Atrialira' Departmt. WEDNESDAY MORNING, Mar. 24. '69 Hints to Housekeepers. System and forethought are two brain-maidens, who are very essential to good housekeeping. With their assistance the work will be all arrang ed beforehand, done in its proper or der and at the right time. Monday's washing should never (excepting in cases of extreme emergency) be rut off till Tuesday ; Tuesday's ironing till Wednesday, or Wednesday's " cleaning up" till Thursday. Take Thursday fur resting day, and as a preparation for the sweeping and dusting of Friday, and the baking and scrubbing of Saturday. Sunday sho'd be a day of rest for kitchen and par lor. The greater part of the cooking needful for the day can be attended to on Saturday. Surely God taught that lesson when He told the Hebrews to gather a double quantity of quails and manna on that day, to enable them to keep his day of rest. If more than needful wasgathered on any oth:r day, they become a mass of corruption ; but on the Sabbath they were fresh and delicious as if newly collected.— Gentlemen. who are forced to ::wal low their dinners in hot haste onoth er days, enjoy an extra dinner on the Sabbath, and with the aid of our aforesaid brain-maidens,it can be well managed. A delicious oyster soup is made in twenty minutes; a cold chicken pie, beefsteak, or mutton pie, pressed cold corned beef, etc.. with cold potatoes, sliced and stewed in milk and butter ; a cold pude ing or pies, will give our husbands an appe tizing Sunday dinner, and not detain any one at home. One-half hour would prepare the whole, with an ex cellent cup of coffee to boot, With the help of our brain-maidens, we can also arrange our work so as to save fuel as much as possible. Coals and wood are yearly increasing in cost, and it behooves us to learn to economize in the use of them. Bread ' sponged" at night will be ready to bake with that " first fire" which a!- ways makes the oven Lot in the morn ing. Fruit should be prepared over night, so that pies or other things can be quickly made and belied immedi ately after the bread. Hashea. for breakfast should be prepated over night; potatoes washed - and laid near the stove, so as to be placed in the oven as soon as the fire is built. Din ing room and kitchen should be put in order bcfbre mating to rest. Kind- Bags and whatever is needed for building fires laid ready, and the fire in the kitchen, if coal is used, raked down, se that it can be built up in the shortest possible space of time. This is rot only a saving of time in the morning. but will be found useful in ease of illness in the night, when a fire is often required at a moment's no tice. It is far greater economy to pur chase all groceries in large quantities. Starch and soap should always be purchased by the boz. There is an immense saving in hard soap well dried. Take out the bars from the box, and pile up (like corncobs, when used to make playhouses for children) in some warm place ; an attic in sum mer is a fine place to dry it. It is sur prising that so many of our house— keepers should be willing to purchase soap in damp bars; they loose full one third of its value. Starch, also, is terribly wasted, when bought by the pound and half-pound packages, which are frequently ull used at one time, by careless girls who do not un derstand its properties. Every family that can possibly find means to do it, or a place to properly keep the articles, should have a store room and cellar filled with plenty of flour, potatoes, apples, butter, beets, turnips, onions, and fuel to last till summer comes, also a good Eupply of Indian meal, hominy, farina, etc., su gar, tea, coffee and other staples.— These all bought in the bulk are much lower than by the pound. A box of raisins and a few pounds of currants will be pleasant additions, as well as all kinds of canned fruits. .A- spice x well filled is a very desirable ad— dition to a store closet. We believe that a saving of over fifty dollars per year could be made in a family Ly purchasing all stores in quantities.