BELLEFONTE REPUBLICAN. W. W. BROWN= d. d. 13.1r.IITCHISON, ; Terms, .s2_ per Annum, in Advance. BELLEFIDXTE, Wednesday Morning, March 17, '69. 'The NOW - Cabinet Members. As we anticipated last week, some Very important changes have been made in 0-en. GRANT'S Cabinet. Mr. S'TRWART, on amount of ineligibility, resigned,and Mr.Rmyrwrxt,,of Mass., takes his place. Hon. E. M. WASH BURN, in Consequence of ill health, re sigti64 his position as Secretary of State; -- and HAMILTON FISH, of New York, - was appointed in his stead.— Gen. ScitortELD resigned his position as Secretary of War, and Gen. JOHN A. RAWLINS, formerly chief of Gen. GRANT'S Staff, was immediately ap pointed by the President to fill that important place. Of these appoint ments, says the Philadelphia Press, every Republican will speak in the most liberal manner. The Secretary of State, Hon. HAM ILTON FISH, of New York city, is an able and accomplished citizen. Born in 1809, he has reached that period in life when all the powers of a man are fully matured, and when his ambitions are least likely to conflict v. ith his reason. A graduate of one of the old est-and best colleges in his State, be has never neglected his education, but has &kept his mind fully qualified for all his Varied business duties, as well as Tor the -amenities that distinguish 'the gentleman of letters and refinement. Admitted to the bar in 1530, a bril liant career as a lawyer-lay before him, alfhough &fleeted by choice of politics a few y2ars later, he never lost his prestige as counsellor or pleader. His ability in this respect is of the most undoubted kind. Thoroughly acquaint ed with details, his large public expe rience has rubbed off the angular pe culiarities of the court-room habitue, -and given to his thoughts the compre lensiveness.of -the finished statesman. • Mr. FISH'S political career began in 1843, when elected to Congress for one term. His promotion was deservedly rapid. In 1848 ho was chosen Govern or of his native State, and from 1851 to 1857 'filled the position of United States Senator. In all these offices he acquitted himself with honor; never descending into partisanship, but firm ly adhering t() mature?" convictions of right. At the breaking out of the war, he paused not in his devotion to the Sag, and during the bloofi.y years of its continuance he gave unswerving ac cord to the principles which Union bayonets wrenched from the enemy.—: Since, he has stood unflinching-1y byte Republican party, and has, in .eany notable instances, proved one of the wisest of its counsellors. lie therefore approaches his new dufjles full of qual ification, and with an understanding of its responsibilities, heightened by ob servant travel, among the nations which give importance to our diplomacy.— Mr. WASHBURNE could have had no more fitting successor, and the premier of Auburn may not even have proved so satisfactory to the American and foreign public as we prophesy the new Secretary will. The selection of Mr. BOUTWELL for the Secretaryship of the Trea:.ury is eminently wise. This gentleman will prove especially acceptable to the coun try. He has been before the country as a prominent member of the House for years, and his record is unblemish ed. All through the trying times of war, and the eventful years of peace, he has been a model of Republican consistency. Like the late THADDEUS STEVENS, he clings with tenacity to the few elementary principles of govern ment rather than allow himself to be distracted by :multiform and conflict ing - theories. He is a careful student, and Ihas acquired an enviable mastery Over the complicated problems of fi nance, as his propositions and speeches in the House abundantly prove. His am iability makes him easily approach table, and his readiness to hear and learn iuspifes confidence. No part of his Congresbicmal record is brighter than that which relates to impeach ment. From the first to the last he insisted, with the firmness of one thor oughly grounded in constitutional law, upon the _removal ;of that great Execu tive Accident whose zmbridled ambi ion led him to thwart tile wishes of the people. Of the many tributes to eloquenCe and. sound legal constrz.letion rendered on that occasion, Mr. BOLT WELL'S stands among the first. Like General GRANT, the new Sec ,•etary is a self-made man. Commenc -i, its a farmer's boy, he passed 41 1r0 4:11 ail the offices of honor, trust, tire State, before be-. • or . proft, in his his. ring called upon as a Represeutative. _He is uow fifty-one ye :,rs of age,and :his past guarantee that in' his new .position-he will acquit himself to the ,entire satisfaction of the people. is-with atrunusual degree of pride that we refer to Major General JOHN A. RasitiNs, the new Secretary of War, He Is about forty-five years of age, .4t gentleman of fine culture and unexcep- tionable deportment. As an attorney he _ ranks high. His acquaint ;mice with eret :eral GRANT preceded the war many year.` and he went with him into the field. 'le intimacy be -71, twert them and their ili st itual c4l " dente were the birth of pe...