V4 As 202? Giles ilgaersl” 7 s7/¢2:94 foals of my country-of rrre! was given at about onelthe students of every class passed be: . OE opinion, we would, say that Isaac Lee 7%) PEE, DAZPR EL rad charged George Atchisen with shooting his deer ; but we have been told that the pez Dear mentioned in the record, was Isaac Lee’s wife !! On the trial it turned out, however; that the Dear was neither shot at or killed. —— FOR THE PATRIOT. ON THE FOURTH OF JULY. ¢¢ The whole discourse when crouds are so dispose the hearts men, that they would discountenance such gross firofanation, 1 might al- most say blasphemy, and work such a reformation, as would cut up by the roots the vile custom ot celebrating our national independence by rioting and excess, I cannot hope tho’ to see such a happy period. My days must be few, by the course of nature. Time flies quickly and will consign me to the dust; and as I must an- MONDAY, Jury 19. met, Is fill’d with trifles loose and vain ; Their lips are flattery and deceit, And their proud language is PROFANE.’ FRIEND PETRIKIN, Since I have read in your paper what are denominated « ToASTs,” drank at the celebration of our national independence, by the par- ties that assembled near Milesburg, Tam more than ever convinced of the evil that results from such occasions. [ am not aware that there was intem: perate drinking, as is most commonly the case at such places, but if we are to Judge from their proceedings as published, there was an intemperate indulgence of other wicked propensi- ties@f our nature, to say the least of it, extremely reprehensible, 1 hopie I am a christian, and abhor profanity of every kind ; whether it proceeds {rom an irreverent use of scripture | Owing to a late arrangement (more properly speaking derangement) of the ‘arrival and departure of the mail from this place to Lewistown, the (Patriot will be issued from this of- fice hereafier on Saturday evening. A, vy ee § ee We have received for publication Lan Oration delivered by Major John C. Covcrly on the 5th instant, to a ‘number of the citizens of Potter town- ‘ship, who assembled at Potter's Mills | 10 celebrate the 4th of July, which “will appear in our next, re The following named gentlemen, “pominated by the Harrisburg conven- ‘tion, have pledged - themselves, i ; elected, to vote for Gen. Andrew Jack- | som, lor President, and Join C, Cal- houn, for Vice-President : before the Eternal Judge of all the swer for all the deeds 0g in the body earth, so I hope my intentions, ip writing this scrap, is that some good may result from it. A FARMER. rE GENERAL JACKSON. FROM THE CINCINNATI[ OHIO] ADVER- TISER. L On Sunday last arrived here on his way to Nashville, Tennessee, te He. ro of Orleans,in excellent health and spirits. He was waited on by several der to give him an invitation to a pub. lic dinner ; but this he poiitely declin- ed, on the ground of his long absence from his family and anxiety to be at home. We have understood that he likewise declined invitauons fiom Philadelphia, New York & Pittsburg, of our most respectable citizens, in or-|* fore them. Nor ave the other departs ments of administration, discipline, and police, less the subject of approbation of the board, while the precision and skill with which thc military ex- ercises, whether of artillery or infans try, were performed, convinced the board that the Gtmost pains and atten tion were bestowed on the instruction ofthe cadets in what appertaived to theart of war, The attaisments of the cadets far exceeded the expecta. tion of the board of visiters, especial. ly in the higher branches of mathemat. ics, and in natural and experimental pitlesophy, in civil and military engin- eering, and in the application of the sciences to practical purposes. The board further represent, that « the position of the United States Military Academy combines advanta- ges possessed by few, if any other place, ior the preservation of health, hooks were to be seen, and what was the enforcement of subordination, and the reason? The borough owns none the attainment and diffusion of knowi- —this is quite curious indeed | We edge the clementary and higher do not beleive that the Town Council|{branches of fixed and moral science, is so devoid of power, as not to be all important to our civil iustiwtioos, able to procure at least halfa dozan of military defence, and national charac them—every intelligent moan must|'e+ The cadets, coming irom every certainly know, that fire hooks are of®ection of the couotry, contribute great use In case of fire. rouch, in their mutual and united f= It would also be of material impor- forts in the pursuit of this knowledge, to the extirpation of local prejudices and sectional antipathies ; and they carry with them, in return, feelings and principles of enlarged patriotism, with habits of temperance and indus- try added to an education the most useful to themselves, & to the repub- o’clock ; when a greatnumber of the inhabitants repaired, as soon as possi bly they could, thither, with their fire- buckets and engine ; lo save the house was utterly impossible, because being albut half burned down before the en: vine was in order for doing its duty : [t was therefore only found expedient to save the buildings next to the one on fire, which was effected. It is supposed that it was the work of an incendiary. There are a consid- erable number of coloured people quar- tered in town, but it was remarkable to usy that only two or three were seen at the fire.—Mr. Kellogg, esti- mates his loss at about $1000. N. B. The engine was so leuky that about one half of the water, which was poured into it, went out through the bottom ; this might easily he rem. edied, if the engine were put in oper- ation once in every week. No fire. tance, and we presume, very much to the benefit of the citizens of the hor. ough at farge, ifa Fire Engine Compa. ny were instituted. rage Te From the Democratic Press, July 5 SUDDEN DEATHS. Yesterday and several termediate places. Ii general Jackson was at all disposed) to use intrigue or e influence; he, ic, for whose services they are dess tined.” We shall avail ontdelves of a more Afternoon, at the Alms Honse, two men, a black manand a white man lost their ives from foul air. The Thomas Leiper, Cromwell Pearce _ Philip Peltz, Alexander M’Carabar, | Danicl Sheffer, Daniel Raub, Joseph 4 ngle, John Pugh, Adam Ritscher, Charles Kenny, Adam King, William | Beatty, Valentine Giesy, John Reed, James Duncan, John Boyd, Abraham | Addams, Isaac Smith, Wm. Thomp- son, Asa Mann, John Fogel, Philip | Benner, John Rush, Peter Addams, . James Ankrim, Henry Scheetz, Adam | Light. \ Gen. Murray has not yet answered fikirascs or 1eligious, creeds, or in ’ltaking our Maker’s name in vain. would not have declined those flatter-gyo mati went tobclean. ontia. ewe - Ai ‘ h convenient occasion lo give an analysis ing invitations. His character as a; yo yard, and sunk down crying out of the report of the board of vis'ters. hero am » coined liza Ae Ey : as served under him feels for him pp oa he discover ; who offered this, as a volunteer, found that filial veneration, respect and €s-'yoar un y iscovered a small black it. It may be that it is the REMAINS teem which they hold for their own'pefore of a religious education which he re- parents. | although we are called a free and in- ~ dependent nation, yet in a spiritual -aense, ¢ we are by nature in bondage | to the greates? of tyrants.” We doubt not but an attentive perusal of it, will tend much to the edification of many of our readers, EW — The following isa « true copy” of a Judgment, rendered by onc of the # | batch of Justices which Governor | Hiester commissioned after the Jast election, when it was known that his | Secretary of State had privilege from the people, to ¢ retire to the peaceful ceived,and is the last of it he has to spARE ! But what excites my sur- prise, is, that both the OFFICERS CF THE DAY not only permitted this pro- We have never yet seen the person who knows this venerated hero, who! has not expressed the most unbounded, encomiums upon him. He is beloved by his officers; bis soldiers and his neighbors, who have bad the best op- { | i At three o'clock the boat came up, thi i y this siafe he gut up and went into a fired two muskets, boarded the Mae-lneighboring pond of fresh water, and, donough, and ordered the crew below. beginning to wash himself was scizcd {After various questions, they demand: by an alligator, which lacerated him ed all the money, with threats of the! dreadfully. M. Franco's grasped the consequences if any was withbeld animal by the bead, and succeeded in ¢ ; : : yd The hatches 2 i i er : a PANE misapifilication of HOLY THINGS, portunity of knowing him intimately Nalco Ee Te then torn open, as (disentapgling himself from its hod ; but sat by in silence. ! They are pro- and no detraction, no invidious reflec-lapout 800 dollars o lal hen sgtaed Bim by ibs Jom x sick “i Tu . € a waz v ¥ ec ri ea fessors of religion, and did they no p ’ was much torn, but ne effected his es~ . walks of private life.” We have | been shown another transcript of his proceedings in another case, still more laughable than the one we give, but we do pot feel ourselves at liberty to | publish it at presenti Perhaps we | may amuse our readers with it after ¢ tions from those who know him im-lipan . ; perfectly, can derogate from his well unk of crapes and sundry other ard- cape to the bank, where, laying hira- ; cles, were taken on board the piratical self : y n- established character. 4 p self down, be was followed Uy the alli- i boat, and the Macdonough was suffer- : eT : d to proceed on her voyage. The From the Lycoming Gazette, July rs i Low yag CASUALTY. piratical boat was a small sloop On Sunday the 4th instant, a pum {with a half deck, 2 ¢ shoulder of mut stant, . expostulate against such conduct? So far from it that I am told that they joined in the LAUGH which the SCOFFERS OF RELIGION raised, gator, which, again seizing the leg, at- tempted to draw this pow suffering and bleeding man into the pool, but he was relieved from his perilous situa. when it was offered !!! I hope thisis not true. For the honor of religion I hope it is not. One thing I know, if “the pext eourt in Clearfield ; the county in which ’Squire GALLARER resides. ‘Commonwealth ton mainsail,” and a crew of six Spa ber of colored people were crossing ; : pan peop Crossing jards and a negro; she was armed the river, about one mile above this : with three muskets an fe place, in two canoes, when unfortu- ' d cutlasses.—75 : | nately the canoes came in contact and FROM THE WASHINGTON REPUB- tion by persons who came to bis asis- tance. He was brought to this city in bis fishing cavoe, and now lics ina dangeious situation. Jamaica Courant, some professors of religion had been both were immediately upset, precip-| there,and sucha toast offered, they itating the whole of them amounting + - - Y MINT > -» - ould have considered itan insult of. '© ‘€8 es into the river, when se EX AMIN eS he] HEM . Z \ ven out of the ten t ; : ad MY. 3 fered to their profession, and retired jg... . en met. 2h untimely; Wel j 3 7 y PER : death—T here were six males and four €ArR Pn inquiry, that the re-| The second number of ¢ The Chili. rom the unkallowed spot, never to re- females in all, one of whom was a Port ofthe board of visiters, appointed an Advertiser,” a new and \ntere spa turn again. ‘child of about nine years of age. DY goverment to attend the examin-| periodical paper, under date of the 3d * Blest is the man who shuns the place Three men, three women and the atior: of the miitary Academy, bas of April, gives the following proclama- Where Sinners Love to meet ; child were drowned; five of whom been received at the war department tion of General Bolivar, on being nom- Who ans to tread their wicked ways, have since been found. and that it gives the most flattering inated supreme dictator of Peru ; And ha 1 9 i + ; ¥ Wea c s d hates the scorrErs seat { account of the institution. licad Quarters, at Pativilca, Warrant sued Jun 18 and plaintiv brot forward the 19 pleeds gilty trail pit aff at the defendants request sta. ting that he did not intend to kill the dear and that he had ex- posed hiv intenshuns preewous till the shut- ing its & Parties apear the E91 and none ofthe Witness did cartifv any LICAN, JULY Il. $s ——— ~~ Gorg Atchysun . On the oatof Isac From the N. ¥. Com. Adv, July 8. i Lec that he beleey ~ that Georg Atchy- aon shot his pet bE Dear, Plantifl’ de- mand $5 damag ILI Ta E——— § Pw. [one part of defendants plea after hearing ball their proofs ard allegashuns Judgmen . for defendant—till pay two dollars and fifty cents damag and the costs of sute. ; the sbove is a tru coppy givin under my band Jolie 3 1824. = JAMES GALLAHER. | If our readers can gather any mean: ing from the ha . “awe can do, Il we were to yepiure an above, it is more than Perhaps some may s: 2 J From the report of t i : : P yoy lew FROM THE LEWISTOWN REPUBLICAN, be confident] 4 he Me friendly to Jackson. By no means.! y “asserted, that the Mili- JuLy 8. : : . i : FIRE. —Yest ow - lary Academy at West Point has arri He is my candidate for President, and Aesterday-night week, a yed at a state of perfection not su pass- ; : ware-house was burnt to the pr in’ neti: . I highly Fespect him at all events, this borough. The building yaa by may IRNitition of bs, kind now butt never willapply the language property of John Brown, Lsq and oo The repr which is only due to my Gop & Sa. 3 Biesents. lhe seyerg! in the occupan . el. pancy of Mr. James Kel- departments of the institution as being VIOUR, to any worm of the dust, Oh! : sally s XC. ais0 - . . that the GREAT FIRST CAUSE woulditity of bar-iton and steel. oe San ples, the pirof of which is to be found ill 3 in hg excelient examination which February 13, 1824. Peruvians !| The constituted con- gress of Peru bas lately honored me with its unlimited confidence. Ai tbs close of its session, it conferred npen me the supreme dictatorial power, _ Peruvians | Cur country, is placed in dreadful circumstances ; you know it ; neverikeless, do not despairoel iba republic. She is expiring, but hoe not yet ceased to exist, The Colom cna $ Ue