hlowlig a &1 50 ML © For the session only, For six months, including the SES5100, 2 00 0 ale them, and that they were burned with, t any time find a refuge under wind began 16 more : ht 'vowder. The body was immediately cgular goverument of the Island trom the MN hile captain Rhodes was unioad-|6’clocs, his inules, thers camc ou board y Gc Of more men 10 puiCaase pb .ppeared hike regular bred mer- nts or plavters, From these facts | conclusion 1s irresistible that the sconent of the island is privy to ese ouirages upon Lhe law of nations 2 of all civilized society. The gov- ynent should be made responsible ther. Such were the sentiments | captawn Grabam, that en his re vn to Havanna with a loog train of bats which bad belonged to vessels vim! by the pirates, that be threaten- d the governor with making such a pp: csentation to the British govern: cnt as would induce it to take pos- cssihn of the Island, unless a speedy heck was put to these piracies. The ae wccount from there was that an mbirgo was laid at Havanna for three daysio prepare an expedition against Ries: free booters. We hope this ef- fort nay successful, and if not, that until > \Gicinterred, an inquest held, and it was discovered that she bad been shot. For the whole year, 3 00 Suspicion of course fastened upon the 37 But should small companies wusband, and a trein of prosidentiat{incie 10 avail themselves of the fol circumstances subscquently combined lowing proposition, we held it forth to fix upon him, as ciear as noonday, for their consideration : the guilt of the diabolical deed.! Where four new subscribers, or ‘Mhere was a peculiar barbarity in fhe lnore, apply for their papers to be sent manner of committing (he murder, a packet, to one post-office, they aul in the ingenuity employed to es- shall be afforded at Bl 25 a piece. cape detection, which while it pre-| L'bus, four neighbors, by inclosing a cludes all commiseration for the richly five dollar note, may have 1w0 papets deserved fate of Ferguson, leaves noia week each, during the whole room to doabt bis sanity at the momentision. the act was committed, which has! The editors Leg lcave to revert to brought him to the gallows. one other fact, of some impoitance to ye subscribers, Formerly, much cem- From the Montreal Times. nlaint has been made, about te mis PROVIDENTIAL ESCAPE carriage of papers. \Veare appre A man workmg on the new briZ hensive, the failure has {0 some meas- huilding by M.ssrs. Scott & Dougall [are been owing to the want of stroog- at the Current Si. Mary, having as-iger wrappers than we have used. cended the shears erected for the pue-[\We intend to remedy this chance of pose of fixing one of the masts, while defeat, by procuriog strong paper, pur- upon (be top the footropes which sup |poscly for wizpping packets in. ported them gave way. Perceiving MOWRY & CAMERON. them to be falling, he made a leap| Harrisburg, Oct. 26, 1824. over the side of the ‘brig, and struck with bis feet upon a sage which av Agricultural Society. ‘he same instant was struck by the O talling spats, and precipitated 10 the Agreeably to the act of Assembly around, by which circumstance the passed 6th March 1820, an election vaulter reached terra firma without the {Wil be held on the 24th day of No slightest injury, not even feeling the {yember, between the hours of 8 and shock of striking upon the siage, s0!9 o'clock in the evening, at the court instantaneously was it taken from up- nouse in the Borough of Bellefonte. der his feet. His leap was from a lor choosing one President, ten Direc height of 70 or 80 feet; and upon {1018 2 Secretary and Treasurer for the striking the gound, he bawled out |3psuIGg year. ‘The commitlec ap with (he voice ot a boatswain : « All's [Pointed to procure subscriptions aie well,"—and well -wag-it for him that (requested to collect the wmount from all was well. {he subscribers previous to the elec: 100. COLLECTORS of County Taxes, including those of}'0 Le sold as ihe property of ate 1823 and 1824, will be prepared to Rishel, a pay off the amount of their respective} ALSO, a 4 Juplicates at the next November court By virtue of 2 like wri nil] OR, ‘Those who neglect this notice will beat the same Lime and place; a certa n | proceeded against immediately there.