`ee, but they were nurtured to perfection a mid the smoke of battle and the exposures of the march. Originally a Douglass Democrat, his aspirations bilt awaited occasion, when fierce and quick they bounled into the arena where Liberty ..79,5 struggling with the Go' very. The stars that crown,his shoul dPrs are indices of - that.courage which 1514 , c:red not, as well as.Of tkakadtrdnis. trative ability which attends enlarge'd scholarship. * * * * - * * EDITORS Were the intrinsic qualifications of General RAWLINS for his poition less prominent, the history of his intimate association with General GRANT would afford a guarantee of faithful perform ance of all duties. This brief review of the appoint ments may serve to show that there is a peculiar fitness about each one of them. The adjustment appears to be complete so far as sagacity can make it so. The President will feel at home when in council with his _advisers, and their deliberations will ccnsequently be fraught with good results. A general acquiesence in the selec tions will be given by the public, and the Administration may now start on a career of prosperity which it deserves and which the party and the country expects. Sham Democrats in Indiana. The Democratic members of the In diana Legislature resigned their places and deprived the house of a quorum. in order to prevent the ratification of the Fifteenth Constitutional Amend ment. Gcv. BAKER. immediately is sued a proclamation ordering speeial elections to be held to fill the vacan cies, and a special session will be in April. This revolutionary move ment on the part of the Democrats will cost the State, or rather the tax payers of that State, the neat little sum of $lOO,OOO. - This shows bow little they care about the people's money. It shows that they do not re gard the will of the people. They -se-cede from the Legislature to defeat tLe will of the majority, and would suede from the Union if they had the power. Such men. and such leaders, are a disgrace to, and a libel upon,the word Democracy. They are seces sionists at heart, Their. sympathies . . . are with England, or a monarchical form of Government, where the few rule the many, and the poor are crusk ed beneath the iron heal of the op. pressor. For this the. rebels fought in the late Rebellion, and for this rea son they bitd the sympathies of the Dem.)cratic party.. . Acting upon this same principle, as we base already stated. they res;- ... n e d - their seats in the Indiar . Legislature to defeat an An. - -ndment to the Con stituti°7. of the United states, which is intended to make this Government Purely Democratic in accordance with the lettzr and spirit of the Declara tion ( . .,1 Independence. It is no use, ge9,itlemen. Erpr.ll suffrage before two . years will be the law of the land. You must; thei'efore, get out of the way of the wheel of progress, or be run over and crushed. Justice cannot stop for laggards. The Elections Since the Inaugura tion of President Grant. Our Democratic friends have boast ed for some time past that the passage of " the Constitutional Amendment would destroy the party. Well, sever al elections have been held since its passage, which have resulted as fol lows In New Hampshire, where a Repub lican was elected last year by a majori tv of about twenty-five hundred, an election was held on the 9th inst, and the result is For Stearns (Republican) 27,824 For Bedell (Democrat) 23,026 .Rep4blican majority 4,798 'rhe Republicans elected all their candidates fi r Congress, and out of 12 Senators elected this year, ten of them are Republicans, a gain of four. Another election was held in Cam den, N. J., and the Republican candi date for mayor received a majority of over five hundred, somewhat larger than Gen. GRANT received last fall. Bridgeport, N. J., has a!so endorsed the administration of Gen. GRANT, by electing the whole Republican ticket in every ward by increased majorities. THERE will be a grand Reunion of the Army of the Potomac at N. York on July sth. We hope to meet there, a large representation of the officers and soldiers from Pennsylvania, who were so numerous in that army during its eventful history. The officers of the old Sixth Corps have thrilled a society called the 6th Army Corps Legion, Head Quarters at Philadelphia, which all officers of that Corps are urged to join. The in itiation is $2.50, and the annunl dues i'3.00. Officers should address Col. JAS. 8.. NEMER., Station A. Phil'a., for enrolliDent as members, enclosing fee. GEN. FRANK P. !)LAIR, Jr., who was once " talked of" for the Vice Presidency by a small parly of politi. cal allies of the "Lost Cause i and who was appointed by A. J., to the position of a Pacific Railroad Com missioner, was unceremoniously re on_ Saturday by the "desPotic" moves: l GRANT. ... President GRANT does not unprincipled men.— like corrupt at,.. :Niers who fought vote as they He admires the su a,gog_es for the country, and no shot. He does not like de: and selfish revolutionary politician Hence FBA'S - 1K P. is kicked out, the BLAIR family _ignored'. The new. Ad ministration will be a anceess, —Rev, Wm. Milburn, the celebra ted American tilind preacher, ha's had etn operation pega,rmed on his eyos in Berlin. Though gqlch proscrat,gd thereby, he basso far recovered that a second operation, which it is vx ne.ted Till he suecessful,will be made. Editorial and Otheritems. Camp Hamilton, near Hampton, 'Virginia, has been broken up. —The Arkansas Senate passed the Constitutional Amendmentby 19 to 3, —A project is on foot in Canada for bridging or tunneling Detroit riv er. —The steamships Herman, Erin and City of Baltimore have arrived from Europe. - —Bill Ryall. a well known English pugilist, died of typhoid fever in St. Louis, Saturday. —John G-. Baxter was nominated for Mayor by the City Democratic Convention at Louisville. —Mrs. Lydia Beecher, mother of Henry Ward Beecher, died in Brook-. Saturday,, morning,"aged