Agricultaral Department WEDNESDAY MORNING, May 5, '69. When to Buy a Farm, Very few persons seem to know that | 409 One-tenth that price would | have been their full value. What has 5 * VASY 1 eh io P ¢ far | . . . best in the year in which to look for { become of the Monitor, the Harrison, the months of June and July are the or purchase a farm. At this season one ean judge whether the land can or does produce good crops ; rich the waving grass and grain will be an ocul fact ; ar demonstration of the and if there is, ac stereotyped assertion, an abundance of | can | to the best advantage. choice fruit, it g secon at this time 1 1 We 3 ) sther they are really dry | " will show whether they ure really dry | last season ; the hot weather of June enough for pastures in summer, and n the upla ing a drought. If there are any mos quit yes about they ill their if ever gene this time ing the children pearance at in the neighborhood one can det mine wheth is healthy or otherwise. d time to view 1x spring and the trout t from the a lunch from the other are at Summer 1 the neve ear by, and a draugh § which the ra h dom fail t traction them s the weeds tne Even termining it Bedding Horses in Sawdust, 1 wheat can be burned hauled on the fields when they are finely pal rized, and can be evenly distributed over the field. This lime should be used only as a top-dressing and har rowed in, as it has a tendency to sink into the soil Tue disease known as diptheria in chickens may be cured easily by the following method: Take a small wooden paddle and remove the yel low matter from the tongue, and then apply lard and black pepper to the diseased parts. A single application is generally sufficient, and a second is always sufficient Wairewasn is all right in its place—and it is in its place on fences and out buildings, but it is not in its place when it is on trees, where we have seen it in several orchards and door yards. Dou’t try to make the trunks of your trees look like fence posts, % fo fh | 1 | and July was too much for them d its capacity for withstand- | llymake | { barrel of bones, erush them ; with a berrel of oak or hickory ashes; | The Potato Mania, What has it all amounted to? Has all the high prices and careful eulture done anything for us except to show the utter folly of people paying a dol lar per pound for any of them at any the Early Goodrich,the Garnet Chili, | the Cusco,the Rusty-Coat and half a fou if isin : for, if 1t | dozen others? Not one of them can come within a mile of the Peach-Blow, 4 { either the pink or white variety. cording to the | A writer in the [yairie Farmer, re~ siding inGrundycounty, Illinois, speak- Tis lowland { ing of his potato crop,last year, says 1@ low iandas | “My early potatoes did not do well But ed me over two Whenever s and 1 saw statements in the my Peach. Bl yield IWS ¥ hundred bushels an ac re. { paper of large yields of single hills, of | Early Rose or any other of the fancy DOtatoes, we 1 ‘he 1 the best hills dug i ! { F021 or table use, an ahead nearly e \ have not taken s the new we sce whet sorts, prefers ’ them can Peach B Ve donot ywa."’ Does Clover or Timothy Cause Ruston Wheat ? ial Value of Cabbages. R 1 Bi Weeks past large and | | | MISCELLANEOUS, A" ERICAN BUTTON.HOLE OVER-SEAMING AND BEWING MA- CHINE COMBINED. MEDAL AWARDED AT THE PARIS EX POBITION, 1867. In directing tenting y the lehrated COMBINATIO BUTT AND SEWING MACHINE, we feel rran r at a | ted in claiming t round eabbage-heads have been selling | canta onch. fill Allowing each eabbage to for thirty and forty many of which would scaree iy a peck measure while growing, feet, 4340 c whic occupy, area of nines if sold be grown on one acre ly { ; ten centa per head, would atueunt to $484 for the produce of a single acre. The amount of inanure requisite for one acre, together with the expence incurred in cultivation, WOR clean profit of $334 per acre. For men at a distance from appropriate two or three acres of their richest land to cabbage, and thus make | i three or four times as much as they | do | of good compost deposited where the { roots may feed on ir, Hose Mane Guaxo.—Collect moisten with soap-suds, apply a quart | or two ax a special fertilizer on mel ona, squashes. early corn and oucum- allowing a gill to a hill, bers Tug California wheat crop is so Id not execed £150. thus leaving a | New-York eould | . i Every plant needs a quart or two | al mix Jarge that, if mistakes are not made, | {it has never been equalled in any | country. They talk of 75, 80, and in i AA one case 100 bushels per acre : i ! | | | N EW DB * fully invites Bellefonte an ace where | tho best quality of | BREAD, CAKES PIES, CONFECTIONERIES, MINCE MEAT, of waur | Manufeatare Fhe beat Norfolk Oye | the Can or Quart. Also cooked in all styles Fried in Crumbs, Fried in Butter, Fan | ey Roasts, Beolloped Oys tors, Oyster Pie and Clam Ch wider. A private room neatly i peted, for ladies or social parties nvitation is hereby extended to all $213°69.1y © R.J MeDOWELL awn tere hy {ie Stewed Oysters, furnished and car . VAXYALIN, J ASVALIR & LAMBERT, 0, B. LANBRRY PLAERTERERS! We adopt thie meth PLASTERERS 1! 1 of informing the eiti entered inio partnership in the | PLASTERING BUSINESS, | All jobs entrust. d to us will be done in the | shortest time and in the most workmanlike | manner. From our long experience iu the business weleel confident thal we full satizaction to all who may favor as with their work, Address, or call en VANVALIN &£ LAMBERT, feb 17°80.6m Bellefonte, Pa. ilies, at { A LASS, all izes and qual x IRWIN 4 WiLeONS { A #pecial | pene of Bellefonte and vicinity that we have | ean give | TIN & SHEET- IRON WARE, 4 hota AND SHEET- IRON STORE. THE OLDEST TIN-WARE ESTABLISHMENT IN BELLEFONTE, PENN'A, Thefundersigned hereby desires to eall the attention of his many patrons, and the entire people of Centre gd Ce., th ula Lt he man tures Cheaper aod on a larger senle than ever Ho keeps constantly for sale, Buckets, Wash Be iffee Boilers, Can Dish Pans, Wash Barings, Coal Btove pipe of the bes fia, and ol Tis { rd Cans, ne her irom, on hand, constantly | Particular attention pai« ROOFING inrge supply | UR, Internal Revenue He is aleo Whalesale A Celebrated Writing § | untiry mearehants won! | and | elsewhere, as examine my prices | IVINGETON'S BOOK STORE i Esranvisuep 1x 1845, At this well known Establishment may be found everything in the “ BOOK LINER,” whether THEOLGICAL, CLESICAL, LAW, SCIENTIFIC LITERARY. An Extensive assortment family Bi with or without | graphie te $25. ALSO Rehoel Books in general use of f los, | Legal Blanks. and all Kinde of Stationery, Ae Prom t attention given to orders TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, | 9% Door | { | | | | | Photo. | Miates, ranging in price from $3.75, | ail the Day and Sunday | Blank Books, | Al | liberal discount made tu those who buy to | GEO, LIVINGETON, Bellefonte, Pa | sol again a8 0.1y.} | FCICREWS and Hinges of every varistyon ) kind at IRWIN & WILEONS : | | MANUFACTURERS, | 4 Non E BOOTS & SHOES, DRY GOOI IS, &e. HARDWARE. HE BELLEFONTE | )© NOT FORGET Te ANVIL HARDWARE STORE ! BOOT AND SHOE GRAHAM & SON, GRAHAM & BON, GRAHAM & BON, STORE That the place to buy Cheap Goods, BOOT CALICOESE, Boot BOOT & BHOR STORE, & BHOE BTORE, & BHOR BTORK, DELAINES, NTF TE JLGHENY B° BILKS, IRWIN & EGHENY EGHENY BT WILSON BATINBS, & Wilson's re (orth Irwin ware Nard BROADCLOTHE Sis CABBIMERES, GRAHAM & BON, SIGN OF THR OASBINETS, MANUFACTURERS, FIN¥ CALF BOOTR, FINE CALF BOOTS, on hand at the BLANKETS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Ananan Kept constant]y { 'LLEFOSTE BOOT & SHOE BTOREFE LEFONTE BOOT & BHOE STORE 7 & N LAHAM & BON i J df ] LAHAM & SON, BASBARAY for Men and Boys, Is at pont BONRGHOnHNY WwW. COOKES Vyvyy 0G & ’ CHEAP? CASH STORE large assortmer I 0 8. War REYNOLDS! ALLEGHENY 40 PER PAIR, ) PER P AL ely pric MAKER Wu. 8 YLIDG J | QUORTLIDGE & CO WOOD AND COAL Esa "rH (}10 D. PIFER'S BURNT LIM x \lwave on hand and r sale ot the e at the DBY GOODE ARD GROCERY ETORI LEFONTE LIME KILNS re's R w, arnpike leading to Milesburg. The | NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE BEST PITTSTON AND SHAMOKIN Berrevoxte, Pexn'a., Anthea Al#n a new consignmen ath, paling, and sawed shing +h at our yard, near south E. V.R. R. Depot. 1af'68 1y gaine in the way M ERCHANI } of Dry ot It the place for } G Clothir i 8h and orion is, &s Bros mr | Hats Cedar Ware, and Caps, Uueens dre XO. 7. BROCKEROYY 8. ROW | ATI | CANNED LEATHER AND DRIED ALSO, NOTIONS, 4« The undersigned taker pleasure in inform ng 1h ing the FRUITS , i citizens f Centre o that he unty and the public generaliy, \t just opening a is sold at very Low NDOUS AMOU SPLENDID AND RICH ASSORTMENT LEATHER! NT OF | Everything in his The undersigned has just received the POLITE AND most extensive lot of Leather, from the | New York, Baltimore and Wilmington mar | kets, ever brought te this place, Consisting ! of Spanish Hole Upper, American Kip, Fremeh Kip, Baltimore Calf, | OIL FINISH AND BRUSH MOROCCO, |! KID GLOVE BKIN, Whang Leather, Goodedelivered with pleasure. No troable Linings and Shoe findings, eo show goods. Give him a oall before pur of every diseription, all of which will be | thasing elsewhere [Jaf'80.y #o'd cheaper than oan be bought at any oth. | - na er establishment in Central Pennsylvania i ABRAHAM RUSEMAN. i Bellefonte, Pa ATTENTIVE CLERKS, OF FORRIGN AXD DONRSTIC are always in attendance on his numerous customers, Carpimeres 0 walt The | and Vostings, HIGHEST CARR PRICES Which he ie prepared to make to arder in | men tue yard fine of | paid for all kinds of marketing and produce r boys Cash paid for KINDS Gonads wold by the piece or by He also keeps on hand a full ALL OF GRAIN, | GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, of every siyle and description. He is aloo agent for the celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINE, ADDLERRY, te suit the trade, at i 1a13°80 1% TRWIN & WILRON'A | ad’ 80.1y JOHR MONTGOMERY | MN H-EeBURG PLANING MILL. PLANING MILLS HM. MH, BACKRY .... BARURL WM, " ys WILKRY ADAMS “r IIT 4 HW. HAUFPY, MACKEY & COMPANY, | having leased the above named Planing Mill, snd added largely to its facilities for sing out first class work, are now pre DOORE, ARTY, BRACKETS WORE EHUTTRE ' olds ‘ end mu tured lun EVER ver of I8 OFFRRED® LL MACKINES iE WONDI} BOF THE AGRE THEFARMERS PRIDE, THR ETUMP & GRUBRING MACHINE io more work in one day t3 bbing boos cup or tamper te After grabbing wit) rects rer ean 1 reas cut 1 AL the Reaper k effects rows of fn wit) { does itr w or persons des do well making FURNITURE | 0 RNITURE WARE ROOM Howard Street, Bellefonte, ¥a WHERE BUREAT BXTENS { every des le ¢ lishment henge Centr rD E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers