Auictirai Department. WE:OIESDAY MORNING Dec, 1 '69, Fruit Trees For Shade. A correspondent of the Counbw Geutlenurn says trn'y: "Shade tree,. in the donr and a' "d by the mil sib' add ntm•h to the be tuts and ther •Iq• to the value of the farm. Public alter, tinn has been attracted to this soljeo and within a few yesrs past very many net s have been set by the sides cfotnr roads. ft hats en.t hut little to do it. and the increased beauty of the firms has more than paid the t.xpen-e. And this principle will hold trur univer sally. Shade trees will more than pay their cost. "The general tendency has been to set trees which would furnish :bade and be ornamental. without refererce to anything fart her. But here is a good opportunity to combine beauty and utility.- The shade and ornamen tal trees which are usually transplant ed are injurious to the soil and make no return, except their shade and or nament. Now, if instead of setting maples and elms. we would set some of the best varieties of fruit trees, we would hare shade and also a rood supply of fruit. .This plan. T. think, is practised to some extent in Germany. and would, no doubt, .be successful here. Oar public commons if set over. to some extent.trich fruit trees, would yield an abundant supply of fi nit for the poor, who have no trees and no land on which to set them. A common planted with the choice varieties of cherries, plums. peaches, pears and apples, would look full as tempting, especially in fruiting time, as one covered with maples and evergreens. But my (articular object, in this article i s to recommend farmers when setting trees on their land near the road,t.n set those which will yield an income rather That thns , 3 which are merely orna mental anti which are a constant in jury to the land. Practical illustrations of the benefits of such a course are often seen. We have in mind two farmers whose land bordors on the road. One of them has a nice row of maples, which furnish nothing but shade and seriously injure his land. The other has a splendid raw of apple trees. They furnish shade—arc ornas mental and do not injure the land ne r as wuch as maples. They also furnish a large supply cf valuable fruit." Cover Your Vines and Planfs. The advice cannot be too ofte n giv to to all who cold Cate vines and phi tits as to their protection tl f rough the win ter and early srrirg. We hale found niter a gond n:lany years of experience fliat therm is no mode so sure of guard ing all aloes and plants not entirely ly!,raly against our occasionally severe winter.-. .1g laying them, down and covering arm with. soil. Of' course we mean those which can be so treated. The covering should riot ne more than two to !bur inches, according to the nature of the thing laid down If ton much earth is used. the buds:front the heat of the ground in Nara, may burst too early. and may be damaged by a late fros t when taken up, which should rarely be done before the first of April. All young Grape vines should be laid down. though it will prove of great betmfit. in our judg nient, to grape vines, young nod old, hardy or otherwise, to prune theta and lay them down and covey with few inches of soil. All Earl,- be , Ty canes should he pruned and laid down; so should Roses that are liable to damage front the frost. Sty:mint: tip hose: and other decidunls flowers and shrubbery. as it is usually done— • that ii. binding them as tightly almost as a pole—is far more iniurions to them than no protection at all. Where strawing up is resorto , l tn,it should he applied wily on the side exposed to the sun. All flower-Imders should have e good covering of stable-manure-borse manure being very good for this por pose. In the spring the long stuff should he raked tiff. and the resi fo!k ed in. It will not only protect the roots against all Hwy during the winter, but the plants will appear in the spring greatly invigorated, and the flowers will he touch wore abund ant and prove of much higher colors and greater beauty. Even lea ves,st raw. debris of any kind ; or, if there, be nothing else, a slight covering of soil will be of good service. We trust. that no one who values the things about the pretniQes here rererr ei tn. "ill neglect brief advice— and November is the time ta attend 'a it.— Germantown l'elegraph, BLIND STAGGERS.—The first step to be taken in this disease is to relieve the over' heated organs or the brain. The jugular vein should be i mined ia te lyopened. No definite onantityor W oo d need be taken, but let it run until he falls. Three days Oterwards give. the horse.n physic, bearing in wind that mtity is required that would ,-ttfftee for a horse in a lnalthy erudition, Thik :after treatment must 'be regulated by circumstances. For some time the ham should have rashes and green tiro t itt moderate .quantitiet..a small a mount. hay, and but very if.ttle grain.--Anterieuit Stock journal. BUCK WILEAT CAKES.—To every three husbels bucli wheat add one of goi•d heavy oats; guild 'hew together• as though illete was only bu.ok'wht•at; thu- yntt will have c;ikes always light and always brown, to say notliinz or the greater digel-tibiliry and the light. A'lllll_ of spirits, which are equally cer tain. Fruit Far Deiert: After the refined and coniplleatt a luxury of a recherche dinner, we seem to go hack. When the fruit conies on the table, to the primitive aim! Lei., of the earlit st tikes. .WP eonsume on r e trements and our f: icas , eeL, nor wid our made dishes; and doll our host, as if thrreper!oi'e of delica cies had been_ exhausted, steps our into h:s garden anti his orchard, am+ hr ngs it. -a - simple dish of fruit ; Imoch - of golden grapes. s..ine atttrlr painted red and yellow by the sots pencil of the summer mute in, a Peateli• nr somr hone } fleshed apricots. Ho is doh , g. what King Alcinous may have done to Ulysses and the storm beaten Greeks! it is smacks of the gold en age and the old mythologies] Hines ; yet it is a custom' that does not wither. and will never - ernw unfashionable. How things alter! The salad, once al that the hermit had to live upon. ha= 10 - conic a relish for the gourmand ; cbeese,onee the shepherd's only food, is now an entrement after:many coUrs es ; fruit, once the only _food of the early denizens of the world, is now the mere crowning pleasure of the dinner.. ri flit requtres no OOnk log ; the great stationary fire has cooked it to a turn. It has been basted with dew ; the soft balmy sun has been its sauce. Its flavor bas been mixed by the mini.ter ing spirits of garden and orchard; it color and shape are of a lasting lash ion ;it contains essence , ver disco vered, and wines as yet undreamed of it is older than the cutlet,and anterior to the frieand. au ! its seed blew to us from Eden, or fell to us from the amaranthine gardens. Ttirtle soup is sublime, and there are ragouts which exercise a moral, and psychoh-gical influence over . the *world ; but are earthly. Their component parts are known ; there is not the mystery about them that appertains to fruit. Really to enjoy fruit, one should pick one's own and eat it. in appropri ate scenery under the tree from which it is gathered, or beside the bush whereon it has grown. The pear molt ed down from the pliant bough, where it has long swung like a golden weight, for Mammon's scales, tastes as much better than the same fruit coldly cut by a silver knife at a formal desert. as a damson does than its humblcaustic cousii). the sloe ; the striraberry has it-A finest fragrance only when discover ed under its own triple leaves. IVhen is the raspberry so delicious a• - : when pluAed from the straggliue a tines? The apple should lie twisted .von its fostering. twig ; the grape build,. nipp ed from time ragged brown bra n ch bound to the green house roof. —All Year .16)uud. Precocious and Affectionate Chickens Editors Country Gentleman—l no tired a piece in yourjeurnal of the 7th October. taken from the Canada Far mer, where the writer thought it was a novel sight to see young chickens fi 'How their ntLther to the nrst when she went to lay. T had a hen th a t brought off a brood of chickens about. the Ist of April ; in three or four weeks she commenced laying again, and the whole brood would follow her to the nest every day and stay with her until she laid. Before she went to setting th , second time, the chick ens were all killed except a cock and puilet. She was put on Guinea eggs, and the two chickens staid with her all the time she was setting, only com ing off when she would to get some thing, to eat. One morning I put them both in the yard while the other chickens were being fed, but theY went hack to the well, without stop pink to eat. When the Guineas were hatched the hen was tied to a tree. where she h a d the play of about 8 feet of ,-trice. She fell the chickens and Guineas both. —The Guineas would follow the young chickens about the yard ; they set•ntetl to take care of them and Scratch lor them. In less than a week the pullet seemed to take wore care of them than her mother; she would cluck to them and feed them. It look ed strange to see her going about clucking and a dozen young Guineas running after her. The yonne cock v- serateh- for them. but he made a kind of clipping noise when he wan ted to feed them. We had to bring the Guineas lot° the house at night to keep the rats from them. As soon as the young chickens would come off the roost, Mornings, they both would stay about the dour• and keep•clucking and chipOte until they were turned out. When they ware three weeks old they could hardly notice their tuoth.:r ; when ti ey were five weeks old the three chickens were stolen one night with 15 others. I have a few of the Guineas left that 1 succeeded in raising.— (;or. Counter' Geqtlenunt. A VALUABLE SEUR.ET:-A laundress gives us the lolbwiog re . eeipt for do. mg up shirt bosoms. Any lady ..ho desires to make home happy. will do well to try the ex! eriment. It will be fload a sovereign antidot.: to that. serious stuff Willett weighs upon the. heart—an ill ironed -..nd ill fitted shirt bosom : Take 2. ounces of fine gum arabic powder ; put into a pit e h er , f u l d pour nu a.pint .or more of water, and then.having covered it let it stand all night In the morning pour it carefully f?ont the dregs into a clean ivittle.and cork and' keep it fin' use. A table spoonful of gum water stirred in a pint of Hat:ol,lllElde 111 the usual man ner,. will give to lawn.,•either white or printed, a look of oewoos., when nothing . else can re , tore them :trim they initie been weshed, MISCELLANEOUS T_ALPEL'S PATENT -HAND QAW WELLS Th: :tbuye represented anytime 11A NO I . QUA L. It, is simple i n its eonstruetion. easily operated. and n. t liable to get out of order. One man can with verfect ease rip a two inch hard wo.di or a three inch plank in one third the time that it takes with th , - ordinary hand-saw, and besides, the riot inexperienced apprentice van, with this ma :•ltme SAW TRITER AND STRAIGHTEI: Than the beAtj , ,nrneyaran can pith a liand-Saw THE JIG ATTACHMENT. reeentiv patented, (as shnwn h' the tmt, at the right) to he operated by f0,..t or hard p•l‘ver..rbath at the slime time is eo arrang e.l in eom .ination with the Rip Saw that it forms one machine. and by a einrple devise ii realtly derneheo. and two dhe,ipet u, enines are renderei, and by putting ,n in place ut th.. gip Faw a Or. , ss-Cut Saw. a • NIV I.] fi SA L II AN I ;SAW- MILL produced. Pried reasonable. Fur furth er particulars addros , . ('!. G. SCHOLL. Agent. septls-3m B•x 1344 Williamsport T - EW GOODS AND NEW mu CES 1! HIGH RATES RUBBED OUT! (ODDS AT OLD FASHIONED PRICES LEOFFI,B, & BRO'B Would respectfully inform their old friends, that they are daily receiving a large STOOK OF 0-00D6 OF ALL KINDS, which they are offering at the very lowest market price. DRY GOODS! onsistiag vf the latest styles of SIGTIP.F.ID -.ND PLAIN ALPACAS, Figured and plain al Wool Delaine. Shepherd Plaids. Black Silks, Summer Silks. Irish Poplins. Whi:e Goods White Counterpanes. Linen and Cot ton Sheatins-s. Checks, (lingnams, Bethinks. Flannels. tte.. rko.. tr-e., Shepherd Plaid Ba!morals. Blank Cloth. C,ssimeres. Are!refine. Cordu roy. Kentucky Jeans. Drilis. Ladies Cloaking, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, AND PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS A full line of Cloths. Cassimeres, Sati netts. and Vesting.. all kinds and prices, which walho sold cheap. We have con stantly on hand a large and well selected stock of nil kinds of OCK ER Y. FIROCER.JES. MACKEREL. SALT. (lc Which we will di•pose of at the lowest cast, prices. Ail kinds or et.untry product. tnker in P7C ••linnaefor ,nods. _ end the - high, •I nwrke prieep .71Inte,d FRIENDS AWAKE TO YOUR INTER EST For we feel se tisfieri I hat we ran suit your I'APTKP AP V ell as youlT PITRSMS. j+,6*fi9 I v COVPI.MTP 01 OF THE PACIF IC RAILIiOAI). GREAT RUSH 'l'o STERNBERG'S Sung to the Tune of unkee Doodle Tho (rent Neff Rai!rnstrs From ocean unto ocean. Anil now ciimple connection's made,— An enterprising noti .n. The mighty work at lost is done, So spertlily and b isk, oh ! And VOW: in ten days we (gin run From here to San Francisco. No more we take the oneient rode, The stage, a horrid slow thing , haneed the pILS•en :era abort, And wore out all their clothing Cnenus. ter the end of each veree The Great Pacific Railr. ad's laid, r , °ream unto ocean. And we buy l uhes from A. STERNBERG A tri: , st eelightlul nuti n. Throne} , pa. , sengers by the Pacific Rail road will call at flo,knie ..r A. fore rtarttne,a.ii vroVitb: tile.w , elyrs with a complete outfit of the eleem,i and substan tial Spring and Summer the very hest 3m , ,,rttuent of wldeh will a lwa3 a be foam} at. A. Sternnere'e Store. People who travel by other routes, and al so petty le who, instead of traveling by any route at all. prefer stay at home ran find the most superior :it'd seiisonalt e vrm--nts, for every occasion. of every variety, and at the lowest prices. D., not fail t . call and examine our stork lief ire pu. - ehasing elsewhere, it you d not, we arc sure you wi I be sorry that yuu tlid not. Our ,; node are put ,town to the lowest figure. \Ve sell whole suits, according to quality. RADGIIG FROM $6.50 TO k,AIS —the very beet. A T 7 .ItNI3EFIG. Allegheny St , Belle'o tr, Pa n*26'69-1 y.. B ELLEFONTE ACADEMY A SRI E(T sviloOL FOR YOUNG LA DIES AND GENTLEMEN. Next Ses,ien erns on WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER FIRST with e•vrry theility for the eilticati •n of youth in ail the etudirs which eoustitt.te a til.eral and p.dite education. Special intention is given • to MILAN and bra. ing. Vocal 3lusie is 'node a regular branch to the course Or study, and is taught to all pupils without extra ebarge. The Principal is ai.sist‘ d by an ample Corns of tried tool tia t oilile testehere. ih e un it e d a im being to insure the moral ,ulturr. and gen eral refinement, as Nell as the inte Beau f 1 ,mproyetnent of the pupils. Each seh-lar ha , a due share of artentinn. Pa re t.. wirh t.. place their children whi• re there will he no neeessity her ehatige till they have eomplettal their education, are invited to vied this Sch Parents who wi,h to have their daughters out of the In-titurian. ran final pleas ant -homes. and at reasonable rates in the town fur further particular•. 44 resit. Rev. J. P. I.lThi HES, jy2l' Principal. FOR, A DIF.,:; ONLY.—For an article having a rrmsri a le -ale. addrr:-:= Mrs N. 139 Faitor. sz•. N. Y. j,.23_3m. L ANlPS,nvery variety and kiwi at IRWIN d W LSON'S SCREWS awl flinger nt ever} vsinety and IBIVIN R WILSONs pOOll LOCKS or ali kinns.lo suit every hudv. At (RAVIN & I is' Ns ( x. IIASS: •izeb and quulitinv. ar IRWIN 4s WILSONS TIN . & S HEET-IRO N. WARE T IN AND SHEET-IRON STORE TilE OLDEST 77N- IVA RE E.• TA BLISH3I EN T. IN BELLEFONTE, PENN'A the nnderaigned hereby desires to call . .he attention of his team patroies, - and the entire, people of Ventre Co., th the MUD ulactores IN AND SHEET-IRON - WARE 'heaper and on a larger i•eale than ever.— tie keepS 'constantly I' r t`in .Rnekets- ' . - Wa'sh — Soi!ers. Coffee Fruit Cans, Di,h- Pane. Lard flans. Wash 13aAns, Coal 0 1 l'ant , , Stove-pipe of the best Bus eta, and other iron,— eunstanth• on hand. Par ticular ut4ention pa id to ROOFING AND SPOU7IIIrO All work warranted. Give us a cBll. W:V. S. WOLF. POWAY: Allegheny Street WETSLER & TWITMIRE ,lill.llEzß VEG. PY.,NKfA NfANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COOK ASP P. 4 RLOR SToVES, HEATERS FOR CDI7EOM & DWELL • INGS. - The following Pattern of Coolr tovcs con stantly ow band. BARLEY-SIIR AP. REGULATOR, • IRON spills. FARMNR, EUREKA. AMITY. • Castings and all kinds of remers furnished to order for nil kind of stoves in mar ket. Russia Sheet. iron finished, Gas Burners neatly repaired. A large assortment of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE of our can manufacture, keptconstantly on bawl, which • we will ,ell Who!csole or Rotell at prices as reasonable as elsewhere SPOUTING. ROOFING. and all kinds of Jehhing done on the short est no ice and warranted. W e will re. mire orders for ~nd put up " COP- Pgit LIGTITNING BOPS." whin • are superior to all other Rods in market. We will pay the highest market prises for 111 Metal, Copper. Brass. Pewter, `Pc•. %u. We always enntlea.vor to seal CHEAPER 717-4-% THE CIIE.:IPEST. Try us and be convinced. ja6-69,1y. "OUlt OLD HOME," r IIE undersigned bovine. Feelll ea ihr ex- Insiva sale of this justly ecielirated Stove, 'loci to heel alley in pronouncing it THE BEST rOOKING STAVE tnanuraetured in the UHited States to-day They have improvements over all other CoAing