Auicaltual Departed. WEDNESDAY MORNING, Mar. 10. '69 The Management of Colts. Probably American farmers are as - lcesse fat as any other farmers in the raising of young horses ;—that is to say, considering the character of the sires and dams, they bring about as good final results as attend horse breeding in any other country where breeding is only incidental to farm work. But there is one item of man agement which is either disregarded or imperfectly understood, and that is, the early education of the colt. Mri. Rarey has done much to upset the old fashioned notion of breaking horses, and has shown that by judicious bend ing, the necessity for breaking may be entirely obviated; but even Mr. Rarey's system confined itself chiefly to horses which had arrived at an age when their servicescould be made im medirtely useful. The reason why it is necessary to apply any strenuous system of training in bringing colts to their first work is, that they have to be taught to do that for which their previous life has in no manner pre pared their minds. The first three or four years of a colt's life are passed at pasture, or in the stable, and the most that he learns is, to obey the restraints of the halter, and occasionally, though unfortunately, too seldom, to allow himself to be cleaned. When the day of his usefulness arrives, he is to be taught his trads in a few days or a few weeks; and The bit, the bridle, the girth the saddle, the hard-pressing collar,—all perfectly new revelations to him,—are to be crammed down his young throat in the most remorseless manner, and he is a fortunate colt if the cramming be done with a gentle hand. -Too often his simple wonder excites his master's temper. and a con test ensues, from the effects of which he never recovers. It every colt co'd be treated as are, for example, those of Mr. Charles Sharpless4t , of Penn-• Sylvania, the result upon the average temper of our harness and saddle horses would be remarkable, and at least one-half of the dangers of horse manship would be obviated. It is Mr. Sharpless' universal custom. while the colt is still running with its dam,even at the age of six weeks or two months, to follow the handling and carressing to which it has been accustomed al most from the hour of its birth, by a gradual harnessing and playing with straps; end generally on the third or fourth day of trial, by hitching to a pair of light wheels, with which the little shaver follows its dam about the field. The colt learns these things at this early day as easily as it would learn anything else, and the lesson is never forgotten; so that when the time for actual harnessing comes, it ere ates no surprise, makes no trouble, and gives rise to no contests. --Amer lean Agriculturist. Steaming Food for Horses. Mr. Stewart, of North Evans, New York, who, In an article furnished for the Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture, has stated very clearly the general arguments in favor of steaming food for farm stock, and the results of his own experience therein, mentions incidentally, the fact that the steaming of hay is a sure pre ventive of heaves, .nd a sure cure of coughs and colds, instancing the ease of an animal of his own, which came in from pasture with a severe cough, and was entirely cured within two week: by an exclusive steam diet.— This is in accordance with the idea, that the irritation of the throat by dusty hay is a fertile source of heaves and coughs, and it suggests an impor tant argument in favor of steaming. On general principles, it being ad mitted that steaming food for neat cattle produces the most economical r sults, it is fair to assume that the steaming of horse food will be even more beneficial; for the reason that the digestive organs of the horse are much less elaborate than those of the ox, and that in all cases a much larg er proportion of the food passes the bowels in an undigested condition.— Therefore, whatever may tend,as un questionably steaming does, to in crease the digestibility of food, must have the effect of economizing, in a very marked degree, that which is given to our horses; and the applica tion of steaming in the feeding of all of the animals on our farms would consdierably lessen the incidental ex penses of the process, in proportion to the number of animals fed,—Amer lean Agriculturist, TIM Hearth and Home says : In feed ing farm animals, remember that when you place food before an animal, it Is eaten for three purposes ; to give muscular strength, to supply heat, or to make fat or butter. The more a COW consumes to supply muscular waste, the less goes to milk. The more she needs to keep herself warm, the less shecan yield of milk or of flesh. Coarse, rough food, as swamp bay, butts of corn-stalks, and straw yield some starch or carbon. This is reason why an animal in an open shed will eat trash which it would re ject in a warm stable. Yet there is nothing gained by starving them to rough fodder. Good shelter would be cheaper. The richer the food in albumem, the more vigor and muscle it will make. The farmer gains more by a few high-fed animals than from mud} , half-starved. ill-housed stock. Nnowledge always .desires increase; itis like fire, which must be first kin dled by some external agent, but which will afterwards propagate itself, Potash For Oats. In this section of country the past season has been very unfavorable for the oats crop. It is not only very light in weight, but the yield per tor e so insignificant as in many places not to have been worth gathering except• for the straw. New Brunswick oats, heretofore our, best variety, has fared no better than the common kind. It would seem as if a more northern latitude was better adapted for this crop than the middle section of the Union ; and an occasional change of seed, by introducing every two or three years a heavier and better arti cle cannot be too strongly, recommen ded. We recently obtained from H. Ing ersoll, an amateur farmer near the city line, and a close observer and careful experimenter, two samples of excellent oats, grown the past season, one the first year from imported Eng lish seed, and the other the seeond— the latter showing marked deteriora tion and at least one-fifth lighter per bushel than the first ;—another year it will probably diminish still more in weight and productiveness. On the E. Pennsylvania Experi-. mental Farm in Chester county the oats crop also has been very light, but tb e, Superintendent informs us,be had occasion to burn the trimmings of his Osage orage hedge along the line of his oats field ; where the heap was burned and the ashes spread around the oats stood up well, with a stiff straw, had a heavy bead and a supe rior quality of grain. On a neighbor ing nurser;; where they had occasion to burn a quantity of refuse trees, the same effect was observed on the oats crop to a rather remarkable extent.— The inference to be drawn from these accidental experiments ie, that potash is a special fertilizer for oats, or at least a requirement in the soil. The analysis of the grain of oats, as well as its straw, indicates also that potash enters largely into its composition. Practical Farmer. OLD Currant Bushes are among the most unpromising things with which one has to deal; their tangled and misshapen stalks present a puzzle to the novice. Whatever is done should be undertaken during the first mild spell, as the currant pushes very early. The bush will probably have numerous shoots starting from below ground, or near the surface ; cut out all but four or six of these, according to the size of the plant, leaving only the most healthy ones, and taking care to have these as equally distant as possible. The fruit is borne on wood two or more years old. One-year-old wood is distinguished by its different color and buds, Cut out all weak shoots of this kind, and shorten the stronger Ohdg two-thirds or one-half. Manure around the bushes, and when dry weather approaches, mulch.— Make the old bushes do their best, and start a new plantation which will come into bearing in two years. GALLS ON EIORSES. —Owing to de fects in collars and saddles, or laek of seasonable attention in wet weather, the backs, breasts and shoulders of horses becomes badly galled- is cruel to work them in this condition, but in many cases, it can hardly be avoided. In such cases, the wounds should be thoroughly sponged daily with strong soap suds, followed by a solution of saltpeter and spirits of tur pentine. Put one quarter of a pound of the former and a.pint ofthe latter into a bottld and shake them well to gether, and apply to the 'wounds with a feather two or three times each day, or oftener, if circumstances will per mit, till the healing process commen ces, when the application may be dis continued. To MAKE A BALKY HORSE DRAW. —ln India where a horse can and will not draw instead of whipping, spur ring or burning, him, as is frequently the pratice . in more civilized countries, they quietly get a rope and attaching it to one of the fore f'eet, one or two men take hold of it, and advancing a few paces ahead of the horse, pull their best. No matter how stubborn the animal may he, a few doses of such treatment effects a perfect cure. THE following is well worth saving for future reference: Lockedjaw from a rusty nail in the lbot vas entirely cured, in four eases reported byDr. Kinkle, by applying to the whole spi nal column, cloths saturated with chloroform, just at the approach of the spasm. It was repeated at several returns of the spasm, always inducing sleep, and finally recovery. CREAIi Pm.— On e pint good sweet cream one egg,one tablespoon even full of flour, one pinch of salt, flavor with lemon and sweeten to taste. Beat the egg light, then add the flour and stir into the cream, The above is for one pie in a baking dish or What suits you better, and bake like pumpkin or po tato pie with only an undercrast, put the lemon on the sugar. WHAT thing is that WbiCh ''arasborn without a soul, and when it got it could only keep it three Caps, and - when it died went neither to heaven nor hell? Answer.—The whale that swallowed Jonah. "W.EaE you - ever cross examined ?" "Yes, when questioned by my wife, after spending the evening abroad— cross enough, in all conscience." WIDOWS' WEEDS.--Cigars smoked by women to console themselves for the lose of their husbands. MISCELLANEOUS A MERICAS BUTTON-ROLE OVER-SEAMING AND SEWING MA- CHINE COMBINED EDAL AWARD ED AT THE PARTS EX POSITION, 1887. In directine attention to the eeleltraied COMBINATION BUTTCN BOLE AND SEWING MACHINE, we feel fully warran• ted in claiming for it nortestionabie rnperi a•tty over all others as a Family Machine.-: The Simplicity, Ease and Certainty with which it operates, as well as the uniform ex cellence of its work, certainly place it far in advance of any other similar invention of the age. It is a l so the ebeapeat,intrinsically, as .well as the best. since it is really two machine. combined in one, (by r simple end beautiful mechanical arrangement never before ac complished by human ingenuity,) making either the Lock Stitch or Button Hole Stitch, as occasion may require. It is, at the same time, simple in construction, comparatively noiseless, easily underst..o I, and, in a w'rd. it combines with those advantage; exellmire ly its men the most , le.i,able finalities V all other., for it not only does every variety of sewing in a sueEntoa MANNER, but in addition Ovgasstots splendidly and makes beautiful BU7T3N avid EYELET in all fabrics. This is far beyond the ca. pacify of any other machine. The SPLENDID MECHANISM of this Machine, and the superior skill warkmarnbip and ma• teams employed in its. construction. are a guarantee of accuracy. strength and dura bility. and enable the company and its agents to Warrant Every Machine they sell to give entire satisfaction. INSTRUCTIONS GIVE'S ON THE MA- CHINE GRATUITOUSLY. Lessons may he taken if desired witk a viem to test the Machine. or to become bet ter acquainted with it before deciding to pur chase. Samples of work will be furnish ed upon application at J. J. BISEL k CO., LOOK HAVEN, PENN'A Agents for Clinten, Centre and Clearfield Count:ea, This Machine does all kinds of Stitching, Hemming, Cording, Felling, Braiding, Bin(ing, Ruffling, Tucking, Sewing and Gathering on. This groateg. Novelty of the ago, is now on exhibition and for sale by T. T. BISEL do CO, Agt'a. Examine all other "fachines. then call and examine this one before buying. feb3'69.l3'. T HE BELLEFONTE BOOT AND . SHOE STORE. GRAHAM & sow, GRAHAM & SON, GRA II AIV.I 44 SON, BF.LLEFON'TE BOOT & SHOE STORE. BELT.EFONTE BOOT & SHOE STORE. BELLEFONTE BOOT & SHOE STORE, ALLEGHENY STREET, ALLEGHENY STREET. ALLEGHENY STREET, One Doer North Irwin &lsost's hard ware Store. GRAHAM & SON, MAITLIPACTIIRER.S, MANUFACTURERS, CALF BOOTS, PINE CALF BOOTS, Kept constantly on band at the BELLEFO.NTE BOOT & HIOE STORE. BELLEEONTE BOOT & SHOE STOHE, BY GRAHAM & SON, BY GRAHAM & SON. AT $B.OO PER PAIR, AT $B,OO PER P SIR, A large assortment of KIP BOOTS, War- ranted, AT $5,00 PER. PAIR, AT $5,00 PER PAIR, BY GRAHAM dc SON, BY GRAIIAM dt SON, We respestitilly invite the attention of the public to our large selection of L %DIES BOOTS & SHOES, LADIES BOOTS &SHOES; And all kinds of MISSES' & CHILDRPN'S MISSES' & CHILDREN'S 800 rs k SHOES. BOOTS & SHOES. CALL AND EXAMINE CALL AND EXAMINE Oilh UHL AP BOOTS & SHOES. OUR CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES, ja20'69.1y. GRAHAM & SON, TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF LEATHER! The undersigned her just received the most extensive lot of Leather, from the New York. Baltimore and Wilmin ton mar— kets, ever brought to this place, '..lormistmg of Spanish Sole Upper, American rip. French Kip, Baltimore Calf, OIL FINISH AND BRUSH MOROCCO, KID GLOVE SKIN, Wharrg Leather, Linings and Shoe findings, of every diseription, all of which will be sold cheaper than can be tonight at any oth er establishment in Central Pennsylvania. ABRAHAM STJSRM A R. jalS' Bellefonte, ?a. JAS. A. QUIGLEY. 11,EVEY CROSIEEY QUIGLEY do OTIOSIIEY'O - • CHEAP CASH STORE; ": EAGLEVILLE, CENTRE CO , PENN %A WE take pleasure in announcing to far mers and the public generally that we keep constantly on band, at our store in Engle. vile, Dry Goods, Groceries, ac., and SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY STORE in town or cruntry. We shall always en .deavcir to purchase good Goods and war arnt evertbing as we represent it. We also always pay the highest PRICES FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Please call and •examine our stock for yourselves. ja1.3139./y. HORSE SHOES, - best make at 'IRVIN WILSON'S SCREWS and Hinges of every vaviet , and kind at IRWIN it WILSON'S. A .1101IINITION—Cartridges, and other azataunition at IRWIN &WILEON'I3. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE T IN AND SHEET-IRON STORE THE O.LDEST TIN- WARE ESTABLISHMENT IN BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. The undersigned hereby desires to call the attention of his many patrons, and the entire people of Contra Co., th .t he man ufactures TIN AND SEMET-IRON WARE, Cheaper and on a larger scale than ever.— Ire keeps constantly t% .r sale. Tin Buckets. Wash Boilers, Coffee Boilers, Fruit Cans, Dish Pans, Lard Cans. Wash Basins, Coal 0 , 1 Cans, StOve-pipe of the best Rus sia, and other iron, constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTIArO All work warranted. Give us a call. WM. G. WOLF, ja6' Allegheny Street WETSLER & TWITMIRE MILESBURG, PENITA MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN COOJ AND PARLOR STOVES, HEATERS FOR CHITRCTIES & DWELL INC S. The following Pattern of Cook Stoves cot,. stoutly on hand. BARLEY-SRE 4 F, • REGULATOR, IRON-SIDES, FARMER, EUREKA, AMITY. Castings and all kinds of repu 7 rs furnished to order for all kind Of Rtnv eR in mar ket Russia Sheet iron finished, Gas Burners neatly repaired. A large assortment ef TIN AND SIIEET IRON WARE of our own manufacture, keptconstantly on band. which we will Fell Wholesale or Retell at prices as reasonable as clsewbere. SPOUTING, ROOFING, and all kinds of Jobbing done on the short est rolee and warranted. We will re- OVion orders fnr owl put up " COP- Pint LIORTNEIG RODS," whin are superior to all other Rods in market. We will pay the highest market prices for /Id Metal, 'Copper. Brass. Pewter. tfc. &c o &c. We always mandeavor to Sell CHEAPER 711.4. V THE CHEAPEST. Try us and be convinced ja6'69.1y.. BOOKS & STATIONERY IS EW BOOK STOKE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Boole, Stationery & News Emporium. JACOB D. MILLER alas purchased the Book, Stationary and News establishment of Kinsloe and Brother on Allegheny • street, near the Diamond, to which he has just added a large invoice of goods. such as is generally kept in a well conducted Book and Stationery Store. Ills stock consists of Theological, ed1. , 41. Law. Miscellaneous, Sunday School and School' Books, Time Books, Pass D.olts.and Diaries. Bvery grade and price of Cap, Legal. Bill. Letter, Bath and Note Paper, fine French Paper. Envelopes of every descriptio and Price, Pens. inks, Inkstands. Erasers. Rub ber bands. transparent and common Slates, Sim-e Pencils, Lead Pencils, Crayons, Ae. -ALSO Daily and Weekly Papers, Magazines, ant Sheet Music. a large supply of Legal and Justices Blanks. constantly on band. Also U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps at face. lie is also Wholesale Agent fur Lochman's Cel:brated Writing Fluid. Country merchants would do well to call and examine my stock before purchasing eleewhere,as I can sell at nianufacturpors prices. ja6'69 LIVINGSTON'S BOOK STORE. (EsTAßLionr.n nr 1845.) At this well known Establishment may be found everything in the " BOOy. whether TIIEOLUICAL, CLSSICAL, LAW, SCIENTIFIC or LITERARY. An Extensive assorttnent of flintily Moles. with or without Photo• graphic Plates ranging in price from $A,75, to $2.5. ALM all the Day and Sunday Schual Books in general use. Blank Books, Legal Blanks, and all kinds of Stationery. Se. Prowl t attention given to orders. A liberal discount made to those who buy to sell again. GEO. UV INGSTOS. jati• 9.ty,] Drilehtnte Pa. LIME WOOD & .COAL BURNT LIME. Fresh burnt Limo always on hand and for sale at the 'tuest u aiket price, at the SEINNYSIDE LI Air, KILNS on the Railroad near Dellefon e. We have no fear of F uct•ePx fu 1 contradiction when we Fay that we hi.v.3 the • BEST LIME IN THE STATE It is free fray; core, and our kilns . are so ecinFtrue-ed that all the eshes ate sap aratol frotn .. .the buriii faro it leaves the :It is PURE SNOW-wirrrE" Vino And makes AS fine u finish' a,y the lime burnt from the marble quarries in the eastern part f the State. Our facilities for burning . mad. hipping lime are such that WE CAN FURNISH IT CHEAPER than the same quality of lime can be baci at any other place. All rders promptly filled. Address, J. R. AO. T. ALEXANDER. jafi'69,ly. ' Bellefonte, Pa. WM, SRODTLIDGD. • BOND VALENTINE SHORTLIDGE& CO. WOOD AND COAL BURNT LIME Always on hand and for sale at the lowest market price at the BELLEFONTE LIME KILNS, on the Turnpike leading to Milethurg. Tll BEST PITTSTON AND SITAMOKIN Anthracite coal. Also a new eonsignmen of plastering lath, paling, and sawed shing les fur sale for e.,th at our yard, near south end of B. E. V. It. A. Depot. ja6' BOOTS & SHOES. THE PLACE TO GET SHOES EVERYTHING NEW A. WARRANTED P. AIcAFFREY 4; CO'S. WHOLESALE A RETAIL BOOT k SHOE STORE. [Oue door above Iteynold's Bank.] Have just received the most complete as sortment ‘..t everything in the 11007 1 AND SEOE LINE, ver bronclit to Bellefonte. Their entire stock, which is the largest ever opened in this place, was made to order from the best material. It was purchased fur melt and will be sold much lower than any une can at ford who buys on time. They ARE PRACTICAL ' WORKMEN, and everything sold will he guaranteed as represented. Repairing and custom work pramntiv attended to. jaG' BU RNSIDE & THOMAS. Offer to the Public, one of the largest end heat selected storks of tnerchqn- Mae in Centre county. Call, examine and see for yourself T IM tamest and Hest Stock of warra ed 'Boots and Shoos. wayr.mted to rice satisfaction, at reduced prices. only t• be found at BURNSIDB & THOMAS' Ct VICES of all varieties, ground to order 13 and warranted to be s trictly pure. Tt is the only place you can find unadultera. ted spices. Try them for your own satis facbon. You can only find them at BURNSIDE et THOMAS'. ANDSAWS, knives, spoons, coffee In ills, shovels, spades, rakes, hoes, lamps, forks, chains, &c.. at BURNSIDE e 1110111AS'. HORSE COLLARS. if you don't want your horse's ;boulders galled and wade sons, get good horse collars. at BURNSIDE a THOMAS'. H ARNESS, collars, cart whips, carriage whips. in great varieties, govern went gears, saddles. bridles, martingale,, Check lines, cart gears. tug harness, buggy, harness. limes, .tc, Everything in the sad dlery line, at BURNSIDE k THOMAS' tinSHiNG TACKLES. rods Vines. hooks. E flies. sea hair baskcst, &O. Rig you out to catch trout. at BURNSIDE k THOMAS'. THE highest mark• t price paid for all kinds of county produce. at BURNSIDE t THOMAS'. FINE GROCERIES, mocha coffee. old gov. Java, best quality Rio coffee, best olong black teas, green teas, levering syrup, golden syrup. Drips fine article ba king molasses, rice and everything in the grocery lino at the lowest cash prives in the inarket BURNSIDE & THOMAS', is the p ore. IT IS known to all in Bellefonte through tbo county if yvti want good article go to BI!RNSIDE THOMAS' LE A THE R of all diseriptions, troneL eat( skin, span ish sole leather. snore !co's sheep skins. linines. Everything !n the leatherline warranted to give satisfaction at BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. SHOE -MAKERS TOOLS and findings, in all their rsrieties. at BURNSIDE 4i. THOMAS'. SADDLERS BUCKLES, hooks.hits spots rings. Everything a saddler wants for the manufacture of harness. to he found at BURNSIDE k B ASKETS in all their varieties, childrens ca• ri.,ges. willow ware. guns, pistols, powder, shot, caps. rartridzes. to.. at BURNSIDE ,t TROMAS'. N EW PATTERNS of oil cloths, at. ret doted prires, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. I ,m U tiONS of all kinds. Stoking's gloves, Irandkerrhiefs. combs. pocketbooks. in all their variety ar.rl very cheap, at BURNSIDE & TIIONTAS'. TURKEY PRUNES, raiser's, peaches ap ples, oranges, lemons, all kinds of foreign fruits, Rams. hac.•n ac.. BURSIDE & THOMAS'. CANNED FF ITS, peaches, tomatoes pine apples. and peas in mat vari ety, t BURSIDE a THOMAS . I t y WTI FISH, Herring, mackerel, ay. BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. jafl'A9,ly ABBITS SOAP, Wm. Hagan and Keons I olire soap, Dobbins' soap. Jesse oakley's soaps, phi eastiie, pure. Palm soap, Elderling's soap, and a great variety of oth er soaps, at BURNSIDE & TIIO3IAS' Whitman's csiebn ed confections, Whitman's celebrated chocolate, Baker's chocolaty., Smith's chocolate, China Ginger. English Pickles, American Pick:er, at BURNSIDE t THOMAS' B OOT .t SHOE MANUFACTORY.- The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has established a first class BOOT AND SROE MANUFACTORY, next door to Morgan's Meat Marker, un the northwest side of the diamond, where he will be pleased at ali times to wait Upon customers. lie being an EK7ERSENCED 'WORKMAN, customers can rest assured that no pains will he spared to render complete satisfac tion. Gentlemen. ladies. misses and youth can be accommodated with the best Boots; Shoes, GP iters, Slippers, tkc., manufactured frtm the host stock, and in the latest styles. Repairing of all kinds p,omptly attended tn. PET' R MckiA RON. A TTENTION REFLECT!!. Befere ordering your BOOTS OR SHOES Tha only exclusive Boot and Shoe Manu• factoring shop in Bellefonte. I would .respectfully in vi le your consider ation to the g nand En.tisfaetion which in every cue ' my work. Prices reason able, and neat fits guaranteed. JO4ri POWERS, ja6'69.1y.) Allegheny St., Bellefonte. DRY GOODS, &c. $lOOO REWARD ! ! I ZriVIMERMAN BRO'S. & CO (No. 2, Busa's AzweDE,) BBLLEFONTE, PENN'A., OFFER the above reword for the apptehen floe and conviction of the wan who says "1T IS A HUMBUG" OMR! DOLLAR SAVED IN BUYING GOODS IS BETTSR ITIAN A DOLLAR WORKED FOR. `WE have the evidence each day of numbers who purchase of us after having ex aniineil other sticks, that this is not a humbug, but a STUBBORN TRUTH, and that our Goods ARESOLD AT LOWER PRICES than any other in the State. We cannot ENUMERATE ARTICLES, ailt would require this entire page to do so. Suffice it to say that we supply anything you want, AND GUARANTEE FULL SA7ISFACTION to all, as to LOW PRICES and QUALITY OF GOODS, We retpectfully repeat you all to call and SATISFY YOURSELVES. A FAIR TEST IS ALL WE ASK ZEMMERSIAN, BRO'S. it CO. ja6'69.y AN IMPORTANT QUE TION ! -LET TIIE PEOPLE OF CENTRE COLIN TY CONSIDER ! Why will you 'suffer yourselves to be openly ROBBED by unprlnciplel dealers, when you can buy your Dry and Fancy Goods. Boots and aloes, Cloth ng, Groceries, &c., and nu danger of being CREATED by going direct to the old Establised stand of LOEB, MAY A LOEB. WE era determined not to be exerlled in soiling Goods of the very best quality and at the moat reasonable rates. - LOEB, MAY LOEB. IT matters not what you wist► to purchase DRY GOCDS. CLOTIIING. 'GROCERIES. LOOTS & STIOES, or anything usually kept in Fisrt Wass Stores, y,a can be suppt:ed by LOEB, MAY tVLOEB. SKIRTS—Wisp Skives, Balmoral Skirts, for sale cheap by LOEB, SLAY LOEB: THE highest CASH PRICE paid for Wheat. Coru and urain of 111) kinds by jay-8'691y LOEB ,Jr. LOEB ANOTHER NEW STORE E3lll, JOSEPH A CO., ALLEGHENY ST, Riride's Building.) 13FT.I.E.FOFTE, PENN'A CHE.4P ✓ETV YORR STORE. COME ONE! COME ALL !! SEE HOW CHEAP WE CAN SELL, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, 'NOTIONS, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS FURNISHING GOODS FOR LADIES AL GENTS, FOR LADIES do GENTS, FURS, COVERLETS, FURS, COVERLETS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, WATCHES, WATCHES, JEWELRY, JEWELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, all of which we warrant, and at city prices A FIRST CLASS WATCH MAKER constantly on hand and all work warranted A liberal discount to the trade. Give u a call.ja6' • GEO. D. PIFER'S DRY GOODS AND GROCERY STORE, No. 6, BrconErtnores Row, NEXT DOOR TO TEE POST OFFICE, BELLEFONTE, PENSC'A., Is the place for beryline in the way of Dry Goods. Cloth B )ota.and Shoes, Hats and Cops, Queens and Cedar Ware, Groceries, CANNED A IV - I) DRIED FRUITS, ALSO, 'NOT EONS, tee., d.c. Everything in his line is sold at very Low Prices. POLITE AND ATTENTIVE CLE.R.KS, are always in attendance to wait on his numerous customers. Tile HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for all kinds of market 'ng and produce Cash paid fu ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. Goodadelivered with pleasure. No trouble to show goods. Give him a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Da6.89.7 HARDWARE T HE ANVIL HARDWARE STORE I IRWIN & WILSON SIGN Cr IBE attasaaattanaaaaseanaaaaamaaannanaanapaa aaaariaes. saaasaannaatuttuttutaaanaaa nvrallanwannex.nnuann , .unnian nnrinurinnrinnnnnnnunnnn vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv munismi 1111111 l 1111111t111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 11 1 1 11 11 1111111111111111111111111Ililli 11111 111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 North-west Corner of the Diamond, BELLEFONTAPA., is the place to get HARDWARE of every DESCRIPTION Their Stock of Shelf Goods is complete, em bracing a full variety of Every Class. In Heavy Goods the same va riety is kept up, embrac ing, in part, IRON, of all sizes and shapes. Steels—Cast, • Shear, Spring,' 131ister and• Drilling, Horse Shoes and Horse Shoe Nails, Toe Calks, Anvils and Vices, different makes and prices, Stoves—Cook, Parlor Gas-Burners, and Cyl inders, four makes and kinds. SPRINGS— Axles and Skeins, all sizes, WOOD WORK, all kinds, for Wagons, Buggies and Carriages. GRINDSTONES, all sizes, and Kitchen do., Platform Scales, from 100 to 1 000 pounds, Counter Scales and Balances, Oils, Paint: and Varnishes, of all kinds. mANft LA. ROPE, ull sines. and. PACKING, The Celebrated ORIENTAL FURNACES, for Dwellings Houses and Chireber, PIT Ps, for Cisterns and Wells WOODEN WATER P;PES. if any Bore and Length Cal/ and see their Stock before making your purbhase Are Ill Way a pleased to.sbow our goodq. jan .6;69.1y H ARDWARE HARI) W ARE ! NO. 5, BROKIMIIOFF'S ROW J, 1 T. HARRIS—TAR PLACS TO sur The Subscribers would respectfully inform the community that they have opened a complete STOCK OF HARDWARE comprising all varieties of goods in that line which they WILL SELI AT TEE LOWEST PRICES Their stock consists of all sorts of building hardware, table and pocket cutlery, carpenters', mason's, plasterer's and blacksmith's tools, sod mate rials, nails, iron, horse shoes, and horn-Aloe unite, rope tackle, FORKS, CHAINS, SHOVELS, AXES, GRIND STONES, ete., etc Housekeeper's goods, saddlery, carriage trimmings, etc., etc., with all • sorts and sizes of GOAL OIL LAMPS, and the differeist parte thereof, together with a complete ?ssortment of the best PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, tkm They hope, BY STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS and a constant care for the ACCOMMODATION OF CUSTOICERS to merit and receive a SHARE OF THE PUBLIC PATRONAGE. BUILDERS AND OTHERS will find it to their advantage to call and EXAMINE THEIR STOCK J'. & J. HARRIS, Ne. 5, Brokerhoff's Row ja6' MERCHANT TAILOR M ERCHANT TAILORING, ESTABLISHMENT, $O. 7, RROCKRROFF'B. ROW. The undersigned takes pleasure in inform tug the citizens of Centre county and the public generally, that he is just opening a SPLRNDID AND RICH ASSORTJIS.NT OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Cloths, Cassinaeres Vestings, Which he is prepared to make to order in the latest anti most fashionable tyles, for men or buys. Goods sold by the piece or by the yard. He also keeps on hand a fall line of GENTS FURNISHING- GOODS, of every style and description. lie is also agent for the celebrated SINGER ERWIN U MACHINE ja619.1y JOHN MONTGOMERY B UILDERS LOOK DE RE The subscribers having leased the MILESBURG PLANING hill and added largely to its facilities for tun ing out first class uteri , are noir prepared to furnish FLOORING, FRAMES, DOORS, BLINDS, and manufactured lumber of SCROLL WORK EVERY DESCRIPTION. LOWEST CABII PRICES, All Wanner of work. such as Scroll Saw ing, Mouldings, Brackets, dec., made after any _ _ DESIRED PATTERN, on the ahortest possible notice, Connected with the mill, and in operation at all times, is one of the latest improved COKE DRYING KILNS, whit)) leaves the lumber in a perfectly healthy state, assists in preserving it, azicl:in fact adds to its lasting qualities, while oth or methods of drying deteriorate, and resi de' s it more liable Lumber dried in a Coke kiln will not shrink, it is dried perfectly and when work ed and put up, will not SHRIVEL AND SHRINK, thus giving buildings the appearance of }saving been erected out of Green Material We know that our facilities give us every advantage over other PLANING 'MILLS IN THIS SECTION and we feel perfectly free in saying, that all our WORK WILL BR GUARANTRED, it. 1 )o of A SUPERLOB. QUALITY We will furnish anything in our line from a (toor patysi, to a prices, as cannot but pray* to mement to jE DESIRING TO BUILD. / All orders promptly filled and a fair shore of public patronage ; respectfully 11100ItE & WOLFE. [Bunco&Elora of IL Levi.] ja13' , 6.9-1 v. if I LBSB II ft (I . PA EDMUND BLANCHARD . , P. AHRTTN BRDW R.3t. BLANCHARD, W. N. tioL/I.PB, B ELLEFONTE PLAITING MILL. BLANCHA.RD & COMPANY, WHITE & YELLOW PINE FLOORING AND WEATHER-BOARDING. DOORS, SaSli . Sc;•qq?l Worlc of every D escriptron Bay mg a ••L'ULKLEI'6 PATENT LIJM BEIt 1)11YEE," cenueetvd with our ebtab lishment, we are enabled to manufacture out work from THOROUGHLY SEASONED ARI - ORDETIo• FROM CONTRACTORS, BUILDEIie, D WALERS .AND THR, TRADE UhAiId.I.ALLY SOLICITED-15M BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PA ja6.09.3y. LOGAN FOUNDRY, NEAR TDB RAILROAD DEPOT. We are happy to inform the people of and the adjoining countie., that we are now prepared to make Roost/ Castings; such as Sash Weights, Cellar window Grates, &c, of all sizes. Grist and Saw Kill Cast- ings, Sled Soles of all kinds, Plows, Vow Shares. We also manufacture the IMPROVED TV ORM PLOW. Also EGS. STOP ES. Stove Castings, Oven Deers and Frames. Cfial Grates for Pave ments. Water Pipes, Wagon Dux es, together with every variety of Castings kept constantly on hand, or made to order. All orders filled prompt ly. Gi e us a call. Don't forget the place, near tho Railroad Depot, Bellefonte. ja6' BAYARD, JINIUNS 4 CO AGENTS WANTED FOR SECRETS OP THE GREAT CITY, A Work descriptive of the Virtues and the Vices, the Mysteries. Myeeries and Crimes in New York City. If yog wise to know bow Fortunes are made and lust in a day ; how Shrewd Men are ruined in Wall Street; how Countrymen are swindled by Shapers; how Ministers and Merchants are Blackmailed ; bow Dance Halls and Concert Saloons are Managed ; how Gambling !louses and Lotteries are con ducted ; bow stuck and Oil Companies Orig inate and bow the Bubbles Burst, react this work. It contains 35 fine engravings; tells all about the Mysteries and Crimes of New York. and is the Spiciest and 'Cheapest work of the kind published. Aar- Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a lull dilseription 61 the work. Ad (irtm.4, J"' ES BROTHERS do CO., Phila delphiA CA UTlO'..V.—lnferior svorks of n similar ctiarac er are being circulated. tt'co that the hooks you boy contain t 5 tine engravings and sell at X 3.53 per copy. fehlo and IT IS our ifitention to dispose or our entire stock the opening of the Swing Trade. G. W. 3? : 4 11.HER do Co. ARPENTFIR TOOLS, of erory doserip tionn at IRWIN IV "VON' 'Et. PLANING- MILLS SASH, BUILDING, • BRACKETS, at the TO DECAY AND WASTE WHOLE 'HOUSE, lIANUFACTURZUS OF of Various Styles, BLINDS, SILUTTERS, MOULDISGS BRACKETS OF ALL SIZES, and PATTERNS rtutao to order LUMBER FOUNDRY BELLEFONTE, PENN'A MISCELLANEOUS PRICE ONLY $2.50 PER COPY. =I SFiiTTT'~~S