE SOW. The owner is requested to C 01.130 for ward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. dec.l'69-3t. MUNROE ARMOR. XECUTOR'S NOTICE.--Letters Testa mentary on the Estate of Ja cos Ross, late of Ferguson tp., dec'd., having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills of Centro: county, all persons know ing themselves indebted to the said Estate art hereby notified to come farwaid and settle their accounts, and those having claims against said Estate are requested to present the same duly authenticated for set tlement. GEO. W. ROSS, JNO. W. ELLEI.saiERER, decr69 Gt. Executora. REBECCA ROES, Exeoutrix 11. McCLURE & SON,. 141 e Make the best Saddles ever MADE ON THIS CONTINENT OR ANY other, and has the best Buggy Whip EVER OFFERED TO ANY PEOPLE, Also, the best HORSE COLLARS EVER MADE LY the UNITED STATES of America. Giro them a call Bishop St., Bollofonte, Pu. n0v24:69-1T OLD ARMS WANTED Sharp's Carbines and Rifles, Henry's 16 Shot Carbines and Rifles, Spencer's Carbines and Rifles, Colt's Navy Pistols, Colt's Army Pistols, Remington's Army or Navy Pistols, Smith Js Wesson's - 5 and 6 Shot Revolving Pistols, Parties having any of the above arms in any quantity, from a single arm upward, can find a liberal cash purchaser by ad dressing, CHAS. A. WILSON, n0v.24'69-44.. Jersey City, N. J. ANYBODY AND E VERYBODY who are in debt to A. STERNBERG-, are requested to MAKE SETTLEMENT WITHOUT FAIL, as this firm has determined TO CLOSE OUT ENTIREL Y AT FIRST COST, without any reserve whatever We intend to quit business hero, and as we ARE DETERMINED TO CLO E 'OUT EVERYTHING, Purchasers will Save from 25 to 30 per CENT., as we intend to sell at PHILADELPHIA. COST PRICE. Call and sac! ADOLPH 6TERNDERG n0v.17'89-tf. C ONS UMPTION. Bronchitis, Asthma, and Catarrh cured by inhalation. Abbott's In haling Fluid is the only remedy known that operates on the lungs—dissolves the tuber cles, which aro thrown off, the cavities heal, and a cure is effected. Treatment by letter or in person can be had only of Q. VAN RUMMELL, M. D., 16 West Four. tenth St., N. T. angll3o ly.. DAUCHEY & CO BEST CABINET ORGANS AT LOWEST PRICES That the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet and Metrinolitan Organs ere the Best in the World is proved by the almost an an imous opinion of professional musicians, by the award to them of Seventy-Five Gold and Silver Medals or other highest premiums,at Principal industrial competitions within a few years, including the Medal at the Paris Exposition, and by a sale very much great er than that of any similar instruments.— This company manufacture Only First , class instruments, and will not make "cheap or gans" at any price, or suffer an inferior in strument to bear their name. Having great ly increased their facilities for manufacture, by the introduction of new machinery and otherwise, they aro now making BETTER ORGANS than Ever Before, at increased economy in cost, which, in accordance with their fixed policy of selling always at least remunerative profit, they are now offering at PRICES Of INFRRIOR WORN, Four Octave Organs, Plain Walnut Case, $5O. Five Oc tave Organs, Double Reed, Solid Walnut Case, carved and paneled, with FIVE STOPS (Viola, Diapason, _Melodist, Flute, 2'l-ems/ant), $125. Other styles in propor tion. Circulars, with full particulars, including accurate drawings of the different styles of organs, and much information which will be of service to every purchaser of an organ, will be sent free, and postage paid, to any one desiring them. MASON Jr. HAMLIN ORGAN CO., Tremont St„ Boston; 596 Broadway, New York. deols'6o-4w. B OOK AGENTS' WANTED FOR STRUGGLES TRIUMPBS OP P. T. BARNUM 'WRITTEN RY 1113ISELD. IN ONE LARGE OC TAVO VOLUME—NEARLY SOU PAGES—PR/10'- ED IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN. 33 ELEGANT FULL PAGE ENGRAVINGS. It embraces FORTY YE-IRS RECOLLECTIONS of his Busy Life, as a Merchant, Manager, Banker, Lecturer, and Showman. No book publish ed so acceptable to all classes. Every one wants it. Agents average from 50 to 100 sub scribers a week. We offer ' ox.tra inducements. Illustratted Catalogue and Terms to Agents sent free. J. 8. - BURR . CO., Publish- N0v15'59-Bw. crs, Harford, Conn. A TRIBE. He has been traveling about humbugging druggists and private parties,mixing up and selling a base compound which he calls WOLCOTT'S PAIN PAINT. All of Wol cott's genuine remedies have a white outside writ . ' per ( with signature large). Look out for counterfeits. Six. Pints of WOLCOTT'S ANNIHILA TOR for Catarrh and Colds in the head, or ono Pint of Pain Paint, for Ulcers or Pain, sent free of express charges, on receipt of the money at 181 Chatham Square, N. Y., or one Gallon of Pain Paint(douhle strength) for $2O. Small bottles sold by all Druggists. Dectt'il9 4t R. L. WOLCOTT'S L ORILLARD'S " ITREKA" Smoking Tobacco is an excellent