ny Zw 2 WILLIAM M’MINN, REMY AT, Notice. ~————| AGAIN offers himself to the con- THE creditors of the estate of 14 1 : 7 ap COB YEAKLY S ey Lo the qualified electorssideration of the Democratic Republi- NEW STORER, so he ny eds Wl 3 oe or before the 1st of Septen ber 4 | of Centre Count ; cans of Centre county as a candidate) sem ; FELLOW.-CITIZENMS y for the JAM IS ARMOR and those indebted to the ee 1. . ANCOUR AGED bya number of Sheriff’s Office : r 3 4 isass to Make payment, or ;; f I) : APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST, compelled to do it sho, Ul 4 IFiends, I offer myself a candidate d JACOB K for the Sherifi’s Office, at the nextlat the ensuninng general election: a Respectfully informs the inhabitants of Bellefonte and its vicinity, that he 0 RYDER, Administyq sop tneral Election. Should I be solwiif be thankful for their support fori continues the Ads, - 6,182 tupate as to obtain your confidence be Same. Drug, Medicine, Paint & Dye Stuff ahi 7 : ¢ you may rest assured that I will not ; ; : rs gf Petray 1 by neglect of duty. Potter township, 27th March 1824. business, in all its varicty, one door east of Esquire Vandyke’s office, and di Bank note Lachange, hw YM. ALEXANDER. 4 ] 5 rectly opposite the Prothonotary’s Office ; where be bas a complete assort- IN PHILADELp Bald-Eagle township, April 10, 1524 Clock, Watch Making ment of every article in his live, which be will sell lower than any that has ev LPHIA. . cr been offered in the place ; being an entire NEW STOCK, and purchased CORRECTED PE i nen PES To the qualified Elec-land Silversmith Busi we lowest city prices. AMERICAS sear > J . . . > :. § tors of Centre County. ness's. Among his Medicines are, United States Branch Bote ili I respectiully solicit your votes ISAAC WELDS Barks, of different kinds, | Magnesia, calcined, Manna, New-Hampshire banks 1 for the office of Respecttully informs the citizens of] Caster Oil, first quality Cream Lartar, Liquorice Ball, Burlington (Vermont EWN Centre county, that he has commenced Calomel, [cold firessed, | Epsom Sal's, : Gum Arabic, MASSACHUSETTS. SH F : RIF i the above business’s, and intends carry-| Rheubarb, Glauber Salts, Arrow Root, Boston banks 4 ol 2 . ling them on in all their various branch-| Jalap, Carbonate Magnesia, Lior Digitales Springfield bank of Centre county at the approaching es extensively, in the front part of the! Zursar Emetic Senna, Oxyd Bismuth, &c. &¢. Hampshire, Northampton Election. III am elected’ 1 Will enh Co now occupied by Silvester W. Oils. Paints dc Salem banks deavor to discharge the duties of the full, as a saddier shop, and adjoining ’ 5 ’ Worcester banks otice to the best of my abiliies, ‘he office of the Bellefonte Patriot. Spirits Turpentine, Rose Pink, Prussian Blue, Other Massachusetts notes which di shout as much as all my Having had a considerable experience Spirits Wine, Letharg, White lead, dry, RHODE ISLAND. opponents have promised. in his business, and by paying strict Linseed, You } Putty, Spanish Whiting, Providence banks 00 10 = 00 a 40) a A et rt wr Very respectfully, attention thereto, he expects to receive, Olive or Sweet, Shell Lac, Venitian Red, Washington, Westerly yours &c. a proportionable share of public pat. Spermacet: Chrome Yellow, Stianish Brown, ; Other Rhode Island notes | Vitriol Yellow Ochre, Red Lead, English, CONNECTICUT else ; ronage. The highest price will be William Ward. given by him for old silver. Chalk, | Azber, 0c. ©. Middletown bank Bellefonte, April 22,1824. , August 6, 1824. Dye Stuffs, dc. ge. ie at Hartford E ~ an Bengal Indigo, Allum, Afnotto Spanish, Bridgeport bank i 0 the q ualitied Elec FOR SA LE, Copperas, Lurmeric, &'c. Pearl Ash, Eagle bank at New Haven . - (Centre } Ground Red Wood Verdegris Blue Vitriol Hank ani tors of Centr > County. A valuable plantation in Halimoon Cochineal, Madder, : Camawood, aor bag : FELLOW-CITIZENS, towship, Centre county ; containing z,uq iors, | &c. @e. Ue. NEW.YORK, As the constitutional term of the 350 ACRES o ww : ’ New-York City banks noun Will expire next full) 2C0 of cleared land, 15 phaviich gre Confectionary, Fruits, Fancy Articles, et. |1acob Barker's bank 4 beg leave offcr myself a candidate meadow, and a large apple orchard— Albany bauks or your suffrages for that office, atthe whole in high state of cultivation. SNUXL, SEGARS, Bes, : Troy bank ; ghe Spsuing general stection J Sed The buildings are a Sulphate of Quinine, so efficacious in Fevers, Mohawk back Schenectady shall not troubdie you wit the vain| £3, i irl . - . . . ; ansingbur bank promises of favour or fiction, in| [Fis jas 5 ok Bouse, O:l of Origanum, a certain cure for the Ringbone 00. oh discharging the duties of that office ;| = =====and a arge bank barn. Newburg branch, at Thica as you all know that the same laws! If not $l a private so petors the : ALSO, Orange Conicy baat which rovern vou, will command me 16th day 0 ctober 11 wi € orere < Te 9 i TR A Ontario g To pees oe wet sm SHINS PANACEA, fom" Having given this early intimation CHRISTIAN KING. Baok of Columbia Hudson lof my intentions, permit me to men- Halfmoon township, July 19, 1824. By the Gross, Dozen or single bottle. Middle District bank ion, that I dc not mean to travel over All the above articles will be warranted of the first quality, and as low as| Auburn bank he county to solicit the votes of the " they can be purchased any where. Geneva bank itizens individually, except this N ofice. By strict attention to business, and liberal prices; he hopes to merit a share| Utica bank ourse be pursuedby the other candi- HE creditors of the estate of{of public patronage, which he respectfully solicits. Plattsburg bank ates ; in which case I will censider Abraham Ream, deceased, willl The Medical Gentlemen of Bellefonte and its vicinity, are particularly in-{ Bank of Montreal oyself at liberty 10 be governed by [present their claims to the subscri-|vited to call, as they will find it to their advantage. ; Canada bank ircumstances. bers on or before the first of Septem. BF Physicians’ Prescriptions and Orders, thaokfully received and prompt- > . 3 > : ..in-|ly attended to. 7] NEW-JERSEY § John Keen. ber next for adjustment, and those in-J'¥ 20, | Torser Bank fa : or : debted to the said estate will please to Medicines may be had at any hour of the neg hit. = oy op uj Haines township, April 10, 1824. fore payment, or they will be com- ank in Newark eH : polled 16 do It showly, Bellefonte, July 9, 1824. Bank of New Brunswick E1ok 4 0 the qualified Electors JACOB KRYDEPR een ta L reriton Insurance company 4 a . Farmer’s bank, M hy . WAGGONER, i) IQ; | : » Mt. Holly | =f of Centre County. BL rs PUBLIC SALE, Borough Ordinance. {Cumberland bank | EY Croix i . ars tvam— A supifilement to an ordinance to State bank at Camden | p ELLOW CITIZENS, i August 6, 1824. Wiz be exposed to sale by pub-lhrevent the wasting of water at hy- do at Bhzabethtown | I offer myseli to your lic vendue, on the premises, onldrants arzached to the Bellefonte water at New Brunswick Ct s i . > oth ~ 2 onsideration for the office of NOTICE. the first day of October next, a cer- works, and for other Harsco fe 2 Pottery i QEIRRIITAR . : tain tract of LIMESTONE LAND, the 19th December 1810. at Morti Pp REIRRR = The Pennsylvania Tnsiicution for the with the improvements and appurten-| Seczion 1. Be it enacted by the| at Trea t the ensuing general election ; and Deaf gd Cy x Ppila ances, containing two hundred and Town Council of the Borough of Bel. Sussex § a@hould I meet with a majority of your |9®P11a, 1S prey he S forty-two and a half acres, and allow- lefonte, in council assembled, and it is Salem S Mi 1 rapuffrages I will endeavor to discharge teed, clothe and educate, on thet tate ance, situate in Haines township, Cen. hereby enacted by the author of the < EN i i & | ofthe duties of the office with fidelity. Penh ribont any rig he eat tre county. The improvements are a same, that from and after Te due . Ero Thomas Hastinoe ir children Torn i pet of t $ 8s large two story log house, well finish- promulgation of this ordinance, all god PENNSYLVANIA. £5 JT |monwealth, elween the ages of 9 ANGI 4, a large bank barn, anda number oflevery person, or persons, are he byl Philadelphia banks Bellefonte, April 10, 1824. i8 years—requiring only that ors out buildings ; and an exgellent orch- prohibited fom Pr i ni ¥ Easton eT Th 3 BA lg navi ais Prive ns ard. About one hundred acres avefand clothing whatever, at an ry Germantown 10 ‘0 the qualified Elec- Sr hilde > be ily deficie eh cleared, and in a high state of cultiva- drant, or hydrants, attached 2 oe Montgomery county § st - cua = Chien ol 4 ‘ 2 tion. The great road from. Derrstown Bellefonte water works - or placin Chester county, West Chester | cuftors of Centre county. i boy to Bellefonte, Pittsburg, &c. passeslor causing to be Placed, ap 22 Delaware county, Chester 0if ENCOURAGED by a number of A aud Be their parents are una. rough it, ; tsb, or tubs, or other vessel, contain, Lancaster bank sod friends, 1, through the medium of tle - Fay for X choir ilo The The above sale will be in pursuance ing clothing. or any other article, or! ‘atmers bank, Lancaster a ae wil be ah ren, wel 11%, il 20 ser of Abr icin when nd drag waa rer ’ € said hydrant, or hydr th8c that I offer myselfasa candidate; ithe in dition 3 sed, : ots. § ing and arithmetic, and in aditio [seized of the premises in fee. An in-lto (pe Sold tal, or i Drs ts, 10 Columbia Ho ” apr the : hich th ill be en-| . : I | some trade, by which they will be en disputable title will be given by these], ag aforesaid, upon the clothing or Farmers b’k of Bucks county r Si Office of Sher: bled afier 1 the Instituti Jrnce of Dneri abled after leaving the Institution to : : poh) f : , General Election [oPtain 2 livelihood. They are con- Fa ACOB KRYDER Gnd articles aforesaid. yout bank | tft the RR py as to obtain stantly under the eye of the Teachers B WAGGONER ) cciron 2. And be. it further enac. . ambersburg : Luc hould I beso ofa oN ill endeay. 2nd Matron, and every attention is paid ! Fx ’ ut ted, that eyery person, or persons, vio- Farmers bank of Reading jag majority of your votes, 1 wil, | Cav-lio their health, their comfort, and to ecutors, Niatice the first section of this ordin. Gettysburg Jo to discharge the duties of the of: their moral and religious instruction August's, 1824 ance, their, or either of their, aiders! Carlisle bank - ol @ce with fidelity. Pay Pupils of all : teed 2 and abettors, or those in whose em.|>Watara at Harrisburg ithe Robert Tate. | ps a ae dn Apprentice Wanted, ployment the person, or persons, so, FI SHUrg ) 3] eo offendi Centre bizll Miles township, May 23, 1824. board and tuition—or at $40 for tui-| A young man between the ages offer rE au il TY 0s shall tor. Northumberland, Union & Col. org : on tion alone. fifteen and sixteen years, of a good|pe rT, Le a TS Sotiats, to umbia bank at Milton 0", 20 27 > 0 t p 1 - r » 2) Calle the qualified electors Letters addressed to either of the 5 Sha mateny steady habits, Assistant Burgess, or in their absence Greensburg | dief Subscribers will immediatety be at-|WH! O¢ taken as an apprentice to they ; Htv's : Brownsville 3 {onis unity. y “TING RIISINBOQ : Incapacity to act, before one of the” 4 am | of entre Coun Y tended to. oe imme, If appli Justices of the Paes. A hel Other Pennsylvania notes Dg im ; yor} LLOW-CITIZENS : SAMI LURE, : scribers living in the Borough ET io be Jecoyered on the oath DELAWARE. yet pF No: 322 street. armatio red] : diay Being encouraged by a number of : 0 ’3 ! 