11311 W. w. DROWN, TCHIS ON, Terms, $2 per in Advance, BELLEFONTE, PA Wednesday Morning, March 10, '69 The Inaugural Address. We have de:foted considerable space to the Inaugural Address of Presid't. GRANT, and a brief history of each of his Cabinet officers. We need hardly tell our readers that we are not only pleased, init .- delighted with the ad dress. kis short, strong, plain and emphatic. • Every sentence means something, .and .that mean ingcannot be misunderstood. It sounds like GRANT aid is . GRANT all the way throngh: Ale says he takes the oath without mental reservation, with the determination to do all that is requir ed of hint . : -He feels the responsibili ties of the:position, but does not fear to meet thelin: He did not seek the office, and therefore commences its duties untrammeled. He will exprws his viewsnrfall 'questions, and exer cise the veto power whenever he thinks it 'desirable. He will, on all subjects, have a policy to recommend, but none . to enforce against the Will of the people. He Will execute all lowa whether he approves of them or not. Remembering that the i greit . test good" to the gmatcst number'-' is the object to bo attained, he will enforce all" . laws scouring the rights of persons, prop erty and free religious and political opinion in• every part bf our common • country. gt . e.ffjll provide for the pay ment of every-dollar of the National debt so soon as it can be accomplished without detriment to the debtor class, or to. the country at large. No repu diator can obtain a place in the Gov crnmeitt under him. In our foreign policy he recommends the golden rule, and intimates that be best for England :lb 'observe it faithfully. In this he Covers the whole " Monroe Doctrine." ' On the suffrage question he is clear, and entertains the hope and : expresses the desire dat it'M.ay . be settled, by the ratification of the 15th article in atnendmAi of.the Constitution. He cIO . SeS by asling the patient for bearanee of one towards another thro'-- out the land, and the prayers of the Nation to Almighty God towards this consummation. In this he follows the example setikim by the immortal Lin coln. _ _ - We hope the .ehuielles and ehris tian his - request. , They have kaitn in the. efficacy of prayer. 'a au, therefore, join in-the earnest prayer that we may hare peace throughotig'taland; . that the peeial blessing of benven:m* rest upon Gen GRANT a911,t4c.t.5.e...iu a Wiioriti, aver us. That : President GRANT'S Ad ruin' istration;fiby'be; a. - success, and that the humble - A. American citizen,native or foreigtftorn;'blhek or white, may have an eq*J,cilauge.iit the .race for lire under ourlkovernment i - as he uh doubtedly has an equal interest in the . atoning blood of the worlds .Redepr. Tu this end, and 'on account of its great strewth and beauty, we copy the following prayer for the ittigt.t l ration occasion, written.by:Ap . v.. - GEo. - LANSING TAYLOR, A: M - Let every ohriiitian and loyal men,in the. whole country read it in the spirit and with aloe understanding also : "Our Country's God, to thee This day we bow the knee, Thy gracey implore For him, our Nation's choice, Called by itip mighty voice, White millions, free rejoice From show to shore; 11. Whe:Preedom's traitor foes In War's dread carnage rose, Thou, by his mortal band, Did'st save Earth's beacon land, Til/ now, redatmed;?.we stand, Praising the Lord! Thou whose almiglstmiofer : Shielded in Peril's hour, Shield him in piiie:e 2 ; Bare from Ambition's spell, Save from temptation, fell; Pare him from earth and bell;— Let lore increase. ;vow, rfaile he swears God's oath, Whilo'sea and shore peal forth Freedom's great chant, Ilear, from Heaven's firmament, With our glad thunder's rent, GOD EILES4 IYUR PRESIDENT OeD NLESS orn GRANT U joTIN - j- i ltrupc.E, formerly a mew e.r eqjt*iess from this Congrea. District,. is pow Chairman of the Execartive'Committee of the Sor— ry Land a_gaJliimi?er Association of Yirginia,6:lN r e hope he will "wake a grand thing ofit- r '-' - learii from our exchanges, just hefore i going to press, that Mr, STEW. Aimin consequence of the law of 1789, rendering liimirieligible,fias resigned, and that Thmtwell of Mass., has been appointed• Secretary, of the Treaaury. in his stead. —The train..bound west on the Un ion Pacißtailroad, which has been so long blocked by snowin the Black passed through to the termi nus Saturday. The eastward bound through ('rain reached Laramie `at urday afternoon, The hest thing the Democrats can nnw rime .grant has refused to ,:r to C 3 i-,:th tilimn. is, to find Lai: Relittitlieaa rioq.Ks Election Fi7auds. It is passing strange that, in all the cases of election frands examined by Congress, not a single case of fraudu lent voting has been discovered on the part of the Republican party.. The Republicans. rely simply. upon the strength of their principles, and the in telligence of their adherents. The De mocratic party, knowing that-the peos ple had lost confidence in the organiza• tion, determined to carry Pennsylvania, New York and, New. Jersey by,fraud. How nearly theysucceeeed in our State, and the means employed-by W4r.,4.0E & Co., last October ; are known to all. The facts brought to light by the in- • vestigation of the Committee of Con gress fully demonstrate that NeW York was carried