= Local Department. BY 4 L - LEFONTE, PA Wednesday Morning, Doc. 15, 18 69 JOB WORK.- 2- I ; oslers, Circulars; Bill rfcads, cards, raper Boos, - .Tob iro7l: of all 7ciads,-neatly executed at the PCZPIIBLI CAN OFFICE, at reasonable rates SATII Ikroxrx.—lf you want posters, circdlars, bill beads, cards, paper-books, first-class job work, plain or fancy, call at the .11Ernetrc °dice. All work done at PhiNdelphia.prices. fifteen persons will expiate the crime of murder, on the gallows, in this coun try, during the present month; oneevery other dav Tun attention of the Torn Council is directed io the obstruction ih Spring creek. just below the 'High street bridge. Not. "speckled beauty" will pop np the stream while it is suffered to remtvin. ?or 'sn'Ou'r t—Onr town is again in vaded by a;pack of disorganized, paint ed vagabonds. calling themselves "Bar nurn's. 7 ‘ramethi:tg.'*! and era playing to a "select few" who are willing to be fleeced of their "loose : change." Such institutions 'shonlil be disconraced• by every class of people, and they ,would soon cease to anno:. us. Ws would call the particular atten tion of our readers to the adrertisenicnt. of the American Knitting Machine Co. They offer a splendid opportunity to al most all classes tc melee money; partic ularly farmers, who-can get a great deal snore for their wool by having-bne of these machines in- the house, and knit ting their wool into s'eckings, &o: MEI( Co.llll.—SUb3Criptio2l9 to the RE PUBLICAN. From all ports of the coun try, they came. From the East,. North, West and South, they come. Every let ter is full of cacomturus of our pnper,and good wishes for the Editors. They all toll us io continue in the good work, Centre' county. redeemed from De mocratic misrule, and the people saved from the blighting, withering curse of "Rings" and, "Cliques." Tlave no fears, gentlemen, our work for the next year is all laid out. ITICAnTfI AND HMI FI.—WC have receiv ed two numbers of this excellent Jour nal, devoted to the firm, garden r.7.(1 fire side, published by Pettengill, Ilntes Co., 37 Perk Row, Now York. ,Ifearilt and !Arne is well printed, on fine, white paper, is brimful of original aud select ed egricultural matter, which cannot fail to be interesting and profitable to our farmers audhousekeepers. We have no hesitancy in recommending it to the people orCettre county. Single co ice Si per annum agtoriahing holy b(ty J. &J. Harris, and their le marly ecrlz. li. 11. Becner, are kept, at their splendid It tr.iwAie sore. in the Brockorkoff Block, Allvgbeny Fire Dusy orde4.3—y!'aii- Lig upon eustomer3, and delireril.g. / 4 .0035. Viers was a time when _Voile font o would not l.u . pport hardware store. Now,- one.is t:•ot able to supply the demand. J. St. J. Harris are enter pri>ing men; and Worthy cc the public pats ot;t1 ge. Go and see them. CtEPssrsra. — le IS WI. it p'enstero wo the gttentiu n . of otrpentprs, and nil 7 .. t . : ,et. l e.; : ie:s, who wark in wood, to the. ad vertisontent of C. G S.:holl. in oneth,r czf.ittr.l..Lf the itEPVELICAN. Mr. Scholl, on wilt be neon, rticettis:es e. ••Patent Iland Saran'.ll," that. htt.i no equal, and Oil( every carpenter should have. is nitr.;.le in its construction. easily epe rated, r,n:l not liable to grt out of order." It is rec)trinacodz,d, en I is, no great la.hor-srtving machine.— For farther pirticulars. tee ftdreuise.. ;mons, or address 0. G. Scholl, rex 1:.5.14, Witliamq)ort, Fa PA:nrtNo Otrrsinz Bett.DlNus.The winter months are the be=t in the year for paling outside of buildings. In Canada, CIO in many portions of this eetnt!ry, all eiitside panning is done in the winter. Paint put on at that season of the year will wear much longer, and present a better appearance than if put OR at any other timo of the year. If put on in the warm Season of tle year, the heat absorbs the oil in the paint before it penetrated the wood, and thelead soon scales and washes off. If put on in cold weather, the whole dries gradually, and forms a bard coating that no kind of weather affects for a very long time, and leases a t.-lossy appearance. So says an experienced painter. Da. l'irrNon, of Philadelphia, will be at the Garman Botel, Bellefonte, on the I.6th, 17th and 18th lust., to consult with patients, afflicted of all diseases, and furnish medicines for their cure. See advert lament in another column. Pri vate parlor for ladies. Doctor Wilmot. comes to us highly re commended by Professor Gross, of Phil adelphia, and other prominent medical men of both 4117 and State, as unsur passed in his treatment of all diseases The Doctor is a nephew of Mr. Henry Witmer, of Centre Hall, this countyond we, therefore, feel full confidence in re commending him to all who may have occasion to consult him professionally. It is his intention to make monthly via ; its to Bellefonte. • No orattn.-IVe do not wish to in form Sots, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, has discovered a remedy that cures all diseases of mind, body or estate, and is designed to make our sub lunary sphere a blissful paradise, to which heaven itself shall be but a side shcw, :but ?led° wish to inform you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh 'Remedy has cured thousands of cases rf Catarrh in its worst forms and stages, and the proprietor will pay SAO far a case of this loathsome 4isease ihs.t he cannot. cure.. It may be preured by mail for sixty cent', by ad dressing R: ti. pnuer, Buffa;:o, N. Y. For sale at most Drug Stores every alsera. . . TEES TlsALra or OUR BoTorTi.- 7 - e7_er, within the recollection of the, oldest in .babitnnts, was the health of our town _better than at the przsent time. The wa ter which we drink, and which is used for culinary purposes, flows into our reservoir from a large - spring in the southern part of the borough, and is as pure as it came from the creative hand, and as sparkling Re the diamond which its brilliancy so closely represents, The health of the town is seen in the well de veloped forms of our men awl women, in the une , nlaled physionl strength of the former, and the unrivaled beauty of our Indies. Their step is firm and elas• tic. their complcslonindicativeof strong vitality. and those of (bent who are well advanced in life, do not look as though time had left its mark upon them. Bellefonte has, for Many years, been . noted its health, and freedom from epidemics, while other places have suf fered periodically from the ravages of the pestilence, our air has been untaint ed. The beauty of the town, and its sur roundings, have also become historic.— We live in the midst of towering hills, canopied by a faultless sky, and invigo rated by nir that is never burdened by the poison of disease. If sickness troubles us at distant periods, it comes Its a vnpor, merely, which disappears as rapidly as the mist from the brow of the mountain, leaving the prospect more brilliant, and the landscape more pietur essiue than before. It can hardly be overlooked that the superior health of our borough is attributable, in a great degree, to the industry and enterprise of cur citizens. A people whose minds and bodies are employed in healthful and invigorating exercise, are 'seldom the victims of physical ailments or mental aberations. Drones can have neither place nor encouragement in Bellefonte. There are few here who do not follow some induetrial enterprise. Our men, and women, too, usltally earn what they eat and wear. The most wealthy of our ci , izens are engaged in some thing.— Whether it is the result of long-estab- lished custom, or an irresistable inclina tion of their nature, life with them seems to he to labor and to wait. Who have mil lionnires amongst us, who need never, wield a pen,nor carry a picli-ax; and yt" they are not ashamed to do either. Every day finds them at their places, doing something for the prPservatirm of their own lives, and the good of others Their example is worthy of all praise and ,:mu !mien. They rise in the mornit.g to le hor, and retiro• to rest. at night, and their sleep is as Tweet and unbroken as that of the man wlt3 is obliged • t.t toil - for his daily ht•cad. Itl'e , ntws, which is alike. the bane of hralth end h3ppine , -a, hat-: but little mar gin among our plait., moral and religions people, who obey the divine injunction. allh tarn their bre.id by the sweat of their face. Such a people. can always rank among the greatest of their world ly erj ,yments that of pure, free and un interrupted health. VANITY.—Tito Watchman of last week, after a great deal qf hoisting, ••Light as a puff of empv air," in regard to the water power attached to that office, says: "The RErcnr.l CAN is now the orCy.pa "per in town tint in priuted in cho oid •'waC. ?'•tt Bishop stceet. alwat W:IS 11 "kind of a slow coach Once Wake up. "geu•lemen! 'Keep up with the I:ng have you titre:l(ly lagv.zd be '•hind in the wake of imp , ovemout. and "enterprise." This reminds us, very forcibly, of the Stork which, n'lt contented with his lot, dressed himself in peacock feathers,for cook his old ns.ociatetl, and commenced strutting with a flock of pcnoock=. The sham, as the rtory goer:, WaS _)3n dig covered, and Mr. Stork kicked out far his pride. Every feather cca; pinked otT him, and there he s'ood. in his 'tility, a poor, siiiy, brainless, featherless, home ly. deformed and justly do-pised crea ture, a warning to all vain boasters—to all men who get above their business, for all time to come. Our devil, who, by-the-war, is &pret ty smart boy, and a, boy of very gaol judgment for his years, says that, if the itsetteLlCAN is the only paper in town printed in the old way, it. is also tho only paper that gives its readers pod, solid, tensible reading matter in the old way: that does up the local news in the old way; that discusses the political issues of the day, fairly and honorably, in the old way, and never fails to tell the truth in the old way. If we h.q.