's Jd € lente. ae os Sone rs pele Bank of Delaware, (Wil. | wh hy friends to offer mysel as a candid- BENJN. 1 ILGHMAN, Stauber & F f ures are recoverable oricit, Farmers bank of Del. & be, tiofe for the No. 185, Chesnut street. C osier, Seétian 3 And be faith Wilmington & Brandywine an (fice of Sheriff JOSEPH G. NANCREDE, M.D | August 12,1824, ted and ordained : TUINer enac.lCom bank of Delaware H Office Of Snerl Sisighii omg ordained, that it shall be the B : avg ’ ; No. 151, South Tenth street. Not duty of the superintendent. of the Ee ranch of do at Milford § oud respectfully solicit your votes at the ’ + Fag oir : . said Laurel bank. fou ie General Tiron. Should 1] JOHN WURTS, otice. Water works, or the high constable of | Orde elected to that station, I pledge cha yself to pefform the dutiesot said | officflice with fidelity and diligence, and EV} the same time, with humanity and] HENRY I. WILLIAMS, bbe ad bh 10 ht 10) pt 0] bok 10] 1s 10] et 15 bt Let 10 pet "Wa pas 31 : a 2 a = 5 - - oO 83 5 Lo) 19) — eee em Wm 10] 19] tala 130 10] 10) me = -s 4 40) (0 pa No. 36, North Fifth street. THE creditors of the estate of Hen. {the said borongh, and of each ang evil MARYLAND. JOSEPH P. NORRIS, Jr. ry Haines, deceased, will present their(S1Y of the members of the town coup. Baltimore banks No. 187, Chesnut street. claims to the subscriber, on or before/cils t0 carry into cffect the provisions! do City bank the 1st of September next, for adjust-(0f this ordinance,and jf the superin. Annapolis iL mudnder ness. No. 98, South Fourth street |™¢Pb and those indebted to the estate tendent of the said water works, or the Branch of do. at Easton Jac . FE x will please to make payment, or they|the high constable aforesaid, shall neg. Do. at Fredericktown | we John Letterman. JOHN XLATING, Ir. will be compelled to do it shortly, [Ct tLis ordinanre,afier it shall come Hagerstown bank : ceas| Spring township, May 15, 1824. Walnut near dock street. | JACOB KR YDER, 'o the knowledge of them, shall forfeit; Conococheague bank «t William- tion tee et ROBERT M. LEWIS, ; Adminisirator, (20d pay the sum of five dollars, to be' sport. do D 1710 ALEEN. No. 188, South Front street{ August 6, 1824. recovered as other fines and forfeitures Bank of Wesimidster ho oo = : 3. ALi of the Deaf and Dumb, under 21] ww + ov soa [3€ Tecoverable, on the oath or affirm- Havre de Grace in afl Offers himself to the consideration gearoclage. in Centre County, no NOTICE ton of one or more credible witness. Elkton gislll the qualified electors of Centre in: to the dnstiinrion. ° fes. Bauk of Caroline intly, as a candidate for the ; : A few good COLLIERS & woop /E¥ACTED, and passed into an odin. VIRGINIA. Py fic 5 iff. The TOWNSHIP. . AGE | CHOPPERS will fipd lov | ance, at the court house in the b , th Office of Sheri 4 Harbara Faip Miles I Clearfield Furnace ty Em pioyiment a ough of Bellctonte, the 14th a "ofl Richmond & branches Bus the Pains A ard a Sunes 18 Hiate application. J Masiog imme. August, A. D. 1824. ayo pani Of ihe ¥oiler rol 1 be thankful for their sapport for 2 auch of Go. ¢t Loch NE. BPF Jobn Bailey * Ferguson | P. A. KARTHAUS. Bishi py RE, Branch at Cherlesicwa ‘Branch at Romney Tagle teymshif, May 20, 1824. Michael Buttor ff Boggs 16, Kerthaus, July 27, 1824, Wa. L. Smita, C/'% IN W. bank of Va. Wi heeli 5 : a a E 2 N. W. bank of Va, Vi heeling §e pt oS Wir ang Bm WD 13 Ne