Alricultual Department. WEDNESDAY MORNING, Jan. 20, '69. High Prices in the Domeitic Market It is a general complaint every where, says the State Guard, that the high prices which prevail in the do mestic markets of the country, are now grinding the faces and pinching the stomachs of the poor to a condi tion of starvation. From all parts of the country, alike in cities and in vil lages, the high prices of agricultural products demonstrate one of two pro positions, to. wit : that an insufficient _ proportion of our population is em ployed in agricultural industry, or that the cost of distributing these produc tions to consumers ought to be dimirr ished. It may be that both of these propositions can be established. The country needs more farmers, cheaper carriage, and fewer middle men. A direct tax on sales, as recom mended by the Secretary of the treas ury, would tend to bring the producer and consumer into more immediate connection, and the profits which now accrue to middle men might accrue in part to the treasury, and be made available in payment of the national debt without impoverishing the peo ple. The great monopolies which con% trol the carrying trade between the east and west ought to be subjected to a wholesome competition, so that they would be induced to take a crop of corn from New York or Boston for something less than half its value. Recent developments have shown that agriculture is a profound science, yet in its infancy, but susceptible of indefinite advancement. Improved implements and improved -fertilizers have already done much to alleviate the toils of the husbandman and to increase farm products, but what the country needs is more farmers, better cultivation, and more agricultural products to increase our exports and turn the balance of trade in our fa- lE2 The farmer needs more skill and a better knowledge of economical hus bandry. The wastes in fertilization and upon farms, if properly econo , mized throughout the country, would pay the national debt in a few .years. Public attention needs to be arous ed to the importance of this great in dustry. The farmers of the country want to be made to appreciate the true grandeur of their calling. The idle population in the cities 'ought tc be induced to go to the country. The rich should be induced to engage in agriculture as an attraction, and the poor as an useful employment. Homes among farmers ought to be found for the boys and girls of the cities that are now being reared in idleness and vagrancy, where they might be taught useful industry, and be trained to be virtuous and worthy citizens. If the hordes of stock jobbers and speculators, and half the petty traders that are now living upon the honest industries of the People would aban don their callings, and turn their en ferprize and industry to developing the agricultural resources of the na tion, we should have but little more of hard times, or of the national debt. It is difficult to imagine what the genius, energy, and resources of Vanderbilt and Drew would have wrought out if they had been applied to developing the agricultural resources of the prair ies of Illinois. They would have har nessed the elements to till the State, and fill the markets of the world with its products. Row TO Grto tv PLII3IB.—The Ru ral American says : "There is a secret about plum raising. We have dis covered it in traveling over the coun try. We never visited a large plum orchard in our life that we did not find plenty of the fruit. And we nev er visited any place with eight or ten trees and found a good crop of• this fruit. Now these facts set us to think ing; and the result of our thoughts is this: that it is very easy to have all the plums you want to eat and sell.— The secret connected with plum rais ing is to plant -plenty of trees, so as to give fruit to the cured:lllo_ and to yourself also, If you will plant fifty or a hundred trees, you will have fruit enough for everybody. Every such orchard that we ever visited had plen ty of ripe fruit. Some even complain ed that the curculio did not thin out the fruit enough— that the trees were overloaded. So we say to our read ers, if you plant plums at all, plant fifty or one hundred trees, then you will be sure to have all the fruit you want. It sells for $5 to $lO a bushel in the St, Louis market, and is one of the most profitable crops raised." TEtiaTY-five years ago the net pro ceeds of a majority of our farmers would not have paid the taxes of to day. The net annual proceeds of to day are nearly as much as the farms would have sold for then. IN Western Massachusetts a com pany of farmers with their wives meet at some good tavern, in December, talk over matters, and have a good dinner and a good time. THE best bank ever known is a bank of earth; it never refuses to discount to honest labor. And the best share is the plow-share, on which dividends are always liberal TEE general experience among wo men is, that if they follow the news paper recipes for cooking, they have stuff which only very hungry folks will eat. THERE are six thousand acres of grapes in Ohio. Tobacco for Lice on Animals and Plants. "What is the best method of kill ing lice on calves and cattle, and will the same thing kill fleas on dogs ?" I have found by experience that a strong decoction of tobacco will de stroy vermin on either animals or plants. I have used -it extensively during many years, for destroying ticks on sheep and lambs; have .dip ped thousands of them in tobacco wa ter, made by boiling coarse, damaged, cheap tobacco, or stems and waste, in water, and have found it an effect ual cure for the scab, which disease is caused by the working of an insect or mite in the skin of the sheep. It is a new severeign remedy for the blue lice on cattle and horses. Tobacco water will destroy the aph is, or plabt louse. Gardeners find their greenhouse plants need to be submitted to a deluging of this wash occasionally, to place them in a con dition to become healthy and vigor ous. When applied to fruit trees, if coarse, waste tobacco is used, add one pound of copperas to five gallons of the wash. Plug tobacco contains cop peras in quantities sufficient to kill any animal, who has not accustemed himself, by slow degrees, to its use. Almost every tree or plant is infest ed with an injurious insect, peculiar to itself, which preys upon its sub stance, and will, if in sufficient num bers, destroy its . vitality. The hop, in sections infested with the hop aph is, is frequently either wholly or par tially destroyed; when, by one or two thorough applications of tobacco wa ter, by means of a force pump or gar den engine, as they commence their work, the whole aphis army might be swept away. When the vine is train ed low, upon seven feet stakes and twine, a garden engine is unnecessary, as the wash can be applied as effect ually, and with less waste, with a com mon large hand syringe. Tobacco smoke will stupify any ani mal, and, used in a sufficient quanti ty, has a fatal effect upon all which plug tobacco will destroy: Indeed there seems to be but one animal—the chief of the class mammalia—upon which tobacco, in either shape, does not have an immediate fatal effect.— However, if that animal would other wise be infested with insects, even tri chinous in their nature, in the mouth, tobacco will keep them away. Per haps that is their case. • If a sheep or calf is covered with a rubber or leathern spread, or thick blanket, and a smoke of tobacco is made under this covering, in half an hour or less, every tick and nit will be destroyed. Currant' worms may be served in the same manner. This is not only an effective remedy against vermin, but a good use for a most ob noxious weed.—Cor. Country Gent. Small Farming vs. Large Farming. It is no less true now, than when - the American philosopher said— "A little farm well tilled, A little wife well willed." A disposition to extend the broad acres, own a large farm, and all the land adjoining it, is a great mistake ; and, in nine cases out of ten, the real profits of the large farmer fall from 25 to 50 per cent. below those of the thrifty, frugal man, on his SO or 160 acres. There are a few instances where men may occasionally succeed, but they are exceptions to the rule of large farming. The large farmer has to ex pend more than the small farmer in the way of teams, wagons, implements and machinery, hired help, heavy tax es on large tracts cf land, stock and personal property, which lie necessar ily has to accumulate ; then, there is the wear and tear of harness and tools, the continual expense of keeping up fences, buildings, etc. Last, and not least, there must needs be a large amount of capital invested in all this necessary outfit for a large farm. The small farmer on his SO acres, or quarter section, with one good team, himself and a little hired help, or his own boys, if he has any, can perform his labor of improving his farm, culti vating and harvesting his crop, with a moderate expenditure ; and when he foots up . his accounts at the end of the year, will come out ahead of his large farmer neighbor. The great success in farming is, manuring, deep plow ing and thorough tillage. This is more easily done on small tracts of land, and much more likely to be done, than on the large farm. Small farming can be done more scientifically and systematically than it is generally practicable to have done on large farms ; and the consequence is, that more is produced to the acre. than is the result of large farming. If such is the fact—which is founded upon reason and practical demonstra tion—small farming addi to the wealth of our country, both in excess of pro ducts and the actual worth of real estate ; which is more thoroughly and generally improved in small than in large tracts of land. It is manifest evidence of growing wealth and pros perity, to see the large farms and tracts in Missouri, being divided into small farms, and making still more new homes ; increase Our population, stim ulate enterprise, build up our institu tions, and make us a strong and wealthy State.— Cor. Rural World. ALL orchard trees should be kept free of sprouts that star t out from the base of the trunks of the trees; re move the soil and cut them clear off. HANDLE cows gently if you don't want them to kick when being milked. They won't kick unless something hurts them or they fear something will. DRY GOODS, &c DO NOT FORGET That the place to buy Cheap Goode, CALICOES, DELAINES, SILKS, SATINS, CASSINETS, BLANKETS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, for Mon and Boys, iloat .TOIIN W. COOKES CHEAP CASH STORE, REYNOLDS' ARCADE, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. We started out on the principles of" Small profits and quick Returns," and how well we have succeeded is known to everybody. OUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, are of the very best quality and are sold at the most reasonable rates. We pay at all times the highest cash price for Wheat, Rye, Cats,. Corn and Barley. We most cordially invite everybody to give us a oall, before pur chasing elsewhere. Do not forget the place. REYNOLDS' ARCADE, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEEONTE, PA. ja6' pIIII,ADELPIIIA STORE! • PHILADELPHIA STORE! PAILADELPHIA STORE FELLER & MUSSER ANOTHER NEW STORE. ANOTHER NEW STORE ANOTHER NEW STORE. SELLER do M . IISSER . have just opened the best, cheapest, largest, as well as the best assorted stock of Goods in Bellefonte or Central Pennsylvania, at their new PHILADELPHIA STORE, in BROCKERHOFF'S BLOCK, Biehop St FOR THE LADIES They have Silks, Coburgs Alpacas, Merinos, Wool Delaines, Lustres, Ginghams, Prints, Popins, Lawns, Hand kerchiefs, Kid and other Gloves, Hosiery, Bal morals, Hoop-skirts, and a generabva variety of Ribbons, trimmings, Buttons, Braids, etc., at the lowest prices. FOR GENTLEMEN. They have Black and Blue Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Tweeds, Melions, Water-proof Cloth, Silk, Satin and common Vestings, etc., in great variety, and at prices that will give general satis faction to buyers. Their READY MADE CLOTHING- is cheap, and consists of Overcoats, Dress coats, of 'various qualities and prices, Plain and Fancy Vests, Cassi mere and Flannel Gvershirts, Woolen and Cotten undershirts., Handkerchiefs, neck ties, cte., cic. Calf and Rip Boots and Shoes, Gum Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and HOUSEHOLD GOODS, in endless variety, such as Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Brown Muslins, Bleached Muslims, Drillings, S heetings, Table Cloths, &c„ &0., &c. Their stock of QUEENSWARE & GRO CERIES cannot be excelled in quality or price. Call in at the Philadelphia Store and con vinceyourselves that KELLER k, MUSSER have everything you want,.and do business on the principle of "Quick Sales and Small Profits.' GRAIN AND PRODUCE ARE TAKEN jan6' GREAT; EXCITEMENT ! GLORIOUS NEWS PRICES REDUCED 1 HOWELL, GILLIAND &CO of Bush's Arcade, in Rooms No.-1 and 2 have just returned from the city with one of the largest and best assortments - of Goods ever brought to Centre co. Having the Largest assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries thoy are able to rule the Market. We ask an examination of the Ladies Dress Goods. CALICO PROM 8 to 15 ots Per Yard. Muslins that will astonish the purchaser, Carpets at old fashioned prioes. The largest assortment of Cassimere in Market, READY MADE CLOTHING warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Our shoes for Ladies ware oan't be excelled Our Grocery department astonishes every one in assortment and low prices. SYRUP, SUGAR, TEA d , COFFEE. Canned Fruits, Jellies, Domestic and Foreign Fruits, Cheese and Pastries of all kinds, and every other article belonging to the Grocery Department. WHOLE SALE AT PHILADELPHIA RA TES FARMERS, MECHANICS AND LA- BORERS, LOOK to your interest One dollar saved is still one dollar in your pocket. Then call and see at what astonishing Low Prices. HOWELL GILLILAND &MO. are selling Dry Goods and Groceries. No pains spared in showing their Goods. If not as represented we will pay you for your trouble. DON'T FORGET THE PLAGE, Bush's Arcade, Rooms No. 1 and 2 ja6' JAS. A. QUIGLEY. HENRY CROSEEY Q UIGLEY So CROSRETE CHEAP CASE STORE, EAGLEVILLE, CENTRE CO., PENN'A WE take pleasure in announcing to far mers and the public generally that we keep constantly on hand, at our store in Eagle vile, Dry Goods, Groceries, ac., and SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY STORE: n town or country. We shall always en deavor to purchase good Goods and war rant everthing as we represent-'it. We also always pay the highest PRICES FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Please call and examine our stock for y ourselves. ja13'69.1y. TIN & S H tiIET-IRON WARE TIN AND SHEET-IRON STORE TIN- WARE ESTABLISHMENT IN The undersigned hereby desires to call the attention of his many patrons, and the entire people of Centre Co., that he man ufactures BROADCLOTHS, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, OASSIMERES, Cheaper and on a larger scale than ever.— He keeps constantly for sale, Tin Buckets. Wash Boilers, Coffee Boilers, Fruit Cans, Dish Pans, Lard Cans. Wash Basins, Coal Oil Cans, Stove-pipe of the best Rus sia, and other iron, constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to ROOFING _AND SPOUTING All work warranted. Give us a call. WM. S. WOLF, ja6' Allegheny Street READ AND PROFIT ! MILESBURG AHEAD, THE CHEAPEST STOVES MOST SUBSTANTIAL TIN-WARE, WETZLER & TWITMIRE'S The proprietors, determined not to be out done by any one in their line of business have opened up at J. W. COOKE one of the most complete, and Cheapest, STOVE, TIN-WARE ESTABLISHMENTS In Central, Pennsylvania, They have on hand, and act as agents for all of the latest improved, Stoves of every description. PARLOR STOVES, BED .ROOM STOVES, COOK STOVES, HEATERS, OF EVERY PATTERN. TIN-WARE, COPPER-WARE, SHEET IRON-WARE, BRASS-WARE, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ROOFING AND SPOUTING, and all kinds of work done on the shortest notice, and Guaranteed to give satisfaction. pgt-GIVE THEM A CALL.-Vga,_ ja6' NEW BOOK STORE Book, Stationery & .Arews Emporium Has purchased the Book, Stationary and News establishment of Kinsloe and Brother on Allegheny street, near the Diamond, to which he has just added a large invoice of goods, such as is generally kept in a well conducted Book and Stationery Store. His stock consists of Theological, Medical, Dat, Miscellaneous, Sunday School and School Books, Time Books, Pass Books,andDiaries. Every grade and price of Cap, Legal, Bill, Letter, Bath and Note Paper, fine French Paper, Envelopes of every description and Price,Tens. Inks, Inkstands, Erasers, Rub ber bands. transparent and common Slates, Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Crayons, Ice. Daily and Weekly Papers,Magazines, and Sheet Music, a large supply of Legal and Justices Blanks, constantly on hand. Also U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps at face. He is also Wholesale Agent for Lochman's Celebrated Writing Fluid. Country merchants would do well to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I can sell at manufacturers prices. ja6'69, LIVINGSTON'S BOOK STORE At this well known Establishment may be found everything in the " BOOK LINE," whether THEOLGICAL, CLSSICAL, LAW, SCIENTIFIC or LITERARY. An Extensive assortment of family Bibles, with or without Photo graphic Plates, ranging in price from $3,75, to $25. ALSO, all the Day and Sunday Schaal Books in general use. Blank Books, Legal Blanks. and all kinds of Stationery, Promrt attention given to orders. A liberal discount made to those who buy to sell again. GEO. LIVINGSTON, ja6'f 9.1y.] Bellefonte, Pa. WOOD & COAL BURNT LIME Fresh burnt Limo always on hand and for sale at the lowest mat ke t price, at the SUNNY-SIDE LIME KILNS on the Railroad near Bellefonte. We have no fear of successful contradiction when we say that we have the BEST LIME IN THE STATE. It is free from core, and our kilns are so constructed that all the ashes are sop- ' arated from the burnt limo be fore it leaves the kiln. It is a And makes as fine a finish as the lime burnt from the marble quarries in the eastern part of the State. Oar facilities for burning and Chipping lime are such that WE CAN FURNISH IT CHEAPER than the same quality of lime can be had at any other place. All orders promptly filled. Address, J. R. /6 C. T. ALEXANDER. ja6' Bellefonte, Pa. W3f. SIIORTLIDGE. BOND VALENTINE SHORTLIDGE & CO. WOOD AND COAL BURNT LIME. Always on hand and for sale at the lowest market price at the BELLEIONTE LIME KILNS. on the Turnpike leading to Milesburg. The BEST PITTSTON AND SHAMOKIN Anthracite coal. Also a new consignmen of plastering lath, paling, and sawed shing les for sale for cash at our yard, near south end of D. E. P. R. R. Depot. ja6' THE OLDEST BELLEFONTE, PENN'A -AND to be had at MI•LESBURG}, PENN'A., BOOKS & STATIONERY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JACOB D. MILLER -ALSO-- (ESTABLISHED IN 1845.) LIME PURE SNOW-WHITE LIME ! BOOTS & SHOES. THE PLACE TO GET SHOES.I EVERYTHING NEW k •WARRANTED P. 111021F'FREY & CO'S WHOLESALE k RETAIL BOOT k SHOE STORE [One door above Reynold'sßank.] Have just received the most complete as sortment of everything in the ' BOOT AND SHOE LINE, ever brought to Bellefonte. Their entire stock, which is the largest ever opened in this place, was made to order from the best material. It was purchased for cash and will be sold much lower than any one can afford whe buys on time. They ARE PRACTICAL WORKMEN, and everything sold will be guaranteed as represented. Repairing and custom work promptly attended to. ja6' . THE BELLEFONTE BOOT AND SHOE STORE GRAHAM & SON Manfaeturers of, and Dealers in GENTS FRENCH CALF, AND _CONGRESS BOOTS AND SHOES. NONE BUT THE BEST WORKMEN EMPLOYED Having added largely to our former stock we can assure the community that we have now the best selection in Cen tral Pennsylvania. Ours is the oldest MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT of Boots and Shoes, in Edisto-As E. GRAHAM da SON A ISO a large lot of those cheap shoes, such as we read about, and of which we are selling off CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. `We invite an examination of our goods ja6' E. GRAHAM & SON. TIRENCH Calf sewed Boots made to order and always kept on baud, by E. GRAHAM & SON. AALarge assortment of Kip Pegged Boots, . warranted ; at $8 per pair. E. GRAHAM & SON. ENTS' French Kip Boots,' Boys and k..7f Youths Kip Boots, for sale by E. GRAHAM & SON. ISAAC HALL Boots for sale at $5 per pair by E. GRAHAM & SON. CHILDREN and Misses' Boots and Shoes, a large selection of every variety. E. GRAHAM s, SON. LADIES' Buttoned Boots, Skating Boots' Congress, Side and Front Laced Boots, Oil Pebles ; the best in market, by E. GRAHAM do SON. B OOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY.- The undersigned respectfully informs the citipns of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has established a first class BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY, next door to Morgan's Meat Marker, on the northwest side of the diamond, where he will be pleased at all times to wait upon customers. He being an EXPERIENCED WORKMAN, customers can rest assured that no pains will be spared to render complete satisfac tion. Gentlemen, ladies, misses and youth can be accommodated with the best Boots; Shoes, Gp•tors, Slippers, &0., &0., manufactured frm the best stock, and in the latest styles. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. ja6' PETER MoMAHON. ATTENTION ! REFLECT! ! Before ordering your BOOTS OR SHOES The only exclusive Boot and Shoe Manu facturing shop in Bellefonte. I would respectfully invite your consider ation to the g neral satisfaction whioh in every case follows my work. Prices reason able, and neat fits guaranteed. JOHN POWERS, ja6'] Allegheny St., Bellefonte. DRY GOODS NEW GOODS AND NEW PM CES I! HIGH RATES RUBBED OUT! GOODS AT OLD FASHIONED PRICES HOFF.I.R & BRO'S Would respectfully inform their old friends, that they are daily receiving a large STOCK OF GOODS OF ALL RINDS, which they are offering at the very lowest market price. DRY GOODS! Consisting of the latest styles of FIGURED AND PLAIN ALPACAS, Figured and plain all Wool Delaine. Shepherd Plaids, Black Silks, Summer Silks, Irish Poplins, White Goode White Counterpanes, Linen and Cot ton Shootings, Checks, Ginghams, Bedticks, Flannels. So., so., &o. Shepherd Plaid Balmorals, Black Cloth, Cassimeres, Velvetine, Cordu- roy, Kentucky Jeans, Drills, Ladies Cloaking, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, AND PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS A full line of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sati netts, and Vesting, all kinds and prices, which will be sold cheap. We have con stantly on hand a large and well selected stock of all kinds of CROCKERY, GROCERIES, MACKEREL, SALT, Ike Which we will dispose of at the lowest cash prices. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods, and the highest market prices allowed FRIENDS AWAKE TO YOUR INTER EST For we feel satisfied that we can snit - your TASTES as well as your PURSES. ja6' DRY GOODS $lOOO "WARD'' ZIMMERMAN BRO'S. & CO (No. 2, Busies ARCADE,) BELLEFONTE, PENN'A., OFFER the above reward for the apprehen sion and conviction of the man who says ‘IT IS A HUMBUG'' THAT A DOLLAR SAVED IN BUYING GOODS IS BETTER THAN A DOLLAR WORKED FOR. WE have the evidence each day of numbers who purchase of us after having ex amined other stc cks, that this is not a humbug, but a STUBBORN TRUTH, and that our Goods ARE SOLD AT LOWER PRICES than any other in the State. We cannot ENUMERATE ARTICLES, as it would require this entire page to do so. Suffice it to say that we supply anything you want, AND GUARANTEE FULL SAIISFACTION to all, as to LOW PRICES and QUALITY OF GOODS, W e respectfully request you all to call and SATISFY YOURSELVES A FAIR TEST IS ALL WE ASK ZIMMERMAN, BRO'S; ct, CO j a6'69.y AN IMPORTANT QTTE TION ! LET THE PEOPLE OF CENTRE COUN TY CONSIDER ! Why . will you suffer yourselves to be openly B OBBED by unprincipled dealers, when you can buy your Dry and Fancy goods,' Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Groceries, (Lc., and no danger of being CREATED by going direct to the old Establised stand of LOEB, MAY it LOEB. WE are determined not to be owned in selling Goods of the very best quality and at the most reasonable rates. LOEB, MAY LOEB. IT matters not what you wish to purchase DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, or anything usually kept in risrt Class Stores, y3u can be supplied by LOEB, MAY .15 LOEB. SKIRTS—Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, for sale cheap by LOEB, MAY . LOEB. THE highest CASH PRICE paid for Wheat, Corn and drain of all kinds by jan.6'69ly LOEB lz LOEB. ANOTHER NEW STORE EMIL JOSEPH & CO., ALLEGHENY ST, Cr 'bride's Building,) BETLEPOFTE, PENN'A CHEAP ATETV YORK STORE COME ONE! COME ALL 1! SEE HOW CHEAP WE CAN SELL, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS FURNISHING GOODS FOR LADIES & GENTS, FOR LADIES & GENTS, _ _ COVERLETS, COVERLETS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, WATCHES, WATCHES, JEWELRY, JEWELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, all of which we warrant, rnd at city prices A FIRST CLASS WATCH MAKER constantly on hand, and all work warranted. A liberal discount to the trade. Give us a call. ja6' GEO. D. PIKER'S DRY GOODS AND GROCERY STORE, No. 6, BROKERIEOFF'S Row, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, BELLEFONTE, BENN'A., Is the place for bargains in the way of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queens and Cedar Ware, Groceries, CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS, ALSO, NOTIONS, the., the. • Everything in his line is sold at very Low Prices. POLITE AND' ATTENTIVE CLERKS, are always in attendance to wait on his numerous customers. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for all kinds of marketing and produce Cash paid for ALL KINBS OF GRAIN. , Goods delivered with pleasure. No trouble to show goods. Give him a call before pur chasing elsewhere. [ja6'69.y. THE ANVIL HARDWARE STORE 1 IRWIN &.WILSON zatiaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaas itaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa , nionnnnunnnntnnnannnnnunn nnnnnnnnnnnnimniannnnn vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv mumninnumunnummun uninummuintunumunnin 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 North-west Corner of the Diamond, BELLEFONTE,PA., HARDWARE of every DESCRIPTION Their Stock of Shelf Goods is complete, em bracing a full variety of Every Class. In Heavy Goods the same va riety is kept up, embrac ing, in part, IRON, of all sizes and shapes. Steels—Cast, Shear, • Spring, Blister and Drilling, Horse Shoes and Horse Shoe Nails, Toe Calks, Anvils and Vices, different makes and prices; Stoves—Cook, Parlor Gas-Burners, and Cyl inders, four makes and kinds. SPRINGS— ' Axles and Skeins; all sizes, WOOD WORK, all kinds, for Wagons, Buggies and Carriages. GRINDSTONES, all sizes, and Kitchen do., Platform Scales, from 100 to 1.000 pounds, Counter Scales and Balances, Oils, Paints and Varnishes of all kinds. MANILLA ROPE, all sizes, . and PACKING, The Celebrated ORIENTAL FURNACES, for Dwellings Houses and Churches, PUMPS, for Cisterns and Wells WOODEN WATER PIPES, 'A' any Bore and Length. Call and see their Stock before making your purbhase. Are always pleased to show our goods. jan .6/69.1y TTARDWARE HARDWARE! NO. 6, BROIIERHOFF'S ROW ! J. & J. lIARRIS-THE PLACE TO BUY The subscribers would respectfully inform the community that they have opened a complete STOCK OF HARDWARE comprising all varieties of goods in that line which they WILL SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES! Their stock consists of all sorts of building hardware, table and pocket cutlery, carpenters', mason's, plasterer's and blacksmith's tools, and mate rials, nails, iron, horse shoes, and horse-shoe nails, rope tackle, FORKS, CHAINS, SHOVELS, AXES, GRIND• STONES, etc., etc. Housekeeper's goods, saddlery, carriage trimmings, etc., etc., with all sorts and sizes of NOTIONS, NOTIONS, GOAL OIL LAMPS, and the different parts thereof, together with a complete assortment of 'the best PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, &c FURS, FURS, BY STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS and a constant care for the ACCOMMODATION OF CUSTOMERS SHARE OF THE PUBLIC PATRONAGE BY/LDERS AND OTHERS will find it to their advantage to call and EXAMINE THEIR STOCK. ja6' MERCHANT TAILOR MERCHANT TAILORING, NO. 7, BROCREROFF'S. ROW The undersigned takes pleasure in inform ing the citizens of Centre county and the publio generally, that he is just opening a SPLENDID AND RICH ASSO.RTIf ENT OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Cloths, Vestings, Which he is prepared to make to order in the latest and most fashionable styles, for men or boys. Goods sold by the piece or by the yard: He also keeps on hand a full line of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, of every style and description; He is also agent for the celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINE. ja6' JOIIN MONTGOMERY. HARDWARE SIGN OF THE is the place to get They hope, to merit and receive a J. & J. HARRIS, No. 5, Brokerhors Row ESTABLISHMENT, Cassimeres and PLANING MILLS BUILDERS LOOK HERE! The subscribers having leased the MILESBURG PLANING • MILLS, and added largely to its facilities for turn ing out first class worL, are now prepared to furnish FLOORING, FRAMES, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, • BUILDING, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK and manufactured lumber of EVERY DESCRIPTION at the LOWEST CASH PRICES ; AU manner of work, such as Scroll Saw ing, Mouldings, Brackets, Ac., made after any DESIRED PATTERN, on the shortest possible notice, Connected with the mill, and in operation at all times, is one of the latest improved COKE DRYING KILNS, which leaves the lumber in a perfectly healthy state, assists in preserving it, and:in fact adds to its lasting qualities, while oth or methods of drying deteriorate, and ren ders Amore liable " TO DECAY AND WASTE. Lumber dried in a Coke kiln will not shrink, it is dried perfectly and when work ed and putup, will not . SHRIVEL AND SHRINK, thus giving buildings the appearance of having been erected out of Green Material We know that our facilities give us every advantage over other PLANING MILLS IN THIS SECTION and we feel perfectly free in saying, that all OUT WORK WILL BE GUARANTEED, ti. be of A SUPERIOR QUALITY We will furnish anything in our line from a floor panel, to a WHOLE HOUSE, and at snob prices, as cannot but prove to be an inducement to THOSE DESIRING TO BUILD. All orders promptly filled and a fair share of public patronage, respectfully so licited. MOORE do WOLFE, [Successors of H. Levi.] ja.6'B9-17. NITLESBITRG. PA EDE LIED BLANCHARD, 9. AUSTIN DREW E.M. BLANCHARD, W. E. HOLMES, B ELLEFONTE PLANING MILL. BLANCHARD & COMPANY, NANttFAOTIIIIERs OF WHITE & YELLOW PINE FLOORING AND WEATHER-BOARDING. of Various Styles, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. SHUTTERS, & MOULDISGS Scroll Work of every Description. BRACKETS OF ALL SIZES, and PATTERNS made to order Having a "BULKLEY'S PATENT LUM BER DRYER," conueeted with our estab lishment, we are enabled to manufacture our work from THOROUGHLY SEASONED LUMBER. ,'ORDERS FROM CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, DEALERS AND THE TRADE GENERALLY SOLICITED-Rik BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PA ja6' FOUNDRY LOGAN FOUNDRY, NEAR TEE RAILROAD DEPOT. BELLEF ONTE, PENN'A We are happy to inform the people of Centre and the adjoining countie.,, that we are now prepared to make House Castings; such as Sash Weights, Cellar window Grates, dce., of all sizes. Grist and Saw Mill Cast ings, Sled Soles of all kinds, Plows, Plow Shares. We • also manufacture the IMPR O VED WORIZ PL OW. Also EGa. STOVES, Stove • Castings, Oven Doors and Frames, Coal Grates for Pave ments, Water Pipes, Wagon Box es, together with every variety of • Castings kept constantly on hand, or made to order. All orders filled prompt ly. Gi a us a call. Don't forget the place, near the Railroad Depot, Bellefonte. ja6' BAYARD, JINRINS (4 CO FURNITURE FURNITURE WARE ROOM. . Howard Street, Bellefonte, Pa. WHERE BUREAUS, SOFAS, • LOUNGES, HAT RACKS, WHAT-ROTS, EXTENSION TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, STOOLS, &c., of every description, quality and price, for sale cheaper than at other estab lishment of the kind in Central Penn'a. UNDERTAKER. Ready made Coffins, of all sizes and prices kept constantly on hand. Also Cof fins manufactured to order. ja6' H. P. HARRIS. MEDICAL pISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. That the Science of Medicine has reached a period of its history, when it may be said that CONSUMPTION can be cured, is a, most g ratifying,alihough unlooked-for event. PISO'S CURE FOR OONSUMTION, is a justlynelebrated medicine. It is pre pared by HEizelton do Co., 'Warren, Pa. It is for sale Wholesale and Retail. HIRAM LUCAS c 0 BRO, Howardvillo, Centre Co., Pa. Agents for Centro county, SHUTTERS