St o rrs and RT., pro/ion/wed by all who have Ix- ed or sold them. to he the hest EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC We also keep on hand all kinds of PLAIN, PRESSED, FANCY AND J. 4 ANNE)) 71N IVARE. which will he soh' et the lowest possible Mill 108 WORK OF ALL DESCRIP frONS done at the shore: t notice. and upon the most reasonable rearm. Feeling satisfied that he OMa please oil who are disposed to tie pleased. and that he is determined no to he tau done by either Jew. Gentile, Turk Ileathen,he theft s the public to mil and exacting our stock before purchasing else where. Don't fail to call and see his OLD ROME COOKING STOVES." JOHN S LONDEBGEII, N.. 4, Buz•h's Arcade, rani24 . 69 ly. Bel ciente Pa BOOM -1 & STATIONERY N ESC BOOK STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Blink, Stationer/I & News Emporium JACOB D. NIILLEtt has purchased the Book. Stationary and News ertablishtsrent of Kundos and Brother on Alleek eny street. near the Diamond, to whieh be has just added a large invoice ruck as is generally e.ept in a well co-ducted Book and Stationery Store. Ili, Fthek conrists of Theological. Medi ad. Lair. MiserDaneoris , Sunday School and Sehool ks. Time [took, Pas, 11 , .0k$0111d Diarics. Eery grade and price of Cap. Legal. Bill. Letter. Bib' DWI Nore Paper. fine French Paper Envellnet it every &script io and Price, Pens Inks. Inkstands. Erasers. Huh. her bands. transparent and crantunn Slates. Sla e Pencils, Lead Pencils, Crayons, dc. -ALSO Daily and Weekly Papers. Magazines, an. Sheet Nusie a large supply of Legsl and Justices Blanks. touptat.tl3 on hail. Also Internal Revenue Stamps at Mee. He it. also Wholesale Agent fur Imehman's Celebrated Writing Fillid. C• antry uttwch inns would do well to call and examine my stack before purchasing el,ewnere. as I can sell at manolactorer, prices. jan'll9 LIVINGSTON'S BOOK STORE. (ENTATII.I.IIED IN 1.45 ) At this well known E,t.bliAtiletit ma 3. he fouti.l ever thine in the •• BOOK LINK." whether TiIEOLUIcAL, CLSSICAL. LAW. SCIENTIFIC or LITERARY.' An Extensive assortoo.nt of filthily ili.• les. with or without Photo. graphie. Pieter ,- ranging in priee nano $3,75. to $25.. ALSO all the Day and Sunday Sebo- I Books in general u.e. Blank Books. Leg-1 Blanks. and all kinds of Stationery. A c Prim, t attention ghen to orders. A liberal discount -made to whose a/h.. hity . to peg again. GEO. LIV INGSTOS. jafi' 9.ty.1 Bellefonte Po. N AILS, 411 sizes RIM kinds, at iawar WrIaSON'SAI BOOTS & SHOES BOOT '2 AND ST.lOl±; STCRE ORA 11 A M et; SON; (IRA AM et 60N, GRAHAM SON, BELI.F.F4) ‘IE IVIOT & SIIOE 5T0141.: BELLEFoNTE Bol.l' S. FIIOE STOi BELLEf °NIL Vow!' SHOE STO:zi ALLEGHENY STREET, ALLEGHENY sT T. ALL HO HEN Y STREET, lone Door. Nth Irwin Hod , ware Stone. GRAHAM & SIN, MANTTFICTT'RERg, 't 4NUFACTURERS. FIN' CALF BAnTS FINE CALF BOOTS. -pt eauptanOy .11 bawl at the RELLEFO.rTE ROoT t Y. 4101: STORE BELLEFONTE BOOT k SHOE STORE BY ORA TIA M h SOS, BY ORA lI.AM s SON. AT sq,oo rF.R PAIR AT $8 00 PER p IR A large asamrtment of War ranted, AT $5 Oft PER PAIR, AT $5,00 PER PAIR, BY GRATTAN! Ar SON BY GRAB AM,A SON. We respectfully invite the attention of the public to our la ge selection of L DIES ROOTS A SHOES, LAD tES.BOOTS A. SHOES, and all kinds of MISSES' A Cul ILDRDN'S lIIS:NES' A CH ILDII EN"S ROO & SHOES. ROOTS A, SHOES. CA LL AND EX A M ININ CALL AND EXAMINE OIJh I'HLAP BOOTS k SHOES, OUR CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES, ja20'69.1y. GRAHAM& SON, T AE PLACE TO GET :110ES EVERYTHING NEW 4t, WARRANTED P. IIcAFFREY & CO'S ==l [One does aboveßeynold's Bank.) Have just received the tnt•st complete as sortinent ev-rythiug in the 13007' A.vb SHOP. hISS, ver bron:ht to Bellefonte. Their entire .cock, winch is the largest ever ulr«tted so tare place. was made to order Prow the best so:sterial. It Wtts put chased f. r each anti w ill b e sold usua l tower than any one Nth afford w • h. , on time. They ARE PRACTICAL WORKMEN, and everything snld will be ruarantee4l as represented Repairing and eutttom work promptly attended to. jti6'69 iv. AITFINTION : REFLECT! ! Before ordeling your BOnTS (I? SHOF,'S The only exclusive Boot and Shoe Manta faettuing shop in Bellefonte. I would respectfully in vi to your consider mi.!) to the g neral fltisfact, no waich in every ease •ollows my Work. Itrices reason able. and neat fits guaranteed. JOHN POWEBS, ja6 . 119 ly] Allegheny fit Bellefonte. LIME AATUOD & COAL BURNT LIME Fresh burnt Lime always on hand and for sale at the lowest u allies price, at the S UNN Y-S IDE LIME KILNS on the Raitnia.l near Bellefon e. We have nu rear or u co. ss cnntradietion when we ray that we hare the BEST LIME liV THE STATE. it is free from core. and our kilns are CO constrini.ed that all the ashes are sep arate i from the burnt lime be fore it leaves the kiln. It is a PURE SNOW-W El ITE LIME ! And makes as fine a finish as the lime burnt frnsn the marble quarries in the eastern part • f the State. Our facilities for burning and hipping lime are such that EVE CAN FURNISH IT CHEAPER than the same quality of lime can he ban at any other place, All . rders promptly filled. A-ldrese J. R. do C. T. A I.EXAN 888 jofi'tift. I v. Bellefonte. Pa SfIoRTIADO • BeND VA lANTINK Sil ORTLI DOE & CO. WOOD AND COAL BURNT LIME. Always on h.tnd and for sale at the ILwest market price at the BRLI,Ef ONTE LLIIE KILNS on the Turnpike leading to Mileaburg. The BEST r ITT:- TON AND SHAMOKIN Anthracite coal. Also a new com.ianmen of pla-tering iath, paling. anti stock] shing les for sale at our pird, tear south ei:(1 E V. It R. Depot. jan 69 It LEATHER T HEmEND,) :IS AMOUNT OF • LEATIIER ! The unikraigheil ha- ju=t received the Icost ea tensive lot of Leather. flow the New Yink. Baltimore and Wilmin ton mar— ket& e ver brought to this place, ;lon:dating or. Spanipli Sale' 14. per, Amerierin Kip. • Prep , . Kip, tialritpore o.lf OIL FINISH AND BRIT- H MOROCCO, • KID GLOVE SKIN, Wha t) Leather.. • Linings and Stine findings, of every diseriptinn, all ..f whieh will he sold cheaper than win he linught at any tith er establishment in Central Pennsylvania. ABRAHAM SUSSAI . Bellefonte• latft'B9.l PLANING MILLS li 11. MACKEY ' • P. H. EIALITP ILESBURG PLANING MILL MACKEY do CQMPAICY, baring' leased the aboie imbed Planing Mill, and added largely to its facilities .to turning out first class wofk, are now pre toned to furnish FLOORING. DOORS, BLINDS. . SASH, ..11IITTRS. BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, .and ma ulacfured lumber of EVERY DESCRIPTION —et the 1,0 WEST CASH P !CES All rattnnur t.f nark ,tvels as tieroll • 6awang. Braehets, Wade aster any dessretl pattern. ON THE SIIO It TEST NOTICE Th;s company is compose.l ol• practicable mechdni , •s, and atonal Adams. one of the Co., hag Men foreman of the Bellefonte Planing Mill since its commencement. Connect d with the mill. and in Operation at all times, is one or the latst improved COKE .DEFLA 0 KILNS; which leaves the lumber in a lerfectly healthy gate, assigs in preserving it. and in fart adds iu it.: lasting qualith s, while oth er methods of drying deteriorate, and ten ders it wale liable TO DECAY AND WASTE Lumber cried in a Coke klin, i$ dried per feetly, and when worked ano put up, will not SHRIVEL AND SHRINK, that; giving buildings the appearance of having been ereete.i out ..r Green Material We know that our facilities give us every advantage over other PLANING MILLS IN THIS SECTION and we feel perfectly free in saying, that al. our WORE WILL BE GUARANTEED, to be of A SUPERIOR QUALITY. We will furnish anything in our line from a door panel, to a WHOLE HOUSE. and at such prices. as cannot bat :rav be an induement to THO2.IE DESIRING TO BUILD. All orders promptly filled and a flir bare of public patroange, respectfully e• cited. MACKEY a COMPANY. at)r2l'B9-1y M I LESBUR G. PA KoLsiv'S WM. TI BELLEFONTE PLANING MILL BLANCHARD R, COMPANY stAxurAoTußims or WHITE & YELLOW PINE FLOORIN# AND ICEATHER-BOARLING. of Various Styles DOORS, SASH. BTANDc. Sil ITTT FRS. do MOULDISG:•'• Sc' ,11Work of every Denriptuon BRACKETS OF ALL SIZES and PATTERNS FIDIIiP to order II vine: B U I,KLEY'S PATENI LUM BER DRYER." connected with our e-tab lishineut, we are enabled to nianufacture our work Fruta THOROUGHLY SEASONED LUMBER. 'ORDERS FROM CONTRACTORS BUILDERS. DEALERS AND THE TRADE GENERALLY SOLICITED-6;k BELLEFONTE - , CENTRE CO., PA jH6'69 ly. TOBACCO & SEGARS S. T. FftYBERGJH Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TOBACCO AND SEGARS, BALTIMORE SPUN ROLL. SIX TW !ST. NAVY, lb and lb. Cut and Dry Sm'king Tobacco of all kinds, also SegarQ of all grades and prices at $l3. per thousand, and upwards. PIPES, SEG AR CASES. And all the various kinds of articles usually kept in a Tobacco St re. Goods will be sold wholesale at manutacturer's prices. Give us a trial. lin vite all to coin • and see for theta-elves. Store Opposite Brockerhoff house. feb3 . 69.1y. N "w TOBACCO STORE. LEVI A. MILLER . COMPANY, ALLEGHENY ST, BELLEFONTE, PA., respectfully informs the public that they have opene , t anew WHOLES .ALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO STORE in the new building recently erected by 3. B Bunts, where the 3 have a large stock of TOBACCO. SEG IRS, HERSHAVAI PIPES. SMOKING AND CIIEWINt4 TOBACCO, the very best and of all brands, together with a large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing GOODS In eunnee ion with the above, they have also opened un exteneve FASHIONABLE EATING HOUSE n E ,ropean principles. Everything in the beet of style MEAL' AT ALL HOURS n1)+21'89.13% L. A. MILLER 14 CO RE STAIJII A NTS A RCADE SA I:00N 6,E4). M. PECK, Proprietor hereby inform my frietria al4 the public generally that I maitinne to keep the ARCADE SA LOON. in Rush's Block. adjoinit g Howell, Gilli land tf Store. Meals can he obtained at ALL HOURS during the day. Oysters. the very be-t. co , •ke•t in every style. Meals prodded for Reuel:a B-arders when order ed. and at reasonable rates. Thankful to the r•tblic for past favors. the continuation oft se favors is respectfully solicited. f 17'63.1y. 43. AL PECK. (/SHE ANVIL HARDWARE STOLE! WM. C..WILKEY IRIVIN & WILSON anminuallarmasaanasaannanaanawataaa:, awasmon naiiannanaaaatiasannaunaua nntifinnnnonnt.nnnonn nnonli nnnnnnnonnnnnrinnunnon vvvvvvvv , vvvvvvvvvvy vvvyvvvvvc'vvvvvvvvvr 11111111111111111111 1 1111111 11 11 1 11111 11111111111111111111 , 111111 1 11111111111 - 111MIIIIIIIMMIM111111/1/IMM/111 North-neat Corner of the Diamond, BELLEFONTE,PA., HARDWARE of every DESCRIPTION Their Stock of shelf Hood,. i* cotuolore, em inswing a full variety ot Every Class. Iu Heavy Goods the satne va riety i* l ept up, emorao tag. in port, IRON, of all sizes and shapes. Steels—Cast, &leer, Spring, Blister and Drilling, Aurae Shoes and Bores Shoe Nails. Toe Calks, Anvils and Vives, different JD axii prices, Stoves—Cook, Pallor Gas-Burners, and Cpl hiders, lour makes and kinds. SPktlNtiS Aalee and Skeins, all sixes, WOOD WORK, all kind*, for Wagons, Buggies and Carriages, GRINDSTONES. all gang, and Kitchen do., Piatfuran , Genial, tram too to I 000 pounds, Counter Scales and Balances, . Oils, Paints and Varnishes, of all kind s MANILLA ROPE; nil Platt. and PACKING, The Celebrated ORIENTAL FURNACES, for Dwellings lioness and Oburehes, WOODIrg WATIVR P;PES. 'Amoy Bore and Length Call and Fee their Stock before making your purbhase Are always pleased to Thew our goode. jan.6/69.1y HARDWARE HARDWARE! NO. 5, BRORtaIIOFF'S ROW! J. & J. HARRIS—win PLAPE TO HITT The subscribers would respectfully inform the community that they have opened a ,ornplcte comprising all varieties of 4.00ds in tba line which they WILL SELL AT HIE LOWEST PRICE'S Their stock consists of all sorts of building hardware, table and pocket cathtry. carpenters', mason's. plastefer's and blacksmith's tools, and mate rials, nails, iron, horse shies, and horse-..hue sails, rope tackle, FORKS, CHAINS, SHOVELS, AXES. Heasekeeper's goads, saddlery, carriage trimmings. etc., etc., with all sorts and sizes of COAL OIL LAMPS, and: the different parts thereof. together with areoinplete -eserttuent of the beat PAINTS, OILS, VARNISUES, &c BY STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS ACCOMMODATION OF CUSTOMERS SIIARE OF THE PUBLIC PATRONAGE will find it to their advantage tonal] and INSUItA JAIIIE.4 P. TtANRIIi. 8. M• IVAI/111 A ttontey-s RANKIN Jr. IRWIN, RIC ER .4 81711.A 7 cCE .4 GENTS No. 3, Armory Building, Bellefonte. Pa. Represent he following Companies CAPITAL STICK /Etna Fire, Hartford C0nn..... .$5.502 850.19 Wine Fire, New York 2.000.000 Putnam Fire, Conneetirut .5011,6011 Guardian Fite and Marine, Phira —500.000 Wyoming Firt.,Wilkebbarre, capital anti rurulu,, 170,00 u Lance:l-r city anti courtly, Lancas ter, Peun'a,.. Assets over, $10,00.000 Annual Income, tS 000 GOO Sol ples 2.000,000 Losses pant in ISGB,..Thiee-Fourths oI d Dollars. Dividends over Dollars. Life Insurance on all plans. tIXI I)1'!31,E SIGN OF THE is the place to get P IT M P 8, for Cistern., and Wells. STOCK OF HARDWARE ~ RIND STAN S, etc., eto They hope, and a constant care for the to merit and receive a BIWILDEIO3 AND OTVI4ItB FIXANIINE THEIR STOCK J. &.J. HARRIS. INTf,. 5, Brokerhot3's Row REAL ESTATE OM ..E rN A LIFE One-Ilalf of a Alithou ar tr. b.r. 1V .I.l\ .1.J6 A ME RICA. OVER-SEAMING AND SEWING MA BUITo,N.UOLE CHINE COMBINED MEDAL AWARDED AT THE PLRIS EX- POSITION, 1807. In flirectirie attention to the cite' rate? COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE AND SEWING MACH INF., we teel full• warran ted in claiming for it nnaneetionable over all others as a Family Machine.— The Simplicity. Eaoe anti Certainty with which it operatm, as well as the uniform ex cellence of its work, certainly place it- far in advance of any other windier invention of t 4 ayp. . . It is also the cheapest,intrinsically, as well as the best. since it is really two machines com bi ne d in one, (by simple ar,d beautiful meehanical arrancement never before ae comp'ished by human ingenuity,) making either the Lock Stitch or. Button }Joie Stitch, as occasion :nay require.. It is. at the same time, simple in con.druction, comparatively noiseless. easily understoo I, and, in a w"rd, it combines with those advantages exclusive ly its own the most desirable qualities of aU others. for it not only does : (very variety or setvinw in a SUPERIOR MANNER, but in addition OviorSE.AMS 4nleadilly and makes h•OUtifol 131111'3N asd BYRLET HOLES in all fabrics. This is far beyond the ca• parity or any other ma• hive. The sPLE:IO7I) MECHANISM of this Machine, and the superior skill worktnnn•hip and ma terials employed in its construction. are a guarantee tf aecuraey. strength ani dura bility and enable the company and ito agents to Warrant Every Machine they sell to give entire satisfaction. INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN ON THN KA- CHINE QRATUITOUBLT. Lessons may her taken if desired with st . vier to test the - Machine. or to become bet ter acquainted with it before deciding to pur chase. Samples of work will be furnish ed upon application at J. J. BISZL Jr, 104 LOCI NAVIN, PIeNN'A. Agents for Clinton, Centro oat Cleasto This Machin . ° dose all kinds of Stitching, Hemming, Cording, Felling, Braiding, Binning. Huffing, Tucking, Sewing and. Qat/tering ea. This graa tot Novelty of the age, is sew ca exhibition and ft.r sale by J. J. 8.1. EL CO, Ages. EXAM ine all atber them fall AEA examine this one lotifore . briyiag. feb3'at Ip. - SEWING MACHINA THE SINGIIR SEWING MACRINB Among sewing mashies, nose wade by the Singbr Manufacturing Company, rank with the highest. Their manufacturing snit ch inns. hare 1. na been known es the best for manufacturing purposes Rut within the past few years, they have given special attention to the production of FA JULY MACHINE, destined to win !anon favor in th• ROUSEHOLD The machine which they now offer is quiet light running., simple, fast, noiseless. Its• arcessories for HEMMING, BRAIDING, BINDING, QUILTING, TUCKING. CORDING,. FELLING, GATHERING, ar. simple and easily understood. Ifs deli ,•ate th .ugh enduring and tireless muscles of ir.•n and steel,. an all the work noiselessly, better, H n.l few will deny, "Faster than hand can do it." Thee urge those wishing to pur chase a m.chine. to examine all the other manufactures before buying, as it will, fur itselc.; oversmme all the objections to the other machines that can be brought:against it. achines on hand fo. sale and exhibi tion. together with a full and complete as- Epaulet of SILK, TWIST, LINEN, OA COTTON 'TIMES]; na tie IC 11141. 14 fir th 4 Wlittai, by W. W. MONTGOMERY, Ag't. Gen& Furnishing and Tailoring establish ment, No. 7, Brockerhoff Row. Bellefonte, Pa. ' j328'69•1y. FOUNDRY LOGAN FOUNDRY, NEAR ThE RAILROAD DEPOT. BELLEFONTE, PENN'4I We are happy to inform the people of and the adjoining countie.,, that we aro now prrpurea to make Rouse Castings; such as Sash Weights, Cellar window Grates, cto., of all sizes. Grist and Saw Mill Cast ings, Sled Soles of all kinds, Plows, Plow Shares. We also manufacture the IMPROVED W OR7Z PLO D{ AleoEG3 STOV I S. Stove Castings, Oven Doors and Frames. Coal Grates far Pave ments, Water Pipe-. Wag..n Boa.. es. together with every variety of Castings kept constantly en head, or made to order. All order- , filled prompt us a cal!. Dot.% forget the place, near the Itailroaa Depot, lielletnnie 2Ce 00 j.,W69.1y. BAYARD, ITICKINS A CO A T N o T w E n D a — ri i N .A , 11.111Ns•rAe kl to EN sa y, w l l tt lt 4 0 , e e r ry lady will purplia,p pt eight. .tkiliirrsa Mies WILIIIALR, I Ili , Praten lie. N. T. jo 8 Stu MMEMk. e.ratiou.