BELLEF"O-7\TTIK . : It:EPUBLICAN. W. W. BROW N, A. B. HUTCHISON, F'll/14m OUR TERMS FOR SUBSCRIP LION & ADVERTISING Th• "BrE4,EFONTB,.REPTIBLICAN" is published - every WEDSESDAY in Bellefonte, Pa., by .A. B. HIITCIMON 1 CO., at the fallowing rates: One year (invariably in advance, ) $ 2.00 Six Mon , " " $l.OO Three Months,." . " " 50 Single Copie,.." it 05 It is Republican in politics--devoted to the Agricultural, Manufacturing and Min ing interests Of Central Pennsylvania,. Papers - discontinued to sub. , cribers at the expiration of their terms of subscription, at the option of the publishers, unlezz.4 other wise agreed upon. Special notices inserted in our local col nens at 20 et.i. per line for each insertion, unless otherwise agreed upon,by the month, quarter or year. Editorial Notices in our local columns, 25 ots. per line for each in-ertion. Marriag. , or Death announcements puh 11shed free of charge Obituery notices pub -lisbed free. set - titer. to revision and conden sation by the Editors. Professional or fluidness Cards. not es ,eeeding 10 lines this type, Sg.oo per annum. Advrtisements of 10 lines. or lets. $ . 1.00 fur one insertion. and b ets. per line for each additional insertion. Advertisements by tho quarter, half-year or year received, and liberal deductions made in proportii.n to length of advertise mint and length of time of insertion, as fol lows: SPACE oCCETPIED h(or 10 !hies chi- type) $5 Dire vb es q't.o aches 44nm, t far maumn (or 5} oche') Half ..oitarm (or 11 in•'hee Otte 1 , ( or 22 inetter,)..... Ali ait ettieentents abether flisplayrd or Wank men,ured by lines of tl,i, type. All advertisements due ult , tr the fiat in -tertian. Joh Work of eery variety. such as Pas Sera Til-beaar.Letter hengle.Cartl. , ,Cheeks, gerelepos. Paver Books. Programmes. tii.iukg. Le. cte.. executed in the beg style },romptuese. mad at the most rcasmia hie rateg. ii , aftr,ss as conttrunieutions relating to business of this of e. to A. B. lIUTC.III.FON & CO., Bell otbnte. Pu LODGES. Bellefonte MASOllie Lodge, No 2GS A. Y M. meets n Tuesday evening of or befusetbe Full Mnoi. tCosi , dans CouireanderY No. 32, Y. T , meets sseoroi Frifloy of eoch worth. i 0, 0 F. Centro Lodge. Ko 153. mean,' every Thursday evening at their Bush's Areade. Forth° conforrinv of Degrees the lat Sat arday , `TprinT of each m .nth. For Degtee of Rebecca, second Saturday of every month. I. 0. D. T.—This Lodge meets every Mon ar Bellefonte Church Directory. Prost"7terlan church. Spring St.. services a r at 11 a. m., and 71 p. m No pastor at present. This concrovit ion are sow erestintt now church. in con tequenee of which the reantar reli ai•nts sorrier. Rill be 1.011 in the Gotta Hansa anti! further tootles. l'Olethten , t Episcopal Choral'. ISI. h St. Fer 'ekes Ida' a, m.. and 71 n. in Prayer mention: on Thursday nigh - - Res . . Jas. nastnr. :lA. John's , Episeapal Chareh Ifigh St-. Fer ric.p at tOl a. in., and 71 p na Rev Ilyrun McGann. pastor. Lather:in Church. Linn St.. tervicet 101 a. to , and 71p. tn. Rev. Haeltenberger, pastor. Seformed Clanreli. Linn St., no pastor at preeent 'Catholic Chnrell, Bishop St: saryiee.g 10} a. 111.. Stitt m. Rey. T. McGovern. pastor Calte , l Rieitrren Church, High Sheet. crest side of vrceicl services African !if, 1 Obureb, west eirte of creek : services a: lia. sn , and p. m Rev. Isaac Ph'l wen. rnsttr. BAKERIES NT PW RAE ERY AND CoN'FECTION ERY. MUSH'S ARCADE, TITO If STREET, PeNN'A Z. T. GUDYKUNST ilurine: purchased front A.chitn tiorltheitner. his Mat class Rskerr and i'etifeetionery. and hewing added lareefr in Ms stock. is now preusred to farni.h thn vehlie with vend fresh BEI EA 11, PfEg. (I t /TES. CON PECTION And eV' erVthilje in his line. ni rA tiu es. In conneerien with the snort" is A MST CLAs'S ICE CREAM SALOON' Set' Ltdir> an.fl Gentlemen. which will he 41441 dile - 1Z the zit NUDE - Pi''-PtivP. pilvste 4./11 tifsf , earl be , 11111 Con'ecti-nR. r..(!.emam. rakes and Fluit, 411 ere " neei9•C9-Ir:Z.T. GUIITUUNST ki EP/ BAKERY. /.. 1 1 Tha tf, : „ H. 21 C.l lba of and iie;nity, NYINV BAKERY, nn Itisbnp S!reet, as the only place where the he.? /polity of JARED, CA)::.r,:A, PIES, CONFECTIONERIES, MINCE MEAT of our ~wn M an tr 5.1145et179. rho hew' :Ind neatest L•e Cream accom modations in the t.iwn A room neatly fur Wished aro carpeted, ••ti first flour for la dies and gentlemen and a moot on second floor fir private mi TiCA—ladies and gentle men ile prides hitnpell on the superior quality Ind thivo'r of his Tee Cream. and %to pr in Ily invites his friends and the public call and -eadire tilo truth of the a sert . tnn . that McDowell makes the hest Tee cream in town. it 13`69.1y S. J. ?Ili-DOWELL, Ag't. [3 IKERY a. CONFECTIONERY ALLEGIYENY ST., BELLEFOSTE, PA. The unrlenogned wenl4l hereby re:91(.0.- 11111 y fe r.rrrr the einzenA of Bellefonte and cieinity,tbat he is prep red to furnish at ail FRESH R READ. OASES 0 all KI.NDR, PIES. Sc.. se.. CANOES, SPICES. NUTS. FRUITS, and anything and everything helon ins to hi* husine, , s, He has recent y completed n large and en•nmudiona addition to hia imild ing. and has furnished it in a style sin-I'lB9r ing anything of the kind in tho town. where ladies and gentletuen an. during the sum mer month. be accommodated the very BEST OF ICE CRE 'Having had years of experience in the huPi rt4. ho flatters himself that he can °u•.r:.n tee antista”tion to all who may favor Irma with their aug•.`Bt CUm MINOS }MUSE, Convenient and suitable for Boarders and the Traveling Public Fare. reasonable and on time Espreial at tention paid to the wants of guests. W.J. HOziTER Xi AM sept. 15, '69—tf. Propriet CONRAD HOUSE. ALLEGHENY ST, BELLEFONTE. PA. (Opposite the ttrockeriteff House) A HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Licensed by the Cow t of Centre County. FIRST CLASS TAR. R STATIRANT, ROOMS AND STABLING. AN EXCELLENT BILLIARD - ROOM, with 3 tables, new and in perfect condition, Give the Conrad House a trial H. H. KLINE'. Prnpr;etor. OLI IiCrUSE Tie undersivied adopts this method of informing his friends and the public gener ally that be continues to keen the Hotel fti the corner of Allegheny and Bishop Sts. known by the cognomen of •0 Un 170C'3R." The Proprietor has spired no pains in far oist,in a the lonise with new furniture. The beds and beddine are the very hest ; the rooms vounnodlons and well ventilated. The fleeMli Erma,' I is)7).!. hoarding are equal to ;my of the Mull priced ji..tels. Only 25 cents tor weal, Thanklul fur past favors, he solicits their continuance. and promises satisfsetioo t o a ll tuurl7's9 Iy. ATION A I, ri °TEL, 1 Le V*- a!1 I ,`',l 4 I€s . v? 1 , o I 15 la 20 117 1 25 2 0 10 3O 15551 1 o 5 1 100 I 11 112 i 20 MILLIFEINf. CENTRE COUNTY, PA The undersigned adopts this method of informing the traTelling ef.mmunity, and citizens genetally. that he has refitted and furnished' anew throu.hont with fir-t class furniture. this wall known and established mouse—the NA T :ON A L II OTF:L. Millheim. Pa. He is well prepared to furnish first class accommodations to all who desire to make a hotel their Home, I r pleas:ant tem porary abode The custom of the travelling puhiir. and the surrounding country. is re spectfully solicited. Courteous and atten tii eserrants are eagau.d at this popular Hotel The Stabling is the very hest, and none hut e4rertif and accommodating Host ler, are emplo7ed. . _ _ j‘ 14'69-Tv pLEASANT GAP fl OT The un dersiL-ned harine pareha.ed the Hotel prop. City at Pleasant Oa]) adopt, th,q me t t , od ut intorrnine h friends in part oilier.' and the trerell•ne community gener•:lly, that he has reti ted and furnished hi• house in the beet style. HIS TABLE will h.• sapp!ied with the be. 4 the market sill atferd. and i 4 the very ho•t. and the propriet• r pride hiros •1: therefore. upon the fart the his ar e'• both for man and tulutt. ran net hr surtr'Fed by tint' !lute] in the enun try. Hie old friend:, as will o,F stratigrr and (rareilerr, ate snort cords ill . lnl'Yiei t. Nal!. mar 24119 I B ROCKERHOFF HOUSE. Al LECTIENY q'T BELI.EFONTE, PI BOUSEAL 8 10011, Prnprif tors. A FIC , ST CLARS tinTeq.— -Colt PORTABLE: Ropy. PRO 1 7 PT AT TEND &NOE. ALL THE. MODERN CONVEN AND REASONA RIX ell ARG The proprietors offer t.. the trere!inir puhlie. end to their eonntry iricnds,tirst C1:16,3 acomemedations and earoful at tention to the wants of guests at all times at fair rates. Careful hostlers and wood sts Wing for horses. An excellent tattle cell served A Bar supplied with fine li quors. Servants well trained and every thing rtquisite in a first class lintel (Mr location is In the husinees part ut the town near the Post Office. the Court !louse, the Churches, the Banks. and the prineipal pl s ees of otsin Sc, renders it the most .1- place for those who wit Belle fonte nn busin , ,se or for pleasure An OMNIBUS WILL CARRY POuzENGEItt: a;-d Imegage to end from all trains free of ehorge. mv.12'40 tr, G AR,. N'S hOTEL This long established and well known Ho tel. -ituateti on the -outheast corner of tht niamonci. opposite the Court House, havine he.en purchap , d he the undersigned. he en nounces to the former patrons of this estich_ liehinent and to the traveling public gener ally. that he has thoroughly refitt a hi• house. and is prepared to render the most satisfactory accommodation to all who :nay favor him with their patronage. No pains will he ;pared his part to add to the eon cooo e tp.e. or ,•otufort ~r his guest_ All ail , eta," with wip rivet the TATILE abundantly -applied with the most sumptuous fare the market will afford. done up in style, by the most experienced cooks. Firs 11.t.r. will always contain the choicebt of' liquors. His Sranurtn is hest in town. and will al ways he attendedbythemost trust worthy and attentive hustlers. Give him n call. nne and all. and he feels e•ntident that all ...rill be satisfied with thei• aceoznmodati.n. AN EXCELLENT LIVERY is attached to this establishment. which stram4ers from abroad will find ereatly advantage. B ELLEFONTE MEAT MARKET 1315 , 110 P STREET, RELLEPOSTE PA The ..1(lem: Meet Ninrliet in Bellelente.— Cnoine meat of all hinds alwas". on hood. v V iti,A eK. MILE-131:HG CARRIAGE WORKS MIL Et BURG, CENTRE CO., PENN'A., LIGHT CARBIAGES, BUGGIES. PLAT- FOR SPRING WAGONS & S.;LEIGHS Repairing dope with Leis Ir.ess uad derpatch SHORT NOTICE -AND WARRANTED jell' 6- Cy, 3. H. SANDI? HOTELS- Bishop street ; Bellefonte Pa X21'69 iv WM. BROWN. Prnpr JONATHAN KREMER. Prap'r HIS BAR with the hest of Liqttors HIS STABLING WM. ICKITOFT. Pipps3ut DAN - L GARMAN. Prop'r MISCELLANEOUS sntRER, S. WILLIAMS, HANUFACTURERq 07 All walk ut to givo entire sOisfne4en. "let us See to it. that a fa verriment Of the People, for the People; and by the People; ebait nbt- . P:erish from the Earth."—[A. lancor.N.] M ISCELLANHOUS CARDS jXT S GR ARAM. Fitahionshle Sari*? is /11. Ba-rtnent of the Conrad H• 41,4. B. lie faste, Pa. The heel of Itgaors,' eharp •od keen. always on hand. lie eaarantres me &NAVA Withr•nt. tither 1.1,111. Perfumery. flair Oils. frir Rrstarativra, Paper Collars, Ac., constantly on hand. • ja'3' 44R , Ift R. PiITP..T. T. ItAl3l , lo'. EPTI It TAUT. PIT. gALMI.NS k. en:. Contractors a d Bricklayers, Bellefonte. "Is. adopt this. method of inf tro.init those wi.hine a. build that they will furrtibh Brick snit lay thew by the job,, or by the thousand, will set. Heaters. and do all !thole of w rk in their branch of Business. ja.20'61.1y. J EREMIAFI FASIC, itauQE & FURNITURE' PAINTER Paper Hanger and Sign Painter. All kinds of Graining and Farley Painting done to order at th.• 1. west .tetes anti in the hest el le. Orders lett at Irwin et Wilson's Hardware store will receive immediate at tention. 5ept..2763-Iy. P. ODENKIRIC, QED AIiTMAN, DELLINGEiI Sr, roNIPANY. No. 104, NORTH THIRD Pli IL' A. Two Doors above Areh. fortnerty 226. AfANCFACTVIIBRS AND JOBBEFOS IN LarpetA, Oil Cot be.ocil Sb*.i es .Thek Comm Yarns, Carpet Chaim +. Orrin Bags. 'Window Paper. Betting. hr. Ala, W OODEN AND WFDLOW W Ann B B. te.he.f. Lw.king tilasses, he., j.y.21'69 ly. I °SE'S LIVERY STABLE. The undersign ed haring entere I into p-rtnership in the Livery u!.der the firm na goo i.t lsaite Los. & ailiiiit this of forming the people of Be•letimte. and the public generally, that rhea will carry on the business in the Burn.d4e =table. It is thei deli rminatio , to keep tLe very hest WIRSEQ. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, acid to hire them out :it the most reasonable rates. 'thankful for kindness nail fay.•r y have reeeived from the community in pass they will n eke it Mein-Mel' object to merit the otintininim-e id . the same. Is AAV LOSE. apr14 . 69 erEO. A. IA SE. T"E" ISCIIESTER E(18 s- • te.) SPENCER'S WESSON'S arid . of ill er lIHEECII PIPET: AVD gliOT Orr:s DOUBLE AND SINGLE RIFLES Shot. Guns. It...solvers and oilier Pistols Nepairfrig dorie AT DESCIINE6'S GUN' 811 UP, But-h's Arcade. High Sr, Pa alit:ll'69 1 S . ustv. DrtAwrmi AXI) PAINI TNi; 5C11091.. MnA M. S. DUnIAM having ' , eell a z-ut teacher if Vocal au In-tra.t•eotal Altn.ia—piano Mehutidn, 0 gap anti thorough Ita:zs.—Palatit g and awind for the lest twelve years. Is n , ,w prepared to e. imit :t few rrmrss 8.-11.14 rs to tor r chow, up•in rem.onnia P t. T Haviug re.-ontlr 1P •eived a splendid DPW Pitta... all a celebrated 8.-stun notuulaletme it hi. It.papil, not haring instruments ot their "an to Nati irt ilfree rime Of. l'i , unkfol for the liberal patronage here toitne r4eeived. she hopes t , .nierir 9 contin unnee of the saute Rooms up one Bight of stairs. over Centre Co Banking on Ihigheoy torecO. Also. ageW f.t• xli kinds of good Mu,' eat instratnentg. Address, or ,• tt i: on her at her rooms, at Bellelonte, Pa j 21'0-tf. TAT .m 8, TRTYPI,E, MERCHANT TAILOR, BUSrt'S ARCADE, UP STAiItS BELLEF4)ICTE PENN'A, Having just rer•eired r front hifi, a large stock of Broad Oloth,enssimersoved an extensive variety of Spring end i.idttlitt't bond.. I am nrepare•i to turni , h my ivoind and customers, the very hest at the most reasonable priees. My 'hanks are due tlil-e who have patron ized we for teeny years. and a co r d ia l non is herely extenrl.•d t r puhile r!.bproly. to call and examite. my G•urds and istittes before purehastmii. elsewhere. I ate also• prepared, at all times to make tip Goods turiiished by eustemers. All suits warran ted to fit. ntcl2'fi9 1v Ve. S. TR IPPLE. h:1)t. , C14 BLYNYKFt ANINTRW BLYMYER JACOIt ...J P. BLYMYICIt. lILROY W..A.ItEETOUSE. GEORGE lILYMYER & ;;ON'S haring ukeu pusbession 40f the Wat t house ut 111/LROY. MIFFLIN COUNTY, PENN, beg leave L , BTlll' upee to the eitizens ~f et•n tre eututty th..t they are prepared L., buy ALL KI.NDS OF . G11A11.%1 EMIZEI HIG 17E87 MARKET PRICES. SALT WHOLES ALE AND KETA 11, U 0 AL A 1.) PLASTE ft AL WA Y 8 OS hand. TheoMut for pa-t favors, we solicit a coetmeattee of the same. j I , 1 4.69.11 l ERCII ANT Itl 11,01 i 1.N(3 ESTA BUSH M ENT NO. 7. BR OCK EH OFF'S ROW The undersigned takes pleasure in infnrui nag the citizens of C e ntre cuunty and the public generaliy, that he is just unenin.: a SPLENDID AND RICH ASSOIIT,vrx7 OF FOREIGN AND DOMIKTIC Cloths, Cassitueres Which -he is prepared to make to order in the I •test and most fashionable tyles. for men or boys. Gun& sold by the piece orhv the yard. He also keeps on hand a full line of GENTS FURN:SHINO GOODS of every style and description. Ile is al.* agent for the celebrated SINGER SEWIN' MACLIINE 15 4 560.1 y JUHDT MOP , 1-`q 9748P,Y. ANIP..S H. I:AN KA N: AttOrliry t "-7 Law, Rellooros, P,l sAir. in *4 rnory building. Uri !Bair. j.46'49 M. O. XVII MB. Profit. 5. P R•RNII. arAqrr VIRST'S ATM,: AI. BA KA Belt. r.. Tit• r A Ilobg betty St , Bellefoite Pa ja6TO X X. X A I.I.IsTxIt„ 3 - 40XXIIA. *CATER M IA i r .L it : t STE H tt 11 .1 0 1114: Elt .a . A Pot To•stit KTIMUND SIVICHAND Ir,V•4 Y. AI. • •1'64 • cc, 1 4 1 4. E. ht. 8L.4 NrHA Ft V. irt.rniFyo at t +W. Allegheny St.. Bellelonte. P*. jai 8'69: ly. W. B bl eltefitl l te ° . W ;e ' rm l . ""r it il ;?; promptly to all businek, entrth4 d t.• care. . ja6.69 J. , RN R. 1:11TIS. CT' U T. ALI X .O.IORTZ. 0"V"'n• AI.EXAN DER Att..rnep.-> , t-. rellPfighte. Pa Wiwi in t' d rimier infreli WJ. K EA1.611 At t net a -I.lmt Bvileltonue. Ps.. .Lien , ftithfullv to till busin.:4B rfitru , ted to hi, care. Beech , . Bond's, &e, eiretiteit in the heat -tyte. niarlo'69 Stn. TT RIAU STOVER, Lieen•-eit Autioneet, n atteni to ail Fitivs etOrtisted to hi ewe. Charges ream), atilt, :Kaaren.. Urial, stover, lloto.errille, Centte Co . Pa jafill9 rm tIUGTJ:-Tir- 111BI,EIR M. DD. 0 5 .itto and surrpon. reSitiPtiVe near the Quaker Me.-tingll..npa. - . W.ll s*tenli So nil I.tismess in his profespiim at. 11 time: and at all boar. jrlll - fi9 ly. GEMIGE FMIMS M. D.. Pir,;ssieutn and S rae-n; Pension Surgeon fhrren ttee"unty, wil. attend Koatt.tty to all tensional Mee on Flight F t , N -rtt, Side. ja27'69 ly. WM. H. A .13t UN!. LINN. A 31 ST 1N G LINN. Attor neys it Law Williom:port. Pv.. will attend. promptly. to all business entrusted to their ease. jy 14'69-Iy. AS. H. I)OBBINS, Physician ant 0 1 Surgeon). (tense op-stairs in J H. Mu (lure's new Bui!aing. Bishop Ft, ibelleoute Pa. Will uttesal to all business in his pro }es-ion. faithfully at all times. smii all hours jial3rB9.y. AR. lIPTCHTSON a. CO'A. print . (11fie Rennhl'esn" EuiMine, lii.hnp fir „ nelleGmte. Penn'e: Every Po :•eription et Plain and Pitney' prnatinird. , nr its ihr neat' et manner and at priee. Edon city rates 58Fled). Dii. R. T I PPLP. tion.cepathic Phca iein and ennt!nue:t to• tine hi 4 ;weft...pion n. ht yetofnrft.nncl expect. in in tlin future in.twitintinniling. latrine it Pitst Ntiotml Rnifenanin Pa. Fept.l2%9' 1y M=ln TOrJT3I, At -Law. toriety Pn. 'trill ntfenti ro all ha-i nesa retro:vett to them. 'rift , promptness ntri(..• on iStorttleart Owner of the Diamond in Mrs. Trrin's stone bnil linfi. jal:Va9 %. & 'HUTCHISON, A vorneys at Law, Bellefonte. Pa. Collections all oth,er and legal business in Centre ato the loVoiniu r . Counties. oromptly attencle , to. °lnce in flhnch trd'e Law building. Al legheny street. j;t 6'69. WM. R. 37dtfR".• IL Y. STI7ZY.It 13 LA &Attorneys-at Law Bell..fonte, Pa. Can he consulted it toot the English and German languages illoe on the itiantond. next door to Gar llotcl lEN'i RE co. iIANIK IN 4 C'lM . ViiNt.- k, Receive Pposits end ullow Ifetere'sf Di.enont Notes; Buy And Sell lierverfteh Securities. Onirl owl Coupons. HEOltir BRocKlePtf“.Fß. 1 . ) SOW/ RUT. rokkiri. julWfigy. L'OTTE.Ii. M. t►.: Phy!.i eisn snit SurgPon.• !rllB his prtifessi al servire4 to rift. elf item , of tiellef..ntp 3 4 710 vi , itiity. (Mee teeo•ved to hoti,r, hwthetl tipie I by Mrs. I.tvingsttat on Spring st. two (hints Star* of Presbyterian chnteli. mai 17't 9-1 y OliN F. POTTER.Attorney at la P , Collection pr •ttipily made and rpeeittl attention give.l to tha,e havina taros property for sale. it ill draw up and lin%.• stektt •w,t•thted deed. tn. tt k nge:, Re. Oltw. In Outman's new bulling. Illspiqmr th e cutirt Ort27T9-Am. N. 13HOW N. L 01•114• 1 uctinti V eer. hereby int. trite the public dill he holds hint. lf In TenlilM.9B ti all Ain-lions, Verlaine& or ruhfie Bales of personal .4. Heal reasonable. CS.II n. or address. Brawn Bellefonte, Pits Drat 17 . 0-Iy. Q 1310.F0111). 1). D. S.. Practical Dentist; office Armory "V. r Irwin ti itentei. Hardware Store. Al legheny H. Dr. B. ie a gra nate of the 'ignore Collece at Dents) t-urpety. ztud re spemtully ~ fli-r; his pze , esshmul pi ! Vitae. to the citizens of Bellefonte and Can he round at his reAfienee •. cu pt sinning the last "reek .1 earl. moo a: ahr•4ll9-1: ri E. 011.4. N OLEN. :11. D.. tiotoutiottlit.• Physichtn and SnrAeoi. Pelt, lonto. Penn's. Office —2nd flour. aver Harper tiro's. Store. Residence fit the h'fferencem.-111on. C. A. lltxaet. Prert jt ngr of Lock lisicrn, L. A. M Any, - Pr.s. Firrt National Hank, . J. V. V. Whitley. ttt the Clinton I/env:inlet h D. :Meek'. Telltr FirPt Nntittnni Rank. Sept. lb '99—ti. I W. RHONE, bb:NTlST.l.l.'alabitig Cm' . (re 01, ri/e,rnl , Sr respectful', Infertile the public that be i. prepared to execute an, deecription t work in his pinte.Aan at isteettan ret,dered. and rate- as rm•derate A, may he expected 191 . 1 be found . in hie "thee Ateri..e. the week eatuatetwing an the first Monday of - .ach mouth. nd at such other quiet: as aily be a,treed upon ja13'69.13. I NS LULA NCE—I. IF FIRE —Joseph I A. R. inkii% of hi; Borough, nitmres prop cry for the fonotriotf Stock and .Ifutog. c..rapanies. Lyeoming Mutual. York Company. Pa., Laurance of North America, Ente-wi , ..e, nod Oirani of Phila , Pa.. Home. of New [Liven, aid any other reliable com pany desired Alf.o, Provident Life Hy or , and- other good Lite Vamp:i -n ierL .j, F. HOLAHAN. Physician and J tsrue• n. having removed from Fanyi.rt um. Cameron county. has located in Miles hare, Centre county. Pa.. where he • will faith ingt attend to all business entry:4o to hint is hi- Profession• Ocoee in his residence on Main St., where he• tan always he been tautest; proCesbionally enganed In his ab sence troth boo e. orders way he left at the More TU.z 11..6h:tn. tnar , frfi9-1 V. and Vestings WINNiATP: D. It. , Denttst, or •• • flee earner of Spring. and High. st.. Bellefonte Pa.—Thanktiat for past flavors, would respeetfulty solicit al continuance aal th. same. Has the rieht for Centre Ca.unty to use Dr S Stueh's patented improvement natant: up dental plates. That this is an improvement we have th written testimony of many of the hest and moat talented Phy siolAn in the United Wes. Office right,' for Sate, Isfe69-Iy, BELLEFONTE, PA., DEC. 1, 18:60.. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. G. LOVE, At!orney -at Law, Brll.t.,ene, Er. Oliee on Higb St. 014 'lv.. = Loc„,t A N ACT To incorpornte.the, .Ltßelle ville and Pine Girt* TilinPilie Company. Sac-iron I. Re it enacted by the Senate and 'arm:Re of ,Representatives of the Common.: wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met; and it is hereby enaeterf byt the antbority of the same. That SfITTUIPI` tS. ! John Withv ers. R. H. Lee. DM M David Mitchell. .C. Nelson, john A'. Wriktit. WillitittrSimlns. W. H. 'Nem 'trier: J., C....Heskitt, Robert Riley. Antiiitel Stpf fey, George.M. Kepler. John B; Mitehell: tiara Burchfield. or any four-of them, he and are hereby appointed commissioners 'open ,book)i. receive sill esriptions- and orgr.nize a • cbuittany. hythe name. style and. title' of the ;Belleville and Pine Gro ye Thin pik e• 'om patty. :With.Power to construet n turnpike FronilTelirs' in the county of Mifflin. to Pine Grnie. ' the County of Centre. sithjeet to all the rirhvin ions and restrictions of an act. regulating turn pike and plank road companies. approved the .twenty-dxth day. of Jarman% Arum onelhousand•esglit , Wake& rind - forty-nine. :and the seCretl , stippliltrients. thereto. except. so farts they are 'ht , u4by-.ntlereyamrstlpptied: Sztvox 2. Thant h capi steel;of the sal& compltiv shall consist of five hundred shares. of twt•tity-five dollars each share: Provided, That said eittme.ny May from time to time, by of the stockholders. at a meeting tailed for that poi:Pose. ilicrease: their capital stock . so much as in their opininti*May iiiiitessary to complete said road and carry ont the trite .intent and meaning Of title net.: Provided. 'That totters patenu shill' be issued to the corn- Patty When teri nr More persons shall . have subscribed ten per cent tun of the capitarstnek" hereby authorized. • Suing; a. That it shall he lawful for the said company' to' rise' Of any ehtint:* bridge on the tyre of the*rottirc tif their road, and Also use the wintle ninny of any pub lie road, and Mean, their road upon GM ground ocetipied by any public rime : and the court of gunner sessions of the• nullity through : which the road of the SIM eetripahy passes shall appoint VieWerS to View sad Oris afarlY Praia , ' road' aH ,111t11' . he trsced of rendered Mmeeessary by the eonstrOetinh •of the said company's rna , ii as is prirrilled7l.y . the. general laws of this eomfieftturealth Bribe eau. es of roads which have become iiiielessz. ; Sun ix 4. That the president and managers shall have. power to reimlate and establish' toll. not exceeding exceeding gnadrttpie the rates estatilltdicd by the net busier eonc mention ed. anti' tliVseYeral subplrmients thereto. and to erect tolggritek niiii•ortllect tolls Whenever any one mile therbotsbal; bans been comtiVet 'ed: Provided. That' it'shall not. be recpured of the company to mat.: More than sixteen feet it. width to he made - Fiji: artifiilttl rood Anil .rovided further. Thai thflli.rybad s h a ll a t no Mopes rise or fall more than %Hl' firm an angle of six degrees ffont a horizontal' lilit SECTION 5. That the said company Rittill . linve power toborrow money. at It rate of interest not exceeding eight per centum per ann .m. for the purpose of eornpleting their road. and issue lem..s therefor. and secure the some by mortgage of their road anti franchises. JOHN CLARK. Speaker of the Hon. e of Representatives WILMER woRTH I SGTON. Speaker of the Senate. Approved—The Twelfth clay of April. Anna Domini one thonaand eight hundred 9.nd ty-nine. W, GEARY. AN A CT To incorporate the Spring Creek Fish Company. &.crtas 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Common wealth of Penn-ylvania in General Assembly met. and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That' Pf.a. Bush. S. T. Shugart. P. P. Green. C. 'l. Alexander, 1 4 .-ltr. A. Hae.kenburg anti R. H. Foster. of the. county of Centre, and who shall become stock , - holders In the company hereinafter named. be mid they. are hereby inchrporated into a body politic and corporate. With the rights, privileges and franchises of a corporation. by the. name. stye and title of the Spring Creek Fish Company. for the purpose of the rearing. culture and sale of spawn and fish on or near the waters of Sprivsg creek. in the county of Centre; and for flint purpose shall have the 110;1 , 4a-ton w a r enjoy. I re hase or tease. or take. at an appraisement of three disinter ested men to he appointed. by the court of common pleas of Cent e county for that par. pose. such lands and waters a. may be neces sary for said pnrposes. and to erect, maintain anti put in operation such SilliCTA. dame. in lets and reservoirs and Imilitinas as may he necessary, :owl the same try lease or' sell as they may deem' prioper.• SECTION That the capital stock of • said dOmPanY shall be ten thousand dollars, in shares of fen dollars each , to be issued to the subscribers in- proportion to the rintrther of shares subscrifted by earth: and the said capi tal stork may he increased nr diminished as the board of direetore may determine. SECTION 3 That tinny person shall wilfully destroy or injure any dam. inlet, sluice or res ervoir. or shall in any manner corrupt the me tern ninny slider.. inlet or reservbir.- whereby the spawn of fistr therein may be injured or degtroS , ert. or shall tlstr irr the ponds or reser voirs, and shall take fish from the same. or shall do rind eormnit injury to the buildings or trees upon the grounds of said company. the same shall he a misdemeanor. and on con vietion thereof in the rou n. of quarter ses sions of Centre county. he or she so ofrentlitig shall he fined by said (quirt. in a slim a n t t less than fifty dollars nor more than one t lams:nit" dollars_ or shall undergo an imprlsonment in the county jail for not less than ten days or more than six months, or both. or either, lit the discretion of the court. Srcrio 4. That foe rorporators above nam ed shiln. at the-eau of arly three of their num ber of Willett five days' notiee shall be given in writing to the other ent•porator+, assenthle at the Ittis: home. in Bellefonte. ••a t day and at a place fixed for that purpo,e and then and there organize the said company by elect'in'g one of their nmither ;•re-ident. and one secre tary and tretc-nrer: and the said enrporators shall form a hoard of dtreetors to manage the affitirs of said eotTlVltly frr oneyear thereafter SEotIoN 5. That n shall be the ditty of the secretary and trea-firvr to open books of sub seription to the capin.l stock of said emnpany, and i-sne gertineates of stork, is may be pro tided in the by-laws. SEcTioN IL that the directors of szakt co» rimy fitly from time to lime enitod such by laws. rnies and regulations ac may he 110e0SSIi , ry for the management .4 said company. nof incomisdent with the constitution and laws of this commonwealth. JOHN CLAIM.. Speaker of the /louse of Representatives. WILIII ER IVOR H I NGTON, Speaker of the Senate. Approved—The fifteenth day of April Anna Domini One thousand eight hmacir.4l and eis tY-nine. JNO. W. GEAR). AN ACT F.:Vending the provisions of an net. entitled -An Act to prom•de the improve ment of real est ate. by exemptina mortgages 14nd-other money securities front taxation. except for slate pul posea. in certain coun ties of this commonwealth? approved the fourth day of April. one Monsen:l eight hun dred and atxty-eight, to the comities of Pike. Centre and Wayne. RheTtax 1, Be It enacted by the Senate and house of Representate yes of the .Cominon stPAlth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the provisions of an act. en titled - An Act to promote the improvement of real estate. by exempting mortgages and other money securities from taxation, except. for slat , purposes. in certain 'tutu ties 01 monwealth." approved the fon: to day of April. one thousand eight hundred and sixty- •ight. be and the saute are hereby extended to the counties of Pike. Centre anti Wayne.. JOHN CLARK. • Speaker of the Hou-e of Representatives. WILMER WORT!! INGTON, Speaker of the Senate. APPIOVED—IIie thirteen•h day of April A nno Domini one thousand eight hundred and six ty-nine. JINIU. W. GEABY. AS ACT To separate the office of recorder. in centre cotmty, from the Whips dr register and clerk of t..e orphans' coml. SECTION 1, Ile it enacted by the Senateand House of Representatives ' of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the qualified electors ofCen. tre county shall, at the next general election after the p wage of this act, at the times and places of electing representatives, and when. ever thereafter it becomes necessary for an election. elect our person to fill the office of recorder, anti one person to fill the office of register and clerk of the orphans', court; and sn much °rant, act of assembly as iivinconsis tent herewith is hereby repealed. • • JOHN CLARK: . . Speaker of the House of Representatives. WILMER WORTHINGTON, Speaker of .he Senate. Approved—The fifteenth day of April. Anno Domini one thousand eight honored and six ty-nine. ,1 - NO. W. G EA RY. AN ACT For the prevention of the mutilation and .lestmurtinn of show bills, placards, post ers. programmes, announcements. et cetera. and for the protection of the proprietors of places of amusement, merchants, manufac turers and others in the city of Philadelphia anti county of Centre. St.CTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in General assembly met and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage LOCAL .LAAVB of this act any person found githtkor Mutilat ing, destroying. tearing down or removing any show' hill. placard.programme. poster