argay is 8°01 czctive sud inviaci. desire batter prospeets 2 Peruvians | In the space of fivel: emain sicadiast to your cause fsur-i gen millions of Americans, wherewith, § encounter the million aud a half Mexico and Colombia, are for you. rown het defenders with victory. eruvians. Elave patitnce, aud look arms; for they donot place confidence In blind fortune, as the Spaniards do, | jut inthe noble and patriotic feelings fat warm their generous bosoms. | Phe ficld of battle will decide to whom | Peru shall appertain ; whether to the ges of fortune, or to those of glory, BOLIVAR. y = A j | 4A iB i + " — § Tr RRICANE AT THE ISLE OF FRANCE. On the 231 of February, a tremen- 5 Burricane was experienced at the §le of France, in which 25 ships and pigs were sunk or driven on shore. Daly two Americaps were among the pumber. he Java was driven ashore, | Bost her bowsprit, and received other @amapc. Ship Concord, Burleigh, ot Portsmouth, was driven ashore, he Tarboard side stove in, and she was af | Merwards condemned and sold, It is feared that during the blow, a’ distr stoop of war, the delight, was | Jost, with upwards of 160 men on hoatd, as she was seep off the harbor ihe evening previous to the gale, and Flas not been heard of since. Several | pieces of wood were picked up, which ere recognised to have belonged to er. | The plantations of suyar cane and ovisions were ravaged, the clove vees destroyed, and many houses and Fmagazines uorooled or thrown down (The colony hus sustained so much ; | Ls, damage as to prejudice, most fatally, feommerce and agriculture. ; Commercial Advertiser, : erm vom the Chester Post Boy, July 6 MA man, susp -cted of veing one of x1 ie sang who mardered Mr. BoNSALL has-been committed to jul at Balu Ppore, Awpong offer circumstances Bwhich caused sifpicion to rest upon him, he had in is possession’ a book Bf poems, compised by Mrs. Gardaer i Raf Darby, with tic name of the owner earful eut our, tis said that the murderers took such a book from the trunk of Mr. Bousall. ~~ — Wren Neo SA —— om Bell's London Weekly Blessen gery May 24. ¥ The foreiga inteliigence of the week thas exci cd but little curiosity, There “Bas been a kind of revolutionary spurt n Lisbon. - The Queen, Don Miguel Band the Piince Royal, seem to have lcombintd together to dethrone the King. Aoarmy was actually collect ed, the guards of the place corrupted, and the King humself imprisoned fur hirty-siz hours. "Fhe whole has the ippearancs of a drunken frolic. The next subject of interest is Yiur L bide’s expedition to Mexico. This is © an adventurous man, and hkewise 2 © moderate map. Haviug undergone 2 ‘sart of voluntaty deposition fiom the i Mexican throne, and retired to Eng: . and with a peasien, be appears to have “been invited back by his fellow coun. 5 1 i Ee ‘We, moreover, await the arri-jcost pai of ten thousand warriors, who are] With regard to the niher proposedimore : aieh fron * slambis and . $0 nag . L. s a the march from Colombia, Can »ill to allow the free emigration of ourlit by the circumstance that it not only tho are your enemies; their swordslt eve ” Yat i I, + \ . 1 will protect you, La Plata, Chill, lkind can be concealed, or is concealed. |r } xr: ' withdrew to the Relectory, where the rithe Students a dinner suitable to the not bat be flattering to all who are in- ily taken away. It | 4 for no adeqaate return. workmen ‘ence. The law, as hject is to prevent the publication abroad of cur mechanical precesses and machinery, where it is notorious o alt the world that nothing of this In the present intercourse of nations Justice is also on your side ; and wheniand individuals, there are no secrets gontending fer her, heaven never fals of this kind ; and, ia the present modes »f conveyance, and in the cheapness and abundamce of them, it is totally or the cousumnition of your bopes {impossible to prevent the emigration] £ 1 y : . - - p the bravery of your brothers inlof our artizans to foreign parts. Li is mischievous likewise ; first, because it leads to fraud ; and