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HUTCHISON, r I OIJR - T'ERiVIS FOR SADNEIt.TISING is published-,eve . 17,-WEDIIESD+I7 'AIORNING, in Bei-leif6niblrra:;bi'''' T ON. 417., at.the following:rates: - - I.ono , yeat (iliva:Ha:6ly: hi: advanee;) Six M0nth5,:.,...." , • - " $1 Three Months, "• " " • " . • . Single! Copies::" '" •• " • • It islltopiablieiii - in 'pOlities=deroted "to the Agricultural, 111 - inufacturing and Min ing interests; of: central PennSylvania'. • - Papers discontinued to subscribers at they expiration of their terms of subscription, at , the. option- of,the,publiShers, unless other-: noise agreed upon. •Specaal notices 'inserted in our local eol -unas at 20 cts. per lino for . each insertion, unless , Otherniseligreaupon,l4- the month, quarter or year. Editorial Notices in: our local columns, 25 ets. Der line for each insertion. xrr: Death announcements pub lished free of charge... Obituary notices pub lished free. subject to reiisiontnd conden sation by the Editors. Professional or -PaSineas . Cards. not ex ceeding 10 lines thislyo;sB.oo,per annum. Advertisethents'of '1:0- lines, or less, $l.OO for one insertion, and 5 ets. per line for each addition al insertio Advertisements by the quarter, half-year or year -received, and -liberal deductions. made in proportion to length of 'advertise ment and length of time of insertion, as fol lows : grACE oceup, " I = C' I !: la (or .10type)! $.5 ; 7 - Thre - in "ou :aches titin, ter colunkt:C6ioi. in elTe7s - fl - 1 Half column ickilttnehesl.4„ 120 One column oio22=:,nelits):.:.;.:l_ no All advertfseeen •whetherksplayed or blank linos, ry lineeof ihis type. All adiiitliterifents-due"gt.is the first in- Job Work oieiztvel, z. .v . iiriety, :such P ters, Biel-heads, Letter IreatltrlGard7; &leeks, Envelopes, Paper Books, Programmes. Blanks; Le.. &c.; executed in the best style with promptness, and at'the roost reasonti hle rates. Address all communications relating. t• ibusiness of this dffice. to A. B. lIU.TCIIISON 4VCO., . . . • •• •Bellefonte. Pa. LODGES. Bellefonte Masonic :f.,odge, No 26C A.Y. 314, meets.on Tuesday evening . of or befbrethe Full Moon. Congtans Corrimandery No. 53, K. T., meets second Friday of each month. . I. 0. Centro Lodge;` No. 153. meets every Thursday *evening at their • Hall, Bush's Arcade. Torthe conferring of :Degrees the Ist Sat urday evenine of each•menth. Tor Decree of Rebecca; second Saturday of gveny , tuonth.: = • " 3. O.'G.. T.-This Lodge meets every Mon , ay evening. Bellefonte Church Directory. .Presbyterian churoh, - Spring St.. services at et 11 a. Tn., and - 7,1 p. m ; No pastor at present. This congregation are :now erecting a n ew church, in consequence of which the reaular religious services will be bald in the Couit House until further notice. • :Methodist I - Episcopal Chureh, High St.. ser vices' 101: a. m., andr 7 k p. m. Prayer meeting. on Thursday nighi. Rev. Jar. Mullen. pastor. St. John's - Episcopal Church. High St., cer vices at 10a a. in., end 71 p.. tn. Rev. Byron McGann, pastor. Lutheran — Church.- Linn St., services 10a a. and 7,1 p. in. Rev. J.,/, Hackenberger, pastoi:. Ilefornied Church, Linn St., no pastor at pte..ent . +Catholic Church, Bishop St: szrvicoA 101 a..tn.. :and 3,.p. m. lti v. T. illctlovern, paPt9r. 11.Inilea Tirothren Church, High Street, west 4ide of creek: services -- African M. E. Church, west side of creel; : services at 11. a. ni . and 7/ p. ta. Rev. Isaac Pinriell, pastor. . . BAKERIES EIV BAKERY AND CONFECTION ERY.. MUSH'S ARCADE, DIG II STREET, BELLEtONTE, rtNN.A. Z. T. NS T, tilaving purcLated from AdamlTork 'his first class Bakery and Confectionery. :and having added largely to his stack, is now prepared to furnish the public with good fresh BREAD, PIES, CAKES, CON FECTIONS", andnvo'rything in his line, nt all times:- In connection with the above. is A FIRST-CLASS ICE CREAM SALOON for Ladies and Gentlemen, which will he open during the summer. Pic--inics;'prirate parties, &c., can be supplied with all kinds of Confections. Ice Cream, Cakes and Fruits on cry short notice. • myl9li9-Iy." •--'Z T..GUDYKUNST. N ER BAKERY. The undersigned respect- Tully invites the attention of the citizens of Bellefaite and vicinity, to his W -B A K - E R Y, on Bishop Street, an the only place_ where tho best. quality of . BRED,, CAKES, -- . - PIES; CONFECTIONERIES, ' MINCE MEAT of our own ManufaCture. - '' . . - . : ~ The best and. neatest Ice . Cream accom modations the town. 