for Seymour andlloam by fraud, the most witted and damn: ing. , They demonstrate fully that GRISWOLD was fairly elected -Governor of that State, and that Gen. GnArvr 'had a large majority ever Seymour, of all the legal votes east Out of the great mass of evidence taken. by the 'Congressional Cominittee, we selectthe following as a sample -- • "My. real name is Williamson; don't remember by what names I voted; I did not register; the names I was to vote were handed me on a slip of pa per by some party in Nineteenth st.; don't know his • name; twenty five or thirty went in a party as repeaters; one was John Smith, and another by the name of Austin; don't know the names of the party that led the eang; we started from 'Wilkinson's liquor store. and voted at half-past one o'clock at first polling place, and at two P. ar. at the second; 'was not chrelenged; saw no one in the Sixteenth Ward I knew;. ':the polls were held in a feed st re be- "tween Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets; I read and write very well,and ' am a carpenter." This shows how it was done. It shows to what extremes, of wickedness the leaders of the so-called Deniocritie party will go, to accomplish their treas onable purposes. It proves. that they have not the fear of God before their eyes—that they do not respect or obey the laws, and that while they may es cape the charge of having perjured themselves, they cannot deny thatthey held out •.to the • `.‘repeaters," and "blind followers" of their party, in ducements sufficient to lead them to commit perjury, and. thus these lead ers, -to say the least of it, stand-charg ed before the world of. the crime of subornation of petjury. These are s . charges that the Watchnuni cannoe,v• and dare not. attempt to answer. How then, we ask, Can any honest, upright christian.man, or true patriot, centinue to- act with that party, .with thesefacts constantly staring him 'full . in the face? Enirons A certain man; when upon- his dy ing bed, said - to his son, "John, get - money; get ithonestly if 'you can; but get money l" The Democratic leaders acting upon the same principle, have resolved to. get power, and failing. to. get it honestly - , have resorted to ballot box-stuffing, perjury, and al - the otber . diabolical crimes of the catalogue. Thanks*to an over-ruling proVidencic and,the lutelligence of theTeople;they did riot succeed, and their corrtiPtiou! and i Wickedness have In en .expose 4 Seet'etar - y• cif the ,Treasury. Old. and forgotten laws, ;says. the , Commercial,'Sre Inconvenient some times:: The law of 1789, which makes Mr. STEWART; -as• a shipper and- as ne: , trotiator of public securities, ineligible to the position of 6.'ecretary of the Treasury, is the latest instance. Of *the existence of such a law, neither President GRANT, Mf. STEtiITART...TIOT the Senate, appear to have been aware —a fact that is suggestive of distise.and perhaps misuse; in the past. -lic4tiv.; er t'zis may have been, it must be re pealed, or the country cannot have the services of Mr. STE ? w , ART,. for he cans : „net be expected to divest himself of his vast business to accept, an office which, at best. must impose a greater sacrifice thansmen usually make, even to get into the Cabinet. A bill to re- `-peal the resurrectedlaw- having been objected to by Mr. SUMNER, who, it is 'said, will resist, with all his power, it may, perhaps; be considered yet doubt : . ful who will be the Secretary of the Treatury, especially as there may be Senators who will vote •to retain the law because they do not like Mr. SItWART. It cannot be disguised that the proposition to repeal the law is one of much importance. Its object ap pears to have been - to prevent the pos sibility of a Secretary ofthe Treasury; interested in commercial or. financial . I transactions relating to the revenue, whereby the power of the position could be used to advance personal interest. 'But it does_ not appear to be absolute ly necessary to retain the law as it is, to realizeits original object. We pre sume that few men entertain the sus picion that Mr. STEWART would, un der any circumstance, act corruptly.— So much of the law as imposes pains and penalties for so doing might be al lowed to stand ; and thus the services of Mr. STEWART be obtained and the essential of the .. law_ secured, __Either this, or the total repeal of .the law, we are inclined to exnect, will ke the stilt of the Senate's action._ ..... Greeiy Endorses the Cabinet HORACE GREELY telegraps from 'Washington city tic the Tribune, his entire approval of the new Cabinet. Tie says the Cabinet means business, emphatically. Each man was chosen by Qen. GRANT expressly to aid him in carrying out the programme of economy and integrity embodied in the inaugural. reiatinn to Mr. STEWARthe tv.3 : "Nil% A. T. STENVS- wnote very flaw! would give sr-'}te rance that our debt would be paid to -the utmost, and as fast as one creditl ors can - desire. Mr. STEWART has only to apply to the collection and disbursement of the revenue,the same principles and methods which have secured him such eminent success as a .nerchant, to restore the Government to solvency and financial prosperity. not a politician, and he will manage the Treasury purely as a bus iness concern, with intent to raise the largest possible revenue at the small est cost, whether to the people or the Government. Ile e:snnot fail." Of Hon. B. B. WASIESURN 127. , , says: " He has fought so vigorously and successfully in Congress against cor ruption and prodigality that he could not be spared from a reforming Cabi net. His health is very pour, and he is Most reluctant to take any appoint ment that keeps him in Washington. On these grounds he at first resolved - not to accept, but it is hoped that his repugnance will be overcome, even though he Should" not be able tu serve through Gen. GRANT'S term." Mr. GREEIX'S unqualified approval of Mr. STEWART'S appointment sho'd settle all idle rumors,set afloat in rela tion to Mr. 'TE.WART being a " Free Trade" man. No man can be sound er un the - doctrine of Proteetion to American Industry than Hon. How ACE GREELY: and 'tliereti.we we can safely infer that. he would not give his sanction or approval to the -ap pointment of any free trader to so ins portant a position as Secretary of the Treasury. From' Washington. [Correspondenee of the REPVBLICATij WASIIINGTON. D. C. Mar. 4th, 1869 DEAR REPUBLICA.N: Thinking that per haps you might have space enough in your columns for another contributor from the "City of Magnificent Dista nces," I concluded to drop you a . line this . evening, concerning things in general, here. The " Glorious Fourth" of March is nearly past, the inauguration is over, and thousands of. the strangers who,for the past few days,have found a resting-place in our midst, are al ready speeding hotnev:ard. Our timid ,ones are felicitating themselves that no hostile hand has been raised against' the newly inducted President, and in flicting, Upon such listners as they can find, a recital .of their apprehcwions and anxieties as to the result of the fu .I•Ure. • . . But to all, these has been momen tous hourr. , .. •Tliousands have this day witnessed-such a -sigh t as, in all prcb ability, they Will. never look :upon' 'again. • The incidents of this.day.Wili survive, not,Ottly -as Chronicled in the press of illOConntii, 'brit fire- side rad itions• e .• _ poiiiitless families sca ttered"-o-vor- the lc - neth alitMeAtli -Of the laud._ The .spectoCle _p.resen.r. ted 'by a Chief Magistrate of a - mighty Tiatibp quiellY'retirimr.iftom his 'lofty position and giving place to a sueees, sor.'ejitisen, as were tie'and his prod& cessors, by the people;' cannot fail to be an intensely - interesting one to : every reflecting mind; it iianinstance of the transcend-lent - power possessed •437.4e 7 pee,p7e.q1 11!.0 LTnfledStqles -der,their• Constitution and the .laws extacted in accmdance therenith.. • The Inaugural of the President will, no dotibt, meet your eye long bcforc you receive this letter, and therefore. my comthents upon it will he vary few : plain, brief and to the point, 'as all of Grant's communications are.--. 7 Noftowery passages aiming only. at well-"turned periods ; no brilliant flight - A of oratory causing the multi tudes to stand with bated,hreath, but a simple comprehensive statement of the views of a plear.headand.a prac tical mind on the. national situation. While not hesitating to claim the pow ers justly due to the Executive„he neier once forgets the 'people whose servants all officers of the Government are, are more especially represented by the National; Congress. Two pas sages in his address will especially commend themselves to the hearts which are still true to the principles for which the - loyal millions bled. The first is that in which he gives his views upon the questeon as to whether the Nation shall pay its debts accord ing to both the letter aad'spirit of its promises, or sully its fair fame forev er by adopting a syStein of qaasz Re pudiation, which would prove but a stepping -stone to the ,great "enormi ty" itself. The other is that in which he refers to SUFFRAGE. Fully recog nizing the principle embodied in the Declaration of _lndependence, that. "all men are created free and equal, and endowed with certain inalienable rights," and feeling that for security of those rights the ballot is a mighti, er power than serried fl . es of soldiers or humanitarian doctrines as enunciated from Pulpit; Bench or Desk, he plants hirnself a standard bearer's distance in advance of the bulk of the Republican party. Will the party follow and sustain him ?—;- :The - cry now is, "to the front!". Our Deniecratic friends who have . bens -so sedulously endeavoring to prove that they,notwithstanding their little escapade last summer.. and fall, are better Grant men than and consequenly more in sympathy with his purposes, gave us a demon stration to that effect in Indianapolis to-day. The Democratic members of both Houses of the Legislature re signed m order toprevent a vote nn the . Fifteenth amendment, the passage of which President Grant has recornmen de.cl in his Inaugural, What 4.ympa--. thy ! Mie details of the inauguration pass ed off very well indeed: Tho prtres,. EMI sion was marshalled by Maj, Gen. A. S. Webb, :whoin. the veterans of . the Third Corps will readily remember as one of the heroes of Gettysburg._ The Genera/ is now• Lieut. Col. of the OM' Infantry, U. S. A. His many friends will be pleased to_ know that there is a prospect of his speedy promotion. Among the most noticeable organi zations in the procession were the "Washington Grays," "Philadelphia Fire Zouaves.," and "Republican vineibies" of Philadelphia, the "Al bany Burgess Corps,'''Of Albany, Y., the "surviving soldiers of the war of 1812," and the "Printers' Grant s and Colfax Club" .of the District.-- The latter organization had a press in full blast, mounted on a wagon, and distributed the sheets thus printed, (containing a brief history of the Club) among:the crowds on the.street. The huge bear-skin Shakos of the A. -B. C's., ataacted much attention, and their.uniforms were very neatindeed; but in general it was eonceetled that, in appearance, the 'Grays" anti "Fire Zouaves" of Phil'a., divided the first - honors. Lancaster, Harrisburg, But falo, New York and Baltimore were all creditably represented. The Fire Bepartment was out in full force, the Good-Will Engine C0.,,0f . Phlladel .phia, carrying off the. palm, we think. Of the crowds of strangers I need say nothing mare, when:l tell you that at least-100,000 were here,in dependent or the usual floating -popn tion. Piekpockets.and roughs were plenty ; 'detectives and police. were busy, and as a consequence. the jail and i station-houses were full. The procession moved from the front of the White House a little before 11- o'clock, n. M., Gen. Grant taking' a seat in an opnn carriage with Gen, it Rawlins. (A. J. raking no part what ever in the procession,) arid Passing down Penn'a. Avenue a:id around the South side • of . the Capitol . grounds; • formed in the square, facing the East front of the Capitol, about 12 M. A few minutes hirer, in. the presence or 'the asst.inblecr multitudMi, Grant tool the oath to "faithfully execute the (;( free . of President of the U... States,:" . ;: I and to the, heat of his ability " pre serve, proteet and defend.the Consti tution of the United States." He then in a clear, though not loud voice, read his inaugural aderess, 'and short- . ly after the Procession returned up. Pa, Avenue; Grant and Colfax riding together in an opeti carriage. Alorig the whole route every inch of ground,. from which . an eligible view - could he obtained was crowded. Upper Win:: : clows and roofs were in demand' Store -windows were filled with more, mnrketable goods t' an they general ly boast of, and trees were prevented from ' 'towering heavenward" by their :loads of living fruit ,. The'enthasiastu . as the Presidential --carriage' ente : r; I ed - the -While Honsc - munds 'silts le- 6 -tense. .org:anizations filed . pasts were di. missed, and in the space of an 'our or two"order reigned in War=: saw," The weather ; while not all that might have been wished, was still not sufficiently._ unpleasant to:afr feet the crowd to any extent. . . The Inauguration. Reception_ and rail is in progress as I write, but of that it was predestined that I was not - 1 to be an eye-witness... I trust, how, ever, you may obtain an account or , the same from sortie More favored in-1 • I cannot saY . that some of the good` people of Centre Ni : ei.d down . ' 4 ' to. set: things done up right;" but 1 - . aru sor— ry to say I saw none, except such sas• temporarily reside here. -"Why was . , this thus'!" 1 had intended to say somethingin_ relation to other matters' in addition to writing about the inauguration,bet , lest I should weary your patienee,antl that.of your readers, Twill - postpone , my — further:say" tintil another time.; Truly Yours, . . . KAPPA.. The New Cabinet. The President of the United Statesi sags the Phil a. Press of the sth -inst.,- nominated' to the Senate yesterday af• ternoon the folloiving constitutional ad visers: ELtilu B. WAsuBuRN, of- Illittois, - , Secretary of State. ALEXANDER T. STEWART, Of New York, secretary of the Treasury. ADOLPH E. DOME, of Penbsylva nia, Secretary of the Navy. GEN. JACOB D. COX, of Ohio, Sec retary of the Interior. • HON. JOIIN 3. J. CRT;SWELL, of Maryland, Pw.utaker ; and EBEN itOCKW6OI) HoAlq . of ehusetts, Attorney General.: - GEN. SCHOFIELD' retains his •posi tion at the Head of' the War Depart meat. The name on this list that will give peculi r pleasure to the Republican party is.the : first, that of Mr. Wash burne, of Il!MOB. He has signal claims upon the confidence of the country. The earliest friend. Of Gin. Grant in Congress, he is also the old est member of the House. Born Livermore; Oxford county, Blaine, on the 23d of Septernber, 1816, he served an apprenticeship to the printing lius iness t he office of the ..KennebecJour iiai at Augusta, in thai' State; stud ied law at HarvirdliniversitY,and re= Moved to the West ; practicing law at Galena, Illinois, where be made the acquaintance of the new President. He has been A member of the House . : in the Thirty-third, ThirtSidourt,h, Thirty : fifth, Thirty-sixth, Thirty-sev enth, Thirty-eighth, Thirty-ninth; Fortieth, and was re-elected in rem her to the Forty-first Con g ress, and has, therefore, served in the Na-, tional Legislature a longer continuous term tbgu any other citizen, not es cepting Charles Sumner ; of Massa chusetts.. Always an advanced Repub lican, heartily 'co operating with the active men, and 'earnestly supporting the rigorous measures of 'that party, he will be a popular Republican mem ber of the Administration. Especial ly qualified by 'his':recent travels in Europe to Administer the Depart ment of State, we look to him not on. ly to purify that long-perverted branch of the Government, so far as its offi cials abroad are concerned, but ear nestly to second the comprehensive foreign policy of President Grant.— Nothing would give greater satisfac tion to the people than his willingness to remain in his new position. Mr. A. T. Stewart, Secretary of the Treasury, is well known as an enter prising, successful, and benevolent merchant in the city of New York.— liereto:ore indentified pith no politi cal organization, his summons to the second post in the Cabinet has evi .dently been prompted by a desire on the part of the President to do honor to an intere s t riot often represented among the constitutional advisers of the ExecutiVe. This new business, in all its vast details, tequires extraordi nary talent, and his experience abun dantly qualifies him for tire new posi tion to which be has been called.— There is one incident in Igr. Stewart's history which deserves to be repro duced, a:, showing where he stood at ihd commencement of the re bellion, and that is his letter to a Southern merchant who threatened him early in the war because of his de termination to support the Union and save the American Republic. The following is the letter referred to. A man who was true at that time, and who would write so brave and noble a letter,nrust be true now under the gal lant leader who has selected hint as his financial chief; and what tidi strike the country with the most effect. is. the singular resemblance of Mr. Stewart's delarations -against repudi ation and the declarations of Genera) Grant on the same subject in his. in augural address. On the 29th of April. 1861, he wrote the following letter to Mr. J. P. Sprague, of Mein phis: • NEW YORK, April 29, ISM . . DEAR Sin:—Your letter requesting to know whether or not I had offered a million of dollars to the Government for-the purposes of the war, and at the -same , time informing me that neither yourself nor your friends would pay their debts to the firm as they niatur ed, has been received, The intention not to pay seems to be universal in the South, aggravated by the assurance in your case that it does.not arise from in ability; but, whatever may be your de tehinatiot or that of others at the South, it shall not change my course. All that I have of po6ition and wealth I owe to the fi-ee institutions of the United States, under which ; in - cent mon with all others North And South,, pipteetion to life. liherty.and preperty. have been enjoyed in the.fullest- man , . nen- The Government to which these blessings are due, Calls on her citizens to protect the capital of the Union. from threatened assault, and although • the offer to which you refer has not, in terms, been made by me, I yet dedi cate all that I hale, and will, if uced ed, my life, to the service of the coun- try to which I am bound by the strong est ties of affection and duty. I had - 'hoped that Tennessee would be loyal to the Constitution, but however exten sive may be secession or repudiation, as long as there arc any to uphold the sovereignty of the United StateP,l shall be:witlithem ; supporting the flag. ALEXANDER If STEWART. Mr. Adolph E. Boric, the new Sec retary of the Navy, is the President of the mangnificent loyal Union League of Philadelphia, and one of the old-es tablished,firm of McKean, Borie&Co., long associated with the East India trade. An original Old Line . Whig, he became a Republican in the natural coqrse of things, and be and his buSi.-. nessipartners have . been among the freest voluntary contributors to the great Union cause dining the rebellion. Perhaps no man is more surprised than Mr. Buie at this appointment. Chos en,. like Mr. Stewart, from a heretofore negleated class, we do not doubt that he will make an excellent Cabinet min ister. Ex-Governor Jacob D. Cos,of Ohio, the new Secretary of the Interior was a Union soldier of distinction. A gen tleman of high and irreproachable character, a fine lawyer, his experience as Governor of his State will well quali fi, him for his duties. • Hon. John A: J. Cresswell, of Mary land, the. new Postmaster General, will be recolleoted with pleasure as a .11e presentative in Congress from the Elk ton, Maryland, distria, in the XXX VIIIth. Congress, and as:United States Senator, from the same State, fir the unexpired term of ex.-Governor Hicks. His eulogy on his friend and colleague, Hon. Henry Winter Davis, on the 2.2nd of _February; 1866, in the House of Representatives, was a masterly pre sentation of llepUblicao doctrine; and duties, and this, together with his ad-: dress as chai'man of the Philadelphia Southern Loyalist Convention, in Sep tember of the same year, reproduced as the final indictment of the SOuth against Andrew Johnson during the impeaChinent trial, .are among the promises of radical administration of the Post Office Department a depart ment which needs an active and earn est politician- to .effect a thorough and lasting reform of the many abuses which have grown up under the recent corrupt Administration, Hon. E. Rockwood Hoar, the-At torney General.; native .of.nissa elmsetts, and is in the 521 year of his age, He is a son of-the late Hon. Sam nel Hoar, who was - driven from .Charleston by the ykolence of a mob, some twenty years ago, where he was sent-as a special connOissloner of the State -of Massachusetts to test the con stitutionality of their:black laws. He is an able lawyer, and has for the past fifteen years been connected with the Common Pleas and Supreme Court, H on the bench of the latter of which he is the oldest Associate Judge. Mr. Hoar is a brother of the new member of Congress from the Worcester, Mass., district, Hon. Geo. F. Hoar, and re sides in Concord in that State, Where the first blood of the Revolution was shed. He was an original member of the Freesoil party and a sound Repub lican, ale;ough he has not recently taken:an active part in politics. The Senate of the United States unanimously confirmed these several nominations, together with those of Columbus Delano,of Ohio,as Commis sioner of the Internal Revenue; Gen eral William T. Sherman, as General in-Chief of the Army, and General Philip Sheridan, a., Lieutenant Gener al. Of Mr. Delano's high capacities for the. new and delicate duties to which he has been invited, we spoke in a pre vious article, and of the great soldiers who have been promoted by their il lustrious leader it is unnecessary to speak. Their great deeds are their best eulogy. Considering these several appoint ments, the country will not fail to re cur. to the emphatic and significant tit- . teran , . , .es of President Grant in his in augural address. They constitute the granite foundation upon which he stands. In calling to his side the re presentative men of different sections, and different interests, be has certainly been true to himself, and has, perhaps, done better than if he had imitated his predecessors, and taken his constitn , dorm]; advisers from the profession Inaugural Address OP PresidePt Grant. MARCH 4, 1869. Citizens of the United States: Your suffrage having elevated me to the office .of President of the 'Unit ed States, I have, in conformity with the Constitution of our country, taken the oath of office presented therein. I have taken this oath without mental reservation. and with the determina tion to do, to the best of my ability,all that is required of me. The resporr . sibilities of the position I feel, but I accept them without fear. The office has come to me unsought. I com mence its duties untrammeled. I bring to it a conscientious desire and deter= mination to fill it to the best of my ability to the satisfitction of the people. On all leading questions agitating . the . public mind. I will always express my views to Congress and urge them ac cording to my-judgment; and, when I - think it desirable,- will exercise. the Constitutional:privilege of interposing a veto to:Aleffiat measures which I op pose; but all laws will be faithfully ex ecuted • whether they meet my approv-. al or not. I shall, (Mall subjects,- have a policy to recommend, none to enferce against the will of the people. Laws are to govern all alike—those opposed to as well as those who favor them. I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution. The country having just emerged from a great rebellion, many questions will come befofe it for settlement in the next four years, which preceding ad 'ministrations have never had to deal with. In meeting these, it is desira ble that they should be approached calmly, without prejudice, hate, or sec tional pride. Itemembering, that the greatest good to the greatest number is the object to be . attained, this re quires security of person, property and free religious and politiCal opinion in every part of our common country, without regard to local prejudice.— Laws to secure . these will receive my best efforts for their enforcement. A great debt has been contracted in securing us, and our posterity, the Un ion. The payment of this, principal and interest, as well as the return to a. specie basis, as soon as it can be ac: complished without material detriment to the debtor class, or to the cOuntq at large, must be provided for. To pro tect the national honor, every dollar of government indebtedness should be paid in gold, unless otherwise express ly stipulated in the contract. Let it be -understood that no repudiator of on; farthing of our public debt will be t , crated in public place, and it will go tin. towards strengthening a credit which ought to be the best in theworld, and will ultimately. .enable us to replace the debt with bonds bearing . less in terest than we now pay. To this should be added a full and faithful collection of revenue, a strict accountability, to the Treasury of every dollar collected, and the greatest practicable retrench ment in expenditure in every depart ment of the Government. When we compare the paying capacity of the country now, with ten States still in poverty . from effects of. war, but soon to emerge, I trust to greater prosperi ty than ever before, with the paying capacity of twenty-five years ago, and calculate what it probably Will he twenty-five years hence, who can doubt -the feasibility of paying every dollar. then with more ease than we now pay for useless luxuries. _ Why, it looks as though Providence had bestowed u :)on us a strong box—the precious metals locked up in the sterile mountains of the fir West, which we are now forg ing the key to unlock to meet the very contingency that is now upon us. Ul timately it maybe necessary to increase the facilities to reach these riches, and it may be necessary also that the gen eral Government should give its; aid secure this access; but that should only: be : when a dollar of obligation to pay seCures , precisely the same sort of dol• larto use now, and not before. Whilst the question of specie payments is in 'abeyance, the prudent business man is careful about, contracting debts payable in the distantfuture. The nation should follow the same rule. A prostrate com merce is to be rebuilt and all the in dustries encouraged. The young men of the country, those who . from their age must be its rulers twenty-five years hence, have a peculiar interest in maintaining the national honor. A moment's reflection as to what will be our commanding influence among the nations of the earth in their day, if they are only true to themselves, should inspire them with national pride. •All divisions, geographical, political and religious, can join in this common sen timent. How the public debt is to be paid,or specie payments resumed, is not so im portant as that a plan should be adopt ed and acquiesced in. A united deter urination to do is worth more than di vided councils upon the method of do mg. Legislation upon this subject may not be necessary now, or even advisa ble, but it will be when the civil law is more fully restored in all parts of the country, and trade resumes its wonted channels. It will be my endeavor to execute all Iti`ws in good faith, to collect all reve nues assessed, and to have them pro perly accounted for, and economically disbursed. I will, to the best of my ability, appoint to office those only who will carry out this design. : In regard to our foreign policy. I would deal with all nations as equita bly as the law requires individuals to deal with each other, and" I would prbtect the law-abiding eitizen, , Aether of native or of foreign birth, wherever his rights are jeopardized or the flag of our country floats. I would respect the rightS of all nations, demanding equal reveet for our own. If others depart from this rule in their dealings with us, we may be compelled to follow their precedent. . The proper treatment of the origi nal occupants of this land, the Indian, is one deserving careful study. I will favor any course towards them 'which tends to their civilization. Christianiza tion and ultimate citizenship. The question of suffrage is one which is likely to agitate the public so long as a portion of the citizens of the nation are excluded from it:, privileges in any State. It: seen_s to me very desirable that this question should be settled now. I entertain the hope, and ex press the desire, that it may be, by the ratificati , n of the 15th article in the amendment of the Constitution. In conclusion, I ask patient farbezr ance, one towards another, throughout the land, and a determined effort on the part of every citizen to do his share towards cementing a happy Union,and I ask the prayers of. the nation to Al mighty God towards this consumma • tion. Editorial and Other Items. —The small-pox is disappearing "frOin - Cincinnati. —The Lindell Hotel is to be rl. , built in St. Louis, at a cost of $900,003. —The Legislature of Oregon ad" journed Friday till September 20th. • —The Wisconsin Senate concurred in ratifying the constitutional amend ment. —A fire at Austin, Minnesota, on 'Wednesday, destroyed property worth $30,000. —There were eight fires in Chicago on Friday, the losses footing up fa ly $300,000. —A destructive fire occurred at Al legan, Michigan, Friday night. Loss $70,000; no insurance. —J. W. Todd and wife were found murdered near Lebanon, Ind., on the 6th inst. No clue to the perpetrators. —The Manufacturers' Board of Trade of Cincinnati organized Satur day. Miles Greenwood is President. —Detachments of militia bave beer sent to Jackson and Overton counties, Tenn., where martial law has been de clared. —The North 'Pacific Steamship Company was organized at San Fran cisco on Friday, with a capital of $5,- (0,000. '—Guyernor Hoffman ha resigned the Gland ;..adtetnritii, of 'caw 11/ any. and einninodere Tweed e)ecte.l ilia t-tleCen:no —The fifteenth article of the eons titutluittil a Welk! went was.ral ified by the i\liehiguu Legi.slature Saturday the 6th hist. —The Ku-Klux bill passed the Ar kansas Senate on Thursday. and go: s to the tTovernor. It will undoubtedly become a law.. —The Louisiana Legislature ad journed sine die. Thursday evening, alter passing a resolution indorsing Grant's inaugural. - —The Sullivan County Democrat says that the continuous discovery of coal has caused the price of land to go up in that county. —Joseph Little, of the Arkasas militia,was executed at-illation on Fri day Tor the mrrder ofjohn Davis, a citizen of-Mound City. —The Hackensack Railroad of New Jersey was on Saturday transferred to the Etie 'Ruud, and is to be extended to the end of the Erie Road. —John McDevitt, of Chicago, Pro— poses to challence the Winner' of the champion cue at the for thc , l. i tag' bil— liard tournament in New York. —lt is stated several boxes of guineas of the coinage ofGeorge the Third have been recovered from the cores of the nritish frigate Hussar, sunk in East river in 1784. —Th e iloston Journal learns that among the last acts of Preaident John— son was to pardon James D. Martin: the delimiting cashier of the National Hide and Leather Bank. —The Georgia Legislature on Satur day tabled a resolution for the ratifica tion of the Fifteenth amendment. A resolution to adjourn sine die on the 12th passed both .houses. --The jury in the ease of James Grant, charged with the murder of Rives Pollard, at Richmond, Virginia, brougl. t in a verdict of not guilty, and the prisoner was discharged. —All the 'buildings on the south side of Market, between Canal and High streets, Akron, Ohio, were de • stroyed by fire on the Oth inst. Loss about $100,000; insurance light. —J. H. Carraway, who has charge of the lands on President's island, near Memphis, was shot by a party of negroes whose house he had bur— ned in order to get them off the land. —Rev. Dr. Charles Gillette, of Brooklyn, New York, agent of the Amerman Board of Missions - of the estant Episcopal Church, fell dead Saturday morning in Baltimore. —A bill appropriating 6 0 0,004,acres of internal improvement land to the payment of the old Minnesota State Railroad bonds was passed by the Legislature of that State on the 6th inst. —Ernest Shirenberg, editor of a German paper in Jefferson City, Mo., and enrolling clerk in the lower house of the Missouri Legi.slature, was - killed Thursday night at Hermen, on the Pacific Railway. —An organization under the name of the "Excelsior Colony of Nebras ka," now about arty strong, intend to s,art from New York with their fam ilies ill April, to settle on Govern went lands in the soutlwrn part of that State. Wendell Phillips, in a lecture at Jersey City, Sat urday evening, com mented on Grant's inaugural lather faVorably. tie urged a vigorous and if neeeNsary a sanguinary policy to wards the South. as the only means to t-ccure lasting yeace. —Geo. B. Davis, one of the parties awaiting trial on a charge of perjury against Collector Bailey,of New York. was released from arrest by order of Attorney General .Evarts, on the ground that he was induced to come from Canada as a witness under the pretence of .protection, and then thrown intojail. —The steamship Pantheon, from New Orleans for Liverpool, with 16,- 000 bushels of bulk wheat arid 600 bales ofcotton, sunk on Friday night just outside•ort he bar at South West Pass, in consequence .of a collision with the - towboat Heroine. The Pun thton had been stuck on the bar for the last three days, and had just got clear when the accident occurred. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NAT J. KEALSI-1, Attorney•at -1 . Law, Bellefonte, Pa., will attend faithfully 'to all busin.ss entrusted to his care. Deeds, Bends, &e, executed in the heat style. rearlo'69 :tut. ' T. F. HOLAHAN, Physician and Surpzeon, having removed from Empori um, Cameron County, has located in Miles_ bum, Centre county, Pa.. where - he will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to him in his Profession..office in his residence On Main St., where he can always he seen unless professionally engaged. In his ab sence from bort e, orders may be left at the store of Thos. mar to'69-Jy. XECLITOIt'S NOTICE. Letters Testarnenta tary on the Estate of Hugh Tonner, late of Potter T,wnship, de'cti., haring been grant od to the undersigned by the Ilegieter of Wills, of Centre county, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate are here by notilied to come forward and settle their accounts, and thoso_havin claims against said Estate are requested 1, present the same duly authenticated for st tlement. IL P. CADWALLADER, marl 0"89.1it. 110ARTNERSIIIP NOTICE,— Isaac Lose k George A. Lose have formed a parinership, trading as Isaac Lose A Son. in the business of keeping a Livery and Exchange Stable in Bellefonte , located at '',he Burnside stable, on the alley in rear of the Shoe Shop of Jim Powers. The stable of Geo•ge A. Lose Co., in rear of the Brockerhoff House is abandoned, and the firm of Geo. A. Lose- it Co.. is dissolved. ISAAC LOSE. ma.r.lo - 69 3t GEO. A. LOSS. The firm of George A. Lore 4, Co., was ‘ll.solved by mutest conQent February Ist, IE6O The books 01 the firm ore in the hands of George A. Late fur sEttlement. GEO LOE. J. 11. TIIOMAS. DR.SACE'S 1 I CATARRH REMEtrie du L.d, vVgau n' that Dr. Wonderful, or any other man has discovered a remedy that cures Con sumption, when the lungs are half consum ed, in short will cure all diseases whether of mind, body or estate, make men live &rev' r, and leave death to play fur want of work, and is designed to make our sublunary sphere a blissful paradise, to which Heaven itself shall be but a side show. You have heard enough of that kied of humbaggery. and we do not wonder that you have by this time become disgusted with it But when we tell you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will po.iticely cure thi worst cases of Catarrh, we only assert that which thousands can tes tily to. Try it a_id you will be convinced. We will pay SSOD Reward for a ease of Ca tarrh that we Cllll.lUt cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DRUGGISTS EV- ERY %% ISERE PRIOR. ONLY 50 CaNTa. Rent by Rail pose paid. for .sixiq Cents; Four PavkagES for $2.00 ; or t lozon for $5 On. 'end a two cent stamp fier br. punphlet on Ca tarrh. Aclare,s to Proprietor, B. V. PIEBC,B, M. D., BUFFAI,O, N. X. fr24 . 60-3m AATA.OON !TUBBS. spokes and felines, large a nd smali,st I 1S 7 r - S A NV' ILS • =4