— Now if this should be expended in books, in ten years one would amass quite a library ; and what is more needful for the sustenance of the soul than good books? Thu are the sol ace of a good housekeper, when wearied with the daily routine of household cares; the delight of the young ; and the relief of the middle sled font the earkieg carts of business life ? What do we not owe to books? J. TAFFY. this is the season w ten candies are in -special demand, we kivt the Ibilowing receipt for making taffy. When made at home, you may know what you are eating. Melt in a rassel a quarter of a . pound .of butter, add to it one pound of .brown sugar. Stir them together f;:r :Efteen ,minuteS., or until a little of the mixture dropped o a res,el of cold .water will break elean bet wt-en the •seetli without'stieking het twen t hen!. buy lintoring that is cle:dred, as lent .on, pin:: apple or vanilla, should he -itiblcd just before the tookii,:. , is com plete. The taffy when done, should le,pouro - 1 in-to a dish, which 'is buttered on die bottom and edges. B drawing .n..k,nirn aerns s it when nar!iall;, cool. tt 41;:j.1 l‘o PEI Boys as Proprietors Farmers, let your boys have stock of their own. Yes 1 bcys vt ant tobe inde pendent, as well as any body, that is if they are of the right kind. I don't mean to say that if a boy has stock of his own he is independent of every— body and everything, but he will be independent in degree. If your boy does not take good care of your farm stock, make some bar gain with him, by which he can get a pig or some other animal of his own. Let him feed it as be wishes, and do with it as be wishes, and be will cer tainly give it proper care. When he sees bow his pig improves, he will want to have all other stock under his care, to improve in the same way. Don't give your stock, and then take it away when you please but let him earn it in some way. For insta• ce, give your boy some job to do that is peculiarly unpleasant to him, and he will prize his stock you give him in return for the work, doubly. A boy will feel when he has dote this much, that lie has got up a round on the ladder which we all have to climb. Another thing that farmers ought to do in regard to their sons, is to keep them home evenings. Don't let them go to the tavern to learn bad . habits, hut take more. interest in them. Ask their advice in regard to the farm matters. Any body can make home attractive that has a mind to do so. Every farmer wants to have his children grow up honored and res pected. By encouraging them, keep ing them at home evenings from bad company, this can be done. Do not be too strict, however, for that is as bad as not being strict enough.—R. N. 8., Frame Farmer. Turn That Drain. The one that runs out of your barn yard into the gutter by the highway. It doesn't make much difference which way you turn it, sci that it dis charges its contents en some part of the farm. Such a leak as that is far more expensive than one in your vine gar, eider or syrup-barrel. Turn the one from your sink spout. A good spot to lead that to is in the location ofsotne grape vine or apple tree. The roots of the former will take up everything that is soluble in it, and will give you a cluster of grapes In stead, while the leaves will dispose of most of the volatile and offensive grass that will ari,,e. IVs knew an old far mei. East who raid he made his sink spout pay his taxes every yetir. lie had an enormous russet apple tree planted within a few yards of the kit chen. On its roots the dish water flowed as often as the family partook of their meals. We generally forget to feed our trees and vines, and too Olen lose our expected supply of fruit. But by an arrangement of this kind, we make provisions for a constant supply of nutriment. How TO CATCH IMICE.—A corre spondent of the Journal of Pharma— cy says: "Having on - several occa sions noticed mice in our se:A barrels, I bethought me of some method how might trap the intruders; they hay ing gained entrance by eating through the chime. To kill them with a stick was impracticable, as the little - fellows would invariably escape as soon as the lid was raised to any height. I then thought of saturating a piece of cotton with cloroform and throwing it in, then closing the lid. On raising again in a few minutes, I would find that life had almost quite departed. Hav ing on one occasion left the piece of cotton in the barrel, on again return ing, found three mice with. heir heads in close contact -sill' it, and dead. In the evening I saturated another piece, and placed it in the barrel, and on opening it next morning, to my sur prise I found nme dead mice." ORCHARD CATEKPILLAR.—This in sect "comes and goes"—is abundant in some years, and in others nearly disappears. Where the millers or moths have left their rings or eggs on the shoots of trees, now is the time to destroy them. A practiced eye will see almost at a single glance if there are any on a tree, by a swelling or knob which each one gives to a shoot. Select a dark or cloudy day, or else a day when the sky is entirely clear— avoidine thin bright clouds which will dazzle the eyes—and cut off every shoot which contains the eggs, and commit them to the fire. A single clip of the orchard shears on a pole, will prevent a destructive nest of these depradators next season. LARGE FRUIT FARMS. —The farm occupied by Mr. Hyde, near Alton, and owned by L. B. Sidway, of Chica go, consists of 400 acres; 100 acres of winch are in fruit. planted as follows: 2000 apple-trees,' 3000 pear, (230( of which are st anclard,) 1500 peach-trees, and ground prepared for 1000 more next spring ; 500 cherry, 3000 grapes. one acre of Lawton blackberries; 600 gooseberries, 600 curri:nts. The place is intended exclusively for fruit, no oth er farm products being raised except for home consult) pi inn. CURE FOR SCILITCR ES. —A corre spondent of the New England Far- Met, curt d the tors case of sera t o ws ha ecer s iv by two applications of white turpentine, thoroughly rubbed WriEN:... cow or ox acts choked, it relief way be ob tained by stropping up a fore leg and (! the annual to lamp, when !bit obstruction will fly ”ur. I l r • •le , , •%Ir 1:4% ilwer. tend zu;:, Je4;:u3 ? MISCELLANEOUS. A MERICAN BIIITON-HOLD OVER SEAMING AND SEWING MA CHINE COMBINED EDAL AWARDED AT THE PARIS EX POSITION, 1867 In directing attention to the eeleinated COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE, we feel fully warren • ted in claiming for it unquestionable superi ortty over all others as a Family Machine.• , — The Simplicity, Ease and Certainty with which it operateF, as well as the uniform ex cellence of its work, certainly place it far in advance of any other similar invention of the age, It is also the chcopesi,intrinsically. as well as the beet, since it is really two machine', combined in one, (by •- simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement never before ac comp'ished by human ingenuity,) making either the Lock S+itch or Button Dole Stitch, as occasion :nay require. It is, at the same time, simple in construction, eoviparatively noiseless, easily underst , m 1, and. in a w it combines with those advantages .:xclueive ly its own the most desirable qualities of all others, for it not only does every variety of sewing in a SUPERIOR tanro:na, brit in addition OVVRSEAMS solen•li Ily and makes beautirul EIIIT3N a:vd EYELET [TOLES in all fabrics. This is far beyond the ca• pacity of any other machine. The SPLENDID B:ECHANISM of this Machine, and the superior skill workman:hip and ma• teriais employed in its construction, are a guarantee •tfaccuracy. strength anti dura bility and enable the coMptiny and its agents to Warrant Every Machine they soil to give entire satisfaction. INSTRUCTInNS GIVEN ON TILE MA- CHINE GRATUITOUSLY Lessons may be taken if desiredd - with a rie ?it to test the Machine. or to become bet ter acquainted with it before deciding to pur chase. Samples of work -will bo furnish ed upon application at J. J. BISEL & CO., LOCK HAVEN, PENN'A Agents fur Clinton, Centre and Clearfield Count es This guelline does all kinds of Stitching, Lien.mitirf, Cording, Telling, Braiding - , Birir'ing. Ruffling, Tucking, Sewing and Gathering on. This greatest Novelty of the age, is now on exhibition and 1. , r sale by 3. J. BISEL & CO, Agt's. Examine all other "'aehines. then call and examine this one before buying. feb3' T HE BELLEFONTE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. GRAHAM & SON, RA !MAI k SON, GRAHAM & SON, BELLEFO'TE BOOT 2i, SAO'S STORE. BELLEFONTE BO'oT R SHOE STORE. BELLEFONTE BOOT 4.k, SHOE STORE, ALLEGHENY STREET, ALLEGHENY STREET. ALLEGHENY STREET, One Doer North Irwin rt Wilson's Hard- ware Store. GRAHAM k SON, MANUFA CT URE RS, AIANUFACTUItERS. - FIN" - CALF BOOTS. FINE CALF BOOTS, Kept constantly on bawl at the BELLEFONTE BOOT t SHOE STORE. BE'LLEFONTE BOOT Sc &JOE STORE, BY GRAHAM & SON, BY GRAHAM & SON. AT SS.tO PER. PAIR. AT $B.OO PER P , Ilt. A. large assortment of KIP BOOTS, War ranted, AT 55.00 PER PAIR, AT $5,00 PER PAIR, BY GRAHAM & SON, BY GRAHAM A SON, We respectfully invite the attention of the public to our la. - ge selection of L ‘DIES BOOTS .t; SHOES, LADIES BOOTS ct SHOES, and all kinds of MISSES' et CHILDItDN'S 'MISSES' Jr, CHILDREN'S 800 PS & SHOES. BOOTS & SHOES. CALL AND EXAMINE CALL ANL) EXAMINE OU.h. CHEAP BOOTS SHOES, OUR CHEAP BOOTS 35 SHOES, ja211119.1y. GRAHAM SON, JAS. A. QUIGLEY. HENRY crtoslisT Q UIGLEY CROSKEY'S CHEAP CASH STORE, EAGLEVILLE, CENTRE CO , PENN'A WE take pleasure in announcing to far mers and the public generally that we keep constantly nu hand, at our etore in Eagle. "rifle, Dry Goods, Groceries, &e., and SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY STORE in town or ci wary. We shall always en .deavor to purchase good (goods and war arut eve-I-China as we represent it. We also %Temp pay the highest PRICES FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Please call and examine onr stock for yourselves. ja13'69.1y. GENTS WANTED SIGHTS AND SECRETS OF THE NATIONAL CAPITAL, A work tleseriative of Washington City; Inside out-icle Cniati-lred and Exp.s ril. The spiriest, most thrilling. en tertainirr:,. instrustive. and startling hodc of the day. end f it Cirralars.with terms Aii.iress UNIT] t) ST TES PPE. LISIIING Crl., 411 Broom Street. New City. N AILS, all sizes and kinds. at IRWIN WILSON'S:I n 00R.LOCKS of all hinds, to suit every Li body, st,t IRWIN & WILSON'S A MMUNTTION—Partri . I::es. find ether ammunition IRWIN A; WIT.;SI:IN'S. SADDI,ERY, tv suit the trade, at & ILSO - aeIIEW6 2thd Ilinge , of every variet: and 0 kind at lILIYI.N TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE T IN AND SHEET-IRON STORE. THE OLDEST TIN-WARE ESTABLISHMENT IN BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. The undersigned undersigned hereby desires to call :he attention of his many patrons, and the entire people of Centre Co., th t he man ufactures TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, Cheaper and on a larger scale than ever.— lie keeps constantly E r sale. Tin Buckets. Wash Boilers, Coffee Boilers, Fruit Cans, Dish. Pans, Lard Cans. Wash Basins, Coal 0 1 Cans, Stove-pipe of the best Rus sia, and other iron, constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. All work warranted. Give us a call. W M. S. WOLF, ja6' Allegheny street. WETSLER & TWITMIRE. Ai ILESE URG, . PEN N'A MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COOK AND PARLOR STOYES, HEATERS FOR CHURCHES do DWELL INGS. The following Pattern of Cook Stoves con stantly on hand. BARLEY-SPE A I', REGULATOR, IRON SIDES, 'FARMER, EUREKA, AMITY. Castines and all kinds rf repairs furnished to order for all kind of stoves in mar ket Russia Sheet iron finished, Gas Burners neatly repaired. A large assortment of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE of our own manufacture, kepteonstantls on hand. whieh we will :ell Wholesale or itettal et prices' as reasonable as elsewhere. SPOUTING, ROOFING, and all kinds of Jobbing done on the short est novice and warranted. We will re ceive orders for and put np " COP PER LIGHTNING RODS," whip , are superior to all other Rods in market. We will pay the highest market prices for Old Metal, Copper. Brass, Pewter. (f - c*. &c. We always entoloavor to seal CHEAPER THAN THE CHEZPEST. Try us and be convinced jad' BOOKS & STATIONER Y MEW BOOK STORE WHOLESALE ANL RETAIL Book Stationery & .21Teics Emporium. JACOB D. AIILLEB. Has purchased the Book. Stationary and News establishment of Kittsloe and Brother on Allegheny strcet.near the Diamond, to which be his. ust added a large invoice of goods, such as is generally kept in a well conducted Book and Stationery Store. Pis stock consists of Theological. Me'diml. Law. Miseellaneous. Sunday School and School Books. Time Books, Pass Books.nnd Diaries. Every grade and price of Cap. Legal. Bill. Leiter, Bath and Note Paper, fine French Paper Envelopes of every descriprio and Prier, Pens. Tnks. Inkstands. Erasers. Bub. bor hands. transparent and common Slates, Sla e Pencils, Lead Pencils, Crayons, &c. -ALSO Daily and Weekly Papers. Magazines, and Sheet Music. a largo supply of Legal and Justices Blanks. congtattl on hand. Also U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps at face. He is also Wholesale Agent fur Lochman's Cekbrated Writing Fluid. Country merchants would do well to eall and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I can sell at manufacturers prices. jaWG9 LIVINGSTON'S BOOK STORE (ESTABLI.IIED Di 1845.) At this well known BAnblishment may be found everything in the •• BOOK LIZ:11," whether TREOLGICAL, CLSI-ICAL. LAW. SCIENTIFIC or LITERARY. An Extensive assortment of family Bibles. with or without Photo graphic Plates, ranging in price front $3,75, to $25. ALSO. all the Dv and Sunday SCIIO • I Books in general use. Blank Books, Legal Blanks, and all kinds of Stationery. c. Prowl t attention given to orders. A liberal discount made to those who buy to sell again. GEO. LIVINGSTON. jar,' 9.1 y.) Bellefonte Pa. LIME Av OOD & COAL BURNT LIME Fresh burnt Limo always on band and for sale at the lowest u whet price, at the SUNNY-SIDE LIME KILNS on the Railroad near BeHeron e. We have no fear of ruce'.ssttl contradiction when we say thus we have the BEST LLIIEIN THE STATE. It is free from core, and our kilns are so constructed that all the ashes are sep arate] frt.m the burnt lime be fore it leaves the kiln. It. is a PURE SNOW-WHITE LIME! And makes as fine a finish as the lime burnt from the marble quarries in the eastern part •f the State. Our facilities for burning and,hipping litue uro such that WE CAN FURNISH IT CHEAPER than the same quality of lime can be had at any other place. All rders promptly tilled. Address, J. E. Lic, C. T. A LEXA N DEB. Bellelbnte. (oRTLIDG /101%/./ VALENTINE SiIoRTLIDGE WOOD AND COAL BURNT LIME Always on hand and for sale at tho lowesr market price at the BELLEfONTE LIME KILNS. on the Turnpike leading to Milesburg. TI BEST rITTSTON AND SHAMOKIN Anthracite coal. Also a new com-ignmen of pla,tering lath, paling. and : , awe d shing les fin. sale far c.. 11 at our yard, Lear south end of D. E. V. R. R. ja6' BOOTS & SHOES TIIE PLACE TO GET tqIOES EVERYTHING NEW & WARRANTED P. McAFFREY & CO'S InioLEsaLE k RETAIL BOOT & SROE STORE [One door above Reyno]d's•Bank.J Have jest received the meet complete as sortment of everything in the 13002' AND Slog LISE, ver brontrht to Bellefonte. Their entire stock, which is the largest ever opened in this place. was made to order from the hest material. It was purchased for coat and will he sold Intioh lower than any one can afford who buys on time. They ARE PRACTICAL WORKMEN, and everything sold will he guaranteed nP represented. Repairing and custom work promntly attended to. ;la . B URNSIDE & THOMAS. Otter to the Public ono of the largest and best selected stocks of merchan dise. in Centre county. Call, examine and seo for yourself T HE Laruest and Best Stock of warra ed Boots and Shoes. warr.inted to rive satisfaction, at reduced prices. only t. be found at BURNSIDE & THOMAS' SPICES of all varieties, ground to order and warranted to be strictly pttre. It is the only place you can find unadultera ted spices. Try them for your own satis faction. You can only find them at BURNSIDE k ANDSAWS, knives, spoons, coffee in ills, shovels, spades, rakes, hoes, lamps, forks, chains, &c.. at .BURNS.TDE h TROMAS'. H ORSE COLLARS. if you don't want your horse's =Boulders galled and made sore, get good horse collars. at BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. H ARNESS, collars. cart whips. carriage whips. in great varieties, Lavern men t gear:4. saddles. bridles, martingale cheek lines, cart gears. tna. harrtess, buggy, harvest=. heroes, &c. Everything in the sad dlery line, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS' 1,116.1.1 t NG TACKLES. rod: , lineF. -' flies. sea hair basketzt, asc. Rig you out to catch trout. at BURNSIDE THOMAS'. - TUE highest mark. t price paid for all kinds of roam iy produce. at BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. FINE GROCERIES, mocha coffee. old goy. java, best quality Rio coffee, best along block teas. green tons, levering syrup, golden syrup. Drips fine article be- _kin;, molasses, rice and everything in the grocery line at the lowest cash prices in the restket BURNSIDE 4 TUOMAS', is the p,oce. IT IS known to all in Bellefonte through the county if yuu want good article go to BURNSIDE & THOMAS' L EATHER of all diseriptions, french e.tlf skin, span ish sole leather, nom) teo's sheep skins. linintts. Everything in the leather line warranted to dive satisfaction at BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. SHOE -MAKERS TOOLS and findings, in. all their varieties at BURNSIDE; & THOMAS'. SADDLERS BUCKLES. hooks. bits spots rings. Everything a saddler witots for the manufacture of harness. to be found at BURNSIDE .t BASKETS in all their varieties. childretis ea ri .ges, willow ware. guns. pistoli, powder, shot, caps, cartridges, cc.. at BURNSIDE At . THOMAS'. NNEIV PATTERNS (4'441 &atlas, at re duced pri..ett. at. BURN PE t TITO:WAS'. N k : U 1 SUNS of all kind.•. 6tollines oloves Handkerchiefs. combs. pocket books in all their variery atd very cheap. at HURNSIDP: THOMAS'. fr 1.311 E. EY PRUNES. ramens., peaches np plc s. orange?. lemons, all kinds of foreign fruits, Dims. lme”n . BURSIDE & THOMAS'. CANNED FF ITS, peaches, tomateed pine apples. and peas in _rent vari ety, t BIIRSIDE & THOMAS . W HITE FISH, Herring, mackerel, to at BURNSIDE & TU OMAS' D A BDTTS SOAP, Wm. Ilagan and Kenos olive soap, Dobbins' soap. Jesse Oakley's soaps, old castile, pure. Palm soap, Elderling's soap, and a great variety of oth er soaps, at BURNS[ DE & THOMAS' Whitman's celebrt ed confections, Whitman's celebrated chocolate. Buker's chocolate. Smith's chocolate, China Ginger. 141o4lish Pickles, American Pickles, at BURNSIDE & TIIO3IAS' B OOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY.- The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has established a first class BOOT AND MOB MANUFACTORY, next door to Morgan's Med Marks-, on the n.irthwest side of the diamond, whore be will be pleased at all Mules to wait upon customers. lie heing an EXPERIENCED WORKMAN, customers ran rest. assured that no pains will he spared to render complete satisfac tion. Gentlemen. ladies, misses and youth can he accommodated with the best Boots; Shoes, Cr Hers. Slippers, manufactured ft% to the host stock. and in the latest styles. Repairing of all kinds p omprly attended to. jag' PET ;.It McMAIION. ATTENTION ! REFLECT! ! Befere ordering your BOOTS SIIOE.S Tha only exclusire Boot a,lti Shoe M facturing shop in Bellefonte. I would re,pectfully inv.; te• your eunziider ation to the g octal satistlicron which in every case 'ollows my work. Prices reason able, and neat fits guaranteed. JOHN POWERS, ia6'69.1y.) Allegheny St,, prillefonts, DRY GOODS, &e $lOOO REWARD I ZIMMERMAN BRO'S. & CO (No. 2, Bon's ARCADE,) BELLEFONTE, PENN'A., OFFER the above reword for the appreben *ion and conviction of the man who says "IT IS A RUMBUG" =I DOLLAR SAVED IN BUYING GOODS II Ii DOLLAR WORKED FOR WE have the evidence each day of numbers who purchase of us after having ex amined other st. cbs. tbat this is not a humbug, but a STUBBORN TRUTH and that our Goods ARE SOLD AT LOWER PRICES than any other in the State. We cannot ENUMER ATE ARTICLES, as it would require this entire page to do sn. Snffico it to Fay that we supply anything you want, AND GUARANTEE FULL SA7 ISFACTION t,l all, as to LOW PRICES and QUALITY OF GOODS, We respectfully request you all to call and SATISFY YO URSELYES A FAIR TEST IS ALL WE ASK ZII4IIIIERMAN, BRO'S. do CO ja6 . 69.y AN IMPORTANT QTTE TION LET TILE PEOPLE OF CENTRE COEN TY CONSIDER ! Why will you suffer yourselves to be openly BOBBED by unprinciplel dealers. whsn you can buy your Dry and Fancy goods. Boots and Shoes, Cloth ng. Grocer es, and no danger of being CREATED by going direct to the old Estahlised stand of LOEB, MAY Jr, LOEB. WE gra determined not to be ere- lied in soiling Goods of the very beet quality and at the most reasonable rates. LOEB, MAY LOEB. IT matters not what you wish to purchase DRY GOC DS. CLOTHING. GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, or anything. usually kept in Fisrt Class Stores, y4u can be supplied•hy LOEB, MAY b LOEB. SKIRTS—Hoop Skirrs, Balmoral Skirts, for sale cheap by LOEB, MAY & •LOEB. THE highest CASH PRICE paid for W heat. Corn and strain of a,ll kinds by jan.6'69 I y LO Rl3 LO 138 ANOTHER NEW STORE EMIL JOSEPH & CO., ALLEGHENY ST Nride's Building.) EFT LEFOFTE, PENN'A CHEAP ZEIT , ' YORE STORE. COME ONE! COME ALL !! SEE 110 W CHEAP WE CAN SELL, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS FURNISHING GOODS FOR LADIES .4 GENTS, FOR LADIES .1c GENTS, COVERLETS, COVERLETS. NtISICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, WATCHES, WATCHES, _ _ _ • JEWELRY, JEWELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, all of which we warrant, and at city prices A FIRST CLASS WATCH MAKER constantly on hand and all work warranted: A liberal discount to the trade. (live a call. ja6' GEO. D. PIFER'S DRY GOODS AND GROCERY STORE, No. 6, BROKER/1017'9 sow, MIXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, 7:- BELLEFONTE, is the plttee for bargains in the way of Dry Goods. Clothing, 13 MS and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queens and Cedar Ware, tireceries, CA S'SEI) ND !)RZEI) FiTUITS, ALSO, NOTIONS, dc., &c. Everything in his line is sold at very Low Prices. POLITE AND ATTENTIVE CLERKS, are always in attendance to wait on his numerous customers, Tne lIIGITEST CASII PRICES paid for all kinds of market'ng and produce. Cash paid for ALL KINDS OF GRAIN: Goodsdelivered with pleasure. No trouble co show goods. Give hix 4 call before par thasing elsewhere. [ja.6'69.y T HE ANVIL HARDWARE STORE! IB,WIN & WILSON aaaaaaagnaaaaaanalmannatiananaaaaaastaaa aaaanana anaaanaaaanaaananaattaatta, mannunnonnnr.nnnann. unman nnnonnnnnnntlnninninnnn vvvvvvvv% vvvvvvvvvvy vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvy EMMtMIUMU)IMIII=4 111 1111 l nnituntimitumuniiin 1111IIIII11111111111111i1111111111111111111111 North-west Corner of the Diamond, BELLEFONTB,PA., HARDWARE of every DESCRIPTION Their Stock of Shelf Goods i? eomolete, em bracing a full variety of Every Class. In Heavy Goods the same va riety is Pept up, enturac jag, in part, IRON, of all sizes and shapes. Steels—Cast, Shear, Spring, Blister and Drilling, Horse Shoes and Horse Shoe Nails, Toe Calks, Anvils and Vices, different mates and prices, Stoves—Cook, Parlor Gas-Burners, and Cyl inders, four makes ar.d kinds. SPRINGS— Axles and Skeins, all sizes, WOOD WORK, all kinds, for Wagons, Buggies and Carriages. GRINDSTONES. all sizes, and Kitchen do., Platform Scales, from 109 to 1 000 pounds, Counter Scales and Balances, Oils, Paints and Varni,hes, of all kinds, MANILLA ROPE, all sizes. and PACKING, The Celebrated ORIENTAL FURNACES, for Dwellings Houses and Churches, for Cisterns and Wells WOODEN WATER PIPES. -)f any Bore and Length Call and see their Stock before making your pnrbhaso. Are always pleased to :low our goods. jan.6, H ARDWARE HARDWARE! 1 0.5, BROKERII.OFF'S ROW! J. do J. HARRIS—THE PLACE TO BUY The subscribers would respectfully inform the community that they have opened a complete STOCK OF lIARDIVARE comprising all varieties of goods in that line which thoy WILL SELI AT THE LOWEST PRICES Their stock consists of all sorts of building hardware, table and pocket cutlery, carpenters'. mason's, plasterer's and blacksmith's tools, and mate rials, nails, iron, horse shoes, and horse-„hoe nails, rope tackle, FORKS, CHAINS, SHOVELS, AXES, GRIND. STONES, etc., etc. Housekeeper% goods, saddlery, carriage trimmings, etc., etc., with all sorts and sizes of NOTIONS. NOTIONS, COAL OIL LAMPS, and the different part.. thereof, together with a complete •-ssortwent of the . best PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, the FURS, F URS, BY STRICT ATTENTION TO BUS _NESS and a constant care for the ACCOMITODATION OF CUSTONERS SHARE OF THE PUBLIC PATRONAGE will find it to their advantage to call and EXAMINE THEIR STOCK jafi' MERCHANT TAILOR. M ERCHANT TAILORING, NO. 7, BROCKEITOFF 4 8. ROW The undersigned takes pleasure in infore- Ing the eitiaens of Centre 'aunty and the public generally, that he is jot opening a SPLENDID AND RICH ASSOR frill ENT OF FOREIGN AND pqm.