sccondly, be- cause it prevents the return of these artizans, though not their departure. This law, therefore, ought unquestion- ably to be repealed, as it is a useless and mischievous restriction upon nat- ara) liberty ,and without any possible good whatever. — G— FROM THE CARLISLE HERALD, JULY 8, DICKINSON COLLEGE. = The Board of Trustees of Dickinson College, on the afternoon of \Wednes day last, after the exercises of the Commencement kad been concluded steward had prepared for them and occasion. His ‘Excellency the Gov- ernor of this state, with Mr. Hiester, the Surveyor General, were among their guesis. The appearance of those oentlemen at the table of the Board ind among the Students of the Institu- lion, was a circumstance that could terested in the welfare of Dickinson College. Besides the Governor and the Sarveyor General, the Board had invited other respectable stranger: ‘hat visited this place that day to be present at the Commencement, thus iffording an opportunity to them to witness the inteinal arrangements of the Refectory. The guests were all much gratified with their entertain. nent, and the dinner prepared reflect- :d no little praise upon the care and industry of the Steward. Before the company had withdrawn the following toasis were drank. 1. Pennsylvania==tler political in- terests are comnected with the virtue and intelligence of her people. © | 2. The people of Pennsylvania— We desire their concurrence in foster. ing the interests ot Dickinson College. 3. Science—The handmaid of the artsand pawroness of national prosper- iy. 4, The Agriculturalist—A degree in Political Economy as honorable as A. B. in Literature. 5. The memory of Rush, Ritten- house £7 Ramsey, and the other Liter- ati of Pennsylvania. After his Excellency and his com- pany had withdrawn, the following vol- anteer by Professor Vethake was drank with great cordiality by the Board and Faculty— Qur distinguished Guests—Mem- hers of the true American Magistracy ; a Magistracy elevated to power by the voice of the people and in their eleva- tion pot forgetting that they belong to the people. Attér which the Board withdrew and the Professors drank : The health and happiness of the present graduates and they in. return drank to the health and happiness of the Board of Trustees. These were then dismissed .teymien to veassume the sceptre. We give vo credit to the unjust suspicions % ) : : entertained of him, that hg is gone back as an agent of Spain and the : ico i Holy Allies. Mexico is as much be- end the power of Spain and the allies, &s the mountains in the moon. $ Wn ay London Weekly Messen- gery May 31. There are two bills now before the house of commoas in aid of the great From Bells them a bill to repeal the combination "laws ; the other, to repeal all laws "against the [ree engress of our work- hen to apy foreign countries, where they may hope to find a better market «or there skill amd industry. 1 Asitegards the first of these bills, the principle is, that personal liberty, ‘or thie 1ight of giving or withholding our Jabor, is a positive good, and thereto ec that all res: rictions upon its ERercige are gvil in themselves ; unless £0 much public good justify the state d8 demanding the individual sacrifice. . a We are all so bound to the pub'ic x Weal of our country, that we come un- 7 deran obligation to suffer any restric- tion on our own persenal liberty, which the public good may require. ~ Burin ortter to justify this demand on the part of the public, the legislature "ust proye that the sacrifice required 13 proportionebly conducive to the pub- he benefit. Otherwise, whatever the AW § subtract from personul liberty is uch patwral freedom unnecessa- (Principle of liberty of trade; ove of by the Faculty. They day was truly festive nor was their one solitary in stance of hilarious excitement (0 mar its pleasures. | —— Baltimore, July 3. Susquehanna Navigation.~The com. missioners entrusted with the im- provement of the navigation of the hed of the Susquehanna river, return ¢d to this city yesterday after an ab sence of two weeks, which have been spent in conjunction with the Penn- sylvania Commissioners, in examina- tions of the river, and in the forma- tion of pew contracts for work. We learn that a large amount of work has been. contracted for on the most favor: able terms—idnd, should the season prove propitious, that the new im- provements, in addition to those al- ready made, will render the descend. ine navigation from Columbia to the Maryland Line equally as safe and leasy as it is above the town | Fatal Aerial Erccursion~-A Mr ates for aerautic fame, ascending in a balloon near Londen. ‘When about 2 miles from the earth, owing (0 some mismanagement in letting the the gus off, the balloon descended with so much rapidity that Mr. Harris was instantaneously killed, and Miss Stocks materially injured. np § Ee t Zhe Compionium —Under this name a new and wonderful musical insiru- mitted to the jail of Middlebury, to awalt his trial at the next session of the supreme court. [Harris and Miss Stocks new candid- i c " ur {ra § 3 * . . - -. # s so much purelis formed vpon the same general plan Repairing swivels in arsenal |as the commen barrel organ, but i y It has our cordial concur plays the tunes marked upon it with Rifles in the brigades r : It at present precision, but that it also impircvises ponthis, we have expsrienced five actsistands, is both useless and mischiev- Bireason or defection ; but there still ious, It is useless, because its sole and has hence been called the Musical) Improvisator. A theme is written apon the barrel ; the instrument plays wditor 3; and afterwards, left to | executes an infinity of variations, they are always In strict accordance with ‘ie rules of composition. TP. Fire,~The Unisa meeting house was struck witl#®ightoing and consu med to ashes about 3 o'clock this morning. The: heavy rain that fell when the fire burst out and was at its highest element, protected the neighbouring buildings . from sustain- ing any injury.—dercery Pg, Monitor, nl PC — PARRICIDE.—CrArr zs Bart of Bridgeport, Vermont, killed his father on the evening of Wednesday, the 224 ultimo, by beating bim with his fist. The unbappy perpetrator of this unnatural crime was almost immedi- ately arrested, and the next day com- en} CI SINGULAR CASE Of HYDRO- PHOBIA. Mr. James Wiring, aged 56, died at Hampton, Washington coun- ty, New York, on the 10th ultimo. Thirty years since, he was bitten by a mad dog, and in his last sickness showed great symygmens of bydropho- bia. —tiie From the New York Daily Adver- tiser. BATTLE WITH PIRATES. We learn from Capt: Cotton, of the schooner Thetis, which arrived last svening from Manzanilla, south side f Cuba, that on the 9th of May, while lying in the harbor, the Supercargo received intelligence that three canoes intended to cut the schooner out that night. Measures were immediately taken, to put the Thetis in a state of defence : big guns were loaded, and the muskets got rea, and all bands put in fighting orders At 8 P. M. the supercargo came ontboard with four soldiers which the Commandant of] the Port lent for thenccasion.—Thus prepared, a good look ‘out was kept, and at half past 11, three canoes were perceived coming from the Keys op- posite the port; witle oars muffled. As they approached 12 men were counted in each boat. As the Pirates came up, they were hailed, but they were silent as death. A pistol was now discharged in the air, when the musketry. The battle was now be- gun. The defenders of the Thetis opened a brisk fire, which the Pirates returned as briskly, and this lasted fifteen minutes-——when the great guns, well charged with round and grape shot, was opened upon them, and they quickly made their way for the shore: On the following morning three of the Pirates were found dead on the were taken dreadfully wounded, on almost cut in two with a single grape stot. On the 12th one of the canoe: was found in one of the Keys almos: torn to picces, with four dead pirates in her,all of whom were recognised as inhabitants of Mdnzanilla. ——ID W— ACCIDENT. Last Tuesday week,a man by the name of Dun, one of the workmen en gaged in getting out stone for the works going on at Black Rock, New York, very upadvisedly passed by 2 blacksmith’s shop, with a keg of pow ier under his arm, ucheaded. A spark from the forge blew into ity when «t exploded, and tore the unfortunate man almost to pieces. His case is considered as hopeless. — Belfast, the greatest town in Ireland excepting Dablin and Cerk, contaio- ing 40,000 inhabitants has only four- een electors | pr MILITIA Of the state of Pennsylvania. 16 Divisions, 32 Brigades, 129 Re giments. Governor and commander in chief Major Generals Brigadier Generals Adjutant Geoeral Staff of general officers 16 w a 1 ment has been exhibited at Paris. It Infantry including officers 134 532 Volunteer Corfis. | {Cavalry , 40 troops 1 634] Artillery, 30 companics ] Infantry, 202 companies 13 Riflemen, 125 companies 7 036 Voluntegrs 23 738 Grand total 158 51 PUBLIC ARMS, Field pieces in the brigades 9 Do, is arsenals 9 particalarly distinguished from! Muskets 1a the brigades it over, to render it familiar to thel’ self, and withosait any external impulse, (> pirate crews discharged a volley of] beach, and during the day five others|” ‘led, now in the hands, possession 77 py ~J Do muskets da 500 16 803 Do in arsenals 8 860 601! Do arsenals 1 Muskets in the brigades re- ported private property 3% Rifles do. do. 13 5 Lents and camp equipage in tae arsenal for 20,000 men, | meat s—— | MARRIED~Oan Tuesday the 13th ¥ the properly ost. by the Rev. Mr. Minxsuaryn, Mr. BENJAMIN STAUBER, of this’ place, to Miss ELIZABETH M’.| CORD, of Lewistown, Pa, A Bear caught !=Marvied in Wa- terloo, N.Y. on the 15th inst, Mr, Lu. cas Morgan, Attorney at Law, to Miss Charlotte Bear. A lawyer once with wounded heart, (A wound by Cupid planted there,) Clasp’d to his arms to heal the smart— Ob! sad to tell—he clasp’d a Bear! Dem. Press. RARAY COW, 2 SG Nh cit * SSO (AS RA NN ) D0 Bi IA scriber, residing in Nittany valley, about the last of April, A Brindled Cow with white legs, and a star on her fore- head. She is supposed to be about ten years old, and has now a calf. The owner is desired tc come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away. GEORGE WILLLAMS. Nittany, July 14,1824. Administration Acc’nts. TAKE NOTICE, That the following administration account's have been examined and assed by me, and remain filed in my cffice for the inspection of heirs, lega- tees, creditors and all other peisons in any way Interested, and will be pre- sented to the next Orphans’ court, to be held at Bellefonte, for Centre coun- ty, on the 23d day of August next, for confirmation and allowance : 1. The Administration Account of John P. Davidson, administrator ol the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of Phineas Da vidson, late of Halfmoon township, deceased. 2. The Administration Account of ~ Thomas Moore, acting executor of the last will and Testament of Eli. jah Moore, late of Halfmoon town- ship, deceased. The Administration Account of Henry Graninger and Philip Shréfk- engast, administrators of the goods and chatiles, nights and credits, which were of Henry Keller, deceas. ed. The Administration Account of Adam Stover, administrator of the goods and chattels, rights znd cred- its, which were of Philip Fronks, late of Haines township, deceased. WM. PETTITT, Register. Register’s Office, errnl July 19, 1824, Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, issued out of the court of! common pleas, and to me directed,’ will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on Monday {he 2nd day! of August next, A certain tract or par- cel of land, containing about one hun- dred & twenty acres more or less, sit- vate in DBaldeagle township, Centre county, adjoining lands of George Bresler, & others. Seized & taken in execution,and to be sold as the prop ertyof Frederick A. Richards, deceas- or occupancy of Asher Hunt and Wil- liam Richards, administrators of the estate of said Frederick A Richards. ALSO, By virtue of a like writ, issued out of the same court, and to me direct- ed, will be exposed to public saic at J 4 i i 528 the court bouse in the Borough of James, 550 Bellefonte, on Monday the 23d day of Isaac, August next, . 397 containing five hundred and fifty acres, 91'ances, situate in Ferguson township, 17 Centre county, called by the name of « WHITE-HALL,” adjoining lands of Philip Benner and others. and taken in execution, and to be sold iseph, Patton Samuel, Plaff Wm. Pet ALSO, By virtue of a like writ, will be sold t the same time and place, A certain tract of land with the improvements and appurten« A RO Seized of Samuel Park, ALSO i] By virtue of a like writ, will be sold 3 at the same tire and place Ti A certain tract or pa cel of land containing one hundred and sixty acres more or less, situate in’ Halfmoon township, Centre county, adjoining lands of Christian Kingand others. Seized and taken in execu | tion and to be sold as the property.of. id Jacob Yoder, Ly Joseph Butler, S2’ff. 4 Wanted Immediately A person well acquainted with the FLAXSEED OIL MAKING BUSINESS, to whom constant employment and liberal wages will be given. The mill is in eood order, and any person wishing to engage in this business will experience but little difficulty in conduocting it. For further informa. tion apply to the subscriber living in Ferguson township, Centre County. GEORGI HUBLER. June 10th. 1824. NOTICE. CONSTABLES TAKE NOTICE, That it 1s your duty by law to re. turn the names of all persons who are retailers of forcign Merchandise in the respective town, or township, for which you are appointed, and itis ex pected that you, und each of you, will perform that part of your duty, when you make your return to next August Sessions. JOHN RANKIN Clk. Sess. cliefonte, July 2, 1824. < “nd — List ef letters remaining in the Post Office at Beliefonte, July 1, i 1824. Arnold John, Avram John, Antes Henry, Antes Catharine M. Amhiser Christian, Adams John Faq. Adamson ilizabeth, Borley Wm. Beighiel John, Boone Wm. IF. Beard Samuel, Bgn- ner & Kephart, 2; Crandie Job, 2 ; Crone John, Clyde Samuel, Clavges - R. Carson Agness, Craw lord Janics, Esq. Culbertson Sam!. Coleman [a- ger, Carson James, Carey Richard, Crowl Philip, Curden James, Dacker Michael, Doan Henry, Douglass Joha, Davis Thomas J. Deannan Robert, Dillen Geo. Duck Henry, Dugan James, ‘Dunlop Francis, Lichineer Jolin, Eckley Eli, Eigile George, E ni merman Albert, Flemiog Jolin, Filliys Joseph, Fisher Sarah, Fisher Wm, Forster James Esq. Fry David, Farner David, Gallaspie Jesse, Glenn John 3 Goodlellow David, Graham Wm. Galbraith John D. Hays Joho Esq. Hyman Jesse, Hunter john, Hinton Hapnah, Hughs Samuel, Henderson Charlotte C. Haonah Henry, Henny John, Knox Dean 2, Keatting Thomas, Karlan John, Loyd Gilbert L. Long Wm or John, Lambert Jobn, Lynch Jaue, Martin Robert, M’Ewen Robert S. 2; Meek Jane, M’Intirc Edward M’Gaveran John, Moyer & Cook. Malone Thomas & Morgan, Moss Maryann, Moore Flisha, M’Linscy John, M’Kecan Lewis, M’Kee John Millikin Thomas, Means, Samuel M’Kioncy Judge, M'Kee Andrew, Mill Tobias, Moyer Henry, M’Ghee James 2, Mitchel John, Maginty Robe erty, M’Lzsahan James D. Purdue John jr Parker David, Philips Jo 3 rikin James M. 4 ; Ray Robert, Riddie Hugh, Rawl Francis W. 2; Reed John, Reside James, Reeves Elijah, 2; Russel Hughes, Russel Wm. Steer Asail, Shenk Matty, Steele David, Shugart Jes. B. St. Clair David P. Shank Miss, Swisher Joseph, Steepart Me. Sharp James, Sherman Michael, : Shade Henry, Tayior Samuel & Phil- ip White, Timms Lewis. Vaughan Richard, Vaughan Ann, Wilson John Sr. Williams l.ewis B. Wilson Sam- vel H. Withington Wm. Wentzel John, Waggener Wm, Williams, Waddle Thomas Whippo H. Humes, £. JL i Fy EE # A certain house and two tots of ground, in the town of Mi'lheitmn, Centre county, with the improvements) and appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold asthe property of John Keen, Justices and Constables KEE-BILLS - JOR $l AT THIS ON gr