The Bellefonte Republican. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1869-1909, March 10, 1869, Image 1

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ILL wonTuivArtn.
No. 1. leaves Lewistown at 7.2 fl a. In., 10a
arrives at Milroy 8.15 a.m.
No. 2, leaves Peon': IL R. 11.15 a. m., ar
rives at Milroy 12.15 p. m.
No 3, leaves Pen 'a R. R. 4.05 p. m., ar
rives at Milroy 5.00.
NO. 1. IiRVCS Milroy 8,90 a at., and arrives
at Penn'a.. IL It. 2.40 a. m.
No. 2, !eaves Milroy 1 15 p. m., and arrives
Penn's. R 11.2.10 p. m.
No. 3, leaves Milrey 5.07 p. m. and arrives
at Perea. R. R. 6.00 p. m.
Stage leaves Bellefonte every day (except
Sunday.) at 11 a. In., and arrives at Mil
Stage leaves Milroy every day (except Sun
day) at 5.30 p.'m. and arrives at Belle
fonte 10.30 p. in.
Stage leaves Bellefonte for Pine Grove Mills
every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
mornings at 6 a. in.
Wesletn mail closes at 4 00 p. in.
Lock Haven mail closes at 10.00 a. in.
Through and direct route between Phil
adelphia, Baltimore. Harrisburg, Williams•
port. and the
On all night Trains
On and after MONDAY. NOV. 23th ISei
the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie
Rail Read will run as follows :
Mail Train lemma Philadelphia 10 45 p.m
" " " Leek Baran... 9 31 a. m
". arr. at Erie 9 50 p.
'Erie Express leaves PMla 11 50 a m
" Lock Haven... 9 50 p.
" " arr. at Erie 10 00 a ni
Elmira Mail leaves Plaila delphia S 00 0. n ,
" " " Lock Haven... 7 45 p. r
arr. at Lock Haven 7 45 p.
Mail Train leaves Erie 10 55 a. in
" " " Lack Haven... 11 21 p. rn
'• " arr. at Philadelphia.. 10 00 a. m
Erie Express leaves Erie 6 25 p.
41! if "
Lock Haven 6 10 a. rn
" " arr. at Phila 420 p. re
Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek
and Allegheny River Rail Road. Baggage
Checked through.
General Superintendent.
On and after Monday. February Ist, 1869
two Passenger Trains will run daily (except
F...undays) between Tyrn e ;Ina Lock Haven,
and one Passenger '['rain between Tyrone
and Clearfield—as foilown:
Mail Lenven Lick 'Haven at
Milesburg "
" "
Arrive at Tyrone at
B. E. ExpreEs leave:4 L llnven at..lQ 20 a in
"...Milesburg 48 a - m
"... Bellefoite 55 a in
Arrives at Tyrone 1 20 p
Mail leaves Tyrone at
"...BeBelo: to at 10 50 a w
" at 11 02 a m
A rrive at Lack Haven 12 30 pin
13. E. Express leaves Tyrone 7 00 p
`...Belletbnte at.. 8 50 p in
"...111ilesintrg at.. 9 05 p m
Arrives at Lock Haven at 10 30 p
24 011113 WARD
Clearfield Mail leaveF Tyrone at.. 9 00 a m
" at.. 10 40 a m
" " ...PhilipEbUr g. l I 10 a re
Arrive at Clear Geld ut 1 00 p iu
Leave! Clearfield at .
Arriv . e xt Tyrone at
Passengers leaves Clearfield at 2 o'clock
p. m., Philipsburg at 3 n 5 p. m , Osceola at
4 15 p. in., arrive at Tyrone at 5 .fia p.
making cannection with Cincinnati Express
East at bl 7 p. m., and with Mail West at
6 44 p. on Main Line; also with Bald
Eagle Express, leaving Tyrone at 7 00 p.
arriving at Bellefonte at 8 45 p.' m., at Lock
Haven at 10 30 p; in., connecting with Erie
Mail Rost on the Philadelphia and Erie road
at 11 21 p. in. arriving at Williamsport at
12 90 a. in.
Returning. passengers leaving Williams
port at 8 15 a or., on Erie Mail West, arrive
at Lock flaxen at 9 31 a m, connecting with
BAIA Eagle Express leaving Lock Haven at
10 20 a m, arriving at Bellefonte at I I 55 a
m, Snow Shoe City at 5 35 p m, and Tyrone
at 1 20 p in, connecting with Way Passen
ger West at 1 40 p at, and Mail East at 3 31
p in, on Main Line.
Passengers leaving Lock Havenat 2 30 p
in, and Bellefonte at 412 p in, arrive at Ty
rone at 6 05plir, connecting with Cincin
nati Expreits East 617 pm, and Mail. West
at 6 44p ta;imAtain Line.
Passengers Leaving Tyrone on the Clear
field Mail or the Lock Haven Mail, connect
from the Day Express East and the Phil'a.
Express West—and on the Bald Eagle E
press, connect from the Cincinnati Express
East and Mail West.
Geo. C. WiLatas. Sup't.
Gee. Suit.
p taws ,0,131TT TOR CONSUMPTION,
That the Science of Medicine has reached
a period of its history, when it may be said
that CONSILMYTION can he cured, is a
mast grxbilj'lpgtZ Jthougb unlooked-for event,
' ' •
P. jjustly celebrated medicine. It le pre-
Pared by littzcliun dr, Co., IVarren, Pa.
,It is c.),r,Ale tVliolmmle and Retail,
11u wardville, Centre Cu.: "q.
Agent: tor Centre ito„rity
Li OftziE FOR SALE.--Any rerFon
purchase 11 good driving or rid
irig horse, Call 1)e accomaa,flated by c. fling
al /hi' office. The horse is good and sa:e
.The purchaser Ca' , hare Lis choice of trio, a
lucre or horse. .A), O a good cow f ur sa l e .—
..Fur particulars, call at the office of the.
a20'68.4i• " REPUBLICAN."
12 published every WEDSESDLY 111010:12(0,
in Belleionte, Pa., by
at the following rates:
Oue year (inrarially in advanee,)s2.oo
Six Aloroh- , " $l.OO
Three Months,." " 50.
Single Copies.."
It is Rol üblican in politick—devoted to
the Agricultural, Manufacturing and Alin
ing interests of Central Pennsylvania.
Papers discontinued to subscribers at the
expiration of their terms of subscription, at
the option of the publishers, unless other
wise agreed upon.
Special notices. inserted in our local eol
uuss at 20 cts. per line for each insertion,
unless otherwise agreed upon, by the month,
quarter or year.
Editorial Notices in our local columns, 25
cts. per line fur each insertion.
Marriage or Death announcements pub-
Pshed free of charge. Obituary notices pub
lished free. subject to revision and conden
sation by the Editors.
Professional or Business Cards. not ex
ceeding TO lines this type, $B.OO per annum.
Advertisements of 10 lines, or less, $l.OO
for one insertion. and 5 ets. per line for each
additional insertion.
Advertisements by the quarter, half-year
or year received, and liberal deductions
made in proportion to length of advertise
immt and length of time of insertion, as fol
IV ci `
ii it ?,
nee inch(or 10 lines this type) $5 I
Tiro inches
Three inches 10 7 1
Four inches l H
Quarter column (or 51 incber) 12
Half column (or 11 inebee)l I
One column (or 22 I 35
Ail advertisements. whether displayed or
blank lines. measured by lines of ibis type.
All advertisements, due after the Era in
.Tob Work of every variety, such as Pos
ters. Bi 1-heads, Letter heads,Cards, Checks,
Envelopes. Paper Books, Programmes.
Blanks, he.. ke., executed in the beet style
with promptness, and at the most reasona
ble rates.
Address . all communications relating to
business of this office, to
Bellefonte, Pa.
I3ellefonte Masonic Lodge, No 268. A. Y. M.
meets on Tuesday evening of orbeforethp
Full Moon.
Constans Commandery. No. 33, IC,. T.,
meets second Friday of each month.
T. 0. 0. F. Centre Lodge, No. 153, meets
every Thursday evening at their Ball,
Bush's Arcade.
Forthe conferring of Degrees the Ist Sat
urday cveninr of oacb m •nth.
For Degree of 'Rebecca, second Saturday of
e rery month.
I. 0. 0.• T.—This Lodge every Mon ay
Bellefonte Church Directory.
Preehyterian church. Spring St.. services at
at :II a. tn., and 7§ p. m ; No pastor
at present. This congregation are
now erecting a :lew church, in consequence
of which the reßular religious services will
he held in the Celia Howse until further
Methodist Episcopal Church, High St.. ser
vicc:s. 101 a. tn., and 71 m. Prayer
meeting on Thursday night. Rev. H .C.
Pardoe. pastor.
St. John's Episcopal Church. High St., ser
vices at 101 a. tn., and 71- p. us. Rev.
Byron McGann, pastor.
Lutheran Church, Linn St., services 10f a.
to . and 71. p. m. Rev. Backenberger,
Reformed Church, Linn St., no - pastor at
Catholic Church, 'Bishop St; services 101
a. rt., and 3p. m. Rev. T. IClcUovern,
United Brethren Church, High Street, west
side of creek; services
African ,11, L. Church, west side of creek ;
services a; 11 a. in., and 7 p. Rev.
Isaac Pitseell, pastor.
2 Op rn
.4 55 p in
4 )2 v m
: OD p m
S 50 a m
_ o ____
President—Andrew Johnson.
Vice. President, pro tem.—Benj. F. Wade
Secretary of State—William H. Seward.
Seeretaryy . Treosnry—Hugb McCullough
Secretary of War —J. M. Schofield.
Secretary of Nary—Gideon Wells.
Secretary cf Interior—O. I. Browning.
Postmaster-General—A. L. Randall.
Attorney General—Wm. M. Evarta.
2 00 p m
2 55 p m
4 15 p m
.5 50 p m
Governor—lno. W. Geary.
Bee ',y of Commonwealth—Frank Jordan.
Deputy Secretary of Commonwealth—lsaac
B. Gara.
Auditor General—John F. Hartman.
Surveyor-General—.lacob M. Campbell.
Treaaarer—W• W. Irwin.
Attorney General—Benj. 11. Brewster._
Dep tt'y Get/ere-3. W . M. Newlin.
Sup't of Com. ,‘ etouts—.T. P. Wickersham.
Dep'& &p t of Com.,Sehools—C.R Coburn.
Supt of Soldier'e Orphan ~Schools—Geo.
F. McFarland.
CO itrlT.
President Judge—Charles A. Mayer
John Hostertnan,
A ieociatex
-1 William Allison,
Prothonotary—James IL Lipton.
Regieter &Recorder—J. P. Uephart.
Sfteriff—U. Z. K line.
JJep'tg Sheriff—D Woo'lring.
Did. Ateg—H. Y. Stitzer.
Treasurer—A. C. Geary. .
{Wm. Keller,
Commissioners, Win. Furey,
John Bing.
Clerk—John Moran.
Chief Burgese—E. M. Blanchard.
.ABit C Ipt. C. T. Fryberger
Chief of Police—Wm. Sbortlidge.
" Felty.
" .Amos Mullen.
" Cherie • Cook.
Town Council—Wm. P. Wilson. Preet.
S. M. Irwin, Clerk.
• Robert Valentine,
• A. S. Valentine,
• Jas. 11. McClure,
F. F. Green,
John Irwin. Jr..
Elias W. Dale,
Jacob V. Thomas,
Geo. A. Dsyrirti :
High Constable—James Green, . .
Borosuh Conembie—James Furey.
School Directors—Juba Hoffer. Pres't.
if Geo. B. Wearer. See'y.
rr Wm. McClelland, Tre'e
S. T. :-huirart,
+• D. M. Eutrs,
ri •
:(TACION 111;13BS, spokes and felians,
r?' large arid,
LAMPS, every variety and kind at
"Let us See to it. that a G vernment of the People, for the People, and by the People, shall not Perish from the Earth."—{A. Lizzeorm.]
Attcruty-et-Law. 13elle
frinte, Pa. Office nn High St. ja6'ek9.y
A tb , rner-ar-Law
inn te, Pa. Offiee in Armory building. 2nd
floor. j06'69 ly.
Attorneys st.Low.Relle
fon te, Pa. .06'69.01
Allegheny SL, Bellefonte, Po. je6'
Bellefonte Penn'a. j06'69.1y
'(Ti W. BROWN,
. Attorney-at-Ls ev
Bellefonte, Penn's., will attend promptly
to all business entrust„d to his care
E. C.IIIIIIES, Preiet. J. P. RA.RRtS, Caster.
01 Bellefonte. Alle
gbeny St., Bellefonte Pa.
Bellefonte, Pa. Office in Conr-d
Allegheny St. ja6'
Licensed Antioneer. will
attend to all sales entrusted to his care
Charges reasonable. Addre.s. Uriah Sto
ver, llouserville, Centre Co., Pa.
34'69 .rm.
Physic= and S.- r
neon ; Pension Surgeon for Centre county
will attend promptly to all professionn
calls. Office on night Street N •rth Side
p) . Dentist. Office on the
corner of Spring and Biehop streets, Belle
fonte. Pa. At home. except the first two
weeks of each month. Teeth extracted
without pain. ja6'69
Physician and Sur
geon. Office up-stairs in .L H. McClure's
new Building. Bishop St, BelleConte, Pa.
Will attend to all business in hi 4 profes
eon, faithfully at all times, and all hours.
A. 8..11.1.1TC11150N A; CO'S.
Job Printing, Of.
floc, " Itepubrcan" Buiidine, BiAop St..
Bellefonte. Penn's.. Every Description of
Plain and Fancy printing, done in the
neatest manner, and at prices below oity
rates. ja6'69.
11. rt. isMils
B D usH ,k YOCUM.
A ttorneya-nt-law.l3ellp
fonte, Pa.. will attend to all busineFtt en
trotred to them. wit} , promptne!s. Office
nn Northeast Corner of the Diamond. in
Trvires stone building. ja13119 y.
Atierneys st•Lerf,
Bellefonte. Pa. Collections. and all other
legal hosiness in Centre and the anjelnine•
Counties, eromntly attended to. Office in
Blanch trd's Law building, Ailoczbeny
street. k6'69.
AttGrneys-at-Law, Belle
fonte. Pm. Can be consulted in both the
English and Getman languages. Uffiee
on the Ilinmond, next door to G.rmar.P.,
II otel. 1.01110'39.1y.
The oldest Meat Market in Belleronte.—
Choice meat of all kinds alwa}•a on hand.
ja6'69.ty. R. V. BLACK.
'Receive Lopes
its and allow Interest; Discount Notes;
Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold
and Coupons.
HENRY littocxy.RßOFF. President.
J. D SIIUGERT, CGRhiLI. jal.3'B9y.
Fashionable Barber. in
Basement of the Conrad Ilcuse Belle
fmte, Pa. The best of R92.ors, sharp and
keen, always on hand. Re guarantees a
SHAVE without either pulling or pain.—
Perfumery, hair Oils. Bair Restoratives,
Piper Collars, J , e., constantly on hand.
Contractors and
Bricklayers, Bellefonte. Pa., adopt this
method of infereanz those wishing to
build that they will furnish Brick and lay
them, by the job, or by the thousand.
Will set Beaters, and do all kinds of
w..,rk in their branch of Business.
Would respectfully
infor-a the citizens of Manny Valley in
particular. and the people of Centre coun
ty in general, that he has taken out a
ceese and holds himse!f in readiness to cry
Venclues. Auctions, or other sales at all
times, and at allplaces with in the limits c f
Centre and Clinton counties. Charges
rea'o ja27'69.1 v.
Boaleburg Cen
tre. Co., Pa., most respectfully informs the
public that be is prepared to execute any
description f work in big profession Sat
isfaction rendered, and rate 4 as moderate
as may be expected. Will be found in
his office during the week. commencing on
the first Monday of tack month. nd at
such other times as msy be agreed upon.
jai 3'89.1y.
Joseph A. Rankin of
ibis Borough, insures property fur the fol.
lowing Stock and Mutual companies, viz:
Lyconiing Mutual. York Company, Pa.,
Insurance of North America, Enterprise,
and Girard of Phila., Pa.. Home, of New
Haven, and any other reliable company
desired. Also, Provident Life Company
of Phil'a., and other good Life Compa
nies. j
We adept this teethed of infornang the eta
zans of Bellefonte and vicinity that we have
entered into partnet ship in the
All jobs entrust. d to Its will be done in the
skoff_test time anti in the most workmanlike
manner. From our Inng experience in the
buaneas wefoet confident that we Can give
full satismotion to 111 who tnop favor us
with their work. Address, or rail nn
febl7'69.6m Bellefonte, Pa.
Select Poetry.
If We knew the woe and heartache
Waiting for us down the read,
If our lips could taste the wormwood,
If our backs could feel the load,
Would we waste the day in wishicg
For a time that neer can be;
Weulti we want in such impatience
For our ships to come from sea?
Tf cce knew the baby fingers
Pressed a gra'nst the window pane
Would be cold and stiff to morrow—
Newer trouble us again—
Would the bright eyes of our darling
Catch the frown, upon our brow,
Would the print of rosy fingers
Vex us then as they du now ?
Ah ! these little ice-cold lagers,
How they point our memories back
To the hasty
. words and actions
Strewn along our backward track !
How these little bands remind us,
As in snowy grace they lie,
Not to scatter thorns—but roses—
Fur our reaping by and by.
Strange we never prne the music
Till the sweet voiced bird is flown;
Strange that we should alight the violets
Till the lovely dowers are gone;
Strange 'hat summer sides and sunshine
Never seem one half an fair
As when winter's snowy pinions .
Shake their white down in the air !
Gips from which the Seal of silence,
None but God can roll away,
Never blossomed in such beauty
As adorns the mouth to-day ;
And sweet memories that freight ourmemory
With their beautiful perfume
-Come to us in sweeter accents
'Through the portals of the tomb.
Let us gather np the sunbeams
Lying all around our path;
Let us keep tbo wheat and roses,
Casting out the thorns and chaff
Let us find our sweetest comfort
In the blessings of today,
With a patient hand removing
All the briars from oar way.
History of the 49th Pennsylvania
By A. B. 11 urcrasoN,
Late Captain of Company 'C'
(INTRADUCTORY,—Trt proposing the fol
lowing sketch of the career of the 49th Pa.
Vol.. I do not expect to accomplish much in
.either a literary or historical way. Neither
do I expect to furnish a history of the army
with which we were identified, nor of the
war in which we woree • gaged. No attempt
will be made to write up. or down, any offi
cer or man in the regiment. Whatisintend
ed, and attempted iv. simply to preterre the
record of events as they occurred in, anti as
they anneared to, the regiment, or at least to
une of the members of the regiment.
The events of the war will he referred to
as being %natters of e.•mmon knowledge, and
no attempt will he made to exaggerate or be
littm the achievements of the Army of the
Potomac. or any other, r- acknowledge- in
advance, the aio derived front Itev. Wm.
Earnshaw. Chaplain, Capt. C. Dale, Lt. D.
11. Downing. and others of the regiment
who have allowed me the use of their morno..
randa of various matters, rolls. diaries, etc.
I should be glad to receive from any others,
my rosters. rolls. diaries, or letters in aid of
my elf rt to make this record of our r
went complete. At the close of this history
t shall try to -dd a complete roster of the
officers of the regiment. I should he glad
to print a complete roll, and may be able to
do so, if copies of the mmerolidation and
muster-out rolls can be secured. 'Having
said what I do not intend to make this his-
tory. and what I mean to try to accomplish
in it, I now offer it to the readers of the Jim-
PUBLICAN, to be judged of by itself.
A. 13. tlvrausog.)
Camp Ortffin—Muster-into .Vervice—Grand
Review—WinterQuartety—Picketiny Drill
and Guard— aineeville—Chrietwuv and.
New Year--New Arms—Shelter Tents—Or.
dery to prove—Guarding Railroad—)larch
Commenced—Manassas evacuated—March
to Alexandria—Camp No. 2—Etobarka.
tiou—Arrivai at Fort Monroe—March to
Lee's Mills, near Yorktown
Soon after our arrival at Camp Grif
fin, Company F joined the regiment._
Probably there is no one place wlich
will he remembered by the men of our
regiment, as Camp Griffin ever must.—L
Here, on the twenty-fourth day of Octo
ber. we were regularly mustered into the
United States service as an crgenized
regiment; and, although we bad served
f• r two months previously, and our ser
vice was acknowledged. and its proper
payment allowed, our men were after
wards compelled to serve full three year!:
from the date of this muster. 'While all
must acknowledge that absolute wad de
finite rules must be prescribed in r n or
ganization so vast as our army, we can
not appreciate the necessity of an act of
flagrant injustice, insisted upon for the
sake of a rule ostensibly established to
prevent injustice, and secure the lawful
tights of all. Oa the thirty-first of Oc
tober we wore mustered for pay for the
first time. About this time we were oc
cupied, as were, probably, our friends at
home. in discussing the disaster of Ball's
bluff, which naturally created a profound
feeling iu our army.
On the twentieth of November occur
red the grand review of the Army at
Bailey's Cross Roads. Of this magnifi
cent pageant, of course we formed a part.
About seventy thousand troops were re
viewed. To those who, like us, had to
march a long way to the place, and re
main all day under arms, it was a day of
labor, and the writer of this veritable
history was too tired to observe any re
markable event, except the appearance of
the President at the review, and oar
weary march to our camp again. This
grand display did, however, produce a
Must favorable imilresmion on the Army,
as it gave us an approximate idea of our
slrength and n u.nbers.
The weather now begin to grow co'd
and our rents were nut eo conitoitoblesis
could he wished! California erocee
—which are like some railroad we used
to Lear a great deal of—under ground
..began to be improvised, and generally,
did tolerably welt. Their construction
it se follows: A hole is dug inside the
tent with a covered ditch leadingoutside
leader the cenvass to the surface, and
Winn this orifice, a chimney is erected,
The fire is built in the bole inside, end
the smoke finds its way out through the
ditch and chimney, i. e., if ibe wind be
not contrary.
.0n the fifth of December we moved our
atop, and provided in our new location
tritoothible winter quarters. Each tent
wis placed on a log foundation four feet
high. A common tent was provided for
eich Ave men of the Command, which,
with the addition of the logs, made very
mimfortable quarters A fire place was
hilt in each, with the chimney outside
the tent. Cooks were detailed in each
company. end kitchens built, in which
th 4 rations were prepared. Everything
wss conducted with the utmost method.
Giant strictness was observed in drills,
on the picket line, and in the perform
ance of guard duty. In all our expe
rience since, we have never been called
up t n to do more severe picket duty.tban
en we watched in front of Lowinsville,
though all the changes of a winter,
*ffbout ever the privileges of keeping
fires on the line. Yet. by this means, we
learned that strict attention to guard
duty which has donheess saved us frotn
many a mishap. Our picket line has
never been broken, or driven beyond
their reserve. But we had here, also,
many of the luxuries of civil life—let
ters and express boxes: sometimes visit
ors, greeted us-so often that we could not
doubt of the kindly remembrance we
were livid in at home. Songs, dances on
the clean swept, solid streets, passed the
winter evenings quickly away. Visitors
from other regiments, and our neighbors
of the Fifth Wisconsin and Six , h Maine,
furnished society. Sutlers furnished to
bacco, in all its forms, for the solace of
such as used the weed, and many other
luxuries and conveniences of camp life.
The markets of Washington were laid
under contribution to supply our wants;
yet, nevertheless. we were impatient ell
the winter for the ever expected march
ing orders.
On the sixth of December we marched
to Hunter's Mills, A point on the Dail
road near Vienna, being on a sort of re
contoisance, or scout. This was the day
on which the enemy bad a grand review,
and we could hear their music. We were
a long way from any support, and might
have got into trouble, but we' only saw
a few pickets of the enemy, and met no
opposition. After a long and toilsome
march, late at night, we arrived in camp.
On the eighteenth of December, our
neighbors of the Reserves, being on a
reconnoisance to Dranesville. met a Bri
aede of the , hemp, and had a. lively fight.
and a glorious victory. We formed as
soon as we heard their guns, and expect
ed to move out to their assistance, but it
appeared that they did not. need us.
ChrWmas and Ne* Year found us in
the eej , vment of camp comforts, which
were scarcely a reminder of these Boll
days at home. On &sr Year, however.-
we had a greased Wg to be caught, and
a greased pole to be climbed, but who
caught. the pig, or who climbed the pole,
this record /ath not.
In January, 1862. we received new
arms, aceoutrentents and shelter tents
Our arms were Austrian rifled muskets,
of the calibre of ,54. Previously, we
had our own smooth bore muskets. The
shelter tents were scarcely appreciated
at that time, for they seemed a very in
different shelter to our eyeti, and sug
gested a new phase of our future path
way to glory.
February passed almost monotonously
away. Games, drills and duty, filled up
it s daily record in regular succession.—
But the seventh of March.brought with
the long-expected roarohing orders.—
The news of the capture of Henry and
Done Non, and Burnsides' successes in
North Caro , ina, invired tI9, and we, were
anxious to prove our prowess in the field
of battle. So the order to move was a
welcome one, once in our history, at
After a march to the railroad near Vi
rune, and a tour of duty as guard for
the workmen engaged on it, we returned
to ramp, and made ready for our mart+
into Virginia. We left our comfortable
"A" tents on the old quarters, our extra
blankets in them; pleasant cots rtood
there, whose owners woild find no bet
ter bed than a rubber blanket on a pile
of brush, if so good; our cheerful fire
sides and comfort.givine little sheet-iron
stoves, grew cola' together, at our cruel
abandonment How we missed them ere
a week lied passed. So lonely and de
serted; regretting, yet. glad, for the sake
of novelty, we bid farewell to Camp Grif
fin, and shouldering arms and knapsacks,
commenced the trials of active campaign
irg. Bsfore'we reached our next camp,
the knapsacks were very heavy. 'Jokes
could scarcely enliven us or jokers be
found, where they bad been so. plentiful
The shelter tents seemed but a mockery
to our inexperience and we should then
have defined a shelter tent to be a tent
that was no aheiter. The roads were mud
dy, the nights were cold, and the Pros
pect seemed anything but cheering. But
we had appetite enough to appreciate a
soldier's rations, and luckily, enough
rations to satisfy the appetite. Wearied
limbs are not very fastidious as to their
rertiog place, and soon, under the de
spised little shelters. we have since
It a-ned to prefer above anything else as
a ealdier's habitation, we slept soundly
and welt, deeming ourselves fortunate
whose duty was not to be awake and on I
guard. We encamped at Flint Hill,
where, on the 13th of March,the Division
(Smith's) was reviewed by Gen. McClel
lan. On the fifteenth we commenced our
march back to Alexandria, through rain
and mud. The evacuation of Manasses
by the enemy, had worked a charge in
the plans of our leaders. We encamped
about four miles from Alexandria, in
what was termed Camp No 2, in the field,
and thereafter each additional camp was
known by number. Our camp near Al
exandria was cheerless in the extreme.—
The weather was wet, cold and dreary.
We sent teams to old Camp Griffin, and
received ourold tents and some blankets;
stoves, &c . which improved matters.
On the 24th of March we embarked for
Fort Monroe. The Forty-third N.Y.V01.,
of our Brigid:, having been placed on
the same boat with us. a considerable
fight was the result, and the Forty-third
were finally removed to another boat.--
For some reason, the same:good fellow
ship existing between the Forty-ninth,
Fifth Wisconsin and Sixth Maine, did
not extend to the Forty-third New York,
yet it would be difficult, perhaps, to ex
plain why. After a abort and pleasant
trip, we landed at Fort Monroe on the
25th of March, and marched to Hampton.
Here, in the Roads, lay the Monitor,
resting from her memorable conflict with
the Merimac. Here we added fish cod
oysters to our supplies, making quite an
important addition to our bill of fare.—
Here, too, we made our first aCqUaill
once with contrabands.
By tiled marches through the swamps
and woods, we moved forward until we
reached Warwick Crock, near Yorktown.
where, encountering the, enemy's works,
we went into camp, and commenced the
siege of Yorktown. This , was camp No.
9, in the field. In this march we bad
heavy fatigue duty. , building roads tbro'
the swamps, and short rations for the
reason that the roads were not built.—
Our camp was in a swamp, and the wa
ter was exceedingly bad. Here we re
ceived two months pay on the 29th of
April. Capt. J. M Green, commanding
Company "A," resigned his Commission,
and taking leave of the regiment, return
ed home. The causes which led to his
resignation were not well understood
outside of Head Quarters, aq, in cur re
giment, as every other, there is an in
ternal history which cannot be written.
Capt. Green enjoyed the favorable opin
ion of the majority of the Regiment,who
justified his course.
Battle of Lee's Mills—Picket firin#—The
Evacuation of Yoektoten 19 the RH etny—
Our Norch in Pursuit— Williamsburg
-Bottle of Must s,lB62—March to the Chick
Oa the 16th of April, we were witness
es to the attempt made by the Second
Brigade'of our Division, or. more pro
perly, a small detachment of this Bri
gade, Vermont troops, to carry a portion
of the enemy's works lying across Wor
w'ck creek, and which effort was reptile
ed with severe los!. The Vermont
soldiers, after a cannonade on our part.
charged through the stream, which was
wide and swampy. in very gallant style,
but encountered a fire so galling that
they were unable to reach the enemy's
works, and lost heavily in their forced
retreat. As soon as darkness came on,
our Brigade moved within a few hun
dred yards of the stream, in an open
field, and under cover of night.construct
ed earths , t.ks for the protection of our
guns, within easy range of the rebel lines.
Remaining until after daylight, with the
arms stacked, in full view of.the enemy,
and at right angles to their front, we
speedily found ourselves under a tolera
bly heavy fire of their artillery. Many
a half-finished breakfast was summarily
disposed of, and the arms being quickly
secured, we ware all soon under the
friendly cover of the woods. This was
the first time we had ever encountered
the fire of the enemy, an- the sensations,
though various as the different individ
uals were, in general, more novel than
We then advanced our picket lines,and
were introduced to the practice of sharp
shooting while on that duty. a system of
warfare which has destroyed many val
uable lives on both sides, without much
advancing the interests of either, and
which is sometimes barbarous as well as
useless. The regiment lost but very few
men in ibis manner, however, either
here or at' erwards.
The country in which we were opera
ting was a swampy wilderness, and ex
hibited but few evidences of any change
from its original condition. We were
compelled to build corduroy roads in
every direction, for the purpose of bring•
ing up supplies. and our camps were so
wet that water Could be secured by dig
ging two fret anywhere. The water was
had, but no better was within reach, by
any means in our power..
On theld of May we moved our camp
to what appeared to be a drier location,
and prepared to increase our comforts,
but - our rest here was a brief one. On
the morning of the 4th of May tke enemy
evacuated their works at Yorktown, and
tetreated towards Richmond. We im
mediately moved forward and commenced
a pursuit of their retreating force. On
entering their works we found plenty of
evidences of tbesevetity of ourArtillery
fire. We found, also, a considerable
number of percussion shells planted in
the ground, by paths and springs, ar
ranged so that they might easily be • ex
ploded. The discovery once made, how
ever, rendered them harmless, and their
cowardly object failed to be accomplish
"Bush, Zeb, I've eaten much VirOTSO in
he most aristocratic house%
people of rank ought to eat it."
"Why people of rank?"
[9oNrizqus]) FEICT WEB.] i , "Cause it's Tank, butter."
Odds and Winds,
-Never interfere in otii4i people's
—Things that come home to-ur-1312tch
er's bills.
—Bo prudent and circumspect in all
you say awl do.
—Attempt not to curb a madman or to
make zt fool wise.
oomparisoft are odious, and
ebould be avoided.
—Many a husband permits 'himself to
he henpecked as unresistingly as if he
were an ear of cern.
—Why is the horse the most humane
of all animals ? He gives the bit out of
his mouth, and listens to every woe.
—Why was Mohammed like a man in
chuiA with a bad cold? Why—because
hie coughing (coffin) had to be suspend
—The House of Representatives of
Wiseensinbas passed a bill submitting
the question of female suffrage to a vote
of the people.
7 Says Hate to her new husband,
"John what rock dose true love build •up
on ?" Quoth John, and grinned from ear
to ear, "The rock of yonder cradle, dear.'
—"Bombe, why am dat nigger down
de hole ob de boat like a chicken in de
egg?"—"l gives um up."—Caltse he
couldn't git out if it wasn't for de hatch."
—An Alberni in gentleman. when told
by his nephew that he had just entered
college with a view to the church, said,
"I hope that. I may live to hear you preach
my funeral sermon."
—A child without a backbone is repor
ted to have recently died in Ohio. where
upon the Boston Post remarks, that by
his death "the State lost admirable ma
terial for a member of Congress." .
—lf you get heated, strive to get cool
you will succeed, and eventually become
a cool man—that is, a man of judgment,
and self-possession, which will keep you
out of many things that you would re
—Prefer solid sense to wit; never
study to be diverted without being useful;
let no jest intrude upon your good man
ners, nor say anything that may offend
modesty or heedlessly hurt the feeling of
—A lady asked her little girl, on re
turning trom church, if she remembered
the text. "Oh, yea !" said she ; "it was
this: 'The ladies sewing society will
meet at Mrs. McCracken's house on Mon
day evening next."
—The Des Moines Resider says the
gyp:hoppers recently ate up half an acre
of tobacco for a man near that place;
and when the owner went out to look at
it, they sat on the fence and squirted to
bacco juice in his face.
—A. Connecticut editor, having got
into a controversy with a coteroporary,
congratulated himself that bie bead was
safe from a "donkey's heels." His co
temporary astutely inferred that he was
unable to make both ends meet.
—A gentleman once thus addressed a
letter to his bride: "My dearest Maria."
The lady replied : "My 'dear John, I beg
that you will mend either your morals
..r your grammar. You call me dearest
Maria; am 1 to understand that you have
other Marisa?"
—`•lf I ever reach Heaven," said Dr.
Watts, I expect to find three wonders
there :—lst. The presence ofsome the t
I had not thought to see there. 2d. The
absence of acme whom I had expected
to meet there.. fici. The greatest wonder
of all will be to find myself there.
—Among the curious tombstone in
scriptions which have coma Loom' ears
lately, are the following;
"Here lies Betsy ;
Where she's gone, and how she facer,
No one know, and no ens cares."
A happy pendant to this is tbefollowing
°•ln memory of Jane Bent,
Who kicked up her heels and away she
—According to a writer in the Chicago
Times, a strong minded female of Boston, a
Mrs. Howe, has discovered that it ie a
"polarity" that makes the difference be
tween the sexes, and that when a man
loses his "polarity" he become a women!
She says: -You cannot destroy your po.
larity, you native centrality and circum
ferentiality without destroyingyoureelf."
Jes so.
—A Quaker and a Baptist were travel
ing together in a state coach. The latter
took every opportunity of ridiculing the
former on account of his religious pro
feasion. At lenght they came to sheath,
where the body of a znalefactor, lately
executed was hanging in chains on a
gibbet. "I wonder now," said the Bap
tist, "what religion this man was of?"
“perhaps," replied the. Quaker, coldly,
•,he was a Baptist and theyibung Mira up
to dry."
—"Why is it, my son,, that when you
drop your bread and butter, it is always
on the buttered aide ?"
"I don't know. The strongest side
ought to be up, and this is the strongest
butter I have ever seen."
"Hush up; its some of your aunt's
olaurnine, my boy."
•''Did she churn, Wit lazy thing !"
• "What, your aunt ?"
"No, this butter. To make the old
lady eburn it, when it is strong enough
to cburn itself."
VOL I*,, NO. 10
From the Chicago Times.]
News From Young! America.
A Naughty Little airra Fierce of Life.
I ant only a little girt; batthink I
have tie Witidit fight to tray what I vlttet
to about things ad a boy. hate boYe:
they'rb ecimettm-they always grabiall the
strawberries et dinner • table, and
never tell us *hen they are going to have
any fun. Only I like Gus Bogert. 'llber
other day Gus told me be was gate' to'
let off some fireworks, and he let &said
Nettle and me go and look at them All
of us live in a hotel, and hie mother's
room has a window with a balcony. Me
mother was gone out to buy some creme
de Us to put on her faze, and he'd went
and got eleven boxes of Lucifer matches,
anti ever so many pieces of castile soap;
he steeled them from the heueekeepere—
Just when she went to put them in her
closet, Gus went and told her hire:Net
tle wanted her a minute, and while she
was gone be grabbed the soap and match
es, and when she came bock he watched
her; and she got real mad, and she scold
ed Della, (that is the chambermaid), and
said she know'd ehe did it, and I was
real glad, because when I wee turning
eomersets on my mother's bed the other
day Della slappedme, and said she wasn't
going to make the bed two times to please
we-; then Bessie and me !ticked rho
matches in the soap like ten pins, and
Gus fired them oti, and they blazed
anything, and they made an awful smell,
and Gus want and turned a little gas on
eo's his mother would think it was that.
We get our dinner with the nurses,
cause the man that keeps the hotel °barg
es full price for tho children if they sit
at the table in the big dining room. Once
my mother let me go down with her,and
I talked a heap at the table, and a gen
tleman that sat neat to us said, "Little
girls should be seen and not heard."—
The mean old thing died last week, and
I was real glad, and I told Della so, and
she said if I went and said things like
that I couldn't go to Neavin. Much she
knows about it; and I wouldn't want to
go if dirty things like she is went there,
Yesterday, Mary, our nurse, told Bessie
Nettle's nurse that she heard Larry Pike
negan was going to marry her. Larry.
is'one of the waiters, and he saves can
dies for me Item the big diaintreour;
and Bessie Nettle's nurse said, "0 Lord t
what a lie!" and Bessie Nettle wentinta
her mother's room, and her little brother
said she nipped him, sad Bessie - said;
"0, Lord ! what a lie!" and you should
have heard how her mother did talk to
her. and went and shut her up iu a dark
room where she kept her trunks, and
didn't let her have nothing but bread
and water; and Gus Rogers went and
yelled through the keyhole, and said,
"Bessie, the . devil is coming to fetch
you," and Bessie screamed and almost
had a fit, and her mother told Mrs.Rog
ere, and got Gus licked, and Gus says
he's a mind to set the house on fire some
day, and burn her out.
One day I went into the parlor and
oreeped under the sofa, and there wasn't
nobody there. They don't let doge, nor
'children go into the parlor, and I think
its real mean; and I had to creep under
the sofa, so nobody could see me; and
Mr. Boyce came in, and Miss Jackson;
she said one day that children was a
worse nuisance than dogs. And Mr.
Boyce and Miss Jackson came in and sif
ted down on the sofa; and he said, "0
Louisa, I do love you eo muoh."and then
he kissed her, for I heard it smack. And
then she said, "0 Thomas, I do wish I
I could believe you; don't you never kiss
anybody else ?" Aud he said, "No, dear
est," and I yelled out, "0, what a big
story!" for I saw him kiss Bessie Net
tle's nurse in the ball one night, when
the gas was turned down. Didn't ha
jump up ; you bet ! and he pulled me
out and tored my frock, and he said,
"Ob, you wicked child, where do you
expect to go for telling such stories?"
and I told him, " Yon shut up, I ain't
going anywhere with you." I wish that
man would die, like that other one, so I
do; I don't care whether he goes to
heaven or not.
Gus Rogers' mother had a lunch par.
ty in her parlor, and they had cham
pagne, and they. never gave him any ;
and when his mother wasn't looking, he
found a bottle half full on the sideboard,
and he steeled it, and took it in our nur
sery; and Mary wasn't there, and Gus
and me drinked it out of the glass Mary
brushes her teeth in.; and it was real
nice; and we looked in Mary'swardrehs
and found her frock she goes to church
in ; and gus put it on, and Mary's boar
net too; and we went in the ball. and
we tumbled down and wed. Mary's freak.
and made my nose bleed; and Gus said.
"Oh, there's a earthquake!" 'cause we
couldn't stand up ; and you should see
how the house did go up and down—aw
ful; and Gus and me laid down on the
carpet, and the housekeeper picked sae
up and tooked me to my mother's room.
and my mother said, "Oh, my ! whatever
have you been doing '!" and I said, "Ob,
Lard! I drinked champagne out of Gus
Rogers' mother's bottle, in theglasa that
Mary brushes her teeth in." And the . ,
housekeeper. says, "Oh, my , goodness
gracious! that child's as tight as bricks ;'.'
and I said, "You bet: bully for yon;"
and then I was awful tick, and Pre forget
what else,
A mot who recently married a. fashion..
able wife says be is glad he hatparchest..
ed an upright piano, for its Os only.ttilr.
right thing we have in the honk.
The lady who took everyboodpk
must save quite a lot of them,