(' the opportu nity to play "Pincher" and "Booster" in Ifarrisbitrg, for two or three winters, re might, perhaps, be able, as other people, to erect brick bnildings, and own pr:nting offices run by water-power, provided, always, that our constituents would not desert 113, and refuse to send us back, before we had all the "peacock feathers wo tranted. As to Bishop street, we can safely say, that., for wealth, enterprise and respect• ability, it will compere favorably with any street in town. Upon this street is. located the residence of Henry Brooker- heti, Esq., the wealthiest man in town. Here, ton, is the residence of J. 11. Mc Clttre, and the extensive saddle and bar neso manufactory of J. 11. McClure & Son, the best in Central Penn.ylvania. Keller & Muss er ' s store, filled with the choicest variety of goofs ; the splendid new drug-store of Zeller Jarrett ; the Cummings House, kept by our enterpris ing friend, W. J. Hostorman, and kept in good style at that, arc all located on Bishop street. The marble front of T M. Reynolds, and the large, three-story building recently erected by our enter prising friend, Edward Brown, are on Bishop street; and here, too, is to be found the clean and well-supplied meat- market of our clever and go-ahead friend, B. V. Black, where the "Storks" of the TWO:man are compelled to come every morning for their daily supply of beef and pork. Talk about Bishop street!— Why, Bellefonte could not mist. without Bishop street;and the people, willow ;Do BELLRFONTS BeeVIILICAN, published in the old way, would be wholly left, to the 2:lacy of !be water-power‘ mph." with its smutty inh-slingk, its disloyal doe tones. its light and trashy literature. Remember, ye .g i vai,; . r-power" men, that water will Lot do eg ; bra;txs, - 7n . T.sitv eve- del 2: Rusts TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCUOOLS.—We are indebted.to Prof, Magee for the data in relation to the sohools of Rush town ship : - The Cold Stream school is taught by H. 0. Kline, a young man of fine talents, and superior qualifications as a teacher. Classification as follows:—Alphabet, 5; Spelling, and not reading, 4; Ist Reader, 10; 2nd Redder, 14; 3d Reader, 13; 4th Reader, 15; (the Directors and Teachers have wisely thrown out the sth Reader;) Written Arithmetic. 33; Mental Arith metic. 52; (10 of whom are taught ortil ly;) Grammar, 17; Descriptive Geogra phy. 35; History of the U. S., 15; Physi cal Geography, 7; Algebra. 3; Map draw ing, 42; Composition, 15; Writing, 38 Singing is practiced daily. We imagine that. the sweet singers of Israel would find themselves totally eclipsed if they were to visit this school. and here the mellifluous voices of these young sing ers. under the tuition of their excellent. teacher. We shall certainly pay this school a visit ere the expiration of the term. Mr. Kline has commenced a se ries of daily talks, or lectures on Physi elegy. Number of pupils, 52; (too many for ono school; but Mr. Magee informs us that quite a number of these will soon go to the Loydsvilje school, which has lately been opened at that place, and taught by Miss. Lucy Barnhart.) In Mr. Kline's sellool, the teaching is thorough and scientific—the teacher using no text book while hearing recitations. Order, cleanliness and taste prevail. Scholars are respectful to their teacher and be- have exceedingly well. POWELTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL This school is taught by Miss. Cyntha. E. Lukens. School in flourishingoondi lion, but standard rather low; there be ing too ninny small scholars, which, by the-way, is not the fault of the teacher. This school was not well classified for want of books; but this want, we are in- formed, bns been st4plied, and no doubt ihe school is now well classed. Tke Professor says he found a 2nd Header class of 6, which ought to be in the lower school; 3 , 1 Reader, 3; 4th Reader, 12; sth Reader 8; 'Written Arithmetic 29; M , tp.,•;!;:':'.. i irithmetic, 29; Grammar, no igco.rnphy, 23; History, none—no 'docks; yirritiog, 29; Map Drawing, Pho netic Spelling and Singing will soon be introduced, having been suggested by the Superintendent. Number of pupils, 29. POWELTON PRIMARY 901100 L This school is taught. by hiss. Inez L. Shaw. In this school the Alphabet, let and 2nd Readers, Primary, Written and Mental Arithmetic are taught. Singing is not practiced, but will be introduced soon. Exercises in Geography, Here, also, the want cf books is felt.. Number of pupils, 40. All of the above are in teresting schools. The hardy, bright eyed boys and girls, having, apparently, determined to become as strong and lofty, intellectually, as are the towring pine trees by which they are surrounded. The Black Bear and B:avor Mills' schools arc now closed, being opened only during the summer season. The Potter's School is not in session this winter; (Mill company formirrg, the school having migrated.) TheDireclors should, in :he opinion of Prof. Magee, take into consideration the propriety of opening a school at Sandy Ridge. We sny. open up as many new schools, all over the county, as psssible, and sus tain well those already in existence. 'Tis olveation forms the common mind. Ed vcitiott makes law abiding and useful citizens, find we must haj,it is education which swell.; the yanks of the optic licst~ party, and casts aside the old foggyisms which would drag us down to the errors and projudices of the dark ages—io- the mlv“cacy of human slavery—to the ex clusion of the Ilib!e from our i:chools,nud to the advocacy of the Calhoun and State Rights fallacies of the 19th Century. Let the friends of education every where-gird on their armor, and prepare to battle the mimics of our free school system, no matter in what form or guise they may appear. For the Republican PUBLIC SCIIOOLS of Funcusoz; Towis sum—Number of schools, 15; graded. 2; (at Pine Grove.) Numberof male teach era, 7; females, 8. Average age of teach ers, 24 years. Of these, one has had no experience, heretofore,i❑ t eaching.while seven have taught more than five years. Eight have attended a County Normal School. One holds acounty profession a certificate. SIVAIITZWILLE SCHOOL This school is well arranged, and fur nished with all needed arparatus—Globe, Arithmetical Blocks, Maps, Zoological Chart, clock, mottoes, pictures, ther mometer, writing tables, call-bell. class register, small, but select library kept for the use of the scholars, &o. It is praiseworthy to know that all these ar ticles (except one Eet of outline maFs) are furnished by, and belong to the teacher. This school is taught by Mr. Isaac Kreider. Number of pupils, 20. Krumrine school, taught by John A. Weaver. Number of pupils. 35. Oak Grove school, 'Niles. Sallie A. Meek, teacher. Number of pupils, 20. Centre School, Mr. C. B Hess, teacher. Number of pupils, 37. Galesburg School, Miss. 'Decide F.Can on, teacher. Numbs.' of pupils, 32. Stuckey School, Miss. Sadie E. Adams, teacher. Number of pupils, 34. Tadpole School, Henry J Gates, teach er. Number of pupils, 22. Baileysville School, Miss. Kate D. Mil ler, teacher. Number of pupils, 22. Penn's Furnace School, Miss. J. H. McCormick, teacher, Number of pupils, 32. Kepler's School, Allen Bartholomew, teacher. Number of pupils. 42. Glades School, Miss. Angie Gardner, teacher. This school closed—•teacher attending musical convention iu Hunt in g• don county. Pine Grove Grammar school, tempo rarily closed. PEne GO" Priala" °. cliool, Miss. Liz eib teacher. Number of pupile, 42. While Hall School, George Homan, Number of pupils. 26. Branch School, Shies. ?‘'v teacher. Number of pupil•, 28, The most of the above' schools have been open from 3 to 5 weeks, but are not yet full, the children having been kept at home to assist in doing the fall work. Parents should strive to send their children to school during the whole of our short term. All of the above schools, with the ex ception of two or three; are in the hands of efficient teachers—are well arranged —have perfect order, (indoors and out,) teaching thorough. Taste and cleanli ness prevail; school-rooms decorated with mottoes, evergreens, ,pictures, &c. To this class, particularly, belong the Swartzville, Oak Grove, Centre, Gates burg, Branch, Stuckey, Baiteyville, PCIOIII . II. Furnace and Pine Grove Prima ry. Class-register are used in the Swartzville, Centre, Gatesburg, Bailey ville,Penn*a Furnace and Branch schools. The claseilleation is goodin the Bailey ville and Penn's Furnace schools; can be somewhat improved in the others. The new schoolhouse at Penn'a Furnace is a good, substantial frame building, and does honor to the Board of Directors who erected it.. It presents quite a contrast when compared with some of the poorer class still used in the district. There are still five houses in the district with injurious furniture. When will it be re