{uract of parcel of land, containing a3 fier, as bo loDGET indulgence can bejbout cue bundred and twen'y acres; | given. more or less, situate Ib Baideagle ownship, Centre county aforesald; sejoining lends of George Bressler afid 7 others. Seizsd and taken in execs rion, and to be sold as the propetty © Frederick A. luchards, deceased, ALSO; By virtue of a like wiit, issued © .f the court of common pleas of Hu ingdon county, will be sold at t ame jie aud place, a certain tract and siivate in Ferguson townshi Centre County, contain One hoods 4 sud fifty acres; rocred pe 1ands ot John Miller and others, iate tl slg 2 bacams TAK ® NGTICE that the followingh adminis. ration account has been exams ined and pass.d by me; god remains filed in my office for the inspec 0 heiis, legatces, creditors, and all othe persons wn any way interested, a will be presented to the pext Orphan (our, to be beld at Belielonte tor C tre county, on the 220d dey of Nove ber next, far allowance and coufir tion 3 : ; p The adminisisation account of Jas cob Kryder, administrator ofthe Fooes and chatieis, rights end credits, wh were of Jacob Yenkies lac of lain (ownship, deceased. © 2 WILLIAM PETTIT, Regs Register’s Gffice, Belicfonte, October 21, 1824. : $ pe ee —— Sheriffs Sales. By virtue of a writ of venditioni ponas, issued out of the court ofcom mon pleas, and to me directed, will be exposed 10 public sale, 8t the court house in the Borough of Belletonte, oft Monday thie 22d day of November = 0EXt, i SAE . A certain tract of land containing ne hundred and thirty six acres; mo or less, siwate in Pike townships Clearfield county, 2djoiniog lands of Arthur Belly and others. Seized and aken in cxecution, and to be sold as ihe property cf Benjamin Fenton. Aa) ALS; Ae 3 By virtue cf a hike writ, it the sane time and Pg part of a certain tracj © la ing two hundred and forty act the samie more or less, siaale Jt ire township, Centre county, adjoin lands of Rufcle avd Of Seized and taken i execution, at whea Wis vielen a ah Of garmin ; ‘tvasmon 2 perient hurii- cane wile conmandbezling raid mier- mixed with river. drseiation and ruin prefssd upon every mind. I'rees, fzaces, vhimnies and houses were wiih. awtel foreboding crushed and prosirated : truly it did seem, « The wreck of matter and the crush of worlds.” All that we had was al ready swept away including every thing io the crop Way, except our dwel.ing houses, kitchen, and two or three negro houses. At this time, fearful that our house would 0, 1 at- templed to secure a way of retreat ; sut 1 was bafiled, for the roling ude had alieady surrounded us, and flowed full two feet around our dwelling; thus situated, we asscnw ed ail in one small part of the house, the most dry, aud there, withoutmurinub, committed ourselves, our lives, and all that we had, to Him who ¢ Rides upon the fpur covernment may send out all is|whirlwind and directs the storm” 'dispisable naval force to occupy the} «Thus continued the storm with fpor te and harbours infested by hese |anabating fury until about 1) o’clock, with or without the con-lirom the same quarter—when u changed without cessation to 5.3. FE: k — ro and blew with equal, if not more force, lL \Ve learn that the 1wWO passengers though in puffs. The tide having pn hard the schr. Fly, 10st on thelceached its height, soon began 10 Tee Be03s of Mexico, were Spanish gentle-lcede, and the change of wind burried Sen. The Fly had on board abouljit away from us, as fast as it bed ap £0 CO dollars when she went down. {proached and surrounded us—=when National [Phil.] Gazede. jour apprehensions gradually subsided, —— and we f:it that God had mot beeo Phenomenon on the unmindful of such unworthy creatures ders. SM Yorkshire «nd Lan-| The ballance cf the night, still filled shire. with anxicty, we passed in anxious “Our correspondent at Leeds hasiexpectations for ourselves and our forwarded to us the following account {ne:zhbours, until the dawning light of one of the most extraordinary phen- revived our snmetimes, almost, des- New York, Oct. 21. omkena of which we remember lo have pairiog minds, and the returning sun} JA Dwarf —1 he English papeis of . en an account in Eagland.— soon enabled us to leave our *¢stom late have had wmapy interesting a:ti- z ' «. On Thursday last, the 24 instant, beaz ark,’ to view the desolation—and| cles respecting toe Sicilian Dwarf but pt ay Haworth, five miles south of Keig-inow the pale bas passed, the danger’s we have now something that may com lg, io the West Riding of the county oer—and 2ll our lives are Sania withit. Thoereis at Washing- ot York, and on the borders of Lan-|through God’s own power. Oh may|ion Hall a most perfect and agreeable ashire, about six o'clock io the even jour hearts be filled with gratitude and|dwaef. His name is Stevens; he is ing, a part of the higlands on the Stan-{love, to Him Who rules below, andjin his 21st year, and measures zA2irty ury-moor © coed into a chasm, andjreigus supreme above.” seven inches io beight, and weighs unk to the depth of six yards, in some —— thirty-four pounds. He is as peariect laces exhibiting a ragged appear MUTINY. a model of the human species as na: Ince, anc forming two principal cavi-]| Our correspondents of the Boston irure ever formed. His features, form, ies—the one was about two hundred |Courier and Patviot have transmitted actions, and conyersation, are manii- ards, and the other not less than six {us the following particulars obtained ness in miniature. He was born in the ndred yards id circumferance {trom Capt. Macy, of the ship Palladi- {town of Lyman, in the state of Maine, rom these hollows issued two im-fom, which arrived there from Coquim- fof respectable parents, but whose large lense voium:s of muddy water, and{oo, on Monday morning :— About thejfamily, having eixbl chi'dien besides pitiog it a distance ot upwards ofjmiddle of June, the ship Globe, oljthis one, disabled them from giving 00 yards fiom their sources, consti-] Nantucket, arrived at Valparaiso, thelhim an education saitable to thei: wed, for ahoul two hours, an OVei-jcrew having wutinied, and murdered wishes, Major Stevens (for so the) he Ly fica foicy we Bly THe “%%¥~erh, the commander, call him,) peyver could entertain the pinetines \CuRmntn) garda 10 width. Wm Beetle, hrst male, and Jona Livin rastidivus aca of Exhibiting vimsetis seldom less than tour yards in bard, second mate. It appears Jheland consequent’y did net legve his oth. This dark slimy mixture ofjmatineers took the ship to the Mel-father till 1823, tin daly WEISEL SO wt hy atrg aars ve from the » -, pg 9 ITY 0% nC S05. 1 1© rch ants, scat »f the Spanish government. REx nordinery —— prt J. M. PETRIXKIN, Zrcas’r. Oct. 27, 1824. Philipsburg & Susque- hanna Turnpike road Company. URSUANT to public notice, : meeting of the Stockholders o he Philipsburg and Susqoehann rarnpike road Company, was held a the house of JAMES AMPGIRK on he 20th day of October, 1824, for th A) hd and water followed the course of hivulet, overflowing its banks for jenty oo thirty yards op each side, d tothe distance of scyen or eight grave Isiands with tbe intention of] Having manifested ap ambitious de remaining, alter putting ashore every sire to obuain an education, he hasbeen thing from ber of any use; that they! prevailed on by bis fidends to make a quarrelled among themselves as toi personal appeal to the public, and to wrpose of electing by ballot, or prox ¢s duly authorised; ove President, welve Managers, one ‘Treasurer, and ne Secretary for said Company, for .state of Heary Vzopool decease Seized and taken in CX cation, and fhe sold as the pooperty of Hesiry Vid pools deceased. : ALS he ensuing year ; wien the following »ersons were unanimously elected : PRESIDENT; Hardman Philips. MANAGERS, Francis WW, Kawie; Jacod Test, James M Girk, Dir. John Plumb, Robert E. Griffich Job Engtand, John Llegel, Henry Loraim Jacob Eyres, James Collins Watliam Eures. Jacob Gearhart TREASURER, Wlliam Bagshaw. SECRETARY, Thomas Lever. ATTES?T, THOMAS LEVER, See’ry, a les from the immediate irruption;iwho should be captain, and shot the accept of such donations as may