REPUBLICAN. “Let us See fo it. that & Government of the People, for the People, and by the People, shall not Perish from the Earth. [A Liscoww.] - a RR free a BELLEFONTE, PA. DEC. 8, 1869. VOL, 1, NO. OUR TERMS HOTELS MISCELLANEOUS CARDS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. LOCAL LAWS. LOCAL LAWS FOR SUBSCRIPTION & ADVERTISING | a, { ; — : : - | ro | : : y G. LOVE. A ’ i N ~p . tatia 1 of this act ARY Darsor nd guilty aststhint “ ERIE T4% ANE {UMMINGS HOUSE, \ 8. GRAHAM, Fashionable Barber, in J ' AYE, ttorney at Law, N ACT To incorporate the Belle: | A 1 ' i guilty m J The BELLEFONTE REPUBLICAN ( J A + Basement of the Conrad Hcuse Delle- | &7 « Bellefonte, Pa, Office on High Bt, A ville and Pine Grove i Bi. (1 BE JOVIDK Ar faith with them: dated | is published every Wxosmspar Morxise Aba at: Baliata » fonte, Pa. The best of Rasors, sharp snd jaf 80 ly. Beer 1. Be it enaste senate and | #how | lac oR ter or other th with them, Iu N Bishop street, Lelletonts, Pa, i Ls Hous : SP ade a i ae 2 ; in Bellefonte, a, by ! 4 . — 0 of Represontatis : J : oil condition thal oe 3 tm Vo 1 itable { Boarders and keen, ulways on hand. le guarantees a : FANKIN woalih or paeprEntnialivd fhe Comn Hamed or thar a re looted. on a : ul condition that pro A.B. HUTCHISON & #0 ) Convenient and suitable “of Hoardes Be Enave without either pulling or pain J Fs M KR H. RA? KIN, Attorney at vat and it ny hare 2g oot Athos a1 lie highway i he eit § | BY J. 6G. 1 ‘ whose consequences | Fad Ty ths Traveling Publie | Perfumery, Hair Oils, Hair Restoratives, | *7 Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office in Armory th ne. That Same) Watts, Johr { HA y : Lent fal Le deemed ¢ ‘ ae at the following rates { Fare, reasonable, and on time. Especial at. | Paper ( ollars, &c., constantly on hand. building, 2nd floor. jab'69.1y. ; X Imvid Mitehe \ olson ty WF br i and Bpon conve How many, 0, be One year (invariably in advance ) $2.00 Rw ‘oth ba oF BASES | jal3'69.1v. —- 4 : ‘ Bix Menths,....“. " $1.00 Sentivmpuldrta tng yap Deki AN Three Mouths... o " ! W.J. HOSTERMAN. Bingle Copies." " “ ept. 15, "69.11, Proprict ~~ 4 i It is Republican in politics—devoted to | PA P, SALMONS & CO.,, Contractors | ie | anufasturt y \ , TER ad Bricklayers, Bellefonte, Pa, adopt | # ¥. % ALLISTER JAMES A. BRAVER. | the Agricultural, Manufacturing and y {ONRAD HOUSE ; : A ing interests of Centra! Pennsylvania ( he orming those wishing to M ALLISTER & BEAVER, Attorneys- | : | furnish Brick and lay | | at Law, Bellefonte Peun’a. janf'68.1y, Original | SLOT try x broke every § . ‘ 33 uns yor tly fing Fn i p De for ie She ¢ Of sarth’s fairest, brighiost Sowers B.C. HUMES, Pret 2. r. mAnnis, Cash's, | 1ner. 1. C. Heskitt ert OF ol Bix ’ i one hundred dollars | ' ; m " y . 37 ” Kepler } 0. Mite} Ww ol . onvietiol ra s nid of Are fading, daily fading PAUP. J.T. SALMONS, LEVIR PAUS fran NATIONAL BANK Of Bellefonte. | | reorge M. Kej 3 he pe ty shall be sontnent in the ’ ‘ AARUY § A | Allegheny St, Bellefonte Pa. jal'60, r shad a Papers discontinued te ribers at t ALLEGHENY ST, BELLEFONTE, PA oxpiration ef their terns r t i f the publishers, un i "e's yO vida saa bi IGTRL O) BUR! xP v, | their branch Busine jul ).13 | IY 4 EM. BLANCHARD, Attorneys al wise agreed upon 101 . ' IH \ roth . Bpecial moticas . ow . ? ’ 3 at 4 a ni va . | de Low, Allegheny Bt., Bellefonte, Pa. ums at 20 ota. per line for each insertion, | Lipsy CLASS DAR, \rraNT, | JEREMIAH FASIC kerhoff House : r ha y { p wa rke 1 EDMUND BLANCHARD, EVAN MN. BLANCHARD, |* jab' unless otherwise agreed upon, by non AMT IN W W. BROWN, Au Y Rditerial Noti sin md 4 : PR | HOUSE & FURNIT EE PAINTER + Bellefonte, Penn'a., hh Tar I fer ce) TUT 90a co mnt | AN EXCELLENT. BILLIARD . ROOM Paper Hanger and Sign Painter promptly to all business entrust. Marriage or Death aun kind lished free bar ire & ALEXANDI] wv, Bolle Pa A hany Kt lished free, BX 3 bj ‘eT r 4 " THE | $ £t sly Order ft s irwin ne RVI sation by th litors : ’ iware ” receive na te at ( ) Professional usin J ention p 2068. 1% : seeding 10 I Adrertiserrent i 8, ‘ 3 DEXNKIRK y fer ome insertior d bate ; sacl Ile jersigned : . { of » SH, J. KEAI Ravelopes Paper Blanks, &¢., & with prompiness, and Bie Tales Addross a RD my i969 7 DYKUNS TEW BARKERI. A The undersigned re fully invites the attention f tee “tir Rellefinte and vicinity, to } EW BAKER TQ lene ug RINDS f : AT THR thy baal wip ¥ His Ban will » § conta the eo} ot BRED CAKE ‘ . 7 NET Es 18 f liquors, 1 EC WARRET PRICES W.RHONE. PIER, CON te RII His Brastive bu Avwy . J : | J 10] J. I N ii MEAL r r val ttende A sat Leas et} and 4 bi ” . Mi B wavs be a fed ’ ALT W LE AND RETAIL publi at he : Manufacty ttantive hos 4 that he fs prepared ¢ Tie best and neatest I Cream Li Giv \ rendered, and t modatiens in the tow confident that all will be satisfied wit by he og? nithed and earpated, om Bret flo r ia accommodation dies and gentlemen, and fSeor for private parties He prides moe ) . " iald80.1y t he §hsittonetst n " A finn ak or th se of Reproses res : 3 ot ent--afi eErperimont t + | thi tial Sutes. sid re-assett het | ‘ his a on advantage, AE). ; hotsnnd isd ets ‘ny f hy aotual exper n ¥ n } 4 e expected Will be found i§ ‘ : w nd Ye ered . o (rote vf than it i the pride and glory All eves are . i $ leit | his office during the week, mmen . y ‘ i » of Rope 4 « H ‘ ul is only in our Union that there is streng! hat l \ hearts and hopes are N IXCELLENT LIVERY continuan of ' he first Monday of cach month, | vil.m} \ FHING 3 ” 4 ’ fay i an : AN EXCELLENT LIVERY n ) | & ; ; ad’ coq i i aia hea . this tho South has found out now b r, Le! her make haste te put gs attached to this establishment, which ivld'80 tuch other Limes as may be agreed uj | } ‘ } { BR 7 their advantage ‘ ’ ” . Rd es ! nmnarea ang « | X iy Wa 4 LPN naka 2 aah i a title io b talit T : ted » most cordially invites his friends and the . He ERCHANT TAILORING, ! i= RANCR--LIFE & FIRE. Joseph | tyni INO, W, GEAR) wal on ge rel enate. | she wou d try, though all the world of | ¢ € ospitality and elevate puklic generally tecall and realize the truth i A. Rankin of his Borough, insures proj : PrHOYED vind y of Assertion, that MeDowell makes the | MISCELLANEOUS ESTABLISHMENT, erty fi r the foll wing Be r SEDARIS S ¢ R eder is nin Let the South stop and reflect. and they | country, and that weans one people ee Cream in town companies, vig yeoming Mutual rk ont ounty, ) " i is 1% A ’ % : hy ly £.J. MeDOWELL, Aght i. . . w | Company. Pa.. Insurance of North America nd clerk of the orphans’ conrt ill, at once, perceive that, after all, it This fact has been setiled hiya war all : —— ——ee JELLEFONTE MEAT MARKET KO. 1, AROCKRHOFF 8. ROW | parma is 18 » Pa. Hl . i at } result. if honestly * h > aha Enterprise, and Girard of Phila, a Be | House « X sen as of th rib ILLINERY AND FAKOY STORE is to the firmness and magnanimity of | Whose result. if