• . _A - I - _ . C. _ . • .IE 4 I _ . . . . • A- EMI W, w. BROWN. 1 Enrroits A. B. HUTCHISON: .1 RAILROADS MIFFLIN Ar. CENTRE CO. Branch R NORTIIWALICV). No. 1, leaves Lewistown at ir,s a. m., and arrives at Milroy R. 15 a. to. No. 2, leaves Perm'a* R. R. 11.15 a. m., ar rives nt Milroy 12.15 p.-m. No. 3, leaves. Pen 'a R. IL 4.05 p. m., ar rives at Milroy 5.00. I= No. I._ leaves Milroy 8.40 a m., and arrives at Pean'a. It. It. 9.40 a. m. No. 2, lea Yes Milroy 1.15 p. m., and arrives - Penn's. R. R. 2.10 p. in. No. 3. leaves .Milroy 5.07 p. m. and arrives at Penn'a. R. A. 6.00 p. in. Stage leaves Bellefonte every day (except Sunday.) at i 1 a. m., and arrives at Mui r.), 4 30 pm. Stage leaves Milroy every day (except Sun day) at 5.30 p. in. and arrives at Belle fonte 10.30 p. m. Stage leaves Bellefonte for Pine Grove Mills every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 6 a. in. " Western mail closes at 4.00 p. m. Lock Haven mail closes at 10.00 a; m. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE R WINTER. TIME TABLE Through and direct route between Phil adelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williams port, and the GREAT OIL REGION or PENN'A. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all night Trains On and after MONDAY, NOV. 23th 1868 the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Rail Read will run as follows: WESTWARD. ➢sail Train leaves Philadelphia 10 45 p.m 4 , " " Lock Haven... 9 31 a. m " " arr. at Erie ' 950 p. m Erie Express leaves Phila 11 50 a m " " " Lock Haven... 9 50 p. m " " arr. at Erie 10 08 a m Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia 8 00 a. m " " Lock Haven... 745 p. r• - " " arr. at Lock Haven 745 p. EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie 10 55 a. in " " " Lock Haven... 11 21 p. •• " arr. at Philadelphia.. 10 00 a. In Erie Express leaves Erie 6 25 p. " •" " Lock Haven 6 10 a. In arr. at Phila Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Rail Road. Baggage Checked through. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. PENNSYLVANIA It ULROAD BALD EAGLE VALLEY ITO TV RoNE cI,I3.IRFIEL - BR.-INCHES OP ZING OP TYRONE S: .CLEA MELD BR ANCIITO CLEA tiFrEi.D. Ii 'MILES 'NORTH OF TYRONE On and niter Monday..Pabrnar:r 1 , 4,1569 two Passenger Trains will run daily (except Sundays) between Tyrone and Lock tinven, and mine Passenger Train between Tyrone and Clearfield—as follows.: BALD EAGLE VALLEY. = Mail Lenres loask Haven at ....... ..2 ?.0 p in " “....Ntileshurg “ 3 bb p m ." ...... ".....Bellefontq " 4 12 p in Arrive at Tyrone at C 05 p in B. E. Express leaver , L Haven at.. 10 20 a in " ‘....Mileliburg "...11 4S a in a "...Bellefi.nte "...11 55 a in Arrives at Tyrone at 1 20 p LH 13331ZE Mail leaves Tyrone at 8 50 a In '. -.....8e11ef0 •to at 10 50 aln " '....Milesburg at 11 02 a M Arrive at Lek Haven 12 30 p in 33. E. Express leaves Tyrone 7 00 p in ...Bellefonte at.. 8 50 p ta "...Milesburg at.. 9 05 p m Arrivea at Lock Haven at 10 30 p TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD NORTIIW.A.RD. Clearfield Mail leaves Tyrone at.. 9 00 a m " ".....oseeola at.. 10 40 a to I " " SbUr g 'lO ato Arrive at Clearfield at 1 00 p m SOUTHWARD Leavea Clearfield at. 4C ti CC Arrive at Tyrone at CONNECTIONS Passengers leaves Clearfield at 2 o'clock p. in., Philipsburg at 3 05 p. in., Osceola at 4 15 p. in., arrive at Tyrone at 5 59 p. in., making connection with Cincinnati Express East at 6 17 p. in., and with Mail IVeet at 8 44p. .n., on Main Line; also with Bald Eagle Express, leaving Tyrone at 7 00 p. arriving at Bellefonte at 8 45 p. m., at Lock -Haven at 10 30 p. in., connecting with Erie Mail East on the Philadelphia and Erie road at 11 21 p. in. arriving at Williamsport at 12 40 a. in. Returning, passengers leaving Williams port at 8 15 a in, on Erie Mail West, arrive at Lock Haven at 9 31 a in, connecting with Bald Eagle Express leaving Lock Haven at 10 20 a in, arriving at Bellefonte at 11 55 a in, Snow Shoe City at 5 35 p m, and Tyrone at 1 20 -p m, connecting with Way Passen ger West at 1 40 p in, and Mail East at 3 31 p in, on Main Line. Passengers leaving Lock Haven at 2 30 p in, and Bellefonte at 4 12 p in, arrive at Ty rone nt 6 05 p in, connecting with Cincin nati Express East 6 17 p m, and Mail West at 6 44 p m, on Main Line. Passengers leaving Tyrone on the Clear field Mail or the Lock Haven Mail, connect from the Day Express East and the Phil'a. Express West—and on the Bald Eagle E - press, connect from the Cincinriati Express East and Mail West. GBO. C. WILKINS. SV't. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, Oen. Supt MEDICAL ?ISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION - • „ t the St•iertee..,l” hat- itenttherl n ir , hi-+,,n•, ‘vi,en t may I= = 81. II It 7 EkUlt SALE -, ac r-.. 11 I.U. a t ••• I.. lig r d, . dew., 1 li.s; at IhiS th, T 1 g• d :-B, e The purchaser can have Ids choice nt Iv% o. a mare or n. , rt:e. Alzp a ....yo4 vuly for particulars, cuff at the afire tPlef a 2 r69.tC" " REP üBLICAN." OUR TERMS FOR SUBSCRIPTION ADVERTISING The " BI'LLEPONTE REPUBLICAN" is . published every WEDNESDAY AlonNixo, in Bellefonte, Pa., by A. B. lIUTCHIE:ON it CO., • • at the following rates: • One jearjinvariattly in advance,) $2.00 Six Eion,hs, " " " $l.OO Three Months,." " " 50 Single Copim.." " " 05 It is Bei nblican in politics 7 -devoted to the Agricultural, Manufacturing and Min ing interests of Central Pennsylvania. Papers discontinued to subscribers at the expiration of their terms of subscription, at the option of the publishers, unless other wise agreed upon. Special notices inserted in our local col nms at 20 cts. per line for each insertion, unless otherwise agreed upon, by the month, quarter or year. Editorial Notices in our local columns, 25 Ms. per line for each insertion. Marriaga or Death announcements pub lished free of charge. Obituary notices pub lished free. subject to revision and conden sation by the Editors. Professional or Business Cards, not ex ceeding 10 lines this type, $B.OO per annum. Advertisements of 10 lines, or less, $l.OO for one insertion, and 5 cts. per line for each additional insertion. Advertisements by the quarter, half-year or year_ received, and liberal deductions made in proportion to length of advertise. meat and length of time of insertion, as fol lows : SPACE ocetoriED. One inch(or 10 lines this type) Two inches Three inches Four inches Quarter column (or 5/ inches) I Half column (or 11 inches)..... 1 One column (or 22 inches)..... All advertisements. whether displayed or blank lines, measured by lines of ibis type. All advertisements due aftir the first in sertion.' Job Work of every variety, such as Pos ters, BLI-heads, Letter heads,Cards, Checks, •Envelopes, Paper Books, Programmes, Blanks, &c., &0., executed in the best style with promptness, and at the most reasona ble rates. Address all communications relating to business of this office, to A. B. HUTCHISON .E CO., Bellefonte, Pa. 4 20 p. m Bellefonte Masonic Lodge, No 263. A.Y M. meets on Tuesday evening of or beforeth? Full Moon. Constons Commandery. No. 33, K. T., meets second Friday of each month. I. 0. 0. F. Centre Lodge, No. 153, meets every Thursday evening at their Hall, Bush's Arcade. • Forthe conferring of Degrees the Ist Sat urday eveninz of each m mth. For Derv. , of Rebecca, second Saturday of (very month. • 1 0. O. T. This Lodge every Mon. ay ..venint:. Bellefonte Church Directory pre,,,d:yterian clilireh. Spring St.. cervices at at LI a. in., and 74. p. pastor at. present. Tills enn•Arcgat ion are now erecting:: ne. chorcn. in coi:Nit:et:ye of which the recular teli4ious serviccs n ill he held in the Culla mouse until further notice. :11ethiti4 Episcopal Church. Iligh St.. cer vices 101 a. m.. ann 71 r. tn. Preyer meeting on Thursday night. Bev. II .C. Pardoe. pastor. St. John's Episcopal Church. High St., cer vices at 101 a. in., and 7, p. m. Rev. Byron 111c0Ann, pastor. Lutheran Church. Linn St., cervices 101 a. , and 71p. ur. Rev. llackenberger, pastor. Reformed Church, Linn St., no pastor at present Catholic Church, Bishop St; services 101 a. In., and 3p. in. ltev. T. McGovern, pastor. Unite.' Brethren Church, High Street, west side of creek; services African M, E. Church, west side of creek ; services to 11 a. ca., and 7k p. m. Rev. Isaac Pints% pastor. DIRECTORY. President—Ulysses S. Grant. Vice•President—Schuyler Colfax. Secretary of State—Hamilton Pisla. Secretaryof Treasary—G eorge S.Boutwell Secretary of War—General Rawlins. Secretary of Navy—Adolph B. Borie. Secretary of interior—Jacob B. Cox. Postmaster-General—J. A. A. Creaswell. Attorney General—Eben Rockwood Hoar 2 00 p m 2 55 p m 4 15 p m 5 50 p m STA.TE. Governor—.Tno. W. Geary. See 'y of Commonwealth—Frank Jordan. Deputy Secretary of Commonwealth—lsaac B. Gara. Auditor General—John F. Ilartranft. Surveyor-General—Jacob M. Campbell. Treasurer—W ., W. Irwin. Attorney General—Benj. H. Brewster. Dep'y-Atf'y General—J. W. M. Newlin. Sup't of Coin. Eehools—J.•P. Wickersham. Dep'y Supt of Com..Schools—C.R Coburn. Supt of Soldier's Orphan Schools—Geo. F. McFarland. President Judge—Charles A. Mayer John Hosterman, ..disociates— William Allison,. Prothonotary—James H. Lipton. Register tfßecorder—J. P. Gephart. Sheriff—D. Z. Kline. Dep'ty Sheriff—D. Woodring. Dist. Atey—H. Y. Stitzer. Treasurer—A. C. Geary. Wm. Keller, Commissioners,{ Wm. Furey, John Bing. Clerk—John Moran. BELLEFONTE BOWER' Chief Bergese—B. M. Blanchard. es't " C ipt. C. T. Fryberger. Chief of Police—Wm. Shortlidge. " Felty. “. Amos Minion. fr Chula Cook. Tome Council—Win. P. Wilson. Prea't " S. M. Irwin, Clerk. " - Robert Valentine, di A. S. Valentine, Jas. FL McClure, F. P. Green, •'h tr.rn. Jr. AM Pr:, every variety and kind at IRWIN A: WILSON'S LASS, all 6=3 IRWInd ualiliett. at N - it. WILSON'S W cr, •—• 5 5 ' c '; g ei P. $5 1 $8 ' $l2 7 10 l5 10115 2O 11 1 17 1 25 12 1 20 1 30 20 1 35 1 55 35 1 55 1 100 LODGES. - 0 _ UNITED STATES COttliTT = MEE 1....\1. 1).„0, . . "Let us See to it that a G vernment of the People, for the P4riple, abd.by the People, shall not Perish from tielarth—[A. LINCOLN.] PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J • G. LOVE, Attorney at. Law, Belle Dante, Pa. Office pu High St, • jafi'fi94 JAMES 11. RANKIN, Attorney-at-Law Belle fonte, Pa. Office in Nrnuory building, 2nd flour. ja6'f.9 ly. SAMUEL LIMN. LINY A FURST, Attorneys at-Law.l elle jaB'69.tf. fonte, Pa EDMUND BLANCHARD. EVAN M. BLANCHARD. I JG E. M. BLANCHARD. EA. Attorneys at-Low, Allegheny St., Bellefonte, Pa. ja6'69.ly. H N. M ALLISTER. JAMES A. BEAVER. AT:ALLISTER , e. BE 1 VER, Attorneys-at-Law, ja6'69.ly Bellefonte Penn'a: - rxT W. BROWN, Attorney-at-Law V V Bellefonte, Penn'a., will attend promptly to all businesb entrustol to his eara E. C. MIMES, Preet. .1. P, mums, Cash'r. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Bellefonte. Alle gheny St., Bellefonte Pa: JOHN H. ORVIS. CYRUS T. I.I.T.SANDIER. ORVIS & ALEXANDER. Attorneys-at-Law, Bellefonte; Pa. Office in Conrad House, Allegheny St. ja6'69,ly. Nv J. KEALSH, Attorney-at . J. Bellefonte, Pa., will attend faithfully to all business entrusted to his care. Deeds, Bonds, &c, executed in the best style. • nrarlo'69 3m. URIAR STOVER, Licensed Autioneer, will attend to all sales entrusted to his care.. Charges reasonable. Address, Uriah Sto var. Rouserville, Centre Co., Pa. ja6'69.rm. G EORGE F. HARRIS. M. D., Physician and Sur geon ; Pension Surgeon for Centre county, will attend promptly to all professional calls. Office on Hight Street N .rth Side. ja27'69.1y. TD. WINGATE. D. D. S., t) Dentiat. Office on the corner of Spring and Bishop streets Belle fonte. Pa. At home , except the first two week; of each month. . Teeth extracted without pain. ja6'69 ly. JAS. H. DOBBINS, Physician and Sur geon. Office up-stairs in J. H. McClure's new Building, Bishop St., Bellefonte, Pa. Will attend to all business in hiq profes sion, faithfully at all times, and all hours. ja.13'69.y„ A B.D.IITCHISON dr. CO'S. A Job Printing Of 'Republ-can" Building, Bishop St.. Bellefonte. Penn'a. Every Description of Plain and Fancy printing done in the neatest manner and at prices below city rates. jafi'69. CITED B usH YOCUM. A ttorneys-nt-Law. - font°, Pa.. will atinnd to nil lot,;iness f' - trils - ed to them. will' pronintnenn. oirw. N.‘rrhan , “ G.rner or the Dinin..nri. in Mr:z. Trvin's crone y. w [LSOS & HUTCtIISON, A t , nrneys at-Law, Bellefonte. Pa. Collections. and all other legal business in Centre and the adjoining. Counties. nroinntly attended to. Offire in Blanchard's Law building, Allegheny street. jA*69. I= B LAIR k STITZER, Attorneys-at-Law, Belle fonte, Pa. Can he eonaulted in both the English and German languages. (iffice on the Diamond, next door to Garmants Hotel. febl 0'39.1y. BELLEFONTE MEAT MARKET Bth.lloP STREET, BELLEFONTE PA. The oldest Meat Market in Bellefonte.— Choice meat of all kinds always on hand. ja6'B9.ly. R. V. BLACK. CENTRE CO. RANKING COMPANY. Receive Depos its and allow Interest; Discount Notes; Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold and Coupons. HENRY BROCRERHOFF, President. J. D. SIMGERT, Caehics.. jal3'69y. 4 . R. GRAHAM, Fashionable Barber, in Basement of the Conrad Hcuse Belle f•mte, Pa. The best of Racers, sharp and keen, always on band. He guarantees a SHAVE without either pulling or pain.— Perfumery, Hair Oils, Hair Restoratives, Paper Collars, &c., constantly on hand. ja13'69.1v. AAlbix R. pALIP.J. T. SAL3IONS. LEVI R PAU?. PAT:P. SALMONS 42 CO., Contractors and Bricklayers, Bellefonte, Pa., adopt this method of informing those wishing to build that they will furnish Brick and lay them, by the job, or by the thousand. Will st3t Heaters, and do all kinds of work in their branch of Business. ja20'69.1y. J. H. TOLBERT, AUCTIONEER. Would respectfully eJ inform the citizens of Nittany Valley in particular, and the people of Centre coun ty in general, that he has taken out a li cense and holds himself in readiness to ory Vendues,Auctions, or other sales at all times, ad at allplaces with in thelimits of Centre and Clinton counties. Charges reasonable. ja27'B94y. e j W. RHONE, DENTIST. Boalsh_urg Cen tre Co., Pa., most respectfully informs the public that he is prepared to execute any description f work in his profession Sat isfaction rendered. and rate+ as moderate as may be expected. Will be found_ in his office daring the week, commencing on the first Monday of each -month, rnd at such other times as may be agreed upon. ja13'69.1y. INSURANCE—LIFE & FIRE. Joseph A. Rankin of his Borough. insures property fur the fol -1,,w10- Stock and Nintont enropanies, viz: rouTany. EBIE :7: , , •-.^...,... rn r P'!•il:i . P:i any ~thcf I ri..twany Llfc r..•tniraDy .“; or.herrfipi- ,• P 1 I. R HOLAHAN. PiTsician and 1' II IMV1112; temove.i rrom Em Ii rl_ C •flt-r•oi eonoty. liirottor c, rcia c P where he will fostlitu 1 nttrnd t.. ell totsines- entrm•ted to boo ii. hi- Proles-i n. Offiee is. hi.reriden.e ori Main et., where he run always be tr , .en unless. veotesFisninily enguged. 1n I& lib t•ellre !r m. bow e, orders may be iefr at the store of Thos. Holahan. tuarlo'69,ly. BELLEFONTE, TA., MARCH 17, 1869. Select Alone in the dreary, pitiless street, *. With my torn old dress and bare cold feet, MI day I've) wandered. to and fro, Hungry and shivering, and nowhere, to go; The night is coming on in *darkness Iliad dread, And the chill sleet coating , upon my bare. A. O. FURfiT • head: Oh! why does the wind blow upon toe so Is it because I am nobody's child? Just ovcr the way there'ss; flood of light, _ And warmth and beautyand all things biight; Beautiful children in robes so fair • Are carolling songs in rapture there, I wonder if they in their blissfui.glee Would.pitty a poor little beggar like me, Wandering alone in the merciless street, Naked and shivering, and nothing to eat. Oh ! what shall I do when the night cowl down . In its terrible blaokners over the town ? Shall flay me down 'neath the angry sky, On the cold kard pavement stone to die ? When the beautiful children their prayers. have said, . . And mamma's have tucked them up snugly in bed, No dear motber ever upon me atoned Why is it, I wonder? I'm nobody's child! No father, no mother, no sister—not one In all the wide world loves me; e'en the lit- tle dogs • When I wander too near them; 'tis wondrous • to see - Hew every one sbrinks ikozaia beggar like me! Perhaps 'tis a dream; but sometimes 'when I lie Gazing far up in the dark bine. sky, Watching for hours some large, bright star, I fancy the beautiful gates are ajar. And a host of white robed nameless things Como flattering o'er me on gilded wings; A hand that is strangely soft and fair, Caresses gently my tangled hair, And a voice like'a carol of some wild bird— The sweetest voice that was ever heard— Calls me many a dear pet name, 'Till my heart and spirit are all aflame. And tells me of inch unbounded love, And bids me come to their home above; They look at me with their soft, sweet blue. eyes, From their starry home, in the azure skiez . , And it seems to me, out of the dreary night, I am going up to that world of light; And away from the hunger and storms so wild I am sure 1 shall then be.. --somebody's child! History of the 49111 Pennsylvania. GEO. M. YOCUlif Ity A. 13. nutcnisom, Late Captain of Company 'C.' CH A PTEP IV. —Con tinued Battle of Lee's firing—The 'Evacuation of Yoiktown by the Enemy— Our Morph, in Pursuit— Williamsburg— Battle of Ray 5, 1862—March to the Chick• «hominy We found in the deserted works of the ,nemy in front of Yorktown, 011 id.ova pipes and logs, mounted as cannon in the embrazures .of their eat works.— Whether this was done to deceive our balloon man, who used to try to see what was going on over there, as was stated. or fixed up by our rebellious brethren as joke on leaving, is a matter of doubt; but it is certain that we found mote stovepipes and logs, than cannon, in the works we entered. N. Y. BTITZEIt As we approached the town of Wil liamsburg, our Cavalry encountered their rear-guard, posted in rifle-pits, and were driven back some distance. liancock's Brigade being in the advance, were dot ed forward in line of battle. to endeavor to dislodge them. Before the force was ready to attack, night came oo; but as the moon was shining, we were directed to attack them by moonlight. Accord ingly, we moved forward into a woods which had been set on fire, and in which we expected to find the enemy. A fence ran along the edge of the woods, in crossing which, our direction was so much changed that the line were thrown into some confusion, and as we reached the point where the woods was on fire, and where we expected to find the enemy. some of the troops commenced firing, which soon ran along the whole line Clouds obscured the moon, and a scene of confusion, excitement and uncertain ty ensued, which might have been a se rious matter, but was only ludicrous, as it resulted. Finding- how difficult the ground was, and that we bad mistaken the position of the enemy, the attack was suspended, and the men directed to lie down in their places, where our line was established. Soon afterwards, rain com menced to fall. On the morning of the sth of May we rose early, the rain still continuing, packed up our wet blankets as best we could, collected what courage we were endowed with, and prepared for a fight, expecting to be led forward to attack the enemy at once. However, we were mov ed back to the edge of the woods. and directed to cook and eat breakfast. By this time firing opened farther to the left, and we were informed that Hook er's Division had come up by another anti were englgiug the enemy. We rem- , te.i et•vrral home. listening t„ ) snout . ' of the bottle going on, seemingly without our hxviog finy in it IV her.: finalic, orders to move .artitit=- e I uo, ' , rut we as , t'n girded ofireelve= for our nervously t F.. et eif mo ohm footle. At ',how eleven ,'oloek we m o ved off tow ord. our ri:cot. an•l making a cit cult of several miles, approached a branch of Queens et eelt, w hich had beets drepened by the enemy, by means of dams, to ob struct our crossing. The depth of water ECM N'e‘c NOBODY'S CHILD. above, and the swamps below the breast of the dam, made the narrow road on the breast our only praeticableerossing,and . just on.the blues at the end of this was an.earthwork of the enemy. This we found deserted, however, and were quick ly in possesslon of it, and formed in line on the other bank. Passing around the bluff, we came upon a large, oped plain, skirted by it woods on our right, and commanded by a chain of redoubts and pits, similar to-the one'vre had taken.— The first of these was abandoned al.o by the enemy, and they retreated from the second at our approach." We then moved firward in line to within about eight hundred yards of the main works of the - rebile,known among oar troops as . fort'filagruder. They also held a redoubt nearer our lino. • Fighting con tinued in their front, and near our ex treme left:Abut they seemed to pay but little attention to us. Our batteries commenced to throw shell at the fortond the barracks near it, and we received a few in reply. ft continued to rain All the afternoon, and we lay quietly awaiting the course of events. The attention of the enemy seemed to be mainly direeted towards our left; at timrs the firing was heavy and rapid. At shout five o'clock, the enemy made an attempt to dislodge us from our position. The "attack was sud den, their force moving on our right flank, under cover of the woods, and rapidly driving in the Fifth Wisconsin skirmishers, their line outnumbering ours, deployed quickly along our front. Coming on rapidly, in full view, we re -tired -before - them as far as the second re doubt we had taken, and awaited their ,'attack. Our batteries, being only- sup plied with shell, soon became useless by reason of the shortnese of the range,and we then opened with musketry, begin ning on the right, and extending 'along the whole line. The enemy came on gal lantly, cheering, until our fire threw them into confusion, when they beat a hasty retreat. A very few, only, mime within about thirty yards of our line, where most of them. fell. We then moved forward a shortdistance, and cap tured about a hundred prisoners, who had thrown themselves on the ground to escape our fire. About two hundred and fifty of their number were left killed and wounded on the field. The rain contin ued. and the little pools of water, on the old cornfield where the battle was fought, were many of them seemingly turned in to blood by the gore of our first battle field's unfortunate victims. Our loss Was remarkably small; there being but a few men wounded in the rsgiment, and but one of them Mortally. In the entire bri gade, the loss was but about sixty men killed and wounded. Hancock's brigade. by this brilliant contest, decided the day against the rebels. and the battle of Wil liamsburg was over. The rain fell in torrents, as though the clouds of heaven were weeping'over the bloody scene: and weary. and wet, and hungry, we lay down on the field to rest and sleep, dis turbed by the groans of wounded men, for whom there was, as yet, no shelter. Next morning the enemy was gone,and we encamped on the field. Oeh'l Mo Clellan visited us early in the morning, and complimented the brigade, highly, on their conduct in this matter. Our wounded were carried to the York river to be Pent north. The weather became pleasant, and we were min rested from our eon fl ict . On the 9th of May, four days after the battle, we resumed our march in pursuit of the en - e•ny. marching to Burret Ordi nary, a distance of thirteen miles, the first day. All along the road were evi dences of a hhaty retreat, broken wag ons. dead horses, mired caissons, and a road so ent'np by their trains, as to be almost impassable. Nast day we re mained in camp, and marched to a point near New Kent C. W. on the 11th, where we encamped again. On tke 14th of May we moved to Cumberland lauding, on the Pomunkey river. Here 'was organized the Ary corps commanded by Maj. Gen. W. B. Franklin, afterwards denominat ed the Sixth Army corps, to which our regiment was attached, and whose , for tunes we shared during the rest of our history. As soon as the corps was brought to gether, we moved on to White House, on the Pomunkey river, a place memorable as the former home of Mrs. Washington, at this lime owned by Colonel Lee, a eon of the rebel chieftain, who has given eur army so much trouble. At this point our . Depot of Supplies was established, oars and engines beitig brought up the river, and put on the York River Railroad, which crosses the Pomunkey at this paint. Here were a large number of elaves,most of whom left after our occupation, some following the army, while others started to Fort Monroe. We were no tiermitted to destroy femme, here; but the great and fine wheat fields were trodden down by the troops, but whether for any par , titular reason, I °moot say. The fishe ry'here supplied us with herring in abundance. which greatly improved our commissariat. On the 22nd of May we commenced our adt - ance on Richmond from t he new bise. Encamping. after a short march, we spent th - night, and reeutued our march early is the morning. On our march to-day we discovered a number of sweet pota toe bins. which were pile dug in the wound, and covered with rails planted in the sides, and forming a steep roof over ;hem, which was rendered tight by straw and dirt. We eoen reduced their contents 10 out own putposes. and im proved. by so much, our daily rations. We encamped that night near a Flouring mill, and had a fine view of balloon,• which , was on a reconnoisance in front of us. The enemy attempted to shell it, and finally did cause it to return to Mother Earth. At this place we secured a considerable quantity of flour and corn meal, the mill being in the bands of a very accommodating negro, and its pond furnished us with fine bathe which could be had for the taking. This camp was the scene of Cold Harbor's after strug gles. Next day we marched to the banks of the•Chiclitth Milli', near New Bridge, and encamped in an orchard, this being CaMp No. 19, in the field; Here we came into full view of the enemy's pickets, on the opposite banks of the Chickahominy, and almost within sight of the . spires of Richmond. Our month beforo Richmond ,must form the theme of our next chap- [CONTINUED NEXT WEEK.) A Funny Mistake. What happened when• Hr. Johnson Left the White House. A Washington correspondent of The Sun tells an amusing story of how late oi the night of March 4, terrible ring ing of the bell of the White Rouse was heard. Grant was at his private resi dence, and the servants in charge were badly scared. Still the noise continued: "Andy! ho, Andy! op'n the door!" shouted the mysterious individual, work ing away at the bell handless if he were raking a stove. A short silence ensued "Come. come, open the door, I tell ye! hle'n Smythe's out here, an' its cold enough to freese a spirit level I" At this point one of the coachmen re cognized the voice and sprang for the door saying : "Why it's Dave—old Uncle Dave ! Yere, open this door, some o' ye, d—d quick !" Teri seconds of suspense, and the key was turned in the look, and the catch was unsprung. A heavy foot strode over the threshold, and two hundred pounds of solid flesh and overcoat rolled in the hall. The servants gathered about the mass in amazement. " TOM, ho, you, Tom ! S'tbe gasburn in' in my room? 'S Andy gone to bed? Confoun' ye, why didn'n' ye op'n th' door? Didn'n' ye know I was freesin'?" " Why, Uncle Dave," was the reply, "didn't you know that to-day was Inaug uration day, and that the President's left for good, and that General Grant rune the mill now ?" Unehi David unsteadily gazed at Torn for a few seconds, and a meaning smile passed over his face. "No, you don't," said te; "what d'you take nie for?"-- Then he straightened himself up in an effort at dignity, and continued : "Thom as. be careful how you joke with a Unit ed States Senator, and a son-in-law Iry the President." " Yes," answered Tom, " but you ain't a Senator no more, and he ain't a Presi dent any longer. Don't I tell ye that Grant is a runnin' the mill?" "rhat ?" roared the ex-Senator from Tennessee, "and Andy's gone! an' Gid, an' Bill, an' Aleck, an' Hughey, an'Orv.. an' all these lively fellows— all gone!— Well, well, well!" For one minute the speaker put his band to his forehead, then blew a long whistle, rolled out on the corridor, and disappeared among the trees lining the graveled walk to the White House. It was ex Senator David T. Patterson. of Tennessee, who, in a fit of absence of mind, brought on by undue excitement attending the inauguration had reeled to the Executive Mansion, as in nights peat, and demanded an entrance. The Land Breezes. Here is an ocean memory to which Mr. Beecher lately treated the old folks of his congregation " When, after the weary voyage that I first made across the ocean, sick and loathsome, I arose one morning and went upon the deck, holding on, crawling, thinking that I was but a worm, I smelt in the air some strange smell, and said to the captain,"What is the odor ? ' •:It is the land breeze from off Ireland." I smelt the turf, 1 smelt the grass, I smelt the leaves, and all my sickness &parted from me; my eyes grew bright; my nau- . sia was gone. The thought of the near ness of the land came to me and cured me better than medicine could cure me. And when, afar off, I saw. the dim line of land, joy came and gave me health, and from that moment, I had neither sick ness nor trouble; I was coming near to the land. "Oh ! is there not foryou, old.man,and for you, wearied mother, a land breeze bloling a from Heaven, wafting to yOu some of its odors, some of its sweetness? Behold the garden of the Lord; it is not far - away; 1 know frtim the air. Behold the joy of home. Do I not bear children shout ? The air is fall of music to our silent thoughts. Oh, bow full of music when our journey is almost done, and we stand upon the bound and precinct of that blessed land. Hold on to your faith. Give not away to discouragement. Be lieve more firmly. Take hold by prayer and by faith. In a few hours visions of God, and of all the realities of the etern al world, shall be yours, and you shall be saved with an everlasting salvation. A CYNICAL husband nays that the only good run or luck be ever had was when his wife ran away from him. Wily is a weather-cock liko a loafer? Because be is constantly going round, doing nothing Odds and Ends. —To be angry is to revenge the faults of others on ourselves. —Two electioneering requirements— wind-bap and .moneybags. —Horace (freely ie paid $7,600 a year for hie work on the Tribune. - — ,, What ails your opt, Joe?" Aold a man he lied," replied Joe. :--Everybody knows good counsel ex cept him who. bath need of it. --It is a great meroy to be preserved is health as to be delivered from sick ness. —The Grecian bend has reached Cali fornia, but there it is called the Pacific slope —Whisky is not a tonic, but an altera tive—it alters dollars into pence and men into brutes. --Rehearse not unto another that which is told to thee, and thou ehalt fare never the worse. . —lf brevity is the soul of wit, what a vast amount of fun there is in the tail of a fashionable coat! —A noble anger at wrong =Rhea all Softer f e eling warmer, as a warm climate adds strength to spices. —A man named Tease has married a Miss Cron. He Teased her till she agreed she wouldn't be Cross any more. —A niggard kept a surly dog in his yard, so that when the needy called for a bite they could get it outside the door. —The secret of working easily is to keep in good humor. A man who hinge at his work will do twice as much as one who snarls at it. —Bible promises are like the beams of the sun. whielt shine as freely in at the window of the poor man's cottage as at the rich man's palace. —Man's happiness is said to hang up- on a thread. This must be the thread that is never at hand to sew on the shirt button that is always off. —How is your husband this afternoon, Mrs. Quigga?" “Why, the doctor eays as how if he livos till mornin,' he shall have some hopes of him; but if he don't he must give him up." —A distinguished French physician announces that the white of an egg, gi ven in sweetened water, is a sure cure for the croup. The remedy must be re peated until a cure is effected. —Nothing sets so wide a mark between a vulgar and noble soul as the respect and reverential love of womankind. A man who is always sneering it woman is generally a profligate or a bigot. —A man in Mitwankie was imprison ed for cruelly beating hie wife. Poking his nose through the cell bars, he ejacu lated: "I thank God I'm not looked up for any mean, dirty crime like getting drunk." —A dollar once broken into, soon goes It is the same with a resolution. A res olution unbroken is as hard as gold; once change it, and it is thrown as it were, into as many coppers, and rapidly melts away. —lt is said that all the gold in the world employed for coin, plate. jewelry, Btc., if put in asiogle cubical block,would e twenty-six feet Fqoare, and weigh 10, 500 tons. Its commercial value would he six billion dollars. —To show us the worth of time, God, most liberal of all other things ;is ex ceedingly frugal in the dispensing of that; for He never gives us two moments toget her, nor grants us a second until be has withdrawn the first. The Editor of the Ironton (Mass ) Register refers as follows to the attack of a ootemporary " The poor, old, dilapi dated piece of flesh and bones whohen: ge himself out every week in the Jackson Standard, has rattled his old skeleton at ns." —The young ladies of Dover, Wayne co , Ind.. have formed a society for the redemption c f young men from bad hab its. Each of the members has pledged herself not to receive the attentions of any young man who uses liquor, tobacco, or profane language. t , Pat," said Judge Tiff to his neigh bor in a sleeping oar, "you would have remained a long time in the old country before you could have slept with a Judge." " Yes, your hanor; and ye would have been a long time in the old country before ye'd been a judge." —A single snow flake—who cares for it But a whole day of snow-flakes—oblitera ting the landmarks, drifting over the doors—gathering upon the mountains to crash in avalanches—who dose not care for that? Private opinion is weak, but public opinion is almost omnipotent. —A cockney family were lately gazing at a shop window in Rockford, Illinois. Little Girl.-"Oh, mammal is that a'enr' Ida—" No. me child; that is a howl."— Father—"No my wife and daugater,that is neither a 'en nor a howl, .but it is a beagle, the hemblens of this blasted country. —A gentleman, giving a lecture to some boy., was explaining bow DO One could live without air. He then said: "You have all beard of a man drow ning—bow doss that happen ?" The ready answer was: "Cause he can't swim." —The moat common error of men and women is chat of looking for happiness somewhere outside of useful work. It bas never yet been found and never will be while the world ElOdst Wall the tole enable human beings it lima been our for tune to know, they were the most wretch ed who had retired from useful employ ments, in cads!: to enjoy themselves. VOL, 1; NO. 11. Mr. Wilkins on. Velocipedes: BY scam qtriLt. From the Phil's Ave. Bulletin:] Wilkins, - - "I tell you, Mrs. Wilkins,. I'm' not go-. ing to have it; you may as welt maltelsp , your mind to that at once.i . NO:wonpus shall ever go prancing around this coin: munity on ,a velocipede while shell •a wife. i of mine f can help so you'Lean 4 just take that old pair 0f . .. wheels .yitou brought home and gladden the .beart: some kindling wood men with them,ldr" ride on them you don't; if you do l'ut , a • Dutchmen; there!" . "Mr. Wilkins you know - "No. I dotal know anything of the ' kind. Do you think I'm going to let such a looking woman as - you dress up in Bloomers, and mount a high hat, and go arcund trying to show of thatficire--"' "Mr Wilkins!" "Go straggling around the thorough. fares of this town, looking like an old beer-cask propped - up on tiro legs, and showing those ankles which are so thick that you couldn't get one of then . ' Oro' the equator?" • Wilkins. I'll scratch---" .6 Well, I should think not; And. be ! sides, I don't know where on this terres tial globe you expect to find any wheels strong enough to hearyou. You'd smash a pair of cast-iron car- weels into smith. ereens the minute you sat down on them, you would. The best thing you can do is to walk, and on the ground, too,where the crust of the earth isn't thin;, or else sit in front of a fire and melt down your avoirdupois." s , Mr. Wilkins you're perfectly !sandal- OUL" , •But I'm not going to put up with it. I don't intend to nave you ffopplig round town on a velocipede, and very likely fall ing off and breaking your bones, and then having a lot of doetoti coming to my house and making a post 'sorters. examination, and sawing you up, and dis covering things with bard Latin names in your lunge and your liver, and your physique generally. Well, I should think not! It'stad enough to have - to submit to you now, without having your gore spilt over the carpet. and a, parcel of sawbonos blaspheming at your anatomy. 1, Mr. Wilkins, ain't you ashamed to talk ■o ?" it I want you to understand that if you ride that velocipede I'll sue fora divorce. I don't believe in a woman exercising her muscles on any such contrivance. You'd a good deal better get a scrubbing brush, and go down and tackle -the front door steps with some good sand and a chunk of soap. That's the kind of exercise you want, in my opinion." _ "Mr. Wilkins, if you'll only listen—" "Or else practice carrying .a coalecut tie up and downstairs every five minute. all day. But as for the mother of afain. ily ands flabby old girl of your years undertaking to ride a velocipede, why it's simply rediculous." " • "Mr. Wilkins, 4, The next thing I know, I oppose you will be parading yourself in the pa pers as 'Madame Wilkins, the champion Veloeipedest,' and running mile heats on the Nicholson pavement for hundred dol lar purses, beet two out of three. A beautiful spectaele, won't it be? And then I suppose you'll want me to bet on you, and back you up; but not one eent of my cash do you get. Not a single, sol itary red. Do you suppose lam going to throw away my bard-earned money on such a frantic as you ? Well, I should think not. I would not put up a dollar on you if I was worth untold billions._ I'm not proud of you; I want'you to die tinotly understand that." Mr Wilkins, that's all nonsense." ' And a pretty example you are set ting to your children. Here only yes terday Holfernes Montgomery made a velocipede out of two flour barrels. and when he and Buceph slue Alexander tried to mount it, it broke down and bit Mary Jane on the leg and lamed her for life, while Holfornes Montgomery fell over the cat, which yawled and spitted around and scratched Holfernes Montgomery over the frontispiece, eo that hie beauty is entirely destroyed, and be looks more like you than ever. I say it's perfectly outrageous, and I'm not going to stand it." is Mr. Wilkins ! 0, if you'll listen I'll tell you something." "Oh I don't want to hear it. We'll discontinue the conversation.. I'm tired of hearing you cackle." " Well, that Telosigede that ems home—" "Never mind now. I want to go ea sleep. Jost give your tongue a abases to rest, will you." Was for you. I heard you may you wanted one, and so I bought it out et the market money I leaved. But you treat me like such a brute, that For me, did 'you say, - Bush ? Well, s! 'then never mind new.' Don't ory, rah, I day! Never mind; I won't do it again, Sarah! Sarah ! Don't Cry, Sarah I Oh, well, cry, then, cry; who cares!— You're the most aggravating womanthek ever lived. Ill . get on that velocipede to-morrow mornintand abandon you as cure as my Lame is Wilkins. If I don't, hang me !" WHAT is the difference between a ben and en idle musician One liye at plane t' -e and a e allot playa at leiEure ? A woman's heart, like the moon,ehonitt, have only one wan in it. Subscribe for the Republican,