eighty. —The rumor that Thomas H. Fcinlds will succeed Col. W. Thomai as Post master at Cincinnati creates much ei citement. • . —Hon. James Guthrie, late United States Senator from Kentucky . , died at his residence in Louibville; Satur day morning. —The buildings Nos. 66 and 68 Lake street, Chicago," were damaged by fire and water Saturday evening to the extent of $25,000. —The peach buds in Somerset coun ty, New Jersey; *ere killed by the cold snap last week. and the crop is likely to proire a failure. —W. S. Groesbeck, of Ohio, will lect ure before the Alpha-Delta'Psi Fra teruity at Yale College, at New Ha ven, as the 13th of May. —Petitions aro to be circulated in Missouri. asking the , Legislature to submit an amendment to he constitu tion striking out the ward "male." It is said the Fifteenth Amend went will pass both houses of. the Georgia Legislature this week, by the votes of Democrats and conservative Republicans. —Dr. Gilmer, Chairman of the Re publican State Central Committee of Virginia, is out in a card bolting the nomination of Gov. Wells and others in the Petersburg Convention. —An English judge, Baron son, on being asked to A&lder- o we his cpin ion ns to the pr , -- mon, _ ‘, ...per length of a ser ,iied, • rwenty minutes, with leaning to the side of mercy.". —A Fashionable Fifth avenue church in New York city employs four sextons, and with the support of other decorations, the getting of re ligion in that ``house of God" is very expensive. _ Of three applicants for the post office claims it because his wife is a cousin of Gran;, another says he can "go him two nieces bet ter," and the third wants it because he is a tanner. —Wm. Protun, a reputable farmer residing near Brighton, Madison coun ty, Illinois, shot himself through the head with a revolver on Saturday, killing himself instantly. No cause is known for the act. —A tneeting cf citizens of Nashville, irrespective of party or color, was held Saturday evening, to indorse Presi dent Grant's inaugural. Henry S. Foote made a speech, expressing con fidence in the new administration. —Dr. G. W. Darden, who killed Chas. Wallace, editor of the ()Upper, was taken from jail at Warrenton. Georgia, Friday night, by a party of disguised men, who took him some distance from town. where they shot and killed him. —Punch makes very had conun drums occahionally. HP] eis one : Which is the wickedest portion of America Why Sin-sin-naughty, to be GEM Evidently Punch has forgotten the existence of Chicago. —A gentleman who recently visited Lanesborn, Minnesota, says that there was not a single house in the place last July. Now a thirtV-five thousand dollar hotel is being built, the public school numbers ninety five scholars. and the lowest figure for a business lot is one thousand dollars. —Wm. Graham, a native of Cin cinnati, and lately an able seaman nn board the American bark John Bright was before United States Commission er Hallett, at Boston, on Saturday, on a charge of murdering Thomas Benson, third mate of theittnie vessel, on the high seas on the 6th February - last. —The Cashier of the First National Bank of Rockford, Illinois, is repor ted to have absconded with the funds of the depositors.. The bank will p:a bably fail. The people of Rockf;-rd and vicinity are much excited by this unexpected development. The cash ier has hitherto been regarded as an honorable man. —Wisconsin asks for the repeal of the law by which murderers are ex empt in that State from capital pun ishment. The State has tried the im prisvment for life idea, has found it wanting, and has come-to the conclu sion that the only way to deal with . murderers is to enforce in all cases where guilt is proved the death pen alty. —Judge Russell, of the Superior Court of North Carolina, has issued a nroclamotion commanding six mein -1 on any other Sh er lawfuliff of B o o ffi b : hers ‘.. qf the Ku-Klux Klan to surren der themb74vcs; o the insozi county, y cer of ti4e State ; any authorizing any citizen of the State to Z'APture• and bring to justice these putlaws, and in case of a fight or resistance after being called on to surrender, to •slay them without aceiwation or impeacl , Ment of ,Nf any crime. Our - Western " Letter: MY liiii.tifultlibAN:- 7 :This Chi cago tolin is a-great-place -for- sensa tions, and for doing "big things."— Everything on'a:granct-scale: Real estate, sales, buildings, specula tions, preaching and theittricalli, are decidedly on the "magnificent: When persons marry, they do it hugely-- they marry -all over, and - vrhen they are _tired of it they get . divorced_with a rush. The more publicity a Chicago' divorce case attains, the better the parties like it, as a general thinir, We have a few women who .are married and divorced annually, and, in each case it is done with a grind flourish of trumpets. Chicago vionann are gotten un on a grand scale-with . grecian bend, pannier. hialOteeled . bnota, ar tificial calves. palpitators, plum perm, switches. chitraons and the like. they . are certainly fearfully and wondertu! , lY made; though some are fair to look firm. I don't _approve of the-palpi tators and false, calves. They are not only unnatural, but are iso Iliscourag ing to a fellow. " Some of the young men of this mot:-, al city are gotten up regardless Of ex. pence. - This. is not. surptising,fir even.. in Bellefonte this-is the:Case.: :There: . is, however, less of the fop element.. here than any city I ever saw: Most men here are .'• Among the numerous other - big thirir., we very frequently•hare-error-• mous fires. Only two nights nen we hail a $575,0 0 0 fire which resulted in . the dent's of four of mirdevoted fire men. The bra ye - fell ow.i tu min tea the roof of a five story building which was:. in flames, The roof gsv9 way .. a,:k four of them were swallowed up in the flames.. A-fifth sprang off. and in his rb scent caught the telegraph -wita with his hands. With• his hands and teeth he held on-until relief came. The four who went down were taken nut black, Charred and deid. Two of the unforunates had served with luity- - during the war. They passed 0 • the terrible ordeal of he- - "' mu g" ed—through --ale unceath a n ..,irriauga,and Shiloh, the - .iurg, to return and become victims of the fire-fiend. Each_ of them held, as do all.Chicaeo'S fire-. men, a $2.000 life insurance 'Policy. presented them by the citizens. dOubt very much if' any city in Amer ica has such a fire department 24 Chi cago has. Every part of the eike: connected by a fire alarm telegraph, the - observatory en the Court TTonee, where an operator is over on the watch to receive dispatches and trans mit them. to the different. engine limit see. By the time the public alarneis sounded the steamers from all di - me' tions are thundering along the stre:ets to the scene -orthe fire. :011, , h0w the firemen work, and how thoroughly every man knows his place and: busi: ness. eteifemerit, no Useless run ning 'to and fro, but work,work,::untd the -fire is. extinguished. • When life is at stake how nobly these men exert themselves. and risk life and' limb to save it. The instancesare not few where Chicago firemen 'have perished in their heroic attempts to save life and property. And this is whyr'eur citizens insured the 'Eyes of the fire men by voluntary subscription. And, these steam fire engines, what beauties they are, and held effective. Without them (Male() would be ablaze all the time. Fire atterfire breaks out. but the fewest number:Suc ceed, because of the effectiveness of our engi:ies and the energy of our fire department. I hope Bellefonte. has an engine or two of this description. Surely the property owners are not so blind as to he without one at 6:ist. remember the days of the old bucket brigade of Bellefonte ; but Ihope its days are numbered. One steam fire engine with the requisite number of men would accomplish more than all the Men and women in the . to:M in line. with all the old milk and swill pails they could 'scare up. A big fire will occur in Bellefonte some day which will destroy enough property to - pay' for twenty engines. Then your stocking: leg capitalists will leek in vain for their hidden treasures, for stocking legs will burn and so will greenbacks. 0-et down pier old.shot bags, and pour out your old—time sil ver which has laip their for years.— Ffunt up your boxes, open.your mi serly souls, if you have any, and give enough of your hoardings to purchase at least what will protect the balance of your money from destruction by fire. Do this Much at least, if you never. put a penny into circulation or contribute a dollar to the improve ment of your town. Oh ! beautiful town, what a pity you are afflicted with the presence of men whose fists remain forever clenched when, they should be open-handed and open hearted in the matter of public int— provement. .Oh, silvery, beautiful, powerfillspring creek— how blind the policy which allows your waters to pass by untramelled, almost unheed ed, to the boSom of old Biddy; when they might he mule to turn ten thou sand spindles. "%Vies the fat contributor says, " to return back to my subject."— Aniong'the thingS which Chicago doing big at this time, is the veloci- Ode. Velocipedestriamism is the s eegation now. This section is well calculaid for this hind of boss, for here the land lies on its Sicli instead of stan3ing on its ego as it does in Pennsylvania. Of course we have not so much land to the acre as if it stoats on edge ; but it is better for yeloei-- nedes, for although this animal runs down hill quite easily, it is somewhat balky when you undertake to ride it up bill. It is decidedly "up hill busi , ness." A man has about allthe bus iness he wants,to ride one on the level ground, and you may properly eharge the:rider With being a Ausy body." The-velocipede is an excellent means of developing the muscles. I have seen persons deVelope the muscles of the — head and face in one attempt to' ride. You can also reduce the flesh on - your body if you :desire to bring , yourself down to your fighting weight. I saw a man reduce his flesh consider ably the other day by comine• in con— tact with a picket fence. He objects to gcing , on picket again. I like to see young ladies on ; velocipede-bade. Wo men, you know, are more agile than men, and I think this the best .possi ble means of , showing their agility ! Oh, how I would love to embrace some of the velocipedes I have seen.! You have doubtless beard o f the po etry of motion. G-et a nice female girl . , on a • prancing steed of this descrip tion, and " poetry of motion" don't express it. A- lady rides on one 'side of an ordinary, horse; but on the ve— locipede everybody is conitiolled 'to ride on - both sides. In fact I have seen new begiviners ride all - over a veloci— pede, and•over considerable ground besides. One lady," whose husbi.-.d is learning to "ride, wants to know who, reniedv to apply to give him rest at night. She says he takes..a- posj- . tion nn his back, and keeps up the 'no tions of a - velocipedist all night. is generally necessary to break an ordi itary - horse,' before using; but this is unnecessary with the velocipede. In fact,-they are ::core useful,, when not broken at all. . The. "coining woman" • • • siill holds her place anin••. the sensations of .he 31. i I imp). An am using en n ver- - saaon was overheard the other clay,a4 . yer (hie) an y. thing of my wife.?" "1 have not tho ' nonor of knowing your wife, • "DP' • .af t apologize, Sam; don't apo -9' ..po-hie-logize. I-i-its no honor, whatever. D'd 3:.e-r see her?" - I did not !" ".How yer know yer ? She's as tall as a meetin' house, and as broad as a lainp-post, and she wea-s a gingim umbreller, and one eye out, and her nose (hie) is done up in specs. Didn't yer see her?" " No. ArC:. emphatically. `• That's all rithht, Sam; that's all right: merely ask firnmerashun. She (hie) says - she was going to join li, sory-ory-sisters, and if she, does, I mean to get blind stavin' drunk. Wouldn't you T' I confess, Mr. Ilt:punmeas, that I am disappointed in not being invited to a seat in Mister Grant's Cabinet.— Ile said, some time ago,. that thOSe appointed, would be persons leat: ex pecting it. This was the rock on which I built nip hopc . sibat Isuppoae there are plenty other prominent men, like, and possibly some of them are Pennsyliranians, too.— Well, well, we can't all be cabinets, and I presume we will have tobe con tent. Your own Q (lAD • Mr. Stewart Declines. The following is the letter of Mr STEWART to President GRANT- deem ing the Treasury Appointment : WASEIINGCON, March 9,186 g. To the PreAleot—DElrn SIR : Ap preciating the .high honor conferred by your nomination and the unanimous confinination by the Senate of myself to the office of Secretary of the treas. ury, I regret that circumstances beyond our control compel me to deciine. Could the difficulties presented by the provisions of the act of 1789, which, in organizing the department of the treasury, prohibits the secretary from being directly or indirectly concerned or interested in carrying on the busi ness or trade of commerce, be overcome by any reasonable sacrifice to mys,H, I would willingly make it. I would promptly transfer to gentlemen in whom the public have full. confidence every interest in the gains and profits that could possibly accrue to myself in the business of my . house during my official term to be aPplit d to such pub lic charities as their judgement should dictate, and have proposed and sought by the execution of appropriate instru ments to accomplish that end. But serious differences of opinion have been expressed as to whether that course would satisfy the requirements of the law, and although I will not hes itate to make this appropriation, pro vided it would enable me to accept the office and thus unite my efforts with your own and other members of your cabinet in restoring economy, honesty and strict frugality in the administra tion of the government, and lifting as rapidly as practicable from the people the great burdens of taxation, debt and extravagawe resting upon them. yet the business relations of my firm, and its connection with others largely interested in their continuance, are such that they cannot be severed sum marily, nor can my interest in it be whoiely and absolutely disposed of without producing great embarrass ment and loss to those with whom I have-been conneetAl. I cannot con sent to enter upon the adm;nistratioa of laws by any act or course that can be construed into a disregard or viola tion of the law, and while. therefore, regret that the plan proposed is deem ed-inadequate to relieve me fro it leg t', and as it seems to me, technical (Lisa bilitieS, I yield to the better ju& , -. merit of others rather than seem to be willing to - accept a position in disre spect of law. In finally renewing the declination which was tendered at the outset of these objections, I repeat to you, Mr. President, my thanks for the honor done me in 'offering this high position, and assure. you that you will have my earne‘t Obits to susta'n your administration in carrying out the wise and salutary measures indicated by you on entering upon your office. Sincerely your friend, ALEXANDER T. STEWART. Whatever may be the opinions en tertained by people in regard to the propriety of the appointment of Mr. STEWART, honest men everywhere wi!! think more highly of hlin for his noble letter. .4e haq shown a spirit worthy of his honorable reputation, and fully. ,Justifying the sagaei tc! of t he president in selecting him for the responsible du ties of Secretary of the Treasury. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS fIEO. L. POTTER. M. D.. Physi cian and Sorgeon.6ffets his profisibri al Eery icor to the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office retw•ved to house formerly oceupie I by Mr: Switzer. on Spring rtreet, two doors South of Presbyterian church. mail7'69-Iy. %XTM. BROWN. LicPnsed Auction eer. hereby informs the public that be holds himself in readiness at all times. to attend to all Auctions, Vendues, or Public Sales of personal or Real Estate. Charges reasonable. Call on, 'or address. William Brown Bellefonte, Pa. marl7:69-Iy. T_T AVING determined to remove to Lick haven on the Ist of April next, t rqnest all persons who are indebted to me to call and settle their accot.nta before that date. Untettl d claim will . be left with Samuel L. Barr, Esq., for collection af ter that time. marl7'69 St GEO. Y. BEA TTIE. GROUND PLASTER AT $l2 PER TON Just rectived and always on hand at GEO. .t JOE. P. BLYMTER'S WARE- HOUSE, MILROY, PENN'A., Salt for Bale Wholepale and Retail. All kinds of grain bought at highest prices. marl7'69 tf. A.DIII NISTRA T ORS NOM E.--Letters of Administration on the estate vf Eliza beth Lytle. late of Harris ton naltip. dec'd.. having been granted to the undereigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted" to said estate are .equested to make immediate payment. and those having claims against the same, to present them duly authentica ted for settlement. .IN O. I. THONIPSON. A d nen. marl 7'69-4 . r'• A -UfT L7ttS NOTION ! rE3I - - etl an•Auffitor appointed by the Court — Common Pleas of Centre count;.o ,make tii.tribittion of din monrys ArlSiffi out or the Ante.ol . the Real li•ttote of A: N,'hipley: in the hands ..I* R. Z. Kline., Erq -High Sheriff "f (3 9..tre county. to and nu:tong:A thti , d le ;niiy entitled, thereto, will the (lit tle:, of his ay,p , ,lntinent, at his otliee in Belle fonte, on Eattirtl.ty. April 11th, - 18 5 9, nc 10 o'elook A. M „"et raid !lay. when: turd where. all persons iuterested may lately) if-they see p•rver. IL Y. STITZER.• inarlrfl9 4t. Auditor. • XT °TICE. 11. 1 'Wilson P. Palmer, No 44, April ;erm,lB6S Sybella Niraer. Stal)pcena in LiToree. centre comity. 88 The Commonwealth of Pertnqlvania to Syhel la Palmer. Grretir; : int are hereby notified that you areeoni mended, rotting tt,ide all lvinet.s end ex euees, to he and appear in your own person before our Judges at Bellefonte. at our coun ty Court 4 Common Pieaa, there to be - held on the fourth '.ll.molity of April nest: to allow 1,11/3... if ai.y t r u hat e. r, air ‘Viiams P Palmer. enould not be airoieed and separated from the h .nda of matrimony which be hat h contracted wait you. il" t cea illy to the prayer exhibited turainst you bet nre our said Court, awlthicyou shall in nu wi,e omit at your peril. L.Z KLINE marl7.69AP. er NOTICE. George W. Barrie, No 50, Nov term, 'CS. 'UN Rebecca A. Minis. Subpoena in Divorce. Centre count✓. ex: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to RcheecaA.llarris,Giceting: 'You are herehy notified that you are com manded, setting aside al business and ex clues, to be and appe ix in • your own person, bethre our .Judges at Bellefinte. at our min ti Court of Common PleaA. there to be. held on the ourth Monday of April next, to show if any you have, why your bui-band, George W: Harris. should - n•ot be divorced and separated from the bonds of matrinickny which he bath cont-acted with you agreea bly to the prayer of his petition and libel ox nibited against you betofe our said Coml., and this you shall in no wise omit at your peril. D. Z. KLINE, mart 7'69 St. Sher . • OUR HOUSE. The undersigned adopts this method of informing his friends and the public gener ally that he continues to iiieep the Bute] im the corner of Allegheny and Bishop Sts.. known by the cognomen of "OUR HOUSE." The Proprietor has spared no pains in fur nishing the house with new furniture. The beds and bedding are the very best; the rooms commodious and well ventilated. The accommodations, boarding. &e., are equal to any of the high priced Hotels. Only 25 cents for meals. Thankful for past favors, he solicits their continuance, and promises satisfaction to all. . marl7'69- ly. WM. BROWN, Propr. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. betters Testamenta tary on the Estate of Hugh Tanner. late of Potter T.iwrpthip, deed.. having been grant ed to the Undersigned by the Regit ter of Wills. of Centre enunty all tersons knovring themselves indebted to said Estate are here by notified to come forward and settle their accounts, and those having claims against raid Estate are requested It present the same duly authentietved fore. tlement. II P. CADWALLADHIt. m;mlo'll9.Bt. F_'rewth,• F 0 ARTNEVISIIIP NOTICE.— Isaac Lose George A. Lose have formed a partnership. trading as Isaac Lose Son. in the•ss of keeping a. Liver,v and Exchange Stable in Bellefonte, located at The Burnside on the alley in rear of Gm Shoe Shop of Jno. Powers. The stable of George A Lose b. Co.-. in rear of the Brock‘erhoff House i. abandoned. and the firm of Geo. A. tom if- Co.. is di•:solved. ISAAC LOSE. ' marlo'69-3t GEO. A. LOSE. Thn . firm of George A. Loss It Co.. 'VHS dissolved by mutual cons'ent Febrtuiry 180 The hooks of the thin ere in the hands of George A. Lose for settlement. GEO 1.0.. 7 ,E .1. D. THOMAS. -,, DR SA 'S t o\ I R C ATARRH 1 gEMEDI. du not iv , sis •n rut yea, seamy that Dr. Wonderial, or any other man has diecoverea• a remedy twat cures Con sumption, when the lungs ate hill. consum ed, le short wilt cure all ili.enses whetheria mind, hotly or estate. make men aive tree r. and leave death to play for want of wink, and is designed to make oar sublunary sphere a blissful paradi4e, to which Heaven itself shall lot but a sale show. Von have hear t enough of that kind of humbun•gery, and we do nut wonder that you have by ' this time become disgusted with it But when we tell you that Dr. Sage's Cata-rh Remedy will puaiticely care the worst case • ( 9' L'ota.rh we only assert that which thousands can SO- Lily to. Try it. ttud you will tie convinced We will pay $5OO Reward for a case of Ca larch that ae cannot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DRUG GIST 3 EV- ERY W 11 ERE PRICY. ONI.t 60 CENTS. Sent by Mail pod paid. for .%ixty Cents; Four Pa••kages [or $2 00 ; or t Dozen for S 5 0 1 1. Send a two cent stamp for [Jr. Sage's p ttnphlet on Ca tarrh,. Address to Pr.•prictor, B. V. PIERCE, M. D., fe24'6P-3m. Borrwt.o ; N. Y. 15000 a year can be made by live 'Tents. selling mrnew and'va!- uable Addrers J. AIIEARN, 63 Second St.. Baltimore, Md. fe24 611 4w. I p TEACHER Srm onth . WANTED-$75 r A N u I T E p D a r . u s i r o! 8 1 5 0 drea s " The People's Journal," Philadelphia, Pa. mar 3' 8-4 w. WANTED.—Salesmen to travel and sell by sampl: a new line of goods. c it uations permanent. end good wares. Ad dress with stamp, H. H. RICHARDS Sr. CO. 413 Chestnut St-..PhiPa. Pa, wnr3'69-4w. PAINTS FOR FARMERS —Unsurpassed for any purpose. 66 for a bbl. of 300 lbs. Send for eirealor. GRAFTON MIN ERAL PAINT CO., 254, Pearl St., N. Y. ma,T3'69-4w. $lOO to $2OO per month salary paid to good Agents to ee'l our Patent .lVoo corrorsive White Wire Clothes tam— State age and p at occupa!lon. and address the American Wire Co, 75 William St.,N. N., or 18 Dearborn St., Chicago, DI. mar:4'69-4w. AGENTS WANTED —For the only steel engraving of Gen. Grant and bin publi , hed with their approval. Engrav ed by Sartain. Size 15 by 19. 52.00. 100 per cent. to agents. Address GOODSPEED A. CO., Chicago, or No. 37 Park now, New Yolk. mar3'69 4w. EW . 1100ES-200 ENGRAVINGS.— rne Fertnor's and Meebaniee Manuel, edited by 'Geo. E. Warity,i: Jr., author of " Draining for Pri:cit," ‘! Element< of Agri ar. A book of gr".."...t value to every One. 'cella for IR . , page " c i rcu l ar . Agents wanted. T I ::a A T 4v, CO., Publisher!. 654 Broodw• N. Y. tuar3'69 4w • rpm CHRISTIAN, 60 CENTS !—A large 1: live, 8 page monthly religions and 1. 1 Pietro . ily paper, full . lasts, provix . dents, music. Pare • .onees, inei, reading yue s• odes, pictures. young. ohl, vaints. sinners. ono and all: No sectarianism, controversy, pol Ries. puffs. pills. or potent Insaicine.l.. stO eenre a 'ye'ar ; I 0 01 , 11 i.!?, $5. Put Sunday Schools. II) copies 34. Send 10 cents for 3 speam us he-ore you forget it. Vol. 4 be gine. Jan:. 1869.. 1000 paees new live tract' for $l. Address 11. 1. .1i ASTINUS, Scrip tural Tract hepo.ity, 19 Lindall. St.. Ili*. ton MaB3. nutr3'69 The nnaersign `ANTED! WANT ED !L ents of either sex. in every town and village. for the larg est ONE lulLl.Allt SALE . in the country.— The smallest. at tieles soltlean be oxvhittiged for a Silver Pl tea five-bottled Revolving Castor. or your choice of 200 articles upon ex.rhringe list. Conlin issiuus to Agents larg er than ever. oleo.' for Circular. S. C. TtioluesoN s c . CO. 134 I?eklera I Si . , DOSton, Mate. F YOU TRY THE COMB[NA TION OF ALLEN, ATWOOD & BATES, GaEAT MANIMOTII SALE! LICENSED BY THE U. S. GOVERN'NT. Haring had large experieneo. we are con e.. dent of suceese in our ONE DOL• LA It SALE. ffar - NOTICE. We will present to any person sending u s a club in our great ONE DOLLAR SALE Silk Dress Pattern. Piece of Sheeting, Sew ing Maehitie, a Carpet, a Wat. h, kc., Sc., • ALL FREE OF COST. Greatest inducements ever offered. Cir,ufor and Sample sent fl ee to any ad dress. ALLEN, ATWOOD Sc BATES, Nos. 57 Milk, 78 it 84 Devonshire Street Boetun, Mass. • Iwant to reuse each sleepy head. 1 Who stand upon the brink. Where yawning gulf's disclose the dead, Who might, but did not think. I want to warn the living, ones Who blindly grope along. Ye fathers. daughters. mothers, sons, Whitt perils round you throng t Look our. my realer. are you free, Or wear the mark ? Moat all nre blind and cannot see, Yea, griping in the dark. Catarrh, a demon in the head, Constnnption is its sun 7 Kills hosts, yea. counties!: millions dead, Perh3ps you may be one. That hacking, hawking. spitting, shows, Catarrh effects your head, Matter and slime in throat or nose, Rune down your throat instead. Your lungs and liver soon will show, Consumption has its birth ; Catarrh, its sire, will feed it too, 'Till you return to earth. Iranhis affect your head and throat, ANNIIIILATOR buy Now dolei forgot what I have wrote, Or thick this subject dry. WoLuerr's ANNIIIII.ATWa MIMS, adorrh—The demon tles ; It pare the /intr. gend heal h insures, And Catarrh quickly dies. I want to gratify my f,iends, IVho wish to umierptand About PAIN P.uNr. its tt,e, its ends, And Why its great demand. • I. want to show you plain ns day, Why PAIN PAINT -tops all pain, That you may never have to say " not tr:t p.tint again." PAIN Parr will cool but, narer stain; Pinups Intl tm Ilion out ; het tutei,s en, the bread or brain, A trial stops ail doubt. When in(lamation !cares the frame, Ali pain y.ll cease at once; Remove the cause, 'tis all the tame; None daubis unless a dunce. The pores will ope at d drink PAIN PAINT; Ab , Olbe , llN till with ea:?e Re,tor• K the weak. the Fick, the faint, a greatest skeptic please. Evaporation mole the piece As it'll onatign fling ; Irk blood at the ;ilisornent's base Make's PAINT in vapor rise. 'Tis thus PAIN Pstsr runoves all doubt, Remove:. the very cause By pumping intLirmition out; On this we rest uur cause. Woloott's Psi. Paint is sold at all thug Stores; also, Walcott's .nriihilat , ,r, for the cure of Catarrh and Colds in the bead. Sent by Fxpre,s on receipt of the money, at 181, Chatham square, N. Y. B. 1,. Wolcott, Prop'r. ie24419 4w. Dr. =O. V. BURTON'S ► CCO ANT II 'TE . • noun ALL inst • R Tonscco. Is harrnfess I purifies and enriches the syste.• pOSSCISeS great nourish! wer, au excellent tone and ap • o digest the heartiest food. ..1 establishes robust health. I ears cured. Pries Fifty • . An inte - in treatise on the in. eco, with lists testimonials, refer.' t nee. Agents want • . ddleSS DR. T. It. Assort, Jere City, N. J. F• SALE BY ALL DRUGGI tar' Lim:l.—Beware of humbug imitat CTradtmark X Chpltrigh Rd.] Ea I WasueTED entirety Kgetable v. the blood, tuvigornA, Mg and strengthening \ petizer, enables the sma makes sleep retreating, 2.nokers and chewers fr rents per box, post fro , jeeious effects of t , " Miens, etc., SEXT MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS A RCADE'SALOON GEO. M. PECK, Proprietor. hereby inform my friends and the public generally that I cuntinue to keep the ARCADE SALOON, in Bush's Block, atijoinirg Howell, Gilli land f Cy',.. Store. Meals can be obtained at ALL HOURS during the day. Oysters. the very best, cooked in every style. Meals provided for Reenter B•ardere when ~order ed, and at reasonable rates. Thankful to the public for past Newt., the continuation of these favors is respectfully' solicited. kb 17'69. ty. O. M• PECK. 0. W. ITATIVALLIN, VANVALIN doLAMBERT, PLASTERERS! PLASTERERS !! - We adopt this method of infOrming the eiti zens of Bellefonte and vicinity that we have entered into partnership in .the • PLASTERING BUSINESS. All jobs entrust CO) us will be done in the shortest time and in the. moat workmanlike manner. From out long experience in the business 'Waled Confident that we can give full midsection- to all who may favor 'us with their _work. Address, or call on VADIVALIN d LnbiBERT , feb 17'69.6m Bellefonte,-Pa. TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF IHATIIERI - The undersigned bar just received tits moat extensive lot •of Leather, from . the New York. Baltimore and Wihnin . ton mar— kets, ever brought to this place, Ztonsiating of Spanish Sole Upper, America . 7, Preach - Ki 7,, Calf, OILFINISII AND BRl.l,qi MOROCCO, KID. GLOVE SKIN, Wha ng Leather, Linings and Shoe of every diAeription, all .f which will be sold cheaper than can be at any oth er establisbiurntin Centrai Pennsylvania. ABRAIIAM s USS:II 01. hale:runt°. ?a. ja.13!69.1y B ELLEFONTE ACADEMY A CLAS:-ICAL SCHOOL FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN a YOUNG LADIES. Nest Tenn commences nn Thursday Falun 4rh. The desien of this InFtitntitie tO fur hitth thoriothh in,trnetimis in the Ehonentn ry sad Hither English Studie., Mntheran : Dr !wing, Aiwient and Modern Lang , tmes. and in all the branches of a complete Academic CiaITSC. Special art:talon is given to Instrumental and Vocal Nimiiu• The latter i 3 taught to all the pupils charge. Male pupils from abroad hoard in the School Building, under the supervision of the Teacher.% A limited umber r.f Y•dtag Lady pupils is received int.) be immediate family of Princifo! EVERY NECUSARY ATTENTION is elven to the Ipmlti), comfort, and mora and intellectual improvement of the t upils For further partiettlar4. A.I ins& Bev. J. P. 1117011 ES, ja27' Principal. ~, ,.., „,-,--.7 - 7 , ,,,, . // f h 1.:!;..... N" (41 4 , : ;,. : , 3 , : ,„ 1 , i F.,.: .. , ) . ~ 4 .. , 0 t ,-- ARK . . W it 01Yect WE AILli AND WILL PBESNT TO ANY PERSON Bending us a Club in our Great ONE DALLAR SALE OF DRY AND FAN- CY GOODS, A Watch, piece ofSheeting, Silk Drees Pat tern, Sc • FREE OF COST Our inducements during the past few years . have been large. WE NOW DOUBLE OUR RATES. OF PREMIUMS We have made many important additions Lions to oar Winter Stocks, and have large ly extended our Exchange List, and we now feel confident to meet the demands of our extensive patrunoge. Send for new Circular Catalogue of Goods and Samples sent to any address free. Send money by register ed letter. Address all orders to J. S. HAWES if CO., 15 Federal et, Boston, Huse P. O. Box. C. Wholemllo Dtalers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Cutlery. Piatod Ware, Albums. Leather mar i'69-12w. BAKERY EW BAKERY. Tho undersigned respect fully invites the attention of the citizens of Licllef into and vicinity, to his NEW BAKERY, on Bishop Street, as the only place whore the bort quality of BREAD, CAKES, VIES, CONFECT METE. lES, MINCE MEAT. of our rqra Manufacture. £tio be,t Norfolk Oysters by the Can or Qmirt. Also e• eked in all stylus. (1 e) Fried in Crumbs. Frie•i in butter. Fan cy Itnas•s. Stewed Scoiluped O - ters. Opder Pie and tiara Chowder. . A private noon nezrOy folrni,hed anu aar pebol, for !a.iies or .t.:oeial prt liar. A special invitation ie hereby extended to all ja13'69.1y S. J. 51vDOWELL. HOTELS G ALLMAN'S HOTEL DAN . L GA %NI Prop'r This long established and well kuown lin tel. situated on the southeast corner of the Diamond. opposite the Court House. having been purchased by the undersigned. he en. nounres to the former patrons of this estab lishment and to the traveling puhlie goner. ally, that he has thoroughly refittca his house, anti is prepared to render the most satisfactory accommodation to all who may Ivor him with their patronage. No pains will he spared on his part to add to the eon venience or comfort of his guests. All who stop with him will find HIS TARLS abundantly supplied with the most sumptuous faro the market will afford, done up in style, by the most experienced cooks. HIS BAR will always oaatain the oboioest of liquors. HIS STABLING is hest in town. and will al ways he attendedby thetotoit trust worthy and attentive hustlers. Give him a call, one and all. and he Nett confident that ati will be satisfied with their accommodation. AN EXCELLENT LIVERY is attached to this establishment, which strangers from abroad will find icreatly to their advantage. ja6' wAGON HUMS. spokes and felloes laFge and srnolLat IRWIN 4 WILF3O.I'B MEMNPI =I