honestly worked os » » ' w vony | v a | of Now Haven, and any other reliable com saat) , An an M YBN a + i Band j } ad AKERY & CONFECTIONERY BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE PA. | The undersigned takes pleasure in inform. | 0° (70 Coo Lo, Provident Life Compa Ath of Teania in x | the North they owe even ihe cohesion, | ¥i ) dest Ment Mas tid ing the citizens of Centre county and the | Lo 5 prove and other good Life Compa sanse, That the qualified teres oF Co BELLEFONTE, PA | the consistence, and the brightest hope | 811. As the “Yankees” advance Sout sy . "ONT » ihe oldest Meat Market ia Deileionie public generaliy, that he is just opening a g 669.1 sty shall. at the nex ALLBGRRBNY ST, BELLEFONTE, PA ) genera | nies jab'69 ly honest manhood protested against it. ment. We arenothing unless we are one 3 | log eally be for the glorious good ¢ . tie ani oe fi PF T h N 4 & 3 ol only . th 1) M i iil hoice meat of all kinds always on hand : | | the passage of this aot, at the times ane The undersigned would respeclully inform | of progress and wealth that they enjoy they will not only earry with them strong The undersigned wonld hareby respect. inh'80.1y ®. V. BLACK V | ' tks BP AF RAP n . " ties and | Places of electing representatives, and when. | the citizens of Bellefonte, and of Centre | Sad fia A reaness Of arme, and ploughs i mone i good tally inform the citizens of Bellefonte and SPLENDID AND RICH ASSORTN RENT | J F. HOLAHAN, Physician and | ' hereafter {8 becomes necessary for an | County, that she has opened a large and ox to-day Jut for the firmness of the Na Pangan, I Fo Kut g . nity that he is prepared to furnish at all . ! | | #) Surgeon, having removed from nip Ti« {| election, olect one poten fo All the office of i Tr fd! abe > § ILESBURG CARRIAGE WORKS } 0 3 o y Cam nty. has located in Miles: | recorder, and one person to Sl the office of abn RANE a i : i tha ¥ x } Hl be § times Cloths FORBIGN ARD BONBATIC rh I mut Pa. where he will | register and clerk of the orphans’ court; and | MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS | been in chaos. And whatever of goed | he wigs and humorists will bs in the A Cie ' ’ 4 7 bd | as veviseshs #8 p aevd € Ay a yennats | " . i { d 1 # He FEESH BREAD, CAKES OF all KINDS, | SHIRER & WILLIAMS, ! Casrimeres faithfuily attend to all business entrusted to | oy dil bi biionn. f inaan) in the store room recently occupied hy | #hall spring up for them from the mild [trein. And 3 will go Nard with the PIES, de. Ae, ! { BABI CENTRE CO. PENN’ and : him in his Profession. Office in his residence JOHN CLARK. | G. Livingston. Her goods are ail now and | and xind rule of General Geant, is found. | Routh if merry cartoons do not spring up “hy ’ MILESBURG, INTRE Yo PENNA. Vestings, on Main St, where he can always be seen Bpankor of the House of Reprosenintives, | were purchased for cash and she in there. | \ fi | N thick as blackberries, ridiculing » soeinl CANDIES, EPICES, KUTS, FRUITS, Which ho ie prepared to make to order in | unless professionally engaged In his ab. WILMER WORTHINGTON, | fore prepared to soll at reduced prices. Hor od on the logic 0 ie war fuasli, whose » y 1 i i hing belonzing { Riavragrvaza) w the latest and most fashionable styles, for | sence from home, orders may be i} ne \ The Allert ir af ine Scaate. | experience in the business warrants her in | basin, after all, is in reconstruction acts. | ‘ exclusiveness” which, under all the vib everything belonging to i ’ yee of mar 10°89.1y. Approved we fifteenth day of April, Anne i 1 1 i o h pT8 anTihins THe has Livros, completed a | LIGHT CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PLAT. | hen oF heya. Goods sold by the pieces vis stare Thos. Holahan ——— Domint one thonsand sight hindered and six. | YIRE, that the Ladies of Bellefonte | 11 is only on the foundation of loyal saf- | siroumstaness of Sontrast between the large and esmmodious addition to his build the yard. Ile also keeps on hand a ful D. WINGATE D, D. 8, Dentist, Of. | ty-nine INO. W. GEARY, | oreisewhers ,will save time and money | 0 oo built on the results of the war, | 1Wo sections, could be made quite telling, Re od bas farsiched §t in & style surpass. | FORM BPRING WAGONS & BLEIGHS, | Vine of J « fies corner of Spring, and High, st, | AX ACY For the provention of the mutilation | bY visiting hor store before purchasing, | : ; | and still require no Hogarth for their ing, an — rj od i The wD, whore Bellefonts PaThankful for past favors and destruction of show bills, placards, post: | latest style and fashion plates ean alway | that any safety or future oan be found » ' i " : their ing anything of the Xin didi handy ’ ith ' FURNISHING GOODS y Fl erm, programmes, announcements, ot cetera, | be sess ai the store | 3 i | execution. ow much better than all ; ; be sum. Repairing done with neatuess and despateh ARNTS FU JODS, would respectfully solicit a continuance of : oprioto i | for the South. Left to the passions of Indies and gentlemen ean, daring the su I E pe y and or the protection of the proprietors of | MRs PATTIE BARR | Pp | (hin is sterling good fellowship » tensive stock of tional legislation, the South woald have | men, and sweet and preity women, but ; dated with the ver | the same. Flas the right for Centre County Inees of amusement, merohaute, mann fas y : l mar month, be sseommodate or J All work dome at of every style and description. | to use Dr. 8. Btuch's patented improvement Tarers and others in the city of Philadelphia myl2 9-15. —_— u . . | ag banduta, and she Sally of hep haadionn i BEST OF ICE CREAM. HORT NOTICE AND ‘WARRANTED | He is ales agent for the celebrated putting up dental plates. That this is an and county of Contre | masses, what pen can paint the confasion | Maving hod years of experience in the busi- | BHORT KOTICE A} ARRAY : " improeement wo have the written testimony Swovion 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and CARD. The Sessions of the Nittany | and bloodshed which must have super | The object some women have in blow- ness, be fatters himeelf that he can guaran { : . . tes satisfaction to all who may favor him | to giWpentire satisfaction. sioian in the United tees. OMes rights Jouss of Representatives of the O oe | y BINGER BEWIKGU MACHINE. of many of the beet and mest inlentad Phy | Rous of Pennsylvania in Prodhon Anon ! Valley Institute will be suspended du. | vened on the heels of the war? Worse | ing up their husbands iz to have them | met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority ving the winter,io be rezumed In the spring. | Ao ith the ol with their patronage. " AB} [a8'69.Ty JOHN MONTGOMERY, for tale, FILE. 13. «f tho same, That from and aller the passages nov. 1080.51, EAMIL. M OTTO. { than all wonld have been the success of | come down Ww * Slampe augdno ty, J. H, BANDE i ‘ ! 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers