BELL-EFONTE :REPUBLICAN W. W. BROW N,l A. B. HUTCHISON, f EDITORS RAILROADS MIFFLIN CENTRE CO. Branch R. R NORTHWARD. Ne. 1, leaves Lewistown at 7.20 a. m., and arrives at Milroy 5.15 a. in. Ne. 2, leaves Penn'a R. R. 10.33 a. in., ar rives at Milroy 11.23 p. in. No 3, leaves Pen 'a R. R. 4.03 p. m., ar rives at Milroy 4.55. SOIITIIWARD No. 1. leaves Milroy 8.56 a in., and arrives at Penn's.. R. R. 9.40 a. m. No. 2. leaves Milroy 1.15 p. in., and arrives Penn'a. R. R. 2 . 10 p. in. No. 3. leaves Milroy 5.05 p. in. and arrives at Penn'a. R. R. 5.54 p. m. Stage leaves Bellefonte every day (except Sunday.) at 11 a. m., and arrives at Mil r.•y43opm. Stage leaves Milroy every day (except Sun day) at. 5.30 p. m. and arrives at Belle fonte 10.30 p: m. Stage leaves Bellefonte for Pine Grove Mills every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at ti a. in. Western mail closes at 4.00 p. m. . Lock Haven mail closes at 10.00 a. at. pIIILADELPHIA AID ERIE R 'WINTER TIME TABLE Through and direct route between Phil adelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williams port. and the GREAT OIL REGION OF PENN'A. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all night Trains. ' Oa and after MONDAY, NOV. 23th 1868 the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Rail Read will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia 10 . 45 p.m 44 44 " Lock Haven... 9 31 a. m " arr. at Erie 9 50 p. m Erie Express leaves Phila. II 50 a. m it " " Lock Haven... 9 50 p. ID " " arr. at Erie 10 00 a m Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia 8 00 a. m " " " Lock Haven... 745 p. arr.atLoclalaven 7 45 p. EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie 10 55 a. in " " " Lock Haven... 11 21 p.m " " arr. at Philadelphia.. 10 00 a. m Erie Express leaves Erie 6 25 p. m t( " Lock Haven 6 10 a. m arr. at Phila Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Rail Road. Baggage Checked through. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BALD EAGLE VALLEY CIE TYRONE A- CLEARFIELD BRANCHES OPENING OF TYRONE d: CLEARFIELD BRANCH TO CLEA.RFIELD, 41 MILES NORTH OF TYRONE On and after Monday. February Ist, 1569 two Passenger Trains will run daily (except Sundays) between Tyro-o and Lock Tfaven, and one Passenger Train between Tyrone and Clearfield—as follows : BALD EAGLE VALLEY =I trail Leaves Lock Naven at 2 :30 p m " ".....Milesimrg " '3 55 p m " ".....Bellefonte " A 12 p m Arrive at Tyrone at 6 05 p m B. E. Express leaves L Haven at.. 10 20 a m ~ "...Milesburt "...11 4S a m " “...Belleft.nte •...11 55 a In Arrives at Tyrone at 1 20 p m IMEZ3II Mail leaves Tyrone at.... " teat " "...Milesburg at .Arrive at Look. Haven,. B. E. Express leaves Tyrone 7 00 p m ' "...Bellefonte nt.. S 50 p m "...Milesburg at.. 9 05 p m Arrives at Lock Haven at 10 30 p m TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD =MUM Clearfield ➢fail leaves Tyrone at.. 9 00 a, in " " Osceola at-10 40a m " "...Philipsburg. l l 10 a in Arrive at Clearfield at 1 00 p SOUTHWARD leaves Clearfield at ,g ,t Arrive at Tyrone at CONNECTIONS Passengers leaves Clearfield at 2 o'clock p. in., Philipsburg at 3 a 5 p. m., Osceola at 415 p. m., arrive at Tyrone at 5 50 p. making connection with Cincinnati Express East at 6 17 p. 311., and with Mail West at 4 44p. n., on Main Line; also with Bald Eagle Express, leaving Tyrone at 7 00 p. arriving at Bellefonte at 8 45 p. m., at Lock Ilaven at 10 30 p. m., connecting with Erie Mail East on the Philadelphia and Erie road at 11 21 p: m. arriving at Williamsport at 12 40 a. m. Returning, passengers leaving Williams port at 8 15 a in, on Erie Mail West, arrive at Lock Haven at 9 31 a m, connecting with Bald Eagle Express leavinm ' Lock Haven at 10 20 a in, arriving at Bellefonte at 11 55 a na, Snow Shoe City at 5 35 p in, and Tyrone at 1 20 p as, connecting with Way Passen ger W . esc at 1 40 p to, and Mail East at 3 31 p in, on Main Line. Passengers leaiiing Lock Haven at 2 30 p an, and Bellefonte at 4 12 p in, arrive at Ty :Tone at 6 iO5 p an, connecting with Cincin nati Express East 6 17 p in, and Mail West at 6 44 p m, on Main Line. Passengers leaving Tyrone on the Clear held Mail or the Lock Haven Mail, connect from the Day Express East and the Phil'a. I Express West—and on the Bald Eagle press, connect trout the Cincinnati Express past and Mail West. .C.Eo. C. WialciNs, Se2.ft. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, Gee. Rup't. MEAT MEAT MARKET. I.T. W. Cor. Diamond, opposite Court 'Mouse BELLEFONTE, PENN'A JESSE MORGAN, Would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity, to the su perior quality of FRESH MEAT ! FRESH MEAT ! Constantly to be found on hand BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, POULTRY, &c., .1a039 tf. nlnnya on hand- OUR TERMS FOR SUBSCRIPTION SI; ADVERTISING • The " BELLEFONTE REPUBLICAN" is published every WEDNESDAY IVIonNING, in Bellefonte, Pa., by A. B. HUTCHISON & CO., at the following rates: One year (invariably in advance,) $2.00 Six Mont bR " Sl.OO Three Months,." " " 50 Single Copies.." C 6 ,r 05 It is Ret üblican in politics—devoted to the Agricultural, Manufacturing and Min ing interests of Central Pennsylvania. Papers discontinued to subscribers at the expiration of their terms of subscription, at the option of the publishers, unless other wise agreed upon. Special notices inserted in our local col nms at 20 cts. per line for each insertion, unless otherwise agreed upon, by the month, quarter or year. Editorial Notices in our local columns, 25 cts. per line for each insertion. Marriage or Death announcements pUb lished free of charge. Obituary notices pub lished free, subject to revision and conden sation by the Editors. Professional or Business Cards, not ex ceeding 10 lines this type; $B.OO per annum. Advertisements of 10 lines, or less, $l.OO for one insertion, and 5 cts. per line for each additional insertion. Advertisements by the quarter, half-year or year received, and liberal deductions made in proportion to length of advertise. npmt and length of time of insertion, as fol lows : SPA CE 0 CO,I7PIED One inch(or 10 lines this type) Two inches Three inches Four inches Quarter column (or 5-3 : inches) Half column (or 11 inches)..... One column (or 22 inches) All advertisements, whether displayed or blank lines, measured by lines of ibis type. All advertisements due aft',r the first in sertion. ;fob Work of every variety, such as Pos ters, Biil-heads, Letter heads,Cards, Checks, Envelopes, Paper Books, Programmes, Blanks, &c., &c., executed in the best style with promptness, and at the most reasona ble rates. Addrea all communieatiolas relating to business of this office, to A. B. HUTCHISON .4 CO., Bellefonte, Pa. 420 p.m Bellefonte Masonic Lodge, No 268, A. Y. M. meets on Tuesday evening of or beforethp Full' Moon. -Constans Commandery. No. 33, K. T., meets second :Friday of each month. I. 0. 0. F. Centre Lodge, No. 153, meets every; Thursday evening at their Hall, Bush's Arcade. Forth° conferring of Degrees the Ist Sat urday evening of each 'ninth. For Degree of Rebecca, second Saturday of every month. I. 0. G. T.—This Lodge meets every Mon t ay evening. Bellefonte Church Directory Presbyterian church, Spring St., services at at 11 a. rt., and 7k p. m; No pastor at present. This congregation e t re now erecting a mew church, in consequence of which the re , mlar religious services will be held in the Court - House until further notice. Methodist Episcopal Church, High St., ser vices 10k a. m., and 7k p, m. Prayer meeting on Thursday night. Rev. Jas. Mullen, pastor. St. John's Episcopal Church. High St., ser vices at 10k a. m., and 71 p. m. Rev. Byron McGann, pastor. Lutheran Church. - Linn St., services 101 a. - m , and 71 p. in. Rev. J. Hackenberger, pester. Reformed Church, Linn St., no pastor at present Catholic Church, Bishop St; services 10i. and 3p. ru. llev. T. McGovern, pastor. United Brethren Church, High Street, west side of creek; services African &I, E. Church, west side of creek ; services al 11 a: in., and 7. p. m. Rev. Isaac Pins ell. pastor. S 50 a. in .10 50 a m .11 02 a m 12 30 pm TOBACCO & SEGARS (*IRAS. T. FRYBERGER, 1 Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TOBACCO AND SEGAItS, BALTIMORE SPUN ROLL, SIX TWIST, NAVY, lb and 2 , -. Cut and Dry Smaliing Tobacco of all kinds, also Segars of all grades and prices at 513. per thousand, and upwards. PIPES, SEGAR CASES. And all the various kinds of articles usually kept in a Tobacco Store. Goods will be sold wholesale at manufacturer's prices. Give us a trial. I in vite all to como and see for themselves. Store —Opposite Brinkerhoff House. feb3' 2 00 p m 2 55 p in 4 15 p m 5 50 p m VEW TOBACCO STORE. V LEVI A. MILLER A COMPANY, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE ; PA.; respectfully informs the public that they have opened a new WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO STORE in the new building recently erected by J. B. Butts, where they have a large stock of TOBACCO, SEGARS, MEERSHAUM PIPES, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, the very best and of all brands, together with a large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing GOODS. In connection with the above, they have also opened an extensive FASHIONABLE EATING HOUSE on European principles. Everything in the best of style. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. ,apr.21.'60-Iy. L. A. MILLER A CO. GRAIN & PLASTER G ROUND PLASTER AT W, PER TON Just received and always on hand at GEO. e JOE. P. =MYER'S WARE HOUSE,-MILROY, PENN'A., Salt for sale Wholesale and Retail, All kinds of grain bought at h,ighe4 prices. marl 7'119-tf. W= ~..k 5 ‘, 0 0 p E° P ,i $3 $l2 10 15 15 20 171 25 20 1 30 35 55 55 100 LODGES. " Let us See to it, that a Government of the People, for the People, and by the People, shall not Perish from the Earth." PROFESSIONAL CARDS. G. LOVE, Attorney at Law, el Bellefonte, Pa. Office on High St. ja6ql9:ly. JAMES H. RANNIN, Attorney-at-Law Bellefonte, Pa. Office in Armory build ing, 2ndfioor E. C. HUMES, Preet. J. P. HARRIS, arsler T 4 IIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Bellefonte 12 Allegheny St., Bellefonte Pa. ja6'69. I= LINN &FURST, Attorneys—at-tow Bellefonte, Pa. ja6' H N. M ALLISTER. JAMES A. BEAVER ' VT 'ALLISTER & BEAVER, Attorneys at-Law, Bellefonte Penn'a. ja6' EDMUND BLANCHARD. EVAN EL BLANCHARD ESG B. M. BLANCHARD, Attorneys at . L,. vv, Allegheny St., Bellefonte, Pa. ja6' WIV. BROWN, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Penn'a., will attend promptly to all business entrust.d to his care. ja6' JOHN H. DAVIS. CYP.US T. ALEXANDER. fIRVIS & ALEXANDER. Attorneys-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office in Conrad House. Allegheny St. 50'89.1y. J. K.E.A_LSH, Attorney -at- Lace, Bellefonte, Pa., will attend faithfully to all business entrusted to his care. Deeds, Bonds, ,St,c, executed in . the best style, marl 0'69 3m. TTRIAH STOVER, Licensed Autioneer, U will attend to all sales entrusted to his cure. Charges reasonable. Address, Uriah stover, Houscrville, Centre Co., Pa. ja6'69.6m. GFORGE F. HARRIS, M. D., Physician and Ss•rgeon; Pension Surgeon for Cen tre county, will attend promptly to all pro , fessional calls. Office on Hight St., N- , rth Side. ja2i' T D. WINGATE D. D. S., Dentist. Of eJ flee on the corner of. Spring and Bishop streets, Bellefonte. Pa. At home, except the first two weeks of each month. Teeth ex tracted without pain. ja6'69 ly. JAS. H. BOBBINS, Physician and Surgeon. Office up-stairs in J. 11. Mc- Clure's new Building, Bishop St., Belleonte, Pa. Will attend to all business in his pro fession, faithfully at 411 antes, and all hours. ja1.4"69,.y. A B. HUTCHISON Jo CO'S. Job Print , ing °Tice, " Republican" Building, Bishop St., Bellefonte, Penn'a. Every De scription ofPlain and Fancy printing dene in the neatest manner, and at prices below city rates. ja6'69. D. t. pusq. CiEO. M. YOCUM BUSH & YOCUM, Attorneys-at-Law Bell fonte, Pa., will attend to all busi ness entrusted to them, with promptness. Office on Northeast Corner of the'Hiamond, in Mrs. Irvin!s stone building. - jal3'69.y. WILSON & lIUTCEIISON, Attorneys at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Collections, all other and legal business in Centre and the adjoining Counties, promptly attended to. Office in Blanchard's Law building. Al legheny street. ja6'69. IV3I. U. BLAIR. R. Y. STITZER. till LAIR & STITZER, Attorneys-at. Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Can be consulted in both the English and German languages.— (Mee" on the Diamond';` next door to Gar- BAIN . Hotel. feblo' CENTRE CO. BANKING COMPANY.— Receive Deposits and allow Interest; Discount Notes; Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold and- Coupons. • HE:my BaocKinnoVp, President. J. D SnuGeaT, Carthier. jal3'69y. L. POTTER, M. D., Physi- I.JI ciao and Surgeon, offers his professim al services to the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office removed to house formerly occupied by Mrs. Livingston. on Spring st, two doors South of Presbyterian church. nnirPr69-Iy. B ELLEFONTE MEAT MARKET MUM.? STREET, BELLEFONTE PA. • The oldest Meat Market in BelleMnte.— Choice meat of all kinds always on hand. ja6' R. V. BLACK. ".BROWN..f.icensed Auction eer. hereby informs the public, that he holds himself in readiness at till times, to attend to all Auctions, Vendues, or Public Sales of personal or Real Estate. Charges re'asonable. Call on, or address. William Brown; Bellefonte, Pa. marll-60-Iy. Vl' S. GRAHAM, Fashionable , Basement of the Conrad Hcuse Belle fonte; Pa. The bCst of Razors,' sharp and keen, .41traya on hand. He guarantees a SnavE without either pulling' or pain.— Perfupiery, Hair Oils, Hair Restoratives, Paper Collars, (gra., constantly on hand. AARON R. PAUP. J. T. SALMONS. LEVIN PAUP. 1 Ai7P, SALMONS Sc CO., Contractors a d Bricklayers, Bellefonte, Pa., adopt this method of informing those wishing to build that they will furnish Brick and lay them, by the jOh; or by the thousand. Will set Heaters, and do all 'kinds of wark in their branch of Business. ja20'69.1y. JIL TOLBERT, AUCTIONEER Would . respectfully inform the cit4ens of Nit tany Valley in particular, and the people of Centre county"in general, that he has taken out a license and holds himself in readiness to cry Auctions, or other sales at all times, and at allplaces with in the limits of yen dues, Centre and Clinton counties. Charges reasonable. ja27'69.1y. Q, BELFORD, D. D. S., Practical K., o Dentist; office and residence on HoW ard Street, late the residence of Samuel Har ris, dec'd. Dr. B. is a graeuate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, and re spectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity.— Can be found at his residence except during the last week of each month. aprl4'69-Iy. JJ. W. RHONE, DENTlST.Boalsburg Cen• . tro Co.,Pa.,most respectfullyinforms the public that he is prepared to execute any description f work in his profession Sat isfaction rendered, and rates as moderate as may be expected. Will be found in his office during the week, commencing on the first Monday of each month, end at such other times as may be agreed upon. INSURANCE—LIFE & FlRE.—Joseph A. 'Rankin of bis Borough, insures prop erty for the following Stock and Mutual companies, viz : Lycoming Mutual. York Company, Pa., Insurance of North America, Enterprise, and Girard of Phila., Pa., Home, of New Haven, and any other reliable com pany desired. Also, Provident Life Compa ny of Phil'a., and other good Life Compa nies. T. P. HOLA NAN, Physician and tl Surgeon, having removed from Empori um, Cameron county, has located in Miles burg, Centre county, Pa., where he will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to him in his Profession. Office in his residence on Main St., where he can always be seen unless professionally'engaged. In his ab sence from home, orders may be left at the store of Thos. iloiaban. marl o'6o-Iy. BELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 5, 1869. Select Poetry. Two workers in one field Toiled on from day to day; Both had the same hard labor, Both had the same small pay With tho same blue sky above, The same green grass below; One soul was full of love, - The other full of woe. ja6'69 ly A. 0. rURST One leaped up with the light, With the soaring of the lark ; One felt it every night, For his soul was ever dark. One heart was hard as sto - .e, One heart was over gay; One worked with many a groan,. One whistled all the day. One had a flower-clad cot Beside a merry rill; Wife and children near the spot Made it sweeter, farier still. One a wretched hovel had, Full of discord, dirt and din No wonder he seem d mad, Wife and children starved within Still they worked in the same field, Toiled on from day to day; Both had the same hard labor . Both had the same small pay. Bat they worked not with one will; The reason . The reason let me tell : Lo I one drank at the still, And the other at the well. History of the 49th Petinsylvaiiii BY A. B. HUTCBISON, Late Captain of Company 'C.' Resume of the Tost—Resignations und, ehorges among the Officers—Return 'of the Cdlolict dud 'Major—The Second Battle of Fredericksburg—The Movements of Lee . —The North towards Pennsylvania. Up to April, 1863, the 46„h regiment bad been singularly' fortunate, so far as loss•s Were concerned. As yet, we had never lost an officer, hilledi and, consid- ering'our service, but few men. We had been constantly on picket lines near the enemy—had performed some part iii near ly every conflict; but from Yorktown to Fredericksburg, for a full year, we had never lost heavily in any one fight—Gol ding's fifilm, near Richmond, being our severest experience in that regard. A more serious future was then still ahead of us, and we propose, before entering upon our history consecutively, to in dulge in a glance at the condition of our regiment, and some changes it had met. While the bullets of the enemy bad not greatly thinned our ranks. it was clear - A:hat SoMething had; for, from 'ten companies, we had got down to four.— The most of our losses wero caused by the terrible fevers on the Partin sula, and we bad ha'd our full share of the ordinary diseases and accidents of camp life. We We were near four hundred strong. but our rolls had then been inscribed with the names of a thousand men. True, all were not lost entirely 'from the service some were on detailell duly; Some bad, after recovery, enlisted in other organi zations; some were in hospitals with a prospect of return. Up Co this time, the following officers had left us, and others bad taken their places; Lt. Keim, Co K, resigned Jan. 8, 1662; LC.' Harper, Co A, Feb. 26, '62; Lt. Spanogle and Lt. Reed, of C and G, March 4, '62; and, as before stated, Capt. Green, Co. A, April 12, '62. These officers, except Lt. Reed, who was honorably discharged, alleged that they were forced to resign, by the unfriendly treatment of the Col onel, and his disposition to get them out of the regiment. On the other hand, the 'Colonel and his friends complained of these, and other officers, and, as was the usual case in our army, we had in the 49th, our jealousies, feuds, factions and disputes. Where are they not found?— In July, 1862. Capt. Smith, of Co. B, re signed to accept the position of Major 61st P. V., and afterwards rose to Col net of that regiment. Capt. Zollinger, Co. E, resigned July 25, '62, on e accotint of ill health. Capt. R. L. Maclay, for the same reason, on July 16, '62. He afterwards became a member of the Bar at Harrisburg, and died at Milroy soon after the war ended. He was a most gallant officer, an educated and accom plished gentleman, and his departure from the regiment was greatly regret ed. He was a tutor in Mississippi when the war commenced, and came up the river on the last boat that was permitted to pass Vicksburg. He immediately en tered the service of the United States, and was active and zealous until physi cal weakness compelled him to leave the field. Adjt. Thos F. Neice resigned in July, '62. also on account of the difficul ties hefere referred to. In September, Capt. M. Neice, of Co. K, resigned for the same reasons. Lieul. James Cham bers, Co. E, was honorably discharged, Sept. 30, '62, and Asel Surgeon, Jno,F. Huber, was promoted to Surgeon of the 131st P, V., a nine months regiment.— In October, after the battle of Antietam, the difficulties about our regimental head quarters culminated in the resignations of our Lt. Col. William Brisbane, an of ficer of bravery, ability and culture; and of our Chaplain, Rev. Wm. Ernshaw, who is Chaplain in the U. S. A. at this time, anl in charge of the Soldier's Asylum at Dayton, Ohio. Chaplain Ernshaw had been very popular in the regiment; had always been with us, in action as well as out; bad been active in attending upon and assisting the sick and wound ed; was our postmaster by voluntary act; often, by long ridea.seciiring our maps in advance, and: 'ciften Writineletters ja!3' ja13'69.1y THE TWO WORKERS. CHAPTER XI.: home for the sick or illiterate, his de parture was much regretted by the regi ment. Lt. John Stewart, Co. I, resigned October 22. Li—A. G. Dickey, Co, C, resigned Oct. 27,62. -He was appoint ed Captain of. Co K. Bth U. S. colored troops, and fell in battle, in front of Pe tersburg, in 1864. His - character as a man, .and his abilities as an officer, were far above the average. Capt. John Boat of Co. G, who had been prostrated by the fever at Harrison's Landing, and whose sickness had been so severe as to render his recovery not only a matter of great doubt, but of much time, also resigned Oct. 25, '62. Capt. Beal was the most popular of the line officers of the regi ment, so far as the men were concerned, and all were sorry for the necessity that compelled him to leave us. He did not fully recover until a year later, when he re-entered the service as Captain Co. A. 9th Pa. Cavalry, and served with Sher man through Georgia and the Carolinas, until March 16,, 1865 when, in a last skirmish, and p . roba'bly by the last shol fired at that army, he was mortally wounded, and died an hour afterwards. Brave, even to recklessness, so far as himself was concerned, he was careful of the lives and of the comfort of his men, never exposing them without good cause. and always stanuing up 'firinly" for their just rights. Generous to a fault, frank, fearless, true-hearted and honorable in everiidipeCi, that'latit shot at Shei:i!nan's army took from his country as gallant and 'noble a soldier as ever carried a sword - i 6 'defence of hiti 'The wri ter of thig record succeede'd him in the 49th, and had served under his immedi ate command from the beginning' of the war, and, therefore, feels that:hi knows whereof he testifies, as to Capt. Boa], at least. Capt• A. S. Davidson, Co. A, re signe:d Nov- 17, '62 on account of ill health, and was succeeded by Capt. Jas. A. Quigley, of Eagleville. Ass't Surgeon S. R. Sample, resigned Dec. 2, '62, hav ing served only three months with us.— Our Surgeon, W. H. Gobrecht, Professor in the Penn's College, and an eminent Physician, resigned Jan. 26, '63. He was a valuable Surgeon, and was pro moted to the Vol. Staff of the Medical Department of the Army. Ass't Surgeon, B. F. Sides, also resigned Jan. 24, leav ing us without a medical officer. Chas. H. Wilson was appointed Surgeon, and proved a most valuable officer to us, as did his new Ass'ta, S. B. P. Knox, and Geo.R.' S. SpFati; who, in turn, were promoted after Wards to his rank. Capt J. D. Campbell, of Co. D, and Capt. C. De Witt, of Co. I, resigned Jan. 11, '63, on account of the difficulties, and;aobe fore stated, at the time of the consblida tion of the regiment. In March; 1863, Lt D. J. %Mugs, of Co. F, resigned. and Lt. R. M. McClelland, of Co. I, who was hurt at Goldinff's farm, by a shell, and who had not recovered, was honor ably discharged. So now, having re counted the changes in the persona) of the regiment, we are ready to resume the record. [CONTINUED NEXT WEEK.] THE RULING PLANET.-MS,TS IS the ruling planet for 1569: He i 'geneitil ly a fierce and ‘rineompromisiag euper visor. A cold Spring, a long, hot and dry Summer, an Autumn without fruit, and a December with a grey beard and a throne of icicles. Mars has less re gard for the personal comfort of the world's inhabitants than he has for the gratificetion of his own whims and fan cies. He thunders often without rain; and is fond of a fight either on the earth or among the clouds. Ho delights in earthquakes, lightning and hail storms, and people are not apt to relish his mad freaks, who live in shaky houses, and have no shutters to their winnows on the outside. He blows considerably, but still, as a general tiling, executes more. He will burn down a house or barn, at times, as gracefully as though he were executing a French figure in a ball-room, and sweep away stasides, roo6 arid d*elliriga from'the hill-t ops, without any compunctious visitations of conscience. He is fond of the sight of blood, and, as a natural consequence, murders and sui cides are frequently found in his train. He is not especially fond of parental.fil ial or fraternal feeling, and will laugh at domestic broils, and the severance of the nearest and dearest relations, Tye would advise our readers to be - careful, sober and watchful during the balance of the year, for our ruling planet is a:ready on the war-path. MEN WANTED:The great *ant of this are is men. Men who are not for sole. Men who are honest., sound from centre to circumference, true to the heart's core. Men who will condemn wrong in friend or foe, in themselves as well as others. Men whose consciences are as steady as the needle to the pole. Men who will stand for the right if the heavens totter and the earth reels. Men who can tell the truth and look the world and the devil right in the eye. Men that neither brag nor run: Men that neither flag nor flinch. Men who can have courage with out shouting to it. Men in whom the courage of everlasting life runs still,deep and strong. Men too large for sectarian bonds. Men who do not cry nor cause their voices to belleard on the streets, but who will not fail nor be discouraged till judgment be seat in the earth. Men who know their message and tell it. Men who know their places and fill them.— Men who mind their own business. Men who will not.lie. Men who are not too lazy to work, nor too proud to he poor. Men who, to eat what they have earned, and wear what they have paid for.—Southern Home ,Totti nal. —[A. LiNcoLN.] Odds and Ends. "Wtrar ails your eye, Joe ?" "I told a man he lied," replied Joe. IT ie said that the Siamese twins keep away from Chicago because they don't want to be seperated. Laxstua, Mich., has a young female barber; aged 14, who is largely patron ized by the Michigan legislators. THEItE was a man so intensely polite,- that as he passed a hen on her nest, he said': "Don't rise, ma'am." "Sfarno, did you ever see the Catskill Mountains ?" "Na, Clem ; but I've seen cats ki mice." Ir a man has any religion-worth hay ing, he will do his duty, and not make a fuss about it. It is the empty kettle that rattles. AN Erie damsel was recently crimping her front hair with a flatiron. It slipped and crimped a strip of cuticle off the full length of her face, "Pr is not until the -flower has fallen off that fruit begins to ripen. So in life, when the romance is past the practical • Usefulness begins." IKE's last trick was to threw Mrs. Partington's old gaitors into the alley, iind call 'the old lady down from the third floorla See A SLIGIEri. DmEitENCE.--It Wa B once a question down South about the right of officers to hold negroes ; now the point is, have negroes the right to hold offi cds. A. GENTLEIAN advertises.for a horse "for a lady of dark color; a goOdlrotter, and of stylish action I The florae must be young, and have a long tail about fif teen hands high."' ' A QUESTION by and to the young and beautiful—" What," (liked Mary of Ce cilia, "dearest, whatrdo you think is really the food of Cupid ;?" And Cecilia answered, "Arrow root." "Fine day•for the race," said a wag to a sp'ortirg friend one bright morning lately. "What race?" anxiously in quired his friend. "Why, the human race, to be sure," was the reply. AN old lady, beingin a store in Wa terbury, Conn., recently, deliberately sat. down and reached out her half-froze feet to the iron safe, remarking that she •always .30 like those airtight stoves. No, Jcsb,...l was neber drunk, but I. was toxicated once on ardent spirits, an' dot's enuff for die nigger. De Lord, if my bead didn't feel as if all de nig gers in de world was splittin wood upon it. CONUNDIMIS.-Why is General Grant like an umbrella ?—Because he is held up by the pepple. Why is a dead nigger like a piece o broad Cloth ?—Because he died (dyed) in wool. RrET luv tew court in winter • the manigurls Ino ; when all around 'is dreary and kivered up with sno ; because the old uns the cold and stormy weather, and hurry eph to• bed, leaving us together. PEOPLE who want to establish a velo cipede rink can call if by any of the fol lowing names: Amphicyclotheatron,gym nacyclidium, velocipederome er bycyclo curriculum. No wonder some people are afraid of the machines. MONSTER-"Mp afraid I'm sitting on your ciinoline,'Mn'a . m."' Affable• Young Lady—"Oh, never mind, sir, it is of no consequence; you can't hurt it." Mons ter—" No. ma'am Ws not that; but the confounded thing hurts me." • DID I understand yo . o to say that I was lousy, sir ?" "Oh no, I merely told my friend that when it rained liCe in Egypt, I thought you must have been walking about thei . e without hat or umbrella—that's all." . TELL me, ye angelic hosts, ye Messen gers of love, shall swindled printers here below have any redress above? The shining angel band replied, to us is knowledge given ; delinquents on the printer's books can never enter hea ven•" AT a country town in New Jersey, a little boy who was jumping about: and bawling loudly was asked why he wept. The to/lowing reply touched all hearts: "I wan't my mammy; that's what's the matter. I told the darned thing she'd lose me." "FAxnaa,dicl you ever have another Wife beside mother?" "No,my boy,what possessed you to ask such-a question?" "Because I saw in the old family Bible where you married Anno Domini, 1835, and that isn't mother, for her name was Sally Smith " "Father," said a roguish boy, g . I hope you won't buy any more gunpowder tea for mother.': "Why not ?" "Because every time she drinks it she blows us up." "Go to bed immediately." MILS. JENKINS," said a little red7hair ed girl, with pug nose and bare feet, "mother says you will oblige her by lend ing her a stick of fire-wood, filling this cruit with vinegar, putting a little soft soap in this pan, and please don't let your turkey roost on our fence." A FELLOW stole a saw, and on his trial told the judge that he only took it in a joke. "How far did you carry it ?" ask ed the judge. "two miles," answered the prisoner. "Ah, that's