be this way there is deposited a black head matineer, wounded a young man, proficred by a liberal spivited commu- borish substanse, varying from €ightian under © cer, and afierwards bung nity. thirty-six inches In depth, and mix-lihe Steward, suspeciing bim otto be occasionatly with sand and rack yi vouratly disposed towards them ; gmunts, pieces of timber, aad vp-land while most of the mutinesrs were; A sweet pumpkin weighing 1481 bed trees, which had been portcjashore, at the Island above mantionedslpounds and measuring © fcet 3 inches @og by the impetuous torrent. ‘I'his Smith, (a boat steerer,) who was Jefdin circumference, was raiscd this sea gavy and powerful stream brokzlon board with one or two men and onelson by Mr. Micka? Hlohun, 00 the wo one solid stone budge, madefor two boys, took advantage of theirjfarm of W. Gronchaw, eq sitvale eaches in two others, clogged up and [absence, cut the cables and made sail, about one mile south gus’ of (bis boi oppad several mills; laid fat and lind on the Coast of Peru fell in withiough.— Harrisburg Giironicie. gstroyed several whole fields of corn, la vessel, the first mate of Which DaVie| seeeses : - ~ or art Ia 4 F \ 3 . J , v A Ec - d overthrew to the foundation sever gated her to Valparaiso, where she' pr NNSYLVANIA ING ELLIGENCER 4 bed zesyand walls. To ils course it was taken possession of by the Ameri- . . al chtered the bouses, floated the furni y Legislati ve ep iTS. can Consul, and would shortly proceed ate abodt, to the astonishment and{io Nantucket, under command of] The kditors of the Pennsylvanie In- rereor of the inhabitants. At the time {Capt. Raynard. It was uoderstood:zelligencer wish to remind tbe prblic of the irr@ption the clouds were cop-fihat Smith and his associates appar-jthat tbey intend to report the procecd per colou d, and louring ; the atmos: [ently joined the mutineers, throughiiongs of the 1.egislature, at the coming here wag strongly electric, and un-lfear, with the determination to SCiZi{scssion, with every aitention to fair- usually close and sultiy. There wasjihe first opportunity to effect a rescuelness and coplousness that their means atthe same time loud and frequentiof the property and themselves. wili edmit. To enable them to per thunder, With much 2°gzag lightning, x N. Y. Eve. Post, form this arduous duty, with more sat- peculiarly fl. ng and vivid- An bour iret Spm isfaction tu their readers, they have a bs ory there was scarcely a breath off Conviction for Murder .— At the late [new fount of small letter casing, a aj stiring, But the wind quickly roselierm of the Bedford Superior Court inthe foundry of Mr. Ronaldson, and an huriicage, and ¢ {ter biowing hard| Virgina, Judge William Daniel pre-{ample stock of paper, of an colarged Dp SIX 10 Tight o'clock, sunk into alsiding, William Ferguson, of Frankliiu,|size and improved quality, manufactas found calm, at which time thej(from which county the trial had been ing, at the mill of Mr. Stricker, near vy rainywhich had continued al{removed, in consequence of the strong|Womelsdorff. They hope the desire while, ces: d, and, with the excep-|current of prejudice against the pris-|so patural ip every Pennsylvania citi- of a few floating clouds, the sky|oner,) was sentenced to be hung, for!zen,to learn the procecdings of thei: wa very serene. I'he whole is con-{the murder of his wile, on the 20th of{legisiative servants, will induce a suf. jecdured by thie neighbors to be cavsedijast February. We understand that|ficient patronage, to (emuncrate them by § some Subicrraneous COMmMOUON, ihe was defended on the ground of in-jfor this extraordinary €Xpense which x cousiderable as to its results| sanity, but the circumstances attending !they are incorting, 10 gratify public that has taken place in this kingdomiihe murder, did not satisfy the jury of curiosty, and to promote prblic useful ir gnany generations. The riverithe defence, nor should they, The! ness. ww Loe preseied he fects off following are the circumstances :— Their plan will be as lollaws : Noon pos Shon ast Friday after-{Ferguson, a short time bejore ony 1. To notice the presentment