Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, October 30, 1824, Image 1

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From the Petersburg Intelligencer,
Hawrsor, Jung, 1777.
k These were the times that tried men’s souls.
pg / T Hos. PAINE.
On Freedom’s shil—when carnage rear’d
is bloody front—and there appear’d,
{m Mars—with war-worn visage bard,
Vylking lorth most awfully ¢
yen waste had spread its besom hand,
fear was stalking through our land,
faint had grown that vet’ran band,
War had thinn’d most dreadfully :
Phen the last spark of hope’s pure fire,
em’d ir .he nation’s breast U’ expire,
1d fell despair, with aspect dite,
On every face sat gloomily :
yn Ocean's swelling field of green,
bea uteous barque was riding seen,
sdeck’d in all her glitt’ring sheen,
Roundipg the waves maj sticly.
imbia’s shore she seem’d to gain,
Swift she cot the yiclding main,
nx behind ber spray. wrought train,
! Spaikfing bright and beauteously.
b! (here are some yet bear in mind,
Flow (ull her sails bent to the wind,
BY file far aloft and anconhfin’d,
® | Iicr streamers floated gallantly.
#81ill bearine to her destin’d bome,
Nearer and nearer sce her come,
"Raising on high the snow like foam,
Then dash it off triumphantly.
igh on her deck there stood a form,
aring 20d young, whose bosom warm,
em’d but to glow to meet the storm
Of battle, death and victory.
ight fancy saw his glistening €y®,
nd heard the echo ot bis cry, 1
: pr viends, and all 1
MH fou gi I nd all
A O Lh 3
i esponding Freemen crught the
Nias. - aloud their shou!s 3p8
] over hill, and tmount and pt
=» They ccho’d long and glorigusly.
But ere the barque the port codld near,
fhe wind was hush’d nor cou they hear
| A sound, save ocean dark andidrear,
~ Heaving her billows heavily.
The sun bad sunk low io the west,
Aad nature in dim twilight drest,
BiSecem’d now to seek her wopted rest,
| deliving sweet and plagidly-
he wal’ry waste around was spread,
And not a ripple rais’d its head,
and all was caliny and still and dead,
A nature sleeping silently.
A Night clos'd upon the awful scene,
gh. nd dimly shone her waning queen,
And darker grew the seas deep greem
Amid the gloomy scenery.
The harsh sca-bird was heard to scream,
k Ti i Ente Slam 2s
Clouds veil'd hghts faintly glowing beam;
The Jightning’s flash was scen i gleam,
- Along the Heavens vividly +
~ Far o'er the wave was beard the sigh
"Of occan’s spirit~=and her cry, :
Ye seamen waro’d—a storm was nigh!
©" The thunder peal'd most awfully !
As mountains tall—so roll’d the wave,
That bore aloft the Chiefiain brave,
.ck from the land he came to save,
| With bold and daring gallantry.
‘ho’ Joud and strong fierce Boreas blew,
nd darker still the sea-storm grew,
o fear the youthful Hero knew, : ;
His thought’s on « home and liberty.
ound the barque that awful hour,
There was unseen a guardian pow’,
cheer, amid the storm’s dread lower,
Spirits that braved it gallantly.
BT wks Freedom's Goddess, hovering near
hal whisper’d io the Heio’s ear,
nd badehim not the storm to fear,
That rag’d around so dieadiully :
—was ruling o’ey
se ils roary
aN lio bid the storm to c€d
And guided to Columbia’ sh
‘I'he barque again trump
A Hucar's anxious, watching €y€y
Amid the gloom ber sails descry,
¢ 7he Gosd Mother-~The name of the
t urought La FaveTie lo Ameilcas
hoa BR
Aid Mo
« (Go, man a barge’ —~the boatmen ily,
At his commanding; cheerily.
Swift went thay from the surge beat-shore,
And quick was ply’d the trim- wrought oar,
"Till round LA MERE gay, they wore,
And hailed her loud and merrily,
Bright be the memory of that night,
For mid its gloom, there shone delight,
When HuGeR prest the Chieltain bright,
Close 10 his bosom fervently.
Come to my home, he warmly cried,
You barge shall bear us o’er the tide,
Cume ; rest thee by my five side,
Thou youth of spirit brave and free!
‘The boatmen ply their oars again,
And merily sing ther cheerful strain,
While back they o'er the swelling main,
Hasted bold and fearlessly.
