Ed bo a Er yaa OW RIL Cr ~ > vo vay, #8. N\ BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY THOMAS 1. PETRIKIN. El Vol. Vil. EE — MOD n4Y, ~ ~ - June 14, 1824. CONDIRNIONI The price of this paper is TWO DGRE ARS per anrgm=— ut if I “th advance, ONE DOLIAR AND SEVENTY FIVECENDS obiy will be charged. ; Advertisements, making no more iin lengtl than breadth, will ‘hree times io! ove dollar; and for every subsequent continu ance cents.— Those of greate Jenyrth- dd proportion.—Rule or figure work "double these rates. WaicH MUST BE, PAID IN CASH at the time oftmsertion. No subscription will be received for less tha: one year; nov any paper disc yptinued until al arrearages are paid, y if the subscriber does not request a discon tinuance of his paper, at the e d ofthe year, it will be considered as a pew eugageni ent; anc the paper forwarded accordingly. Subscribers who have their papers carried by the mail, mus; be habie for the postage. Letters addressed to the cditor must be post paid. ee gin Ff ra “hb ! 4 - tnd be inserted twenty-five SITRI To the qualified electors of - » » By. Centre County. FELLOW CITIZEAS, , INCOURAGED by a number of friends, #41 olor myscif a candidate for the: Sheriff’s Office, at the next General Electiom. Should I be so fortunate 2s to obtain your #enfidence you may rest assured that 1 will not betray 1 by neglect of duty. ’ ret TER A dh A Ad WM. ALEXANDER. Bald-Eagle township, April 10, 1824. To the qualified Electors of Centre County. I respectiully solicit your votes for the of fice of SHERIFE of Centre county at the approaching Tlection It I am elected I will endeavor to discharge the duiies of the office to the best of my abilities, which is about as much as all my opponents bave promised, Very respectfully, WILLIAM MWMINN,. of the Democratic Republicans of Centre coun- ly as a candidate for the Sherift’s Office at the ensuinng general election: and will be thankful for their support for the same. Potter townships | 27th March at AGAIN offers himseifto the consideration: om | STATBER & POSTER Respectfully inform their friends, and the public in general, that they have commenced he HATTING BUSINESS ly occupicd by James Rothrock, in the Borough oroof, and all kinds of hats, at the most reduced orices. They flatter themselves that by long Centre County. FerLrow CiTIZENS, I offer mysel! to your considera: tion for the office of < P SPR SHRRIFE at the ensuing general election ; and should 1 meet with a majority of your suffiages, I will endeavor to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity. THOMAS HASTINGS, Jr. Bellefonte, April 10, 1824. : DAVID ALLEN, qualified electors of Centre county, as a candid- ate for the Office of Sheriff ’ at the ensuing General Election : and will be thankful lor their sapport for the same. Baid Eagle townshife, May 20, 1824. JOS. BUTLER RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Centre county that he has again commenced TAVERN KELPING in the house formerly occupied by Joseph Updegraff, in the borough of Bellefonte, best known by the sign of « Cap- tain Lawrence ” . He has supplied himself with the best of liquors, and hopes by paying strict aitention to business, to merit a proportionable share of custom. S. We HULL yours &c. William Ward. RB: lefonte, April 22, 1824 SADDLER, Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has removed to the shop formerly occu- pied by Elijah Reeves asa SILVERSMITH To the qualified Electors of Centre county. ENCOURAGED by a number of my friends. I, through the medium of the press, beg leave to inform the pabiic that 1 offer myself asa ’ cand@ace for the Office of Sheri at the ensuing General lection. Should I be so fortunate as lo obtain a majority ef your votes, 1 will endeavor to discharge the duties ol tlie office with fidelity. Robert Tate. Riles townshife, May 22, 1824. SHOP, next door to the Printing Office, where he intends keeping on hand a consant supply ot saddlery, &c. which will be disposed oi CHEAP for CASH or country produce. Bellefonte, April 10, 1824. Lo the qualified Electors of Offers himself to the censideration ot the experience in the business, they will be enabled to give general satisfaction. N. B. All kinds of country produce will be taken in payment at the market price. Bellefonte, April 9, 1824. "FOR SALE OR RENT. The subscriber offers for sale or rent his plantation on which he now lives. It contains 60 acres of excellent bottom land ; thirty-two of which are cleared, twenty thereof being pleughland and the remainder meadow. Pos- session will be given on the first of April next. For tetas apply to D 1B b i avid paroor. bic Howard township, Afiril 27, 1824. To the Pubic. The subscriber, being desirous of leaving Philipsburg, wishes to sell out his store, in \which is a great variety of well assorted goods, suited to the place in which it 1s situated. Al so two farms of good arable land, situated in (Clearfield county, about one mile from Philips- burg. The old state road from Bellefonte to Erie passes through one of them, which con- tains 180 acres ; 30 of which are in a good state of cultivation. The turnpike road leading from Philadelphia to Erie passes throwgh the other, which contains 300 acres; 35 of which jgre well cultivated. Each tract has several ‘never failing springs of water. HENRY LORAIN. FOR SALE. WILL be sold at private sale 2 HOUSE & LOT situate in the Borough of Bellefonte, ad- joing a lot of Samuel Harris. There are on the premises a Waggonmaker shop, 36 fect in length and 54 in width ; a Blacksmith shop 18 by 22, with two fires ; both of which are well calculated for carrying on the above business’ extensively. Ior terms apply to CHARLES MACKEY. Karthause, May 21, 1824. 1 JACOB HOUSER, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and the public In general, that he has his Carding Machines in complete order for carding wool, he wilt at- end to it himself; so that the work will be well done. He is glso prepared with machineries to spin, weave and finish into cloth from the wool, as reasonably as can be done elsewhere. To the qualitied Electors of Centre County. TELLOW-CITIZENS, As the constitutional term of the pres ent sheriff will expire next fall, I bey leave to offer myself a candidate for your suffrages for that office, at the ensuing general clection I . - = olf ¥ Weaving, Fulling, Dying, bi &c. &ec. RE 3 all of which will be attended to on the shortes ‘notice, and on the most reasonable terms. IE will receive the wool in the fleece wit washing or picking, and manufacture it cloth, and dye it any colour which may b quired, (with the exception of indigo blue, 75 cents per yard. Those who may oblige \with their custom can bave their cloth ma any width they please under 7 quarters of a ya by paying accordingly. Narrow cloth a broad blankets will be finishéd from the at a low rate. Cassinets and all kinds of nel will be finished on as moderate ter possible. id The public’s humble servant, H. F. TAMMANY. Ferguson township, May 31,1824. 3 ™ Notice. 3 The creditors of Charles M’Clain, dec’d are urgently requested to leave their accounts; le gally authenticated, with WM. W. POTTER Esq. in Bellefonte, previous to the August court ; as at that time there will be a distiibd= tion of assets. & JOHN HAMMOND, Administrators NOTICE Is Hereby Given, That the Commissioners appointed by £i Legislatures of Pennsylvania & Maryland, for the improvement of the navigation of the rives Susquehanna, from Columbia to tide; will offg FOR SALE, to the lowest bidder, on the 25th day of Jun 3 next, the several sections requiring improves ment, commencing at the town of Columbia and proceeding down the river, from day to day uns til the whole is disposed of, ar so much theres of as the Commissioners may deem proper. The improvement required to be executed will be designated on the day of sale. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, igs ued out of the court of general quarter sessions : ! ® of the peace for Centre county, and to mt rected, will be exposed to public sale on Mots day the th day of June next, a certain tract of land situate in Logan township, containing 3600 acres more or less. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property ef George Moyer. JOSEPH BUTLER, Serif. Belletonte, May 26th 1824, { NOTICK, © ALL persons having demands against the ps tate of ROBERT THOMPSON, late of Haiwes township dec’d are requested to attend at the late dwelling house of the deceased, o i the 21st of May next with their accounts pry > erly authenticated ; and those indebted to the deceased are requested to be there and 1 settlement. JACOB HERRING JACOB F. SINGER § ¢ Avian, : Haines township, April 2, 1824, by law WILLIAM ARMOR: CAUTION. 1 , ¥ ' Tt $ We hereby notily all persons not to take the CIANUH HON assignment of a judgment note given by us to] All persons are cautioned against taking an Jacob Haight, dated December 25th, 1823, for iassignment of a promisory note given to me for the sum of four hundred and twenty dollars,ihirty-seven dollars and — cents by Hugh payable on the Ist day of May 1824, as we are|M’Munigal, which note was obtained from me determined not to pay the same unless compel- [by John Brown in a fraudulent manner. led by law DAVID NEESS, WM. POFFENBERGER. A: "ENBE Shring townshif, May 15, 1824, > Justices and Constables a BLANKS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, ALSO, Justices and Constables April 5th, 1824, rts oo ti it — ai, rs PETER NEESS. Nittanny, March 25, 1824. 429 1 A