¥ py i - y -EXY v qe ee inn, 3) pa kal 1 Wanled Immediate § SHLD IEEAY 50g W ILLIAM M MI NN. Borough Ordinance. To Travellers. A young man of ds abit 4 BE AY X | AGAIN offers nirosclt to, ihe conf 1 vefptenent tosadbatdmance io], ASE FSFE prevailsthat the housel; Sh YOURE fan Of STSAFY Rabi; why th » aualified i. lec fa 2 ° A hrevent che wasting’ of water at Ay-llormerly occupied by JACOB PES? can come well recommended, will be 0 WC gid lea i €C- sideration of the Democratic Republi) guns artached to the Bellefonte water|in the town of PHILIPSBURG) is DOL 1 en & an apprentice to the TAN : Jenfre Co : \cans of Centre county as acai didate! works, and for other furfuses, passed longer 10 be continued as a Laverag., . & CURRYING BUSING. 30 rs of Lenire Co anty. n 45 " : Vibe Loth December 1810. : the subscriber has thought proper thus NING & CURRYING BUSINESS, BT, respectivlly solicit your votes Sek ’ Section 1. Be it enacted by the} publicly o in 1 SiS friends of this For fusthee dnlgriiaon apply 10th or the office of § 4 i > i of the Borough of Bel-{establishment, that such report 18 Ul ¢ginor of the Pattiot. + Sheriff 5 Office Town Counclio i ne founded—that the said house will be eu i ARH BYP, Icfonte, in council assembled, and it is ! iY Yap JEL at th Ui al election : and! 1 d h £ ' 3 Ee 38% { gt at the epsuinng general election : an jroteby enacted Uy the authority of thefcontinued as a ouse 0 B 7 te E / rite “== = Iwill be thankful for thew support for{same, that from and after the due AV 7 . : ank note Exchange, 1. i ir y at Soe Wg che ‘Sane. promulgation of this ordinance, all and Public Lntertainment, ; paz o fection. HI am elected 1 wili en- : every person, or persons, are hereby and IN PHILADCLPHIA. eavor to discharge the duties of thel Potter township, 27th March 1824. prohibited fiom washing, or rinsing, ; pera ice to the best of my abilides, gL . : . 3 Y CORRECTED WEEKLY r Be DT od clawing. whiter, 3 sy bl STAGE OFFICE, phn pow aug A ee an as all my ) drant, ‘or hydranis, attached to tbe : AMERICAN SENTINEL, bpponents 1ave promised, Bellefonte water works : or placing, Sign of the v Per ct, dis. Very respectfully, : SS or causing to be placed, thereat any United States Branch Banks yours &c, Kh TILL be exposed to sale by pub-|wb, or tubs, or other vessel, contain. J a= wT New- Hampshire banks Willian Ww. ” / v ¢ lic vendue, on the premises, on ing’ clothing, or any other article, or yp > Burhogton (Vermont) eleeamn AT Q. ie first day of October next, a cer-larticles, whatever, and drawing water | Ade MASSACHUSETTS. Bellefonte. Anril 22.1824. tain tract of LIMESTONE LAND from the said bydrant, or bydrants, in- £37 Ch voc Boston banks pasa \with the improvements and appurten-ito the said tab, or tubs, or other ves- Ds iT Springfield bank athe nalified eleciars abcess conaining two hundred and sel, as aforesaid, upon the clothing or Adres i SZ) Hampshire; Northampton fo the qualified electors forty-two and a half acres, and allow-|other arucles aforesaid. re Wa HE ZS Sen baubs : of Centre Coun Ly. ance, situate in Haines township, Cen:| Section 2. And be it further enac. Cp WN Worcester banks i FRLLOW-CITIZENS tre county. The improvements are a ted, that every person, or perscos, vio- 4 ANC BE large two story log house, well finish-{laticg pe first section of this ordin- / NL URAGED by a number ofigeq, a large bank barn, and a number of|ance, their, or either of their, aiders BE yee! 8 Snigate out buildings ; and an excellent orch-{and abttors, or those in whose em | forithe dhenrifl’s Gey Sat it nextla, : . : + YS, XN . ciliary A7 nbn Ee is, Io Fe ¢Xtard. About one ‘bundred acres are ployment the pErsom, or Persons, so, cures his friends and the public gen: Wasuington, Westerly gen cra Baan; wool e Solcleared, and in a high state of cultiva. offendibg shall or may be, shall tor} nh. : : ; CY ST Other Rhode Island votes Bor. nate ws to obt rour GobRe ; . . g erally, that nothing shall be wanting J i priurate «s to obtain your conlidencelijon, The great road from Derrstown feit and pay the sum of five dollars, to Lan vi sot] CONNECTICUT lou may rest assured that I will not), : 4 b : » Ofon his part to deserve a continuance ot NIN 1 . g i ! : : wo Wu i {0 Bellefonte, Pittsburg, &c. passes be rec ered before the Burgess, ot) hie patronage which has hitherto been Middletown bank priray DY a Sy Ait DER through it. Assistant Burgess, or in their absence liberally bestowed. Pt enix bank at Hartford 1ald-Eacle : oh 3 a 10 1824 The above sale will be in pursuance|%® Hd to Act belote one of Lhe Ja AQ MG * k Derby bauk hagas" LOWnS Mp, pI lh of the last will and testament of Abra- Justices of the peace within the said ames J» ee Bridgeport bank | 75 vp 7B ham Ream deceased, and who died borough, to be recovered on the oathl August 25, 1823. Fagle bank at New Haven Zo the qual fied Electorsiized of tbe premises in fee. An in [or affirmation of one or more credible sas Hartford bavk . vt disputable titie will be given by the] Wit0€sscsS, as other lines and forfeit. hil o Hote TI of Centre County. nin i s y ures are Tecovetable: I hilipsburg Hotel, oh NEW -YORX. 5 | Te : hs : , New-York City bank SE RLLOW aries Ht JACOB KRYDER, Section 5 And be it further epac- AND Jacob Barker's bok : ] 1 offer myselt to your 1G 3 ted a daine sth a § consideration for oe office of : B. WAGGONER, duty of i ea bs he BOARDIN G HOU SE, Aloany hahkg @ FTIR Ezecutors. | works or the Bier constobl ? i BY I'roy bank «QQ CLYRYYe yA y OF bigh constebi€ 0 awl ¥ y peindy lay dial t . : s Mohawk bank Schenectady edad a August 6, 1824 the said borongh, and of cach and ev.) GEORGE S. IRVINE. |Lasingborg bank at the ensuing general election ; and ; ery of the members of the town coun- New burg bank hould I meet with a majority of your NOTICE. cil, to carry into cffect the provisions) THE stbsciiber: bavi Newburg branch, at Ithica suffrages I will endeavor to dischargef qu op : a of this ordinance, and if the superin- subscriber having remove Orange county bank the duties of the office with fidelity. e Pennsylvania Institution for the!tendent of theesaid water works, or the from public business in Mifflintown, 8 34) : . >" |Deaf and Dumb in the City of Phila- i . hereby informs his lriends, : Ontario ry <'33 aa ir the high constable aforesaid, shall neg. y informs his lIriends, and the}. . . i ho mas ii astings, Jr delphia, is prepared to receive, and tolject rE ordinanre, after it shall es public in general, that heyhas ken] Catskill banks ; Bellefonte, April 10, 1824. teed, clothe and educate, oun the Statejto the khowledge of them, shail forfeit the above BRICK ESTABLISH- Bank of Columbia Hudsen remeron emer und, without any charge, indigent and pay the sum of five dollars, to be MENT, formerly occupied by Mr Mignse District bank DAVID A Li EN, children from any part of the Com-irecovered asother fines and forfeitures Hancock. This establishment bas ub bank y . . 4 > t monwealth, between the ages of 9 aud are recoverable, on the oath or affirm- been built iu a superior manner for Tl ave baie Platisburg bank ! x He is now provided with every ac.|Other Massachusetts notes commodation the country can afford, RHODE ISLAND. which would contribute to the com- ] ; ue I Providence banks fort or convenience of his guests, and vid ah RO] 9 tp her | as out 1009 ne Rohit 21s (01H Wi 1 =s © » Bo @ Offers himsell to the consideration 18 years—requiring only that somelation of one or more credible witness-ithe entertainment of the public, and of the qualified electors of Centrefrespectable individuals, personally aces, A will be open {or the reception of county, as a candidate for the quainted with the facts, should certify Enidres aed passed into. an or di TRAVELLERS, BOARDERS and Bunk of Montreal When of Q ; that the child icient i 3 d ir otdin! OTHE sth 11.0 | Canada ban (ffice of Sheriff, iat the children are not deficient In| ™ 100" ihe court house in the bor- OTHERS on the 15th instant.—Tlhc § natural capacity—that they are free buildings are extensive, comfortable NEW-JERSEY | io yearal Elapt . : : le : 25, Comfortable 4 Jat the ensuing General Election : and{from contagious and constitutional dis- ough of Bellefonte, the 14th day of i iitiledes Et : D. and convenient, and he Pledges him | Jersey Bank will be thankful for their support forjeases, and that their parents are una- fugu, A sae. self that no exertions shail be wanting Bs Newark [the same, ble to pay for their education. The JOHN RANKIN, it : : : : ’ 0 procure every necessary and eveuiBank of New Br i M5010 Bogle town hip, May 20, 1824.(children will be taught reading, writ. President of the Town Council.jlusury for “the table, and choice LI-| Trenton a i ing and arithmetic, and in adition, Wwm. L. Smite, Clk. | QUORS, so as to give general satis-| Farmer’s bank, Mt Holly | Rr Sopp “ lsome trade, by which they will be en- ‘faction. The STABLES are new aund|¢ Ie : 8 1’ the qualified electors abled after leaving the Institution to An Apprentice WW ted (well constructed, atiended by a care a ae den | of Centre County. obtain a, livelihood. They are con- | ABLE 4} and autentive OSTLER. i WA a 3 stantly under the eye of the Teachers] A young man between theages of It is remarked for the information do at New per ok RFELLOW-CITIZENS: and Matron, and every attention is paid|fifieen and sixteen years, of a good of travellers, that Philipsburg is situ. d0.} nt Porn { ' Being cocouraged by a number of|to their health, their comfort, and to moral character. Land id ated 28 miles West of Bellcfoure, do at Mo ti on my friends to offer mysel as a candid- their moral and religious instruction. 2 +. 80 Steady habits Centre county, on the Turnpike road do ‘al “i nly ate for the Pay Pupils of all ages are received will be igken gs 5 apprentice to the which leads to Fraoklin, Meadville an do ¢Sussex - Office of Sheriff, at the rate of $16 pOer annum, for HATTING BUSINESS, if applica- Erle, 10,2 GistHich of Gountiy, hysliny do Salem Steam Mill & board and tuition—or at $40 for tui-{tion be made immediately 0 and pleasant, beautifully adorned with 3 Tiler tion alone. y 10 the sub-.,; “nd dale, and In the spring and Bank's co. ras scribers living in the Borough of Bel- sammer season, exhibiting a highly PENNSYLVANIA. on LE fendscans and rural scene | Philadelphia banks A x : Se ab ded to. y aeilg iia an animating. > office with fidelity and diligence, ard {(€P Stauber & Foster. The turnpike Toads which lead to at the same time, with humanity and SAML. HA ZLEHURST, i and from this place are extraordinary tender ness. No. 322, High street. August 12,182¢, ‘well made, and kept in good repair, Chester county, West Chest ) ; John Letterman. BENJN. TILGHMAN, St ; C 1 and the greatimprovements that have! Delaware ny Cr De Spring township, May 15, 1824 No. 185, Chesnut street. ray attic. \been made at Puilipsburg these few|Lancaster bank : _ Spring townshiy Mey 15) P51 JOSEPH G. NANCREDE, M.D] Strayed away from the drove of °° past, together with good accom-| Farmers bank, Lancaster { To the ( ualified Elec- No. 151, South Tenth street. Daniel Breniman & Co. on Wednes. M0¢ations render it attractive and de- Harrisburg 1 JOLIN WURTS, day the 28th ult. between John Fury’s sirable, as a place of resort in the Northampton : r ‘o Sy A in Spring township, and Nittany moun. Wm season; to those who are in pur-{Columbia d fors of Centre county. No. 36, North Fifth street. (ain, five cate, Nr “Three heilers, Sil of health or pleasure, and uo lear ra oa en a . ; 3 Wi : . oy Farmers b’k of Bucks count EN COU RAGED by a number of JOSEPH P. NORRIS, Jr. the largest of which is a dark brindle, '® entertained but the judicious and|york bank y 8 my friends, 4, through the medium of No. 187, Chesnut street, supposed to be about four years old, tasteful will be gratified in their Visits. | Chambersburg the press, beg leave io jrionm he pubs HENRY I. WILLIAMS, .he other two are red with a few spots The subscriber will at ail times! Farmers nl Resting hic thos 1 offer: myscll asa “candidate No.98, South Fourth street.[of white on: Two steers, one a black oop B Joo supply of OATS and Gettysburg tor the ; ; JOHN KEATING, Jr. with some brown on the back, other Ha A150 b 4 ._ICarlisle bank Office of Sheriff Walnut near dock. street, marks not remembered ; the colour or Fovers Se ¢ accommodated with Syaiara at Harrisburg § at the e suing General [lection] ROBERT M. LEWIS wiazks of he othstunet FIeRInered, Pre ro Cr de e k! |Eitishurg i ( gL ‘ M. 3 / ; i i ul s piace weekly, Cen Should I be so fortunate as to obiaiu No. 188, South Front street. Any person who will take up said cat Pp: ¥) Centre § a majority of your votes, I will endeay. oro cischarge the dutics of the of § #ce with fidelity. | = Wo BR ARI me ] 1 respectfully solicit your votes at the ] ensuing General Ejection. Should 1 : be elected to that station, I pledgej Letters addressed to either of the | myself to perform the dutiesot said Subscribers will immediatety be at. | par Easton par Germantown Ppa Montgomery county par : tle, by giving information to the sub- ig Bellcinis 0 Erie, which afford Northumberland, Union & Cal- List of the Deaf and Dumb, under 21 scriber, living in Boggs township, asy BNC com ortable conveyance] ymbia bank at Milton years of age, in Cenre County, nos shall recieve a reward ot two dollars, for those who have a desire to travel Greensburg : ’ ge, sent to the Institution. besides the expence of keeping them; this route, ie | Brownsville Robert Tate. and if delivered an additional compen- Grateful for the partiality which he|(yiher Pennsylvania notes Nites township, May 22, 1824. : sation will be allowed. (has experienced from the public al i A 'C Witolisjiy Lt aa Barbara Fair Miles 12 RUDOLPH MULHOLL N Mifflintown, the subscriber pledges DELAWARE. rg 24} { fobn Reed Hines 35 ars AOLLAXN. his best exertions to merit 2 contiu-| Bank of Deloware, (Wil) Hn 10 the q ualitied Klec- James Mays Forfar 90 Boggs township, August 11,1824. lance of that partiality at Philipsburg. Bora. hil arest vi) ae > NL { John Bailey ‘erguson 19 : G. 8S. 1 fme ank © - & br. | tors of Lentre County. Michael Buttorff Boggs 16 yy "Ny August 7, 1824. Wilmington & Brandywine og O i 10 i : : Cows. bank of Delaware FELL I.CITIZENS . » 0 BRLEOW-C : 3 : Branch of do at Milford As the constitutional term of thei v1 or Watch Making| A few good COLLIERS & WOOD. O AULTION Laurel back. 2 ‘present sheriff will expire next fall, : SHOPPERS oli g Her miyself a candidatel, hoarding .: (CHOPPERS will fin MAR YL, o offer myself a gendites and Silversmith Busi- Ec ou employment at ALL persons sre Tereliy caitionsd : TAR YLAND. : val BY, A! I ess’s ’ ib ad making imme- not to trust my wife MARY on my ac Baltimore banks € emsqing BEUCHA = Senn. 8 Eo» Se diate application. fcount, as 1 am determified not to pay do Cityvank shall ngt. trouble you With he VAI cpa, SSE TR SATAY lany debts : i Anpapelis promis ‘of favour or affection, in} USAAC MIB IRD P..A. KARTHAUS. Jaspivel ber ... |Branch of do. at Easton | discharging the duties of Yat office ; Respecttully informs the citizens ol Karthaus, July 37, 1824, "E N GLEN. Do. at Fredericktown fas you all know that the same dawsl. oo "county, that he has commenced Walker township, Aug. 23, 1824. Hagerstown bank ous JWhich govermyol, Nil comand M1 the above business’s, and intends carry STRAY MARE. 2 Conococheague bank at WilHiam® ¥ Elected: i ved this carly fnuation| "8 thers oa 2 wi Ais var ous rages: STRAYED from the subscriber, on Caution. Bank of Westminster avine gIVERERI a te 1S1VE€ the front part o € s On : of oS ro Cniof, permit melo Ben valet by Soar yw. the 6th of July last, A SORREL / LL persons are cautioned against Havre de Grace SOR tal Tie pot ayesn to travel Over Lil, aia saddlcr shop, and adjoining MARE, about the common size, has a Vs taking an assignment on a prom- Elkton y: 108 oR ea x ; ef thel - . \ i ; ’ : : 3 (he county ta solicit the ¥otes el hel Lo omce of the Bellefonte Patriot. star ob her forehead, and between ten ory pote which I gave some time} Bank of Caroling Ghimens individually; except thisi yr ving had a considerable experience and twelve years old. Whoever wil] last spring to James Ross, of Patton . . ! al te ursuedby: the othr candi-| yg ret and by paying stric take up said mare, and return her tof '©Wnship, for $10, payable five months VIRGINIA. coy % eh cused wil celisider] option Erol he expects to receiv: the subscriber residing in Philipsburg, 2iter. date, as 1 never rec-ived any Richmeénd & branches LC eatt at liberty 16 he governed byl toporionable share of public pai shail receive a reward of FIVE doj.{eorsideration therefor, and am deter-| Bank of the Valley wi ygeit Ar i Ee The highest price will br lars, and all reasonable charges. mined fot 2p the same unless] Branch of do.at Leesburg ba CIBER > : LIRA Rr : 3 compelled aw. B t “haviest : spt a : : ilver. ROBERT B. BU p y ranct at Charlestown Ge John Keen. given by him for old silver. ag BURGER, JAMES DILLEN. Branch at Romney i 18 Me Patton township, Sepie 4. IN W bank of Van Wheslitg NAMES. TOWNSHIP. AGE rei ——————— pe,