placed by better? The Directors of Fer guson deserve praise for grading their teachers' salaries according to the grade of their certificates. This is right. Let teachers have something to stimulate them to improve themselves. We would also suggest here that, in employing teachers, those best qualified be placed in control of the more advanced schools. The attendance at the above schoels ranges from 69 to 90 per cent. Number of pupils who have not missed a clay this term, ranges from two to ten, in the dif ent schools. All the above schools will be supplied with call bells. Singing is practiced in all except the Oak Grove, where it will soon be introduced. Oral instruction is given in Physiology, Map drawing and Phonetic Spelling in near ly all. HOLIDAY PRESENTS.—Ere we are aware of it, holidays will be upon tn i and, dear reader, may we ask, are you pre pared for the - great occasion 'l. Have you thought of that neat and appropriate little gift you duly owe to "sombody," and where you would be most likely to make a suitable purchase? If you have not, do not delay, but repair, forthwith,- to the magnificent drug-store of Messrs. Zeller &Jarrett,- Oa Bishop street, imme diately opposite the . Ittzenmeas CHICO, where you will be greeted, not only by an endless variety of neat and , appropri ate holiday presents, but by the Winning smiles and bright and intelligent coun tenances of Will. and Fred., than whom, no better fellows exist. We have not room, we are grieved to say, to mention any of their immense variety, but suffice it to say that, outside the large cities, it is unequaled. Give them a call. "Ting SucEPPO TRAGEDY, ENTIRE," will be issued at ibe office of filo. Carlisle Herald on or about the 2.4.11 instant. The hook will contain a full account of the entire case, and will be sold at the fol lowing rates: 0 :c copy ......... Twenty citpies Fifty copiuf One hucdrod copies Married. BECK—GROSS—On the Sth inst.. at Oar man's lintel, by S. L. Barr, Esq., Mr. W. IIcC!r• and Misv Sophia U. Gross, both of this county. STEVENSON—BARBER—On the `2sth of Nov., et the icAidenre of the bride's pa rent;, in Williami.por', Pa— by Itoi". Paret. Rector of Christ's Church, Mr. An drew Stevenson. and Miss Mary E. Bar ber, formerly of Lock Haven. RANICIN—LEMIIKEY.—On the Bth inst, at the residence of lt. Bryson Wilson, by the Rer. W.T.Wy lie, Mr. John Rankin, and Miss Fannie Leurbkey, all of Belle fonte. Joined in the holy bonds of matrimony —two willing hearts—two willing hands.— We have no doubt both are pleased, and that both did well. Jno. I. Rankin is a young man of great industry and energy, and we aro p!eased to know that he had the good sense to choose for himself a life-partner who, by eduCation and practice is compe tent to adorn either kitchen or parlor. May they long live to enjoy the bliss of wedded life, and may they ever remember thaf, "Though fools spurn Bytnen's gentle powers' We, who improve his golden hours, By sweet experience know That marriage, rightly understood, Gives to the tender and the good A paradilo below." HUTCHISON—On the 28th ult., at Black Jack. Kansas, Joseph Lincoln Eutchison, son of John B. and Mary Ellen Hutchison, and grandson of Jos. G. Carson, of Pot ter's Mills, Pa., aged 4 years, 4 months and 13 days. MACLAY—On the 29th of November, 1889, in Milroy, Holmes Maelay, formerly a member of the Legislature, in the 55th year of his age. Grain and Flour Markets. B.ELLIZFONTP. Dec. 15, 1569. Barley $ SO White wheat per bushel Red wheat.. Corn (new) Oats 40 Rye per bushel 90 Buckwheat per bus. 75 Cloverseed " " 6 00 Plaster 1 % ton 16 OD Milroy Markets Corrected Weekly by Geo k J. P. Blyinyer• MILROY, PA., Dec. 15, 1869. White Wheat, 'CI bushel $1 10 Red " 105 Rye V. bushel SO Oats, new 42 Corn 80 Barley . 50 Plaxrecil 2 00 Cloverseed G 50 Plaster, Ground 10 00 Salt in sacks to 3 00 " in Utile 3 25 to 3 50 Lialeburners Coal 5 00 Stove Coal, Wilkes Barre 8 00 Philadelphia Market. Puthvamtabni,v, Doe, 15, 1869 P.ovisions. quiet. Petroleum quiet; crudo 234 c. Flour quiet and week; superfine $4 75 00 00. Wheat very quiet; Pennsylvania red $1 2701. 30. liye declined to $1 li0q) l 05. Corn Dull; old yellow $1 08 :now btl ®B7 o. Whiskey lower at $1 ^ Mosel R. 31. 31 $ 25 . 4DO . it 00 15 GJ' Died. 1 10 1 00 i.AfISCELLANEOITS S. H. WILLIAMS & CO biANITFACTURERS COTTA.G FUR NITURE. The trade supplied with ALL KINDS OF TURNED WORK. At our new estrblishment near the Belle fonte Planing Mill we now manufacture Cottage. Furniture, 'Chair Stands, Turned Palling, Cant-Hook 'Handles, and turned work of Every Description. CABINET MAKERS throughout Central Pennsylvania, we in vizi) you to call and see us. Wsrare prepar ed to famish you with ALL THE TURNED WORK NEEDED in your business. cheaper than you can purchase in any OTHER PORTION of THE COUNTRY— cheaper than you CAN PURCHASII IN THE CITY OUR MA.CRINERY is the VERY BEST, and tnr facilities for obtaining lumber ena • blo us not only to compete with, but to UNDERSELL ANY OTHER ESTABLISHISZ= in the whole country CALL AND EXAMINE OUR WORK and prieee. Upholstering. Reparing Furniture and every thing pertaining to the business pro perly attended to. OPPOSITE THE BUSH HOUSE. je2'O9•ly. Bellefonte, Pa. F URNITURE WAREROOM JOHN BRACIIBILL, Manufacturer an/ Dealer in all kinds of lIOUSEEIOLD FURNITURE, SOFAS, LOUNGNS; COTTAGE BBDBTBDS, SPRING: BOTTOM BEDS, TABLES, ROCKING: CEAIRS, &c. I also lieep constantly on•hand a very fine selection of the latest styles of WALL PAPER, at the MOST REASONABLE RATES My prieware all as low, for every artiele as they oan.be in this nitliner IN ORDER TO SATISFY YOURSELVES (Jail mad examine my stook JOHN BRACHBILL, (Old Stand) Spring St., je2139-4.32. . Bellefonte, Pa GRAND OPENING LOEB, MAY & LOEB did epos an entire NEW STOCK OF DRY iOODS, Clothing, Furs, itobEs, Groceries, Boots, Shoos, ttc.? in their now building on ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA., ON SATURDAY, 13TFI INST We invite the inspection of our Stock LOEB, liAlir & LOEB 0at2713 -tr. J OHN 11. HAHN, ALSO, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks and Fine Jewelry, CHRONOMETER& OTHER WATCHES Repaired on the AIOST SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. All Work Warranted to GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION JOBBING OF ALL KINDS Promptly and Carefully Executed at the SiIORTEST POSSIBLE NOTTcro .uusiness transacted in German d c English DON'T FORGET THE PLACE, Next Door to Harper Bro's. Store, SPRING ST., NEAR DELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO , PENN/ 3721'69-Iy, pHLLADELPHIA. STORE t PHILADELPHIA STOKE! PArLADELPHIKSTORE ! KELLER & MUSSER ANOTHER NEW STORE. ANOTHER NEW STOR'2. ANOTHER NEW STORE. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER 031-00D.3. KELLER & MUSSER have just opened the best, cheapest, laYgest, as well as the best assorted stock of Goods in Bellefonte or Central Pennsylvania, at their now PHILADELPHIA STORE, in BROCKERHOFFS BLOCK, Bishop St They have Silks, Coburgs Alpacas, Merino!, Wool Delaines, Lustres, Ginghams, Prints, Poplins. Lawns, Hand kerchiefs, Kld and other Gloves, Hosiery, Bal morals, Hoop-skirts, and a general va variety of Ribbons, trimmings, Buttons, Braids, etc., FOR GENTLEMEN. They have Black and Blue Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Tweeds, Meltons, Water-proof Cloth, Silk, Satin and common Vestings, etc., in great variety, and at prices that will give general' satis far tion to buyers. Their READY MADE CLOTHING is cheap, and consists of Overcoats, Dress coats, of various qualities and prices, Plain and Fancy Vests, Cassi mere and Flannel Cvershirts, Woolen and Cotton undershirts, Handkerchiefs, neck ties, 16c., ko., &C. Calf and Rip Boots and Shoes, Gum Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and HOUSEHOLD GOODS, in endless variety, such as Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Brown Mullins, Bleached Unsling, Sheetings, Table Cloths, ettc„ 8543., MATRASSES, Their stock of QUEENSWARE & GRO CERIES cannot be excelled in quality or price. Call in at the Philadelphia Store and con einceyourselves that KELLER & MUSSER have everything-you want. and do business on the principle of.' Quick Sales - and Small Profits.' • CHAIRS, GRAIN AND . Pnoritez ARE feit'l3l4 N EW . roITIEAP ! ! GOOD H! Tmportant to the Ladies of Bellefonte and curfoundiug country. BRO'S & CO'S., No. 6 Bush's Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa., Have just opened their Fall Stock of Dress Goods, Notions, Gloves, Calicoes, Mus lies and Flannels. They have also added to their Stock, Zeph yrs, Zlphyr Patterns, Germantown Wdol, Ribbons and other Goods not heretofore oehred by them. A complete assortment of Shawls, Blankets, and everything else is for sale cheaper than at cash priocs, We arc ag-cnis for the justl;• celebrated American Beton nolo Ororsoaming and Sowing Machine. The Greatest irorh.r of the age It is LIGHT RUNNING, Simple, Durable, does not:easily get out of order, and does mere kinds of work than any ether Machine made. Prim, of Combinntion Ainchino with cover, $75,00 Price of Plain Machine, without brit- ton-hole attachment, with cover,... $60,00 Don't forget the place , . Come and seo Oct 0-ly N EW STORIi. 'lave opened up an ENTIRE NEW STOCK of GOODS of every description,at their new store room on Spring street; which were, purchased at PANIC PRICES, and will be sold as low if not lower,l than can be found elsewhere in this section. Their stock comprises in, oast, ,Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery Goods, Hos , ries' Fancy Goods, Clething, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Carpet-Bags, U mbrellas, Parasols, Gentlemen and Ladies Furnishing Goode, Ladies Cloaks & Circulars ; In Silk and Cloth, Carpeting, and everything else that is to be found in a *ell stocked country store. COUNTRY PRODUCE, taken In exchange for goods, and the highest market price paid. ja6 TAM JAS. A. QUIGLEY QUIGLEY k CROSKEY'S CHEAP CASH STORE, EAGLE VILLE., C.E . NTRE CO., WE take' pleasule in announcing- to far mers rib d tiro public geiEierally that we. keep constantly on band, at our store in' Eagle vile, Dry Goods, Groceries, ac.', and SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY STORE in town or country. Wo shall always on .deavor to purchase good Goods and war arnt everthing as wo represent it. We also •always pay the highest PRICES FOR con , - - PRODUCE. Please call and examino our stock for ourselves. ja13'69.1y. ElO SALE.—Any person wishing to pur ch:ti-e a good breeding Mare,eight years old nest spring, a bright bay—would do well to call on the subscriber near Houser rile, Centre county, Pa. n0v,:1'69 3t.e H. H. YARNELL. WAGON H (MRS, spokes and figloea largo and sinall.at IRWIN do IVILSONS' 15PLY GOODS, &c FOR THE LADIES at the lowestprices ZPOIFBMAN BROS. dr, CO. HIRPER BROTHERS Groceries Queonsware ke STATIONt RY, If ENRY CROSKEY DRY GOODS. DO NOT FORGET That the place to buy Cheap Goode, CAL.ZOOES, DE LAINES, BILKS, SATINS, CASSIMERES, OASStiETB, BLANKETS, READY-MADN CLOTHING-, for Mon and Boys, is at JOHN W. COOKB'S CHEAP CASH STORE, REYNOLDS' ARCADE, ALIROBZNY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. We started cut on the principles of "Small profits and quick Returns," and how well we have succeeded is known to everybody. OUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, are of the very best quality and are sold at the most reasonable rates. We pay at all times the highest cash price for Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn and Barley. We most cordially invite everybody to give us a call. before pur chasing elsewhere. Do not forget the place. REYNOLDS' ARCADE, ALLEGHENY STREET,-BELLEFONTE, PA. ja6'69.ly GREAT EXCITEMENT 1 EXTRAORDINARY CONCENTRATION OF BARGAINS HOWELL, GILL LIND &CO' of Bush'a Arcade, in Rooms No. 1 and 2 have just returned from the city with a large and extensive stock of Spring and Summer Goods. We are now ready to offer to our customers a more extensive and better as sorted stock than ever before offered to the pablic. Our extensive stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Demands particular attention. Great Bargains to be bad in Piints, Muslins, Notions, loc., tie The latest styles of spring and Summer Cassimers already received. READY MADE CLOTHING warranted to give perfect satisfaction. A largo assorment of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. Our Grocery department demands particular attention. A full assorment constantly on hand,tho best the markets can afford, such as SYRUP, SUGAR, TEA /1 4 COFFEE. Canned Fruits, Jollies, Domestic and Foreign Fruits, Cheese and Pastries of all kinds, and every other article belonging to the Grocery Department. FARMERS, MECHANIC'S AND LA- BORERS, LOOK to your interest. One dollar saved is still one dollar in your pocket. Then call and see at what astonishing Low Prices, HOWELL GILLILAND & CO aro selling Dry Goods and Groceries. Come and examine for yourselves, and Tie convinced of the truth. DON'T FORGET VIE PLACE, Bush's Arcade, Rooms No. 1 and 2 jan6'6o.ly. ANOTHEIC I.E . W . STORE EMIL JOSEPH 1, CO., ALLEGHENY ST, (Y :Bride's Building,) BEELEFOFTE, PENN'A. CHEAP NETT? YORK STORE. COME ONE! COME ALL !! SEE HOW CHEAP WE CAN SELL, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS FURNISHING GOODS FOR LADIES & GENTS, FOR LADIES & GENTS, FURS, FURS, COVERLETS, COVERLETS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, WATCHES, WATCHES, JEWELRY, JEWELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, all of which we warrant, and at city prices A FIRST CLASS WATCH MAKER constantly on hand, and all work warranted A liberal discount to tho trade. Give u a call. ja6'6o.ly. GEO. D. BYER'S DRY GOODS AND . GROCERY STORE, No. 6 ThicatEntomi's Row, NEXT D'O'OR TO' THE POST OFFICE, BzLLUFONTE, RESN°A., Is the place for bargains in the way of Dr-y Goods, Clothing, Mots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queens and Cedar