Bellefonte patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1818-1838, October 09, 1824, Image 2

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| may be closed io the Sate wh
tue, Lib
£8 ui your saenfices, and wi's, in 4
he defcuce of Ame L. heits
Flic cventful scenes of your useful bf |
jee eng raven on our hearts, A nation
las rejoiced at your successes, and
fy npaiaiscd with your sorrows,
E Wath aident pleasure we have ever)
bhserved your strenuous exertions a
the triend of mao ; and wills
ped services, rendre
if humanity, have commanded our ad
jiration, the puily of your motives
insured the love and affiction ol
meritans, {
BF With the best feelings of
five now approach you, with
Pyauce that, :f any thing cou!
“oc happiocss on this inters
isipn, it would be the hope ot enjoy
Lhe d stinguishe
gnanen resid
a long and splendid i
cd in the cause
# tae
tag assu-
fo of usefulness
gnce among us, and
03€C $21)
has been moistened with your blood,
geaerously shed in the cause ot Vir-
ty, and Independence |
To which the General made the f21-
} lowing reply i —
“On the happy moment, long and ea-
rly wished for, winen 1 once more
ead the soil of Pennsylvania, I find in
§ ber aff clionate welcome, so kindly
expressed by her first magistrate, a side of the road leading from the city
RE Sm———————
te oo
1} found graiitude, and res;
rh i
| copt my cal(
“du ar recollection of past favours and a
bnew source of delightful gratifications.
1" ve very names of this State, and her
¥ capital, recal to the mind, those phi
laothroptc and liberal sentiments,
which have maiked every siep of thai
Pennsylvania hasbeen the theatre
of most mm portant events—a partake:
in the a duows toils and meri
sacrifices, which have insured the
success of our glorious and fruitlu
Revolation. I particularly thauk you,
| sir, for your granfyiog mention of my
personal obligations to the P
‘pia line ; nor witli I ever forget, that on
Peausylvanian ground, not fur from
this spot, I enjoyed, for the frst time, (reve
the delight to find myself under Amer-
ican tenis, and in the family «[our be-
loved Commander in Chief, Now,
Sir, Pennsylvania is in full possession,
¢.d reaps all the prosperitics, and bap-
py consequences, of that great nation.
al union ; of those special institutions,
swhich by cffering in a sell-governed
people, the most perfect example of
so. ial order, that ever existed, have re
duced to absurdity and ridicole, the
anti-popular arguments of pretended
statesmen in other countries. Ip
whatever manner I may be disposed
of, by the duties and feelings in which
you have been pleased to sympathise,
I shall ever rank this day among the
post fortueate io my life; and while 1
lincT on and of mankind.
hear the nation’s guest,’ that beggars all
d add told shops were closed;
sting occa. | s suspended ; and th
ine18cemed 0 be in molio
d honor of your per-SiNgton by seven o'clock.
o'clock it was extremely difficult (0
I proceed on horseback to the ficld of re-
yexring, o)
~ 4 x
wa # Bs g , ;
“on correspondiog lises.
ccorder and Alderman, the
the Cincisnati, Officer:
hind the
- ‘ow
he arrival of the friend of Wasu- ble Judge PETERS,2 patriot of thc rev } 7
Several la-loldtion, i the splendid barouche and ere 2 :
lies and gentlemen were iniroduced|six, succeeded by the Ray rR bry pom gh andi Naty, and distin
whim. The Gzoeral lodged at thejaids, and the adjutant gel al of Pean- y
, ished cit t Among,
Mond : ia, 0a : ur, thei guished citizens and guesis. ARGUS
Arsenal on Monday might, and break [sylvania, 01 ‘baroucht 8 toons ec it Wok distinguished AL
{ le t » » ¢ * ArpTA <= cold | :
fasted there the next KIOINIDG. § ny of 2 3 nn lig
eral Bacwa and the GO
uche, & Gen-| Brown,
a n, Commo
Jersey intheir carriages.
vernor of New Stewart, commodore Barro
in the rear dore Nicholson, M:zjor Gamble and
)f these WETS a troop of cavalry and captain Biddle. Aber {9 Site of
soma infantry. [Then commenced the, Lhe Mayor, which was followed by a
civic part of the procession, at the cordial embrace
head of which/ was Chief Marshal General, which
, and the reply of the
was delivered with
3wiFT, attendedby two or three of nislmuch feeling, and in a mos:
ids being statiope
ions io the Jie The sur
diers of the revolution, seate
successive large open carriages, with sidents of councils, 8 |
te mottoes and devices, fol-jthe councils by their respective presi
hen came dents ; the aldermen by the Recorder ;
re ac. and the citizens aud guests by Joseph
with a'S. Lewis, lisq, of the commiitee of
f an councils On passing the Bank of
writ. the United States, where the surviving
{officers of the revelution and the Ma
h06 7
Eirly yesterday morning, the city o
Philad=iphia and the Southern ‘and
Northern Liberties pressed a scene
of bustle, intense anx ely, and univer-
sal preparation {for the rece ption ot!
Ali ihe viving sol: vidually presented ; the suite cf the
d in three G
stores, cffices
1 ‘business
e whole cnty
owards Ken
By eight
lowed the chief marshal.
the printers, a part of whom we
wally engaged in striking off,
Franklin press, 1mpressions
+ Ode to General La FAYETTE,
ten by Jases N. Barxer, Esq. flicer
The young men of the city and rine Corps weve assembled, he ba
county, the cordwainers, the weave s rouche of the General stopped, while
and other manufacturers, two benefi-| he §10 1d up and made a shurt bat af-
cial so ieties, the shipwiights and rope- |fectionate address Lo the former.
mukers, the young lads and other ou- The General was conducted un:
merous bodies of citizens, the buicheis der a snjtable escort from the Hall of
mounted on grey horses, and in their Independence to tbe Minsion House,
appropriate uniform, blue pantaloons where he reside ‘while be remains io
and white [iocks, the waggoners. gurl jihe city. rs
ers and draymen, the agiiculturists, The other venerable surviving soi.
and the members of various other oc-diers of the revolution, in cars, with
CLPALIONS, completed the civic part ofiappropriate emblems and mottos, were
the procession. They were forlowed Toudiy cheered as they parsed, Tivis
: aby " hy the second brigade of voluntcersiwas delightful, They were highly
nia militia, infantry, avtillery andi, d.r General CasTOR, the Montgom- animated, and frequently uncovered
tcav: ry, & the volunterrs from Bucks,lery and other volunteers from ncigh- their hoary heads to answer the huzz:s
Lancaster, Dauphin, Lebanon, Berks,ihoring countigs, some of the cavalry, of the p
Norihampton, Lebigh, Montgomery tana « mounted citizens,” with ‘the
land New Jursey, the whole amounting! star-spangled banner.” «the Cad Liberties, a choir cl well Arde fed
lto five or six thousand, vnder Majoriy, ov “und «the spirit of '76,” which youths of both sexes, arranged ov ei-
|General CapwaLaDER, were formed o165.4 (he entire procession. In eve: ther side of the road; chavetec a hymo
in an oblong square. No troops EVEL ry square along which the procession of praise and welcome to the fiend of
‘extibiied a mote soldicrlike and ole: over, from Kepsgton inclusive, to our country.
gamappzarance, ; the State louse, scaffoldings. were The pait the Jadies took in the wel
| Ata quarter past ten o'clock, thelgrecied, with benches and seats on come is very creditible, they were ali
fas accompanied by the Gover-iihe, and they were filled with specta- vivacity and beauty, and their charms
por of Peonsylvania, entered the field q, chiefly tcmales, 10 welcome La lost nothing by negligent alive. All
in the elegant barouche and six which FAYETTE 10 our city. The windows that dress could add to nature was lib
bad been provided by the committee} fhe houses were thrown open; they erally Cestowed.
jlo convey bim from Morrisviile to thelgere crowded and decorated with ele-| We have not time to-day to give a
(CILY. His arrival was announced by gant and well dressed ladies, who join- description of the superb civic arch
lle acc.amations of at Jeast itty thou-led inthe huzzas and applauscs, as the crected across Chesnut street under
ond people. in inbled 10 wines panera pused slope The ibencts ihe dirseiton of Mr Suickland, nor of
fand by a grand salute of one bundred|y ie hero rode with his hat in band, and the elegant manner in which the Hall
guns from thesgillery under the com- | yas continually bowing in acknowl of Todependence was fitted up by the
mand" of Colone} Parvesy. The edgment of these ‘gratifying testimo. same accomplished architect for the
barouche drawn by four black horses, nials of gratitude and esteem. freception of «the nation's guest,”
containing the son of General La Fa¥-|' In (he Northern Libertics, the pro-'Such a descuiption shall hereafter be
E ITE, 20d several other barouches, al-/ cession passed under several beaut.ful presented to our readers, At night.
so entered the ficld. In a few mo-iyrches raised in honor of tae General. the whole city, the Norther Liberties
ments the General descended from bis ope jn particular, erected in Fourth and. Southwark were br Hiantly iliu-
carriage, and was introduced to Gen. lpear Green s'réets, under the direction minated. We have never scen any
cral Brown, the fieid officers, and oth='gfihe corporaticn of that district, st2uck (hing of the kind at all comparable to
this. Transparencies of every descrip:
!view, which was on the Frankiord read,
about a mile and a half from Kensing
ton. Every street and every road on
the route were literally throng=d with
‘the military and multitudes of people
lof both sexzs and all ages and cond
(tions. © \We peverthicless succeeded in
‘reaching the ground by nine o'clock
‘Tue field of review was judiciously se-
ected. tis situated oun the south
(to Frank
‘nea: ly one quarter ol
to the speciators a most commanding
view of the whole ling of troops By
ltcn o’clock, the different corps of vol
‘uateers of the first division of Pennsyl-
ford, and gradual'y rises for
a mile, affording
cast rand
beg your exceilency personally to ac.
ltal acknowledgments, 1
have the honor to offer to Lim, as gov-
ernor of the State, a tribute of my pro.
yectful devo
tion, to the citizens of Pennsylvania.
. uw It was impossible, says ao obser
ver of the interesting scene, to witness
the meeting of the Governor and Gen-
eral La FaveT re without the deepest
emotion. The eloquent and feeling
address of the Governor j the affce-
tionate reply of the Geperal ; the pro.
found silence, the deep attention, the
eager gaze ofthe beholders ; the splen
dor of the military array, surrounding
the field of reception; the spontane:
ous pouring out of the gratitude of the
whole people, under a brilliant sky,
which appeared to bean the stulies ol
‘Omnaipotence upon the scene, produ
ced altogether an effect of almost aw
ful moral grandeur, which beflls des
_ cription, and would put to the blus!
L the utmost efforts of Iuropean pa
geantry > ‘I'he (General and his suite
having breakfasted, in company wit
the Governor, bis aids, the city com
mittee, the honorable Mr. INGHAM
"and scveral other respectable gentle.
lB men. at the hospitable mansion of Mi
“WaporLn of Morrisville, he reviewed
b the military assembled there ; and be-
il The Governor, and his son GEORGE
RY ford presente d ascent
; : i . a
media escort of the (General.
on Monday cvening.
| dog placed with JosEFH S Lewis, Esq
in the splendid barouche, drawn by six
dark cream colored hotscs, with two
* putriders on horses of the same colory
the General preceeded for Bristo!
| fn a handsome bavouche drawn by fous
L black horses.