or other adyerti4enient poSted'op'on any wall. - fence, hilt-hoard or other structui'e lam' located on any Public highway in the city of Philadel phia or county of Centre. shall he tfeemedguil: , ty or a' misdemeanor, an: upon conviction shall he fined tint less than twenty-nee nor more than one linivirOd dollars for the first of retie* ; , ispori , a , ormitietion for a second offence tr. e:penalW stitiltbelinprisonment in the min ty jail for a period of not less' than-, three nor note than six months':: PrOvided: al ties of this act shall not. apply to 'those . tear'' ing down nr removing show bills. pray hills, posters. programmes. et cetera, alter the per fOrniance thereid:advertised, or to the owner Ortont - fit - of any building, fence or other 'struc ture upon which the ,aid show hills, play hills, programtnes. Pt cetera. may he posted against his - or"their wislies,•:•ave and exeeiSfsitelinwti- . et.' or 'tenant 'tfe' the* titilzpliz•ter - p.itititiq . up or , employed to put up * Said'slioplls; pray Nils. 'posters. programmes. et eei4a::• to such case ; the penalty sliAl he as in the - fiest and second /Meares. All fines eollected.noder and by rur tde olthiiraet•shall'be paid'in to the-state trea =WEM Speaker of the Hauge of Representatives. WII.IITER WORTHINGTON. Speaker of :t he ..eftstta. Approved—The second dikii of, AnUO Domini one thousand eightlitiiiiired' and .is= ty-nine. J.NO.. W. GEARY. . . To"aothnrii.e tlie 'school direetOrs of Walker townshij.% dittinty. to levY end ; col lee t a- bottirty tax% • . , P.. Be it entitle:Wlo , the Senate rind' House of Iti‘prese . ntatives of the Cominoti4. - w.-alth of Pennsylvanians GtMi•rtil A . k.sentl!ly . met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That it shall he :awful for the sehnol directors of Walker tovumnip. Centre . connty..* their next auntie:l46ly of/ehisel.tex foe aili'Mlfriship. telittytr - atnn (in- addition' to that sikieh he neves:4ll4'Y for . ordinary:. school tt:trl l.nildhg puriahs'eS) sufficient to' paw off thy , existinig" bounty as of seta: toffn snip. and etyleet the'seha# othei".tifx'es rh.: are. collected Provhledi, That the saithaittliti•-zi al.sntri'ehall'nefeie;-ed fqiA thou4intl dollars. - . JOHN %An ff . c., • Fpeaker of the liott.e of itepr'esenhitires.. • WIEMEtt, Sneaketa of the Senate.. ;11pprotksti - -The twenty fourth day or April. Anno DOritinronb tffixt§ailii.eielitntindri.datur SNOi• W.- (3-EA-EVY. A FUitTFItit'SITIVI i .rMENT ati power the town etiemeil or the'boriunch of Bellefonie: in Centre enniity. t., e..,ltppr,,v&A the fourteenth day of Febritsry. Antai 'mini one thousand eight hundred att.! sixty-three. SEO,TR/Nl. it, enacted' be the Senate and'Hinise Repri!sentatives of the Common wealtb'Of _Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and is'fiPdidik• enacted by the authority of the Sallie, That the' litlstn-ebitintiNrthe bn ro Alt • of Bellefonte rtitlrokihett Towered to borrow, on er&fit'orsairi fir: (igh. for the purpo.eS - slateil'in' said net to which this is a supplement. not exceeding fifty thousand' dellars, at the same rate of interest, and upon'tbh safe Con, ditions provided for in said act: and' town council and their successors in rail& riPii hereby further empowered to levy and collect' site') taxation, in addit/m to that now allowed by law, as may be necessary to pay the annual interest on the funded debt of said borough. JOHN CLARK, Speaker of the House of Representatives. NV IVA Elt WORTHINGTON, Speaker of the Senate. APPaoyED—The ninth day of April. Anno Domini one thousand eight huadredand sixty nine: • MN A:CI r For the lietter prilfedlitimand main tenance of the poor in Erie count;,'-. tindurs equalize the burden-of taxmiolefor'sditilptie-* pose. SECTION 1. Be it entiefed' Nythe Senate -and House of Representatives of thenbuimon. wealth of Pennsylvania in General Ylsserbbly met. and it is hereby enactsil by the authority of the same, That from and after the. passage' 01 this act it shall he lawful for the court to ap. point One of the acting justices of the peace in 'each of the borough. , , wards and townships. withi'n the county of-Erie, to determine for their respective townships, wards and bor o- gfrs, wh- , are proper subjects of charity, and who shall receive relief under the poor laws of dm commonwealth, within their several dis tricts. and shall also determine the assistance that shall be rendered assindi best. protect the Unfortnntiee and the interest of the tax-payers' -f the several. townships, wards and boroughs within the said. county. and in what way they Adi' be eared- for; either by giving refinfat home or sending- them to the county poor house. SECTION 2. That the' commissioners of Erie county shall keep an , account wi h the several townships, wards and boroughs within the Caine. and once in each year, at the regu lar settlement. exhibit to the auditors of said county the said aecoen ts. and settle all matters r •lating to the keeping of the poor of said county; and that each , township. ward - or bor: °ugh shall be charged with and pay the - ez penses of Leeping their respective poor, and snail. in addition. be charged with and pay their just portion cowards the salary of the superintendent and necessary building. repair- ing :111(1 other expenses of the common poor house withM said county, in proportion to the umber of poor said townships. wards and boroughs may have in said poor house for that y.ntr. SECTION 3. That the money collected from the several districts as aforesaid. for the year one thousand eight r tutdred and sixty ume, and not required for the ourposes afore said snail remain a fund in the hands of the treasurer of said county and he eredi ed and stand for the use of the township, ward or l,or ouah from %illicit it was collected. subject to the order Of the justices of the proper dtstriet, whose order shall be a good rime/ter to said treasmer in the sett) • mem of his accounts with eommissioner- of rite county, in the proper settlement to be made as aforesaid. , `We'rPr.V 4 That tint commissioners of the county shall pay to the several lusttees of the peace, for their servieea as aforemention ed. a reasonable compensation. when properly prevented under oath or affirmation that it is