article of granulated Virginia. —Wherever introduced it is universally ad mired. —lt is put up in handsome muslin which orders for tueerschaum Pipes are daily packed. LORILLARD'S "TACEET CLUB" Smoking Tobacco has no superior; being cannot injure nerveless con stitution, or people of sedentary habits. —lt is produced (rem selections of the finest stook, and prepared by a patented and ori ginal manner. —lt is very a romatio, tuiid, nnd light in weight—hcnee it will labt much longer than others; nor does it burn or sting the tongue, or leave a disagreeable after. taste. —Orders for genuine, elegantly carver Meerschaum Pipes,silver mounted,and pack ed in neat leather pocket rat , rr, are placed in the Yacht Club brand daily. LORILLARD'S CENTURY Chewing Tobacco. —This brand of Pine Cut Chewing Tobacco has no superior anywhere. —lt le, without doubt, the best chewing to bacco in the country. LORILLARD'EI SNUFF'S Have been in general use in the United States over no years, and still acknowledged "the best" wherever used. -11 your storekeeper does not have these. articles for sale, ask him to get them. - —They are sold by respectable jobbers at most everywhere --Circulars mailed on application. P. LORILLARD è CO., New York, DecB'69 12w. TUE AMERICAN FAMILY KNITTINcT MACHINE Is presented to the public as the most Simple, Durable, Compact & Cheap Knitting Mechine ever Invented. PRICE, ONLY $25, This Machine will run either backward or forward with equal_ facility; Makes the SAME STITCH as by HAND, but far superior in every respect. WILL KNIT 20,000 STITCEES IN ONE MINUTE, And Do Poleot Work, leaving every knot on the inside of the work. It will knit a pair of stockings ( any size) in less than half an hour. It will knit Close or Open, Plain or Ribbed Work, with any kind of course or fine wsolen yarn, or cotton' silk, or linen. It will knit stock ings with double heel and toe,drawers,hoods, sacks, smoking caps, comforts, purses,muffs, fringe, afghans,nubias,undersleevcs,mittens, skating caps,lamp wicks, maps, cord,untler shirts, shawls, jackets, cradle blankets, leg gins, suspenders, wristers,tidies,tippets,tuft ed work, and in fact an eufless variety rf articles in every day use, as well as for or nament. FROM $5 TO $lB PER DAY Can be made by any one with the American Km:Wag Maehire stockings,d'cc, while expert operators can even make more knitting fancy work,whioh always commands, a ready sale. A person can really knit from twelre to fif teen pairs of stocking per day, the profit on which will be not less than forty cents per pair. FARMERS Can sell their wool at only forty to fifty cents per pound; but by getting the wool made into yarn at a small expense, and knitting it into socks, two or three dollars per pound can be realized. Oa receipt of $25 we will forward a ma chine as ordered. Are wish to procure active AGENTS in every section of the United States and Cuna das to whom the most liberal inducements toill be offered. Address AMERICN KNITTING MACHINE COMPANY, Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Ado. DecB'B9-4w. ITINEGAR.—How made in 10 hours with- V out drugs, For Circular, address L. SAGE Vinegar Works, Cromwell, Conn. N0v24'69-St. A GENTS wanted for before the footlighis and behind the Sceses by oliTs Logan. A high-toned, rapid selling book. A cool- plete expose of the chow-world. 600 paces 60 engravings- Prospectus and Sample free PARMELEE & CO., Phil'a to Agents or 'Middletown, Ct A GENTS WANTED for our Groat Ecusi ..rk hold Work, OUR, HOME PHYSICIAN ! A New Handy-Book of Family Medicines By Dr. BEARD, of the University of the City of N. Y. assisted by medical professors in the various departments. Three years de voted to its preparation. Quackery and hum buß.rcry exposed. Professors in our leading medical colleges testify that it is the best family doctor book over written. Outfit and sample free to agents, E. R. TREAT 913 Brothvay, N. Y. N,il-4t:55-4t. S. WILSON'S DRUG STORE . Southwest Comer of High and Alle gheny Streets, Bellefonte, Pa. (No. 1: BROKZAHOYeII The subscriber respectfully announcing to hie numerous acquaintances and the put lie in general that he has removed his DRUG & MEDICI - 11'E STORE, in the corner room of Brokerhefes now building on the Diamond, where he has constantly on hand, a largo stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, GLASS, INSTRU MENTS, VARNISH, TURPENTINE, Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, Lamps, Ohimneye Brushes, Hair Oil, Extraets, Toilet Soaps, Tubacco, Sugars, &C., .o. Also a variety of •fanes artieles too nu meroas to mention, which he offers at low rate., and warrants the qualities of the arti cles as represented. Purchasers will please remember this, and examine the qualities and prices of his goods before purchasing elsewhere. "Sr' Physicians' Preseriptions and Fam ily Reeeipes 'carefully compounded at all hours of the day or night, by smiling at his store opposite Reynolds' Bank. The most celebrated and popular PATENT MEDICINE-S. are kept constantly on band and for sale. F. S. WILSON. ja6' NEW DRUG STORE. IN ItROCKERHOFF%B NEW -BLOCK BISHOP IT., BELLEFONTE, PA The undersigned take pleasure in announce ing to the citizens of Dellefonte—Centre, Clintre, and Clearfield counties in gen erlt. t they have just opened their New Drug Store for tho accommo dation of the public, and they hereby extend a cordial iniita- Con to all who may bo is need and wish to obtain Fresh, PURE AND GENUINE YEDI CINES, CHEMICALS, DRUGS all such articles as are kept is a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE, lately selected with great care in the cities of N. York and Philadelphia, by the Senior part ner of the establishment, who has had ever 80 yrs experience in the art. The German Language spoken, read and wr:tteu here, as well as the English Tongue, hence Physician's prescriptions will be accurately and carefully com pounded, in either Language, and at all hours during the day or night. We modest ly and kindly ask for a liberal skate of public favor and patrcnage. We make no attempt to enumerate the re tieles kept in our establishment, slow such enumeration would take np the greateit spaeoof a newspaper. Wa would merely say kora that onr SELECTION 4k ASSORTMENT is well nigh complete. florae and judge for yourselves. Besides the - regular DRUG.S'..MEDICINES 9 HERIGA LS, we have a Rile lot of FANCY GOODS,exob as EXTRACTS .AND PERFUMES For Ladies ; POCKET CUTLIERY, 11/.I:D CAGES, HANGING BASK ETS, SODA FOUNTAIN RITE" CREAM NECTAR, A LAE (ne and well selected lot of WALL PARER. and cheap nt that, viz :—From Ten cants to $2.50 per Poll. al vie us A CALL j023'69 tS. ZEGLFR 1 JATIRETT. F P. GREEN, DRUGGIST` A APOTIIICAItr. A•o. 5. Bush noose, Bellatonte, Pa. Dealer in Pure Drags and Medielnes, "En glish and American Perfumery, Bair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Pocket Books, Combs, and a ge -.oral assortment of Panay goods, such as are usually kept in first class Drug Stores. He is also SOLR PROPRIETOR the following articles, which hero already attained a large sale, SOLELY ON TEEIN OWN .MERITO, and which no family should b• wiibent GREEN'S CELBBIWIED LITER Ping are a mild and effectual cathartic, and as of remedy in Liver Complaint and Female Ca uses, aro unsurpassed. Nene Genuine with. out Tlill EIGNATIMI OF F. P. EIRREN. GREEN'S VEGETABLE PAIN RILL er, as a reliever of - pain, is a )nedioime for either internal or external use and is unsur passed for the diseases for which it is recom mended. Put up in bottles, and retails at 25 cts, 50 and onq COMA RESTITUTOR is, as its nam• indicates, A RESTORER OE THE 'NATE it is an elegant hair dressing, removes dan druff, cures all eruptions of the scalp, re stores gray hair to its original calcr, and stimulates the growth of the hair and whii kers. Price $l.OO. Physicians Prescriptions, sad family rec ipes carefully compounded. Patent Medicines of all kinds keptcon stantly on hand or purchased to order'. • ja6' .1 ALTA:4IO 3 i ~....i . .....4 , ...,,-,, y.11 441 . 11 .-_,_•-•._. 0 .7,..,],: , ,,,, - ,P ~. - . .r , .... This is NO PATENT MEDICINE HUM BUG, gotten up to dupe the ignorant and credulous, nor is it represented as being "composed of rare and precious substances bought from the four corners of the earth, carried seven times across the great Desert of Saharah on the backs of fourteen camels, and brought across the Atlantic Ocean on two Ships." It is a simple, mild, soothing Remedy, a perfect ..Vpecifie for CATARRH sad "Coon me THE HEAD," also for offensive Breath. Lose or Impairment of the Sense of Smell. Taste or Hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes, Paiu or Pressure in the Head, when caused, as they all not unfroquently are, by the violence of Catarrh. We offer in goad faith a standing reward of $5OO for a oase of Catarrh that we cannot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DRUGGISTS EV ERYWHERE. PRICE ONLY FIFTY CENTS. Sint by mail, poet paid, on receipt of SIITT Crttrs. Four packages for $2,00, or I Dozen for $5,60. Send a two cent stamp for Dr. Ssgo's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address the proprie tor. It. I. PIV . BCE, DT. feb2r69 Sm ByrrAL°, N.. 1V0r24'69-St UIXCECUTORS SALE '/ The undersigned offer at private sale,cno hundro.d acres of Good Graztr.g. or metldow land, in whole, or in smaller Lots. to suit purchasors. Said land being in worth° twp., Centre co., on the South side of the Bald Eagle, valley Rail, Road, and adjoining the town of Port Matilda. Also, thirty Build ing lots, some of said lots fronting on said Rail Road. Terms will be made known to purcha.iers, who may call to sec said Laud, by. A. tt. BARLOW 1 Wm. C. RECKWITH S r'x . "• Novlol l -15t. of e. DRUGS, &e NEW .LOC.ATIO.A. around the Box =