-.3isTic Cloths, Whieb bo is prepared to make to order in the latest and most fashionable tyles, for men or boys. Goods sold by the piece or by the yard. He also keeps on hand full line of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, of every style and description. He is also agent for the celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINE. ja6' JOHN MONTGOMERY HARDWARE SIGN OF THE is the place to get PUMPS, They hope, to merit and receive a DVILDERS AND OTHERS J. & J. HARRIS, N 0.5, Brokerhoft's Row ESTABLISHMENT, Cassimeros and Vestings PLANING - MILLS BUILDERS LOOK lIERE I The subscribers having leased the AIILESBURG PLANING MIL , and added largely to its facilities for turn ing out first class won.' , are now prepare& 40 furnish FLOORING. FRAMES. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, BUILDING, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK and manufactured lumber of EVERY DESCRIPTION at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, All manner of work. such as Scroll Saw ing, Mouldings, Brackets. &0., made after any DESIRED PATTERN, on the shortest possible notice, Connected with the mill, and in operation at all times, is one of the latest improved ( JOKE DRYING KILNS, whisk leaves the lumber in a perfectly healthy state, assists in preserving it, and;in feet adds to its lusting qualities, ti bile oth or methods of drying deteriorate, and ren ders it more liable TO DECAY AND WASTE Lumber dried in a Coke kiln will not shrink, it is dried perfectly and when work ed and put up, will not SHRIVEL AND SHRINK, thus giving buildings tho appearance of having been erected out of Green Material We know that our facilities give ua every advantage over other PLANING MILLS IN THIS SECTION and we feel perfectly free in saying, that all our WORK WILL BE GUARANTEED, tL , e of A SUPEUIOR QUALITY We will furnish anything in our line from a (toot panel, to a WHOLE ' HOUSE, and at such prices, as cannot but prove to be an inducement to lUOSE DESIRING TO BUILD All orders promptly filled and a fair share of public patronage, respectfully 89 lic;ted. MOORE at, WOLFE, [Suocessors of R. Levi.] ja6'fi9-ly. MILESB PA EDNUND BLANCHARD, F. AUSTIN BRI E.M. BLANCHARD, W. M. ;MWS, B ELLEFONTE PLANING MILL. BLANCHARD & COMPANY. XANIJFACTUREItg OF wGITE & YELLOW PINE FLOORING ANL% WEATIIER-BOARDING. of Various Styles, DOORS, 131311 BLINDS, SBUTTERS, 4£ MOULDISQS scro, Work of every Descriptz on BRACKETS OF ALL SIZES, and PATTERNS moue to order Having a "BULIiLEY'S PATENT L UM BER DRYER," connected with ourebtab Bailment, we are enabled to manufacture out work from THOROUGHLY SEASONED LUMBER ..gO - 'IDRDEBc FROM CONTRACTORS, BUILDER:, P LEM AND TRH TRADE GL.,..5t./LALL V SOLICITED-154 BELLEFONTE, CENTBE CO., PA jai6* FOUNDRY LOGAN FOUNDRY, NEAR TDB RAILROAD DEPOT. BELLEFONTE, PENN'A We are happy to inform the people of and the adjoining countie., that we are now prepared to make House Castings; such as Sash Weights, Cellar window (hates. &c., of all sizes. Grist and Saw Mill Cast ings, Sled Soles of all kinds, Plows, Plow Shares. We also manufacture the IMPROVED WOR 1Z PLOW. Also EGG STOVES, Stove Castings, Oven Doors and Frames. Coal Grates for Pave ments, Water Pipes, Wagon Box es, together with every variety of Castings kept constantly en band, or made to order. All orders filled prompt ly. Gi e us a call. Don't forget th. place, near the Railroad Depot, Bellefonte. ja6' BAYARD, lINKINS LI. CO FURNITURE FURNITURE WARE ROOM. Eoward Street, Bellefonte, Pa. WHERE BUREAUS. SOFAS. LOUNGES, HAT RACKS, WHA T-.NOTS, EXTENSION TABLES, STANDS, AIRS, STOOLS, &c., f every description. ryna,lity and price, for FOP ehrutrer then at. nthar °stab liAtoent of the hind in Central Penrea. UNDERTAKER. Ready made 1 1 ,, ffins. of atl Elaes and prim Lept entirtantly nn hand. Alan Cof fin:, inanulactu ed to order. inAlti) iv. It P It ;Rms. MISCELLANEOUS, TT IS our it:tent.on to dispose of our - IL entire stook bef. re the opening of tho Sprit]; Trade. G. W. FAIRER & CO, WAGON MOOS. spokes and felloes large and IRWIN plc WILSON'S efARPENTER TOOLS, of every deacrip kJ Lion at IRWIN WILSON'S. IfjORSE SHOES, best make at TRVTN WILSOrg _Li I==l SIIITTTbaS