carrying the joke too far !" remarked the judge, and the prisoner got three months unrequit ed labor. " Flom T4O Irfah:Repeblic. The Great English Dragon. "lie ate the church, he ata the steeple, He ate the priest and all the people." Protection to American Industry- has assumed such formidable proportions within the last year, that Free Trade-- that dragon that has issued from his den in London,• and devoured the products of so many ruined nations—is beginning to feel its end approaching. • As protection to American manufactures means the closing up of the English workshops,and as the closing up of the English work shops means revolution and the restora tion of the land to the English people, the disruption of the oligarchy that has grown hoary and hardened with crime, it is well for all Protectionists to brace themselves for the csruin& of the dragon that is I to devour :/i.iierican Industry. His meals arena so plentifully furnished now•as formerly, hence his coming will be more dangerous. The wealth of plundered nations is in the English coffers. This wealth will be distributed to defeat America. Is there enough of honor in this Republic to rise above the reach of English purchase? ' Ireland had once a Parliament, and it became necessary to England to destroy that Perlis:Mei:4, and thus destroy Irish competition' With English goods,' for . without a Legislature to protect and en courage na'tional'aiiinufactures to the ex clusion Of all dangerous comPetitors abroad . no nation can prosper, no manu facture dan flourish: England went into Our Irish Parliament and dispersed it by buying it out. Thus with one grand sweep she destroyed Irish manufac tures; and - left our cities to jackdaws and our fields to lazy heads. The manufactures of India were bro ken up by the same power, and her prin ces hired to kill and enslave their people that England might fatten. She is the great - ogre ofnations and can only thrive • on the ruin of others. Men may say that America is not Ire land nor India, and proudly ton their heads in their imaginative safety. The Irish Parliament had men on its rolls whose names will live while freedom has a place in the hearts of freemen, or elo quence a place in the archives, of na timtis.. And yet this unscrupulous Eng lish serp'ent crawled into its halls and seduced our Parliament to barter their country's prosperity and partial inde pendence. Such names as Grattan, Flood, Bushe, Plunket and others were on the roll of that Parliament and raised their voices against the destruction which they saw coming, and which came. - How many millions England spent in accomplishing our destruction is of no consequence. Millions are nothing to England in a grand national speculation. This was the best speculation she ever made. It saved her empire from des truction. Ireland with a Parliament of her own, with commerce and manufac tures of her own, could compete with England in the markets of the world. Ireland would have found it to her ad vantage to have cut away from England altogether long ere this, and what would gn g land have been with an independent, hostile Ireland at her doors? England saw this. England sees everything that is likely to obstruct her greatness, and will sweep all obstacles from her path with as much unconcern as housemaids brush spider's from their rooms; Since the destruction of the Irish Par liament and manufactures, Ireland has been a reservoir from which England has drawn her life-blood. Our beggar ed peoptilaire filled her armies. Our manufactures perished: Our artisans emigrated. The raw material flowed in to England. Ireland wad' a nation no more. We have been dning nothing since then but working on England's plantation—lreland wising luxuries for the English tables, and dying of star vation even while the good things, that GO intended for the producers, passed from our wonderitig eyes fo feed our masters. Ireland's misery has been England's joy. Ireland's poverty has been Eng iancl!B opulence. We are contributing to her strength and to her glory. ' We forge chains that she intends for our limbs. We are helpless and can not avoid doing so. There is one way by which we can deStroy the vulture that has fed so long on our nation's heart, and that way is to shut out her paper-manufactured goods from the United States. Give us a Protective Tariff that will enable the American capitalists to un. lock the hills and make the nights lumi ous with furnaces, and we will disrupt the British Empire in a year. Not by Canadian raids nor ill-timed and ill-pre pared movements in Ireland, but by the hands of the English people themselves. Already the English manufacturers are undersold in the English markets by those of France and Germany, and the English are crying out for Protection against the French and German "Free Trade" importations. Free Trade is only good while it enables England to supply the world with her manufac tures ; but when the French and Ger man artisans, who can live on the par i mar kets then Free Trade is not so good. u n g d s e s f lhtahte a E n n g E I i n s g h l s i n h m E a n n gl e i a s h t s , Already many of the manufactories in England are closed. Othersareruntting at reduced wages. Strikes are the con sequence, and there are some thirty thousand men " locked out" now from the mills of England. If the Free-Trade VOL, 1, NO. . 1& Tariff which America now imposes on foreign manufactures can alarm all Eng land and sot her treasury on the move in America, what would be the , consequen ces if England was to shut out from qt . ? Ames lean market/or one .year ? Every mill and factory in England should close their doors. This would send ,at leas . two millton of English artisans into ,ths ranks of the revolution. Englishmen are not like Irishmen, and will not starve to accommodate their masters and.teach : ' ere. Get these men once aroused. and. maddened and they will sweep the . oli-, grachy of England out of ; their high places. The English revolution is coming. The English people are patient, but when they do rise, woe unto the tyrants who have rioted while the pe.ople hays fasted,' The soonerße precipitate, this . revolution in Englandthe better:. With a people's government in England . thsre will be a Republic . in Ireland,, but . not until the present system of_ h..e11. is des troyed can an Irish Republic be..estab lished in Ireland. . Both cannot. exist at one time The Mists of Free Trade are an the move. , England is using her great pow er and talents to 'spread the glamour of Free Trade over the eyes .of. America. Every Irishman must, now take up the :the protection MoVement and support it with all his might. All other questions must be made subservient to this. Ire land's liberty' England's liberty, Amer ca's posperity, all hang on this issue. Where is the Irishman .:who willhesitate to quit the Free Trade platform and side with Protection to American Industry? With all, her Free. Trade, England'o artisans,are Mlle better than„ptiiiPers , We only benefit their tyrants by purch .asiug their goods. Let. the people forei the"bapitalists out here to take what be., longs "to them, the land of Epgland,. to themselves. A Rural lesson Brown was invited to visit a town .in , the extreme rural districts for the.pur,. pose of lecturing the people on temper... arm. He arrived at his destination) in the evening; and was invited to , cottage of a farmer to partakeofsuppe t r : previous to the display of his eloqUenca , The farmer had two Sone, twenty 2 to . twenty-five years of age, and to them a temperance lecturer appeared something . . More than an ordinit4 man. Brown had, great difficulty in drawing them into Conversation, but at 'length the - Zee' Iraq' • • I broken, and the following colloquy w a s the reeult: • _ " I suppose you've bottraili-xed your names to the pledge long ago?" queried our friend. Wtrioh r! ",I .presume you are both temperance men, and have pledged yourselves to ab stain from theuse of everything that in to*atei." "The Which; stranger °'•' " You do not get the idea clearly. I was expressing the hope that not -indulge in intoxicating beverages ..'.l • "Eh • " That you do not indulge in, the. ine briating cup." - - • “Sir?” "Do either of you drink liquor? , That's what I'm trying to get at." "Waal, stranger, I'll be dogened,"ex claimed the eldest, "I didn't kg* but ye was a talkin' French jabber, Why didn't ye ax the thing right eout? Sam and me don't drink no, liquor to speak on, 'cept hayin! . and • harvest, and then we drink right, smart. So does, father and everybody 'round here. ye talk French stuff in yer lecture, stranger, 'twont du much good, I tell ye, for nobody .won't know a word wot yer means in this yer neck o'timber, sartin and sure." Brown declares this to les son in rhetoric, he ever received, and he made an unusual effort to adapt his words to the comprehension of his, hearers in that "neck o'timber," Other, speakers may profit by the hint. SNAKE'S ANTIPATHY TO FIR.A.--There is in Brazil a very , common, poisonous snake, the Surucucu, respecting' Which the inhabitants relate the followlng They say that such . is. the antipathy of this reptile to 4e, that when fires are being made in the clearing away of woods, they rush into it, scattering it with their tails till it is extinguished, even becoming half roasted in the at tempt; and that when an individual is passing at night with a torch, they pass and repass.him, lashing him with their tails till he drops_ it,,and, the snake is immediately found closely coiled around the extinguished torch. The greatest enemy of this snake immense liz ard, five or six feet long. It is said that when the snake succeeds in effecting a bite, the lizard, : rushing into the woods, eats some herb, and returns to the con fiat, which almost invariably terminates in its favor. TRUST DECEIVAp.-Of all the agonies in life that which is moss poignant and harrowing—that which for the time an nibilates_ reason, and leaves our whole organization one lacerated mangled heart—ii the conviction - that we have been. deceived where we placed' all the trust of love. . Skepticism has neyor founded empires, established principles, or changed the world's heart. The ireat doers in his tory have been men of great faith. IT must be a happy thought to a lover that his blood and that of his sweetheart mingle in the same Mosquito.