W, W. BROWN, 1] A.B. RUTCH1S0N, | Foirons. REST AURANTS I ESTAURANT. The undersigned would inform the citizens of Bellefonte and com munity in general, that they continue to ac ecmmodate their friends at the Restaurant North of the Diamond, opposite she Court House. Oysters in every Style, Best Phil a. Lager Beer, Porter, Ale and Sarsaparilla, Pies, Cakes, Candies, de. Also FREE LUNCH EACH DAY. Hours, 9 A. M, to 12 o'clock, M. call, Jul3 oe iy. Give us a ROY & CoO. HE GE A Ri ESTAURANT MEALS AT ALL HOURS. THE undersigned avails himself of this method of i forming the citizens of Delle funte and vicinity, and the traveling cow- munity ia general, th class A NT, | +e new |! tl, sitnate Dian been purch wroughly refitted hiv is prepared 1 to render the most nt who No the con All wh satisfa favor bia with their will be spared on bis part to add to venience or comfort of his guests. stop with him will find His Tasix abundantly supplied with the most sumptoon re the market will afford dene up in style the cooks. His Ban will iquors His Stasring is best in tow wars be attende all may patronage patos ” most exg erienced always ¢ { n, and will al Ibythemast trust worthy and Liz establ will rangers (rom abroad r advantage, BAKERY Orn eraby oked in sll stelesr | ried in Butter, Fan [3 1 Og Aisne r Quart. od in Cr De wider. ithed and ear A rpecial i J. MDOWELYL I[ISCELLANEOUS ED FOR TS OF THE GREAT CITY, of Virt stories. Myser i tive ® 1e2 and the os and - srk ( R COPY and see our terms, Ad Phila and =» the work & CO, 4 ori 5 ‘ NES BROTHERS jeiphia, Pa CAUTION, eharaster are books yuu and sell 2 febi0 irase, JO | Inf being sire: f a similar Feathat the ! tke slated 35 Sane engravings PY. erior w hay t $2.50 tain ’T © 69 - oo | Ae WANTED. | i {at120 pm, LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED MACHINES TO GOOD MEN TO SELL THE WONDER OF THE AGE, THE FARMERS PRIDE, THE STUMP & GRUBBING MACHINE. It will do more work in one day than Ten Men with grabbing hoes can possibly do, and leaves no rests or stamps ts sprout up in the spring. After grubbing with this Ma, chine the farmer can cat bis grain or grass the first season with the Reaper or Mower. It does its work effectually. Any person | or persons desirous of making money, will | do well to Address, J. 0. Box 227, fob3°690.3m. Bellefonte, Pa. [The Bik county paper and the Emporim Independent, Cameron Co, Pa., will please insert the above adyertisoment six times, and send bill to Bellefonte Republican. Bd. J 1 YDWARD Ww. MILLER, (Late of Young, Moore & Co.) wit COHALFANT, NOISERY 18440 DP, AUCTION JOBBERS IN GOODS, NOTIONS, &¢., No. 57, NORTH THIRD BST, PHILA. Jol3'60.41. | st be bas opened u first | and A ! Eagle Expr Haven at | p | : | at Loek Haven at ? 31 a m, connecting with RAILROADS IN & CENTRE CO. Bra NORTHWARD, ach R. | M IFFL No. 1, leaves Lewistown at Arrives at Milroy 8.15 a.m. No.2, leaves Peon's R. R. 11.15 a. mw, ar rives at Milroy 12.156 p. m No 3, leaves Pen 'a R. R. 4.05 p. m., ar rives at Milroy 5.00. SOUTHWARD 7.20 a. m., No. 1, at Pean'a. R. R. 9.40 a. m. No. 2, ‘eaves Milroy 1 15 p. Penna. R R.2.10 p.m. No. 3 leaves Milroy 5.07 p. m. at Pcon’'a. R R. 8 00 p m. day and arrives Stage leaves Pel! olnte every Suniny ) ut wt Mi. ry4idpm AM Stage leaves M lam, wv every day mw. and arrives at m pllefinte fur Pine Grove Mills except Sun a! 5.30 Belle 103 day) fonte Stage | every mornir eavas Tae«day, 5s al 6 at 4 00 ges nt loses m «il of Western ma Lo Pp k Haven m 1000 a. m pa ADELPHIA AND ERIE R. R WINTER TIME TABLE NDAY, NOV Philadelnt Fock Haver loaves Ph ls * Leck Haven. t Er ves Ph x e 7 4 adelphbia arr. at Lock Haven EASTWARD eaves Brie Le arr. al Philadelphia ress leaves Erie....... Lock Haven at Phila connect with ver Rail Road 10 ¢ I L] 8 3 Oil Cr k Haven Erie Ex} Ma arr and Fxg ress legheny R Baggage Checked thr ALFRED L. TYLER, Soperinten General {ent pes YLVANIA RAILROAD. IYTRONE 4 CLEARFIELD BRANCHES, {I OPENING OF BRANCH TOCLEARPITLD, _— 41 MILE OF TYRONE NORTH February 1 1889 | run daily {except e and Lock Haven, between Tyrone | nday, 2 rans w Iyr P» Te arranger Train i ’ an we BALD EAGLE VALLEY. WESTWARD - + Lack Haven at Iv 0 Be eabury - efunte - rome at ‘ on Haven at Miesbarg nts ** leaves I, Hellef Terre rrives at Lock Haren at... .oovv... 10 30 TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD, NORTAWARMD, LR 10 40 1 10 . 100 Clearfield Mail leaves Tyrone at, Deeraln at Philipsburg field at a. Arrive at Clear ROTUTRWARD, 2 00 255 415 550 p carfield at and with Mall West at nl ng Tyrone at 7 00 or? ute at % 45 p. m., st Look mm, connect ng with Erie East at hi A on Ma eav: $4 1 ne "isn : i arriving at Be 1h Mail East atl 21 p 12408 mw. Returning, ort at 8 15 a m. m. arriving at Williamsport at | passengers leaving Williams on Erie Mail West, arrive Bud Eagle Express leaving Lock Haven at { 10 20 a mo, arriving at Bellefonte at 11 55 a mw, Bnow Shoe City at 5 35 ¢ m, and Tyrone nnecting with Way Passen- ger Wese at 1 40 p m, and Mail East at 3 31 p m, on Main Lice Passengers leaving Lock Haven at 2 30 p m, and Bellefonte at 4 12 p m, arrive at Ty- rone at 6 05 p m, connecting with Cincin pati Express East 6 17 p m, and Mail West at f 44 p m, vn Main Line. Passengers leaving Tyron: on the Clear. field Mail or the Loe A Haven Mail, connect from the Day Express East and the Phil's Express Wesi—and on the Bald Eagle Ex. press, connect trom the Cincionati Express East and Mail West Ono. C. WiLkins, Su EDWARD i. WIL L1AMS, Fen. Supt MEDICAL 18 08 ou RE FOR CONSUMPTION. That the Science of Medicine has ranched a period of ite history, when it may bes said that CONSUMPTION ean be cured, is a most gratifying,although uslooked-for event. PISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMTION, is a justly celebrated medicine. It is pre pared by Hazelton & Co., Warren, Pa It is for sale Wholesale and Retail. HIRAM LUCAB & BRO, Howardville, Centre On. s Agents for Centre eounty ORSE FOR BALE ~~Any ing to purchase a good A sicher or he ing horse, can be acoommodated by o. at this office. The horse is and es The purchaser can have his of two, . mare or horse. Also a gow for sale ~~ For partiouiars, call st the offen of the 82069. “REPUBLICAN” 4 and leaves Milroy 8.40 a m., and arrives m., and arrives | and arrives | | expiration of their terms of subscription, at | except | Thursday and Saturday | pom ek | RONE & CLEARFIBLD | Bssssses $5 38F8SS with Bald | n the Philadelphia and Erie road | — “Let us See to it. that a G.vernment of the People. 1 for the People. and by the peopl,» shall not Perish from the Earth.” {A LixooLx J OUR TERMS FORSUBSCRIPTION & ADVERTISING The “BILLEFONTE REPUBLICAN is published every Wxpxgspay Murxine in Bellefonte, Pa, by A.B. HUTCHI=ON & CO, at the following rates: One year {ia yarinnly | in advance, ) $2.00 Six Moni he, serene Three Months, ...... Single Cupiei.. «U5 It is Rejublican in polities—devoted to the Agricultural, Manufacturing and Min ing interests uf Central Pennsyivenia. 50 the vption of the publishers, unless viher wise agreed upon, Special notices inserted In our local co ams at 20 ets, per line fur each insertion | unless otherwise agreed upon, by the munth, quarter or year Editorial Notices in our loca! columns, 2 | ets, per line for each in ertion. Murriage or Death announcements pub | I'shed free of charge. Obituary notices put lished free, subject tu revision and conden | sntion by the hditors, Professional or Business Cards, not ex- conding 10 lines this type, $8.00 per annum | Adv rtigements of 10 lines, ur less, $1 00 for «ne insertion, aod 5 cts per lone foreach additional insertion Advertisements by the quarter, hal year received, and liberal in proportion to length of snd jength of tiwe of insertion, ae fo 1 year r deductions male advertise tant wa - I advertisements, whether d blank lines lines AI) sured by sdvertiyements due gitert first in rh stv. such aa Pas L-heads, Letter Leads, Cards, Checks, Pager Books, Programmes i uted in the best 3 Wwptness, the reason erates fevery var apes exe le 4 and at wo Address a.) business of this A.B mwanicat. ons fice, ta HUTCHISON & C0, Dellefunte, Pa. relating te LODGES. | Bellefonte Masonie Lodge, Ne meets on Tuesday evening « Fall M nsline iery meets second Friday of each m 0.0. F re Lodge, No every Thursday evening at their Bush's Arcade rthe conf of Degrees the Ist Sst urday evening of each m mth For Degres of Rebecca, second Saturday ¢ every month 0. GG. T. eYening WS. AY M { or beforeihs | ¢ Cotman No. 33, f nth 2 r : I >, Cent is Hall, ¥ f erring 4 - This Lodge every Moni ay Bellefonte Church Directory. areh +d Th A servi Yy Sorin es at sp m com regal igh Te) an m., pastor r n nee uence ting & the reeular ve 'w fur re us sary iin the Court H until ther t Bpiscapal Church, High St, ser Ww. and Téo. m Prayer ursday sight Rev. H € lonn St, Rar. J Lutheran Charch m tpm vervices 104 =, and is. Hackenberger, patter Ref present Cathol hureh, aw, and 3 p parior United Bre fie Afric sary Isanc sed arch, Lion St, po pastor at St ser T ices * T. Mctovern { Bist m. ler h, ee brea Chore High Street, west Teer : K serv) rreek Rev. eof wm Church, west » and 7§ p an i am, pastor DIRECTORY, CRITED YATES, Andrew Johneon Pr ihe Presiden Vice P Necretor F Wade sm H. Seward ] Hugh MeCu of War ~J. M. Behofleld of Navyg~Qideon Wella y of late -0. H, Browning Postoaater (Fe I, Randall Atte M Evers enident Jen) y of Nt Secs y fT fecrelin ¥ Secretary y Neeretar ren ugh, ™ Nevcreta weral wey Gene al sTare Ww 17] [ Tao Gen y Frank Jord Des fe vomeeaith Gara Au Survey Tre a Ate Hartranft, M. Campbell John F Ja [rein Benj. Hi. Brawster Dep y- At'y Gewernlead W_ M. Newlin Sup t of Com Fetoole~J. P. Wickersham Br, » Sup tof Vom. Sehoole—C R.Coburn. o't of Soldier's Urphan Nehools—~Geo, oFarland. (feme oh -N (lene w cer ney y ie COUNTY. President Judge— Charles A. Mayer: { John Hosterman, { William Allison, Prothonvtary—James H. Lipton. Register & Recorder—J. P, Gephart Sheriff —0. 2. Kline Dep'ty Sheriff ~D Woodring. Dist, Atryg—H. Y. Buitges, Treasurer—A. C Geary Wm. Keller, Wm. Furey, John Bing. Clerk-John Moran. Aleoeciates— { Commissioners, BELLEFONTE BOROGR’ Chief Burgess—R. M. Blanchard. Aw't “ Cpt, C. T. Fryberger. Chief of Police—Wm. Shortlidge. Wm. Feity. Amos Mullen, Charle Cook Town Soumeit—-Nett P. Wilson, Press. + M_ Irwin, Clerk, Boat Valentine, A. 8. Valentine, Jas. H. MoClare, F. P. Green, John Irwin, Jr. Elise W, Hale, Jaocoh V. Thomas, Geo. A. Bayard, High Constable James Green, Booth Constabio—dnmes Furey, &e DirecioraJohn Hoffer, Pred't. “ Geo, B. Weaver, See'y. Wm. MeQlelland, Tre's 8. T. nhugert, DP. M., Batis, Dan’l Methinley. AGON HUBBS, paises and felloes, large and small, at IRWIN & WILSON'R AMPS, variety and kind at L POVERTY TAERWIN & WILSON'S =, Papers discontinued to subscribers at the | I | | ( pe merts FIRES Sm" I G LOVE, a Wi fonte, Pa. Office on High St. AMES I i J nb'60.y RANKIN, Attorney at-Law Belle fonte, Pa N . jub'a9 1y, IN + & FURST, Attorneys at-Law, Belle Jus 69.21 } fonte, | | | Pa | EDMUND BLANCH AND, d SEM BLANCHARD, 4s Attorneys at I w, Hegheny St. Bells fonte, Pu. jnb'69, ly. | Bu K MALLIsTEN. | M Bellefonte Penn'a "ALLISTER & BEAVER, n0769 1y ] .EROWN, | \ 'W, | Beliefonte, Penn's | to all t Attorney at Law will attend promptly usilioss entrust d to hs care K. 0 nunes, Mres't ake NATIONAL PF HARRIS, BANK 0! Bellefonte nite Pa Alle. gheny St Delle! , elle ; §42 MN WM, ony CYTUN T, ALEXANDRE, ALEXANDER Ltt res Office in © 8 4 at Law nr d House xB EH Iv elopte Pa A az h | {yan 5 OVER, Au ' | teense) ineer wl Aies en‘rusme A irom o ' Pa M.D yrician and 8 r. rientre all + HARRIS P tn Sargeon unty to professional n Hight Street N rth Side 52769 1; LUE pom : Pans attend prow ls. Office ply ® | FE D WINGATE Db ’ Dentivtk Office on the corner of Spring sad Babop streets, Belle. | except the fret two | fonte, Pa. At week of each without pe r J AS H DOEBINS Physician and Bar. geon. Office upstairs in J pew Baildis Bishop St, Will attend te all busioens in his profes. sion, faithiully st all tisnes, snd oli } Ja13°69 ¥, i how month pe, Teeth extracted jal'A9 1y | - — i } i 4 i i B HUTCHI A. ‘ Republ ean’ y ISON & COS Job Printing Of Balding, Bishop 81, A lefonte. Penn's. Every Description of Plain and Far print done in neatest manner, and st prices below . rates jat'69 | oe g the ity ey BG. BUR $80. H. YOU De 4 YOCUM, At tarpeys-at han, Ee! | A ) Bil iness _— Eo the Db amend, io jal3E9 ¥ i a hoast Corner of ine stone baoliding ILSON & HUTCHI W leg . Law, ther ning . mare al efonts, Ps DT Collect fir, and al inn Centre and the adj v attended t OF Law near in ties Blanchard’ sireet rom pt Allegheny job 69 B.Y.ATITRER We BB. ILain Bu & BTITLZER ) Alternere.at fonts. Pa fruited EBoglish and i the inamond, tel Law, Belle th the (fre ( n be ; n afiguag ee door fehl ” peat (sara Hn | YELLEFONTE MEAT MARKET ) ¥ EET, FELLEFOXNTE P? STR a Belle ante % s Meat fal Market kinds The aldest Ce hand RLACK IMPANY a ee id siway "nv cn meal » jah 80. ly BANKING | Hereive w Intersect; Di Government Se ( 1k NTRE CO oount N utities, ts and all Bay an and ( Hesny Hao J Spuenny i Bel BON Presiden Jald'esy gennory D Cashier | M © oramaw | AYA, Fashicnahle Barber. in Jarement of nrad House Be Pa always the ( The best 0 band Sp.ve w ut either Perfumery, Hair O Paper Collars, #¢., constantly } 2 fmte kean, He guarantess » fing or pan. fe on hand 360 iv, AAR IN BB, FATP. J.T. RALNONS PP’ SALMO NS 4 CO piraciore ad Rrisklarvers ‘a. adopt this method of y those wishing to build that they will furnish Brick and lay them by the job, or by the thousand Will set Heaters, and do all kinds of | w rk in their branch of Business Jaren iy, J. H TOLBZRT, AY CTIONEER Would respectfully infora the eitizons of particular, and the people of Centre coun ty in general, that he bas taken outa |i eotise and holds himse'l in read iness to ery Vendass, Auctivne, or other sales at all times, and at allploces with in the limite of Centre and Clinton evunties, Charges reas nahle Ja2768.1y Co I W. RHONE, DENTIST. . Boalshurg Cen tre Co., Pa., most respectfully informs the publio that he is prepared to execute any description f work in his profession Sat. isfaction rendered, and rates as moderats ar may be expected his office during the week. commence ing on the firet Monday of cach month, + nd at such other tices as may be apon ja15760.1y. NSURANCE—~LIFE & FIRE. Joseph A. Rankin of this Borough, insures property for the fol. lowing Stock and Matos! companies, vis: Lycoming Mutual, York Company, Pa. Insurance of North America, Hate-prise, and Girard of Phila, Pa., Home, of New Haven, and any other reliable company dexired. Also, Provident Life Company of Phil's, and other good Life Compa. nies J» 6'80.1y. 0. W. VARVALIN. 0. Bh LAMBERT. ANVALIN & LAMBERT, PLASTERERE! PLASTERERS !! We adopt this method of informing the itl. wens of Bellefonte and vicinity that we have entered into partnership in the PLASTERING BUSINESS, All jobs entrust: d to us will be done in the shortest time and io the most workmanlike manner. From our Jong experience in the business we feel confident that we can give full satisfaction to all who may favor as with their work. Address, or all on VANVALIN & LAMBERT fob 17°60 .0m Pellefonte, Ld ’ ———————— Attorney atelaw, Belle. Office in Arwory building, 2nd A. O FURST. EVAN MN. BLANCHANKD. JAMES A. BBAYER, Attorneys st. Law, Cask'r, | bis tare. | Ural Sto | Gre gs | hours, | { Regore, abarp and | Hair Restoratives, | Nittany Valley in | Will be found in | Or iginal Poe try SH For the Republican. THE BROKciN HEART, BY C. 0. X'B. Like to the perfumed summer breese That fits through azure fields above, Wall the rieh manly voice that woke 8 her, the first sweet dream of love, So gentle, innocent and true, Koon owned ber heart, its mystic power, It wound its thralls 911] closer "round, And love grew stronger hour hy Loar, | Ok, #he was beautiful, ber brow Was pure and white as drifted snow, flow ; Her bair was golden, like bright threads of light, And ber soft rebrimmed with bright hue Claimed kindred with Tindiss skies. lustrous eyes, 0 tenderness, and Alas! that he who woke this dream, | War treacherous vile and vain; He cared not for the heart he wrecked, It pave him pleasure thus to pain. give Aer He knew her love for him war warm and ] { | trae He knew {8 wag to her Hifer sweetest par fla coldly bale herto £ ret. thus said adieu, And leit ber with a breaking heart | He loft ber | To wish each day that she were dead ; | Heo left ber wit I Thet in ina tirangers home h the crushing word ne path they might not tread And others come with kind To win Gently she pu y words ber from corroding grief; t them all aside, and said, | That caught but death could bring reli | A titled honored head in homage bent ! At thie poor broken be bad » Nor same lilye shrine; I ove, to give, she raid, nor fortene—* They are pot b, " wine Pining ihe livedugs fa ling day by day, Until she seemed no me re of earth a part | At length one summer eve she passed away "Twas thus she lived, and thus she died, Died of a broken heart ! » LJ . * » » Bot where will Ab Te AO ® | her deceiver rest ? whither can be iy? # the sin that's The sarse that's every 2 on bir soul, igh? God pity him and forgive, oft imes pray 1, This srime of deepest dye Logan's Gar. Pa Select MisCTellany. Struggle in a Chimney--A Fearful Po- | sition, A man w b go rom fear; | have seen 0 don't mind leter i 0g. tory I was apprens re when 1 left mohne and like when | the trade very mue , eepecinily ve work was perilous, and gave me a oh nee 10 outds the ot faring oF E Yeh parily long lege, for 1 had i Na partly der was my nickname in se days, on soeount of 04 auigrown my and heca gen af like a. they { or I craw] When i oI was working wi my BEAT mes ke was about three i 6 the fa twenty mous Mr and vent down io Swan sen, with his picked hands, to earry oul nirsct be had taken in I fel I bad seen in Wales, and od desl. F that town, — ile 1 gir "FAT neaAg bere, in love with the pret cel that ratime | fan | cied she Liked me on very well with my love making, but 1 root found my mistake, for an old lover of hers § ied our men. and Mary gave me the ¢ You may {who id shoulder diree'ly believe this sweetheart of hers war slied Ben Lloyd) and aioe, { best of friends in the world: hut am woul tbe sort of fellow to harbor LEYIR FADP. | { and when the biddiogs to the wedding | Tent round was gone, 1 made the best of it 1 kepr | my sore heart to myself, and doe rmined | to beal down jealousy by being great | ehums with Den I went to the wedding and there were not many days when I did not steal half an hour to sit by his fireside, which was | would wish to see—Mary being the soul It per. bape, the usual way of driving outenvy, to go and look at the happiness another man has done you out of, but thea you know the proverb says, “What is one man's meat is another man’s poison; ’ and wo it was I got to look upon Mary ne of order and industry. is not, a sort of sister, and Ben had no cause for Jealousy, although thers were plenty of evil tongues ready to put him up to it. The contrast was nearly up when a lightning conductor upon one of the high- est chimneys, over at Lianelly sprang. and the owner of (he worke offered our master the job, “It's just the sort of thing for you, Harey,” said Mr cee, when be told us of it, I touched my cap and ncoepted it off hand, and then Ben stepped up and said h'ed volunteer to be the second man, two being required, “All right,” said (he master, ‘you are the steadient-hended fellows 1 have. The price is a good one, kod every penny of it skall be divided between you. We'll net fiz a day for the work, but take the first eal morning and get it done quiet. iy.” Bo it was that, some four or five morn- ings after, we found surselves at Lianel ly, and all ready for the start The kite by whieh the line attached to the block wat 160 be sent over the chimney was flown, and did Ha work well; the rope d And her downy cheeks were daintily tinged With the crimson life currents sbh and | their | srers | gotten, | hope of seeing some effort and that | was getting | | earthly way. I were not the | : ew that | Aud | knew that my shane |. q io giand on end aslmoved away, | *oarcely daring to breath | hear me, which was to haul up the eradle was | ready, and stepping in, Ben and I began the ascent, There had been very few people about higher T saw that the news had spread, snd that the streets were filling with #ight-seers, “There's plenty of star gazers, Ben,” [3daze ke 10 see us com: down wi I oa1d waving my cap to them. say they'd ii a run.” “Cannot you keep quiet?’ answered len, in a sirange tone; snd turnin g to lgok, I saw that be wan dend! ly pale, and eat in the bottom of the eradle budd'ed | up together, with bis eyes fant shut “You're not frightened, ol sp?” naked, “What's that to rou?" “Oh, 1 eh nothing: only we are getting up | pretty quickly, and you'd have 8 better | head for work if I u you would get gradual used to the height He said nothing, and never moved. — Then | | the top. | he there: I saw we were clone i king up to | A few yards more and we w i ning the unabating [ speed. ran through my blood They | had misesleula‘ed the distance sod with yet those who were tur win loss were windicg with 1 A sudden ehil) std set my flesh creeping | the fureeihey were w nding ai, the rope | must nk when 1he vek a signal, crad.e There only an inevitably bre } | esme in conlact with the | ew pt cut the danger to Ben, Id of the rope, and, by going band over band, reach the coping | before the cradle esme up. Toile | done almost quicker than I can tell you Jem fc | Wat no time 10 811 inziant to point | and then 10 get he was lowing | The cradle eames on; then, as | antici. | pated, ringing | through Down went left, the rope gave a abril) a | wound like a rifle ball pasting | the air, and suspped tbe th there we were nearly | cradle, and eight hundred feet in the sir, with noth | ing to rest upon but 8 coping barely | eighteen inches wide Ben shricked sut that be wis a dead , and eried ; “Tell | show me wi vere | can pray to Als me where 1 esn nee), Harry, mighty ot die 1h I said, 1 ean bear you F way fon’t lose haart ling FE tup, youl Think G i knesling and if you try to ge Jus! as well ai tumble, to 8 moral cerininty of Mary, man, and keep up Bar be « be wae niy oh pis ol that ok spd sma pore | if be slanoce nking oh of wi: and | oould see did not mind, be would over! “Gel b i of the rod.” | said. th that iw even sprout #1t war Lhe i u'd give b rage “* Where And then sbhich was Inrne we, | raw 1 eyes wera draw » W riven b od ana w tage her, oq hot and knew that the fr Bo, zh wm blind pushing mys bi und ' arm his § aoed my 1ked round to the rod. which was, hen | ked be. trying I put in bis hand; and w 10 see whether bu hey were help us, but there was Tt yord was fu ple.all ranning » of pec er and thither. and ssl afierwards knew all in the greates! consternation he cradle having ‘allen or ne of the of the work«, k t rg e of t, and so occupying 1 sltention po those near that f we were for the time for I was straining my eyes, io the made to helg us. when | piartled by a horrible ye langer, for, , and brought to a sence of a pew looking around, saw Ben ond 1 ting Fear bad not only UL] champing with his teeth fosming at the mouth, and gesticula in sn un nded him, but erazed his brain | his, when he began edgiog his way tow Eoarcely bad time io comprebend i ards me. and every hair on my head keeping as far off as | moved away, and, e, lest heshould | for see me he could not—that | Once, thrice, be followed me arcund the mouth | was my only consolation twice, | | of that horrible chimney; then, no donb | | thinking I bad fallen over, he gave up | as bright and eozy and homelike as you | the search, and began trying fo get on bis feet. What could I now do to save bis life? To touch him waseertsin death for myself, as well as for him, for be would inevitably seize me, and we should go over together To let him sland up was to witness bis equally certain de- struction, I thought of peor Mary, and I remem- bered that if he died she might get to care for me. The devil put that thought in my mind, I suppose; but, thank God, there was a stronger thas Satan pear, and, at the risk of my life, T roared out, “Bit still, or you will fall, Ben Lloyd!” He crouched down, and held on with elenched festh, shivering and shaking “Bit 0til,"] repented, from time to time, watching, with aching eye and brain, for some sign of aid, Esch minute seemed to bean hour. My lips grew dry, my tongue literally clove to my mouth, and the perspiration running down, blinded me. At last—at Inst—hope came. The crowd began to gather in the yard, peo- ple were running in from distant lanes and a sea of faces wore turned upward; then some one who had got a speaking trumpet shouted, “Keep heart. boys; we'll save you!” a few minutes more and the kite began to rise; higher and high. er it comes, on and on. How | watohed the white-winged messenger, comparing it in my heart to an angel; and surely, a8 an angel was it permitted to come 1s us poor sinners, banging on the verge of eternity. Up it came, nearer snd near. [| i { i | i { cheer, { morniog's { my life, { you are in my thoughts, | ra,’ | er und nearer, guided by the skillful y er. | | and we were saved, The slack-rope crossed the chimney, I could not shout hurrah, even had 1 when we entered the yurd, but as wegot | dared: but in every beat of my heart was o thanks giviog to the God 1 had never | fruly known till that again up again, and Ben, obeying my order, got ln. I followed; but no sooner did | touch bim than be began trying to get I got bold of bim, and, king it in bis bead that out, { throw him over, be struggled and fought | like the madman he wae, grappling, tear. I | ing with bis teeth, shouting, shrieking, snd praying all the way down, while the | eradle strained and eracked, swinging to and fro like the pendulum of a clock. As we came near the ground, I could bear | the roar of voiees, snd an len'y all was silent, occasional then sud for { they hind thecradie ! 1 beard Ben's cued the ground searcelya did, by 80 poon us the cradle bad stopped | bad fainted, and feeliog my bande relax, bad fasten- teeh No wonder the man dare Kin The first who saw a horrible sight for, exhavsred the sirugg'e and excitement, Sen, ed bis nto my neck! fe!ll back with ianched faces they saw that men t erazed; but they thought be had killed | me; Yor. ue worrying me like a dog At last the master got fo us and pull ed | I so was a long time before he got well, fe Ben off me on eame round, low; and when he Jid come out of the asylum be was never fit for bis old rade again, #0 be sod Mary went out to Aus. | tralia, and the Just | beard of them was | that Beno had got a couple of thousand | sheep and was doing well. I gave up the trade, too, soon after, bour, aud whose merciful Providence I can never doubt The block was fixed, the cradle came I was attempting to { cries, and when n i JET WAS | they eaid, be was scivally | but it | poor | a a VOL, 1, NO. 8, tarde of despair orawling dows my back. Uneouth fears, like 8 thousand minsows, sre nibbling at my spirits, snd my sou! is pierced through with doubts se sa oid cheese is bored by skippers. My love is stronger for you thas ‘ the swell of old butter, sweitzer kase, or the kick of a mule. It is purer thas the breath of 8 young calf, and more unsel- fish than a kitten's first catlerwaul. As the song-bird bungers for the light of day, the cautious mouse for the fresh ba- con in the trap, as a lean pup bankers after new milk, so long I for thee. You are fairer than the speckled pullet, sweet er than a Yenkee doughnut zed in sor. brighter than the top {knot plumage on the bead of a Muscovy ¢ | duck, You sre candy-kisses, raising, | poundenke, and sweetened toddy, slto- | gether. If these few remarks will enable you | to see the inside of my soul, and win to | me your affections, 1 shall be as bappy as the bird in & cherry tree, or » stage borse in a green pasture. If you esnnot reciprocate my thrilling passion, I will feel terrible pain, and | will pine sway like sa poisoned bed-bug, snd fall from the fouriehing vine of life, like sn um- timely branch. And in coming years, when the shadows grow long from the hills, and the philosophic frog sings his evening bywn, you, bappy ins another's love, ean come sud drop s tesr snd toss 8 clod upon the last resting place of Luertia. Odds and Ends. —The cup that cheers not—the bie | eup { —Aboleins men's profit—s large Rex. ~Flowers that should always be pres- | sed—tu lips, ~01d maids are described as | ghum molasses; “embers | Bondi ing that | got queer in the bead when from which the sparks have fled.” tried 10 face height. work Bo, you see, that | changed two men's lives = — A Model Love Story, Who, after reading the epistie below, | addressed 10 ‘the young man of ber is prepared to say that thenrt of BE A love story in tropes sud figures of speech bas become one of the) N ve If there is another charming and ruggestive simile thet esn he nddod try tine’ wou like heart tell ol arts’ one The, mor Verner; we to know what it is: Dyznenveo. August §, 1868 My Own Deer Fred: —Every think ke a churn dasher. Sensations of un- utterstle joy caper over jt, like young goats over a stable roof, and thrill thro t like Spanish necdles through tow rowsers Asn gosl 4 1 id une ng ewimmeth wilh fo tio a m ile, so swim | in a ren of glory Yi bicker than the bair of ablacking brash, and brighter than the bues on a bum i us, visit ng bird's pini t mage stands bers, and, tne on their invisible wings, before me, and | reach d poi our 0 greasy ke an ol nier snap ping at & blue bottle fiy Whe ne | was bew n I Bret beheld your saintly per eel kes bumble bee under whirled around a glass 'umbler d lifted up my ears 10 my eyes stood open like and | catch the silvery se OTs In the country towns, cents of your voice. My tongue refused | to wag, and in silent admiration | drank in the sweet infection of love.an a thirsty man swalloweth a tumbler of ky punch me in my slum- bops | egg | i ~—Moderstion is the silken string rus- ving through the chain of all the virtues. ~The coats of the Irish respers have been described as “‘s pares] of holes | sewn together, —A young man married a girl rather | ihan be shot by ber brother—thinkiog » | ming belier than a bit, ~A Kentucky farmer is exbibitiog aw in the shape of a dumb-bell, laid by one of his eoceniric bens. Thg'e dams bal adeog | third fisor to see sn alley -gaiter. | time 1} {f you, my beart flops up and down |’ J J ’ i linen f ecstatio rapture, | ! ~The most bashful girl we ever knew war one who blushed when she was asked { ebe had not been courting sleep. ~— An editor says, “cur best things will be found en the outside,” that's the way with the mest of the world. — Carefully avoid those vices which they sre a thous- and times the most ensuaring of all vices. — A revenue officer charged Noadk with brewing beer in the ark, beesuse be most resemble virtue; [saw a ksngeroo going om board with ~ What is the difference belween a farmer and a seamstress! One gathers | what he sows, the other sews what she | gathers Idered, and my brain | | her last week. bot whis- | — Look out for paint—as the girl said when the Man About Town went to kis He was careful snd dida't disturb it—ibe paint. «The New York Boclety for the pre- vention of gambling captured thirty-two { clerks last month, in the different gamb- | ling saloons of the city like tea—ihe ~Men are frequently { real strength and goodness is not prop- Since the light of your face fell upen | as if I could ifi up myself by my shoe-straps to the top of a church steeple. Day and night When “Auro- I sometimes fec! his tuneful lay in the apple tree by the sprioghouse; when the ocbanticleer's brill clarion heralds the coming morn; when the awakened pig ariseth from his bed, and goeth forth for his morning re- freshments; when the drowsy beetle wheels his droning flight at sultry noon- tide, and when the lowing cows come home at milk time, I think of thee. And like a piece of gum -olastic my heart teeme to strech clear across my bosom Your hair is like the mane of a sorrel borse painted with gold, and the brass slide to your immaculate neck-tie fills me with unbounded awe. Your forebead is emootber than an old coat, and whiter than seventeen-huodred linen. Your eyes are glorious to behold. In their liguid depths I see legions of little cu- pids battling and fighting like cohorts of ante in an old srmy eracker. When their fire bit me full in the womanly breast, it perforated my entire asstomy like a load of bird shot would go through a rotten apple. Your nose is from a chunk of Parian marble, and your mouth puckers with sweetnest. Neclarlingers on your lips like honey on a bird's paw, and myriads of unfledged kisser are there ready to fly out and Hight somewhere like blue-birds out of their parent nest. Your Isugh rings on my ears like the wind. harps wirain, or the bloat of a stray amd on the bleak hill vide. The dimples in your cheeks are like bowers in beis of roses, or like hollows in cakes of home made sugar, Iam dying to fly to your presence, and to pour out tke burning eloquence of my love as a thrifty housewife poars oul the hot coffee. Away from you. Iam melancholy ae » slok rat. Sometimes | oan hear the June bug of derpondency buztiog in my ears, and feel the cold lis- blushing like a bride, rises from ber | | saffron couch; when the jay-bird piped erly drawn out of them until they have been a short time in bot water «The woman who is bent on marry. ing & man because be is a lion, rhould remember that it does mol neccessarily follow that she will become a lioness. —A debating society bad under eon ideration the question, “ ia it wromg to cheat a lawyer!” The deeis- jon arrived at was, *‘ No; bul impossi. ble." —A gentleman, on taking a volume te be bound, was asked if he would have it bound in Kussia. “Russia is too far off. done here.” A white boy met a colored lad the other day, and scked him what be had soch a short nose for. “I spects so it won't poke itself in other people's business.” ~~There is nothing that so much tends to keep the fire of love burning as these little attentions that show the loved one in ever present in your thoughte—litile in themselves but important in effect. «A letter bearing the following su persoription was recently received at the Silver City post-office, from Towa: Augusine Jones, & web-foe! sevab, To whom this letter wants to go, Is chopping cord-wood for bis grad Ia Silver City, ldabe. =A teacher in trying to explain pas sive verbs to a clase, sa.d to one of ihe boys, ‘Now observe: If { say, John is beaten,” what is Jobu's relation ie the verb? “John gets licked,” answered the boy. “Ne no, you blockhead : what does Joba do? 1 dun kaow, unless be hol fers I” Pa.” said a young bopefal, wil} you get me anew pair of skates if IW prove 10 you that a dog has tem talle?™ “ Yeu, my son,” “Well, one dog bas one more tail than no dog, bhasa't be “Yeu.” “Well, no dog. bs: sine table , and if ome dog bas one more than wo dog, then one dog wast have ton tails.” The I will have 4 father gave the boy his aa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers