oy led gy Advocate "Jt is certainly a noble te Mast ., EF dg . to re- ed aM 3 1 spectacle, thus ? : FF Wished 3 and gratify ns k devoted him self Titer) 4. ceive a man, who has devote? fin = fect. "15, 1.50 thorgdighly to the CE eee: yt Lrouy n, liberty, and America Judepen: Suce that Johy, We hope this opening of the sluices of re Uesertiop National Gratitude for Revolutionary in Conf Bomwices, will buRCCRS FOL TS 0S ngwel} the ) manner more lasting’ 4 Ail fi 3 Ranki, | wistt of our worthy an kh etrikin’, Guest. A lect Nicet, LANDING OF I.A FAYETTE. 5 On his pea ied SOme $2] think Earlysbu:, Yesterday, was a proud day for New York Ww ‘have secn the reception of the allied sovercigns & the celebration of reat events in LEurope—we have read of the landing of King William, the entry of George the Fourth in| TFreland, and Louis the 18th in Paris, Jat never witnessed a mote splendid d plays or more cordial, generous and spontaneous feeling than that of yes. terday on the landing of GENER AL] 1.A FAYETTE. Itwastruly a jubi- lce—a more general holiday than the Fourth of 4) Business was sus- pended, stores were closed, and the streets thronged with well dressed people. ¢ The Corporation had chartered the Chancellor Livingston steam boat tore- ceive the General, together with the; "Bellona, Connecticut, and Oliver lls. worth, ‘These steam boats, dressed elegantly with fligs and streamers, were joined by (he Nautilus and Olive "Branch, thus making an elegant acqua- -“ % tional salute was fired, and from the U.S. Spark in the stream. On arriving off the Battery, the scene beggared description, The military, making a noble appearance, formed the Jine with a heavy battering train The ramparts and parapet of the Castle were tilled with speciators —the Ilag-siaff, and every eminence and place filled with well dressed per- sons. Hundreds of boa sand wherrys surrounded the Battery and the Gen eral, with several officers, left the Chancellor in a barge commanded by Captain Rogers, of the navy, aod land cd at Casue Garden. The shouts of tbe multitude reverberaied along the shore ; the artillery fired a salute; the bands struck up a lively air; and with {much difficulty, the General found his way to the centre of the fortificaiion. Here he remained some time, and from the pressure, we could not wit. ness the ceremonies, but saw him sub. sequently in a barouche, escorted by 'a squadron of horse, go up Broadway to the City-Hall. The stores were all closed, and the streets filled to overflowing ; the win- dows were graced with the beauty of the city, waving their handkerchiefs as the venerable soldier passed. After the ceremonies, the General, together with the Corporation and the Cincinnati dined at the City. Hotel, and his family. It came within thirty well made, and kept in good repair,’ yards of Mr. Ruggles, who had a dis {ind the great improvements that have unct view of its head, teeth as whit [deen made at Philipsburg these few as lvory, and eyes as large as those of! years past, together with good accom- an ox. Mr. Ruggles declares that'modations, render it attraciive and de- “ be was full as near him as he wish-/sirable, as a place of resort in the ed to be.” Perhaps it is pot the least! warm season, to those who are 1n pyr marve!lous circumstance related, tha |suit of health or pleasure, and uno lear he master was sven in the very place|is entertained but the judicious and “where, buta f-w moments before,/tasteful will be gratified in their visits. the wife of Mr, Ruggles had been In The subscriber will at all times o bathe.” keep a good supply of OATS and wen [{AY —Also Drovers can be accommodated with pasture on moderate ter ms. Stages run thro’ this piace weekly, from Bellefonte to Erie, whi~h afford an easy and comfortable conveyance for those who have a desire to travel this route. Grateful for the partiality which he Son has experienced from the public at Mifflintown, the subscriber pledges CENTRE COUNTY. his best exertions to merit a continu- A meeting was beld at the court aDCC of that partiality at Philipsburg. house, in the Borough of Bellefonte, G.S. L on Wednesday evening, the 25th inst. for the purpose of establishing a So-| ciety for the promotion of Agricul- ture and Domestic Manufsctures, for] Ag, report prevails that the house the county of Centre, agreeably lo the formerly occupied by JACOB TEST, Fo Tisions iy far of Assembly puss iy the town of PHILLIPSBURG, is no Fg. arch © as ‘longer to be continued as a Tavern JOAN G. LOWREY, Esq. was pe subscriber has thought proper hos called to the chair, and ‘publicly to inform the friends of this UTI AGRICYLUWUBAL, Agricultural roclety amy er August 7, 1824. T'o I'ravellers. dred dollars ; and provided, that the In all this fatiguing ceremony, Gen- eral La I'ayette sustained himselt with General PHILIP BENNER and GRATZ ETTING, Esq. appointed ugh of tic escort, as they were all filled with|the most amiable and cordial frank-{Secretarics. yeuing ladies and gentlemen, and cach boat| ness, delighted, as he must have been,| The Commissioners of the County, gencr. | had a fire baud of music on board jat a reception spontaneous and hearty ang the Grand Jury, baving agreed in| to all | ‘tie day was clear, cool and p easant.}on all sides : a reception which speaks yriting that a society for the purposes 0d aboot ten o’clock the Steam Boats|volumes in favour of free govern- mentioned in the act of Assembly en- 3. Was | efi the North River,and sailed round|ments, and all who aid in es'ablisbing (jiled «« An act for the promotion of Davia | 45 Battery to the Navy Yard, where|and perpetuating the rights of man. {Agriculture and Domestic Manufac- - Oc. | they were. joined by (he splendid steam| It will require several days for the (y/es” should be established—which 3 % N * ’ ~ v 1 3 ! . - aries; ship Rober: Fulton, dressed with the General lo see every thing with the being read, it was utions flags of different nations—her yaids| deliberation necessary, and without fa- Resolved, That a committee be ap- -arce. | dwere mapocd with about 200 seamenilgue. ] ipointed of one person from the Bo- : . of the Constitution, who made an ¢l I'be amusements will, of course, be rough of Bellefonte and each of the View * gmiegant appearance—a battalion of ma.|varicus. I'ne Park Theatre will open townships in the county, for the pur- 1€ at. Urines, under the command of Majo: some night this week ; and we learn/pose of carrying into effect the pro- Juni. (A Smith was on board, with a band ofjithat itis contemplated to sive the Gen-! visions of the act of Assembly. -lauc music together with several Naval Of eral a splendid Ball iu the Theatre| Whereupon the loilowing persons par. F ficers, and the whole escort moved|next week after the fashion of the were appointed: + his % majestically down the river and Bay Greek Ball, which will give time for 1b omas Burnside Bellefonte. hose © The Chancellor came too at the wharfjthe Jadies to reach the city from the ~ 1 Wm: Smyth Walker Jom. oun Staten Islaod to receive the Gener-|springs and watering places. | Gorge Bressios ha Ea le the. I .al. On board the Chancellor was the —— Joseph Montgomery hr x8 use | + “superior Band from West Point, which] From the N. ¥. Eve. Post, Aug. 16 Joseph Green @ Boggs ie © Capt. Center brought down carly yes. wt Willi TR] Be Ras ; en x am M’Kibben Lamar po- = terday morning. The village of Cas. ARRIVALS FROM EUROPE. Beier Grog BF Patten nD a ~~ tléton was crowded with persons, and] No less than nine ships arrived aw piam Bagshaw Rush rely ina short time a barouche, containing|this port yesterday from Europe ; Jacob Kivder Hoines the the General, bis son, and the Vice|among which | were the Liverpool © oe a Potter President, drove to the landing. The|packet ships Nestor and Meteor, and Tohn Liven Ferguson put spectators formed a line opening to|ships Robert Fulton and Courier ; the Ahr Klechner . Lozan ph 88 the right and lef, aad the veteran|ship Hudson from London ; the pack- Wm fi Thomas Soom on § General marched dewa with bis hat injet ship Friends fiom Greenock ; and John Shaffer Nis be hang mids Sg —|tbe packet ship Cadmus, in ballast a TVs if be t hand amidst the cheers of spectators p p 3 Y Robert Eider ¥Yaifracon nd passing under a triumphal arch formed by the American and French ‘flags, he entered onoard the steam ‘Boat Chancelior Livingston, & was re eeived by the Marines of the U. States With military honors. The band, on his arrival on board, ruck up the popular French air of Ou fieut on etre micuxy’ togethei With « Sce the conquering Hero comes,” the « Marsellais Hymn,” and © Hail Columbia” ere he was presented #51the members of the Corporation, =~ "and several Naval and Military Offi- " i a re 2 cers, and many ladies. The steam ‘ship fired a saluie, and the whole got under way for the city. A more no- le and gallant sight was never scen; “the Bellona and Olive Branch, fasten- * ed cach side to the Cadmus, the ship syhich brought the General from ¥rance, the whole decorated with flags and filled with passengers moved up with General LA FAYETTE. Count Meden, bearer of despatches from the 4 : Russian government, arrived in the this meeting be published in the Bel Meteor. We have received numer- lefonte Painot. ous files of London, Liverpool and oth-! J. G. LOWREY, Ck’a. er papers by these arrivals, besides Puirie Benner, our usual supply of literary and scien- Gratz Etrine, tific journals ; but the political intelli- gence they present has been anticipat-: MARRIED—Oa Thaorsday tie ed by the Topaz at Boston. They 19th inst. by JacoB Way, Esq. Mr however contain a variety of interest: ROBERT KELLY to Miss ELIZA- $ Secretaries, intend laying before our readers. Among the present visiters at Ball- ston Spa, are count Survilliers, [Jo-| DIED—On Monday the 16th inst. seph Bopaparte,] and suite, prince g¢ pi; are residence in Walker tows. Charles Bonaparte, son of Lucien, and ship, in this county Mr. DANIEL several members of the British patlia- GY DER, in the 44th year of his age ment, More arrived during the last pre jo efi a wile and ten children to week than at any former period of that Jament his loss. | length. moon township, in this county, —— Oe From the Columbian Observer. A pumber of Indians of the Foxe, Philipsburg Hotel, the Bay—the Robert Fulton leading the Oliver Elsworth, the able. the way, followed by the Chancellor, Nautilus,! and the Connecticut—the sea smooth and placid, and the air cool and agree- The most interesting sight was the They will leave this in a few days for| reception of the General by his old New York,and from thence proceed ‘companions In arms : Colonel Mari. 5 4 1 [3 i ! - is i After the ceremony of embracing and congratulations were over, he sat down alongside of Col. Willet, who grew young again and fought all his battles o'er, said he,« Do you remem-! ber, at the battle of Monmouth, I was! ‘woluuteer aid to General Scott? I fw you in the heat of battle, You « Were but a boy, but you were a serious| powder, upwards of fifty feet into tue Ave, aye; 1 remem.|air, and lell into deep water. And on the Mohawk, I sent/{dy was found on the succeeding day, ate y Indians, and you wrote me,|dreadfully mangled. ey set up such a yell that they| were buried by his friends and neigh- Wened the British horse, and they|bors in Charleston on Saturday last. and sedate lad. er well. you ff that th figt Tan one way and the Indians another !” Tonumerapy os feminiscences, were rehear- Sa “uring the passage to the city dceasionall Tun a'ongside and On passing Govern Van Cortland, Gen.! From the Lancaster Gazette, Aug. : : at le, ai e anecdotes of the Revolu-|® Prom the Boston Courier, Aug. 13. hill and dale, an Ysthe steam-boats would|da give three cheers. mal was seen on Plum Island Beach, or’s Island a pa. on Wednesday last, by a Mr. Ruggles and fi Sax, Jawa and Chippewa nations, arii.| AND (ved in this city yesterday from Wash. BOARDING HOU SE, ington, and put up at Nr. Bailey’s ington, and Pp p y's, BY ‘Hotel, They are accompanied by| GEORGE 85. IRVINE. Gen. Clarke, superintendent of lodian| affairs, two agents, interpreters, &c.| { | ito West Point. nus Wiliet, now in his eighty-fifih| rear, General Clarkson, Col. Varick, Col. Platt, Col Trumbull, and several members of the Cincinnati. Col. [ish, General Lewis. and several of his comrades were ap. sent. He embraced them all affec. tionately, and Col. Willet again and again. He' knew and remembered them all. Tt was a reunion of a long seperated family, \bereby informs his liiends, and the 17 public in general, that he has taken a ne above BRICK ESTABLISH- UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENT. MENT, formerly occupied by Mr. On Thursday last, David M’Cul Hancock. This establishment hes lough, one of the workmen at Turkey been built Ju a supcrior manuel for Hill Falls, on the Susquehanna, un- the entertainment of the puabiic, and : is li . - will be open for the reccp.on fortunately lost his life, by an upex- W! pep Jo 8] ; pected explosion of a charge for blow-| RAVELLERS, BOARDERS au ing a rock. OTHERS on the 15.0 lnstant.— 1 he Mr. M’Cullough was about apply- buildings are extensive, comfortable ing a match to the train, aod in bis and convenient, and he pledges Lim progress to the spot, having lo pass seif that no exeruous Shay be Waning near where the charge was ceposited, 10 procure every neces aly. ang cvel a spark from his match fell upon the luxury for the table, and choice Li train, and the whole immediately expio- QUORS, so as to give genetal Salis ded ; the charge consisted of 7 pounds faction. The STAELLED are RCW aut of powder. The body of Mr, M¢«Cul- well constructed, avended Ly a care Jough, was thrown by the force of the ful and atientive OSTLER. : I. is remarked for the informatios His bo- of travellers, that Philipsburg is situ —— wi Resolved, That the proceedings of — ing miscellaneous snatter, which we BETH DOUGHMAN, al. of Halt- THE subscriber having removec from public business in M flintown, establishment, that such rcport is un- founded—that the said house will be continued as a house of ” Public Entertainment, and STAGE OFFICE Sign of ihe He is now provided with every ac- commodation the country can afford, which would contribute to the com- fort or convenience of his guests, and assures his friends and the public gen- erally, that nothing shall be wanting on his part to deserve a continuance of the patronage which has hitherto been so liberally bestowed. James M’Girk. August 25, 1823, STRAY MARE. & STRAYED trom the subscriber, on the 6'h of July last, A SORREL ‘MARE, about the common size, has a ‘star on her forehead, and between ten and twelve years old. Whoever will take up said mare, and return her to the subscriber residing in Phi'ipsburg, shail receive a reward of FIVE dol lars, and al reasonable charges. ROBERT B. BURGER. August 24, 1824, Wanted Immediately. A young man of steady habits, who can come well recommended, will be taken as an apprentice to the TAN- For further information apply to the ditor of the Patriot. Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, icsued out of the Court oi Common Pleas of Centre county, and o me directed, will be exposed to pub. ic sale on the premises, on Monday the 30th day of August pext, fou NING & CURRYING BUSINESS. pose of bringing the water in. fim the Reservoir tg The Dia for other purposes,” a sum of ne raised forthwith, or as soon as the 3 can be legally laid and collected, to portioned upon all the real proper ; ate in said Borough, which by its’ will receive benefit from said water, shall be apportioned according to the and relative situation of said Pp provided the said sum for the op year shall not exceed the sum of two son or persons in possession of said* p erty, for the time being, shall be cha : for the sum at whieh the property he she possesses is valued ; and which if't ant, they may recover from the landlo or owner of said property, excep! wher a contract exists between the parties ths the tenant shall pay this particular charge without recourse to the landlord or owne of the said real estate. i Section 2. Be it further ordained enacted by the authority afor said, 2 further sum of one hundred and! dollars shall be levied and appor upon all taxable persons within the Borough who shall use said water, # ding tothe quantity they shali use, fo purpose of keeping the Water Works it complete repair, and for the payment | the debts already incurred in promot that object. 1 Section 3. Be it further enacted andj ordained by the authority aforesaid, that the further sum of thirty dollars shall bel levied and apportioned upon all the real property within the said Borough, accords ing to its value ; which last sum of mone shall be a fund for the payment ¢f inci dental expenses. LE EvacteEp and passed into an Ordinanc atthe court house in the Borough of Bellefonte, the 3d day of August ond thousand eight hundred and twenty-four and the forty-eighth year ofthe Inde pemdence of the United States of Amerdl} ica. | JOHN RANKIN, President of the Town Council. Attest, WM. L. SMITH. Clerk. swan. awk. § 1 \ Stray Cattle. Strayed away fom the drove o Daniel Breniman & Co. on Wednes! day the 28th ult. between John Fury’ ta Spring township, and Nittany mou tain, five caule, viz. Three beifers the largest cf which is a dark brindle supposed to be about four year the other two are red with a few spe of white on: 1 wo steers, one a blac with some brown on the back, ot i marks not rememtered ; the colour marks cf the uiher not remembered Any person who will take up said ca tle, by giving infoima‘ion wo the scriber, living in Boggs tows shall recieve a reward of ‘wo dg besides the expence of keeping 1 and f delivercd an additional com sation will be allowed. i RUDOLPH MULHOLLAN. Joes township, August 11, 1894, VALUABLE LANDS, din subscriber offers for saje i small lots to actual settlers, 0 'n larger tracts to others, the follow ing LANDS in the state of Penngy vanis, belonging to the Estate of th late VWillizm Bingham, viz ; ] 250,000 ACRES in the couniices of Bractord and Tico it from Three Dollars to Two Do lars and Fif'y Cents per acre, accord ing to the situation ; ard 800,000 ACRES in the counties of Potter, M’Kean, Ve nango, Aimstrorg, Jefferson and Ly coming, at Two Dollais per ac The terms are ten years for pagmen three of thim without interest, T «and is generally of a good quality, we watered, intersected by impor A ‘0ads, and in a bealiby situation, Fe 1 further particulars, 2] p icution may 4 made to agents in the dificrent cous i€sy or to A l'obert H Rose, SiLver Lake, PA. Jury 1, 18 4 PROCLAMATICG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV] that a court of Common Picas, " eral Quarter Sessions of the Horses, four Cows, three Steers, four small cattle, eighteen Sheep, fifteen acres of Rye, one waggon, one wind. mill, plough and barrow, together with touscthold furniture. Scized and ta- ken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Samuel Brown, by Joseph Butler, SAF. Borough Urdinance. An Ordinance for raising and afifiro- friating a sum of mony, fur the fiay- mene of the debt incurred by an Ordin-|field on Monday the 18th day of ance, entitled + An Ordinance for rais (ber next at 10 o’ciock A. Mm. of sai tog and appropriating a sum of money of which the Coroner, Justices for the piurfose of bringing the water' Peace and Constables within said in Irom pifies from the Reservoir to thelty will take notice. that they dicmond., and for vther purposes’ fas-'and there in their proper person sed the 20th of September, 1823 ; anditheir rolls, recoids, Inquisitig; and the Orpban’s court, in and county of Clearfieid will be held court house in the Town of d 28 miles West of Belicfonte remains Centre county; on the Turnpike roac which leads to Franklin, Mcaaville anc Erie, in @ district of country, healthy and pleasant, beavtifuily adorned wil d in the spring anc summer Scason, exnibiting a highly icturesque landscajie aod rural scene ir ful and animauog. His i i | a —,_,_.S.ADa SEA SERPENT. The Newburyport Herald of yester- fi y informs us that this famous ani-y ge eilg e turppike T oads which lead to om this place are €Xiraoidinaryl on opriating sum of mney, for tie pur: {for the raising and appropriating a sumiaminations, and other remem of money for the use of the works. {to do thesc things which to the Section 1. Be it ordained & enacted by [©¢S 2ppettain to be done ; and aif the Town Council of the Borough off Tre Jurors and withesscs are also ry Bellefonte, and it is hereby enacted by the|ucttcd 10 ve ond attend at Said coy . : and not depart without leave, authority of the same, that in order to Given under my hand at CleagGad carry into operation an ordinance passed this twenty Sth day of Aug the 20th day of September, A: D. 1823, A D. one thousand cight hud 7 entitled “ An ordinance for raising and aud twenty four, ibs ¢ GREENWOOD BELL, Sier'f] s of Cu ad he a aa Gr a TE