Ware, Groceries, CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS, ALSO, NOTIONS, Everything in' his lino i's sold at very Low Prices. POLITE AND ATTENTIVE CLERKS; are always In atteivlanetS to wait on his numerous customers; The HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for all kinds of marketing and ki:oduce. Cash paid for ALL K111 7 1),S OF GRAIiY - Goodadelirered with pleasure. No trouble co show goods. Give him a call before Pnr thasing elsewhere. StiV69.y best thew at ERvTh HORSE! SHOES, dc WILSON'S SECHLER & FRUITS, NUTS, & CONFECTIONERIES. KiEP TII BE&T ASSORMENT Or GOODS, BROADCLOTHS ROI7SE IN CENTRE COENTY GROCERIES OF E'rer7 DESCMPIIOI'.;. B GIVING Us A CALL: NO: SIX, nra StRtBT toltOliTT, ira6sti Btock,BELLEFOfin. my26 i 69-Ii B URNSIDE & THOMAS. Offer to the Public one of the largest and best selected stocks' of mercbcn. dise, in Centre county. Call; examine and' see for yourself. T HE Largest and Best Stock of Warri ed• Boots and Shoes, warranted to fide satisfaction, at reduced prices, ottfy tc ii' found at BURNSIDE & THOMAS' J. W. COOKE. SPICES of all varieties, ground to order and warranted to be strictly pure. It is the only place you can find unadtiltera , ted spices. Try them for your own satid faction. You can only find them ,t , BURNSIDE et" TRONIAZS'. HANDSAWS, knives, spoons, coffee m ills,- shovels, spades,- rakes, hoes, lamps , " forks, chains, &c., at BURNSIDE Tifiatt"AS'..• HORSE COLLARS, if you dori't NiParg.: your horse's Shoulders' galled - SU. made sore, get good horse collars, at' BUItNSIDE & TIIOAIAS'.. HARNESS, collars, cart whips, carriage whips, in great varieties, goverh. meat gears, saddles, bridles, niartingale. , , check lines, cart gears, tug harness, buggy', harness, homes, &c. Everything in tiiesadv dlery line, at _FISHING TACKLES, rods Bids, flies, sea hair baskest, &V. Rig yaa out to catch trout. at BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. THE highest market price pit& for all kinds of country prodtiCe, at' FINE GROCERIES, mocha coffee, old gov. java, best quality Rio coffee, best olong black teas, green teas, levering. syrup, golden syrup, Drips flee article ba king molasses, rice and everything in the grocery line at the lowest cash prices in the market BURNSIDE a THOMAS', is the piece. IT IS known to all in Bellefonte through the county if you want good article go to BURNSIDE & TROgAS'. LEATHER, of all discripticns, french calf skin, span ish.solo hiather,morw2co's sheep skins, linings: Es'erything in the leathorlino warrantedie, giro satisfaction. at BIniRNSIDE a THOMAS'. rTIOYS of all kird4, at . _L BITIINSIDE HOE-MAKERS TOOLS and findings, in all their varieties, at N EW PATTE RNS of oil cloths, a£ ro ducted prices, fit BURNSIDE 4:`' SADDLERS BUCKLES, liooks,iiita stiot's• rings. Everything a saddler d=int`, for the manufacture of harness, to lie fouri& at BURNSIDE 61 T.LICIVAS',... B ASKETS in all their varlitties . ; childrens carriages, willow -Iyard, gads, pistols, powder, shot, caps, cartridges, .te.. at BIJRNSIDE & THOMAS'. NOTIONS of all kinds, Stolring's gloves, Handkerchiefs, combs. pocket books, in all their variety ard very the ^, BURNSIDE & THOMAS', NOTIONS, NOTIONS, TURKEY PRUNES; raisens, reaches ap pies, oranges; leinens, all kiticis' foreign fruits, Ifanii, hit B lIRSIDE' TITOAI.AsS-;. CANNED p ep:eb es, to Ma tde pino apples, and peas hi gfeat ;Oatis etr, i t BURSIDE TIIOAIAS v7 IIIITrIFS, Herririg; mackerel; - . ja6'6o.ly BABBITS SOAP, Wm. Ragan and 'Kenna olive soap, Dobbins' soap, Jesse Oakloy's soaps,, old castilo, pard, Palzh Elderling's soap, and a great variety of oth. er soaps, at W. BAILEY, Bush end Irehitt's Bleak, near the Lrepol,. PLUMBER; QAS AND STBAIt FITTER, FIRE-PLACE TigAT.ERS, STOVES,T.O DOWN Q-RATES, TERRA COTTA SANFORD'S O.DiEBILIT'..D HEATERS, In short everything usually kept by the largeit Plumber and Gas-fitting Houses• in our cities. can be obtained of me, as it is my intention to spare neither time riot pains to accommodate those favoring me with their orders. from all parts of tho State, aspe;Slailjo from PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO BY COM- GROCERIES, &c DEALERS IN GitodßiEs, rrwvisioss, mad aell FOR SMALLER PROFITS than any other ROUSE-KEEPERS' and all °triers tiaiiing to pun:Ea:Ed will bo amply repaid' sEcirLER BOOTS, SHOES, &e BURNSIDE & BURNSIDE trcomAs, I3URNSIDE & THOMAS' RURXSIDE & TROIA'S' HURNSIDE THOMAS' tET,LBONTE, PENN'A.; TIzN & SiltET-IRON WORKER; EiMOKE STACKS, tte. DZAI EU rs GOOD'S; (from PhiVa.,j 6111.11- iTE Y . TOPS, AlEo,''.gt:s. for (Brick Blii.Ni3ed and Portable)) ORDERS SOLICITTD Central Pennsylvania, and. PETENT WORKMEN J. W. BAILEY, Bush's Neu - Block, myEc'e9.ly. Btllergpte, PenrL'a,