The First Troop unde:
lieutenant Sinaons acted as the im
troops from the county and from
Backs, and a somerous cavalcade of
sitizins, attended him to Bristol
ers. Attended by the Goveinor and gag peculiarly fine. Three or four
General CapwaLapER on his tight, 5 her arches were almost equally hand- tioo ; lamps and candles put into eve-
‘and by Major GampLe on bisleft, Gen- ‘some. All bad on them mottos and ry variety of forms ; all the devices and
eral La Faverre then passed along devices appropriate to the occasion, designs which ingenuity could invent,
the whole line of troops on {00ty With 41 in allusion to the memorable event or art cr industry carry into effect, (0
his hat off, and bowing at almost every (hey were designed to celebrate. On give splendor to the illamipation, were
step. The bands of music attached to (he top of the archat the corner of every where to be seen. The civic
the different corps of volunteers, play: Fourth and Race stree's, sat a Living arch was beautifully illuminated with
ed a number of appropriate tunes and ¢qc/c, who, although in bondage, seem- variegated lamps. The Museum, the
marches during the review, A fine eq proud of the exalted station which State Llouse, all the public offices, the
corps of mounted officers under Colo-'pe occupied. bank of the United States, the other
nel DannincTon, from Chester, dis-] When General La Payette cross- banks, all Chesnut street, were almost
mounted, and were also reviewed.'eq Vine sirect into the city, the John literally in a blaze of magvificent
We understand that the General ex! Adams. under captain Darras, moor- lights. So attractive was that street,
pressed himself highly delighted withiea at the wharf at the end of that that from half past 7 to 10 o'clock, it
the admirable appearance and conduct greet, fired a salute of twenty-one was extremely difficult to pass up and
of the troops. louns, down.
The review was, without any excep-{ * Ag (he General passed the dwelling
ion, the most splendid military exhib- of Mfrs. RoserT Morris in Chesnut ;
ition we he Lo : : ERE RT
ition we have ever seen. After the greet, he ross on bis feet in the ba- DR Ba 1D AN RIG
General had walked around the IM- rouche, and respectfully bowed to her -
mense line of the square, embracing an jj, (he most giazcful manner
wea of forty acres, he look bis posi-i Ay five o'clock, he arrived at the
. a hein - 1 thm . .
jon in the centre of the field, and 8 Gate Ihuse ; bis arrival there was, ry
whole of the troops wheeled into col- 4qn0unced by another salute from the : 2 : ;
: forme vehi 3 ; Rr ) g 3
amo, pad pe: or med the Harcuios s2- Johy Adams, whichhad dropped down
lute: The regularity © the move- 1, Chesnut street wharf. Previous to
nents of a body of five OF 31% thousand tis the military were drawn up into
men, all in splendid uniform, march. 1g lines facing inwards. As the vet-
mg and counter marching in various eran passed between these lines, de-
directions, yet all with the utmost pre-‘geended from his barouche, and was
cision, and accompanied by their res- guducted under the civig arch, into
Artive ‘ 1 neal ry 3 1 x - A
pective bands of music, yes most Im- the [all of the Declaration of Inde-
posing and pleasing And ony tellow pendence, the shouts of the immense
citizens are ouch mdebted to the com- myltitude collected about this spot,
manding General, his officers and (he waving of hats by the crowd that
men, for affording out distinguished fled the side space in front of the
visiter so favorable a view of our mil- State [louse, and of handkerchicfs
[Hay character. : from the thronping balcenies, galier-
At about twelve o clock, they tock ies and windows, resplendent with
ap the line of march to the city. 1 be beauty, gave an animation to the scene
military and ciyic procession was form- which cannot be easily described. A
ed between (welve and one o’clocky fine band of music played the appro
‘he advance of the latter resting on priate air, % See the conquering Hero
"oe note 1d 0 ? 3 3 Bi :
Kensington bt idge. About 1 o'clock, comes,” as he alighted & passed along
he procession commenced its march. (he covered way, ard through the aii
Major General CAapwaLADER and his door of entrance into the westibule
staff, Major Gamsre of the Marine He several times stopped to bow in va-
} We have received two or three
communications relative to William
Smyth, which we must decline pub
lishing ‘at present. The relation in
which the Editor stands to one cf the
candidates for the assembly nominat-
ed by the Delegates, forbids that he
should interfere. The question res's
with the Democratic party. We
cannot forbear, nevertheless, to ex.