jnst, and eorreta, not exceedihg one dollar and fifty cents for et elt day by them devoted to poor of their respective di-tricts. and the same shall be charged to the districts in which said services were rendered. AF ACT To enve the defeelft in fixing the number of jurors. and in filling the jury wheel in Centro-iounty. WHNRE . A.9, 'the court of common pleas of Cents-•• county, at its last session in one thous and eig:it hundred and aixiv-eight, did not fix the rearnher of jurors to le placed in the wheel for one thousand eight hundred and six ty-nine: And Iflicresa. Tire president judge arid jury commissioners of s a id roomy met and fixed the °umber. and selected the nalll,"R and placed them io the wheel in the.tniint h of Jan uary. one thims - and eight hundred and sixty nine. and it is desired to validate said action therefore SECTION 1 "Be it enacted by the Senate and Hos,se of Represen zu i res of the I 'ommon wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the proceedings of the pre*. judge and jury commissioners of centre coon -13.% in fixing the number of persons to he plac ed n the jury wheel for one thousand eight. hundred anti sixty-nine in selecting said name. end in placing them in said jury wheel, and all defects in regard thereto, or in drew in jurors therefrom, are hereby validated and merle legal with like effect as nipe same had been done is strict compliance with existing laws, JOHN CLARK. Speaker of the HonsP of Representatives WILMER WORTHINGTON, Speaker of the Senate. Amtovsn—The ninth day of Aprn.Anno Lon in i one thousand eight hundred and six ty-nine, JNO. W. GEARY. MILLINERY AND FANCY STORE BELLEFONTE, PA The undersigned would respeefully inform the eitiv ns of Belletente, and of Centrr County, that the has opened a large and ex tensive stock of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS in the store room recently occupied by G. Livingston Her goods are all new and were purchased for cash and she is there• fore prepared to xell at reduced prices. ljet experience in the husine,s vrarrarts her in casing, that the Ladies of Bellefonte or el-ewhere .will sure time and money by ri • itiog her store before purchasing. latest style and fashion plates call alertly be seen at the store MRs PATTIE BAEI myl2'69-ly AflAßll.—The Fessions of the Nittany Valley 'lnstitute will he suspended du ring the w.nter,to be resumed in the spring. 5A2 , 41.. At, OTTO. Farewell Je mentititin friends, farewell, Once more I leave you for the western land. And when tve reached that for:off shore, wave fiir you a fairy's wand ; Mad' when a- tlionsand voiles, between us lay, Nrenr tlint thousand, prarie land, i'li think of often, every day, And in return your thoughts demand. AIM when- Ti'ut nit ring among new friends, Ir a.spherettiit,'s entirely vow, , And it it ping o'er the wide prarie lands, Ahd:t eadiiig, o'er the prarie dew, Ell tree/foe the gilts. lasi sadly think Thin' thus we poor mortals must perish; Arti then I'll think of the trials I've fought, And• my heart for* old' Mon& cherish. I es, fit cherllb rou.itknemort dear, Who bare proven friends to me . ; And when temptation is hovering near, YodY mptio'fOritts I then will see. And think of the gay old times we've bad In that. eastern land, far away, Oh; boW otteri, my heart ' has neAt so sad, ' When I made it appear more'gay.. FareWel4 ! this little Word is bard'tb . • When it is taidlor years tit comep We way nOtmeet. until the judgment day, When , we meet iti•oar final flume.. Slehthigh' our paths' may fliiw apace through . . Wherej4yeand trfalii are given,- (Mar God - will lead us through•thif Marta] etr"fd;? reorell; farewrll,l7.'ll rrieei in fees vol. Bele'et Misbeffa;tlSr: Retutiiptiori‘ of Specie Partents. Th- qnestihn of testitiittfioxf of specie payments Within the present. year is be ts trail' editeiderable attention, aid is eliciting a` pretty general express. ion of opinion front the leading paPers bothit political parties. The glily .roitentit theie wotll fib no danger iii lezattnizie it OEN/Tess' would Writ . stipplitneiii tit t lie 'fsrtlf bill: Be it enacted, that whenever the im p irts. shell exceed the exports of the dintry, independent of coin. for any fi.c.l quarter of any fi-cal y nr , five per cent , the secretary of the Treamey, by giving ten day's notice, at the different or's of entry, shall increase the duties 'on the whole Setae of manufactured arti cies ten - per cent'. until the exports ex ceivi the' imports five per cent. (exclu sire of roil.): And alto, when the export.• fibeluiding huilien not ccfm.cli,).' exceed the import:. ten per cant. hi' any fiscal (planer of any fiscal rear. independent of coin. the Secretary of the 'lriJkitsury aipliorized to reduce the duties fiv e' per cent.. n the whole scale. until an equi librium it• etnabli;theil, of which reduc tion ten nays' notice will also he gilt% n. "The only fear of resumption (it qays) is a drain of coin. and the subsequent intsbilhy of the hanks to dircount,which w.iiird prove disastrous to business, and would, of course, curtail the circulating medium, and knock down the prices of everything; hut. with the above supple ment p-issed by Congress. resumption c , dvld.take p-kce within mix months of termini's, without cuvrauling the circula ring medium, destroying values, or checking busineqs JNO. W. GEARY- " The agitation of a restianption has almost the tame depressing, effect on business ti the fixing of at day for re suniribm and therefore the sooner this question iN disposed of. either one way or the other, the better. so far as the ftusiness ihterests of the ettuntry are con c•-rned. •• To make the attempt in the present .tote of our foreien tra..e. with such .ur z e balances figainst us. would result. in rile destrnet'on t.l !flinched:it of mil lions of d. Pars in values, and the debtor classes would have a large portion of their suhstouce swept away." These are the views of n paper located in the heart or the mining region, whose able Editor has, for many years. devoted his attention to trade and finance. The amendment of the tariff, recommended as a measure preliminary to resumption is a -uggestinn which we have seen no where rise, and is wortny of considera tion. The ques.ion of resumption is a deli tte one. ant of ene.4 vast importance at. t,.. detn,Ltsd of eve. the tem.t ciire:ul an f 'earthing sorotioy.. In !heir hand.. we leave it, as 92 iii tttem , will riga;fo llc real iheinilit y venturlng upon the exp• riment of refusing. to do bo.— Teft,9roph LiNIESING.-I',, listen well is a rare arot.mpliAtatent. indeed. it is a thivg Ilryoud an nooontilliNhinent. h tidies a great wan to oink° a great listener. The ortiinsry Lontirt,nces to good listening are very corn.itlerable, such as•t•be desire in talk one's reit'. the pronenebs , ro•lu- tt.rrupi, she inaccuracy—if one may use such an an expretsiou—of mow men• in liso ening But there is something which pre vents good listening in &much more sub tle way. and to a much more dangerous *Veal, than any of the above named hin dfauces. It is this: As soon a 4 you be gin to give utterance to some sentiment oropiaton, narrate tome story, declare some fact, you wilt find that your hearer, iu nine out o; tru, strikes at once a. mental a.titutie in reference tot. . wo:. you :ty. Ile receives it as a CO:: a toe. or a critic, or es 7 .11 a jvi.eive. or a judge. Now, 81 :, the-c charactez g m a y atterwards L ae tairty taike.l ui 3 but the tiro. thing is to I :. dten. i f it ma y le se ' lexpressed, o"; of character—to b.! a /a , - nafidg ‘,./s;ener. and nothing more. Tills requires so oe of the simpli;,ity of great- . J nets. It indicutes the eja k plebee. too, 01 Original Poetry. For the "republican, FAREWELL. ITT BEMS HARRIS VOL, 1, NO: 47 that respect widiAi rrally grew? ntrii.lrayse ft)? other Wen, .nirrf t HERE WE Coatt•---There was iv wadi ding in a chttreV irini.village near CbiL car), recently, which' Wbs . altendetilby•a-' crowd of rieople. the .. !tilde boingeaffrir ,moos hare t.ect e'VridOw groinr.a.latt ttrnir,.fficer Tht-rit ii sin story about hint eifit was rentlired" with" great.elliew at•the - Wedding, • He . the Western trt•ntier' eervice,, air & one' day (no lbs....story goes)ibe• went- owt Co' bum a Veer: fie hod' been away from' camp a few hours, when his voice was heard faintly in the- diitanone itsg— "11 . e r'e tee come :'•' In a little dine the stung ety burifeurFr:;th'ett'it whet repesfetil xt interistb.,learef and • lotider: wh'en' fivolly the bold c•tptoin emergedliton.' hit of woods neorthe oxlip, running: at'• the top of his tgp'eed, without az lint or gun In he came t (roman% ehoutin`g,• +.l-lere we come' "Here whn conies ?" inquired ;It er officer .-Why me nod the 'giinre,' gFisped officer, . pointing to Iv Mir black bent' which showed himself st..itfeedge tife' wn do, took n long look'et'tb'raileafi, and then, with a growl n't misstifien t lireltiect; ed meal off. tW captain, disappeared* in thewondo again. "What's the use' ifiCsiihtitinf your game " raid-the cnptein. testi/Si; "Wirett fun can bring it alive, afil/ditr?' . The story got hoe fieflirtfrife'c'siPiiiitt , did. and was in ev'eryliody'sainith.- ottipr night. ns theociltr captain . " IC& intended bride intolliCritinrcb: pride tind grace so readily by" the occasion. some wicked wag sant: Butt from the gallery: "ii-e-r-e we co?ne!."" Which w/01 Ptiah of la Wet& o,§•the ow 'chinch never hefor. CoNT/Nom - rms.—Our who& We pet ir tainitei gritid' ant eaatitirliFtiiiia df oak. shall lincie it repaired, I , n tliat'oriewuntliqienee 'here may he more variety. Why is a dog's tail a great' ? Because no one ever MRW it' What• is the difference lief mi's man of all work and . a . d4's tail? The one leadtra - dogls - life..antl'tlie other follows it. What it. ilie'rlie.rerieC Ifei;eWit a daft- Ily on a spr'ee'atitl•tiliiilit tairt— The one is'a•rtirpy on a header, and the other"iea blend:v - 0n a puppy.. What ►ti'th'e difference bait... Pen Queen Victot'ile and' tt/ dojes rail ? The one teetipa to one:lb,. atuf flit' other keeps a Why is a dog's taiVlikie' thte heart ars tree? Because it is furthest' from the I=o Why is the locking of the obur6ll4lPor, after all have gone. Hite! a &leer tail'? Beeout , e Ihp main body going e off, that naturally follows. Why ia a little dec'e tail t like the tires, of a dandy Ri'onuse•it finiObee off a puppy Wby is a doz liitlitgbissolgn tail like a good measure•?; IfebiliAlk he makes tenth endi'meet: Whyy tit a & 'e taillike old: ego ? Be in- firm. iltunimnriAL 3fivTARE --/tn amus- ingf mistake occurred; at• one of our churches. on ffitnday last, whiel4 , ll will de I'o mita a• note of Ai sombre-dress ed and well•bel.aved - young gentleman., and a arranger in the city;.wended his way to one of the places wirers the Gos pel is dispensed, and upon enterine the church, the minister poli ely bowed. in recognition of the young gentleman, which salutation the stranger could) but return. The minister' then. arose . from his seat in the pulpiti,crirne down to the place where the younrman had seated himself, and asked liihrteitake• a place in the pulpit, and.make a'p'r►ryer, • Stranger—'•Guess you are mistaken in your man, sir."' Minilter—"Yourare tlie geutibenan, I believe, with whom libad a•converea.tiom yesterdny,2" fitrancer—'•No, ;di; lemon- ageni jdr a whole sale. liquor house- in- Chicago." Mit inter , retiring VI hi® pulpitd isguet ed. breathes a prayer of more than ordi nary face and:ferror.—La Crosse. Leask Cr. Arc Editor of a down east. newspaper,. getting tied of plying.his compositors,. roanived•to diminish hie heip,-trudi Imi his Own elf. , uidor to the wheel!. Here itsw Itsohnen.of his first • ffort at type set ting. ‘.We tgilmweShNii d(Yrungi of OUr nxn sat l ign heipA oar -aria ierS fluty 131'1.- 1 K. oh..til i d /4 fs. t n $ d f 10 4:4 t .sp., bus i do&i. eXpasi Ellea tuu,)ll A orNrc by 'he name of Writthr. in 11 .. righ.ville. Wright comity. out West, Writing nn womatett rights, ra d': 'That it i. seldom that womon do right whet is , riteln,.ther it• in - no:tnore the» right that when they do sio4;;i t , i s right that it should he Now, if Mr. not vgly, thenthe had no rio' _ot to write the •,hove. WHEN Anna D elitism% WILK at ~art Lali• City. a crowd gatt.erell at nw b o a tot to ,erm at i a a anti) aly, wheal a 6411 was made f Dickittaeo." A dis pute took place as to whether it was " of klistrr." whet. a o.noprotuive rya" %Pooled by an individual %rho ed,' lirtog it nut?" cod. r Subscribe for the ieli-11115,00,16--