— BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY THOMAS J. PETRIKIN.. Hf the Tal ified Electors | ‘Centre county. ’ ENCOURAGE D by a number of my friends, h the medium of the press, beg icave rm. the pubiic that I offer myself asa date for the Office of Sheriff at he ensuing General Election. Should 1 be "80 foffunate as to obtain a majority of you! oi { will endeavor to discharge the duties of “the offic g witli fidelity. 5 Miles townshin, May 22, 1824. = wv) ; DAVID ALLEN, Off:rs himself to the considera hy ot the qualified clectors of Centre county, as a candid ate foc tue Cffice of Sheriff Bt the erwin. General Election: and will be {tack Bor their support {or the S5me : Buid Eagle townséifsy May 20, 1824 ay MONDAY, } a A we » AGAIN offers himself to. the consideration flor the Democratic Republicans of Centre coun- ty as a candidate for the Sheriff’s Office at the ensuinng general election: aod will be thankful for their support for the same. Potter township, ¢ 27th March 1824. To the qualified electors of Centre County. FELLOW-CITIZENS : Being encouraged by a number of my friends to offer myself as a candidate for the Office of Sheriff, [ respectfully solicit your votes at the ensuing General Election. Should I be elected to that station, I pledge myself to perform the duties of said office with fidelity and diligence, and, at Li ¢ same time, with humanity and tender John Letterman. Spring townships, May 15, 1824. ~ To the qualified Electors of Centre County. I respectiully solicit your votes for the of " SHERIFF of Centre county at the appreaching Electio iE CHARLES PAULING, HOUSE CARPENTER, Respectfully informs the citizens oEContre) county that he has commenced the above busi- ness at Spring Mills, in Haines township, and intends carrying it on in all its various branch- s. Orders in his line of business will be thankfully received and punctually attended to. April 9, 1824. : LT aro elected I will endeavor to discharge - * duties of the office to the best of my abilities, . which is about as much as all my opponents Ihave promised. i Very respectfully, ; yours &c. William Ww, ard Hy 3 > Respectlully inform their friends, and the public in general, that they have commence HATTING BUSINESS WILLIAM M’MINN, 4 I STAUBER & TOITBB c. {note it has become mavifest that the work bas “fall pereons from taking an assignment of it as | in all its various branches, in the shop former- fay 31,1824. tre f FaLuanLe REAL ESTATE FOR SAL® of Centre county, will be exposed to public sale on the premises on Monday the 7th day of June next, a certain tract of land containing sixty acres, or there- abouts, with a log dwelling House, Smith shop, and about thirty acres of cleare land, sttuated in Haines township, Centre couon- ty, aforesaid. It being the real estate of George Zublery laie of said township, Terms of sale, one ball in hund and the remain- der in two anoual instalments. Due attendance 'will be given by Michael Musser administrator, BY THE COURT, ~ Certified by y WM. PETTIT, C. 0. C. Belictone, April 27, 1824, Jor emialk Culberison, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that bh bas ayrain commenced tavern Keeping at the effi | Le tarmetly occupied, best Kiown by the sign of the « CROSS KE YS,” in the town of Boalsborg, Centre county. He has supplied himself with the best of liquois, and other ne- cessary accommodations, and hopes by paying strict attention to business, to merit a propor- | tionable share ol custom. iF | Boalsburg, Ferguson township, April 29. 5 order of the Orphans’ court] Barn and ot saddlery, &c. deceased, | | (Water from a well at the door, four acres gf meadow ground which will be dig- \§ A 8. Respectfully Tol his friends 4 the that he bas removed to the si op io qu ep occ Ipied by Eiijah Reeves asa SILVERSMITE SHOP, next door to the Print] ing Gflice, whell tle ‘he intends keeping on band a cousant SP which will be disposed CHEAP for CASH or country produce. Bellcfonte, April 10, 1824, I 4 LOUK HEL 5 oY F) For Sale or Barter. ‘th The two story house, lot and tavern stan| do well known by the sign ot the # Boot” sina p i the town of Phuipsbnrg, Centre County} Gain or bar iron will be takén in payment} ot 5 {The lotis well improved,and bas good stab ling, on it, and the house Is well so, cplicd with} e postd of. For terms enquire at RINNE AR, ig at Philipsburg. TOR A ALLL he I. be sold at private sale a HOULE JAMES gS amie i i LOT situate in the Borough cof Bellefonte, ad- joming a lot of Samugl Harris. There are on the premises a Waggeomaker shop, 36 feet in length and 34 in widih ; a Blacksmith shop 18 NOTICE. {by 22, with two fires ; both of which are well calculated for carrying on the above business’ extensively, For terms anply to CHARLES Karthause, May 21, 1824. MACKEY. ‘Some short time since I gave my note Io, eorge Weaver for about one hounds hich was to be in full for doing “W carpenter ork of my house. Since the execation of that een completely spoiled. I therefore forwarn am determined not to pay it unless compelled ed dollars, FF ARWIETS & PEECEE AT PN "TE +3 he INFANTRY ATTENTION, You will meet in parade order, agreeably tO There is also Fes FN, B, T still continue to carry on the To iy necupied by James Rpthrock, in the Boroughiby law WILLIAM ARMOR Ww Baceonin business in its various branches at thel ,f Bellefonte, where they make and sell Waier-! i old stand adjoining James Rothrock, Esq. All proot, and all kinds of liats,at the most redaced | isin my line of business will be thankfully,rices. They flatter themselves that by long a resolution of the Company, in the Diamond of the Borough of Bellefoate, on Saturday the Sth une, at 1 o’clock afternoon of said day, equips ped in the following uniform, 10 wit: Ciluzen’s || received and punctually attended to. / Ww. WwW. Bellefonte, April 22, 1824 To Zo the qualified Lleckors of Centre County. | Frirow CiTiZENS, I offer myself to your considera "tion for the office of SERBURNER at the ensuing general election ; and should ] meet with a majority of your suffrages, I will endesvor to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity. Le 3 THOMAS HASTINGS, Jr. experience in the business, they wil be cnabled share of custom. to give general satisfaction. N. B. All kinds of country produce will be taken in payment at the market price. Belictonte, April 9, 1824. JOS. BUTLER RESPECTFULLY informs she citizens of Centre county that he has again commenced TAVERN KEEPING in the house formerly occupied by Joseph Updegraf, in the borough of Bellefonte, best known by the sign of ¢# Cap tain Lawrence ” He has supplied himself with the best of liquors, and hopes by paying strict attention to business, to merit a proportionablc . N.DB. I also intend keeping a public house as usual, and feel thankful for past favors, and hope by paying more strict attention to basi ness to merit a share of public patronage. ! T. H. Bellefonte, April 10, 1824. To the qualified electors of Centre County. FELLOW-CITIZEAS, 1 NCOURAGED by a number of friends, "41 offer myself a candidate for the Sheriffs Office, at the next General Election. Should I be go fortunate as to obtain your confidence you may rest assured that I will not betray it by neglect of duty. WM. ALEXANDER. Bald-Eagle township, April 10, 1824. 1 “53> a To the qualitied Electors of 3 Centre County, FELLOW.-CITIZENS, As the constitutional term of the pres- ent sheriff will expire next fall, I beg leave to effct myself a candidate for your suffrages fo that office, at the ensuing general eicction. 1 shail not trouble you with the vain promises of favour or affection, in discharging the du- ties of that office ; as you all know that the same laws which govern you, will com mand me, if elected. Having given this early intimation of my JACOB HOUSER, ‘Bellefonte and Philipsburg Turnpike road Company. - The stockholders of the Bellefonte & Phil- ipsburg Turnpike road Company, wiil TAKE NOTICE that an election will be held at the house of EVAN MILES, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on the first Monday in June next, between the hours of one and five o’clock P.M, for the elec- tion of ONE PRESIDENT, TWELVE MAN AGERS,; A TREASURER & SECRETARY, ‘o manage the concerns of the said Company for the ensuing year. By Order, T. Burnside, Pres’t. May 1, 1824. RESPECTFULLY! ioforms his friends, and the public i general, that be has his Carding Machines in complete order for carding wool, he will at- end to it bimself, so that the woik will be well done. He is also prepared with machinerics to spin, weave and finish into cloth from the wool, as reasonably as can be done elsewhere, He has also commenced the BLUE DYING, where those who wish to bave a good Blue cap be accommodated by bringing their wool. CAUTION, All persons are cautioned against taking an lassignment of a promisory note givento me for thirty-seven dollars and — cents by Hugh M’Munigal, which note was obtained from me by John Brown in a fraudulent manner. WM. POFFENBERGER. Nittanny, March 25, 1824. Spring township, April 29, 1824, To the Public. The subscriber, being desirous of leaving Philipsburg, wishes to sell out his store, in which is a great variety of well assorted goods, suited to the place in which it 1s situated. Al so two farms of good arable iand, situated in Clea: field county, about one mile from Philips burg. The old state road from Bellefonte to Erie passes through one of them, which con- CAUTION. We hereby notily all persons not to take the assignment of a judgment note given by us to Jacob Haight, dated December 29th, 1823, for the sum of four hundred and twenty dollars, payable oo the Ist day of May 1824, as we are determined not to pay the same uniess compel- led by law DAVID NEESS, PETER NEESS. Apiil 5th, 1824. tains 100 acres ; 30 of which are in a good state of cultivation. The turnpike road leading trom Philadelphia to Erie passes through the | other, which contains 300 acres; 35 of which! are well cultivated. Iach 1ract has several never failing springs ot water. HENRY LORAIN FOR SALE OR RENT. The subscriber offers for sale or rent his plantation on which he now lives. It contains; _ intentions, permit me to mention, that I de ~ not mean to travel over the county to solicit) the votes of the citizens individually, except! this course be pursued by the other candi- © dates; in which case I will consider myself atl lberty to be governed by circumstances. JOLIN Kl EE 'N. Waines township, April 10, 1824. i 60 acres of excellent bottom Japd ; thirty: twa! fof which are cleared, twenty thereof being iploughland and the remainder meadow. Pos session will be given on the first of April next |For terms apply to David Barbor. UHS! Bifs, April 27, 182 4 {oar dito I { J { VOTIOE ALL persons having demands against the es- tate of ROBERT THOMPSON, Haines township dec’d are requested to attend late ol at the late dwelling bouse of the deceased, on the 21st of May pext with their accounts prop. erly authenticated ; and those indebted to the idcceased are requested to be there and make "isettl cment. pl JACOB HERRING AbpM’rs: JACOBF,SINGER } Haines township, ? April 2,824, § EA rT I... I am pariy distinction 1s 10 blue coat, white pantaloons, white vest, black cravat or stock. citizens hat with a black cocka ade thereon, and white * or black stockings & shoes, The members of the company are respect- fully requested to be punct ual in t! eir attends ance. The mecting will be as well for the pure pose of making pleparations for inspection & organization 00 that day by the Brigade Inspec tor, as for trainiog. A report is circulating by some of 1¢ meme’ bers ‘ef the & Centre Guards that fpioliticat be 1ntroduced into .this Company. This is not the fact. Those men themselves at the election for Officers of the « Guards” created the only distinciion that will be observed, and that is, the difference between men who have to use honest industry for a live- lihood, and those who do not. ln other words, the Farmers & Mechanics on the one side, & the Gent Liepien, or those who please to term them- selves such, on the other. Any gentleman, however, other than farmers & Mechanics, ops posed to such invidious distinctions will pa rea ceived into the Company, no mater whether he is a federalist or a democrat, BY ORDER OF THE COMPANY. CONDITIONS OF THE Bellefonte Patriot, The price of this paper is TWO DOLL. ARS per anoum—but if pad in advance, ONE DOLIL.AR AND SEVENTY 'FIiVE CENTS oply will be chaiged. Advertisements, making no more in length than breadth, wili be tpseried three times {op one dollar; and for every subsequent contings ance twenty-five cents.—Those of greater length 13 proportion.—Rule or figure work double those rates. WhicH MUST BE PAID IN cAsH at the time ofinseruon. No subscription will be received for less than ohe year ; nor any paper discontinued untii all arrearages are paid, if the subscriber does not request a discon- tinuance of his paper, at the eid ofthe year, it will be considered as ‘a new cagagement 3 and ‘be paper forwarded accordingly. Subscribers who have their papers carried by. ) (be wail, mxust be liabie for the postage. : Letters addicssed to the bditor must be post paid. Justices and Constables BLANKS FOR SALk AT THI> OFFICE, ALSO, Jo Meg Lon 0 un ggdles 1