press our regret that Mr. Smyth
should attempt to break up and de-
feat the Settled Ticket—a course of
conduct which we woold exclaim
against pretty loudly, were it not for
the reason alieady given. We ever
Bete he arrived at ope o'clock anc
fed. The whole surrounding coun
Ly poured its inhabiiants into DBristo
“Rb witness the arrival there of the # na |
Rion’ gvest.” Diuner beiug over, the
General resumed bis journey, arcom
‘panied as before,
ord at 2 quarter belore seven o'clock
Yoad, multitudes of pes pie annobnced|
Wiel joy at his appioach
long continued acclamaiions
fy acd g
jn a place oil:
A genera¥ ll
Frank |
Jexy seldom wing sed
HAYS dom ©
papulation and extent. gevera¥
rumination yam elo Zant arch music, Wi
husv and ad
e.g, united to celebratd
ming crow]
& HOLS ( frie
sesbled th
and reached Fiank |
Ly lond anet
Corps, and the mouated officers of the rious direciions to the friends who
militia of the first division and the surrounded him on every side. After haves and over shall advocate tie del:
A . 1 v
‘ i LE Ne Mayar, with our guest and the Goy- deavoredto do but found it impossible
attalion of infantry, and the artillery ernor of the State. Qu the left of the d ke
% ’ pA M : i he
wnder colonel Prevost. After these sofa were the chairs occupied by the
Nowe horror »1 s ) 1 M . . ? %
oltlowed three open carriages with Governors suite. ‘The membe's of eet on :
some of the members of the commit-the Select and Common Councils ale I to Dress om ime
ee of arrangement. Then came the were arranped in the { Satturdee the! our days
A'otat 5 tae front row of Sstlrday, yet we
A- cuairs on either side of the hall, ex-
ventras ic
ets and other job work in the
f publication is on
: must always work off
i jour paper Jon the Iiiday moming previ-
REE : ms, In order {hat We have
g in semi-circular lines, and be.! oh ig ortlel ‘iat we hyve the advantage
Jol tle eastern aud southern mails, Those
TIQN, accompanied by the
d in different posi-fed manner, the company were indi.
gvernor, the Cincinnati and the pre-
by the Mayor ;
At the grand arch ia the Northers|
“Not for himself bat for his country.” (4
lacguminted with niintine w
Xie impossibility of rin
communication only received \
jroe evening previous,
We believe that Wm. Smy 41,
by keeping i from 't he
" Can al 3
at Woy
a lene,
» Sly
al diate |
418 Lig
wil log
public or
“iC Cy
“YC Wo
} 1 €
juntil after the election.” We
tdoubt it was Mr. Smyth’s scle ohie
'sending this communication for dec,
lat so late :
: pubiicatig
an tour, to tellit over the Loy
{ty that we had refused it a plice :
] : Place in 4
columns ofthe riot ; but in tis} Wh
be disavpointed Ww : WM Uis be. shall
2 ppoit 2 e promise hip faiths
Sods at Fer 38 . AIL
fully that it stall appear in our next Yorba
2m, et Literatim, et punctuatim hid
SR — 1
tob rt Allison is the federal candidat
ror Congress. It was announced bers
conticr from Huntingdon, who hives 0
Town on Saturday last. Unjess aT
3 aE Jniess the den
ocratic party in Centre county adhere prot
tv unanimously to Mr. Mitch) Mr ob
son will be elected. Mr, Allison Vis noi]
inated because the Old-Schoolmen & Fed
eralists found that Mr. Brown has 0
chance whatever. He will be beaten es
large majority in his own county. He rig
take some votes frem Mr, Mitchell, bug :
cannot be that he hasany hopes of sucoess
himself. We bhepe the Demociats of Cen
tre county will throw away as few of tligie
votes as possible.
