The Bellefonte Republican. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1869-1909, July 28, 1869, Image 4
Agricitual Department. WEDNESDAY MORNING July 28, '69, Stick to The Plow And The Plane. Don't come to the city, my boy. Your chance, in the long run, is bet ter where you are. Hundreds,indeed, make fortunes here, but thousands live wearisome and even suffering lives in the city.—Clerks have larger sala ries than farmers, but then their ex pense of boarding. clothes, and amuse ments, are so much larger, that less is saved at the end of the year. Then the temptations of the city are so strong and so constant that few young men resist them. Not many young city clerks, even if they avoid bad company, are able early in life to have a home of their own. A young man in the country, soon after his time be comes his own, can secure capital enough, with an economical wife, to set up housekeeping for himself, and have a quiet-comfortable, and even beautiful little home of his own. One of the, wealthiest men in the vicinity of Boston, who died a few years since, said the happiest years of his life were passed when he was gathering, very slowly, the beginnings of his for tune. When he married he and his wife - were worth, each, twenty-five cents. and they labored lovingly and happily together. This was certainly a very small fortune for two to com mence upon, but they were worth hundreds of thousands when they died, gathered by economical labor. The writer ktiows an excellent young man in this city who is now nearly thirty. He has long been engaged to a young lady of fine talents and a good temper. It would be great comfort to both to be married ; but thin, his salary, although quite large, would not support them in the style of life to which the young woman has been accustomed in her own home. Besides, the position of clerks is very uncer tain. By the failure of what was con sidered one of the strongest houses in the city, this young man was thrown out ofplace and salary for six months. Stick to the plow, then, or some solid, whole-some trade. Yen will then be sure of a comfortable living. You can earlier have a home of your own, and you will be less exposed to the con itant changes in business which de stroy at one blow the earnings of years. American Agriculturist. SITTING OUT STRAWBERRY BEDS.- titrawberry plants can now be set out from the middle of August to the end of September. It is true August is generally' a. very warm and very dry month, •but in case of the absence of rain the newly planted beds must be watered every day or two until they have become established. The bed should not be in a damp situation or the soil heavy. Dig deep pulverize finely, and apply a pretty heavy dose of good barnyard manure. Let the devisions be about three and a half feet in width and as long as may be desirable. Set the plants about eighteen' inches apart insert them in the ground firmly but not too deeply, - and then keep clear of all grass and weeds. As to the varieties, we should choose for our own planting the following :" Triumph," "Russell," and "Hovey," and if we wished another, Jucunda. They should be planted in this wise in making up a full bed, with half a dozen or a dozen divisions: ITriumph, 2 Jucunda, 3 Hovey, 4 Russell. In this way a fine crop is assured with as much certainty as• anything can be. The last of November protect the plants with a light covering of straw the first year, after that if needed light manure may be substituted as a covering. - A half crop may be expected the first season. A mulch of straw eut two or three inches long. will keep the ground moist and cool, which this berry likes, and smother the weeds. This should be applied the first part of April. An application of spent tan is also excellent. SCRATCHES IN il - ORSES.-Our much respected correspondent, Mr. Hiram Walker, of Oswego county. N. Y., says :—I have seen in the Country Gentleman lately several remedies for the cure of scratches, [or grease, as the English call it, ] but all of them were for outward application and none for haward to work on the blood. Scratches in horses,like salt-rheum in persons, generally arise from an im pure state of the blood. They gener ally come on in the fall of the year, when the horses are taken from grass to hay and are much used, and the mud not properly cleaned after their day's work is done. I have often tried outward applications alone, but could never effect a cure. The best medicine I ever tried is to take one pound of Epsom salts,balf a pound of saltpetre, pulverize well,mix them together,and give a tablespoonful of the mixture every morning; wash the parts effect ed with Castile soap, rub dry and anoint with Dalley's horse salve, and you are sure of a cure. This mixture, while it works in and purifies the blood, is a mild diuretic, but will pro duce over stalling._ This medicine will not take the horse from his daily work, but he should be kept from the storm, and not exposed to cold winds when warm. A farmer in Ohio had a thrifty or chard which blossomed freely, but bore ne fruit, He washed twelve of the trees once a week with strong Ploap suds, and was gratified by a fair harvest the subsequent season. Pm will destroy sorrel, MISCELLANEOUS TOWN LOTS FOR SALE, HAV ING THE FOLLOWING MERITS:— They are near the Court House. They are not on a hill. • They are located on one of the principal streets of the Borough. They are very low in price. They will be sold on a reasonable credit. Half the marketing entering Bellefonte passes the front of these lots, and may be bad, which is an important consideration ; for, who has not travelled the rounds of the stores in search of butter, &c., and returned home disappointed? For a residence and boarding house for any who do not wish to loose time going to or returning from meals, these lots are very desirable. Apply to JNO. D. WINGATE. apr2V69 tf HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned offers, at private Sale, hie Hotel property in Central City, situated near the MILESBURG RAILROAD STATION. This House is new, well and excellently fur nished, and is doing-a good business. Cen tral City is one of the healthiest and most pleasant locations in the State. There are five lcts belonging to the property, and fruit trees of all kinds in bearing order. This is a very-desirable property for any person wishing to engage in the Hotel busi ness, and for Mercantile business it is one of the best in the country. Any person wishing to purchase a Home, or a first-class Hotel and Mercantile stand, will please call on, or address • MARTIN DOLAN, je9'69-3m. Milesburg, Pa. TEA !TEA ! ! TEA !11 TEA ! I AGENCY OF THE MERCHANTS' 'UNION TEA COMP'Y Wehave commissioned Sechler & Co., No. 6, Bush House, as our Agent to supply the trade of Centre county, with the BEST TEA IN THE MARKET, and at prices ranging from TWENTY to FORTY Per Cent. LOWER than regular retail rates We have sent them a large and full stock of VERY CHOICE TEAS', comprising twenty kinds which have been imported direct by the company AND ARE NEW CROP, and unequaled in the United States fer SUPERIORITY OF THEIR QUALITY AND FLAVOR Our teas are put up in pounds and half-lbs. with our wholesale prices printed on each package. and our agents are permitted to charge ONLY FIVE CENTS PER POUND in addition to the wholesale rates as printed on the package HOUSEKEEPERS OF CENTRE COUNTY, SAVE YOUR MONEY BY BUY ING YOUR TEAS OF SECHLER do COMPANY, No. 6, Bush House, Bel;efonte, Pa je23'69-Im, COMPLETION OF THE PAGT IC RAILROAD. GREAT RUSH TO STERNBERG'S Sung to the Tune of Yankee Doodle The Great Faciffc Railroad's laid, From ocean unto ocean, And now comple connection's made,— An enterprising notion. The mighty work at last is done, So speedily and brisk, oh ! And now in ten days we can run From here to San Francisco. No more we take the ancient route, The stage, a horrid slow thing; It banged the passengers about, And wore out all their. clothing. CHORUS . , for the end of each verse The Great Pacific Railroad's laid, From ocean unto ocean, And we buy clothes from A. STERNBERG, A most delightful notion. Through passengers by the Pacific Rail road will call at the store of A. Sternberg,be- . fore starting, and provide themselves with a complete outfit of the elegant and substan tial Spring and Summer Clothing, the very best assortment of which will always be found at A. Sternberg's Store. People who travel by other routes, and al: so people