of! on the water that came down the break, on the morning cf the murder, all petitions, by whom, for what cb | A Was in Sugh a polluted state as tojwent to one of bis neighbours, and in- ject, and how disposed of. ES : Bi ve Bienes Jllendiies of ssh 3 formed him tha: his wife was sick, and, 2 To publish all reports of com- | Creditors take Notice 2% rorbid 4 fot RE al 8 RPT Sh Be Jas Te oF pn 5 it That we have applied to the Judges tyhsely ss for culinary purposes as well] DE Tle alarm wisi I ee riem op vet poscs as well relieved. The alarm was immediately mere purport of them. No subscrio ion with be Teceive given to some others of the neighbors,i 3. To insert all resolutizns offer |Centre county, for the benefit of the! jess hia che Year ods ol ec n who found bis wife dead and cold, and ed, and their destination, when called {re NE year 3 BCT DF pape - E xiract of ok WH Gen) Jer 3. i her infant child crying by her side~ Up. : . 1:nd they have appointed Monday the! ~ #f the sabscriber d Mico. nth ir. Ser FE ‘rom aiFerguson did pot return wih (Lem, 4. To give sketches of the armel i ri rN Se y , oat WA e es not rd divi: 3 oe BY dated Sept. 13 but was found several days afterwards, meats, on the discussion of gnes'ionsi*~ day of November nex!, at the” 3 ore v0) J MR ROTEL es cr th Reo jae Hr te about, conscience-stricken, of public importance—and some Oilcourt house in the borgugh of Belles. ibe 3 aa 0 nan a Testerds in Ba) quenee oy {with his clothes wet and frozen upon, the best speeches at length. od A 5a agapement; and th Wain fll 3 3 cons} efablg quantity ibis body. His wile was buried, end{ 5. To insert such public docu-{ EE N cll during tie day, and theino suspicion excited that she bad been/ments as their columns will admit, and (SFEQHOTS W here you may atiend il yor Be vite of a tike sity WHI sold at the same (ime and place, a ¢4 (ain tiact of land containing about t huudi ed acres, more or less, siiuate Parton township Centre county atoy said, adjoining lands of and © e's. Seiz.d and ehen in execcut ond to be soil as the property James Cutrey, by : Joseph Buller, SEs ee ———— ne tfD } Ee LARGE PUMPKIN. A TT f . Notice: The subseribe:s have setiied oft heir concerns; and Jacoh G. Lebg 18 authorised to collect certain notes i his hands Toe rebidue of the 2 counts, judgments; Notes, &c* and he business relative to the store tialfmoon, are to be settled, and Notice. other payments to be made, to OMESTIC attachment issued on tbe oaths cf John Irvin & James Young, against Doctor JAMES D. STARK, as garvishee of Thomas Houghenbury, ao zbsconding debior, {, therefore, do lcreby notify the credi‘ors ol said Thomas Houghenbu vy to come forward to my office on Vicoday tte 8th day ot Noyembe: aexty at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, with their accounts prope:ly authenti- cated for setdement, Given under my nand at Pike township, Ciearficld county, October 4, 1824. ARTHUR BELL, Justice of the Peace. t¢ Wasson, or their agent, KLEN & WASSO2 JACOB G. LEBD The price ol this paver fs 1V DOLLARS per ABUL — by! if p in advance, ONE DOLLAR Al SEVENTY FIVE CENTS only be charged, / Advertisements, making vo more length than breadth wily be insert three times for one Coliar; and for ¢ ery subsequent continagc. (wing. cents.—Those cof pred = leppthy proportion ~Rule of fioure double these rates. VW iicH MU y > i 'PAID IN CASH at the me of 10s¢ Court of Common Pless, of ve me of 10s iof the jasclvent laws of this commonwealth, continued until ali arrearages ar ’ i .onte. lor the hearing of us and om opwai ded accordingly. Subscribers who have ibe carried by the mall; mus be ‘he postage. TT Ae ters Sep . a Sahay monems of the murdered, until the c'othes found Spor ihe public Interest mey stem io Ie hink proper ing storm, Hh 3 cated Sh #ppropL: ‘he dead body were put into the handsiquire. JACOB SHETRICK, Sr, Leave secu od Ie cyoumng Pein peiof the washer-woman, when 1t wasi ‘Ibe terms of the Intelligencer, wii Wa FITZ SIMMONS, em cro.q to blacken and theldiscovered that there was 3 hole Lhio’ be (he same as hereiolore, viz. Qciobes 21, 1824. — _ v 4 ¢ ' ) ¢ ~ : { : 1 ‘ t ?