p eB § We
7 r :
Wm. W. Potter; Esq called upon
vs and denied posiiitely that Ye vas
the author of “ Investigator,” which
{Was answered by « Troth™ puviished
in our last. We beve it hom 4 rea
spectable souice
HuLrma, of Lewistown, vas the
thor, and that he had boasted of §
We thought it in. possible that ar
man in Contre county cou'd publi
‘such deliberate ang wilful falschos
resprchug Mi. Mitchell, It is Lt
that 1t is known who d dit. /
yUenIUr 8 and
‘1D. W. HuLLING, 15+q. in Suga
ey, Cepire couily, some months
is preparing for the press, and
‘perhaps sl ortly sppeer.
i Motte to the title page,
« Oh Barney let the girls zlone
Why don’t you let the girls slon\!
Why can’t you let the girls alone
And Jet them quict be !
Sr \
| Wm. M’Mipn declines being a can
didate for sheriff. He submitted to
the delegation and was pot nominated,/
and pow comes out like a sound dem-
ocrat and declines.
edness is well calculated to promote
ithe success of the democratic patty
and ensure its union and strength
The truth is, when submission wa
most expected it has been least foandt
BE i a a et
i The talenis of the man wlio Is Gesy
tined to inhabit “the Sirurexd US
Bricx Mansion o’er-shis_swed Ly tl
grand and maj2stic summit of Tussey
mountain,” have been put in requis
tion in aid of Mr. Brown ond some
others. I have not had the oppo’ta-
nity of seeing the Hand Bill whic
% gur worthy Boniface” has caused to
be issued fiom the Press of Mr. Dick
son, tor the special use of the Pecans
valley folks, «his new acquaintances,’
but I have been told that he has eve
over-teached limself. + Tigers and
Turnpike roads” play through (ha
production in all the beau.iful corfu
sion ol metaphorical rigmarcle. Sure
ly the good Demociats of Potter town.
ship must be highly obliged to this
digiing uished Orator, for the interest
he evinces in their affairs. I should
be glad to examine this second spel
men of elcgant composition, but I
must wait tili I have more tim, fot
unfavorable weather: has present
me from fivishing my seeding as soo:
as formeily.
J a
By this notice, informs the citizens
of Centre countv, that he is ro! a ezan-
didate for the office of Sberifl, at the
eosuing election, as has been stated |
had he been a cardidate, he wos |
have given in due lime regular nofc
thereof, :
, Oct. 4, J624.
To the D-mocratic Republicans of
7" Cenmre county.
Having, as a candidate for the
Sheriff's wffice, specially ' ipstract=d
the Delegatioy “homet in the Boe
rough ot Bel “whe 18th uit
that it was / Say sb’
pominate ¢
. J
office; to ¥
neighboring counties, among, whom the General bad been conducted b egaiion system, because itis the only ciatic pay
were two or three heroes of the revo- the committee into a room nei mode of uniting and harmonizing the port th
fution, formed the advance of the pro- (le Hall of Independence, the J democratic party. i fore he
cession. Brigadier General PATTER. gion moved on. The proper 0 > er “thus mag
son and his staff succeeded at the head ment baving been made oe Gen Be On Thursday evening last, about nine 2s a car
| ,f the first division of Penncylvania was ushered into the Hall of Iunde ys la we received a communication port of |
All along the f volunteers, including a squadion of dence. At the voper end of the Poe: Fer Wan Sihyth, signed with his own foriurfa/
cavalry under the command of captain near the statue of Washington, sat thie requested a ES hand, Which be tegethe
I R.C. Smit, colonel WarMcuGr's Bh S doe Rughsn. aus) ue en
We were hurried with the printing of tick. POV! ol
eoime of vnavail
3 s g ct
the week, and liad to use every exertion 10 cede’
for the come ¢
tLe peo,
that Davin W
Sach disintercsts-