who, instead of traveling by any route at all, prefer to stay at home, can find the most superior and seasonable garments, for every occasion, of every variety, and at the lowest prices. Do not fail to call and examine our stoek before purchasing elsewhere ; if you do not, we are sure you will be sorry that you did not. Our goods are put down to the lowest figure. We sell whole suits, according to quality, RANGING FROM $6.50 TO $lB.OO —the very best, A. STERNBERG, Allegheny St., Bellefonte, Pa, iny26'69-Iy. NEW GOODS AND NEW PRI CES!! HIGH RATES RUBBED OUT! GOODS AT OLD FASHIONED PRICES. ROFFLE & BRO'S Would respectfully inform their old friends, that they are daily receiving a large STOOK OF GOODS OF ALL RINDS, which they are offering at the very lowest market price. DRY GOODS! Consisting of the latest styles of FIGURED AND PLAIN ALPACAS, Figured and plain al Wool Delaine. Shepherd Plaids, Black Silks, Summer Silks, Irish Poplins, White Goods White Counterpanes, 'Linen and Cot ton Sheetings, Checks, Gingham, Bedtieks, Flannels. ko., &c., &c. Shepherd Plaid Balmorals, Black Cloth, Cassimeres, Velvetine, Cordu- roy, Kentucky Jeans, Drills, Ladies Cloaking, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, AND PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS A full line of.Cloths ' Cassimeres, Sati netts, and Vesting, all kinds and prices, which willbc sold cheap. We have con stantly on _hand a large and well selected stock of all kinds of CROCKERY, GROCERIES, MACKEREL, • SALT, (be Which we will dispose of at the lowest cash prices. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods, and the htgkeet marke. prices allowed FRIENDS AWAKEST E TO YOUR INTER- For we feelaatisfied that we can suit your TASTES as well as your PURSES. ja6' GLASS, all rises and qualities, at IRWIN it wasciNp SEWING MACHINE A MERICAN BUTTON-HOLE OVER-SEAMING AND SEWING MA CHINE COMBINED MEDAL AWARDED AT THE PARIS EX POSITION, 1867 In directing attention to the celebrated COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE, we feel fully warran ted in claiming for it unquestionable superi ortty over all others as a Family Machine.— The Simplicity, Ease and Certainty with which it operates, as well as the uniform ex cellence of its work, certainly place it far in advance of any other similar invention of th age. It is also the aeapeat,intrinsically, as well as the best, since it is really two machines combined in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement never before ac complished by human ingenuity,) making either the Lock Stitch or Button Hole Stitch, as occasion may require. It is, at the same time, simple in construction, comparatively noiseless, easily understood, and, in a word, it combines with those advantageB exclusive ly its own the mast desirable qualities of all others, for it not only does every variety of sewing in a SUPERIOR MANNER, but in addition OVERSEAMS splendidly and makes beautiful BUTTON and EYELET HOLES in all fabrics. This is far beyond the ca pacity of any other machine. The SPLENDIT? MECHANISM of this Machine, and the superior skill workmanship and ma terials employed in its construction, are a guarantee of accuracy, strength and dura bility, and enable the company and its agents to Warrant Every Machine they sell to give entire satisfaction. INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN ON THE MA CHINE GRATUITOUSLY. Lessons may be taken if desired with a view to test the Machine, or to become bet ter acquainted with it before deciding to pur chase. Samples of work will be furnish ed upon application at J. J. BISEL k CO., LOCK HAVEN, PENN'A Agents for Clinton, Centre and Clearfield Counties. This Machine does all kinds of Stitching, Hemming, Cording, Felling, Braiding, Blueing, Ruffling, Tucking, Sewing and Gathering on. This greatest Novelty of the ago, is new on exhibition and for sale by J. J. BISEL & CO, Agt's. Examine all other 'lnehines, then call and examine this one before buying. feb3' MERCHANT TAILORING MERCHANT TAILORING, ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 7, BROCKEHOFF'S. ROW The undersigned takes pleasure in inform ing the citizens of Centre county and the public generally, that he is just opening a SPLENDID AND RICH ASSORT.3I EIVT OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Cloths, Cassimeros Vestings, Which he is prepared to make to order in the latest and most fashionable styles, for men or boys. Goods sold by the piece or by the yard. He also keeps on hand a full line of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, of every style and description. He is also agent for the celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINE. ja6' JOHN MONTGOMERY. WII S. TRIPPLE, MERCHANT TAILOR. BUSH'S ARCADE, UP STAIRS, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. Having just received,from Philadelphia, a large stock of Broad Cloth,Cassimers,and an extensive variety of Spring and Summer Goods, I am prepared to furnish my friends and . customers, the very best at the most reasonable prices. My thanks are due those who have patron ized mo for many years, and a cordial invita tion is herely extended the public generally, to call and examine my Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. I am also prepared, at all times, to make up Goods furnished by customers. All suits warran ted to fit. my 12'69-ly W. S. TRIPPLE. GROCERIES &c SECIILER_ & CO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUITS, NUTS, a CONFECTIONERIES KEEP TBE BEST ASiORTMENT OF GOODS, and sell FOR SMALLER PROFITS than any other HOUSE IN CENTRE COUNTY HOUSE-KEEPERS and all others wishing to purchase GROCERIES OF Every DESCRIPTION' will be amply repaid BY GIVING US A CALL SEMLER & CO., NO. SIX, HIGH STREET FRONT, "BUSH HOUSE" BLOCK, BELLEFONTE n1y26'69,1y TIN & S a -PIET-IRON WARE TIN AND SHEET-IRON STORE. THE OLDEST TIN-WARE ESTABLISHMENT. BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. • The undersigned hereby desires to call the attention of his many patrons, and the entire people of Centre Co., that he man ufaetures TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, Cheaper and on a larger scale than ever.— He keeps constantly for sale, Tin Buckets, Wash Boilers, Coffee Boilers, Fruit Cans, Dish Pans, Lard Cans. Wash Basins, Coal Oil Cans, Stove-pipe of the best Rus sia, and other iron, _ constantly on hand. 'Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. All work warranted. Give us a call. WM. S. WOLF, ja6' Allegheny Street. - VITETRAER & TWITMIRE. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, HEATERS FOR CHURCRES & DWELL The following Pattern of Cook Stovos con stantly on hand. BARLEY-SHEAF, REGULATOR, IRON-SIDES, FARMER,.- EUREKA, AMITY. Castings and all kinds of repairs furnished to order for all kind of stoves in mar ket. Russia Sheet•iron finished, Gas Burners neatly repaired. . - A large assortment of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE of our own manufacture, kept constantly on hand, which we will sell Wholesale or Retail at prices as reasonable as elsewhere. and all kinds of Jobbing done on the short est notice and warranted.. We will re ceive orders for and put up " COP PERLIGHTNING RODS," which are superior to all . other Rods in market. We will pay the highest market prices for 31d Metal, Copper, Brass, Pewter, &o•, cr^c., dr, c. We always enndeavor to sell CHISAP.Eft THAN THE CHEAPEST. Try us and be convinced ja6' THE undersigned having secured the ex rlusive sale of this justly celebrated Stove, have no hesi'aney in pronouncing it manufactured in the United States to-day. They have improvements over all other Cocking Stoves, and ara pronounced by all who have used or sold them, to be the best EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. and We also keep on hand all kinds of AND JAPANNED TINWARE, which will be sold at the lowest possible JOB WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS done at the shortest notice, and upon the most reasonable terms. Feeling satisfied that he can please all who are disposed to be pleased, and that he is determined no to be oat- done by either Jew, Gentile, Turk or Heathen,he invites the public to call and examing our stock before purchasing else where. Don't fail to call and see his 'OLD HOME COOKING STOVES." JOHN S. LONBERGER, No. 4, Bush's Arcade, mar24'69-Iy. Bellefonte Pa NEW BOOK STORE Book, Statwnerjj & News Emporium Has purchased the Book, Stationary and News establishment of Kinslee and Brother on Allegheny street, near the Diamond, to which ho has just added a large invoice of goods, such as is generally kept in a Well conducted Book and Stationery Store. His stock consists of Theological, Medical, Law, Miscellaneous, Sunday School and School Books, Time Books, Pass Books,and Diaries, Every grade and price of Cap, Legal, Bill. Letter, Bath and Note Paper, fine French Paper, Envelopes of every description and Price; Pens. Inks, Inkstands, Erasers, Rub ber bands, transparent and common Slates, Slate Pencils, Lead . Pencils, Crayons, &c. Daily and Weekly Papers,Magazines, and Sheet Music, a large supply of Legal and Justices Blanks, constantly on hand. Also U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps at face. Ha is also Wholesale Agent for Lochman's Celebrated Writing Fluid. Country merchants would do well to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I can sell at manufacturers prices. ja6'69 • LIVINGSTON'S BOOK STORE At this well known Establishment may be found. everything in the." BOOK LINE," whether THEOLGICAL, CLSSICAL, LAW, SCIENTIFIC or LITERARY. An Extensive assortment of family Bibles, with or without Photo graphic Plates, ranging in price from $3;75, to $25. ALSO, all the Day and Sunday School Books in general use. Blank Books, Legal Blanks, and all kinds of Stationery, &c. Prompt attention given to orders... A liberal discount made to those who buy to sell again. GEO. LIVINGSTON, ja6'f 9.1y.] Bellefonte, Pa. N AILS, all sizos and kinds, at -. IRWIN WILION'S.d MILESBURG, PENN'A = SPOUTING, ROOFING, " OUR OLD HOME," THE BEST COOKING STOVE PLAIN, PRESSED, FANCY MEI BOOKS & STATIONERY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JACOB D. MILLER -ALSO (ESTABLISHED IN 1845.) BOOTS & SHOES THE BELLEFONTE BOOT AND SHOE STORE GRAHAM do SON, GRAHAM a SON, GRAHAM a SON, BELLEFONTE BOOT ,4 SHOE STORE, BELLEFONTE BOOT 415 SHOE STORE, BELLEFONTE BOOT & SHOE STORE, ALLEGHENY STREET, ALLEGHENY STREET, ALLEGHENY STREET, One Door North Irwin do Wilson's Hard- ware Store GRAHAM am SON, MANUFACTURERS, MANUFACTURERS FINF CALF BOOTS, FINE CALF BOOTS, Kept constantly on hand at the BELLEFONTE BOOT dc SHOE STORE, BELLEFONTE BOOT & SHOE STORE,. BY GRAHAM SON, BY GRAHAM do SON, AT $B,OO PER PAIR, AT $B,OO PER P AIR, A large assortment of KIP BOOTS, War ranted, AT $5,00 PER PAIR, AT $5,00 PER PAIR, BY GRAHAM d SON, BY GRAHAM dc SON, We respectfully invite the attention of the public to our large selection of LADIES BOOTS & SHOES, LADIES BOOTS & SHOES, and all kinds of MISSES' 4k CHILDRDN'S - MISSES' 4t CHILDREN'S BOOM 4k. SHOES. BOOTS Jc SHOES. CALL AND EXAMINE CALL AND EXAMINE OUR CHEAP BOOTS do SHOES, OUR CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES, ja20'69.1y. GRAHAM & SON, T HE PLACE TO GET SHOES EVERYTHING NEW 4t WARRANTED P. AIcAFFUEY & CO'S WHOLESALE & RETAIL BOOT & SHOE STORE- [One door above Reynold's Bank.] Have just received the most complete as sortment cf everything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, ver brought to Bellefonte. Their entire stock, which is the largest ever opened in this place, was made to order from the best material. It was purchased for cash and will be sold much tower than any one can afford who buys on time. They ARE PRACTICAL WORKMEN, and everything sold will be guaranteed as represented. Repairing and custom work promptly attended to. ATTENTION ! REFLECT! ! Before ordering your BOOTS OR SHOES Tho only exclusive Boot and Shoe Menu facturing shop in Bellefonte. I would respectfully invite your consider ation to the gtneral satisfaction which in every case follows my work. Prices reason able, and neat fits guaranteed. JOHN POWERS, ja6'] Allegheny St., Bellefonte. LIME WOOD & COAL BURNT LIMB Fresh burnt Lime always on hand and for sale at the lowest Ecaiket price, at the SUNNY-SIDE LIME KILNS on the Railroad near Bellefon!e. We have no fear of successful contradiction when we say that we hare the BEST LINE IN THE STATE. It is free from core, and our kilns are so constructed that all the ashes are sep arated from the burnt lime be fore it leaves the kiln. It is a PURE SNOW-WHITE LIME ! And makes as fine a finish as the lime burnt from the marble quarries in the eastern part of the State. Our facilities for burning and shipping lime are such that WE CAN FURNISH IT CHEAPER than the same quality of lime can be bad at any other place. All orders promptly filled. Address, J. R. C. T. ALEXANDER. ja6' Bellefonte, Pa. War. SHORTLIDGE. BOND VALENTINE SHORTLIDGE & CO. WOOD AND COAL BURNT LIME. Always on hand and for sale at the lowest market price at the BELLEI ONTE LINE KILNS. on the Turnpike leading to Milesburg. The BEST PITTSTON AND SHAMOKIN Anthracite coal. Also a new consignmcn of plastering lath, paling, and sawed shing les for sale for cash at our yard, near south end of B. E. V: R. R. Depot. ja6' LEATHER TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF LEATHER! The undersigned has just received the most extensive lot of Leather, from the New York, Baltimore and Wilmington mar— kets, ever brought to this place, Consisting of Spanish Sole Upper, American Kip, French Kip, Baltimore Calf, OIL FINISH AND BRUSH MOROCCO, KID GLOVE SKIN, Whang Leather, Linings and Shoe findings, of every discription, all of which will be sold cheaper than can be bought at any oth er establishment in Central Pennsylvania. ABRAHAM SUSSMAN. Bellefonte, Pa. ja13'69.1y DRY GOODS, &c DO NOT FORGET That the place to buy Cheap Goods, CALICOES, DELAINES, SILKS, SATINS, CASSINETS, BLANKETS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, for Mon and Boys, is at JOHN IV. COOKE'S CHEAP CASH STORE, REYNOLDS' ARCADE, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. We started ' , IA on the principles of "Bina profits and quick Returns," and how we we have succeeded is known to everybody. OUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE ANL GLASSWARE, are of the very best quality and are sold a the most reasonable rates. We pay at all times the highest cash price for Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn and Barley. Wo most cordially invite everybody to give us a call, before pur chasing elsewhere. Do not forget the place. REYNOLDS' ARCADE, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. ja6' GREAT EXCITEMENT ! EXTRAORDINARY CONCENTRATION OF BARGAINS ROWELL, GILLIAND &CO of Bush's Arcade, in Rooms No. 1 and 2 have just returned from the city with a large end extensive stock of Spring and Summer Goods. We are now ready to offer to our customers . a more extensive and better as sorted stock than ever before offered to the p-tblic. Oar extensive stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Demands particular attention Great Bargains to be had in Prints, Muslim+, Notions; &c., +lce. The latest styles of Spring and Summer Cassimers already received. READY MADE CLOTHING warranted to give perfect satisfaction. A large assorment of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. _ _ Our Grocery department demands particular attention. A full assorment constantly* on hand,the best the markets can afford, such as SYRUP, SUGAR, TEA its COFFEE. Canned Fruits, Jellies, Domestic and Foreign Fruits, Cheese and Pastries of all kinds, and every other article belonging to the Grocery Department. • FARRIERS, MECHANICS AND LA BORERS, LOOK to your interest One dollar saved is still one dollar in your pocket. Then call and see at what astonishing Low Prices. HOWELL GILLILAND & CO are selling Dry Goods and Groceries. Come and examine for yourselves, and be convinced of the truth DON'T FORGET TIIE PLACE, Bush's Arcade, Rooms No. 1 and 2 jan6' ANOTHER NEW STORE. EMIL JOSEPH Sc CO., ALLEGHENY ST, (3" Bride's Building,) ,13FL,LEFOFTE, PENN'A CHEAP .NEW YORE STORE. COME ONE! COME ALL !! SEE HOW CHEAP WE CAN SELL, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, • NOTIONS, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS FURNISHING GOODS FOR LADIES & GENTS, FOR LADIES & GENTS, FURS, - FURS, COVERLETS, COVERLETS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, WATCHES, WATCHES, JEWELRY, JEWELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, all of which we warrant, and at city prices A FIRST CLASS WATCH MAKER constantly on hand, and all work warranted A liberal discount to the trade. Give u a call. ja6' GEO. D. PIFER'S DRY GOODS AND GROCERY STORE, I No. 6, BROKERLIOFF'S Row, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, BELLEFONTE, PENN'Ik., Is the place for bargains in the way of Dry Goods, Clothing,. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queens and Cedar Ware, Groceries, CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS, ALSO, NOTIONS, &c., &c. Everything in his lino is sold at very Low Prices. POLITE AND ATTENTIVE CLERKS, are always in attendance o wait on his numerous customers. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for all kinds of marketing and produce Cash paid for ALL KINDS OP GRAIN. Goodsdelivered with pleasure. No trouble CO show goods. Give him a call before pur thasing elsewhere. [ ja6'69.y SADDLERY, to suit the trade, at ERWIN (17 WILSON'S THE ANVIL HARDWARE STORE! BROADCLOTH CASSIMERES, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Aaaaattaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa inannninanpnunnnnannrintinnn nnnnnnnnnnnininnunnnnn YVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYY VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVY 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111M111111111111117111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)11 1111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111 North-west Corner of the Diamond, HARDWARE of every DESCRIPTION Their Stock of Shelf Goods is complete, em bracing a full variety of Every Class. In Heavy Goods the same va riety is kept up, embrac ing, in part, IRON, of all sizes and shapes. Steels—Cast, Shear, Spring, Blister and Drilling, • Horse Shoes and Horse Shoe Nails, • Toe Calks, Anvils and Vices, different makes and prices, Stoves—Cook, Parlor Gas-Burners, and Cyl inders, four makes and kinds. SPRINGS— Axles and Skeins, all sizes, WOOD WORK, all kinds, for Wagons, Buggies and Carriages. GRINDSTONES, all sizes, and Kitchen do., Platform Scales, from 100 to 1 000 pounds, Counter Scales and Balances, Oils, Paints and Varnishes, of all kind J. W. COOKE MANILLA ROPE, all sizes, and 'PACKING, The Celebrated for Dwellings Houses and Churches, WOODEN WATER PIPES. if any fore and Length Call and see their Stock before making your purbhase. Are always pleased to show our goods. jan .6/69.1y HARDWARE HARDWARE NO. 5, BROKERHOFF'S ROW! J. .t J. HARRIS-THE PLACE TO BUY The subscribers would respectfully inform the community that they have opened a complete comprising all varieties of goods in tha lin.e which they WILL SELL AT TEE LOWEST PRICES Their stock consists of all sorts of building hardware, table and pocket cutlery, carpenters', mason's, plasterer's and blacksmith's tools, and mate rials, nails, iron, horse shoes, and horse shoe nails, rope tackle, FORKS, CHAINS, SHOVELS, AXES, Housekeeper's goods, saddlery, carriage trimmings:, etc., etc., with all sorts and sizes of COAL OIL LAMPS, and the. different parts thereof, together with a complete assortment of the best PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, &c BY STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS ACCOMMODATION OF CUSTOMERS SHARE OF THE PUBLIC PATRONAGE will find it to their advantage to call and ja6' INSURANCE AGENTS JAMES 11. RANKIN. Attorney-at-Law RANKIN It. IRWIN, GENERAL I.NSURANCE A GENTS No. 3, Armory Building, Bellefonte, Pa Represent the following Companies CAPITAL STOCK. lEtna Fire, Hartford C10nn,.....55,502,880.19 Home Fire, New York, 2,000,000 Putnam Fire, Connecticut, 500,000 Guardian Fire and Marine, Phira,...500,000 Wyoming Fire,Wilkesbarre, capital and surplus, Lancaster city and county, Lancas ter, Fenn'a, Assets over, $10,000,000 Annual Income, 6,000,000 Surples, 9 ,000,000 Losses paid in IS6S,..Three-Fourths of a Million Dollars Dividends over,.., Dollars. Life Insurance on all plans. HARDWARE IRWIN & WILSON. SIGN OF THE ,B,,ELLEFONTE,PA., is the place to get ORIENTAL FURNACES, PUMPS, for Cisterns and Wells STOCK OF HARDWARE GRIND-STONES, etc, otc They hope, and a constant care for the to merit and receive a BUILDERS AND- OTHERS EXAMINE THEIR STOCK J. & J. HARRIS, No. 5, trokorhoff's Row REAL ESTATE AND .tMTNA LIFE One-Half of a Million mar2?'69-1y: . PLAN ING MILLS M. H. MACKEY WM. C. WILKEY SAMUEL ADAMS P. 11. TIACTPT MILESBURG PLANING MILL. MACKEY & COMPANY, having leased the above named Planing Mill, and added largely to its facilities for turning out first class work, are now pre pared to furnish FLOORING, DOORS, BLINDS, SASH, SHUTTRS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, and manufactured lumber of EVERY DESCRIPTION at the LOWEST CASII PRICES All manner of work such as Scroll Sawing, Moulding, Brackets, &c., &o made after any desired pattern, ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE This company is composed of practicable mechanics, and Samuel Adams, one of the Co., has been foreman of the Bellefonte Planing Mill since its commencement. Connected with the mill, and in operation at all times, is one of the latest improved COKE DRYING KILNS; which leaves the lumber in a perfectly healthy state, assists in preserving it, and in fact adds to its lasting qualities, while oth er methods of drying deteriorate, and ren ders it more liable TO DECAY AND WASTE. Lumber dried in a Coke klin, is dried per • fectly, and when worked and put up, will not SHRIVEL AND SHRINK, thus giving buildings the appearance of having been erected out of Green Material We know that our facilities give us every advantage over other PLANING MILLS IN THIS SECTION and we feel perfectly free in saying, that all our WORK WILL BE GUARANTEED, to be of A SUPERIOR QUALITY. We will furnish anything in our line from a door panel, to a WHOLE HOUSE, and at such prices, as cannot bat prove to be an inducement to THOSE DESIRING - TO BUILD All orders promptly filled and a fair share of public patroange, respectfully soli cited. MACKEY & COMPANY, apr2l'69-ly MILESBURG, PA EDMUND BLANCHARD, E.M. BLANCHARD, W3l. IL 5311711. RELLEFONTE PLANING MILL. BLANCHARD & COMPANY WHITE & YELLOW PINE FLOORING AND WEATHER. BOARDING. DOORS, SASH, Scroll Work of every Description, BRACKETS OF ALL SIZES, and PATTERNS made to order llaving a "BULKLEI"S PATENT LUM BER DRYER," connected with our estab lishment, wo are enabled to manufacture our work from THOROUGHLY SEASONED —ORDERS FROM CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, DEALERS AND THE TRADE GENERALLY SOLICITED-Vga„ BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PA ja6' LOGAN FOUNDRY, NEAR TDB RAILROAD DEPOT. BELLEFONTE, PENN'A Vo are happy to inform the people of Centre and the adjoining counties., that. we are now prepared to make House. Castings; such as Sash Weights,. Cellar window Grates, £6c., of all sizes. Grist and Saw Mill Cast ings,-Sled Soles of all kinds,. Plows, Plow Shares. We also manufacture tho IMPR 0 VED IV OR 77, PLO IZ Also EGG STOVES, Stove Castings, Oven Doors and Frames, Coal Grates for Pave ments, Water Pipes, Wagon Box es, together with every variety of Castings kept constantly on hand, or made to order. All orders filled prompt ly. Gi . e us a call. Don't forget the• place, near the Railroad Depot; Bellefonte. ja6' BAYARD, JINKINS & CO MISCELLANEOUS 0. W. YANVALIN. VANVALIN & LAMBERT, PLASTERERS! PLASTERERS ! ! We adopt this method of informing the eiti zees of Bellefonte and vicinity that we have entered into partnership in the PLASTERING pIISINESS. All jobs entrustcd to us will be done in the shortest time and in the most workmanlike manner. From our long experience in the business wefeel confident that we ean give full satitaction to all who may favor us with their work. Address, or 'Call on VANVALIN &-LAMBERT, feb 17'69.6m Bellefonte, Pa. S. M. IRWIN L OSE'S LIVZItY STABLE. The undersign.. ed havingaentered into partnership in the Livery Business, under the firm name of Isaac t Son, adopt this method of in forming the people of Bellefonte, and the public generally, that they will carry on the business in the Burnside:Stable. It is their determination to keep the very best HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, and to hire them out at the most reasonable rates. Thankful for tho kindness and favor they have received from the community in the past they will make it their chief object to merit the continuance of the same. ISAAC LOSE. GEO. A. LOSE. 170,00 2Cff, r 000 r aprl4'69-ly LAMPS, every variety and kind at IRWIN & WILSON'S H ORSE SHOES, beet make at WILSON'S S. AUSTIN BREW W. 11. HOLMES, BLINUFACTURERS OF of Various Styles, BLINDS, SHUTTERS, AIOULDISGS LUMBER. FOUNDRY 0. B. LAMBERT