And, ere the morn with opening ray,
Had ting’d with gold the sliver spray,
vafe on the shove the stranger lay,
Where reign’d pure hospitality,
ir uf
And with the Sun that day 1here rose,
An ARM OF TERROR to our foes,
That shone effulgent till the close
OiFreemen’s struggle, gloriously !
as $0 BOF
Tt was on a pleasant summer’s eve, that the
(Pastor of one of our New-England churches
took his usual walk zfier spending the day io
study. He was a good eld man, who had long
been faithful over the beloved people of his
charge—and he had been a successtul labour
er in the cause of his Master, tijl his head had
become silvered, and his tottering tenement
needed the support of a staff. The suo bad al
ready sunk 10 the west, and was pouring bis
fast rays into the golden sky, 8s
tered the village grave yard.
thing in this hour of the day, that gives a pleas
ing melancholy to the soul—which, added to
the place in which he was walking, was pecul-
wfimrtr dpiwd 10 yssist ihe boly man 1 his medit-
‘fations 3 and, If need be, to raise his thoughts
from this world, and place them on that whicl
be felt was bis home. The good man wa
pressing bencath bis softly trembling ‘steps, the
sods which covered many of his beloved parish.
ners, when he came to the spot where lay bis
pvife and three beautiful daughters, whose love
liness, like the opening rose, was blasted ere i
was fully exhibited. The Pastor leaned on his
staff, and bent over these graves, and was just
marking out by taeir side the spot where he bo
ped shortly to lie in peace, when he was startled
by hearing the sobs of a child. He tvrued,and,
at a litle distance, beheid a “lovely little white
{beaded boy, who was kneeling and sobbing ove:
‘he rave of his father, whose ashes had lately
been deposited beweath, With a melting heat
the good shepherd approached the child of his
friend, ana with he tenderness of an angel, he
raised and Kissed this orphan lamb of his Rock
whose face Wa pallid through grief, and whose
bright blue eyes were swollen by weeping. Hc
sat down beside the vrave, and pressed the weep
wg boy to his boscn,
6 Q, Sir,” said the ch, “let me cry for my
father—he lies deep in tha rave, they tell me
he will never again be my loher 1 fear that 1
have offended bim that be Wilyg fiore be my
father, and I want to ask bum to “rgive me, and
0 kiss me as he used to do !—Oh7 4 Le would
{joy when be exclaimed.—
the Paslor en-|
There is some-i was thrown upon the wide worid with but fen
October 30, 1824.
& Bu)” says the child, what 15 i tobe" aii or-{
phan ?”
“Jt is to be destitute of Parents while we are
yet children.” i
¢ I think I understand ; but what is a poo:
The clergyman was zaffzcted but replied, « 1
is a child who is lett destitute of property as
well as friends.”
« (J, I wish,” said the child, in the simpliciiy
of his heart, ¥ 1 wish that I was a fioor orphan.
if God would be my jather.”
The good mivister wept—Ifor he knew tha
the child’s wish respeciing property would be
folly satisfied.—¢1 trust, my dear child, thai
God will be your father. You know how shor:
are our lives—bow certain our death—bLow
much we have to do to prepare for death—anc
iow we should devote our lives to God that we
may meet death with peace
not only be good, and live so as to meet your
be spent in trying 10 do good 16 otheis.”
The clergyman held the hand of the child.
and they knelt in, praver on the grave. The
petition was that God would provide for the lit-
tie, orphan. It was now dark, except what
igh Cas afforded by the bright twinkling of the
stars, As they lett the grave yard, the shep
herd directed the attention of his jamb to these
wonderful works of God, and his heart beat with
« My Father made them all.”
He led the orphan to his place of residence—
soothed his grief—assuaged his sorrows—and
determined to adopt and make him his child
But God had otherwise determined. Tbe faith.
ful Pastor was soon afier laid upon the bed of
death, and from the chamber which had for ma-
ny ycars, been the wiiness of the piety of his
heart, and which was
w Frivileg’d above the common walks of virtuous
3 life,”
his spirit as we trust, flew from the snares, the
corruptions, and the sins of this v ansitory world,
and found a shelter in the boson’ of his Kedeem-
er—and left the child a second time an orphan.
Ad the death of the clergyman, the little Loy
friends :—bis patron was dead, and he was for
gotten.—Many who saw, felt compassion for
nim. . They saw sorrow often brooding over his
ceuntenance, and the big tear often gush {rom
his eyes: they saw and pit “ hoped be weuld
be provided for”—and Jeft him as they dounc
nim, But it should be a matter of consolatio
to dying parents, that there is One who hearetl
even “the young ravens when they ery,” anc
will provide for the fatherlcss,
[ have only to add, that to the subject of this
narrative God was ever ncar—He was placed
in many d'fficult situations, passed threcugh ma
ny trials, but was. ever preecied through iL.
ender mercy of God. At the age of sixteen if
is believed hie experienced the operations of the
spirit of God upon his heart : he thought of his
interview with the good Clergymean, aud of his
advice, hig prayers and bis wishes 3; and he ded
cated hus life tothe service of God.
———— LC Ca ——
The following observations are offered to those
who are accustomed to this disgusting habit,
Itis not easy to perceive what pleasure car
arise from the empiy sound of senseless inter-
jections ; or what superior entertainment car
sprig from the profane sound of God, Devil
damn, curse, than from the sound of wax. waters
pens, or any other words of the same number of
syllables. It is not easy to perceive what profi
1s annexed 10 it. What ever fortune. may be
once more be my father, I would nu, again
offend him. But they say he is dean 0,
would sit here and cry all night—1I Woulineyer!
stop it my poor father would come to 1
ut he will not come—for a few days bel..|
me, and I should never have a father any more
poor, good father !
soothe him into confidence, and then to direc
it was the consequence of sin.
we, % ke sheep bave all gone astray.” H
wight be saved by Jesus Christ
& TR .
made by perjury, I believe there never was ¢
hey put him in this bole, he told me—0O, I du
cemember it—he told me he was going to leaveju
and he stroked my bair with his sick band, and pert
sd me when he was buried 1 the groond I be tl
must be a good boy and love Ged! Oh! my| not degr
The feeling Pastor pressed the hand of the sion 6 sup :
sorrowing child wi hin his—apd ere he could the bypociite hig
answer him, he had wel with bis tears the silken veoge ; the ambitic
hair of the orphan. His first object was to miser bis gold; but .
nim to a father who would never forsake him. for naught, and dud
With patience he satisfied his curiosity respect- devil gratis. Swearing is
ag death—low that 1t is a long sleep, but that is nottbe native offspring oi
the voice of God will one day awaken even the woven with the texture of
lead —He told him how death was introduced how allied to our fear. Forasa
into the world, and made him understand that loston) expresses i, though some
Iie explained to as they were natural yet no man
bim the natural depravity of the heart—how of a swearing constitution
laboured to impress on him a correct view of pality epicits, who have no sense of bo
the character of God—his attributes of loveyregard to decency, but are
Mercy, justice, &c. and then explained how es rhapsody of nonsens:z, to supply the
He next
man who made bis by swearing. It often hap
pens that men pay for their swearing, but it sel
dom happens that they are puid for it. Ii is not
casy to perceive what honour or credit is con-
fected with it. Does any man receive promo.
\ because he is a notable biusterer ? Or 1s
I bope you willl’
poor father in heaven, but 1 hope your life wif
‘town, he made an apology for the length of time
. Facetiz of Hierocles.
Johnson quotes Hieocles fur the story of t
man who, kaving a house to sell, carried a b,
bout with him as a specimen of it.
To this same person 1s ascribed the re
mont of teaching bis horse to live without foc
and the consequent lamentations over him
is untimely death just as be was perfect,
Hearing that a raven will live about two b
dred years, he purchased one to make the exp
Asking ifthe water in a well was good,
being answered that h's parents bad alwa
diank out of that well, be expressed his ast
shment at the length of their necks. By
Being shipwrecked, and seeing that every 0
{aid hold of samething iv hopes to save Lilmse
ie laid fast hold on an anchor.
~ He got on horseback to cioss a riverin a
lo save time.
Meeting the physician, who was probably his
elapsed since he needed him. oii
A friend wrote to him when in Greece
ring him to procure him some books, H
lected to do soy but when he next-met his
he volunteered an excuse, by telling him
letter pever arrived.
His Jogking at himsell in a glass with
eves shut, to judge of his appearance’ wi
asleep, has been, I believe, rivalled by many
child. 3
A grown up son, serving in the army, p
ising to bring him the head of an enemy
bope (sald he) 1 stall see you return in
uealth and spirits, even without a head.”
Selling his hbrary for want, he wrole to
futher that he was living upon lus books,
Literary Gazett
itis CDS Wee
When the well known Dr. Bath preached
the first time in his native ci'y of Leipsic, he
disdained the usual precaution of having his
sermon placed in the bible before him, to refer
0 in case of need. A violent thunder storm
suddenly arising, just as he was in the middie
Jf bis discourse, and a tremendous peal of
thunder causing him to lose the thread of bis
argument, with great cotnposure and dignity he
shut the Bible, saying with great epiphaciee
“ When God specks man must hold hiwpieace,
He then descended fiom the pulpit, while 1he
whole congregation looked on h _
tm with ad
tion and wonder,
eeiay 7 EPO Pn ;
Mr. O'B-n was very much afraid of thundef |
and fightoing : If a thunder storm boppened
in the vight he always arose, lighted bis house;
and sat in a silent terior uniil 1 ceased. Que
sultry day, during his accustomed nap after ding
ver, there suddenly arose a cloud which prodgcs
cd a violent shower accompanied with several
claps ol thunder, Afiertie cloud bad discharge.
ed 11s contents and passed away, Mr, O'Ben
awoke and observed the ground was wet, be
ask d his wite the cause; and enquired if it had
cained? “Yes” she replied, «(bere has been ||
a veiy heavy thunder Sowers” «and did it
hunder 2” said he. « Yes surely.” « By Jers |
ryy” said be, « why did'nt you wake tae; for yo
know I can't slecfr when it thunders, |
Lawyers.—The renowned Peter the Greits
being at Westminsier Hail, in ter o timegand. |
seeing multitudes of people swarming about the |
courts of law, is veported to have zsked some |
about him, who all those busy people were, and | |
what they were abou! ? and being answered; | |
i They ere Lawyers.” «Lawyers? returne
he, with great vivacity, « why, I bave but fout | :
io my whole kingdom, and [ design to hang J
(wo of them as soon as I get home.” oF 1
re o(e Ne DE a
Two negroes at the south who had just been
‘o hh ar an elegant pulpit discoorse, were con- |
veisieg together respectiog it; when one res
marked tiat be « could not understand,” —ths |
3,80 an advanced to dignity because he is ex-
Never. Low mus
aractey which such
Drofane swearing ?
the practice 4; has peither reason nor pas
PO The drunkard has bis cups;
anctity ; the satirist his re-
man his preferments ; the
t nothing ; be is a {ool in OHIO SWearcE: has
arge ; he sells his soul
8%in the service of the
of all plea. It
Ye soul, not inter
body, por any
“eat man ( {if
‘ur out oaths
‘ever born
Bat it ig Cos
¢ a low and paltry custom. picked up by" Om
A eB
forced to subs!
jcancy of good scose.—Hence the silliness.
strove deeply to impress upon the listening boy|the praciice can only be equalled Uy the s Miness
what «1s the chief end of man;” and thusof those who adopt it.
concluded, while bis hearer seemed to hang vp} |
on his lips :~« And now, my dear little boy,
you have indeed Jost a tender father ; but I hav
been trying to pointyeu to a Falher, who has
premised never to fursake the poor orphan.
: —p TR
jries of Providence, since we Cannot wadeisian
* the works of nature.
imp rtinence willy Me tell you what dat'mean ; it mean 1ake right
Inexcusable therefore must bej0old—bold fast—hang on—and not jet go”?
perceiving her husband enter,
hind him and gave him a k
angry and said g
Pardon me exclaimed §11€,
Ye are stars of the night; ye are gems of the
and, YY acre no beam ‘in your eye light adorn
tel VV he
How can we expect lo uoders'and the mysie- And al Bab receives both refin ment agd 2
‘Her sm ©
other ieplicd, that © he understand all bot one
word.” «What da: 7” « Perseverance I" « 0,
ty LEED I On
A lady, who bad Jast been three da
y$ married;
stole secretly bes |
iss; the husband wag |
he off:nded a
aint decency s |
I did’nt koow it was
Ye are dew dro
And rayless that night is, that marning unble
ps whose lustre the scene dati |
peace in the breast, 7 A
Te ap thorn of Sottow gioks Gee id
is the sweet lip of woman assuages the start
¥y hers o'er the couch of misfoitene to bend :
Ag'doess a loverin firmness a friend 55 |
Fron 08perity’s hour, be it ever confest,
dl © wi€d by the bays or uarea
‘ Sa
an 4
th'd with
y Fig
. i . bog
LT meed, her boso