'A rtinm neatly fur nished and_carpeted, on .first_flocr, for- la dies and, gentlemen; and . a; room: on• second floor for. private parties—ladies and gentle men, Be prides, himself• on the superior quality and flavor of. his Ice, Cream, and most cordially. invites his ;friends and the public generally,to call and realize the truth of the assertion, : that McDowell makes the ibest Ice Cream in: town.. - ja13'69.1y. - •S. cD OW ELL,..Ag' . B AKERY &CONFEC,TIONERY. ALLEGHENY ST., 'BELLEFONTE, PA. The undersigned -wonldlierebyrespect frilly inform the citizens .of Bellefonte and vicinity,that'he is prepared ; to furnish at all times FRESH BREAD; CAKES OF aft KLAWS, . PIES, cf:e., - ef7c., 'CANDIES, SPICES, NUTS, 'FRUITS, and anything and everything below. ing to his business. .11e has recently completed a large and commodious addition to his build ing, and has furnished it in a style surpass ,ing anything of the kind in the town, where ladies and gentlemen can, during the sum mer month, be accommodated with the very BEST OF ICE CREAM. Having bad years of experience in the busi ness, he flatters himself that be can guaran tee satisfaction to all who may favor hfm with their patronage. aug4'69 ly. J.. R. SANDS. bimmsi FURNITURE WARE ROOM. . , Howard Street, Bellefonte, Pa.. WHERE BUREAUS: - • • SOFAS, LOUNGES, HAT RACKS, • - • ' .- WHAT-NOM, EYTENSIO.N . _TABLES, STANDS, • CH AIRS, - • •STOOLS4A-c., f every description, quality and price, for sale igzeirper than at other °stab- . • • lishtnent of the kind in' Central Penn'a. • UNDERTAKER. ..• ' Ready lead° Collins, of: all sizes and prio • kept constantly on-hand. Also Cof fins manufactured to order. ja6'69.ly. ' - • • H. P. HARRIS. F URNITURE YAiIEROOM. JOAN BRACIIBILL, Manuracturer and Dealer in all kinds of HOUSE lIOLD.FURNITURE, SOFAS, LOU.N G ES, COTTAGE BEDSTEDS, .S:1 $l2 10_ 15 20 17 25 20 30 SPRING BOTTOM BEDS, TABLES, ROCKING CHAIRS, &c I also kocr, constantly on hand a very fine selection of the latest styles o WALL PAPER MOST REASONABLE RATES My prices are all 25 low, for every article as in this mrkact 'IN ORDER TO SATISFY YOURSELVES Call and examine . my Etna JOHN BRACHBILL, (Old Stand) Spring St., je2T9 fin] WILLIAAIS 4 - , CANAN, MA.NUFACTUREES OF COTTAGE F Ult- NITUR The trade supplied with ALL KINDS OF TURNED WORK At our new estPlilisliment near the Belle fonte Planing Mill we new manufacture Cottage Furniture, Chair Stands, Turned Palling, Cant•Haok Handles, and turned vroik of livery Description CABINET MAKERS throughout Central Penns)lcania, we in vi - e you to call anti ace us. We are prepar ed to furnish you with ALL THE tUR NED WORK REEDED in your buNiness., clivaper than you can rurchai , e i❑ any OTHER PORTION of THE COUNTRY— cheaper than you CAN PURCHASE IN THE CITY CUR ::kiA CIIINERY is the:VERY BEST, and ur ineilities for obtaining lumber ena ble us not only to compete with, but to UNDERSELL ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT in the n - hole country CALL AND EXAMINE OUR: WORK and prices WILLIAMS Jr, CANAN, je2'69-Iy. Bellefonte, Pa TOBACCO & SEGARS IRAS. T. FRYDERGER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TOBACCO AND SEGARS, •. BALTIMORE SPUN ROLL. SIX TWIST, NAVY, lb and .; lb. Cut and Dry Strr..king Tobacco of all kinds, also Segars of all grades and prices at $l3. per thousand, and • - upwards. • PIPES, SEGAR CASES. And all the various kinds of articles usually kept in a Tobacco St•?re. Goods will be sold wholesale at manufacturer's . prices. Give us a trial. I in vite all• to coma. and 'see • - for themselves. .S tore =Opposite Brockerhoff House.. NEW' TOBACCO STORE. LEVI A. MILLER k..COMPANY, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA., respectfully informs the public that they have opened anew WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO STORE in the new building recently erected by J. B. Butts, where theyhave a, largo stock-of • TOBACCO, ' l s • SEGARS, MEERSHAUM PIPES, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, the very best and of all brands; together with a large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing GOODS. • In connection with the above, they have also opened an extensive FASHIONABLE EATING HOUSE on European principles. Everything in the best of style. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. - apr2l',Q9-iy. L. A. MILLER tt CO. A MATRASSES CHAIRS, at the they can be Bellefonte, Pa "Let-us See to it, that a Government of the People, for the People, and by the People, shall not Perish from the Earth,"—tA. laywor,ll.] HOTELS. CO: HOUSE ALLEGHENY ST , BELLEFONTE . , PA. (Opposite the Drockerhoff House.) A HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Licensed by the Court'of Centre County. FIRST. CLASS BAR, R STAURANT; • ROOMS AND STABLING. AN EXCELLENT BILLIARD ROOM, •ith 3 tables, new and in , porfect condition, Give the Conrad Rouse a trial. H. IL.KLINE: • k:21'69 Ip. z • • Proprietor. O UR HOUSE The undersigned, adopts this method of informing his frrends'ard the &bile gener ally that he continues to keep the•Flotel on the corner of Allegheny and Bishop Sts.. known by the cognomen of "0UR:110 USE." The Proprietor has spared no pains in fur nishing the bouse. with new furniture. The beds and bedding are the very best; the rooms commodious and well ventilated. The accommodations, boarding', Sc., are equal to any of the high priCed Hotels. Only 25 cents for meals. Thankful for past favors, he solicits their continuance, and Promises satisfaction to all marl 7134-Iy. N ATI 0 NAL 11 OTEL. WM. BROWN, -Prop; MIL LTIEIH, CENTRE COUNTY, PA. The andersigncd adepts. this method of infiirming the travelling community, and citizens generally, that be has refitted and furnished anew throughout, with first eines furniture. this well known and established house—the NATIONAL HOTEL, NI illheitn, Pa. He is well prepared to furnish first class accommodations to all who desire to make a hotel their Home, or pleasanttem porary abode. The custom of the travelling public , . and the surrounding,: country, is re spectfully solicited. Courteous and atten tive servants arc engaged at this popular Hotel. The Stabling is the very best, and none hut careral and accommodating Host-, lers'arc emphryed. JONATHAN KEEVER, jy 14.'69-13": Prop r. pLEASANT GAP ROTEL. The un dersigned haying purchased the Hotel prop .erty at Pleasant Gap. adopts this method of informing his friends in part ruler,' and the trarell:ng community generslll7. that helms reli•ted and furnished his house in the best style. . . HIS TABLE . will bo Enrplied with the best the market will afford. and - MS. BAR with the best of Liquors HIS STABLING is the very he: and the proprietor prides hims.df therefore, upon the fact that. his ac commodations. both for man and beast, can not be sariaQsed by any Hotel in the epun try. Ills old friends, as well as strangers and tracellery, are moot cordially incited t • call. - ICKNO mar2.1."69 ly. Pleasant. cap. Pa. BROCKEIMOFF HOUSE, ALLEGTIENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA M.)USEAL n KROM", Proprietor.;. A FIRST CLASS frOTEL--CWIFORTABLV: 1100315, PROMPT ATTENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN CONVENIENCES, AND REASONABLE CHARGES. The proprietors offer to. the traveling public. and to their country frir•nda,first class acoommodations and c.irefol at tention to the wants of guests at all times at fair rates. Careful hustlers and e-ood sta.• Wing for horses. An excellent table yell served A Bar supplied with fine li quors. Servants well trained and every thing requisite in a first class hotel. Our location is in the business part of the t.rAn. near the Post Office. the Court house, the Churches, the Banks, and the principal pia . ces of busin-ss, renders it the most el- igible place for those who vittit Belle fonte on business or for pleasure. An OMNIBUS WILL CARRY PASSENGERS and baggage to and from all trAns free of eltorre. myl2l - 19 tf. G ARMAN'S HOTEL DAN'T., GARMAN, Prop's•, This lone established and well known Ho tel, situated on the southeast t °fuer of the Diamond, opposite the Court House, having been purchased by the undersigned, he an. nounces to the former patrons of this estab lishment and to the traveling public gener ally, that he has thoroughly refitted his house, and-is prepared to render the most satisfactory accommodation to all who may favor him with their patronage. No pains will be spared on his part to add to the eon venience or comfort of his guests. All whc stop with him will find HIS TABLE abundantly supplied with the most sumptuous fare the market will afford, dene up in style, by the most experienced cooks. His Bin will always contain the choicest of liquors. His STABLING is hest in town, and will al. ways he atter] dedbytheiuost trust worthy and attentive hustlers.. . . Give him a call, one and all, and he feels chnfident that all will be satisfied with their accommodation. AN EXCELLENT LIVERY is attached to this. establishment, which strangers from abroad will . find 'greatly to . their advantage. 'ja6'69.ly. RESTAURANTS ARCADE SALOON GEO. M. PECK, Proprietor, hereby inform my friends aid the _public generally_ that I continue to keep the . ARCADE SALOON, _ in Bush's Block, adjoinir g Howell, & Cr's. Store. Meals.ein be obtained at ALL B OURS, during the day. Oysters. the very best. cooked in every style. Meals provided for Regular Boarders when order ed, and at reasonable .rates. Thankful to the riblie fur past' favors, the continuation oft se.favors is respectfully 'solicited. f 17'69.1y. - • . 'G, i• 1. PECK. , Tllh GEM RESTAURANT MEALS AT ALL HOURS THE undersigned avails himself of this method of informing the citizens of Belle fonte and vicinity, and the traveling com munity in general, that he has opened a first class GEM RESTAUIVANT, in the basement of Bush & McLaine's new, hotel near the Pa. R. R. Depot. He keeps constantly on. hand Oysters in every style. Roast Chicken, Pork Steak; Ham and Eggs,.Fresb Fish, Veal Cutlets, Cod Fish BaZis,Baked Fish, Roa t Turkey,Beefsteak, Fried Sausage, Mutton Chaps, Tea and Coffee, am Chowder, Lombs Fries, Fried Eels, and everything to suit the taste. Feeling assured that general satisfaction will be given, be invites . 11 to pay . him a visit. JOHN MALIPHANT, Bellefonte, Pa. ja13 . 69.1y BELLEFONTE, PA., OCT. 6, 1869. PROFESSIONAL CARDS - f G. LOVE, Attorney" at . Law, V.4k • Bellefonte, Pa: Office ea, High St. jafi'f.9 ly. JAAIB.II H. 14..ANKIN, Attorney at Law, Beller;mite, Pa.., Office in Armory building, 2nd floor. ja6'69 ly. E. C.. FUMES, Pres't. .T. P. HARRIa, Carder - LIIRST NATIONAL BANK O' Bellefonte -Allegheny St, Bellefonte Pa. je.669. MTIEBEEM INN 4.; FURST, Attorneys—at-Law, I Bellefinre; Pa. . ja6'69.tf. II M ALLISTFIR.. JAIIES A. DEAVER 4'ALLTSTER.b. DE.AVER, Attorneys _LV_I nt Law. Bellefonte Penn'a. ja6'69 ly, EDMUND BLA'NCHARD EVAN M. BLANCHARD B. M. BLANCHARD, Att.irneYs _EL L .w, Allegheny St., Bellefonte, Pa. • :10'69 ly. • BItOWN, Attorney-at-Law:, . eft, Penn's., will attend promptly to all business entrest..d to his care. - . . • ja6'69-1y: JOHN N. (,11.T IS. CYr:IJS T. ALEXANTM. 11,RVIS ALEXANDER. Attorneys.-at ki . Lacy. Bellefonte, Pa. Office in Conrad House. A Ileuheny Ft- jafi6o.l.r. V i T J. KEALS.I3..: -Attorney-at v 'or Law, Bellefonte, Pa:, will attend faithfully to all business entrusted to his care. - Deeds, Bonds, A:c, executed in the best stylo. marlo'69 im. A UGUSTIIS HIBLER M. D., Physician /A. and Surgeon. Office at his residence near the Quaker Meeting House. Will attend tei all business in his profession at' it times and at all hours. • je 16'69 TTRTAP: STOVER, Licensed Autioneer, w , ll attend to.ull Fairs entrusted to his care. Charges reasonabfo. Address,.Uriab sttiver, Tiouserville, Centro Co:, • infri39 ri 808 OE P. HARRIS. M. D.. Physician kit and Sorg:eon: Pension Surgeon for Cen tro county, will attend promptly to. all pro fessional calls. Office on Hight N Side. ja27'69 ly. ei E. CHANDLER, M. D., Homeepathic .71 .Physician and Surgeon, Bellefonte, Penn'a Office-2nd floor, over Harper & Bra's Store. Residence at the office. Sept. 15.'99--.-tf. W3I. I. ARSISTRONO. SAIIITEL LINN. ARMSTRONG Si LINN, Attor neys.at 1.,11W Williamsport, Pa., will attend. promptly, to all business entrusted to their care. jyl4'69-Iy. TAS. II: DOBBINS, Physician and 1 9 Surgeon. Office up-stairs in J. H. Mc- Clure's new Building. Bishop St., Belleonte, Pa. Will attend to all business in his pro fession, faithlully at all times, and all hours. • ja.13'69.y. A D. ITUTOI.IISON .t CO'S. Job Print /A.. ing " Repubrean" Biahop St.. Bellefonte, Penn'a. Every De scription ofPlain and Fancy printing done in the'neatcst manner, and at prices below city rc.tes. ja6'69. D. G. BUSE!. GEO. 31'. Y0C1.731. D USH ,t YOCUM, Attorneys-at-Law, Dell-fonte, Pa., will attend to all busi ness entrusted to them, with promptness.— Office on Northeast Corner of-the Diamond, in Mrs. Irvin's stone building. jal3'69 y. nsoN S HUTCRISON, Attorneys et Low, Bellefonte, Pa. Collections all other and legal business in Centre am the adjoining Counties, promptly attendee to. Office in Blanchard's Law building. Al legheny street. jan'tl9: WI!. 11. '31...11R. IT. Y. STITZER.. ELAM SITTZER, Attorneys-at-Law, , Bellefonte, Pa. Can be consulted in Loth the English and German languages.— Uffice on the Diamond, next door-to Gar mai,,s hotel. fehl 0'39. ty. - CENTRE CO. BANKING COMPANY . .— llceeive Leposits and allow Interest; Discount Notes; Buy and Sell Government Securities. Gold and Coupons. • HENRY BROCKERHOFF, / - ')Crident. J. D SIMGEBT, Cakhies.. jal3'69y. (Li EO. L..POTTER...M. D., Physi. kJ chin and Surgoonoffors his professim al services to the citizens of 13eIlefonte'and vicinity. Office removed to house formerly occupied by Airs. Livingston, on Spring at, two doors South of Presbyterian church. matlni9-Iy. B ELLEFONTE MEAT MARKET - BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE PA. The oldest Meat Market in Belief Onto— . meat of all kinds always on hand. 396'40.1y. R. V. BLACK. WIT. BROWN: Licensed Auction eer. hereby informs the public that he holds himself in readiness at all times, to attend to all'Auctions, Vendues, or Public Sales of personal Or .ileal Estate. Charges. reasonable. Cell on, or address. William Brown:Bellefonte, Pa. 1 - S. a G ., eßmAeriiltAu thef r acsohyliorna d tll3:erDoe,ri le buite, Pa. The best of Razors, sharp and keen, always on band. He guarantees a SHAVE without either pulling or pain.— Perfumery, Hair Oils, Hair Restoratives, Paper Collars, be., constantly on hand. AARON R. PARE'. J. T. SALMONS. LEVI R PAIIP. 1011ArP, .SALMON Ft ar, CO....Contractors a .c 1 Bricklayers, Bellefonte, La.. adtipt this method of itl"rtiing those wishing to build that they will furnish ' Brick and lay theta, by the job, or by the thousand. Will :set Beaters. and do all kinds of wArk in, their . branch of Business. , ja20'69.1y.•.• LiBAMFORD, D. D.. 5., Practical e Dentist; office in Armory Building, over Irwin E Wileon'. Hardware Store ; Al legheny 13: is a - gra , nate of thellal timer° College of Dental .Surgery, and re spectfully offers his 'professional services to the'citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Can be found at his residence except during the last week of each month. nprlo9-ly r W. RHONE, DENTlST.Boalsburg. Cen. ►) . tre do.,Pa.,most respeetfullyinforms the public tbat.he is prepared to :execute .any description f work in his profession Sat isfaction rendered, and rates as moderate as . may be expected. Will be found in his office during the week, commending on the•first Monday of each month, and at such other times as may be agreed upon. INSURANCE—LIFE A FlRE .— Joseph _l_ A. Rankin of this Borough, insures prop erty for the following Stock and Mutual companies, viz: Lycomiug Mutual. York Company, Pa., Insurance of North America, Enterprise, and Girard of Phila.:, Pa., Home, of New Haven, and any other reliable com pany desired. Also, Provident Life Compa ny of Phil'a., and other good Life Compa nies. ja6'69.lv. T. F. HOLAHAN, Physician and Pi Surgeon, having removed from Empori um, Cameron county; has located in Miles burg, Centre county, Pa., where he will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to him in his Profession. Office in his residence on Main St., where he can always be seen unless professionally engaged. In his ab sence from home, orders may be left at the store of Th - cie. Holalfdu. Or gin l . Poetry.. Whe?'weuld't4e Mourneri Be? How often busy hands collect, To make a - snow-white shroud, • The, uaxeti dead, with it to deck, To- lay it 'neath the - st.d. • As Ega,ze at the nimble hands; • Working so busily, I think, if .I- should, wear that shroud, Who would the nicurners lie P =I How oft the cord of life -islern; Asunder by grim death ? While weeping friends stand by their side And.think of Rim who saith The "Lord:hatb given, : and He : shall take:, "They Ills glory .ball see," I think, if I were the dying, Who would the mourners be ? . . . How oft I sit at my window, And watch the funerals pas., And note how sad their. faces look, (Still sacler through the glass.) And IPress MY band ti my bead. ;And gaze unceasingly; Aid winder, if I were the dead, Who'would the rmturners be ? Address of the Republican State Cen 1100 BIS or TUB STATE EXECUTIVE CO'ill . • N 0.1105 Chestnut Street, Phil'a. • To the People of Penn4lvania The approach of an election: for. Gov ernor of the State and Judgm .o . f. the Su preme Court calls upon Its to address you. That election, although . confined to State officers, otay have an offset beyond State limits, and exercise 'an important influence . -hereafter on the po:itics and destiny of the nation. Arrayed-against us, and endeavoring to secure yout; votes for its- candidates, is the same Democratic party which was overwhelmingly repudiated by the peo ple at the'lost Presidential election. It has changed none of its principles, and reformed none of its practices, but is as odious to-day to all royal men as it has been heretofore. Its Southern wing twist d the rebellion, and strove, by armed force, to rend in twain that glorious Union which was ce mented by -theblood of our fathers. Its Northern wing gave all the sympathy. aid and comfort to the rebellion that. it dare, by resolutions in its Stale and Na tional conventions, and -by the votes of its members in our State and National Legislatures against all propositiens and bills °flexed by :loyal men tending to strengthen the arm of the National Gov ernment in its efforts to crush the rebel lion. That party caused the expenditure of four thousand millions of dollars of the, public money, •Ftuil is the guilty author of the heavy doll that is now .press.iug, down the National industry. It is answerable for the blood . of hair a million of loyal men, sacrificed in the effort to crush out its wickedness- and for the waundi and misery of hundreds of thousands more. It is responsible for ihe sufferingsand poverty•of the wives made widows, and the children made orphans at Democrat- • is hands. In its National Convention the North ern wingperrnittcl the Southern rebels to dictate the National Detn6cratio plat form and policy, and has again taken to its arms the men whose hands are: not yet cleansed of the blood of Northern patriots. That party is in favor of free trade in commerce as fully now as when its Vice Preßident, Dallas, gave the casting vote against American industry, more than twenty years ago. It favors practical repudiation of the national debt, by paying off interest bearing bands redeemable in gold, with irredeemable notes. bearing no interest, and which, from :heir excess, would be come as worthless as Continental paper. ft presents, as its candidate for Gov ernor, a man thoroughly impregnated with all those abominable heresies, who; though rieh beyond the necessities and wants of any reasonable mart, eyatles,by disingenuou3 shifts and 'artifices, the payment of his taxes, and throws upon the rest of the people of the State , that share of the burdens of the State ,which he is legall'y bound to If tic should be Unroof float elyelected, he will be as "clay hi tits hands.of the pot er,7 in the . 1i antis of that unserapd loos set of mtn too well I::rioWn to the S:we told nation as:'•the coffee-pot De mocracy," who bare so persistently en deavored, fn.. the last few' years, by whAesale fraudulent unturalization pa• pers and fraudulent election returns, to destroy the value of the elective .franchise Itpresents IL9 its. CFlll4klH.te for the higlie,t judicial office, a gentleman un known to his profession; and whose lira: •ited experience renders Lim unable to grapple with the greatquestionelhat are continually presented to our Supreme Court. ja13'69.1y Such men surely are not entitled to the support of loyal and intelligent. freemen. On. the other hand, we assert that the Republican party 'is the party of loyalty, of devotion to the Union, and to the rights of all men. It stood by the Government in the hour of its great extremity. Its young men went to the battle-field. end offered up their lives in defence of the integri ty of the Union, while its opponents stayed at home, and rejoiced in rebel victories. Its capitalists, when the credit of the Government was lowest, offered up their wealth td Suppiirt our armies in the field; Bt BECKIE 'HARRIS tral Committee. aril to 'provide hospitals for the 'sick and wounded It has voted bouritiee for the soldiers and provided pensions for the disabled, -and fir the widowi and orphans of the patriot dead, and.i&_now' in the State of Pennsylvania alone expending half a million of dollars yearly to educate the orphatis of deceasedooldiers. Recognizing the dlity of an enlighten ed government to provide for the en couragenent of the industry of the peo ple, it has enacted lariffs.to prevent un due-competition by the pauper laborer of other countries with the labor of the American citizen. Reording the plighted faith, of the Government as the most sacred of obli gations, it.has determined that the debt of the nation (except where otherwise agreed upon.) shall be plid in gold to the last dellar.• In the National Administration, it.has redeemed its pledges to" the people," by dismissing useless office 7 holders, by re ducing... The number and .expense of tile army; and paying • off in the first six months of itseiistence, fifty Millions of dollars of the national debt caused by the Democracy, and wjth the prospect of paY big off five hUndred Millions there of during-Grant's adminiStration, whilet, in thee--Siate adininistration,under the skilful nuifingeinent of Governor Geary, it has paid off -five millions of - dollars of our State indebtedness; and has relieved the from all taxation on real es tate for State purposes: - - .Such are the principles and acts of-the Reptiblican party; •• .• • As the representative of those princi ples we present• to the people as. candil-. date • for Governor the statesman and pa trio-t, John W. Geary. His• h - i Story, is hnowrto.you:all. We need not.- repeat military exploits_are written on the rocks ,of-Cerre Gordo and the walls of Chopultepec. They are inscribed on the, ridges of our Gettysburg, on the pas ees of Wauhatchie, or the forests of Ringgold and Missionary Ridge, and above the clouds on the heightsof Look• out Mountain. •• • - He rendered serviie in sixty battles, received four wounds, and List, hieetdcst son in the service of his country.- - Helms been scarcely less distinenish ed as a statesman, find to his intelligence and firmness we are indebted for the prevention of hasty, anti unwise, and un constitutional legislation. and for - the punishmeht of murderers,. v, - holn a less firm Executive would ha.ve allowed to escape. In Judge Williams we present an able and accomplished jurivt - , who has sar long on the bench, and had a large and varied experience, and whose numerous decisions, supported by the Supreme Onurt, have been recognized by that tri -burial, as, being sound law, and ex-press ed in a manner worthy of its high com mendation. In Lie hands the rights of the people will be secure. - The election xf those two men will be of vital importance to the:pc-ople. It. will . destroy tho sham pretensions and pro fessionsof the Democratic party, always . arrogant and never fulfillert. Tt will es tabliSh the prosperity of (lie people on au endUring basis. We exhort every friend of genuine re- - publicanism to go to the polls and vote for Geary - and Williams. Do not wait to be solicited. Do not wait - for your neigh bor. Do not. let an apathetic indifference render you careless in the exercise of what is not a mere privilege but a duly. Remember that the election of Geary will,give us an honest administration of States affairs, whilst the •election of a man who evades the payment of his tax'. es would be likely to be the advent to power of dishonest men. Remember too that the present elect ion' may have an important bearing on the next Presidential election, and if Pennsylvania should now fall into the hands of an effete and corrupt Demo cracy it may throw the next National Administration into the power of rebels, free traders, and repudiators. A fill] Republican vote is a full Republican vic tory. Let every patriot do hie duty. and all will be well. JOHN COVODE, Chairman of State Central Com't. The Party of Crime. One thing will strike the intelligent reader when leafing into Deinocratic journals. • He will not find an argument on , truth, nor worded in gentle - manly language, in ninety-nine,out of a hun dred Democratic papers.:. . • • • • Titeir whole stock-in-trade seems ko be concocted frauds, mithont,._ even the shad Ow . of truth for .a basis. Nigger.! nigger! Radical! Radical! This is the extent of their reasoning. We .can only suppose that the grossness of the gener al Democratieefomach—We can't say in tellect--requires this vulgar" fond. We haVe repentedly . charged and proven the Democratic party committed to every manner of crime 'and insubordination subversive of good government, and the safety of society. The horror' at Avon dale, the burning of Orphan Asylums, the assassination of unoffending settlers, the destruction of homesteads blot the brightest record the most Zealous histo rian can write of this party of blood. It grieves us that in the ranks of this infamous clan are still foundthousands of brave, noble-hearted Irishmen. We are sorry to say that the majority of Irishmen in this county are content to throw away their natural high-minded ness, and rush up to the Democratic troughs among the uncultivated swine iv.ba devour such filthy . doctrine as is supplied by such papers as the Bellefonte Watchman. There must, be an immense amount of crime at, the bottom of society where such penitentiary blotting-sheets flourish Read the following ranting notice •of that eloquent and able defender of Irish interests, The Irish Republic: IRISH:MEX.—RadicaI money has cor rupted a few Irishmen who, for the sake of office and filthy lucre, have thought it well to join hands with the party whose record is blackened all over with pro s-cription of the foreigner and Catholics. These renegades are now doing all they can to aid the men who believe "a• nig ger better than an Irishman;" - .They call' themselvesJrish Republicans," and a raper has 'been started in their interest called THE ILISH.REI'UBLIC. Agents for this contemptible sheet are now travel ing for subscriUers. The paper is thor oughly in the interest of the Know-Noth- - ing Radical party, and its editors merest tools for the Ben. Butlers, the Charles Stunners, the Wendell Phillipses and the rest of the miserable conspirat ors against our free Republican form of-government. Let Irishmen beware of it and its advo cates. We ask Irishmen to read this extract, and hand it to their friends. A good cause is founded on truth, and relies on reason for'its propagation. The devil .spreads his faith by lies. His constitu ents are those whom society is forced to war upon, and he must, as a n,ecessity, feedthemon lies. The cause thatrelios on abuse and vulgarism, may flourishrin a:nation where crime is universal, or du ring a partial'hreaking up of society;but - truth. though trampled to : the dust beneathruffian feet, will risd..triureph ant in the end. Republicanism is seeking: to elevate humanity. Democracy seeks-to•trit4lir and degrade the weaker On which eide`,Shlinld-tbe Irialraland'?• Our Dute'h:4ettfir. ,- ;,- - • Brrsnvat.isiepf 29;1§69 - .:' - ' D . UC :—lti*eAeletzlen - hrief bah ich fersproken- d r er:4Mch ein zu shreiben, end yetzt will ich mein fer sprechen ,halten. . Well, Bill, ich deck die dernokraten ein use gangen des Yore. Ich ROD ena ust csugen das ich net mit ibnen volen . ken des.yore, won siebuben nri die convention chicken, fer die nomi nations zu wachen don Innen sie, sie sie such .electen. Must du sel gelesen im Fred. Kortz wine zeitung, (omber ich den': du bust net, fun es gregen net fiel seine zeitung fur es amount net zu fill, well 'zader ep per WPIS das es liesi clas er guile is fier, is, fur sell sluff zu - essli ter Grenoble ibm gaben will ieh gleich es ouch auher ich Lou net halber so fill eseen all der Kortz) ich mein set we der Felix Grundy geshrieben but. Now will ich der my opinion gaben, der Felix Grundy is nix ein Mully Grupper, er weis nix. Er sght der Jim C,barn .gleieht die nager and wer geitzing, and der Hen weis er is net halber so geitzig ale der Moyer, (no im english heist Mey er,) fun ich Lab mole gehert das der Moyer oder Meyer, het ein len cent cur rency gestrect fur ein fartle thater Brous zu.macben bis es ferrissen is, outer er hot nix ferloren, fur kb denk er hot es aus em Jaky Neidigh genomen. . Der Meek and der Fred. segen der Dan 'Hodes het im madle goshossen mit em revolver Ember ich glaub net das es en revolver war. Der . .7im Coburn war do hiva gewest letzter Samstag and es war ein democrat bei ihrdin bnggy, was es mint kon icb net sager', aber os gukt ordlich blo aus, mein id. Now Hefiner ich blime niem ana, als selle ferdulde kleine rutzleffie wo die convention geruled hen sie • sin die Bans shued des unser party zume deufel gate. Es next mohl shicken mer unser weibslite nuf all (lie conuention, sieltenna ust so Bute nominations mach er als die rutzlifile, hen, fur do will lob iver der dom go, won sie net ein nix wesser oder know nossing, genominate hen fur de, Sembly. Sang, Henner, glaubt du net tvon seller . Moyer oder Meyer dort nunner noch der Sembly kumma date, sie data ihm.nemmafur.eirt guidderrudo. Won die rutzleille condidauia defa. warra. don gates mear wie , em alta Snave ly, hat . gesat glory fur Shonk ich say :moll so, over der glory is . net. fur.. der Shonk, over dos die rotzleffie defeat sin. Well die man sagt sis zeit fur ins bet so thus ich ufgaben zu shreiben, ich . .bab ustzu sagen look out fer lltivabvailey mer gang die tans sow mit swantz and alles. Ferlencht shreib ich der noch ein brief die nesta wool). DELEGATE. Fitom"lB43'to 1848, when Judge Pac ker was . an•officer iu the Lehigh Coil and Navidation Company, ho demonstrated his love-f Or-workingmen by paying his employees in the Company'sscripat par, and redeeming it at forty per cent. dis count. The poor men were obliged to submit to this ruinous shave, as they could buy nothing with the scrip, and had nothing else to buy with. Thus Packer profited by their necessities to the extent of forty cents on evory dollar, and in this way helped to build up hie colossal fortune. We are glad to know that the present officers and management of this staunch old company,do business in a different wnr. Twenty minions was a good man Olsen laboring men dare not say, "if nor and.' Now laboring men—cotemporarice of those who ducked Asa Packer in the Le high—have decided to protect themselves and their children against the ruin of Free Trade by voting for John W.Geary. Subscribe and pay (in advance) for the Riaru.nroAN. VOL, 1, NO. 39 Twenty workingmen Twenty million builds houses for traitors, and makes his laborers pay for them. Twenty million wants the mechanic to labor sixteen hours a 'day, and, compete with English prices. Twenty million. got, rich off the men ho expects his "Shrewdness in time gone by, will adniit- of his buying. Twenty million's built a . royal' man sion near his (?) Univereitifor of his friend, the rebefJeff. Twenty million wont be elected Gov ernor by the toilini men of Penniylva nia, and we will bet $20,000,000 on it. Twenty millions, by his :vote, said a Catholic was incompetent to bold office and administer the laws of, the govern , ment. Twenty millions and the Centre coun ty buck - 1./beater - say all - farmers are fools, and can be bought iith Vensocratie "stamps." Twenty million has plenty of whiskey 'on.his side-Board fora rebels, and plenty of cold victuals for the poor mitt—:at $1 extra per ton Twenty million says a Oatholid is .no t endowed with native sense to distilziguidi between $2 00, Anierioan, and •"'lB pence.per diem, English. - • Twenty million sneaked out of paying hie lawful taxes, but, can suppo`rt arbli rebels in princely, style, while iho boring man foots .the.bill.. Twenty, million is now posturing f eciLir - Davis, brother of .th e petticoat Jefferson, i: his royal mansion; in Natioh;_ - Chunk. How's that,- NEM Twenty. million Packer. froui' ,gauch::_Chunk .to Philadelphia to sneak out-of= justly assessed Nation al §late,fioluitfand borough taxes ! Twenty million once bolted the regu lar Democratic nomination, because the nominee -was a Catholic, at the same time voting for a Bnow-,Nothing,cand idate Twenty Million Packer eays the "Lin coln. hirelinis" did not take his advice during the war, and he don't expect they will now. You're right, old $20,- 000,000 ! • • .• „Twenty million!korgana say old $20,- 000,000 tines. Phila delphia, but. Governor, AsatinkCe Twenty million *anti o -tear 'dowit t safeguards Rerublicarisquigti:ereeted for the poor man, and make the Itiitqf-fiste.d• laborers compete with under-paid work men of England.. Twenty million being able to buy his .nomination for - Governor, would be able to buy a Legislature, if necessary, to as sist him in his railroad scheines to grind the faces of the poor. Twenty. million is not native of Pennsylvania, but the New York candi date. Ills interests are all with the New York capitalists against the inter ests of Pennsylvania:, Twenty million is opposed to the 'Eight Hour law." LeCtnechanies and shoring men remember that, and not rust him.. His professions are delusive he is a snake in the gram. Twenty millions' ducking in the Le high by workmen he swindled out of de cent day's wages, didn't cleanse the per : ty. That garment wilt.:4sersoused and pronounced "nix cuntrouse," Oit.l2th.. Twenty millionlias never been able 'to stomach a workingman since a lot • of them threw bis kingehip into . the Lehigh. canal, in 1844 for attempting to. force them into his service at starvation pri- ces. Twenty million facts the bill while rebels dance, and the poor . •men of the Commonwealth foot $20,000,000's bills for the caMpaign'.. They' 4 gfoot' $20,000,000 in some other locality on the. 12th of October. Twenty million's nomination 'put' cents extra on each ton : of -coal:. - The "extra" goes to defray the expenses of the demoeratia campaign, and must, come out of the laboring' man's pecket., Stink a-pin there, workingmen: •- Twenty million thinks he can corrupt the voters of Centre county. He firsi . bays his nomination—thew advances the price of coal $2 per ton, and then sends the "extra" he has made off the poor man into the country to buy thelaboring man's vote! Twenty million says the Eight Hour Law should not be enforced. Let laber ing men remember that Packer declined to give a direct answer to the question "Are you in favor of the Eight Hopi. Law? That law was passed by a Re publican Congress, and enforced in all the National work-shops in the tinited States by President Grant. Will the bard-fisted voters of Centre county capt a vote for a man thus committed to Free Trade, low-prices and poverty. Twenty million's and his friends would beggar individuals and the State through Free Trade Under Republican rule the inereaaed internal revenue receipts from tobacco during the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1869, (meetly under Grant,) amounted to $4,082,000. And the in creased receipts from internal revenue during the present quarter ovor the cor responding period of last year is estima ted at ten millions of dollars, or at the rate of forty millions per annum. Voter, mark that Slingsback. milH3ns always degrade