Sg. pan | a 1 ROCLAMAT] TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, a court of Common. Pleas, Gen- “Quarter Sessions of the Peace d the Orpbat’s court, in and for the ty of Centre will be held at the rt house in the borough of Belle. e on Monday the 22d day of Novem pext at 10 0’cleck A. m of said'day ; hich the Coroner, Justices of the ce and Constables within said coun Ly will take notice, that they be then J there in their proper persons, with sir rolls, records, inquisitions, ex: jinations, and other remembrances \do (hose things which to their offi appertain tp be done ; and all suit , jurors and witnesses are also re- iver under my hand at Bellefonte this twenty first day of October, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, JOSEPH BUTLER, Sherif. by MOTUS, Li The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that be ip: ‘fends to cogoue teaching in the Bel- fonte Accaudmy, in the Foglish de- gartmen’, and by strict attention to his spits, he hopes ‘10 merit a continn- ance of the public, patronage, which he ifias hither io recetfed. He also el teaching a class in = Fn gsh Grammar, in the winter sea- 3 “Ir ey fings in the week, two ning, ard during that hers condident that his pupils, by ie application and unwearicd exer ons, will attain a radical knowledge “the English Language, so as to cn le them not only to speak grammat ally, but also to compose and write | with perspicuity. This differs materi. "Ry from the pedantick fifteen hours fpe theee weeks system, which has beer Loved to deceive the illiterate. ty HENRY O. K CROSS. sqellefonte, Srhtember 23,1824. 8 . . £5 of Letters remain: 1 ar “bo Cat ™ eo Jd Beelonte, Pa. Cc- A {ober i. 1824, Alexander William, Ayres John, “mor William, Barr John, Blackley Hert, Baker lawrence, Boswick “36, (Burton Silas, Bevner Philip, dal William W. Barthurst Antis, « John, Clark Cornelius, Curry © Sonah, Cain Patrick, Cadwallader albertson Samuel, Carral Sam. “7 Culbertson Jno C. Denney Jo, Et- aratz 5, Forster James, Firestone tyr Fulion Anny, Fulton David, Mary, Galaspie Jesse, Houser 3 jr. Hastings George, Hare Jo. 3 ieph, Horley Tho’s, Huston Charles 2, | #larvey Wiliam, Hall Elizabeth, Hall James, Hill Timothy, Higgins John, J1oll Samuel W. Hark George, Ii vio John 4, Johnston Archibald, Jacob, Frederick, Jones Isaac, Koble George: ' Kirk Jobn 2, Karlan Jo hn, Long Vm, or John, Leach George Lowrey David, Lowce William {., Lee Abrabam. “nh James, Midoalf Edward, M’El aL John, Microw John, M’ Ewin Will. id Eq. Moore Robert jr. M’Mur. James, M’Cord Robert, M’Kee REY viatone Frederick, M’Kinney “9, Moore Thomas, M'Culiough am, M Garvey Wm, Moyer ur Neel John, Neel Isaac, Nay: uel, Petrikin James M. 2, Pat Jamuel, Price William P., Ruble | Rossman Samuel, Reside James, sa\William, Ream Abrabam, Rea Juel, Robison Charles. G 2, Reese Dry Ross Martha, Smith Abraham hk \Frederick, St Clair David P. Adyth Wilson, Swisher Joseph, Shu- 4 Michagl, Sharp James, Smith tiles, Shad: Hemy, Stagart Mr. Sin- harlas, Sedlir Muffet, Shellinber. " A ft William, Steel Martin, Shank Ja- 0, Stoubter Berjamin, Shank Dan. y Themay Thomas, Toland Gracy, ® 'illiams James; Woods Mathew, [Vilsop Aleyasder, Williams Isabella, igujs E1kn C. Wear David, Way ity, Zimerman Hetty, \ H. HUMES, 2, 21, 2 Notice. he Piesident and Managers of Philipsburg & Susquebanva turn. road compaty aie ready Lo rc. for rebuilding the propos a Le over ‘Cleaibeld Creek. Ap c hiionss with paticoias of the plan which it is. propaséd to construct Rv made either to the vq al Dailips- ON. | fin larger tiacts lo others, the {cllow late VALUAELE LANDS. Sq RHE subscriber offers for sale ir small lois to actual settlers, o sa mg LANDS in the state of Pennsyl vania, belonging to the Estate of the late Willian Bingham, viz : 259,000 ACRES in the counties of Bradford and Tioga, at from Three Dollars to Two Dol tars and Fifiy Cents pet acre, accoid- 'ng to the situation ; and 500,000 ACRIS mn the conrties of Potter, M’Kean, Ve. mango, Armstrong, Jcfferson and Ly- coming, at Two Dollars per acre I'he terms are tep years for payment, bree of them without interest. The ‘and is generally of a good quality, wel! watered, iaterseclted by important roads, and io a healihy situation. For further particulars, application may be made to agents in the difierent coun- Lies, or to Robert HI Rose. Sinver Lake, Pa Jury 1, 1824. Clock, Watch Making and Silversmith Busi- NESS S. TSAAC MERER Respecttully informs the citizens of Centre county, that he has commenced the above business’s, and intends carry. ing them on in all their various braoch- es extensively, in the front part of the house now occupied by Silvester W. Hull, as a saddieT shop, and adjoining he office of the Bellefonte Patriot. Having had a considerable experience n tis business, and by paying strict ittention thereto, he expects to receive v propoitionable share of public pat. opage. The highest price will be given by him far old silver. August 6, 1824. LAND FOR SALF, In Clearfield county. Will be sold, in Bellefonte, Centre county, on the 22nd day of November next, fing in the Post Office!3 tracts of patented land, cotitaining 1004 Acres and 81 per- ches each and allowsnce, situate on the Waters of Aonderson’s Creek, the Socth and East Branch Sinnamahon irg,and and a large Run that emp: ties above Chinclacamoose, Old Town, in the Eastern Purchase Dis trict Number four, adjoining the Eastern Boundary of said District from the fifty-fourth Mile Stone ; Surveyed on Warrants Number 5673, 5674 & 5675. ALSO, The Western one-third of a tract of land. con- taining 1004 acres 81 perches and allowance, adjoining the tract surveyed on warrant Number 5673, Surveyed en Warrant Number 5672. ALSO, One other tract of land, :urveyed on Warrant number 5732, ontaining distant about one mile from the Turp- pike Road,adjoining a tract now, or lately occupied by Caleb Bailey, in Pike township. On this tract there is a part cleared. ‘The lands are all of a good quality Fiom the pumber of families sewing lin that part of the “country, there is not the least doubt but they will ad- vance in price in a few years. Tar will find it 10 their interest to atiend the sale, which will be made in such manner as to suit purchaszis. The ‘Taxes are all paid on these lands. Any information required can be ob. tained by applying 10 JeBN NoRRis, Esq Beilefonte, Centre county, or to Mo gs Beooes, sq. near the Town of Clearfield, who viewed the lauds. To be sold as the property of the William Moore, of Reading Conditions made known at time of isale Dy GEO.D. B. KEIM, WM. MOORE, - Assignees, 1824, he i oy toy 1 4th, One thousand & Sixty iwo acres & allowance, | mers and Cruers disposed to.purchase, Philipsh a rg H otel, AND : BOARDING HOUSE BY} + | GEORGE S, IRVINE. 4 = Kes THE subscriber havisg removed from public business in Mfllinlown, wereby informs bis friends, and the public in gencraly that he has taken he above BRICK ESTABLISH. MENT, formetly occupied by Mr davcock. TFhisegstablishment bas een built i a superior manner foi he entertainmefit of the public, aod will be open fog the reception of TRAVELLERS; BOARDERS and OTHERS on the 15th instant.—Tbe yuildings are extensive, comfortable wd convenient, and be pledges bim self that nq exertions shall be wanting ‘0 procure every necessary and ever tuxury for the table, and choice LI- QUORS, 50 as to pive general satis- faction. The STAPLES are new aud well constructedy attended by a care tul and attentive OSTLER. It is remarked for the information f travellers, thst Philipsburg is situ. ited 28 miles West of Bellefonte, Centre county, on the Turnpike read which leads to Franklin, Meadville ano Erie, in a district cf country, healthy nd pleasant, beavt:fully adorned with hill “and dale, and ib the spiing and summer season, exhibiting a highly picturesque landscafie and rural scene ry delightful and avimating. | Tle tufnpiké roads which lead to and from this place are extraordinary well made, and kept in good. repair, and the greatimprovements that have been made at Philipsburg these fw years past, together with good accom: modations, render it attractive and de- sirable, as a place of resort in the warm season, to those who are ib pur- suit of health or pleasure, and no lear s enlertained but the judicious and asteful will be graufied 1 thelr visits. The subscriber will at all times keep a good supply of OATS and HAY~Also { the subscriber residing in Philipsburg, compelled by law. STRAY MARE. STRAYED from the subscriber, on the 6.0 of July last, A SORREL MARE, about the common size, has a star on her forehead, and between ten and twelve years old, Whoever will take up said mare, and returp her to shall veccive a reward of FIVE dol (ats, and ail reasonable charges. ROBERT B. BURGER. August 24, 1824, Saddle and liarness . Making. YENHE scbscriber respectfully io forms his friends aud the public m general, that he has commenced the above business, Wo ail its railous branches, in ghe shop occupied by james Williams as a carryiog shop, and iwmediately at the end of the bridge acro-s Spring Creek, in the Borough of Bellefonte, where ail or ders in his line of business will be thankfully received and punctualiy at- ended to. Approved country pros duce will be taken in payment at the mat ket piice, JAMES M’CORD. Bellefonte, Oct. 1, 1824. Caution. LL persons are cautioned against Caution. WW HEREAS ny wife CATH RINE has c¢leped fiom bed and board, and refuses to [HE with me, this is to caution all pers@id 10( (0 tiust ber oD my account ase am determined not wo pay any (ol of her contracting. DAVID TEMSBLE, Poiter township, Sept. 4. q Bank note LEachange, IN PHILADELPHIA. "CORRECTED WEEKLY FYROM TIE AMERICAN SENTINEL. : Perc 4:8 United States Bronch Banks New: Hampshire banks Burlington (Vermont) MASSACHUSETTS. Boston banks Springficld bark Hamfishire, Northamptonl|, Salem banks 5 Worcester barks Other Massachuse!!s notes RHODE ISLAND. Providence banks Wasuiogton, Wes'erly Other Rbode Island notes. CONNLCTICUT, Middletown bank Pheenix bank at Iartford K ge taking an assignment on a prom- note which 1 gave some ume last spring to James Ross, of Paton, township, for 10, payable five months after. date, as 1 never received any consideration therctor, and am detei-| mined not to pay the same Boless £ isory i | JAMES DILLEN. Patton township, Sept. 4. Hatting B a nsiness. Drovers can be accommodated with pasture on moderate terms. i Stages run thro’ this place weekly, from Bellefonte to Lrie, which afford an easy and comfortable conveyance] for those who have a desire to travel this route. Grateful for the partiality which he’ as wnperieneed from the nublic atl M:fHliglown, the subscriber ple ges’ his best exertions to merit a continu- ance of that pariality at Philipsbarg. G. S. 1. August 7, 1824. \ To Travellers. AS a report prevails that the house, ‘ormerly occupied by JACOB TEST, o the town of PHiLIPSBURG, is no ‘onger to be continued as a Tavern, ah yr ERO BERING Respectfully informs the citizens of Centre county, that he continues to carry on the above business in all its various branches, in his shop nearly opposite James M’Ghee’s Black cartctrar pr du ie Darough oof “Belle fonte. All orders in his line of busi- ness will be thaok fully received and punctually attended to. TWO YOUNG MEN, about 16 years of age, who can come well re commended, will be taken as appren- ticesto the above business, if applica tion is made immediately. Bellefonte, Sept. 10, 1824, he subscriber has thought proper thus’ publicly to inform the friends of this establishment, that'such rcport i un- founded—that the said house will be -ontinued as a house of Public Entertainment, and STAGE OFFICE, Sign of the: Heé is now provided with every ac. commodation the country can efford,! which would contribute to the com-| fort or convenience bf his guests, and assures his fiiends atd the public gen- erally, that nothing shall be wanting! on his part to deserve a continuance of the pationage which has hitherto beer so liberally bestowed. : James M'Girk. | August 25, 1823. | | A few good COLLIERS & WOOD CHOPPERS will fod employment at Clearfield Furnace by making imme-| | { | diate application. P. A. KARTHAUS. CAUTION. ALL persons are bereby cautioned count, as } am determined pot to pay any debts of Ler contracting. J JOHN GLEN. Walker township, Avg. 93, 1824. J NOTICE. | An Apprentice Wanted A young man between theag:s of fificen and sixteen years, of a good moral character, and steady habits, will be taken as an apprentice to. the HATTING BUSINESS, if applica ticn be made immediately to the sub scriters Mying in the Borough of Bel lefonte. diag Stauber § Foster. August 12,1824. Centre Bank of Penn- sylvania. HE Stockholders of said bank are hereby notified hat ar eleciion for FIVE TRUSTEES, to close the concerns of the bank, will be held at the banking house, in the borough of Bellefonte, on Monday the fifteenth day of November pext, be tween the bours of ten and three o’clock of said day, in pursuance of an act of Assembly, passcd the first day Api, A.D. 83s Lo By order of the hard of Trustees, JOHN NORRIS, Cash'r. Bellefonte 8th October, 1824. of |New York City banks & Do. at Frederickto#n Deiby bank WEaven 3 Bridgeport bank oe Hartford bauk NEW. YORE “% oldie gle se Eagle bank at Ne ¥ no sala’ 3 L da Jacob Barker's bank Albany banks Troy bank Mohawk bank Schencctad Leansingborg bank Newburg bank Newburg branch, at Itbica Oracge county bank Ontario Catskill bank Bauk of Columbia Hudson Middle District bank Auburn bank Geneva bank Utica bank Plattsbury bank Bank of Montreal Canada bank NEW-JERSLY Jersey Bank Bank 10 Newark Rank. of New Bronswadf + Trenton Insurance, ce-fpany I'armer-s vank, Mt. Holly Cumberland bank State bauk at Camden do at Liizabethtown do al New Brunswick do at Patterson do . at Mortistown do at Trenton do Sussex do Salem Steam Mill & Bank’g co, PENNSYLVANIA. Philadclphia banks Easton 5. 7 {ie:mantown Montgomery county Chester county, West Chester Oclaware county, Chester Lancaster bank Farmers bank, Lancaster | Harrisburg $ Northampton Columbia do do Farmers b’k of Bucks co York bank Chambersburg i Farmers bank of Reading Gettysburg 3 Carlisle bank. . Swatara at Harrisburg : Puishurg Centre 3 Northumberland, Union & Col- umbia bank at Milton® Greensburg : Brownsville Other Pennsylvania poles DELAWARE, Bank of Delaware, (Wik) Farmers bank of Del & br. Wilmington & Brandywine Com bank of Delaware Branch of dc at Miifad Laurel back. MARYLAND. Baltimore banks ~~ # do City bark Annapolis ;: Branch of do. at Easton ai Te 4 Alene tale og ey Ad TTT — a 1 “ee 1 x: i Hagerstown bak = Copococheague bak ut Widia Pe ASCHOOL. A genileman well qualified to teach a SCHOOL wishes employment in’ He would, prefer a situation in Centre County that sway in the country. him. Enquire at the office of the Beliefonte Patriot. Oct, 7, 1824, tf sport. Bank «f Westminster Havre de Grace Bb / 8 / Eikion Bank of Caroline VIRGINIA, not to trust my wife MARY on my ac-!He hopes to be able to render complete Richmond & branches satisfaction to those who would employ! ; { Branch of do. at Legsburg Bank of the Vailey/ Branch at Charlesitwn Branch at Romne LN. WW bank of Vi / f